Submission of Natalie (M/F)

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Submission of Natalie (M/F)

Post by TickleTorture »

Dont worry I've had a busy life but I want to get back to my 'Daughter's Initiation' story. However I found a story that I had done the first act of. I hope the board likes it and please comment. Ill upload the chapters over the next week or so most likely.


Natalie sighed and crossed her arms as she stood proudly in the Oval Office. "Really Dad, do you really need me there tonight?" She said rolling her eyes. Her father sat at the most famous desk in the world, sighing as he flipped through some papers. He was fairly young for a President, a lot more mature than some other ones, and his skin was much lighter than Natalie's. In fact when he first ran many were surprised to find out that Natalie was his biological daughter.

"Nat, its a diplomatic dinner. It's not exactly monumental for the President to have his family there. Archon Eienaar is bringing his son to the dinner." Natalie kept her arms crossed as she stared down her father.

"His son is twenty-two and unofficially part of his diplomatic team now." Natalie smirked at herself. "Granted, I just finished my last summer course to graduate from high school early." She said now smiling at her success.

"Yes we know you're very bright. A nice story, had to enter school late yet were so bright that you managed to graduate on time." Her father said not looking up from his desk.

"I could be certified as a genius if I wanted to." Natalie said proudly, she had always been the smartest one in almost all her classes, sans english, and was proud of it, as was her parents. "Still doesn't change the fact that I'm not on your diplomatic team."

"Again Nat, this is a dinner for me and the Archon to talk one on one-"

"You just called it a 'diplomatic dinner'."

"For Christ sake Natalie." Her father said sighing and looking up. Rouge nations were one thing, teenage daughters were another. "His family is going to be there. Am I such a horrid father for expecting that my family might like to join me?"

"Michael isn't joining us."

"You're brother is deployed in Korea!" Her father replied almost laughing from that statement. "I was in the Marine Corps as well. I'm not going to ask them to give him leave just to come back for a single diplomatic dinner."

"So its just a 'single diplomatic dinner' now." Natalie replied.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you live here, or do you live in the barracks on a base over 10,000 miles away?" It was her father's turn to smirk. "Listen if you want to skip college you can go join right now, I could even pull some strings and have Michael be your officer." Natalie rolled her eyes.

"A fate worse than death."

"Unlike this dinner. Which you are expected to come to."

"Fine!" Natalie said sighing and throwing her hands in the air. "But I'm not spending an hour changing into a dress." She paused. "Jeans and a blouse will be okay right?"

"I'm not going to argue with you over dress code. I'm not your mother that's here area of arguing. Just don't show up disheveled please." He muttered. "This is a huge moment for us. We're the beacon of the free world, and this is the last bastion of the peculiar institution. The goal is to finally rid the world of it. This is a possible historical moment." Her father said grinning. Natalie was forced to lightly nod, unlike many politicians, her father truly wanted to make the world a better place. This meeting was a policy goal of his administration since he won the election.

"Alright, alright." Natalie said holding up her hands. "Don't go in wearing my football jersey. Whatever." She said turning and walking out of the Oval Office. Walking down the hall she heard the TV on one of the news stations going on.

"In international news today, a plane has landed at Dulles carrying Wolfgang Eienaar, the High Archon of Dracon. Eienaar is considered almost as a liberal in his nation when he won the election for life three years ago after Archon Dominus passed away. While it is not politically viable to push for full abolition, Archon Eienaar has been notable for sending out messages in his speeches that he would be open to meeting to discuss the situation in Dracon. This is the first visit to the United States by an Archon in the last fifty years. Dracon is famous of course for being the last nation on Earth to have legal slavery. Not only that but the situation within the nation is that the slave trade is as vibrant as ever. Within the nation of 75 million, an estimated third of that are slaves. No longer based on race, the slave class spans the breath of humanity. Eienaar has been most noted for finally pushing through a law in the Hall of Masters to finally ban and severely fine traders and owners found to have slaves that have been kidnapped from other countries. A development that the international community pushed for years and caused much tension over the previous decades."

Natalie kept walking. "Disgusting nation, truly." She mumbled.

Natalie of course waited as long as possible to enter the dining room. Not surprising. For Alexander Eienaar the entire trip was interesting. Even though he was son of the Archon he had visited the states a couple of times when he was younger. Knew his way around, the language of Dracon was english anyways. Having been settled by both British and Dutch settlers at the southern tip of Africa, an influx of what Dracon called 'refugees' came in the 1860s as about a thousand Southern Aristocrats fled the States during reconstruction. Dracon had not caught up with the rest of the world when it came to slavery, which he knew caused tension. The Eienaar family was one of the oldest and respected families in Dracon, indeed only five families had ever had a member elected as High Archon, which was a lifetime position, though of course the High Archon had checks and balances.

He entered the dining room with his father and a couple of his closest advisers. The lights were dimmed just a little bit, candles were lit, and the plates were already set up. Looking across he saw the President enter, slightly younger than his father, forty instead of fifty, chestnut hair, caucasian. Behind him was his wife, a beautiful African American woman. Her skin wasn't charcoal black, more of a caramel color, indeed he remember a video he saw one time where she explained that she had grown up near the Mexican border and was mixed race and what was called in America as "Afro-Latina". He shrugged as his father shook hands with the President.

"It is an honor." The Archon said, replying to something the President said. They sat down, the Archon across from the President. The President's wife sat to his right, across from the Archon's closest adviser. Alex felt a pain of regret as he wished that seat was filled with his mother. He sat down to the right of his father, noticing the seat across from him was empty. Waiters came around to fill up their glasses with water.

"I'm glad we could speak largely in private. You obviously know my goals of these meetings." The President said smiling as he took a sip from his glass.

Alex's father returned the smile. The Archon was paler than the President, though ironically Alex was about the same tone as the President. "I do indeed. Though remember like you we have a Congress and Senate, though under different names." The Archon replied. "I have a bit more power over my nation in comparison with you and the American checks and balances. But I can not declare every slave free and rename myself Lincoln."

"Oh I know indeed." The President replied. Alex didn't know everything in the world, but he was still very bright and knew that the President had studied history and political science. He probably knew more about Dracon's system than some Draconians.

Alex decided to speak up. "Though my father was successful in pushing through a law making it very detrimental to be caught with slaves kidnapped from other countries." The President nodded; Alex didn't mention that it was Alex who proposed the law change. Indeed he lost count of the number of times he walked by an auction house, usually the ones selling pleasure slaves, only to see girls chained up that look latin, or indian, or east asian. These were obviously not from Dracon.

"That was a good policy cha-" The President paused as the door opened and a teen girl strode it. Alex's eyes went wide as she walked in, he knew this was the president's daughter, but seeing her in person was different that seeing pictures. She was between her father and mother in skin tone, a bronzed, brown, caramel color that was the color of her absolutely flawless skin. Her face had to have been sculpted by an angle, and she had greenish-brown stones for eyes that sparkled. She wore a blue blouse that looked good on her as well as khaki dress pants to go along with it.

"Hey dad." She said, hugging her father as she sat down in the chair across from Alex. He tried not to stare as Natalie gave him a small smile and nod as she moved up her chair. To Natalie she was surprised, in pictures Alex had worn a beard in college, but had shaved it now. She would never admit it at that dinner, but Alex was extremely handsome, with a very strong jawline, icy blue eyes, and nice face, along with a muscular frame that filled out his suit. Alex gave her a smile back.

"As I was saying Archon, that was a very nice policy change. What I am hoping to convince you of is to show change from the top." The President said, Alex was only half listening. Alex had seen Natalie as she walked in, her rear end and legs looked great in her modest khakis, and her chest looked like a woman in her blouse.

"You want me to set an example I suppose?" The Archon replied as the food started to be served.

"I'm just saying, your family has a few thousand slaves." The President replied. "Releasing some into freedom would be a great sign of goodwill." The President continued.

"We have put forward new systems to help newly free slaves integrate, get and education, and more." The Son said turning his head away from Natalie and towards the two leaders of two very different nations.

"From my research, those systems are best for helping those human beings escape and emigrate from the country were they have little connections in the real world and could be easily kidnapped back into a life of slavery."

Alex looked at the President's daughter, he knew her name was Natalie, with a raised eyebrow. "That could be so. But those systems that help them emigrate, are staffed by my countrymen, and was put into place by my father's administration."

Natalie smirked. "Yall still have about five-thousand slaves of your own." She replied leaning forward in her seat. Alex smirked as he looked at her beautiful face, her hair had obviously tried to been hastedly straightened, but her hair was naturally curly. It was a dark, dark, brown, and looked silky.

"Well perhaps something can be arranged then as a sign of goodwill." The Archon said, having finished most of the food on his plate.

"I mean I'm sure your son Alex here could get rid of one of his hundred or so sex slaves he surely has." Natalie said, placing her arms crossed on the table.

"Natalie, for Christ sake!" Her father replied.

Alex leaned back in his chair, clearly smiling. "Surely? Natalie was it? I'm sorry Miss Natalie, but I don't actually have any pleasure slaves." He grinned at her. "I don't have to command pretty girls to come to my bed, usually they just ask to come."

"I'm sure you make them ask." Natalie mumbled under her breath. Alex's eyes went wide, and had to quickly stifle a laugh at that, he wasn't sure if the two leaders of their respective nations heard that crude humor.

"I mean, I'll say it. I would free, oh lets say, six slaves of mine, just to spend a night looking at you Natalie. Wouldn't even lay with you, I would free half a dozen slaves just to spend the night looking at you." Natalie's face quickly gave him a look as his father slapped him on the back of his head.

"You insolent moron!" The Archon said sternly keeping his voice low. "You're making a crude argument with a teenager in the white house! Are you that petty and stupid!" Alex just looked at his father as the President rubbed his temples with his hand. "My apologies Mister President."

"Oh I have a teenage daughter. And I have a son Alex's age. I can understand foolish attempts to look masculine and-"

"You Draconians really aren't taught tact or etiquette are yall?" Natalie said sitting in her chair and giving Alex a look. It was one of a bit of anger, but also one of almost humor, and curiosity.

Alex shrugged. "I guess not Miss Natalie." He replied looking around. "Hey I apologize if that's crude, but I figured that it was a good offer, freeing a half dozen human beings from bondage is such a heartwarming story."

"Oh do shut your mouth Alexander." The Archon replied as they went back to their dinner. Natalie was still giving him that look.


That night around midnight, Alex found himself up, sitting on the desk near his bed in his guest bedroom. It was a fairly good sized bedroom with a private bath. He was a bit of a nighthawk and focused on work. However, tonight he found himself browsing the web for images and information on and of Natalie. He would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he had an infatuation with the President's daughter. In fact, her bedroom was just a bit down the hall, just thinking about her made his mind buzz. "Pretty girl." He muttered to himself as he flipped through different tabs. Eighteen and already has the body of a woman. He raised an eyebrow and closed his laptop as he heard a quick, soft, but still strong knock on his door. "Pretty late for my father to chastize me." He muttered again, the rest of the dinner was a bit awkward, but the two leaders did their best to get back on track. Natalie never lost that look on her face, as Alex and Natalie often times found themselves looking at each other. Alex had the much more cocky expression. He walked over to the door and opened it, only to have to fight with all his discipline not to have his jaw drop. ... -66074.jpg

Standing in front of him was Natalie, the teen girl wore a dark blue, almost purple robe, and her lightly curly hair was put into a ponytail. The thing was however, was that her robe was undone and pulled open. With one leg placed in front of the other as Natalie struck a sultry, but almost casual pose of leaning against the door. Alex was stunned as he saw her perfect and toned midsection, her luscious legs, and perfect breasts, all packaged in what could of been lingerie or just a pair of fancy bra and panties that were white with grey stripes and just a little bit of grey frills. The panties had a small bow on it, and both her bra and panties had a design of clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds placed on them. Natalie seemed to enjoy Alex's expression as she spoke in a casual but still serious tone. "Were you serious about your offer?"

"What?" Alex asked softly, still stunned by the sight of the teen girl in front of him. Natalie spoke again.

"Were you serious about your offer." She said, her eyes a bit wider in annoyance. "I come in, no sex, but you free six slaves." Understanding dawned on Alex as he nodded.

"Well I was never expecting you to go for it. But since you're hear, yeah, that sound good." He replied, though before he was finished Natalie's constantly darting eyes looked straight ahead, forcing her way in and shutting the door behind her herself, almost throwing Alex off balance as he had his hand on the door.

Natalie had been in a bit of a trance herself the rest of that dinner and that evening. What Alex had said stuck with her, at the very end. Every human life had feelings, and an entire story to tell. She hated the thought that a person could go and tell their entire life through the lens of slavery. Freeing six people would be a proud achievement for her, almost as good as people recognizing her intelligence more than her body. She sat on her bed, thinking for much of that evening, finally she formulated a plan. Her heart was beating as she locked her door and stripped nude, changing into one of her very few pairs of fancy bra and panties. She then put her robe on over her shoulders. She didn't wear it often, but it wouldn't look that strange if she got caught walking in the halls with it towards a tv or bathroom.

Alex's room she knew was right down the hall from her's. She looked both ways before walking as quickly and quietly as she could to it. Standing there for a moment she took a pair of deep breaths as she looked around once again. Then with nervous and shaking hands she undid her robe and pulled it apart. Trying to look as sexy as she could she knocked on the door before leaning against the side of doorframe. Her breath coming out in nervous rasps before she composed herself.


Alex meanwhile turned around as Natalie casually let the robe fall from her shoulders. "I'm not taking off my bra and panties." She said, as Alex stared, almost in awe at her perfectly sculpted and toned bronzed body. Exposed almost completely to him. "Still a deal?" She said turning around and looking at him.

"Well that is disappointing." Alex replied with a smirk as he walked over and placed his hands on the chair by his desk. "I mean, each slave usually goes for an average of five grand, that's thirty thousand dollars I'm passing up on. You may think I live off of daddy's money, but actually I don't get an allowance."

Natalie smirked just a bit at him. "I thought that was your salary to be on his diplomatic team."

Alex grinned at Natalie, his eyes looking her over without a care in the world. "I'm afraid you underestimate me when it comes to that. I actually study and help my father out with his diplomatic practices."

Now Natalie was grinning at him as she crossed her arms under her breasts. "And did you study me?" She asked.

"Not as much as I should have." Alex replied, looking her over still.

"Well, do we still have a deal?" Natalie said looking at Alex with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I mean, perhaps we can do a bit of a compromise." Alex replied, this kept Natalie's eyebrow raised. "I brought a pair of shackles, a family heirloom." Natalie's eyebrow stayed up. "Again remember our culture, they're supposedly for good luck in my family." He waved his hands. "Anyways, you have a nice body, I wouldn't mind shackling you to the bed and tickling the hell out of you." He added a wink.

"Tickling?" Natalie replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I assume everything we talk about here is going to remain confidential."

Natalie spoke is a serious tone, her face locking up almost. "Listen, just because this room is soundproof doesn't mean you'll get away with anything you do to me if you do something without my permission." She said leaning forward just a bit.

Alex's face was befuddled. "I didn't even know this room was soundproofed, actually- I, huh?"

"I know pretty much everything about this place." Natalie replied proudly. "They soundproofed it so diplomats would have less fear of being bugged."

"Smart and sexy huh?"

"I could actually be certified as a genius if I asked." Natalie continued as Alex sat down.

"But again seriously why did you tell me that?" Alex asked still a bit befuddled, sitting back in the chair.. "I didn't know that, and why did you word it like that?"

Natalie was a bit flustered. "I mean. I don't trust you, and I figured you would know about that, so I wanted to reinforce that I l have bound-"

"Oh my god the idea of it turns you on." Alex replied smiling.

"What!" Natalie said, her face reddening. "I do not. How dare you, if you weren't freeing six slaves for this I would leave!"

"Uh huh. Sure you just don't like the idea of being bound and gagged. Dominated?" Alex said slyly.

"You trying to get me to leave?" Natalie retorted.

"Seeing if you'll agree to be shackled and tickled." Alex replied grinning.

"You know what, fine, I can do that." Natalie said taking her hair out of the ponytail and letting it fall past her shoulders. She sat on the bed, nervous as she laid down, placing her head on the pillows. ... 606841.jpg

Alex was stunned by her flawless beauty as he took out the four shackles. They were the perfect length as he attached one to each of Natalie's wrists, and then two more on Natalie's ankles. Looking her over he loved her dark hair, her flawless skin, perfect midsection, and deep round navel. "Okay so here's what we'll do, Its 12:30, I'm going to tickle you until 4;30." Alex said taking the shackles on the left side of her body and locking it around the steel bedrest.

"Four hours!" Natalie exclaimed. Her eyes wide.

"Well this is the equivalent to thirty thousand dollars." Alex replied, liking how the shackles were the perfect length to make it hard for her to squirm. "After those four hours I'll give your stomach a massage for half and hour, feel up your thighs and then let you head back to get some sleep." Alex said with a wink as he walked over and came back with a roll of duct tape. "Don't give me that look, gagged laughter sounds cute, and you said this place is soundproofed anyways."

"You better not do anything we didn't agree with." Natalie said, trying to sound stern but failing, she wanted to giggle in nervousness but held it in.

"You mean I can't grope those perfect breasts of yours. Disappointing."

Natalie rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Just make sure my bra and panties stay on okay, beyond that oooommmmmmmphh!" She wasn't paying attention as Alex placed two large pieces of silver duct tape and smooth it on her pretty face.

"I'm actually surprised you're okay with that." Alex said as he finished shackling her and got on the bed, straddling her hips and soaking up the sight in front of him. Running his hands down her perfect belly, enjoying the warm and silky smooth flesh. Natalie shivered and lightly giggled just at that. "Wow. That ticklish huh? This is going to be fun!"
Last edited by TickleTorture 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an interesting story idea. I can't wait to read more of this story in the upcoming chapters.
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Post by TickleTorture »

Thank you! Glad you're excited, if I get more comments Ill post the second chapter tonight. Come on you guys have any favorite parts or hopes? :D
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great story! I hope that Alex might gag her a little better.
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Post by TickleTorture »

Running his fingers down her midsection. Her skin felt fantastic underneath his fingers, his heart racing as he looked into her hazel eyes and her incredible body. "Dont hold by your giggles now, I want to hear your laughter" Alex said as he started to spider tickle her belly digging his fingers into the silk of her skin.

"Mphhhphahahahahpha-hahahaha!" Natalie arms and legs were shackled down and she could only try to twist her body but by straddling her hips Alex didnt allow that. Alex loved feeling Natalie squirm. Her belly rose and fell as she giggled. Her bronzed skin trembling from the tickling. He ran his fingers all over her belly. To her sides, then her ribs to just under her bra, then down her tummy. "Mphahahah-ohgomphph!" Natalie laughed into her gag. Continuing to tickle the teen's midsection with one hand he used his other hand to slap her thigh before he started to tickle that as well.

"Keep squirming babe." He said smiling. Natalie laughed harder and harder. She felt fingers continue to dance along her belly. Alex started to scratch harder and deeper into her brown skin. She couldn't stop laughing. Natalie was amazed, she hated being tickled, she hated being tickled, and she hated Dracon and its leadership. But as she laid there, helpless and little more than a tickle slave, she felt- exhilarated. Alex meanwhile was just in awe and having the time of his life as he sent ticklish sensations throughout Natalie's body. She also felt her thighs sting as he continued to slap and tickle them. Eventually he dug a finger into her navel.

"Mphahahahahahaha!" She burst out, she had her hips buck, almost knocking Alex off. He smirked.

"Nice try Madam First Daughter, but I'm afraid not." He said before smacking her belly hard. She winced as her tummy stung. Natalie had a flash of fury at him doing this, but as her stomach became hotter and redder so did her face. She was annoyed by how her body didn't seem to hate it as much as she wanted too. Meanwhile, Alex leaned back using both his hands to tickle her feet. His fingers danced along the heel and arches of her feet as well as the top. She squeezed her eyes shut as she let out giggles into her gag as she tried to move her feet to escape Alex's clutches. By now the duct tape seemed plastered onto her lips.

"Well you've lasted forty five minuets Miss Natalie." Alex said as his hands danced on her soft soles. By now tears were streaking down Natalie's face, her sides and belly were hot and sore from the tickling, and her thighs were still stinging from Alex's slaps.

"Mmmmphhehehah-ummmphahaha!" Natalie shook her head, feeling a bit light headed, her brown curls started to lay around her head and stick to her sweaty neck and face.

"Well don't faint." Alex said smirking as he slowed his tickling. "Only been an hour. That's worth one and a half freeings. Congrats." He said chuckling as he ran his hands up and down her stomach. Her skin was flawless and felt brilliant. "I'll slow down for a little bit." He continued as Natalie stared upward, tired, as she looked into Alex's icy blue eyes. His hands rubbed her body, making her shudder just a bit. At this point she was focused on getting through the tickle torture and getting to morning. "I can make you feel better." He said winking as he ran his hands up to her bra.

"Mmmmmph." Natalie moaned looking up, shaking her head lightly and putting on a pouty face. She wanted to vehemently shake him away but was shocked to only force out that face with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll let you choose. Don't worry I won't remove your bra." He said still straddling her hips, then moving up a bit to her waist. "So, do I get to feel up these perfect breasts?" Alex asked. Natalie screamed internally no, but outside she was exhausted, she sunk her head into the pillows and closed her eyes. Then she lightly nodded. Alex didn't speak, he just squeezed and lightly kneaded her perfect breasts through her bra. Natalie scrunched up her feet and started to moan. Alex loved feeling up her chest and continued to squeeze her chest for almost a half hour before he decided to go back to the tickling.

Two hours later Natalie was even more exhausted, and she still had an hour left. Her underarms had been tickled and now Alex was focusing on her belly again. Scratching all around her midsection and blowing raspberries. "Mphahahah-ohmhahahahmyhahaha!!!!" Alex had started that an hour ago, and she hated it. The Archon's son however enjoyed it immensely. Natalie kept shaking her head, her dark brown hair was plaster around her and skin was covered in sweat. Alex enjoyed the occasional slap on her belly or sides. She tried to squirm, again and again as his fingers sunk into her warm flesh. "Mphahahaha."

"I think there's a good chance that you are the most ticklish First Daughter in history!" Johnson said chuckling. He slapped her belly again. By now her brown belly had a tint of read added to it. Natalie should of been furious but at the same time she could only squeak and moan in soft pain when the Archon's son did that. Alex stroked his fingernails down her midsection, the sensations made her buck and squirm, Johnson slapped her thigh and continued.


"Getting tired?" Alex said picking up the intensity tickling her sides as he bent down and blew another raspberry into her belly. Her face was covered in tears from laughter. "Wow Miss Natalie, you sure are delicious!" He picked up the intensity once again, Natalie had felt this sensation before, she was struggling to keep her breath up with all the tickling. His fingers danced and assaulted her belly and occasionally her thighs. She continued to laugh and squirm.

"Mphhahahahahahah!!!!!!" Natalie was trying to beg for air but couldn't. She couldnt take it, her body, especially her belly, was hot and sweaty. She wasn't even squirming anymore, she was taking the tickling and giggling. Just before she passed out she felt Alex stop.

"Well, its 4:30." The man said as he got off her hips, he looked over her body, coated in a sheen of sweat and much of her brown skin had a reddish tint to it. Her body was perfect, he had told the truth, he had never owned a pleasure slave, but if he could own one girl in the world it would be this one. Shame she was the President's Daughter. "Like I said, a half hour massage." Alex said as he rubbed Natalie's belly. Natalie closed her eyes, almost falling asleep as he felt up her midsection and thighs, however every time she almost fell asleep she felt Alex grope her breasts, making her squeak just a bit. Then when her eyes were still closed she felt the duct tape peeled off.

"Ahhhh-ow!" She said rubbing her face.

"Easier to do it that way instead of making you wait." Alex said as he held a cup to her lips. "You need to hydrate." He said as Natalie drank from the cup, enjoying the cool water flowing down her throat. She felt the shackles released from her limbs. She instinctively rubbed her wrists as she sat up for the first time in almost five hours. Her sides and midsection were sore.

"You better free those slaves." Natalie said sitting up and quickly putting on the robe. Enjoying the feeling of having something on her body.

"Oh I will." Alex said smiling. "You have my word; and I'll free six slaves for every night you spend here." Natalie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that was certainly torture." Natalie said as she started to walk towards the door.

Alex smirked as the teen walked past. "I think you enjoyed it." Alex said as Natalie turned to face him, hazel eyes meeting icy blue. "Don't deny it."

"Unbelievable." Natalie said heading out of the door.

"See you tomorrow night." Alex said.

Natalie was careful not to be seen heading down the hall, she needed a shower, but first she was going to sleep for a bit. Try to sleep off the horrible feeling that Alex could be right.
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The next morning Natalie woke up after sleeping for for five hours. Still groggy, she went to shower, wishing that the feeling in her gut that Alex was right would disappear. Sleep hadn't gotten rid of it, and as she stood nude in the shower she enjoyed the comfort of the warm water. Walking out she quickly changed, putting on a blouse and jeans and putting her curly dark hair into a pony tail. She walked out into the White House garden where she saw her mother lounging reading a book.

"Hey mom." She said sitting down next to her smile.

"Hey Nat." Her mother replied, the woman was even darker than Natalie, her hair raven black. Still beautiful at 36 years old. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Natalie shrugged. "Fine, enjoying my summer, planning on what I'm going to do with my year off before I go to college. So you know, normal stuff you do after your graduation." She said smiling at her mom. Her mother patted her leg.

"Well we're proud of you."

"Thank you mother."

"And me and your father are proud of how you handled dinner last night." She said smiling in affection.

"Huh?" Natalie replied a bit confused.

"With what the Archon's son said to you." Her mother replied. Natalie forced a nod out of her. After everything that had happened the night before she had forgotten how it had actually all started. "With that he said you could of easily lost your temper, but you really didn't. You actually thought before you spoke and shot him down." She patted her leg again. "That was very well done."

Natalie felt herself blush more as she remembered the previous night. She had shot him down at dinner and had ended up shackled and tickled for hours by him. But outwardly she was able to not blush. "Thanks mother, it wasn't really that big of a deal. I mean at least he offered to free some slaves." She said rolling her eyes. "Back in high school some dumb jocks were just 'hey baby come with me because I'm so handsome'." Natalie giggled with her mother at her bad impersonation.

"Well I'm still proud of you." Her mother replied. "Anyways, I have to go inside and talk with your father. I'll see you around Nat."

"Same mom." Natalie replied as she sat on the bench, enjoying the sun, until she heard a voice that made her jump.

"Hey Nat." Natalie turned around to see a pair of icy blue eyes. Alex was leaning on the back of the bench, smirking down at her.

"Were you eavesdropping on us!" Natalie replied angrily, her pretty hazel eyes narrowing. Alex just kept grinning at her.

"Not on purpose." Alex replied, still showing that damn smile. "These gardens are a nice place to go for privacy, and its a beautiful day. I heard you and your mother talking and couldn't help but listen." Natalie still looked at him furious. "That was nice of you to notice that I'm better than the average jock."

Natalie rolled her eyes. "Not much better." She said turning away from his eyes that seemed to be piercing her.

"Ah, don't say that Nat."

"Don't call me Nat." The teen said turning around just as soon as she had turned back around. "Only people who I like and are close to me can call me that."

Alex came around to sit on the bench beside her. "Admit it or not I think you like me enough." Alex said smirking at her. Natalie looked at him with a surprised look and crossed her arms. "And I mean we were pretty close last night." Natalie's eyes went wide.

"I'm leaving." She said beginning to stand up, Alex didn't do anything but open his damn mouth.

"That's fine, I'll see you tonight. Want to come by at eleven instead of midnight?" Natalie looked back at him, still furious.

"You talk like that to me and expect me to come back?"

"Alex stood up and patted her on the shoulder as he started to leave. "Miss Natalie, Nat, whichever you prefer, I think you really like freeing slaves." He paused, looking at in her eyes and lowered his voice. "And I think you liked the whole bondage thing even more." Natalie didn't respond as he started to walk away. Stopping and looking over his shoulder. "Have anything in pink? You should put it on if you do."


That night Alex smiled as he heard the knock on the door. Walking over he cracked the door open to see Natalie standing there in her robe, closed this time. He looked at his watch. "Five minuets late." He said as Natalie pushed her way in.

"I'm not your slave, you don't demand when I come." Natalie said fiercely as she stood by the bed.

"Well I thought you said I did exactly that." Alex said with a grin on his face as Natalie crossed her arms.

"Fuck you're obnoxious." The girl replied crossing her arms.

Alex shrugged. "So you wearing that rob tonight or..." He shrugged as he waited. Natalie rolled her eyes as she untied her robe, letting it fall off her body and she undid her ponytail. Alex looked at her body as the robe fell, her brown body was immaculate, her teen body looking spectacular. She wore a pair of fancy hot pink panties and bra which both had just a bit of grey frill. "Ah you wore pink. You sure you don't just do as I command."

"Whatever." Natalie said laying on the bed. "Same deal as last night, understood?


A few hours late Natalie found herself covered in a sheen of sweat, panting into the tape that covered her lips as she laughed, desperately trying to squirm in her shackles. "Mmmpphahahae-eeemmmhehahahph!" She cried out, her skin once again hot and almost a bit red from the ticklish assault.

Alex's fingers danced along her smooth and sensitive tummy which spasmed from his touch, his fingers prodding her flesh and digging in. "I love how ticklish your midriff and sides are Nat?" Alex said digging in and tickling those spots so hard that her skin became red and burned. He then squeezed her sides from her hips to her ribs which brought out even more laughter. She had a sweet laugh and she could only lean her head back as his hands traveled up and down her sides. "Indeed very ticklish." She tried to buck and twist him off. "You're so firery when you're tickled?" Alex said with a grinning, slapping her belly with a smack, leaving a stinging read area.

"Hemmmowahahahahaha!" Was all she was able to get out as he then tickled that area. He pushed and sped up his attack leaving her brown skin red and sore from the ferocity of his tickling as he tickled her for another half hour. He then continued to tickle with one hand while he danced around and dipped into her navel, which made her buck again." Natalie's eyes were wide as he really sunk a finger into her navel. She hadn't felt the sensation before as he eyes went wide with laughter as her body convulsed.

"Mmmpha-hahahahstahah-ooohghahagahhahahahash!" She closed her eyes and continued to squirm. Alex popped her thigh.

"These are pretty ticklish as well?" He asked as he squeezed her thighs. His fingers dug and danced over her both her outer and inner thighs. She had tears of laughter rolling down her face as one hand continued to tickle her thighs while another hand went to tickle her soles. When she scrunched her feet he tickled the top of his soft and delicate feet. "Yes you are certainly ticklish." He said enjoying Natalie's squirms as sweat rolled down her midsection and side of her bronzed body. He loved the squirms and gagged laughter of the mixed race girl. He just wished he could dominate her completely.

"Mmmphehehpmmhhaa-eeiieiiee-hahahshshsahshshahammm-am-hahahahaha-ahahahshiahahahahahaahammmphhfttt!" Alex alternated between her stomach, ribs, thighs, feet, with a little bit of tickling her underarms, neck, and top of her chest, back down to her belly. Though of course he mostly focused on her lovely belly.

"Lets see how you taste with some sweat." He then licked up her midriff, sending ticklish sensations up her body. "Hmmm, your belly tastes even better now!" He added with a pop, annoying Natalie to no end.

"Nooommphhh-eeheheh!" Alex plunged his tongue into her navel making her gasp and giggle. After another hour of tickling Natalie was ready to faint. She had gotten covered in sweat. Alex laid next to her and rubbed her smooth belly, even this made her giggle a bit. She squirmed in her bondage almost unwillingly trying to look sexy. She was surprised when the duct tape came off her lips.

"Oh we're done. Thank god." Natalie said taking deep breaths as she was given water."

"Afraid not." Alex replied. "The tape hurts less to be taken off when its done more often. And I wanted to make sure you stayed hydrated." He looked down at her beautiful face. "But you've done good, its almost two AM. Just two and a half more hours."

Natalie's eye went wide. "What! Its been three hours already I should only have one left!" Natalie laid there as Alex continued to stroke and rub her midsection.

"You said 'same deal as last night'; those were your exact words. And the deal was until 4:30." Alex had a shit eating grin on his face as Natalie looked at him. Surprisingly she wasn't mad, she just laid her head into the pillows.

"Fine." She muttered. "Clever move."

Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Wow, thank you for the compliment, I love how submissive you are when you're all bound and tickled." Alex said as Natalie turned her head to look at him, sweaty brown locks falling around her face.

"Submissive. I think I'm a firecracker. You called me fiery yourself."

Alex slapped her stomach hard making her open her mouth is surprise but no sound came out. "Nice you took it." He said with a wink. "Nat you're body bucks like a bronco on fire, but I'm talking about your decisions."

"I'm no slave so careful how you talk please." Natalie said turning her head away.

"Have I treated you like one." Alex said with a raised eyebrow. "While you would no doubt be the most popular item at the auction I'm not running out the door kidnapping you. Every decision here has been one you made. Don't get mad at me for that." Natalie raised an eyebrow at him.

"So how about you just tickle me until four then give me an hour long massage?" She said hopeful.

Alex kept grinning. "Say, 'please Sir, will you give me a longer message at four'?" Natalie rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Please sir, will you stop tickling me at four and give me an hour long massage?"

Natalie rubbed her wrist and belly again as she got ready to leave, gingerly putting on her robe. Excited to get some sleep. Alex looked her over. "As I stated, twelve slaves I'm promising to free. You have my word."

"Thank you." Natalie said as she tied her robe.

Alex showed genuine surprise. "A 'thank you', wow!" He said smirking. "So maybe I'm not so bad after all?" He said leaning against the wall as he sipped a cup of water.

"Don't flatter yourself." Natalie said walking towards the door.

"See you tomorrow night." Alex said smiling. The teen turned towards him.

"Just have the door unlocked at ten so I can just come in, okay?"

"Ten, really? Are you sure you don't like our little game here?" Natalie gave him an annoyed look. "Don't worry it will be unlocked, and I assure you it will be even more entertaining tomorrow night." Natalie rolled her eyes as she made sure the coast was clear and walked back to her room. Not even putting on pajamas, just sleeping in her bra and panties. For some reason that just felt right to her that night.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great add as always. Love the story! Can’t wait for more.
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Post by TickleTorture »

Alex sat at his desk going over some papers as he waited for the clock to get to ten. He waited patiently flipping through the papers. This weeks of talks were going well, obviously America wanted abolition for all but were realistic to know that wasn't happening. Still the Archon, his father, had assured Natalie's father that the new law to make sure slaves kidnapped from other countries would be strictly enforced. The talks had also lead to the members of the US and Dracon drafting a law that should pass in his home country that would ensure that pleasure clubs would not have girls below a certain age. Which was a good step that would look good on the news. Still talks to even start the move towards full abolition was pretty much a non-starter. His mind was obviously on a different topic

Right before ten heard the door open and he quickly turned to see Natalie quickly close the door. Her robe was still closed but she was leaning flat against the door, her palms against the door. For the first time he saw a genuine smile on Natalie's face, which seemed to make her look even more beautiful. Not that it was surprising, to him a woman always looked better when she was either grinning or in pain. Natalie talked under her breath. "I thought I heard a door opening." She said, almost giggling from excitement.

"Didn't you say this room was soundproof?" Alex replied as he leaned forward in his chair, smirking at the teen girl.

She waved him off as she walked to the bed. For the first time he noticed something different, her feet and lower legs that were revealed by the robe. She had on black stockings. Natalie turned to him as she took off her robe, letting it fall to the ground and she got onto the bed. "Lets get this over with." Natalie said sitting on the bed. Her body on display.

"Well what a raise!" Alex said, making Natalie giving him a slight look, not understanding the Draconian slang. "That is a heavenly outfit you have on. Should wear that around the White House all the time!"

Natalie brushed him off as she sat on the bed on her knees. "Yeah you wish. I'm afraid this is my only pair of real lingerie." She replied as Alex scanned over the outfit. The black lingerie went up to her upper thighs and looked fantastic. Meanwhile black bra and panties fit snugly on her teen body. As she sat on her knees Alex felt a burst of uncontrolled lust that he quickly forced back down. Natalie meanwhile as usual took her hair out of her ponytail and let her curly locks fall down past her shoulders. "Afraid I'm not buying a new pair just for you." She said almost winking. Alex was surprised, Natalie was almost friendly tonight.

"That's a shame, truly." Alex said standing up. "And here I was thinking that we were going to have more fun that even I had planned!"

Natalie placed her hands on the bed and leaned forward. "I'm afraid I'm not going to let you take my virginity by having me tied up and ravaged by you." She said in a stubborn tone. Alex put on a look of mixed surprised and befuddlement.

"Uh, Madam First Daughter I didn't even know you were a virgin. With a body like that its sur-" He held up his hands. "Wha- why did you even mention it that way?" Even on Natalie's brown body he saw the blush on her cheeks.

"I- I'm just making it clear-"

"Yeah, yeah I get it, your mind forces out your fantasies and your upbringing has it worded like its an idea you would never accept. Yadayadayada, I just skipped the best part didn't I." Natalie's face furrowed.

"I-, no that is not a fantasy!" She sighed laying back and straightening out her legs, her body on full display for Alex as he walked over. Sighing she simple muttered. "Like I said lets get this over with. ... 403_31.jpg

Natalie's face seemed almost more nervous than the first night which was strange, but at the same time, she wasn't as resistant. She was more relaxed, less rigid. This brought a smile to Alex's face as he got the shackles out. "Get this over with; Nat you should just admit to me you find these games of ours fun." Natalie rolled her eyes, a common trait of her's as Alex locked her left arm into the shackle. "Besides, like I said, tonight is going to be fun."


"Mmmphahahah-oahhhmamphhh!" It was past 1 AM now, Natalie once again had her flawless skin shining with a sheen of sweat on her beautiful body as she squirmed in her shackles. She did her best as always, but this time Alex was standing over her, tickling all over her midsection with one hand while assaulting her things with the other. He also had included a feather. Contrary to many cliches, his finger tickled more, except when he ran it over the top of her breasts, that drove her sensations wild.

"One more hour and I'll make this even more fun, for me at least." Alex as with a wink as he placed the feather in the front strap of her bra before savagely sinking both his hand's fingers into her toned sides. He loved feeling her firm abdominal muscles spasm and contort as she struggled and laughed, her diaphragm growing tired and strained.

"Noomphahhehe-hahahaesseiehaha!" Just like the previous two nights her face was streaked with tears as the laughter wore on her body, slowly breaking her resolve until she was forced to sink her head into the pillows and just accept Alex's dominance over her as he tickled her entire body. The fact that her squirming made the feather dance across the top of her breasts that were pushed up by her bra only made her squirm more wildly, creating a cycle.

Finally after almost another hour the tickling slowed as Alex sat down on the bed and peeled the tape away. As usual he had a cup of water in his hand. Natalie was always made thirsty by the tickling and enjoyed the water more than ever as Alex took the feather out of her bra and started to run it around her belly, making her lightly squirm. "Well its 2 AM, like last night." Alex said, watching as the skin on her toned belly twisted and spasmed away from from the feather. "However I have a better idea than tickling you for more than two hours."

Natalie raised an eyebrow. "Oh let me guess, it involves me with no clothes does it?" She rolled her eyes once more, though this time it was almost a friendly gesture. "I'm afraid not player. Afraid not."

"Oh no, but it should still be fun." Alex said reaching into his bag. Natalie's eyes slightly widened, not in shock, but a bit of confusion as she saw him pulled out a wooden paddle that seemed to be lightly studded. "Very fun."

"Um Alex-"

"Oh don't worry Miss Natalie, don't worry." Natalie was worried though, and as she went to open her mouth once more she found Alex's hand tightly covering her mouth, effectively gagging her. "This is my plan, I'm going to unshackle you, flip you over, and then use this paddle on that shapely rear end of yours say, oh, thirty times. But don't fret, I'm going to massage you to sleep for a good two hours after than. I'll have you awake before five."

Natalie's eyes were wide as she looked down at his hand. Tickling was one thing, but this, this would hurt. "Mmmph." She moaned into his hand until he pulled it away. "Alex I- that's going to hurt."

"Yes it will." Alex said nonchalantly. "But you'll be fine."

"If you free twelve slaves for tonight then fine Ill-"

"Nope, six slaves every night was the deal." Alex said firmly, his smile never leaving his lips.

"I want to be able to sit down tomorrow." Natalie muttered, her chest rising and falling as her breath quickened.

"You should be able to, if gingerly." Alex smirked at her as he sat down. "We can do this Nat. You can either have them slap your shapely rear and thighs thirty times. Or you could have this heavenly belly slapped twenty times, before flipping over and having twenty wacks on your sweet ass."

Natalie actually gulped. That was more slaps, but he had slapped her belly before, granted with his hand. It stung but she was fine. Ten less slaps on her rear end meant she might be able to sit down the next day. "The- the second one." She said timidly.

"Okay, well you need to say then 'Sir, please slap my belly twenty times and my ass twenty times'."

"Alex I don't like how you're basically viewing me as a slave tonight." She said, trying to raise her voice, only to have it crack from her nervousness. Alex looked at her with an almost shocked face and laughed a bit in surprise.

"Wow, um. Sorry, cultural barrier. Thought you said you were a genius." He said spinning the handle in his hand.

"I am!" Natalie said lifting her head up, her voice suddenly rising into that of someone who had a lot more confidence that she had in her current situation.

"Oh I'm sure you know a lot about the world, a lot of facts, but culture." He pointed the paddle at Natalie, her head still lifted up. "You see its ironic. You said I wasn't taught proper etiquette at all. Well, yeah this is ironic."

"Well I think we can both agree this agreement between us haven't been following most people's ideas of an ideal etiquette." Natalie replied, her voice still strong.

"Natalie, Natalie." Alex said smiling as he looked up. "In Dracon the proper etiquette for a slave when speaking to their owner is to always call them Master. Always! A slave that calls their owner anything else better have a damn good reason or is very, very close to their master. I told you to say sir." He looked at the paddle. "To call someone Sir, or Maam, or Madam, etcetera. That's a sign of respect, a sign of understanding of this situation." He rubbed the smooth side of the paddle on her belly. "I have the paddle here, you're bound. You should certainly respect how I'm in control here. So you call me Sir."

Natalie actually found herself nodding. "So its still kind of submissive, but not-"

"I would never tell my slave to call me sir!" Alex said with a chuckle. "Good lord, that would be a scandal in some families. Us Draconians can be very strict when it comes to formalities and what words are used."

Natalie nodded again. "I see." She said looking off in the distance. "Makes sense I suppose." She looked back at Alex giving him a mischievous look. "Though I bet you wouldn't be upset at me calling you master huh?"

Alex grabbed his chest. "You wound me. To think I would ever want the First Daughter to view me like that! My, that's an international incident." His smile was just as mischievous. "So, what do you say."

Natalie let out a sigh, almost smiling. "Sir. Please slap my belly twenty times and my bottom-" Alex held up a hand and gave her a look. "And my ass twenty times."

"Good." Alex said reaching into his bag. "Now for your gag." Natalie's eyes went very wide, this time it was in shock.

"I'm not wearing that." She said with a shake of her head.

"Yes you are." Alex said smiling as Natalie's mouth stayed open, even against her mental rejections. This allowed him to press a overly shiny red ball gag into her mouth. He pressed it deep into her mouth, forcing her pearly white teeth to go around it and forced her tongue to taste the rubber from the gag.

"Aggghhhhnmphhh!" She forced out as Alex buckled the gag very tightly behind her head. "Ahhhmmmftgh!" She bit down on the gag, her breath quickening, she almost hyperventilated until she forced herself to slow down. Alex then pulled out a blindfold, Natalie was barely able to beg no before it was wrapped around her pretty hazel eyes.

"Don't worry, this wont take too long." Alex said, Natalie was tense in anticipation, she could feel the sweat on her body as she clutched her shackles and had her body was tight. A minuet passed, then a second. Confused she relaxed her body silent, as soon as she did Alex sent the paddle down on her body.

"Aggghmmmmgaaiiah!" Natalie's head shot up as she bit down on the ballgag and screamed. That was nothing like when he sent some stinging slaps on her belly during tickling. The studded paddle hit her belly and felt as though acid had just been shot into her skin. It burned and stung as he body clenched up. A few seconds past, then ten as she took deep breaths. Then it hit again. "Aggghhhhhhhheeaa!" She took deep breaths through her nose as she instinctively tried to kick her legs to no affect. He slapped her belly for a third time, then a fourth. Each time the pain felt just as bad, if not worse. This was so much worse than the slapping. After five slaps her belly felt on fire, and he always waited about twenty to thirty seconds so she could absorb the pain of each stroke. Natalie pressed herself back into the sheets and pillows, trying to escape, but the sixth slap came. Then the seventh, the eight, the ninth.

"Halfway there." Alex said as he slapped her belly for the tenth time. Every time Natalie screamed into her gag just as loud. Her insides screamed as she tried to escape. With the blindfold and gag she felt claustrophobic and shook in fear as she was slapped for the eleventh and twelfth time. Her bronzed belly was now more red than brown as the thirteenth slap hit her midsection. As the fourteenth strike hit her belly she felt like her skin was be flayed off a little bit at a time. From her waist, up to her tummy and midriff, all the way to right under her bra was becoming a bright red. Her skin burned like a blowtorch was put next to it. He didn't spare her sides either, and the fifteenth and sixteenth strikes focused on her sides specifically.

"Aaaaammmmoghahaft!" The eighteenth strike, her nineteenth. She shook her head. Tears rolling down her face, now not from the ticklish laughter but burning pain in her gut as it felt like her insides were also on fire. She continued to shake her head, begging Alex for mercy as he brought down the twentieth and final stroke right on her midriff, very hard. "Agghhhhhhmmaphh!" She laid there, her belly convulsing and spasing in pain. She was exhausted from the pain and screaming into her gag as it pressed into her mouth. Alex lightly ran his fingers along her tender belly very lightly. Enjoying how red and hot it was. Still perfect, not cut, but on fire to her. To her tender body, it didn't feel good. Her chest rose and fell as she gasped for air through her nose. At this point she had been reduced to sobbing from the pain as she felt the shackles around her hands and feet were unclasped.

"Now you need to flip over." Alex said, except that Natalie instinctively tried to push his arms away as he reached down to her, as well as kicking her legs. "No, uhuhuh, Natalie. Natalie! Stop!" Natalie slowly stopped moving her limbs, lowering her head and sobbing as Alex had her roll over onto her burning belly. He helped move over her shackles and reattached them. "Breath, breath." He said as he hiked up her panties, making her squeak as it was pulled between her cheeks, exposing them more. One hand ran down her stocking legs. Then, suddenly the paddle came down.

"Ahhhhhhmmmmmfft!" She screamed as both her cheeks were hit at once. A second hit, the third and fourth only hit one cheek. They were toned, and were very shapely. Alex groped them once or twice between the slaps as the paddle came down on her upper thighs for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth hit. Natalie screamed, the ballgag was soaked and she clutched at the sheets on the bed as she scream. The ninth and tenth slaps hit her cheeks again, the eleventh and twelfth her thighs. Just like her tummy, which was so tender it felt rough against the smooth sheets, her ass and thighs were becoming red. The thirteenth, and fourteenth slaps only made it worse. After the fifteenth and sixteenth slaps he ran his hands up and down her legs again. To Natalie behind her blindfold her world was spinning from the pain. The gag made it so much worse to to the pressure it put on her mouth and jaw. She struggled to breath, the seventeenth and eighteenth slaps made her thighs and cheeks very red. Her body quivering in pain as the nineteenth slap hit, then finally the twentieth hit with a lot of power. he laid her head down and screamed into the sheet as her rear burned. She stayed that way, sobbing until she felt Alex lift her head up.

"Don't speak Natalie. Focus on breathing." He unfastened her ball gag, gasping as he removed it. "Breath don't speak. There you go." He said,lightly pulling on her hair to keep her head up as she gasped for air. Almost hyperventilating as her midsection and rear and thighs all still burned. He held a cup of water to her mouth, it didn't taste as crisp as usual, but she still swallowed it down quickly.


"Shhhh, lay your head down now and rest." He said as one of his hands started to massage her shoulders and back, while the other squeezed her firm and toned rear. Groping the reddened cheeks very hard, pleasuring him as the back massage relaxed Natalie. Soon she fainted. Only to be awakened. She was being unshackled, her body still burned but she could breath now. "Its 4:30 Nat, time to get you back to your room." Natalie took a deep breath as the blindfold was removed and Alex helped her sit up, a struggle for her pained body. Alex sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "You did good. Very good for your first time. Your voice was beautiful."

Natalie looked at him, dry tears on her face. "That hurt so much." She forced out from her tired throat. "I- that-"

Alex squeezed her shoulder tighter. "It hurt, but you laid there, taking it. Total submission to someone else's dominance all to ensure freedom for others." He smirked at her. "Truly heroic. And you were amazing, better than most."

"Really?" Natalie replied, her mind in a hazy state, she suddenly had a small smile and looked at Alex as she rubbed her wrists. "The burning through." She put a hand on her stomach. "It still burns."

Alex leaned closer to her. "Yeah it always does at first." He rubbed her tender stomach himself. "But the pain, the sensation of it washing over you. Was also exhilarating I bet. Like a high almost, a painful high." Natalie looked into his icy eyes, still groggy and sore.

"I- I guess."

"And it should be. You're freeing slaves. But also below market price." He squeezed her shoulder again. "Everything has a price Sweet Nat." He said handing her the robe from the floor. She held it for a moment. "Tomorrow I'm going to strap you down, as usual, then I'm going to paddle your belly. Its going to be red, your going to scream and cry. Beg behind the gag. We'll reach your breaking point. And them I'm going to keep slapping it down onto your toned stomach until you faint." Natalie looked at him, she didn't have any words, she could only lightly nod. "Good, don't worry I'll tickle you some first." He said helping her put on the robe. He got onto his knees at the edge of the bed and kissed her hot belly before tying her robe for her. Beckoning her over to the door he stuck his head out slightly. "Okay, coast is clear. See you tomorrow Nat."

Natalie only nodded as she walked down the hall, stumbling a bit before she reached her door. She untied the robe but before she could take it all the way off she found herself falling onto her bed, clutching her pillow she passed out.
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Post by TickleTorture »

The next morning Natalie woke up, she was extremely groggy but remembered the previous night. She had slept on her side, she still wore her lingerie. She put her hand on her stomach, it didn't look to bruised but both her belly and rear still felt very sore. Gingerly she stood up and walked to her shower, the water felt fantastic on her as she shuddered. She remembered what Alex told her what his plans for her that night was. She wanted to tell him no, her body was on fire when he paddled her the previous night. Getting out of the shower she smiled as she put on her first layer of clothes and then a pair of jeans and a collard shirt.

She noticed it was already noon by the time she got out of her room. Walking she was able to look normal, even if her body was very sore. Talking with an advisor she decided to go to one of the smaller ball rooms. There a couple of diplomats from both Dracon and America were chatting, and snacks had been set up along the walls. She walked around, listening to the accents of the Draconians and the slang they used. All the while she got a cracker and a cookie.

"Should put some cheese on that." A familar voice said making Natalie jump.

"You scared me Alex." She said turning as Alex grabbed a cookie for himself. He smiled at her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking at her with genuine interest as he took a bite of his snack.

"Real sore." Natalie replied. "But I'll be fine." She looked around to make sure no one could hear them as she filled up a glass of tea in order to look busy. "Have fun today?"

Alex shrugged. "Oh I'm not the one writing the nitty gritty stuff." He replied. "I'm an advisor to my father and I give him info. I'm still the most junior member of this team." He smiled at Natalie. "Though I also feel I've had the most fun."

"Cost you eighteen slaves though." Natalie replied, a smirk on the corner of her lips.

"Like I told you last night Nat. Everything has a price." He got his own cup of tea, looking her up and down out of the corner of his eye. "Is well worth it trust me."

Natalie put her hand on her stomach. "Yeah it is." She muttered to herself, focusing on the fact that she had been able to secure the freedom of almost twenty people and the feelings that brought, even though the feelings she recalled most were those she felt being bound and gagged. The rubber in her mouth, the firery pain in her stomach as she was dominated. She shivered slightly, Alex noticed this but didn't let her know.

"Will be even better tonight." He whispered in his ear and he turned to walk away.

"Alex!" Natalie said sharply under her breath, making him turn back at her. "Hey can you meet me in the gardens, in about an hour?"

Alex smiled. "Sure, same place."
An hour later Natalie was nervously sitting at the bench where a couple of days ago her and Alex had spoken. Though honestly she had been waiting there for thirty minuets, nervous but also excited. "Hey Nat." A voice said. Looking up she saw Alex walk over smiling.

"Hey!" She replied waving him over. "Lets walk." She said as they walked deeper into the garden. "I like it here, no security follows me around, its private. Nice shade." She said looking around the bushes that rose above her head.

"It's nice." Alex replied. Looking around. He put an arm around Natalie's waist and gave it a squeeze, she winced a bit and also blushed. "Will be more sore this time tomorrow." Alex said smiling down at the teen.

"Yeah, I know." Natalie said softly. "It hurt last night. Is there any chance you can make it easier?"

"No." Alex replied plainly. "I already told me what is going to happen tonight." He said as the teen girl shivered.

"Al- alright." She said softly again.

"Shouldn't you say sir?" He replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not tied down and being paddled." She replied smiling, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"No, but I think I'm the dominant one in this conversation. Wouldn't you say?" Alex replied bending down towards her a bit.

"I guess. Sir." Natalie replied.

"Good, always nice to have one's dominance recognized." Alex said almost chuckling and pointing on a cocky expression. Natalie smiled at him.

"Well sir, I thought you might want to see something real quick." She said unbuttoning her jeans.

"Oh, finally decided to have a lot of fun here of all places?" Alex replied.

"No. Sir." Natalie replied her eyes winking. "Like I said I'm not giving you my virginity here. Sir." She said, cocky herself now. She pulled down her jeans a bit to show she was wearing her same lingerie and stockings from the previous night.

"Didn't change huh?" Alex replied crossing his arms.

"Well you did say I should start wearing this around the White House. So I did." The teen girl replied smiling. "Though like I said its the only pair I have, so sorry."

Alex held a hand out like he wasn't surprised. "Not shocking, you have to be nineteen to order a drink in Dracon, can you even do that?" Natalie rolled her eyes and brushed him off.

"Still smarter than most of the people who are able to drink in Dracon." She replied giggling.

"Oh that's probably true." Alex said almost snorting.

"Why 19?" Natalie asked. "Not 21 but also not 18."

Alex shrugged. "Dracon isn't as worried about underaged drinking as here. You know your limit by the time you're able to drink legally. However Dracon bars are- frisky? Pleasure slaves, gambling, sports. Allows us to have a year of supposed adlthood to grow before drinking at those establishments."

"Oh. I see." Natalie replied.

Alex shrugged again. "But besides that, I love that lingerie of yours, but if you have any other pink panties I think you should wear that tonight. Looks good on you." He looked at his watch. "I have to go now though, should inspect this first though." He said playfully pulling at the front of Natalie's panties.

Natalie giggled and turned away from him. "I think I have one last pair of pink panties." She said buttoning up her jeans. "I'll wear them tonight. Sir."

Natalie didn't even wait for it to become ten that night. Surprising Alex when she entered his room just a bit past 9:40 that evening. He was still organizing his papers when she entered. Hastily undoing her robe and letting it fall to the floor. "Pink does look good on you." He said as Natalie smiled at him. Her bra and panties were certainly fancy, with a design like roses and thorns on both her bra and panties, and they weren't fully opaque in some areas. He smiled as he looked her over as she spun for him before sitting down. "Just makes me want to make your bronzed belly even more red." He said as Natalie laid down.
The next morning Natalie woke up, she was extremely groggy but remembered the previous night. She had slept on her side, she still wore her lingerie. She put her hand on her stomach, it didn't look to bruised but both her belly and rear still felt very sore. Gingerly she stood up and walked to her shower, the water felt fantastic on her as she shuddered. She remembered what Alex told her what his plans for her that night was. She wanted to tell him no, her body was on fire when he paddled her the previous night. Getting out of the shower she smiled as she put on her first layer of clothes and then a pair of jeans and a collard shirt.

She noticed it was already noon by the time she got out of her room. Walking she was able to look normal, even if her body was very sore. Talking with an advisor she decided to go to one of the smaller ball rooms. There a couple of diplomats from both Dracon and America were chatting, and snacks had been set up along the walls. She walked around, listening to the accents of the Draconians and the slang they used. All the while she got a cracker and a cookie.

"Should put some cheese on that." A familar voice said making Natalie jump.

"You scared me Alex." She said turning as Alex grabbed a cookie for himself. He smiled at her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking at her with genuine interest as he took a bite of his snack.

"Real sore." Natalie replied. "But I'll be fine." She looked around to make sure no one could hear them as she filled up a glass of tea in order to look busy. "Have fun today?"

Alex shrugged. "Oh I'm not the one writing the nitty gritty stuff." He replied. "I'm an advisor to my father and I give him info. I'm still the most junior member of this team." He smiled at Natalie. "Though I also feel I've had the most fun."

"Cost you eighteen slaves though." Natalie replied, a smirk on the corner of her lips.

"Like I told you last night Nat. Everything has a price." He got his own cup of tea, looking her up and down out of the corner of his eye. "Is well worth it trust me."

Natalie put her hand on her stomach. "Yeah it is." She muttered to herself, focusing on the fact that she had been able to secure the freedom of almost twenty people and the feelings that brought, even though the feelings she recalled most were those she felt being bound and gagged. The rubber in her mouth, the firery pain in her stomach as she was dominated. She shivered slightly, Alex noticed this but didn't let her know.

"Will be even better tonight." He whispered in his ear and he turned to walk away.

"Alex!" Natalie said sharply under her breath, making him turn back at her. "Hey can you meet me in the gardens, in about an hour?"

Alex smiled. "Sure, same place."
An hour later Natalie was nervously sitting at the bench where a couple of days ago her and Alex had spoken. Though honestly she had been waiting there for thirty minuets, nervous but also excited. "Hey Nat." A voice said. Looking up she saw Alex walk over smiling.

"Hey!" She replied waving him over. "Lets walk." She said as they walked deeper into the garden. "I like it here, no security follows me around, its private. Nice shade." She said looking around the bushes that rose above her head.

"It's nice." Alex replied. Looking around. He put an arm around Natalie's waist and gave it a squeeze, she winced a bit and also blushed. "Will be more sore this time tomorrow." Alex said smiling down at the teen.

"Yeah, I know." Natalie said softly. "It hurt last night. Is there any chance you can make it easier?"

"No." Alex replied plainly. "I already told me what is going to happen tonight." He said as the teen girl shivered.

"Al- alright." She said softly again.

"Shouldn't you say sir?" He replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not tied down and being paddled." She replied smiling, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"No, but I think I'm the dominant one in this conversation. Wouldn't you say?" Alex replied bending down towards her a bit.

"I guess. Sir." Natalie replied.

"Good, always nice to have one's dominance recognized." Alex said almost chuckling and pointing on a cocky expression. Natalie smiled at him.

"Well sir, I thought you might want to see something real quick." She said unbuttoning her jeans.

"Oh, finally decided to have a lot of fun here of all places?" Alex replied.

"No. Sir." Natalie replied her eyes winking. "Like I said I'm not giving you my virginity here. Sir." She said, cocky herself now. She pulled down her jeans a bit to show she was wearing her same lingerie and stockings from the previous night.

"Didn't change huh?" Alex replied crossing his arms.

"Well you did say I should start wearing this around the White House. So I did." The teen girl replied smiling. "Though like I said its the only pair I have, so sorry."

Alex held a hand out like he wasn't surprised. "Not shocking, you have to be seventeen to order a drink in Dracon, can you even do that?" Natalie rolled her eyes and brushed him off.

"Still smarter than most of the people who are able to drink in Dracon." She replied giggling.

"Oh that's probably true." Alex said almost snorting. "But if you have any other pink panties I think you should wear that tonight. Looks good on you." He looked at his watch. "I have to go now though, should inspect this first though." He said playfully pulling at the front of Natalie's panties.

Natalie giggled and turned away from him. "I think I have one last pair of pink panties." She said buttoning up her jeans. "I'll wear them tonight. Sir."

Natalie didn't even wait for it to become ten that night. Surprising Alex when she entered his room just a bit past 9:40 that evening. He was still organizing his papers when she entered. Hastily undoing her robe and letting it fall to the floor. "Pink does look good on you." He said as Natalie smiled at him. Her bra and panties were certainly fancy, with a design like roses and thorns on both her bra and panties, and they weren't fully opaque in some areas. He smiled as he looked her over as she spun for him before sitting down. "Just makes me want to make your bronzed belly even more red." He said as Natalie laid down. ... eiZZI.jpeg

"I'm sure it does." She replied with a playful eyeroll.

"I'm happy you're at least learning that you enjoy following my commands." Alex said smiling. "Even when I don't emphaize them."

Natalie playfully crossed her arms. "I do not." She said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah sure." Alex replied not believing her. "Wearing pink panties which I said you should wear. And you took my order that you should wear that lingerie all around the white house." He wanted to laugh as Natalie's mouth was open looking for a response.

"I wore them because it felt good." She replied stubbornly.

"To wear them or to obey me." Alex said putting on his cocky expression as he pulled out his shackles. Natalie giggled nervous as she was bound.
A couple hours later Natalie was out of breath as the tape was pulled off her mouth. Her stomach rose and fell from the tickling, her thighs burned a bit as he used his hands to slap her thighs as he tickled her belly. She had a shine of sweat on her as she drank the cup of water held to her lips. She was surprised when Alex laid down next to her, rubbing her belly as he enjoyed looking into her hazel eyes.

"Admit it, you're going to miss me." Alex said smirking as he felt her silky skin.

"Well, I do enjoy it when you give me a break." Natalie said, lightly squirming as his fingers grazed her belly.

"Wanted you to breath before I slap you're belly until you faint." Alex said as Natalie shivered as he said that. "But you still need to admit it."

Natalie playfully looked away, pausing before looking back at Alex. "Yeah maybe just a bit." She said with a slight shrug. "Only because I get to force you to free slaves."

"I prefer to view it as a trade instead of being forced." Alex said popping her thigh again. "Besides, you misjudge me, I'm not the Draconian who is determined to keep slavery for a hundred more years." Alex said with a small sigh. "I love my country, but our peculiar institution holds us back in world affairs." He sighed. "There's beauty in everything, but sometimes its time to move on. But our economy is mostly based in it, as is much of our society."

"Brings much pleasure huh." Natalie said looking down at his hand.

"Well slaves use to be raised as always working slaves or pleasure slaves. With automation that second group has become much larger than the former."

Natalie raised her eye brows in mock surprise. "And let me guess, that second group is largely bred to be female? I've heard of your nation's advancement in genetics." She said, here Hazel eyes focused.

"That wouldn't me wrong." Alex said, fingering Natalie's navel, making her arch her back slightly. "They are certainly worth more and more common. And is a sign of wealth and position." He said waving his other hand around. "Take you for example. If you were my slave I would be the envy of every master within a hundred miles of my family's estate."

"I bet you would like that wouldn't you?" Natalie replied sarcastically.

"I don't know if as much as you." Alex replied, running his hand up to her breasts. Natalie did her best to wave him off while shackled.

"I like living my own life as a human being, my intellect isn't going to go to waste thankfully."

"Oh Nat I am hurt!" Alex said in mock pain. "We identify bright slaves while young and force them to become incredible scientists and engineers! Truly some of the best in the world; and very pampered. Being smart pays off for our slaves." He winked. "Though I think you would be more useful combining your brains and your knowledge of people and the world." He said stroking her hair.

"Oh." Was all Natalie could respond with.

"Oh yes. Even if you were a slave, with your intellect and negotiation skills you would probably be a force behind the scenes. We've had pretty slave maidens 'befriend' masters and influence events in Dracon before. We even have a word for it, Meiseifluister. A 'Whispering Maiden'. If we made a movie about one you would literally be the ideal casting for the lead role." Alex said patting her head. "But enough with the compliments."

"Oh yes." Natalie said sarcastically under her breath. "Comparing me to slaves was so flattering."

"Oh dear Natalie, you should ignore that whole 'slave' part and focus on the other words like, scientist, engineer, best, influence, and more." Natalie looked at him, barely containing herself from rolling her eyes for the millionith time since she met him. "Open up." He said as Natalie submissively accepted him putting the ballgag into her mouth and locking it tightly. Alex then put the blindfold on her head. Playfully running his hands down her body until he got to her panties. He lifted the hem of them into the air.

"Heeememaghhhph!" Natalie said into her gag shaking her head.

"Oh don't worry, they'll stay on. Just taking a peak." Alex said as he lifted them up, Natalie laid her head back in a feeling of frustration as she accepted his advance. "Shaved huh? A bit surprising, but preferred in my country." He waved his hand this time. "But lets get to the fun."

Within minuets she was screaming as the studded paddle hit her belly, again and again. About twenty seconds in between slaps as Natalie grabbed at her shackles. Tears of pain rolling down her face. Her brown belly becoming red again. The paddle came down again, going past twenty strokes this time as she screamed. "Agghhmaieeeamghh!" The blindfold and gag seemed to press down on her as she screamed as she was paddled again.

"Keep breathing Miss Natalie. You can endure more." He sent the paddle onto her belly again. Her sides, her waist, her tummy, midriff, ribs even. They all burned with unimaginable fury from the pain of the paddle. Again and again it was brought down. Her insides burned, it felt like it was peeling off her skin layer by layer with a rusty knife. She sobbed into her ballgag and shook her head. "Its just some pain Natalie, show submission to the pain and endure it." She tried to do that as she sunk into the sheets, gasping for air in between sobs and screams. It came down again. "Forty strokes, twice as much as last night." He said before bringing it down again.

"Ahhghhhhhphhleeeexaahah!" She begged, pleading as her body arched, accidentally into another blow as she cried out again. She soon lost energy to keep fighting, thirty minuets passed, over sixty strokes, then eighty. She tried to pretend she fainted but the next slap caused her to scream a fresh song.

"You have some small cuts on your belly Miss Natalie. But they should be fine until morning." He said slapping her again with the paddle. Natalie was running out of tears, her body wracked in unimaginable pain. "One-hundred one, one-hundred and two-" She felt the pain surging towards her head, she tried to breath but the sobbing had taken over. Then she mercifully blacked out. She awoke to Alex rubbing lotion onto her beyond tender tummy and midsection. Her gag had been taken out, but her blindfold was still on. The lotion and rubbing itself hurt but was also a bit soothing. She immediately started sobbing again.

"Alex. Please." She begged.

"Shhhh, shhh." Alex said, cupping her head and taking off her blindfold. She was still shackled but her vision soon came back. "This lotion was made in Dracon. Designed to deal with wounds from punishments. 112 strokes. Amazing for your first time." Alex said beaming. "You're incredible, even if I started holding back some." He said, continuing to massage the cool lotion into her burning stomach. It felt like her entire midsection of her body had been torn asunder. Though looking down it only looked bright, bright red, unnatural for her complex, with some forming bruises and a few cuts.

"It hurts so much." She said sniffling back a sob.

"Its okay Nat. Breath." Alex said patting her shoulder. "This lotion will help with the cuts. Will make the bruises go away in a matter of a couple of days. You'll be sore for about three though." He said finishing his massage and unshackling you. Natalie tried to sit up but couldn't.

"Alex, I-"

"Don't worry, I have you." Alex said cradling her and slowly sitting her up in his lap. Just sitting up hurt her, she moaned in pain. "Listen you have to sit up for a few minuets, can't stay to stiff." He said as she looked at him, her face almost stained with tears, her hazel eyes glossy. "It will feel better soon."

"I- I don't think I can walk back to my room." Natalie pleaded.

"Shhhh." Alex said leaning close to her. "Here, let me help with some pleasure, okay Nat?" He said, slowly pushing down her panties just a bit." Natalie bit her lip but didn't say anything. "Listen don't worry, my pants are staying on, okay?"

Natalie's heart was racing. She somehow found herself lightly nodding her head. "Oh- okay." She said as she felt him start to fondle her down there. She bit her lip as her eyes went wide. Her midsection still burned like it was on fire and molten rods were shooting into her. But she couldn't stop herself from rocking in pleasure. It lasted for almost a half hour until Alex got a couple of wipies and helped put her robe back on. He made sure the coast was clear, it was three AM, he unlocked Natalie's room for her and watched from the doorway as she slowly made her way down the hall. She needed the extra sleep. He knew that, she had been pushed that night, and she had performed and reacted amazingly for him.
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Post by Saintrose »

This is great so far, hope you continue this story :D
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Post by Barefoot99 »

continue this story please
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by TickleTorture »

I plan too, any favorite parts or moments? Thoughts?
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]TickleTorture[/mention]. Are you aware your last post has a section of story repeat itself before it continues fully? I'm hoping you fix it soon so that I can finish with that part.
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Post by Saintrose »

TickleTorture wrote: 5 years ago I plan too, any favorite parts or moments? Thoughts?
Almost every part i enjoy, just natalie turning into a sub, her eagerness to just get to alex is amazing, keep up the work
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Post by TickleTorture »

Natalie slept in until after ten the next morning. She winced as she woke up, true to his word Alex's lotion had helped with the pain a bit. But as she sat up she grimaced in pain. Her stomach had some bruises on it, rather light but they were still there. A couple of cuts that were already fading. It still hurt just to sit up though. She forced herself into the shower, washing her body before she got out of the shower. She decided to put on a pair of blue jeans as well as a tight tank top. To make sure no one saw her bruises she decided to put a long sleeved green sweater over her tank top. She skipped make up for the day before grabbing a book to read and headed out to find a sunny spot to read.

She went over to a hallway, the sun was streaming in, making her warm, but the AC still kept her cool. She read through her novel, it was a historical fiction novel she had found at a library the previous day. It was about a Jewish maiden who was enslaved by Romans during the time of their empire. However she ended up making him fall in love with her and through that was able to convince him to spare her people. It wasn't strictly erotica, she didn't like those books. There were plenty of scenes of course, but a lot of it was about political intrigue that was accurate for the times and even some battle scenes. Behind her she heard the TV drone on.

"In other news, talks between the President and the Archon of Dracon have continued throughout the week. While no official announcements have been made there have been leaked reports that the Archon has assured the President that the recent Dracon law cracking down on importing kidnapped nationals and making them Draconian slaves will be strictly enforced. There are also reports that the Draconian Archon has agreed with the President that there need to be updated laws to put an end to the trafficking of underaged slaves into pleasure clubs; which has long been rumored to be a goal of the Archon. It should be noted that due to years of selective breeding, approximately ninety percent of Draconian 'pleasure slaves' are female. And ever since automation became more and more prevalent in the 1950s and 60s the percentage of slaves have swung from working slaves, to pleasure slaves; which now makes up seventy percent of the Draconian slave population."

Natalie felt someone sit down next to her but didn't look up. "Your news sources have out of date information. It's actually closer to eighty percent." A familar voice said. Natalie put down her book, looking up, barely holding back an amused grin.

"You always find me Alex." She said lightly shaking her head, still looked forward. Alex shrugged.

"Well this time I was told to find you." He replied plainly, this made Natalie look at him. "But yeah, finishing my though, out of the twenty-four million slaves in our nation, roughly seventeen million are female pleasure slaves."

"In a nation of seventy-five million. Over twenty percent." Natalie leaned closer to him. "Classy."

Alex looked at her, his face amused. "Speaking of classy, that's why I'm here." Alex said looking at her in her eyes, enjoying the hazel orbs in front of him. "My father told me that I needed to come talk to the President's daughter and apologize for that sexist remark I made at dinner the other night." He said smiling awkwardly. "So. I guess I have to say I apologize for that remark I made." Natalie's eyes sparkled at the situation. "But lets face it. You did take me up on the offer."

Natalie looked up into his eyes. "Well I guess our fathers don't know that we've sorted things out ourselves." She looked away. "But I do appreciate you apologizing."

"Don't be obnoxious Nat. That would be unbecoming of you." Natalie gave him a look. "Is there someplace we can talk privately?" He asked in a serious tone.

"A stairwell five doors down doesn't have any cameras and is never really used." Natalie said smiling. "Just watch where I go and meet me a floor down in five minuets." Alex patted her shoulder and walked away, stopping to gaze at a tv until Natalie walked past. She went down the stairwell and waited for him. Reading her book as she heard the door open, just encase it was someone else. However she grinned when she saw it was Alex. Before she could say anything he grabbed her waist and embraced her in a kiss. While she winced in pain she also returned the gesture, having never having had a kiss so passionate. Alex pulled away, his face glowing as he looked down, pull up her sweater just a bit as Natalie stared at him, a bit stunned from the kiss. ... -67895.jpg

"Still hurts I bet." He said rubbing the side of her stomach gently, his fingers going under her sweater. She flinched just a bit but otherwise stayed still.

"Yeah. That, it still hurts a lot." She said her breath shuddering.

"I'll rub more lotion on it tonight." Alex said as he fingered her navel, making her eyes go a bit wider. "I hope you don't mind that kiss." He said, smiling at her, know how she embraced him in response was already the answer.

"I- no, I was just surprised." She said putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "I was afraid you would be upset that I didn't put on any make up today if you saw me. Sir." She said nervously, not sure if this conversation required, required why would she think it was ever required, no she wondered, did this conversation require that from her.

"Wait." Alex replied in genuine surprise. "You're not wearing any make up right now?" Natalie shook her head. "What a raise." He said softly to himself. Obviously Natalie didn't have quite the same glow, but she was still stunning. "That's incredible." He said putting his hands in his suit's pockets. "Almost as incredible as you calling me sir without me telling you."

"Well I-. You know, I didn't know, but I-"

"Good." Alex said leaning forward slightly and nodding. "You weren't sure so you deferred to me being in the dominant position in the conversation. That's smart. Shows your intelligence." Natalie looked a bit confused. "You deduced what the most likely probability was based on us and previous conversations. As well as what you thought would just be best. Again, shows intelligence." Alex added trying to talk Natalie up. "But don't worry, I'm not mad you didn't put make up on."

"Oh good." Natalie replied as Alex put a hand under her sweater and started to lightly tickle her sore stomach. "Heheha-hey!" She said pulling back. "You said you weren't upset!"

Alex looked at her, he seemed to ooze dominance over the smaller teen girl. "You still thought you might get punishment. Which tells me you opted to do something you thought you probably shouldn't. Means you still need a punishment." He said lightly tickling her. "Now put your hands behind your back and let me tickle you. Understood."

"Yes sir." Natalie replied with a sigh. "Fine."

"The first two words will do." Alex said squeezing her side.

"Yes sir." Natalie said as she was forced to show off her teeth again. ... -89388.jpg

Roughly an hour later Natalie was walking down the hall when she ran into her mother wrapping up a conversation with another women. They were both smiling and laughing when she spotted Natalie. "Nat! How are you." She said before turning to her friend. "Ill talk to you later Clarissa take care." She quickly turned back to Natalie. "Having a good summer so far?"

"About as fun as you'd expect." She said, walking with her mother through the halls.

"That's good." Her mother replied smiling at her younger child. "I heard you were talking with the Archon's son earlier today."

"Oh." Natalie replied pausing. "Yeah his father told him that he needed to apologize for his comment he made at the dinner."



"But what?" Here mother responding as they took a turn to walk outside. It was a hot day, but a few clouds offered a bit of shade.

"Hey actually already apologized to me before." Natalie replied, she knew that was a lie, Alex didn't apologize. But she needed something. "We talked for awhile when he did. Um. Dad would like him, he wants to move Dracon forward."

"Yeah, and he's so handsome." Her mother said sarcastically.

"Oh really mother." Natalie said giving her mother 'the look'.

"Hey listen, he's too old for you."

"Hey's only twenty two. Just out of college."

"And youre just out of high school." Her mother replied. "Besides he's from Dracon. Even if he wants to move it forward you know he's going to hold some harsh views." Natalie lightly nodded, she knew her mother was correct, but still that was secondary to the fact. The fact of what? Oh yes, he was willing to free slaves in exchange for not even having sex with her. Everything had a price, and his was rather cheap. And he did want to move Dracon forward!

"Still, he seems nice enough, and has good goals for Dracon." Natalie replied.

"I'm sure he probably does." Her mother replied lightly backhanding her stomach, she winced. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Natalie replied. "Cramps, think its getting to that time. Uggh."

"And me patting you brought it on."

"No. Just bad timing." Natalie replied. She acted nervous. "Love you mother, will talk to you later."

Alex smiled that night as the robe fell from Natalie's shoulders. She wore some very nice lingerie (unfortunately no stockings) that were a pair of bra and panties that were a mix of navy blue with a purplish hue to them. The edges had a white flowerly looking lace added to them, and she had added some make up to make her already beautiful face stunning. "You look gorgeous Natalie." Alex said smiling as he looked over her body. Natalie playfully shrugged with her hands to the side like a model and spun slowly a few times for him. And most of your bruises are already gone." He said, walking over and rubbing her still tender belly.

"Yeah, they are, aren't they.' Natalie said looking down. "Speaking of which, you still haven't told me what you're going to do to me tonight. Sir." Natalie replied submissively. Alex beamed a smile at her.

"Tonight is a lot easier Nat." He said laying her down on the bed and shacking her in. "I'm going to rub that lotion on your belly and give you a massage for a couple of hours. I'll probably tickle you a bit as well." He winked. "I have to be gentle, you endured a lot last night. You need a small break." Natalie nodded in response as Alex took out a bottle and started to rub the substance all over her silky belly. Him just rubbing it made her giggle. He did this for hours, occasionally tickling her before pouring more lotion on her abused belly.

A few hours had passed, it was past midnight when Natalie decided to raise her voice. "Alex, may I ask a question?" She asked, squirming a bit as he massaged her tummy.

"'May I ask a question, sir'." Alex replied sarcastically, pour more lotion on her midriff.

"What are your views with the future of slavery in Dracon. Sir."

Alex was silent for a moment before speaking. Just kneading her belly. "I was honest when I said I never had a pleasure slave. Never felt the need. At least in the past." He said looking her in the eyes. "I saw the slaves working for us, making us money. That's why so much of the power lies with only a few dozen families. We have most of the working slaves left. Factories, mines, fields. Most of the 'new money' is running brothels, bondage clubs, video companies that uses slaves. But the manufacturing and raw materials? That lies with my family and the 'old money'. I saw the slaves working, like I said. I knew the overseers. We were smart, not overly brutal, saved a lot of annoyances. But there's no doubt they are the backbone of our wealth."

"You did say that your economy couldn't survive abolition." Natalie replied, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes as Alex groped her breasts.

"I think it would be good for our country in the longrun. But it would take time. Generations in fact." He replied, feeling her navel with lotion and then playing with it, making Natalie squirm and giggle as he straddled her. "Besides the economic issues, which would be massive and would need to be phased from a slave labor economy to paid slowly, there is the societal issues. Not only training the new slaves, teaching them to be free, but also how they are viewed. How they are treated. Its de jure versus de facto. De Jure is latin it means-"

"As in law versus De Facto which means as in fact." Natalie paused for a second before smiling. "Sir."

Alex smirked down at her before smacking her belly hard, making her gasp. "Quite literally a smartass." He said with a chuckle. "But yes. Listen Natalie, we should move towards abolition, but it would have to be done slowly. We would have to teach the younger generations that slaves are not beneath them. The media would have to change, the BDSM clubs would need to be filled with willing occupants. And more. It would need a driving force truly. Not in the public, but behind the scenes. A modern day Meiseifluister." He sighed. "I am going to miss you I know."

"Me too." Natalie paused. "Sir." He popped her again, making her wince, but she kept her smile.

"I'm going to be honest Natalie. I don't usually get close to girls. I meet with some chick from an Old Money family, or New Money if I want to annoy my father." He held a fist full of of her curly dark hair. It was silky to the touch. "You're a special girl Natalie. Very smart. Incredible body. Beyond incredible. If only there was a solution."

Natalie's brow furrowed. "Usually that means there is a solution." Natalie replied. "Or at least you have an idea for one." Alex stood up and walked towards her wrist.

"Lets get you unshackled, I don't want you to feel pressured." Alex said as he unshackled the brown skin girl. She sat up as her ankles were unshackled. Surprised by the feeling of slight disappointment of being unshackled so early. "Come on Nat, stand up." He said motioning for her to stand.

She did, walking and leaning back against the wall just a bit. "What is it Alex?" She asked, a few butterflies in her stomach. Alex looked at her body taking her all in, taking a breath before he spoke.

"You know there are some things, that I- I just feel mentally, compelled to get." He said, looking for words. "I have to be dominant. I have to have submission to me in a relationship. Which you can probably tell."

"I could." Natalie said nodding.

"Listen. Your father has been talking about working together towards abolition in my country. We've talked about actually having people visit each other's nations. And. I think he would approve with you coming back with me." Natalie's eyes were wide. She tilted her head before Alex held up his hand. "Officially we would tell everyone that you are a goodwill Ambassador. I have my own estate away from the Archon's mansion." Alex said staring at Natalie with daggers almost.

"And unofficially?" Natalie asked, her arms by her side.

"Unofficially; you would be my slave." Natalie simultaneously went a bit rigid, while her limbs hung looser. Her mouth hanging a bit agape, her eyes slightly wider in pure shock, a shiver of fear and nervousness going down her spine. ... D80005.jpg (Zoom in on her face and it makes more sense story wise).

"A. Slave." Natalie replied still stunned. "Like, legally, a slave to you." She was stunned. "You're property?"

"Yes." Alex replied simply. "It wouldn't be a fake enslavement, we would have a contract, but your body would be mine. I could do what I wanted with you. I would own you." He paused. "In return I would free an additional one-hundred slaves. Quite the price, one girl's freedom for a hundred." He said.

"Alex." Natalie said, visibly trembling. "I have a future here. I'm smart enough to get into any college I wish. I can't be a slave for life."

Alex held up his hand again. "You would sign a contract. It would have to be resigned every year. You could choose whether to submit to another year of slavery or to go home. Of course not telling anyone you were my slave. Me freeing all those slaves will be a sign of goodwill like I said." He looked her over. "You would be the Whispering Maiden Natalie." He said, speaking from the heart. "I wasn't lying, you are the perfect example of the role. You have the beauty, you have the brains and the skill to push ideas and get things done." He walked up to her, rubbing her body, feeling her goosebumps. "But you feel it inside you. You're submissive. You're so smart, so talented, so resourceful; you like the idea of everything being taken away and being reduced to a thing. A body to be enjoyed, a commodity. Property."

Natalie shivered. "I don't think I can go that far though Alex." She said looking up to him.

"That's fine. I'll free the thirty slaves who's freedom you earned regardless." He handed her, her robe. "You need some sleep Nat. But you know in your gut that nothing excites you more than legally giving up all your rights. To be told something and no not being an option. You want to be reduced to a slave."

"No I don't." Natalie said weakly, her voice barely projecting.

"Yes you do Natalie." She couldn't make eye contact now. "Yet you also want to rid the world of slavery for others. You can do that! Be the Whispering Maiden! Let me own you."

She took a breath and put on the robe. "I need to sleep on it. And think. A lot." She said tying the robe in front of her. "I'll talk to you tomorrow night." She said walking towards the door.

"But you will be here tomorrow?" Alex asked turning towards her.

She looked at him for a second before nodding. "Yes. I will be. Sir."
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great story so far, can't wait to see where it ends up (hoping Natalie keeps her freedom but still keeps being tormented thought!)
Liked that her mother caused a reminder of her submission - how about if Alex has been looking at the itinerary of the negotiations and finds out there's horse riding or something like rowing to add to her torment after being tickled/paddled?
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Post by TickleTorture »

Sorry for the delays, hope you all love this next part. Very important part and I hope you all comment your thoughts and likes!


Alex entered the dinning room, just as he had on the first night, only a few days prior. He smiled, he had radically changed a certain girl's life in those short days. Sitting down he looked around, the table was set up in the same way as that other night. The Draconian group took off their suit jackets before taking their seat. Across from them the Americans entered. Most President Wrightman and his wife and daughter. Him and Natalie made eye contact, he had a soft smile on his lips. She wore a fairly loose black dress. However she gave him a slight smirk and pulled at the strap, an eyebrow rose and he rested his chin behind his hands as she pulled down, revealing that it was a black overdress. ... -53504.jpg ... -24922.jpg

Alex was very surprised, almost entranced, as she revealed herself to be wearing a very tight white dress that was rather lowcut. She walked over to the table with a smile. Her hair was put up, placing a hand on the table she prepared to sit ... -51831.jpg
"Miss Natalie." Alex said with a small nod of the head.

"Alex Eienaar." She responded with a nod of her own. Alex was stunned by how'd she had dressed to the dinner. But he seemed to be the only one that really noticed as the President and the Archon spoke. Both very diplomatic, applauding each other for the steps that had been made. The new laws that Dracon would push for and sign. Alex meanwhile simply made pointless small talk with Natalie, the teen girl blushing and smiling as they ate their food.

After a while the Archon spoke. "Miss Natalie, I hope you have accepted my Son's apology for his rude comment? He's still young, can be a brash and arrogant fool sometimes." The Archon finished looking over at his son. Natalie just smiled back at the Archon.

"It is fine Archon." She replied. "I give Alex credit, he came to me earlier than that actually to apologize. It is fine, we actually spoke for a bit; your son, while like you said, still brash. Does seem to have a good heart and good goals that I think can help your country in the future." The Archon nodded, not quite smiling but there seemed to be a small look of if not pride, great satisfaction on his face.

He turned to his son. "I suppose there may still be hope for you yet." He said, his deeper voice flowing throughout the room. "If you can ever get your mouth under control and actually think before yo speak and learn diplomacy I know you have good ideas." Alex nodded towards his father. "Now how about you thank Miss Wrightman for accepting your apology."

Alex turned to Natalie and beamed a smile at her. "Thank you for accepting my apology Miss Wrightman."

"You're welcome." Natalie replied, beaming back a smile. A moment past as others started speaking again. Natalie leaned forward to take a bite of her salad, but she looked up at Alex out of the corner of her eye, making eye contact. "Sir."


Alex sighed that night as he sat at the desk. Unable to do anything but stare at the door as he waited. While there would be a couple of brief meetings in the morning, it was little more than a send off to the Draconian delegation. He sighed again, his heart beating faster than usual. He wanted to own Natalie. It was his greatest wish; her young body was perfect, her intelligence better than the majority of humanity, athletic. Her moral compass was solid; she was extremely ticklish and open to absorbing the pain he wanted to inflict on her. And, as much as he had previously tried to avoid admitting it to himself, he found he did have feelings for the mixed race girl.

Soon the door opened. In walked Natalie, her brown skin glowing. Her hair down, that robe still around her. She actually smiled at him as she stood by the bed. Letting the robe fall off of her body like she had done the previous nights. Standing against the bed, Alex admired her bra and panties. Silver in color, with some lace to them. Natalie turned to strike a pose, putting her arms behind her on a chair. "So what do you want to do tonight?" She asked plainly. ... llsize.jpg
Alex looked at her smiling. "Actually tonight. No shackles, no whipping, limited tickling. Just wanted to talk." Alex said looking up and down her body. "I'm leaving tomorrow, me and my dad are flying out in separate planes but I won't be here much longer than him; and I- I felt talking would be good."

Natalie nodded in response. "Yeah. It would be." She said, not too softly, but softer than usual.

"I assume you've thought over everything?" Alex asked, still looking at her body, before going up to look her in the eye. "Thought about my offer?"

"To be your slave?" Natalie responded. She looked at the floor for a few seconds. "I'll be honest Alex, I was- surprised you have come to view me like that." She said. "Almost sad."

Alex stared at her. "Why? Do you think I view you like that because I think you're a disposable girl that I have talked with and felt up for a week and can now forget." He walked over to her, for the first time cupping her cheek. "I view you in the hope you become my slave because I want to posses you!" He said, his thumb stroking her cheek. "You're incredible, and when I leave I'll be constantly thinking about you. I won't be able to forget. That's why I want you to come back, to make you mine-"

"To own this body. To posses it in its entirety." Natalie replied, looking up at the man that was over a half foot taller than her. "To reduce it to property to own."

Alex paused for a second, his mind racing this time. "You know we match up perfectly. You have a submissive soul. Yet, I'm the master who wants to use your gifts. To let you express your morals. Abolition will come easier with your brain."

"While being a slave." Natalie said stepping away from his hand.

"While being part of the system. To feel the heartbeat of it, feeling the rush of its blood around you, the neurons of its brain firing. You won't be able to help nearly as well outside that system." Alex looked at the ground before he raised his eyes to Natalie. "Besides Nat. I would be lying if I said I haven't formed feelings for you."

Natalie's eyes went wide, stunned by that admittance. She took a moment to respond. "And I could say the same Alex." She paused again before taking a breath. "But. But, I have too much here. I have to much of a future, even if I only made my enslavement one year. I'm sorry. I can't."

Alex nodded, his mouth a bit dry, but he nodded. He fully understood, he had no anger inside him, barely upset. He expected this. "I understand Natalie." He replied to her, in a soft but understanding tone. "I can't make this decision for you, and obviously I understand why you made that choice." He turned, his hands in his pockets, taking a deep breath. "Still, do not worry, I will free the thirty-six slaves which your time with me has earned. You'll understand why I don't free the extra hundred, but you've earned the thirty-six."

Natalie nodded. "I'm sorry Alex." She replied.

"Don't be. I understand completely." Alex said still looking at the wall. Natalie walked up to him with a small smile, playfully grabbing his arm.

"Still. Sir." She said her eyes twinkling. "I wanted to do something special for you." She held up her hand. "Like I said, my virginity is not an option. But I still wanted to do something special for you." She lightly tugged him near his private bath which had a walk in shower. "I noticed you had this." She said, dropping his arm and turning around.

"Yes, I do." He replied with a small shrug. Natalie just looked at him.

"Well, I know you would like a final show before I leave." She said, turning on the water. Alex was surprised, but obviously pleased as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Tossing it to him. He grinned as he finally saw her breasts free. Perfectly sclupted, large enough to be breath taking, but still firm and proportional to her body. She then reached down, and pulled down her panties. Kicking them up to her hand, she then tossed it to Alex. Everything was on display, everything was shaved and smooth, she turned, showing off her backside as she walked into the shower, letting her hair become wet, and and her body slick with droplets of water running down it.

"Quite the show." Alex replied, as Natalie blushed. Holding her arms out a bit and spinning in place for him. She closed her eyes and embraced the water flowing over her nude body, looking stunning to Alex. Before grabbing some soap. First she lathered her dark brown hair, before she slowly and sensually rubbed and sudded up every inch of her body. Slowly rubbing over her mostly healed belly, dipping a finger into her navel. She then ran it down her womanhood to her legs.

"Nah, turn around." Alex ordered with his finger grinning.

"Of course sir." Natalie said, turning around and fully bending over as she ran the soap down to her feet, lingering as she gave Alex a show. She pulled up, spinning in the water as she rinsed herself off. "Enjoy the show." She said turning off the water. Her body standing there, her profile on full display as her hair hung around her and her body dripped with water. Beads of it rolling down the curves of her body.

"Brilliant." Alex muttered. "Too short though." Natalie pulled a towel off the rack and tossed it too him.

"Help me dry off then." She replied as Alex grinned even wider. Natalie sat on the bed as she submissively allowed him to rub the towel all over her body. Acting like a puppet, allowing her to move her limbs and body with no resistance as he wiped her off. He made sure to rub her womanhood dry as Natalie bit her lip.

"Wish I could just kidnap you." Alex said, jokingly putting the towel over her head and pulling back on it until they both fell onto the bed. He put one leg on her's and squeezed her left breast as she gasped behind the towel. "Sure you don't want to end with fireworks?"

Natalie lifted the towel off her head. "I'm sorry Alex, can't. This isn't he place to lose that." She said sitting up.

"I can respect that." Alex said as Natalie put the robe back on her nude body.

"Keep the bra and panties sir." She said tying the front. "Something to remember me by."

Alex forced a smile to his lips as he sat alone in the lounge of his private jet. As large as any transatlantic plane, but most of the body of it was for himself. A desk was in front of him, a small up of water and his close laptop. As he looked out the window all he could think about was the brown skinned and hazel eyed teen. She was perfect, he regretted leaving. Perhaps he could make up a reason to come back soon. He was son of the Archon, that shouldn't be so hard.

He sighed. "It was a long shot anyways, I knew that." He said softly to himself. He was stunned by Natalie's beauty when he first met her, and her showing up to his door forced him to react on the fly. When he saw how she reacted he though he had a chance. To mold her into the perfect woman for him. But he knew that was always unlikely. She had her life, he didn't resent her for that. He pressed the buzzer. "ETA to take off?" He asked the pilot.

"Not long Mister Eienaar, was told to wait by the terminal." Alex raised an eyebrow, a bit confused. "But we'll be taking off soon no doubt."

"Thank you." He said, leaning back and resting his eyes. Waiting to feel the plane start to move. Yet a moment later he heard the patter of flip flops. Opening his eyes they went wide in shock. There, striding down the plane, was Natalie. She wore a nice looking pink tanktop, and cargo pants that went to her shins. She left a suitcase near the lounge's door and continued towards him. Nonchalantly sitting across from him. "I've must have fallen asleep." He remarked dryly. ... -78515.jpg
"No. No you didn't." Natalie said, nervously looking out the window, but her voice confident. After a moment she continued, nodding her body and turning to look at Alex. "I talked to my father and mother. I sold them on the 'goodwill ambassador' idea. My father loved it, my mom was more dubious, but give her a good idea and plan and she won't deny it."

"Oh so you're coming as a 'Goodwill Ambassador'?" Alex replied

Natalie looked down for a moment before confidently raising her head. "I'm coming as your slave."

Alex looked at her for a moment, a static shock going happily through him as he let the words hang. "Do you actually understand and agree to it? You'll become my slave. Your body completely under my control. You do what I order, you don't say no. You take any abuse I give you. You surrender all your rights. You become an object, legally property. Owned by me?"

Natalie nodded. "Yes."

The plane started to move as Alex spoke again. "That's quite a decision. But you dont look like you slept last night."

"No. I didn't." Natalie replied. Alex motioned to a mattress that was in the lounge.

"Let me give you something to make you sleep, you'll awake near Dracon." He said pulling out a pill and putting it in the cup of water. Sliding it to her.

"Alright." Natalie said downing it. She looked at him. "Do I need to refer to you as master yet?" She asked, raising he hand to her face and giggling.

"No, you haven't signed anything yet." Alex replied smiling as he lead her over to the bed.

Natalie lifted herself from the sheets hours later. She rolled over, looking out the window. It was dusk already, but with a brilliant sunset she saw a beautiful coastline below her. Rigid rocks and foamy seas, gave way to green acres of land and trees. Hills that rolled smoothly. "Beautiful." She muttered in her still groggy sleep.

"Cape of good hope. Homestead, the old capital, was passed over shortly ago, you'll see the new capital of Pretorian soon." He said, sitting in khakis and a shirt. "Excuse me, I'll be sitting with the pilots until we land Nat." He said walking out of the lounge. Leaving Natalie alone. The teen suddenly felt alone, almost half a world away from her parents. About to submit as much as one could to a man. Still, as the large skyline of Pretorian passed beneath them, she couldn't help but feel excited. Nervous, but excited. She soon felt the plane desceding, about twenty minuets after passing the city. They lowered down towards what looked to be a large private estate with a runway. Soon the wheels hit, and Natalie watched as the secluded estate on the coast was brought before her. The plane pulled up to what looked like a bungalow that was attached to a mansion. The the mansion seemed to be based off of a tropical getaway.

"Come." A voice said. Turning Natalie saw Alex beckon her. She followed as the plane pulled up to a terminal.

"Is this an airport?" She asked. Alex laughed and looked at her.

"This is my private estate." He replied, opening the door and walking into the 'terminal' which was simply a private bungalow filled with modern amenities.

"You have a terminal in your house!?" Natalie said surprised.

"The plane is part of it dear Natalie." He replied. "I've put a lot of money into that, hell I've hosted parties in it back during my teenage years!" He laughed as Natalie looked around the entrance of the Bungalow. Fans whirled. A modern kitchen could be seen in the next room, as could couches and large TVs. There was also a table on which Alex placed a piece of paper. "Read it." He said sitting Natalie down in a chair.

Slave Information
Name: Natalie Wrightman
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Measurements 34"-24"-34" (US)
Owner: Alex Eienaar

With the signing of this paper, I, Natalie Maria Wrightman, hereby surrender all of my wrights as a human being and as an American citizen. I subject myself as the legal status of 'Slave' under Draconian law. As such, I will forfeit all my rights to my body, as well as my wants and actions. My Master, Alexander Luden Eienaar, will own my own person. No longer classified as a human nor citizen, but as a piece of property. As property, my Master shall be allowed to inflict what ever desires he so wishes, as well as use me with other persons, as he so wishes. I shall not resist, nor argue at anytime, as my Master is my owner, and I, with the signing of this paper, am no more than property. This legal and binding contract will be good for 365 days, except in the event of a leap year where it shall be good for 366, and will have to be renewed. With the signing Master Eienaar will have absolute authority over what he does with me, what I eat, wear, where I go, what I say, and how I act. I accept all of this as an object. I forfeit all my rights. I am a slave.

Natalie mumbled the the paper to herself and saw where she had to sign. Alex handed her a pen.

"Sign." He said simply, but strongly. Natalie did so, with a nervous hand. Looking up Alex was grinning. "Well, follow me then; Slave."
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Post by Windrunner »

Delightful writing. I am going to be overly distracted by the mental image of Natalie stretched out and anxiously awaiting the ordeal that she knows is going to take place on her vulnerable, sensitive belly.

:shock: ;)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wow, fantastic next step.
Can't wait to see what's in store next!
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Post by Daenarys »

Well that ended abruptly lol
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Post by Daenarys »

Kind of an afterthought but this story does beg an interesting question - if it meant saving people from a lifetime of unwilling servitude, would you submit yourself to willing servitude to free them? Knowing you might suffer much more than can be enjoyed, you have no rights, you could literally go to sleep and be shaken awake "alright slave, time to f**k", it'd be a difficult decision even if you ARE kinky imo lol. Yes I overthink things, sue me haha
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Post by TickleTorture »

Thats actually one of the points of this story and interested to hear your opinions. Do you all trust Alex? Is he cruel just due to his upbringing, or is he worse? Does he actually have a good heart considering where he comes from? Is Natalie foolish or brave? Love your opinions on this and your comments have gotten me to bring you all the next part
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Post by TickleTorture »

(Sorry for the delay this should of been brought over sooner!)

Natalie had a shuddered breath as she heard him use that word to refer to her. It truly hitting her for the first time what she had just signed, what she had agreed too. She was now nothing but her master's property. She looked up at Alex, his icy blue eyes piercing her soul, sparking in expectation. "Ye- yes master." She replied standing up and moving to follow Alex. The grin on his face couldn't be removed.

She followed Alex silently through the bungalow, moving through it. It was very modern on the inside, with couches, televisions, rooms. Much too large for one person to live there. Alex looked over his shoulder. "Good, you're quiet. Do not fret, after a week or so I'll let you speak freely, as long as you remember to say master. But for now I would stay as quiet as possible as you become accumulated to your new status." He said as they entered what had to be the master bedroom. "What do you say."

Natalie shivered surprisingly before replying. "Yes master." She said stuttering. Alex smiled, beckoning her over to the bed. He opened a briefcase.

"Set this up on the plane." He muttered. "Saw your luggage of course. Brought your lingerie and some clothes from home. I'll mix it to what I'll buy you here, but do not worry I'll set up your clothing for any occasion." He continued to smile as he took out a set of lingerie. "Here, change." He said motioning her to take the lingerie.

Natalie was nervous. She had been nude in front of Alex before, but that was on her terms. Here he had complete dominance over her. "Yes master." She replied softly. Her hands were shaking as he pulled her tank top over her head. Revealing a simply bra and her fantastic body. She then unbuttoned her cargo pants and pulled them off. Taking a breath she then unclasped her bra, letting her breasts hang free. She then with timid hands pulled her panties down, every part of her body except her head was hairless, and Alex crossed his arms, looking her up and down.

"Very good slave." He said, his words piercing Natalie. He then patted the bed. "I haven't seen you in red. We should change that up." He said as Natalie walked over, looking at the lingerie laid out on the bed. It was a lacy firey red bra and panties, with black lace added to it. It also had a stockings attached to the panties that were dark in color. She quickly put on the lingerie, having to enjoy the feeling of it against her skin. She shuddered as she finished pulling up the stockings. Stepping back Alex motioned her to raise her arms. She looked at him, forced to strike a pose. "Very nice. You look beautiful my slave." ... -45289.jpg

"Thank you master." Natalie replied. Alex patted the bed, telling her to lay beside him.

"Come sit." He ordered. So Natalie did. She was surprised to see him take a syringe out of the briefcase. "You've slept a lot today, but I have not. I need to get some rest and we should begin in the morning. So this little syringe will make sure you sleep for about twelve hours or so." He said flicking the side as he grabbed her arm and pinched it. Natalie whimpered but said nothing as he put it in her arm. He then patted her arm. "Should take half an hour to knock you out. Come over here." He said bringing her over to the other side of the bed. It revealed that there seemed to be like a cage below the bed, fairly tight, but enough for her to lay in. Natalie stared at it.

"Um, Master?" Natalie murmured.

"Yes, slave?"

"You have a cage under your bed?" Natalie asked befuddled.

"You're my first pleasure slave. But I have had lovers that were, well, very submissive." He winked at Natalie and looked at her body. "Not this submissive however." He said patting her head. "Now, get it Natalie." He ordered her as he opened the door. It wasn't tall enough for her to sit up, but she was able to shuffle into it. It was about six feet long and three feet wide. It was a fairly tight fit but had the padding of a gym mat and a small plush pillow. She laid there looking up at Alex, already feeling a bit drowsy. "Wish your master goodnight slave." Alex ordered.

"Goodnight Master." Natalie replied.

"Goodnight slave." Alex said, closing the door, locking her in and pulling down a shade that was attached to the front of the cage. Fairly dark, Natalie, butterflies and all, soon found herself drifting off to sleep.
Alex walked over, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. It was morning, and he looked down at the cage. Pulling back the curtain he saw the sleeping teen, her eyes closed, dressed in lingerie. Her body perfect. He opened the door. "Awake my slave." He said, loud enough to get Natalie's eyes fluttering open. "Exit." Natalie was obviously groggy, but she pulled herself out of the cage, stumbling to her feet with Alex's help.

"Good morning master." Natalie said without orders.

"Good." Alex said with a small smile. "You said that without me telling you." He held her by the elbow as he gave her a tour through this part of the bungalow. Showing off all the rooms. "Don't worry I don't have a stereotypical red room like in that silly movie series." He said making Natalie giggle as he gave her a protein bar for breakfast. "But trust me, I have all the tools needed to discipline you." He added with a smirk.

"Understood master." Natalie replied as the tour continued.

He spoke for a couple of hours, eventually they ended up in a glass living room, leading to a balcony that had a view through the trees of a beach about a mile away. Under a blue sky it was a stunning view. "Now I might have you do some chores for me. Like dusting or laundry. But by and large you will look nice for me. Be my 'Whispering Maiden' eventually; and a companion. Eventually in bed." He sat on a chair, looking at Natalie, who remained in her lingerie.

Natalie raised her hand just a bit, to about her chest, looking timid. Alex nodded. "Um, Master. You're playing nice." She said, finally smirking at the end.

Alex raised an eyebrow, bringing his hands together. "Meaning?"

"You're being easy for me. You know I'm an American, willingly here." She took a breath, now smiling, almost cocky. "If you want to take me. To take everything. Treat me like the slaves I'm fighting for are treated. I know you haven't had one. But treat me how a slave girl is taken for the first time."


"Show me what I'm fighting for." Natalie replied confidently. Alex walked over, running his hands over her shoulders.

"Its noon." He said looking at a clock before looking back at her. "Going to be a long day for you." He said leading her into another room. It was dimmer, no windows, and there was a place for her arms to be tied above her head. A firmly bolted pipe. He took out a length of rope. "Arms up!" He said sternly, lifting Natalie's arms up. She was forced to stand on the balls of her feet. She was trembling, worried about what she had gotten herself into. Her wrists firmly lashed to the pipe. "I would give you an option to back out, but I'm not going to." He said forcing a ballgag deep into her mouth, buckling it behind her head. She stood there for a few moments, her legs already becoming sore as Alex stood behind her, enjoying the view. Then she heard the crack of a bull whip by her ear, making her jump. "This will be fun though." He mumbled. With a crack Natalie felt a horrid burning slash into her back.

"Aggghhihiheee!" She cried out into the rubber ball that filled her mouth. The pain something she had never felt before. Her back arched and she lifted up one foot in horrid pain. After another moment there was another crack, this time the back hit her back and side. "Aaaaaghhhhhhgiee!" Tears of pain immediately formed in her eyes. She was gasping in pain, this was not something she had imagined.

Alex walked around, entering Natalies view, enjoying how the teen's body trembled in terror now, her breaths large. He quickly had the whip lash out, striking her across her midriff. Natalie jerked her head back and screamed as her perfect belly had a red line that felt like it was on fire. Another crack, this time her other side was whipped, white hot irons seemed to be being pressed into her body. Her legs trembled from the pain.

Another crack, this time across her stomach. "Aggghhhhheenooohpmphhhhh!" She shook her head. Another crack, another scream. And again. Within minuets a dozen slashes crisscrossed her magnificent belly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gasped for air. Another crack, now her thigh felt like it was in great pain. Between her belly, back, and thigh, half her body felt like it was on fire.

Another crack, another scream as the whip expertly wrapped around her other thigh for maximum pain. Natalie pleaded into her gag. "No Natalie. You want to experience the horror you're up against. Many maiden slave girls endure even worse." The top of her thigh and waist was hit in one slash of the whip, then her nave was hit. Natalie bit down as hard as she could into the ball gag, sobbing as her ribs were hit with the whip, again and again. "Its only been half an hour. And its only been forty lashes." Natalie's body trembled in pain. "Sixty left."

"Noooomphheheepelsss!" Natalie pleaded into her gag sobbing. Alex walked over, grabbing her face, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Don't worry, we have lotion and bandages that will heal your wounds quickly." He turned to walk away, casually cracking the whip behind him, hitting her calf, making her feet up in the air. "Fifty nine now I suppose." He said whipping her belly again.
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Post by Daenarys »

Moral of this part - be careful what you wish for 😂 he was GOING to take it easy, now you get 100 lashes, ouuuuch lol. Also "I don't have a red room like those silly movies" is that a Fifty Shades reference 😂
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Post by trainer »

Bit late for me to comment but great addition to the story! Can't wait for more
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