Not the House We Were Looking For (M/MM) [UPDATED 5/14]

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Not the House We Were Looking For (M/MM) [UPDATED 5/14]

Post by Markymark790 »

I felt bad for Nick. He caugtht his girlfriend cheating on him, he lost his job, and now I'm sitting here taped up within an inch of my life, watching him lashed to a wooden chair, his balls whipped by some crazy sonofabitch we had never seen before, screaming and crying. Shitty things always seem to happen one after another for Nick, fuckin' asshole just had to bring me into it.

Nick: 21 years old Blonde hair, crew cut, blue eyes, 6'1", 143 lbs.

Rowan (narrarator): 20 years old Blondish Brown hair (long and straight), green eyes, 6'2" 156 lbs.

Nick and I had been long time friends, we went to the same school, got into trouble together, partied hard, and pretty much slept with the same girls. We liked to party, smoke bud, drink beer, just doing what young stallions like us do. Girls always seemed to be around, sex was never something that was hard to cum by. Me and Nick were quite promiscuous in our teens, it was usually one girl after another, we just didn't like being tied down to one girl ya' know? Cut to 5 years later and things really hadn't changed, I was working in construction as a novice electrician, while Nick was working from job to job making ends meet. We were still pretty unseperable and still enjoyed each others company, I was still single and Nick was dating Amy, a concieted bitch, that always seemed to get under my skin. Nick was head over heels for her though she treated him horribly and yet he still would give her the moon, I never understood that one.

"Storms comin' in!" I heard my supervisor yell from across the new job site we started. "Better pack it up!" I was so happy to call this day short it was already 18 degrees out and they said it was gonna be a bad ice storm but that wasn't gonna be until around midnight.So I climbed into my Jeep and headed to the gym, I had been trying to bulk up, get that sculpted physique, and so far it was coming along, my pecs looked impeccable, my back looked amazing, and my ass was as they say Cake Quality. After a great workout i headed home and i get a call from Nick and I answer "Sup?" "Dude you gotta get me fucked up tonight I just got fired!" Nick yelled. " What the fuck did you do now man?" I asked. Nick replied " My fuckin boss caught me tokin' on a joint behind the dumpsters and he fuckin' canned my ass!." I told him " You idiot, I guess it's the least I can do, I mean losing your job and catching your girl sleeping around in the same week deserves something." Nick groaned "Thanks for reminding me."
I got home and started loading a bong for me and my homie, when I hear Nick at the door "ROWAN, ROWAN, LEMME IN!!" "What the fuck!" I said, nearly knocking over the bong to open the door. Nick was already smashed, I said to him "Dude what the fuck man, you're already drunk?" He slurred " Yep, and i need some weed to make this fucked up sundae amazing!" "Here" he handed me a half empty bottle of tequila, "Time for you to catch up!" I laughed my ass off, he was so hammered. Soon enough, so was I, Nick was taking major rips on the bong, while I was turning up the bottle of liquor doing some catching up. We listented to some music, checked out girls on instagram, and watched some TV. Nick was sprawled out on the couch looking through Tinder, while I was making some noodles. All of a sudden he yells "Damn! look at these fine ass twins I found on Tinder! Two sexy redheaded identical twins in one Tinder profile, sounds like they like to get a bit freaky HAHAHA!" I stopped what I was doing and looked at his phone " Yeah man super fuckin hot! Swipe right and see if they're interested." Nick got a message within 15 minutes from the girls asking if he wanted to facetime and of course we agreed.They appeared on Nick's phone and they looked so hot, Nick asked "Your profile wasn't proposing a ménage à trois kinda deal was it HAHAHA?" The girls laughed and said no. Nick replied "Good, cause my buddy would like to meet you girls too" he panned the phone over to me while I was finishing my noodles and I awkwardly waved and said "hey" The girls seemed pretty interested so we asked if they wanted to meet up, and they replied "Yeah! Sounds fun! We have to make it quick though because of the storm." We said no problem and they sent us their address 790B Ridgepoint Drive on top of the mountain, which was just a 25 minute drive us. "Okay boys when you get here come around back and let yourselves in" we hung up. "Fuck Yeah" Nick exclaimed, "Rowan, my friend, tonight is our lucky night!"
Nick and I were getting ready to meet the twins, I took a shower and brushed my hair, I was looking good, like a sexy rockstar or model, my hair was getting especially long and the ladies just love a man with long hair. I dried it and put it up into a half bun and dressed in some skinny black jeans, a rock and roll T-shirt, my leather DOC Marten boots, sprayed myself with some L'Homme Cologne and grabbed my leather jacket, hoodie and a beanie and was ready to swoon some twins. Nick was still smoking weed when i went back into the TV room, " Dude, are you just gonna wear that?" I said to him. He replied " I was planning on it. Maybe run me by my place before meeting the girls?" I sighed "Okay, just be quick about it." We both left my apartment and I drove him to his house which was a 5 minute drive, so not totally out of the way. We climbed out of the car and into his house, He went to the bathroom while I walked his house trying to warm up. He was maybe 10 minutes in the bathroom, he came out of the bathroom steaming still wet from his shower, I yelled " Hurry up motherfucker!" He replies with the usual "Shut the Fuck Up!" which made me laugh. Another 10 minutes in his bedroom he came out looking clean, a button down long sleeve yellow and black plaid shirt, pulling up his skinny Levis over some Abercrombie briefs, with his black Chucks. Nick asked me "How do I look? Good enough for a fuck? haha." I said "Good enough bro, now let's go!" Nick put on his shiny black down nylon jacket and some leather gloves, and we headed out.
As I was driving Nick was looking at his phone giving me directions to the twins place, that was when the snow started coming down hard. A blizzard wasn't gonna keep us from meeting these girls, we were determined. We were driving a good 10- 15 minutes when we started going up the mountain, the snow seemed to be coming down harder and builing up the more we went up. We were both getting a little nervous in the storm, Nick texted the girls that we were almost there. They replied for us to go around the back of the house and let yourselves in. By this time the storm was getting bad and we really couldn't see anything, we were apparently at our destination but could'nt really tell. Nick and I got out of my Jeep and walked towards the first mailbox we saw it was 784, and we were looking for 790, it had to be the next one, we kept walking and found a snow covered mailbox that said 790 so we started toward the back of the house to let ourselves in, as we're walking away the snow on the mailbox started falling off revealing 790A Ridgepoint Drive. Little did know we were headed into the house in front of the girls house, with it being so snowy we didnt even realize another house behind the one we were headed into. Nick and I reached the back door and opened it to a dark,dank basement, "I thought you said they said to come in and make ourselves comfortable, I can't see shit." I said to Nick. Nick began to call out to them "Hello anybody there?!" "Beautiful, Sexy Twiins!!" "Anybody!!" We never noticed the dark figure appear behind us in the doorway. "Hello!" I yelled for the girls. When all of a sudden a very low, masculine, "Hello" erupted behind us, which startled us. I said "Uh hey sorry I think we may have the wrong house." The dark figure replied "I'd say so." Nick said " Look bro we're sorry for coming into your house but were trying to find 790 Ridgepoint Drive." The figure replied "You're lookin at it." Nick and I both looked at each other and I said " Yeah sorry bro, we were supposed to meet some girls at this address there has definitely been a misunderstanding. Do you know a pair of twins that live around here?" The dark figure never replies. Nick and I start looking at each other suspiciously while the figure steps closer to us and says " The twins? Yeah sure I know them they live next door I'm their neighbor Frank. Nice to meet you." He reaches out his hand for me to shake, and I gave him my hand to greet him. "You boys friends of those girls?"
Frank asked. "Something like that" Nick said. Frank replies "Too bad you'll never see 'em for a long while." I look at him with a curious face, and all of a sudden I feel something prod my side that gives me a massive shock and I fall passed completely out. Frank turns to Nick with the prod pointing at him and says "You boys are definitely at the the wrong house."
Nick began to apologize while Frank held the cattle prod up to Nick's throat, Nick put his hands up and said "Bro please, let me just grab my friend and we'll never have to think about this ever happening." Frank complained saying " I am not your bro, and this is happening, happening to you and your little boyfriend down there right now whether you like it or not." Nick pleaded "Please sir just let us go, we never meant any harm!" Frank replies "I know you didn't mean any harm, because that's my job."

Frank held the cattle prod up to Nick's throat, as Nick was wide eyed staring at the prongs on the end light up with electricity. " Do as I say now, and I won't have to use this on you, pick your friend up there and drag him to that door over there." Frank said. Nick afraid to get cattle prodded, grabbed Rowan's arms and dragged him further into the basement to the door Frank mentioned. Frank was close behind ready to shock the 21 year old if he made any funny moves. He told Nick to open the door, as Nick opened the door, he realised what was really going on, his eyes got super wide as beyond the door was a small dungeon, filled with all types of leather straps, muzzles, ball gags, ropes, and about a hundred roles of different types of tape. Nick had no idea what to say except "What the fuu---." As Frank hit the boy over the head with the butt of the large cattle prod, Nick was out cold just like me.
I was the first to wake up, feeling groggy and like I just had my ass beat. My head was throbbing and I reached up to rub my eyes that was when i realized I was completely taped up from the bottom of my shoulders to my wrists to a wooden chairs. I started freaking out and thrashing about trying to understand why I was in this chair and what had happened tonight. I could feel that I had all my clothes still on, so at least there was that. My vision was blocked by something, judging by my eyebrows being yanked out every so often, I was blindfolded by a strip of tape. It was coming back to me, Nick, the twins, the storm, and that guy in the doorway. What the fuck was happening? I yelled "Hello, anybody there? Hello!!" That was when I heard somebody coming down the basement stairs whistling I was terrified, "Hello, please let me go, where is my friend? What the fuck is this?" The person was slowly walking around the room, still whistling, still creeping me the fuck out, all I could do in my power was try to reason with this person, "Sir, please, listen, we didn't mean to tresspass in your house, we were just meeting up with some girls, and we walked into the wrong house, please, listen to me." Then all of a sudden, blinding light. Frank ripped off the tape from my eyes, and that was when I an eye full of my captor, the BDSM basement, and....Nick!! Nick was completely nude sitting, like me, in a wooden chair, ropes circled tight around his arms and chest, his hands and fingers were duct taped to the back chair legs, and his ankles were duct taped to the front chair legs.
"What the fuck is this? Let us go, You can't do this!!" I screamed at my captor. Frank calmly just kept whistling and going about his business with his back to me, so I couldn't see what he was doing. "Come on man, let us go, those girls are expecting us, they'll know somethings up." I pleaded. Frank replied " I don't think so, see, I texted the girls from your friend over theres phone and told them the storm was too dangerous and that we'd have to take a rain check. And that Jeep of yours is safely parked in my garage, so no one will be looking for you boys." I got angry and started straining in my bondage trying to get out, I started kicking my legs at Frank trying to win the battle but knowing deep down we had already lost. Frank grabbed a roll of 3" Gray Gorilla Tape and began winding it around my ankles all the way up my shins to the bottom of my knees. I began yelling "Nick wake up! Somebody HELP ME!!! Get the Fuck off of Me MotherFucker!! HELP!! I'm gonna kill you Asshole!!" Frank was finished taping my legs when he turned around and grabbed a pair of briefs off the table, recognizing them as my best friends underwear he walked them and the giant roll of tape to me. My last plead for him to just let us go was cut short as he pinched my nose shut, warranting a yell from me, Frank spare no second stuffing the briefs into my open mouth. God, I wanted to puke, he kept stuffing the underwear in until it was all behind my lips, and unravelled the thick tape. Frank says to me while pulling the hood from my hoodie that was stuffed under gorillia tape and the collar of my leather jacket "Don't wanna get that pretty hair all matted up the tape. You're Welcome." I was supposed to thank him for that, not like I could anyway. As soon as my hair was out of the way, Frank began assaulting my face and head with endless wraps of tape, each wraparound made me cringe and scream at the top of my lungs, about 5 wraps in and he started going up over the top of my head, crushing my mouth stuffing further into my mouth and almost down my throat. I had lost all hope once he gagged me, not even able to mmmmph through my gag, I was completely silent.
Tears began to run down my cheeks, I was absolutley helpless. Frank got eye level with me and said " Now don't you dare close your eyes for this next part, you'll be punished if I see you look away, keep your eyes open you understand!" I nodded yes and he replies "Good Boy." I watched as Frank walked over to Nick unable to do anything but stew in my thoughts and watch as this pervert began to wake up Nick. Nick said "What the fuck is this?" Frank replies "I'm your Grindr date big boy!" Frank grabs a 2 and a qurter inch red ball gag off the table behind Nick and began fastening into his jaws, Nick's mouth was gaped open with his eyes as wide as saucers, he looked very surprised, especially when he noticed me sitting opposite him bound up like i was. He began to realize his own situation, at least I got to keep my clothes. Frank walks up between us and begins detailing what was going to happen, "you boys are gonna be down here for a long time, we are snowed in boys, the blizzard brought in a few feet of snow, so we are gonna break the ice with a little ice. Frank left the dungeon for a second to come back with a handful of snow and packed it onto Nick's dick, causing him to thrash and scream into his ballgag. Frank started laughing as he watched the boys squirm. "It's time for us to get better acquainted don't ya think?" Frank began to fix a blue plastic cock cage onto Nick, then turns and grabs a leather spanking paddle off the wall and starts smacking Nick's balls, all the while Nick is screaming, terrified, keeping his eyes closed, and opening them to see me wrapped up watching him, unable to do anything. Frank just kept wailing on his balls, laughing it up, until he looked over at me and noticed I took my eyes off my naked, tied up friend, I looked up and caught eyes with Frank and I was petrified he had a very evil look in his eye and then a menacing smile. Franks gets up to Nick's ear and whispers " I think it's time your boyfriend joins in on the fun."

Please let me know how I did, this is my first time writing!!! :)
Last edited by Markymark790 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Waou! Just fantastic. Can't wait to read more.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Not bad at all for your first time mate! Definitely keep it up, this is a very hot story so far, and you've characterised Nick and Rowan very well, not to mention you describe the bondage and Rowan's feelings brilliantly. 🙂.

If I could make a suggestion? Try making your paragraphs slightly shorter and leave spaces between them, and try to do the same with every new line of dialogue as sometimes it can be a little chaotic to read. But aside from that this is perfect my friend and I really hope to see more soon! 😁
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Post by Markymark790 »

Awesome! thank you for the constructive criticism, I'll definitley take it into account. Will be continuing shortly.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Markymark790 wrote: 3 years ago Awesome! thank you for the constructive criticism, I'll definitley take it into account. Will be continuing shortly.
No worries mate, most important thing is to enjoy yourself 🙂 best of luck!
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Post by harveygasson »

Amazing work so far. Hope you keep going
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Post by Markymark790 »


Frank looked pissed. I wanted to get out of this chair and beat the hell out of him, but I literally cannot move. As he walks towards me he picks up the cattle prod and large knife from the table and he has a lustful look in his eye.

" I told you, boy, to keep those eyes on me, but you can't even do that can you? Well, I'm kinda glad I caught you looking away because I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level. hahaha" Frank evily said while bringing the knife up to my face.

He grabbed my head and began cutting the tight tape around my mouth, ripping it off and pulling my friends underwear out of my extremely dry throat. I coughed and gagged, quietly pleading with Frank to listen to me and let me and Nick free. Frank just smiled and produced a bottle of water from behind him and told me to drink the entire thing. My throat was killing me so I sucked the water down in 10 seconds, gasping and coughing as I finished.

"Good boy, now I want you to listen to my words very carefully, I know that is hard for you to do, but I am going to untape you from this chair, but as soon as I do I want you to stand, and take off your clothes. Understood?"

I pleaded with him "Sir please you can't do this, we promise we won't say anything to anyone we just want to leave. Come on man you've got to let us go they'll throw your ass in prison for this, please!"
And that was when I felt Frank backhand me across the face. "You really need to stop telling me what I have to do, you and your boyfriend over there are in no place to make demands!" he ran the knife down the back of the tape and chair and yanked the mountain of Gorilla tape off my body. "Now Strip" he demanded.

Scared for mine and Nick's safety I complied, pulling off my boots, skinny jeans, leather jacket, hoodie, and finally my sleeveless white undershirt.

"Now your panties." he said, looking lustfully at my body. I was shivering from the fear and the cold dampness of his little bondage room. I slowly and hesitantly pulled them down, seeing Nick acros the room crying and drooling into his large rubber ballgag frustratingly pulling at the tape around his body.

"Mmm, you really have a nice body there son, I bet those girls next door would have loved it, not as much as I'm going to though. You must have started working out, I love the slight definition of muscle I see in that slender torso of yours."

I was disgusted. This guy made me sick, there I was working out my body for the ladies and I'm getting molested by this old fuck. Frank turned from me to pick something off the table; I was looking at the door to escape getting ready to make a break for it when I noticed the huge padlock above the doorknob. My half a second of hope was diminished, he held up a small sized black latex rubber suit in front of me and told me this was my skin for time being.

"Now, this suit is probably going to be a bitch for you to put on so take this baby oil and put it all over yourself."

I took the bottle and rubbed the oil over my body, and began sliding my ankles into the sleeves. Frank wasn't kidding, the suit was at least one or two sizes too small for me but I pulled it up nevertheless. I noticed a hole where the crotch was and my dick and my balls shot out of the hole as I was yanking the suit up to my shoulders. I pulled my arms into the sleeves, into the built in gloves, and up over my shoulders to my neck, that was when Frank was already behind me zipping me up.

"There we are much better! Now, wrists behind you, Now!" I pulled them behind me and Frank ziptied them together. I began feeling so ashamed dressed as I was in front of my long time friend, I must have looked ridiculous. But something was even worse, my cock began to stiffen, What the Fuck! Why was I getting hard? This situation was definitley not hot for me, I'm not even into this type of shit. Then I realized the water Frank gave me to drink, fuck.

Frank noticed my slight chub, and grabbed it in his meaty hand, and said

"Don't you know not to take things from strangers?" he laughed loudly, as he let go and slapped my dick.

"Now take this tennis ball in your hands and squeeze" Frank situated my fingers around the ball and then began wrapping some wide black electrical tape around my ziptied wrists and around my latex covered fingers rendering my fingers completley useless. He cut the tape with his knife, and then began wrapping the tape from the wrists up to my elbows. My elbows were almost on top of each other when he was finished; I felt like I was going to bust out of the front of the latex suit, everything was excruciatingly tight.

Frank then grabbed a leather sleeve off of his wall of perverted pleasures and began pulling it up my arms, wrapping the belts on the sleeve one by one up, pushing my long hair out of the way, til he attached a belt around my neck connected to the sleeve. My arms were glued together behind me, they were not going anywhere.

"Alright young man, I think it is time for you to put that pretty mouth of yours to work don't you?" Frank asked. A small squeal escaped my lips, I was completley dumbfounded and speechless. He lowered me to my knees and I began to cry again "Please sir, please, don't do this I'm not gay, I don't want this." He grabbed a clump of my long hair and yanked back, meeting my red, swollen, teary eyes.

"It's about what I want, boyslut." I looked at him as my eyes widened, as he shoved a O-ring gag with red rubber pouty lips on them into my unsuspecting mouth forcing it wide open. I coughed and gagged a little. He laughed. Franks walked over to Nick and put a large black rubber posture collar on him and told him to "Make sure and watch the show boy, I caught your friend looking away while taking care of you and now look at him. Don't look away..."

Frank walked to me undoing his jeans and pulling down his boxers, revealing a monster of a cock, I began to thrash around in my bonds, my eyes nearly popping out of my skull, as I watched bring that giant hose closer to my pryed open mouth.
He grabbed my hair and said " You ready to learn a few new things there handsome?"
I began to pathetically beg him with unintelligable whimpers. That did nothing to help my situation, as he immediately shoved his massive cock all the way into my throat.

"Choke on it boy, choke on it!" he demanded in a deliriously horny way
I was trying my best not to puke on this guys hog, coughing and sputtering, and spitting. I felt as though I was going to pass out already but he pulled it out enough for me to collect myself a bit and catch my breath, when he rammed it home again. This went on for a good fifteen to twenty minutes.

"Time for you to get your first taste of a man, young 'un."

I looked up at him with wide, red, wet eyes. He came so hard and so much into my mouth and throat, I began to go crosseyed trying to literallly take everything in, from my whole situation, to the quart of cum being pumped into open mouth. Coughing and gagging on his cock making cum shoot out of my mouth, I just couldn't take it. Frank got pissed at me for sputtering his cum everywhere.

"You're supposed to keep my load in your mouth you got me?" as he slapped my face while pulling out his 9 ninches.
Happy that was over, I began breathing heavily trying to at least calm myself down after being mouth raped and my cock being harder than it had ever been in my life. Frank wiped walked around to where my clothes were and grabbed my briefs from the floor. He began wiping the excess cum and spittle from his cock to my briefs. Satisfied he crumpled them up walked up to me shoved into my pryed open mouth, causing me to choke and gag.

"There we are" Frank walked over to a table and grabbed a silver rubber swimmers cap. He walked up behind me and fit it over my head, tucking as much of my long hair under the cap as possible. He grabbed a roll of clear PVC tape from the table and began winding it, wrap after wrap, tightening each revolution around my head. Soon, from my chin to the very bottom of my nose, up over my ears down to right above my Adam's apple, my face and head were sealed just like my fate.

Pleased with my new gag, Frank picked me up from my armpits and stood me up. He grabbed a leg seperator pole and took the straps on each end wrapping them to my ankles, keeping my legs far apart from each other. He went behind me and grabbed a chain from the ceiling and hooked it to the strap around my neck connected to the armbinder sleeve. He then began pulling the chain so that I was having to stand straight up and with zero slack.

Nick was looking horrified, he knew that if I was subject to this type of torment, his turn was coming soon. Frank's eyes meet mine while I'm forced straight up and doing the splits, he looks down and begins paying my unnaturally stiff cock.

"We ought to do something about that" he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a "Close Fit" condom, he opened the package to reveal a very tiny rubber, one of those condoms for 3" penises and smaller. Frank lowered it onto my cock, it felt like someone was squeezing my dick into their hands it was so uncomfortably tight. He gave my cock a good 10 or 11 pumps before walking away leaving my cock unsatisfied, locked in that tight sheen of rubber.I wanted to cum so badly, I was stumbling and thrashing trying to get a half inch of relief but... nothing.

"Well boys, I'm gonna call it a night, don't try anything funny now, you're on candid camera." he pointed up to above the door to a camera positioned right on Nick and I. "Tomorrow we break you in." he laughed looking at Nick's hopeless eyes. Frank positioned a heater in the room for us at least. He turned and unlocked the padlock off the door taking it with him through the dark doorway. " G'night, boys" he said before shutting us in. We could hear him padlocking the outside door, as we felt completely and udderley defeated.

Nick was trying to loosen the ropes and tape wrapped around his naked body to the wooden chair ,while i was trying to cum. He kept looking at me trying to communicate with me through the giant ballgag, but I was in ecstasy, humping air in my tight condom prison. It didn't take long until I was at the verge. I felt the heat and the intensity of my orgasm, I exploded into the condom, filling it up and covering my drugged boner with my fresh load. It was such a relief to cum, but never really taking my mind off of the fearful situation I was in, however I really was ready to cum again, I was so horny.

I kept cumming again and again for hours into the night. I created a puddle of cum below me after filling up the condom and overflowing it out onto the ground. Nick had finally fallen asleep after hours of failed struggling, and I was exhausted but something inside me was getting really turned on by seeing my blonde, good looking friend bound and gagged as he was in that chair. I felt so humiliated and yet so turned on by the nights events, what the fuck was happening? I felt like I was becoming an entirely different person, was I deep down and secretly loving this? IMPOSSIBLE.
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Post by Markymark790 »




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Post by blackbound »

Extremely hot. Love the cruelty of the bondage.

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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Post by Markymark790 »

blackbound wrote: 3 years ago Extremely hot. Love the cruelty of the bondage.
Great!! I am glad you're enjoying it as much as I am writing it!
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Post by Markymark790 »


Fuck, my body ached. Nick had fallen asleep maybe three or four hours ago. I was drenched in sweat from the latex suit Frank forced on me and the space heater oscilating to me and Nick. Somehow my cock was still hard trapped in that micro-condom, grungy and disgusting from all of the dried cum trapped against it. I wanted so bad just too shut my eyes and wake from this nightmare but then... 'keys jingling'

Frank opened the door, walked in, and stretched.

"Good morning pretty thing" licking his lips eyeballing me over.

I just huffed at him ready to fucking murder him.

"Let's let you down from there, I bet your body and throat are killin'!" Frank grabs the chain behind me and disconnects my armbinder from the ceiling. Gravity pushes me forward while Frank grabs me and holds me in a bear hug.

"Lean into me, when I disconnect your legs from the bar, don't want to screw up the merchandise."

I looked at him puzzled and terrified . Merchandise?

Frank unhooked my legs, which were made of jelly from the bar, and I just fell into him. He dragged me over to the wooden chair and propped my armbinder over the top. He grabbed the edge of the tape, and unwound my tape muzzle, unbuckled my ring gag, then pryed the wad of undies out of my mouth. I choked and gagged a bit, then he took off the swimmer's cap letting my somewhat wet hair fall down. Frank took a step back and said.

"Mmm, my own personal Tarzan in rubber, you're something to behold, boy. I mean I hit the jackpot when you two horny fuckers came wallowing in here, HAHAHA."

"Fuck you, man" I said in a rage, resulting in a slap from Frank.

"You should consider watching that mouth of yours when it ain't stuffed Tarzan." Frank handed me a bottle of water, I looked at it hesitantly and back at him.

"It ain't got Viagara in it, just drink it, can't have you dying of thirst down here."

I took the bottle in a flash sucking the water down, I was dying of thirst. He looked down and pryed the tight rubber off my half engorged cock, wiping the dried cum from it into a foul smelling rag.

"Time to get you more comfy before I tend to your friend." Frank grabbed some climbing rope and tied my torso and legs to the chair, letting my arms drape over the back. He walks behind me and grabbed a rubber workout band with a knot in the middle of it, brings it in front of me and I resist a bit.

"Come on man I've been gagged all night long I promise I won't scream." I pleaded

"Frank just happily said "I know baby, but you look just so darn cute"

Frank wraps the rubber band around my head and hair pushing my cheeks out and my lips in.

I shake my head trying to loosen some of my hairs caught in the band, it Fuckin' Killed.

"I think your buddy is ready to wake up don't you?" Frank walked over to Nick, my cum rag in one hand a leather paddle in the other. "Little Buddy?!!" he yelled while paddling Nick's balls. Nick woke screaming, crying, and spitting from behind his ballgag.

"Come on bud, time to start the days activities." Frank wiped up all the spittle and drool from his mouth to his cock. He undid the gag in Nick's mouth, and presented a water bottle in front of him.

"Drink this." Nick took it in his mouth without hesitation and drank it all down.

"I think it' s time we got you more comfortable just like your friend behind me over there." Frank moved out of Nick's line of sight, Nick focused on me tied to the chair and gagged looking like I was passing out.

"Your friend took some sleeping medicine and is gonna take a few hours to rest while we get acquainted. I saw on your license I confiscated from you that your birthday is December first. Saggitarius... ya know Saggitarius' love being tied up, lucky for you I'm a Scorpio. I'm gonna untie these ropes, and your not gonna give me trouble are you? You may can run away but I'll still have your little friend wrapped up for me to do as I please, can you live with the guilt of leaving him here with an old perv like me possibly never seen again?"

Frank began untying Nick from the chair, also cutting away the tape on his hands and fingers, but leaving the tape around hi legs, keeping him sat in the chair and unable to run. Frank turned to the wall and pulled a black leather straightjacket from a hook.

"Got a hot new leather jacket for you Blondie, wanna try it on?"

"Umm... no." Nick timidly said.

"Put your arms out" Frank calmly said.

Nick took a look at me sitting with my head barely hanging up looking at him with groogy eyes. He raised his arms in defeat, I lowered my head and passed out.

Frank began pulling the jacket roughly onto Nick, yanking, tugging, tightening every strap the jacket had to the lean, sweaty, young blonde man. With every tug on the jacket Nick almost wanted to cry, but he had to keep a keen mind if he and Rowan were ever gonna get outta this perverts dungeon. Frank finished up Nick's upper body and cut the tape from his legs, slowly removing the tape. He stood Nick up picked up a pair of leather pants for Nick to step into. Nick hobbled on one foot while trying to fit his leg into the shiny leather pants, Frank oiled up Nick's legs for them to fit and soon enough Nick had both legs in while Frank picked up the pants pulling them tightly up to his waist fastening the button. Frank unzipped the pants at the crotch all the way to his ass, pulling out Nic's trapped cock and ball. Nick then realized he was getting hard in his little blue cock cage.

Frank finished buckling the straps of the jacket running through his crotch keeping it snug to his body.

"How ya feeling boy?" Frank asked.

"Um...Not good, I look and feel like a fuckin' faggot you asshole!! Let Us The Fuck Out!!"

Frank smirked. "Great idea Blondie! It is a perfect time for a new gag!" Frank rubbed Nick's head, ruffling his hair into a sexy bed head look.

Nick just looked at him with anger and frustration. Frank picked up a large leather panel gag that looked about the enitire size of Nick's head, Nick just nodded no to it looking worried now. "Please don't sir, I'll do anything just take it easy on us, I won't scream just take my dick out of this fuckin' thing! I'll do whatever you want."

Frank just looked at Nick " Come on man, you know I'm the one calling the shots here, this dungeon is sound proof, I'm gagging you because watching two fuckboys like yourselves moaning and screaming into fat fucking gags and struggling with all their might against bondage I put them in gets me hotter than Krakatoa... Open Your Fucking Mouth!!"

Nick shut his lips turning away from Frank as much as possible, but Frank had Nick by the nostrils pulling him towards him. Frank produced the rag he used for Nick's Drool and Rowan's caked condom cum pushing at the entrance waiting for a small opening. Within fifteen seconds Nick's lungs were fire, he opened up and Frank assaulted every inch of his mouth with the dirty fucking rag, crammin it ultimately almost down his throat. Frank took no time in strapping the tight giant leather muzzle to the man's face.

"There we are, and just to show you I can be a nice guy." Frank reached down and unlocked the cock cage pulling a small padlock from it.

" However I am gonna have to lock that gag on your mouth because I want you to really get a good taste of your friend while we have our fun."

He padlocked the muzzle behind his head, while he was swaying back and forth in the jacket, gagging and screaming into the rag and leather on his mouth. Nick was completely repulsed and disgusted having his long time friend's dried spunk liquifying in his mouth. Nick was freaking out he had to get out of there he was swaying and straining, thrashing around needing that rag out of his mouth. Just then Frank held two bottles of poppers up to Nick's nostrils.

"Breathe deep boy. Just keep your mind on those sexy girls you were gonna meet and how they were gonna suck your dick and suck on your lips and lick your body down to your toes... you want to fuck so bad don't you? You're trapped and can do nothing but cum, so let's make that happen."

Frank began oiling up Nick's dick with some lube, he disappeared behind Nick pulling a black little rubber toy with a squeeze ball on it from the wall holding it up to Nick's anus. He began lubing up Nick's hole with one finger, causing Nick's eyes to cross, he was bewildered at something entering his ass. He hated the pressure, the sensation just felt wrong to him. As Frank was slowly adding another finger to Nick's hole, Nick began to move his legs around, moving them a little too much. Frank pulled his two fingers from Nick, and grabbed a roll of black cling wrap and a roll of gray duct tape and helped Nick down to the floor. Frank bended each leg and began wrapping cling wrap and duct tape from Nick's knees to the top of his thighs.

"There, that should hold you, now lift your legs for me while I get you a little used to three fingers."

Nick began to yell behind the massive gag, clenching his ass as much as he could to keep out Frank. He began pumping Nick's cock while fingering his hole, causing Nick to feel new sensations on top of his misery...pleasure.

When Frank felt like the boy could take the plug, he pulled out his fingers and inserted the it. Inch by inch the plug made a disappearance inside of Nick; Frank slowly started pumping the plug one little squeeze at a time. Pumping and pumping til he heard the perfect squeal escape from his victims packed mouth. Frank pumped for about thirty seconds until Nick's timid little 'mmmphs' were turned to muffled screams of discomfort. As Frank laid the pump down he got up off his knees and walked up to Nick's head. He reached down and unbuttoned two patches covering his nipples connected to the straightjacket. He began pinching and massaging even drooling onto Nick's perfect pink brown nipples, getting them rock hard. When they were to his liking he attatched a set of alligator clamps with a chain between them. Frank pulled on the nipple chain til Nick felt like he was ripping his nippless off his body. Nick screamed as loud as he could begging for him to stop. Soon Frank let go of the boy's tits and with all his might picked Nick up off the ground and placed him onto the wooden table across the room.

As Frank situated Nick on the table, he asked him " You ready for your first blowjob from a man there, sport?" Nick just tugged and mmmphed.

Frank lowered himself onto the hot blondes beautiful tanned dick slobbing, and slurping, sucking his cock just like a professional. Nick was horrified. Horrified that it actually felt pretty great. Nick was lost in a dream state of getting sucked off by one the redheads he met over the phone last night. He was awoken abruptly right before making a cumshot on the redheads face when Frank pulled off him leaving him on the edge of fulfillment. He grunted in his gag, demanding more, and Frank was there with two more bottles of poppers ready for Nick to breathe in.

Nick took many deep breaths feeling the rush of the fuck from the drug. He was so ready to cum. Frank began pumping Nick's hard cock very fast now, distracting the bound boy from the plug being deflated in his ass. Frank was jerking him so Nick was humping into his hand as much as he could move. When the bulb in Nick's ass was fully deflated, Frank popped it out and replaced it with his own cock. Nick high from the drugs wasn't even phased by having his asshole fucked for the first time, he needed to cum. Frank fucked his ass hard thrusting harder and harder, all while pumping Nick's cock. Nick was getting close to cumming when Frank stopped pumping him and pulled his cock out of his ass, spraying cum all over Nick's ass up to his face and even hit him square in the eye.

Frank slumped over the bound boy, feeling spent. Nick was in a delirious rage still wanting to cum, but Frank just layed on top of him laughing. Nick was giving him a look like 'are you forgetting something?' But Frank just picked himself up and cleaned himself off.

"Boy I think I wanna take you upstairs and lay you in my bed and cuddle what do ya say?"

Nick looked disgusted, but a bed was better that being strapped any which way down here, so he nodded yes.

Frank grabbed his knife and cut the boys legs free. Nick stretched his legs, getting some feeling back in them, he then stood up ready to be lead to a new part of the house he was held captive in.

"Wait there boy, I gotta make sure your buddy doesn't cause a disturbance while were upstairs." Frank grabbed the wide Gorilla tape and cut about a 9 inch peice and plastered it over my mouth. Next he took a roll of non stick red bondage tape and wrapped it around my eyes and head about 12 times. I was still completely knocked out, and would be shocked when I awoke entirely blind, mute, and tied as I was.

"There...looks good enough for me. See ya later Jungle Boy" he patted me on the unconscious head.

Frank picked up some clear saran wrap and some gray duct tape.

"All right boy first I'm gonna tape your eyes don't want you seeing how dirty my house is." Frank wound saran wrap around Nick's head over the bridge of his nose, ripped it, and started applying duct tape around his eyes and ears.

Frank directed the boy out of the dungeon, leading Nick up some stairs. Not before locking my helpless latex form inside with a huge padlock.

He guided Nick through a door at the top of the stairs, Frank kept leading him through the pretty big house, until they stopped and Frank lead him into his bedroom, pushing Nick hard onto his California King mattress. Nick tried to pull himself up to get more comfortable, but couldn't do anything without the help of Frank. Frank began strapping Nick's legs with leather strapsat the ankles, above and below the knees, and one on his thighs. Frank stood back and took a snapshot on his phone of the captured blonde in his bed. Treasured Memories.

Franks climbed into the bed with the oblivious young man and began massaging Nick's boner, eventually jerking him off again. Nick almost got to cum when Frank let go of his dick and yanked the pegs off of his nipples, causing Nick to scream and thrash in the huge bed. Frank just grabbed the boy and bear hugged him; Nick was worn out from the past few hours he could do nothing but lay there and fall asleep. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rings.
Last edited by Markymark790 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Markymark790 »


Nick was startled awake by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He began to scream for HELP into the leather gag in and around his mouth, when Frank laying next to him, grabbed his chin and told the young captive...

" Keep your mouth shut if you know whats good for you, otherwise I'll head down to the basement and torture your little gimp friend down there."

Nick was terrified. He was trapped in a thick leather straightjacket, locked in tight leather pants, strapped legs, heavily gagged mouth, and a tight saran wrap/duct tape blindfold. Even if the boy could have gotten his arms free it would have taken ten minutes to undo every other bondage he was in. He felt Frank get up from the bed and heard him leave the room, nick began struggling his hardest, sweating from all the leather on his bare skin. He could hear Frank speaking to someone at the front door, he knew this may very well be the last chance he or I got from escaping this sick perv. So, Nick took his chances and began screaming for HELP, knowing the consequenses he tried to kick at things in the bedroom, from the bed. Screaming and struggling, Nick was at the edge of the giant mattress and stood up, began hopping in the direction Frank lead him from. Nick found the door and was trying his best to twist the doorknob with his bound up arms the way they were. The voices he heard from down the hall had stopped so Nick was hopping his way back to the bed so as to not get caught trying to escape, when the door flew open knocking Nick over onto the mattress hard he fell off and onto the floor.

"Looks like someone's trying to get out Tsk, Tsk, Tsk."

Frank picked the boy up and hoisted him over his shoulder. Frank started walking Nick back down to the dungeon. Nick thought he could hear footsteps behind Frank, following them all the way to the basement.

Frank said to Nick "I invited my buddy Tony over to help me with you two, needless to say Tony was very pleased to. Say hi, Tony."

Nick heard a low growling, "Hello Slave" and felt a hand smack his ass immensely hard. Nick gave out a gutteral moan.

"Tony, get the door for me will ya?" Frank handed Tony the keys to the dungeon as his hands were full with Nick.

Tony unlocked the door and flew it open causing me, who was still tied to a chair, tape gagged and tape blindfolded, to jump from fright.

"Holy shit, I call the hot rubbered rockstar!" Tony exclaimed as he burst through the door seeing me.

Hearing a new creep joining in on Nick and I's captivity, and hearing me having dibs called on me, made me feel very uneasy. I began to groggily wake from the drugs Frank slipped me. I felt the bondage tape around my eyes being removed, my eyes strained to see once the tape was removed. There I could see a huge muscley bearded man almost drooling, staring into my green eyes, I was avoiding eye contact from him, when I noticed Nick being put down onto a table behind the new kidnapper.

"Boys, Tony and I here, are gonna untie you now so that we can get you washed up and fed, you might be our little sex slaves, but that doesn't mean we are heartless animals. Now, Tarzan, I'm gonna take the gag off, and you're gonna say "Yes, Master Frank" you got it?" I nodded.

Frank ripped the Gorilla tape from my mouth, and unwound the exercise band cleavegagging me.

"Yes Master Frank." I sighly said aloud. I felt the new guy come behind me and start undoing the arminder and tape trapping my elbows, wrists, and fingers, then he began untying the ropes from me and the chair.

"Stand and put your arms out in front of you." Frank demanded

"Yes Master Frank." I said

Frank and Tony began prying the tight latex bodysuit off of me. All the while Tony was smelling my body as they were taking me out of the rubber.

"Fuck I love the smell of a hot young guy after theyve been trapped in latex rubber for several hours!" Tony lustfully said.

This Tony guy was really giving me the creeps, I knew that if he had his way I'd be strung up and fucked for weeks.

Frank looked at me and demanded i say "Thank You Master Tony" I looked over at Tony and quietly said it, making Tony look even more sex craved than he already did. Frank put some heavy metal handcuffs on my wrist and fixed a large red ballgag into my mouth tightening it under my drenched hair.

The two captors now looked to untie Nick who was still stuck, blinfolded and gagged on the table. Tony ripped the duct tape and plastic wrap from Nick's eyes letting him see me bound and gagged in all my glory. Frank held Nick up, while Tony began unstrapping the straightjacket. Once the jacket was unstrapped, they unzipped it from his body, letting a sweaty, leathery, BO smell fill the room, intoxicating the two captors. Tony pulled off the straps on Nick's legs and pulled off the leather pants, Nick was still hard as a brick, so Tony gave his cock a few pumps before Frank stood him up. Frank unlocked Nick's leather gag and pulled the spunk and spit covered rag from his mouth, causing Nick to choke and cough.

"What do we say handsome?" Frank asked looking menacing.

Nick replied with a "Thank You Master Frank. Thank You Master Tony."

Frank said "Good Boys" as he was fastening handcuffs to Nick and a ballgag for his mouth.

"Tony and I are going to lead you two to the bathroom where you will be cuffed to the ceiling and bathed, understand?"

Me and Nick just glanced at each other and nodded, we were then lead up the stairs out of the dungeon into the bathroom at the top. Nick and I noticed a small shower with hooks positioned above it, we were both pushed in and Tony clipped my wrists above me and played with my hair while kissing my ballgagged lips as I cringed trying to get away from him. Frank was doing the same with Nick and kissed him on his hard dick making Nick moan in sexual frustration. Frank grabbed a leather strap and buckled it around mine and Nick's waist so Nick's hard cock was pushed up against my stomach. Nick and I both moaned and tried pulling away from each other, but we were both stuck.

"All right boys ya'll enjoy your hot shower while Tony and I prepare dinner for us."

Frank cut the warm water on and left the bathroom with Tony while Nick and I were being doused from the shower. I couldn't help but stare in to Nick's eyes as he stared in to mine. Nick was horny as hell, and kept moving his dick up and down against our trapped torsos, my cock started to harden as I began feeling horny as well. Me and Nick were friends but now were being forced into more than just friendship, we were both humping each other strapped together and hung from the ceiling and longing to cum. I was almost ready to explode when Frank burst in and shut the water off.

" Looks like you boys are having too much fun."

Frank took the belt surrounding our bodies together off, and slapped both mine and Nick's hardended cock with a forceful clap, making Nick and I scream into our ballgags. He grabbed two rubber cock sheaths from his back pocket and fored them onto our hard members and pulling the bottom part back behind our balls, squeezing them in the tight band. He released me first from the hooks drying my wet body with a towel, he then combed my hair so that it was long and straight and still slightly wet. He then fixed a spiked collar around my neck which was connected to a short leash, and called for Tony. Tony came in with a pair of latex mitts and fit them around my hands cinching my fingers inside the mitts. Tony then lead my leash out of the bathroom toward the kitchen.

" I made some spaghetti for Frank and I, but I made you two boys something special"

Tony then lead me to the table where I was getting ready to sit, but then tugged on the leash away from the chair showing me the two dog bowls on the floor. I looked at him puzzled and he forced me down to my knees.

"Don't want you getting thaty pretty hair in your food"

Tony grabbed my hair and pulled it into a loose ponytail, he then pulled my ballgag out and said "What do you say?"

"Thank you Master Tony" I said to him kneeling over my bowl.

Frank walked Nick into the kitchen with the same type of collar and leash I had on, and knelt him beside me taking the ball gag out of his mouth. Tony and Frank began filling their plates with spaghetti, while Nick and I were waiting for our helping, my stomach began to churn I was getting so hungry. Just then Tony scooped a ladle full of disgusting looking slop into mine and Nick's bowls.

"Eat up puppies, that food I made for you is full of protein and will make you feel better."

I looked at Nick puzzled, and up at Tony. I was hesitant at eating it but Nick was starving and was already slurping it up. I finally just gave up and ate at it, it tasted disgusting, but I needed something on my stomach since I had zero energy.

" Good Boys, now stay quiet while Master Tony and I eat, and then we'll have ourselves some fun."

Me and Nick sat quietly on all fours watching our captors enjoy their wine and their spaghetti, longing for a decent meal. That was never going to come if Nick and I didn't get out of here.

"I hoped you boys enjoyed your dinner, I need to run up to the store and grab a few things, so Tony is going to be watching you for a bit. But first I'm gonna help him get you boys stowed away for a bit."

Me and Nick were pulled up from the floor, and were lead back to the basement. Our mitted and cuffed hands and wrists were fastened behind our backs as they lead us to a small cushioned pad on the floor. Nick and I were laid face down on the mat, when Tony and Frank grabbed a heap of climbing ropes, and began roping our elbows and wrists around our chests, then attatching our bound wrists to ropes they put around our abs. They then began assaulting our thighs, knees, and ankles with the same rope, cinching everything tight. Frank applied lube to his fingers and began working them into my ass, Tony doing the same to Nick. They then put some kind of plug up our asses and switched on the vibrate setting, making Nick and I squirm in the ropes that held us tight, moaning and begging Frank and Tony to please let us out.

Once the plugs were inside of us and making us shake and shiver, Frank and Tony began roping our wrists to our ankle putting us in hogties. They flipped us both over and started jerking us off in the cock sheaths, edging Nick and I for the next ten minutes, when they flipped us back on our stomachs.

"All right Tony, time to shut em up." Frank grabbed some wide black electrical tape and two medium sized rubber squeeze balls and walked them towards us.

"Don't tape our mouths sirs, we are down here in this room, no one will hear us just don't gag us please." Nick begged them.

Frank clicked a button on the plug in Nick's ass setting the vibration setting to high, causing Nick to wail, that was Frank's chance to cram the rubber ball into his open mouth and then wrap the electrical tape around his head, silencing all of his screams. Then, Frank looked at me with the tape and ball in hand, and I just opened my mouth not wanting that plug turned up any higher. Frank crammed the ball in my mouth winding the tape around my head under the ponytail.

"All right boytoys, I'll be back in a bit. Tony don't babysit them too hard okay?" Tony laughed as Frank walked upstairs and out the front door.

As soon as Tony noticed Frank left, he turned to us both with a worried look in his eyes

"Something tells me you boys aren't here on your own free will, grunt once if I'm right."

Nick looked into each other's eyes and back at Tony grunting once as loud as we could.

"That's what I thought, I can't release you right now boys, because Frank won't be gone for long, the store is right up the road. But tonight right before he falls asleep I will slip you a knife and you can both cut yourselves free and we will call the cops on Frank okay?"

Nick and I both wanated out of our bondage now, but we both nodded in agreement with Tony that that may be the best time for our escape.

Sure enough it wasn't five minutes before Frank was back in the dungeon and handing Tony a cigar while they both sat in leather armchairs watching Nick and I struggle fruitlessly smoking their cigars. I pulled on the ropes coughing into the tight gag, looking over at Tony who looked me in the eye and winked.

Nick and I were getting out of this shit TONIGHT.
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Post by harukatsukino »

can' wait for the next installment, my favorite part's probably when nick is in frank's bedroom, I'm so into escape attempt
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Looking forward to the next part!
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Post by harveygasson »

Stumbled across this amazing story again by accident and wow, incredible work! I know it's likely we'll never get anymore but I encourage others to read and enjoy this one
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