Repercussions (FM/MMM)

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Repercussions (FM/MMM)

Post by Volobond »

Repercussions - Chapter 1: Cheaters Never Prosper

Dane grunted from exertion as he extended his arms, suspending the heavy barbell in the air. Sweat poured down his muscled arms and from his forehead. He had been exercising for the past two hours, partially to stave off his increasing desire for gratification.

Alina, his girlfriend of two years, and roommate of seven months, had instructed him quite explicitly not to masturbate for the seven days she would be away visiting family across the country. It had been sheer torture, but for the first four days he had held out, if only because of the implied promise of incredible sex the moment she crossed the threshold into their house.

But of course, Dane thought, it was unreasonable to expect a young man in his prime to be so disciplined when it came to matters of sex. And not only had he masturbated rather often for the last three days, but he had also ended up having sex with some girl he had met in the club. But it was all fine, because he hadn't been seen, they hadn't come back to the apartment, and Ali never need know about his indiscretion. So, now, here he was, exercising and straining every part of his body in the hopes of exhausting himself away from his computer, which still had the last adult movie he had been jacking off to paused on the screen.

Ali wouldn't be home for another few hours. He could wait that long...

And then the door slammed open. "Babe? I'm ho-ome!"

It was Ali.

"Shit," Dane murmured, moving into action, disregarding his tortured muscles. He ran a hand through his wavy blond hair before charging out of the home gym and quickly moving to the bedroom, where his computer was on. He quickly minimized the tab with the video on it, muting his computer as it started to play, the leather-clad woman starting to run her hands down the naked man's bound body, and then took out his phone and deleted the texts he had gotten from the girl at the club. Somehow she had found his number and started texting him, and then things had gotten out of hand. It was like this - looking at his phone, sweating like a pig, wearing just an Under Armor shirt and shorts with some tennis shoes - that Ali found him.

"Babe," she huffed a sigh, clearly annoyed. "Didn't you hear me?"

Dane gave her an apologetic grin. "Uh, no, sorry, babe. But - hey! You're back! So good to see you!"

He leaned in for a hug but she shook her head, smiling slyly. "Uh-uh. You're all stinky. Did you shower at all this week?"

"Not once. Saving my natural musk for you, babe."

"Lucky me." Ali rolled her eyes. She was smaller than her boyfriend, the top of her head coming up to his eyes, and he liked to make fun of her for this.

"Hey, uh, I did what you said." Dane lied, trying to remind her that she had basically promised sex as soon as she got back.

Ali's whole demeanor changed. Sometimes Dane thought she became a different person when it came to the bedroom. The friendly, almost geeky Ali would fall away and this thrilling, intimidating fantasy woman would be left in her place. Dane didn't even know he liked being tied up until she had cuffed him to the bed and edged him for hours. "Oh, did you, Dane? Were you a good boy for me?"

"Hell, yes, babe."

Ali smirked. "Prove it, then. Strip. Show me how ready you are for it."

Dane yanked his sweaty Under Armor off of his body, then kicked off his shoes. Ali chuckled at his eagerness.

She slowly backed away and sat on the chair in the bedroom. "The socks and underwear, too, boy. I want to see all of you."

He turned around and gave her a little show, wiggling his butt as his briefs came off, then slingshotting his socks at her. At her motion, he knelt in front of her chair, putting his hands behind his head. He gave a small cry of disgust as he sniffed his armpit.

"Look at you," Ali murmured, looking at his dick, which was already standing proud. "Oh, baby boy, we've got to take care of that, haven't we?"

Dane nodded. He knew Ali liked it more when he let her do the talking.

"On the bed, babe. Hands on the headboard." He leapt up from his position and flung himself on the bed face-up, lifting his arms and grabbing the headboard as instructed. Ali retrieved rope from the nightstand and quickly began wrapping his wrists and pinning them together in secure rope cuffs, then tying them to the headboard. She dragged her nails down his body as she moved to tie his feet apart.

"I almost wish I had had you keep the socks on." Ali chided, making a face. Dane blushed as she pulled his legs apart and secured his ankles to the legs of the bed. Finally, with a smaller coil of rope, Ali tied up his balls and penis.

"Ah, c'mon, babe." Dane whined before Ali leaned over and kissed him, shutting him up.

"Shhh. I want this to last, and with you being so good for me, you'll need this or you'll end things early."

Dane sighed, but did not argue.

"You look good, babe." Ali said, admiring her handiwork. "And comfy. I think I better start taking clothes off, too."

Dane nodded seriously. "Yeah, I think that would be best."

As Ali grasped the hem of her shirt, ready to pull it up and off, there came the small bloop of a text notification. Then another, and another.

"What the hell...?" Ali muttered, digging for her phone, almost forgetting her hot tied-up boyfriend under her.

OMG your asshole boyfriend...Have you seen this...So sorry girl...Want me to fight him?... said her notifications, as more kept flooding in. Ali clicked one and saw that her friends had been sending her pictures of Dane in the club dancing with another woman, and then going into one of the bathrooms with her, then coming out, disheveled and still kissing passionately, obviously just having had sex.

"What's going on, babe? You okay?" Dane asked, shifting his shoulder. Ali's knee was digging into his side and really starting to hurt. Ali silenced her phone and smiled at him.

"Totally, babe. Just everyone welcoming me back. Now... where were we?"

"You were saying how you want this to last, and how you were gonna start taking off stuff?"

"Right." Ali's smile widened. "Well, let me slip into something more comfortable, huh?"

Dane gave a playful growl. "Yes, please!"

Ali slid off of him and went to the bathroom, making a beeline for the medicine cabinet and taking out a small bottle. She pulled off her shirt and turned the bottle over onto it, staining it with chloroform. She turned and headed back to the bed.

"Babe? You okay? You're still dressed. Are you - mmmmm! MMMMMMMM!" Dane cried out as she stuffed her shirt over his face, making sure to get him inhaling the fumes of the chemical.

"You fucked up good, babe. We were gonna take our own little vacation. But no, you had to ruin it, didn't you? Well, don't worry, baby. I've got a plan. You're never gonna be able to do this again. So I hope it was worth it!"

Dane gave one final scream before succumbing to the chloroform, falling unconscious. Ali glared at him a moment more before grabbing her phone and calling one of her contacts.

"Hi. Mac? It's Ali. No, I'm not doing so hot. It's my boyfriend. ...Yeah. Can you come over? And bring your boyfriend. He's Dane's friend, too, right? Oh, really? Well, that's great, then. Yeah. Just come over, I'll explain when you get here. And bring the stuff.

"I think I'm finally ready to do this."

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Post by MaxRoper »

Uh-oh. Looks like Dane got himself in deep. He's certainly earned whatever he's about to receive.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] Definitely some risky business mixing FM/MMM together on this board!
Here's to hoping this will pay off! If the cards are in your favour, you may succeed in attracting a somewhat broader audience than what F/M and M/M stories generally garner.

I'd suggest you make a quick move to add "Repurcussions" to the Catalog Section.
This'll get you more views and it'll allow you to lay out a brief synopsis for your story.

As for the story itself, sounds like cheating Dane's in for rough ride.
An interesting beginning to say the least.
Being only into M/M and M/F themes, I'll admit, this is outside of my go-to zone.

But when I saw your username, I knew I had to check this out.
Glad I did.

Anxious to see where Ali will be leading her cheating-ass boyfriend next ;)
This is detailed and exceptionally well developed.
Superb stuff, my friend!

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Post by Volobond »

Thanks so much for your encouragement, [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] and [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! I was really hoping to write Dane with a kind of douche-y vibe to him.

Also, bondagefreak, thanks for the Story Catalog tip. I may have gone a little overboard and put my other story in the catalog, too. It's just really cool to see how supportive all you guys are. :)

Anyway, I hope to continue all my stories soon!

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Post by mikeybound »

Can’t wait for the lockup! I do recommend adding a PA piercing with the cage in this story.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This is some high quality stuff right there.

"Punishing unfaithful lover" story is a great classic and inviting a M/M couple is a lovely twist. Both characters feel distinct: Ali sweet but merciless and Dane confident and not very brilliant.

I'm looking forward to see what she has in store for his boyfriend. Thanks for sharing this with us.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

To [mention]mikeybound[/mention], I'm not sure how those things really work, and I don't know that I'd be comfortable writing piercings, but I hope you'll keep reading anyway! :oops:

By the way, the locking will happen not in this chapter, but the next. Don't you worry about it. I have plenty of devious thoughts in mind...

Repercussions - Chapter 2: Transporting the Goods

Dane groaned as he awoke, his head full of fuzz. At first he was extraordinarily discombobulated, not able to remember anything that had happened since Ali came home.

And then he remembered. Ali tying him up naked, about to take off her clothes. And then... what?

Dane would've scratched his head, but he couldn't move his arms much. And then full awareness returned. Ali had done this to him. She had knocked him out with something sweet-smelling...

He was in a dark, yet oppressive and compressed space. There was definitely some kind of canvas material around him, like he was in a bag or something. His arms were bound tightly behind him, hands cupping his opposite elbows and any knots placed out of reach. He was folded forward, his head pressing into his knees, his neck pulled down by a rope loop attached to the rope binding his ankles. On top of this, not only was he still naked, but there was a thick ball in his mouth, gagging him, strapped tightly around his head.

Immediately Dane began to struggle. "Nnraggh! Nrraghgh!"

Of course, being so thoroughly roped, this did very little. He let out another few growls before they faded to muffled pleas for help.

What Dane didn't know was that he was in a bag. A large duffle bag, to be exact. Which was itself in the trunk of a car. And in the cabin of the car were his three captors.

-About thirty minutes previous...-

Ali was nervously pacing the apartment, sweeping her wavy brown hair into a tight bun. She had kind of acted on pure impulse, and it was dawning on her that there was no backing out. And in this particular situation, she had called in the only person she could completely trust.

A knock came on the door. Ali sprang to open it, yanking the door wide to reveal her best friend Mackenzie, a lanky guy with short brown hair. They had been friends since kindergarten, and people often joked that they must have been related. And behind Mac was his boyfriend, Paxton, a big jock-type with blond hair and big muscles. Ali suddenly realized that she and Mac seemed to have the same taste in men, as well.

"Everything is fine, now. We're here." Mac announced dramatically, sweeping past Ali. "Now, what's the trouble?"

Pax moved into the room, shouldering a large duffle bag. "Uh, Mac? Where d'you want this?"

Mac smiled kindly at his boyfriend. "Just plop it anywhere, love."

Ali stomped her foot. "Look, I found out Dane cheated on me, so I kind of knocked him out while I had him tied up."

Mac's gentle smile grew devious. "And that was when you started to consider my offer? To have Dane as the perfect boyfriend, who would obey your every request?"

Ali nodded. "But now that I think about it, it's a little bit drastic."

Mac gave her an understanding shoulder-pat. "Of course, of course. Do you mind if I play a little with Pax? He gets a little antsy around other people if I don't give him orders."

"Uh... go ahead." Ali spared a glance at Pax, who had been nudging the duffle bag with his foot, trying to get it into the exact center of the room. He looked slightly troubled.

Mac's voice suddenly became harsh and authoritative. "Paxton."

Pax's body went rigid, but his face relaxed, as if everything was going to be fine.

"Hands behind your back. Kneel." Mac ordered. Pax obeyed instantly, crossing his wrists and kneeling without hesitation. "Your hands are tied. You can feel the rope digging into your wrists, but no matter how much you struggle, they remain bound. Your ankles are bound, and the rope connects to the rope around your hands. Can you tell me what you are, Paxton?"

Ali looked on in wonder as the huge dude serenely took the orders. Pax took a while to respond, seemingly savoring the phantom sensations of having his legs and arms tied up.

"I'm hogtied, Master. I'm hogtied for you."

"That's right. Good boy. You are gagged, too. You can feel my hand over your mouth, keeping you from speaking. Even if you try, my hand keeps you from talking. Do you understand, Paxton?"

"Mmmmmmm." Pax groaned. Ali's breath hitched as she saw his cheeks puff up with air as though there really were a hand over his mouth.

"And now, Paxton, you feel my hands on your body, under your shirt. You can feel me caressing your abs, pinching your nipples, sliding into your pants and teasing you. Isn't that right?"

Paxton tipped forward, his legs moving up into the air as the imaginary ropes hogtying him kept them anchored to his wrists. He writhed and rolled on the ground, the sound of his moans escaping through his pressed-together lips.

"Good, you're such a good boy. I love you, Pax."

And with his nickname, the spell seemed to be broken. Pax glanced at himself almost in surprise for a moment before surrendering to the pleasurable torment his body was subjected to, his eyes rolling up in his head.

Mac had always been a man who longed for control and domination, and he had always had an interest in hypnotism. Ali had just gotten a demonstration of it in action, Pax fully conditioned to obey Mac's commands when they were accompanied by his full name. And Ali was imagining Dane like this, pliant and bound by nothing more than her words and his will to obey her. And her resolve returned, obliterating her hesitation.

"I've changed my mind." she announced.

Mac grinned at her. "I thought you might. We prefer using physical ropes, but hypnotic suggestion works in a pinch. Now, show me what I have to work with. Quickly now, I don't think I want to let my baby boy come just yet."

Pax's eyes shot open and he started struggling a bit, but couldn't escape the bonds that weren't there. Mac blew him a kiss and stepped over him as he followed Ali into the bedroom.

Over the next minutes, Mac helped her to retie the unconscious Dane into a ball so that he would fit into the duffle bag he and Pax had brought. Mac commanded Pax to carry the duffle bag to the car and put it in the trunk, hypno-gagging him when he protested that Dane was still his friend, even if he was a cheater. After that, Mac had re-hypno-tied Pax in the backseat and had Ali sit in the back to supervise him while he drove them around. They had been driving for quite a while when they heard Dane's shouts.

"He's awa-a-ake!" Mac sang cheerfully. He pulled off to a secluded side road while they all listened to Dane's angry yells turn into sobbed pleas for help. Ali saw Pax looking quite flushed and aroused. Friend or no, it seemed he enjoyed Dane's predicament just as much as the other two.

Ali made to get out, but Mac stopped her.

"I really think you ought to avoid him seeing you for now. It's all part of the plan. I'll take care of this."

Ali watched through the windows as Mac moved to the back of the car and opened the trunk. She ducked slightly and peered through the small space available when the trunk was opened.

Mac slowly unzipped the duffle bag, appreciating Dane's whimper as the sudden light blinded him.

"Nnnragh, Mmrrah?" Dane asked, recognizing his best friend's lover.

"Hi, Dane. We'll talk in a little bit. For now, I'm gonna need you to sleep some more."

In full view of Dane, Mac withdrew a small bottle of chloroform and poured it onto a rag he pulled from his pocket. Dane attempted to struggle away, but Mac simply grabbed his wavy blond hair roughly and smashed the rag into his face. With a few more screams and futile struggles, Dane was again unconscious.

Mac flicked the trunk closed and slipped back into the car. "Now, Ali, dear. You'd like to hear the plan now, wouldn't you?"

Ali glanced at Pax, who smirked before trying to speak again, his cheeks puffing with air. "Let me guess. It involves hypnosis, like you've got on Pax?"

"It does and it doesn't. But at the end, I guarantee you'll have Dane-o hanging on your every whim."

And Mac started the car back up, and as they drove towards his and Pax's shared house in the suburbs, Mac began to tell Ali the plan.
Last edited by Volobond 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

'Devious thoughts', indeed.

Verbal bondage is a unique concept that left me hot and bothered as much as the real one. Paxton and Mac seems like the perfect couple for it, too. Seeing a submissive guy getting immobilized and silenced with nothing but commands.

There's also a great deal of small details that fleshed out the characters:Mac's way of speaking, Ali changing her idea about Dane halfway through and Paxton being initially reluctant about punishing his friend.

I'm looking forward for seeing more of this story, brilliant work.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Johnsnow »

I don't know how I missed this before, but I really like what you got going. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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Post by Volobond »

Hey all! Bringing you another chapter! Be sure to check out my story ideas poll here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=4249 to vote on what you'd like to see next from me, and comment on the specifics of what you want to see!

And now, here we go again!

Repercussions - Chapter 3: The Art of War

Dane awoke again to find his arms aching. The workout he had been doing earlier today had already taken a lot out of him, and being trapped in a bag for God-knows-how-long was even more taxing, but this new position had his arms on fire.

He was standing, bound to a large metal X. Leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles connected to shiny metal rings on the X by carabiner clips, raising his arms in the air and keeping his legs spread. The ball gag was still secured in his mouth, and he had drooled quite a bit in his sleep, a small puddle forming on the floor beneath his head. At least he was no longer naked...

But considering that he was wearing a pair of Ali's pink lacy panties, that wasn't as much of a comfort. Not only was it humiliating, it was uncomfortable, as the way they had been put on him pinned his painfully-hard manhood straight up, sticking out of the waistband. Every time he moved, the lacy edge would brush up against him, making him whimper through the gag. It was a wonder he hadn't yet shot his load.

And he was in what looked like a basement, the only exit being stairs leading to a door.

Dane struggled as much as he could without moving his hips, which amounted to ineffectually pulling at the carabiners. "Nnngraahh! Aaa-eeee!"

As if responding to his garbled use of her name, the door slammed open to reveal Ali herself, dressed in a new shirt and yoga pants, her hair pulled up into a tight bun. She knew that seeing her in tight clothing was always a turn on for him, and seemed to be taking advantage.

"Oh, Dane. Your punishment is only just beginning."

"Paa-i-maarrgh Ngggrhr!" Dane was almost on the verge of tears again from frustration and humiliation.

Ali grinned and laid her hand over the ball in his mouth, silencing him further. "No, boy. You don't get to talk, yet. When you talk, you make everything worse." She looked down and admired the lacy prison his package was enduring. "Oh, aren't you pretty?"

"Faaargh-ooo!" Dane screamed, and Ali's smile faded. She grabbed Dane by the neck, forcing his head back against the X.

"I heard that. And I'm going to let it go, this time. Be sure it doesn't happen again."

Dane glared at her for a moment, and then bowed his head. He might not have been particularly bright, but he knew that right now, she had all the cards, and he had no choice but to obey.

"Good boy. Maybe you deserve a little reward?" Ali nearly snickered at the way Dane's head snapped back up. She slid the hand at Dane's throat down his body, stroking between his pectorals and rock-hard abs before cupping the bulge he had.

Dane arched as far forward as he good, moaning with abandon as Ali palmed him, massaging and kneading. "Rrraaagh..."

He was going to... he was going to come... just a little more... just... a...little...

And Ali stopped. She stepped back, leaving (most of) Dane hanging limp.

"Your reward was my touch, boy. You're still going to be punished. And I'm certainly not going to give you permission to come yet. Didn't I tell you to save it all for me this week?"

Dane gave a loud moan of frustration, his voice cracking.

"No, I don't think so. In fact, I don't think I can trust you with this just yet." Ali said with a wicked smile. She stepped forward and pulled hard on the panties, and with a rip, they came off of Dane's legs, ending his humiliation, but depriving him of his only remaining source of stimulation.

Dane started to actually cry a little as she walked away, back up the stairs. Ali laughed at the hopeful look Dane gave when she returned, carrying something in each hand. At first he didn't understand. In her left hand was a small metal device that looked kind of like it was a - oh no. It was a cage. A cage for his dick. A chastity cage that would prevent him from getting hard. And in the other hand was an ice pack. What was Ali planning to do with -

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" Dane screamed as Ali placed the ice pack on his balls. It was painful, but it did the trick. Dane's manhood deflated, and he let out a few broken sobs as she quickly and purposefully locked the chastity cage on him, tossing the ice pack away from her. He felt emasculated. Humiliated. He felt - owned. Like a pet that had to be controlled.

Ali smiled at him softly and slowly wiped away his tears, kissing him on both cheeks. "Baby, this is for your own good. You've shown me you can't handle being in charge of this, so I'm gonna do that for you. Okay? I'm in charge, and I tell you when you get to come and when you have to wait. And all you have to do is listen to me."

Dane sniffled as Ali kissed him again on the cheek, right on the strap of the gag. She put her hands on him and rubbed his torso gently, feeling up his muscles, stroking his biceps, rubbing his nipples between her fingers.

Dane gave an involuntary moan and then whimpered as his penis tried to get hard, but was prevented by the cold hard metal of the cage. It was painful, and he struggled not to start crying again.

"It's okay, baby. All you have to do is listen to me. You're gonna stay here for a little while longer, babe. And when I come back to get you, we're gonna see if you're ready to be a good boy again."

She moved away again, and turned without looking back. As she climbed the stairs, she smiled again at the sound of Dane whimpering her name through the ball gag, pleading unintelligibly.

She opened the door and moved to the living room of Mac and Pax's house, where Mac had Pax practically mummified with rope. Pax was leaning back against Mac's chest, looking absolutely contented. Mac was scrolling on his phone with one hand and handgagging Pax with the other. Occasionally he would press a kiss to the top of Pax's head, which would make the man sigh happily and try to snuggle himself deeper into Mac.

Ali coughed, making Mac look up. "Is it done yet?"

Mac nodded. "All set to go. He'll be here at about nine o'clock."

Ali glanced at her phone. "Gives us about three hours."

"I already ordered some pizza. It'll keep for a snack after we eat."

-Earlier, in the car...-

"Hypnosis isn't mind control, Ali. We're not talking about turning Dane into some kind of mindless thrall. You can't be hypnotized unless you want to. So, my plan to get Dane as beautifully trained as Pax... is to get him to want to be hypnotized."

"Just that simple? How do you suggest we do that?"

"Easy. All we have to do is get him to say - and really mean the words 'I'll do anything.'"

"Again, how do-"

"I find most guys tend to be more compliant when they're totally out-of-their-minds horny. That's how I got this guy."

Mac tossed his phone to her in the back seat. Already pulled up was a picture from the private folder in his photo gallery. It was a burly naked man with dark hair and a thick mustache and beard ballgagged and kneeling, leather cuffs binding his hands together and pulling them straight up, exposing his armpits. Despite the vulnerability, the man was giving a glazed smile at the camera.

"That's my real estate agent. He's freelance. I kind of seduced him, tied him up, and got him to beg me to let him get off. I told him to let me hypnotize him, and he did. Whenever I say 'tickled,' he feels like he's being tickled. Same for 'teased' and 'spanked.' He comes by every couple of weeks for a session. Pax likes getting to be part of the in charge team for once."

"So, I make Dane horny enough to do anything to get off?"

"Dane's a lot stronger. Instead, you have to Pavlov's dog him. Condition him. We want him to see that 'making your own decisions' is bad and 'obeying Ali' is good. So a punishment/reward scenario. But first, we're gonna show him who is boss."

"I like that."

"So, you'll have him tied up, and you'll bring him to the edge before locking him up in chastity. Then we can talk about the next move."

Ali had a devilish grin on her face. "Way ahead of you. We're adding someone to the list."

Mac looked at her in the rearview window. "I'm intrigued."

Pax moaned inquisitively, hypno-bound and gagged as he was.

"Someone brought Dane to that club. His old high school buddy, Logan. Dane always listens to whatever that prick says. He's a biker now or something. Goes cross-country doing odd jobs. Nobody'll miss him if we take him."

"Oh, I see." Mac said. "Establish dominance by taking down an authority figure. And I assume that Pax and I get to keep him?"

"As long as Dane sees him losing control to me. And I think we might even get Dane to help us capture him. He's still in town, I think, so we'll invite him to a poker night."

"You know the saying, right? 'No plan withstands first contact with the enemy?'" Mac said slyly.

"Oh, but this is foolproof. By morning, we'll have two guys in our power, ready to start being controlled."

"Aw, yeah! That's the Ali I know!" Mac cheered.

And now, their plan was on the way to fruition.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

New captives? That's going to make things even more interesting.

I love how Mac is casually manupilating multiple people at once with ease, a real inspiration.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Repercussions: Chapter 4 - His First Orders

Mac gave a low whistle. "That's Logan? Wow."

Ali had pulled up Dane's social media on her phone, showing Mac a picture. Mac angled it downward to the tied-up Pax, and he nodded appreciatively. Mac had refused to untie Pax just yet, and had fed him a few pieces of pizza by hand. It seemed this was a normal occurrence, as Pax was experienced at eating without hands.

In the picture, Logan was leaning over on his motorcycle. Unlike Pax and Dane, Logan was more lanky and lean, but he was extraordinarily handsome. Even Ali had to admit that with his emerald eyes and jet black hair cut a striking image.

Ali had busied herself by utilizing Mac and Pax's video game console for a while. The sound was turned up loud, but she still felt like she could hear Dane's resigned moans. She turned to them after a while. Mac was watching her play while Pax had turned in his bondage onto his side so he could better kiss Mac's neck. "What time is it?"

Mac glanced down at his phone, smiling as Pax stretched and started kissing his cheek. "We have around an hour."

Ali nodded, pausing the game. "Good. I guess it's time to let Dane know the plan."

As she left, Mac patted Pax's chest. "I do hate to let you go so soon, but I think it's time you and I got ready."

Pax sighed, kissing Mac on the lips. "Do we have to, Sir?"

Mac nodded, not rising to the bait. Pax knew that Mac really enjoyed hearing him defer with titles. "Yes, Pax. We do. But not to worry; I'll have you tied up again soon."

"Promise?" Pax asked hopefully.

Mac nodded again before working at the ropes.

Dane was crying again when Ali returned. He just felt so helpless. There was nothing he could do about his situation, and he was in pain. His arms were still on fire, and his legs weren't doing much better. His throat hurt from yelling, and his jaw hurt from the ball gag. Not to mention, he was constantly in pain from the chastity cage. He couldn't help but keep getting hard from his bondage, only to suffer more as the cage prevented him.

Ali moved forward and wordlessly undid the ankle cuffs, then stood and undid the wrist cuffs. She helped Dane as he began to fall forward, maneuvering him safely to the ground and holding him while he cried.

"Hii aaaa-eeee..." He sobbed, over and over again through the ball gag. His arms were so tired he didn't have the strength to lift them behind his head.

Ali stroked his hair. "I know you are. But you did something bad, and bad boys have to be punished. You don't like being punished, right?"

He shook his head.

"You wanna be good for me, right?"


She took his arms and began massaging them. Dane moaned in relief, eager for some kind touch. "Well, here's your chance. If you're good for me, I'll take the cage off of you. Here."

She undid the ball gag, tossing it aside and massaging Dane's jaw.

"Thank you, Ali. Thank you. I'll be good." Dane whispered, trying to huddle closer to her. She smiled benevolently.

"Good boy. We're gonna see an old friend tonight. You remember Logan, huh?"

Dane looked at her in pure fear. Ali stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. "Don't worry. Logan's been a bad boy too, and we're gonna make him a good boy just like you. You wanna know how?"

He looked hesitant, but Ali helped him to stand up. "We're inviting him here for poker night. And you're gonna be here making him feel at ease. Just like old times. And if you do that," Ali interrupted, because Dane looked pitiful. "I'm gonna get that cage off."

Dane was really out of it, but he seemed to realize that Ali held the only key to him ever achieving pleasure again, and she seemed more than willing to cause pain. So he nodded and let her help him up the stairs, where Pax and Mac were waiting. Pax took hold of Dane, lifting him easily.

"Hey, man. How's it going?" he asked. Dane looked shocked to see his best friend, but nodded weakly.

"Paxton, you are gagged." Mac muttered before moving away. Ali noticed Pax's mouth snap shut and freeze. He still helped Dane into a chair while Ali started to feed him some pizza and get him to drink some water. Pax started rubbing Dane's shoulders concernedly as Dane ate and drank greedily. Mac soon appeared with the outfit Ali had selected for Dane.

It was a group effort, but they got Dane into the basketball shorts and loose white tank top. And finally, Dane seemed well enough to move his arms and walk around on his own, although he often jolted in pain from the cage.

"So, Dane. I just want you to act normal tonight. Okay?"

Dane nodded. He was afraid of being imprisoned and left again. He shuddered when Mac gripped his arm firmly. "Dane. Look at me."

His voice was full of authority. "Dane. You are not in danger. You are perfectly safe. Relax."

Almost instantly Dane's shoulders drooped and he sighed. He plopped down into his seat at the table and grinned at Pax.

"Paxton, you are free to speak." Mac called, and Pax rolled his eyes before giving Dane a "what are you gonna do" look.

Ali glanced quizzically at Mac. Hypnosis? she mouthed.

Mac grinned and shook his head.

And then the doorbell rang.

It was time to start the game.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Logan stands no chance. This is going to be one interesting kidnapping, with how Dane acts as an involuntary bait.

Can't wait to read the rest.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Repercussions- Chapter 5: Play the Player

Ali smiled at him, all the while thinking one thought: You bastard.

Logan had been absolutely insufferable the whole night. He was so conceited, not to mention rude. He had been blatantly flirting with both Max and her all night, despite them being paired up with what where supposedly his best friends. Thankfully, Dane had played his part well. Sure, he was a little more distant than usual, and he couldn't control the occasional wince of pain when he would strain against the cage, but overall he acted as normal.

It was almost unsettling how easily Mac and Pax acted... normal, as if one didn't have total control over the other. They joked and teased each other, and Mac was entirely hospitable towards Logan.

"How are you friends with that guy?" Ali asked Pax in the kitchen, when they were clearing away the pizza boxes while the others prepped the poker game.

Pax shrugged. "He's more Dane's friend. But you gotta admit, the guy's pretty charismatic."

Ali snorted. "He's pretty something, that's all right."

"Come on, let's play some cards. It'll relax them both."

So they played some poker. However, among Ali's many talents were her skill at Texas Hold'em. Being an exceptional observer, Mac was particularly good at noticing when someone was bluffing. But Logan turned out to be quite the player himself.

Eventually Ali and Logan were the only ones left in the game.

"Your girl's so much better at poker than you are, man!" Logan teased Dane. Dane smiled weakly. "How do you get away with anything?"

Ali smirked. "Oh, believe me, he doesn't."

Logan's eyes roved over her again. She gave him a steely look, and they remained silent for a while, until Logan broke his gaze and looked at Mac. "I feel bad being the only ones good enough to stay in the game. D'you want back in? We'll make it interesting."

Pax narrowed his eyes as Logan gave Mac the same appraising look he had given Ali. "Interesting how?"

Logan kept looking at Mac as he responded. "We'll play some strip poker."

Dane turned pale. "Uh, I don't think that's such a good-"

"I'm in." Ali said. Mac shrugged and nodded, then looked at Pax, who gave his own grudging nod.

Dane sighed. "Okay."

And they played on. Surprisingly, for how distracted he had been, Dane won the first hand. Ali took out her hair tie, letting it fall around her shoulders, winking sarcastically at Logan when he sighed in disappointment. Mac reached down and took off his shoe. Pax, who hadn't been wearing much to start with, took off his shirt. Logan stood and pulled off his leather jacket, leaving him in a wifebeater and jeans.

Another few rounds, and Pax was completely naked, covering his junk with his hands. Dane had blushed and scooted in closer to the table to slip off his basketball shorts the previous round, concealing his locked-up manhood from Logan. Mac was still wearing his shirt and underwear. Ali was wearing the most clothes, still wearing her sports bra and yoga pants, although she had lost her shirt. Logan was in nothing but his boxers.

"Huh. I know when I'm beat." Logan grinned. "I surrender."

Ali scoffed. "Uh-uh. You can't forfeit. We're playing to the death."

"Wanna see my naked that badly, huh?" Logan winked. "I tell you what. Last hand, double or nothing."

Mac held up a hand to forestall Ali's protest. "What'd you have in mind?"

Logan made a gesture indicating himself. "You think I don't know what you're doing?"

Ali glared at him. "What are you talking about?"

Logan smirked. "You can't stand me. I can see it in your eyes. Mac's been looking at me all night like he's figuring out how to break me apart. Oh, and most telling? Dane's all locked up."

Dane looked at Logan. "You knew?"

"Yeah. It shows through your shorts, you know. So here's what I think. You found out something, Ali. Something that made you snap. Now you're punishing Dane. And you wanna punish me. But I bet you didn't see this coming: I like being controlled. So here's the deal. One last hand. If either of you win, I'll submit to you willingly. Make me your slave, make me whatever you want."

Ali snuck a peek at Mac. He was looking at Logan with a newfound interest. She maintained her stony glare. "And if you win?"

Logan shrugged. "If I win, then you let me have Dane."

"What?" Ali asked, shocked.

"WHAT?" Dane nearly shouted. He looked at Logan, so betrayed.

Mac sighed. "Paxton, restrain and gag Dane."

Pax jolted, but remained in his chair. Pax glanced pleadingly at Mac. "Please, Sir. He's scared."

Mac raised an eyebrow. "Don't you trust me, Paxton?"

Pax nodded, and his body suddenly lurched out of the chair. As if he were being pulled, he crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Dane from behind, pinning him to the chair with one and handgagging him with the other. Over Dane's muffled grunts, Pax murmured into his ear. "Sorry, man. Can't help it. Just be good for them. Okay?"

"Dane is not trained. What makes you think you could handle him?" Mac asked.

Logan shrugged. "I can just tie him up, put him on my bike til we get to the nearest motel, train him there."

Ali snapped. "Let's do it. Just remember your side of the deal when I win."

Logan sat back down. "Great. Likewise."

They played the final hand, Dane struggling the whole time against Pax's immovable grip. It was tense, but Ali won the hand.

Mac narrowed his eyes at Logan, who sighed happily.

He stood and stripped off his boxers with haste. And then he knelt, lacing his hands behind his head. "Well, Master? Mistress? What will you do to me?"

Ali and Mac shared a surprised glance.

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Post by MountainMan_91 »


I kinda don't have words... this is an amazing piece of work! I enjoyed every second of it.

Anticipation of Logan, Dane and Pax bound together will keep me up for a while now!

Great job
Learning new things each day...

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Post by Volobond »

Repercussions - Chapter 6: Induction

Mac smiled benevolently at Logan. "Good boy. Stand and follow your new master."

Logan obeyed instantly, and Ali recognized the same relief in his body language as she had in Pax's earlier today at her apartment when Mac had hypno-bound him. Something had been off. Did Logan... actually want to be made into a slave or something?

Mac looked over his shoulder at Pax, who's arms were still wrapped tightly around Dane, immobilizing him. "Paxton. Until the next time you see me, you obey Ali's every command."

"Yes, Sir." Pax replied automatically. Then he looked confused. "Wait, what?"

But Mac had already left. Ali smirked. "Pax. Stick out your tongue and lick Dane's face for me."

Pax jolted, but did not obey. "Hell, no!"

"Wait a sec." Ali held up a finger. Mac always used his full name. "Paxton, lick Dane."

Pax grimaced, but tentatively stuck out his tongue and touched it to Dane's temple before snapping his head away. Dane struggled wildly, yelling into Pax's palm.

"Sorry, guys. I just had to check."

Pax scowled at her. "Ali, that's not okay. You can't just-"

"Paxton? Gagged."

Pax fell silent and settled for glaring. Mac had said that the trick to getting his subjects trained was making them submit completely. It seemed that Pax was so completely submissive to him that his control lasted even when he wasn't around. Ali grinned and walked over, pushing the table aside so that she could kneel down at Dane's feet.

"You did good, Dane. For most of the night."

He stared at her blankly.

Ali nodded. "You obeyed me right up until the end, and then you ruined it. You spent the entire last hand resisting. And so, for that reason, I'm not going to take the cage off now. You need to learn who you answer to. You need to learn that all you have to do is obey me, and forget everything else. Paxton, let him speak."

Pax's hand lifted, and Ali smiled at what tumbled out of Dane's mouth. She had expected resistance, but instead he immediately began to beg.

"Ali, please, I can't take it any more! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just please get it off of me! You don't even have to let me go! Just take it off. I swear, I'm so sorry for everything! I-mmmmmmm!"

Ali had motioned to Pax, and he covered up Dane's mouth. Dane whimpered pitifully. Ali stood and bent forward, looking directly into Dane's eyes. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm gonna leave the cage on. Pax and I are gonna wrap you up nice and tight so you can get some sleep and not have to worry about anything at all. I'm gonna cover your mouth in tape so you don't say anything you'll regret. And in the morning, we'll see if you can be a good boy for me."

Ali moved to grab some supplies from a nearby hall closet and nodded to Pax. "Paxton, let him go. If he tries to leave, restrain him."

Dane nearly flew out of the chair. Ali pointed to the floor. "Lie down."

Dane's shoulders slumped, all the fight gone. He slowly knelt and then turned to lie faceup on the floor. Ali tossed a roll of tape to Pax, who sighed sympathetically. This was not going to be fun for Dane to have taken off.

"Sit here." Mac said softly. Logan took the assigned spot, a small couch in Mac and Pax's bedroom that Pax sometimes liked to read on. But it was also used as a sleeping place for the occasional subject Mac had over, such as Oliver, the real estate agent. "Hold out your hands."

"Are you going to hypnotize me?" Logan asked, his voice absent of all the bluster it had had before.

"Depends. Do you want to be hypnotized?" Mac asked evenly.

"I - I don't know. Not...yet."

"Then no, not yet. But I am going to make you a proposition."

"And what's that?"

"First, some questions. You bet that if you lost, we could do whatever we wanted to you. Make you a slave. Is that something you want?"

Logan shrugged.

Mac sighed. "Okay. You said that you liked being controlled. Care to elaborate?"

Logan opened his mouth, then seemed to think better of it.

Mac sat next to him on the couch. "How about we play a game? It'll be like hangman. Every question you answer, I'll tie you up a little more. When we're done, I'll gag you. You don't have to be embarrassed. It's just us."

Logan nodded. Mac helped him stand and guided him to the bed.

"Okay, question 1. What did you mean when you said you liked being controlled?"

Logan squirmed a little on the bed. "Uh... I like being tied up. I like being taken care of. And I like it when the two are mixed."

Mac nodded. "Alright. Leg or arm?"


Mac grabbed a set of restraints from the nightstand drawer, one for each limb. As he secured Logan's wrist above his head to the middle of the headboard, he said, "These are padded leather, so they'll be soft on your wrists. You can struggle all you like, and you won't be able to break out of 'em. Try it if you want."

Mac returned to the foot of the bed as Logan yanked on the cuff, even using his free hand to try and pull his wrist away from the headboard.

"Question two. Do you want to be tied up and taken care of by me?"

Logan smiled. "Yes, Sir."

Mac grinned. "Leg or arm?"

Logan raised an eyebrow. "That was a freebie. Leg."

Mac inclined his head. "As you wish." He took the opposite ankle from the wrist cuffed to the headboard, and linked the ankle to a bedpost. He moved back to his position. "Harder one now. Why do you like being controlled - or, being taken care of?"

Logan tilted his head back in thought. "I guess... I'm lonely. I've had to do a lot for myself, by myself. It makes me like having someone else call my shots. I guess I've never really felt that kind of trust." When Mac didn't respond, he shook his free hand. "Arm, please, Sir."

Mac moved and cuffed the remaining wrist identically to the other. "Okay. Last one, and then I'll gag you. What do you want with Dane?"

And this time Logan said without hesitation, "Nothing."


"I like him, a lot. More than like. Earlier, I wanted to make him mine. But now I don't need to. I'm being taken care of."

"So... up until I tied you up, you were trying to get Dane for yourself?" Mac asked conversationally as he cuffed Logan's ankle.

"Mmm-hmmm." Logan said softly.

"You know that Pax and I are a package deal, right?" Mac pointed out. "If we end up taking you on, you will be ours."


"And you're okay with this? You want to be ours?"


"I need you to say it."

"I want to be yours, Master. I want to be Pax's. I want to belong to you both, for as long as I can." Logan whispered. Mac smiled.

"One last question, boy. What kind of gag do you want?"

"A ball gag, please. I've never tried one."

Mac obliged, rummaging in the restraints drawer until he found the ball wrapped in cloth. In no time, he had removed it and buckled the strap around Logan's head. Logan hummed in pleasure.

"Rest. Tonight, you'll get to sleep on the bed, and Pax and I will be here when you wake up. If tomorrow, you're still sure, we'll start the process."

Ali put the finishing touch on Dane, a blindfold. He was otherwise completely covered in tape, except for his nose sticking out to allow him to breathe. Underneath, his body naked except for the cage, he was wrapped in saran wrap, because Pax had convinced Ali to have a bit more mercy on Dane. Pax was watching the news on the TV back in the living room, after helping Ali carry Dane to the guest bedroom.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Dane tried to speak, to move, but all he could do was wiggle uselessly. Ali patted his stomach.

"I'll be back soon, babe. Try to get some rest."

Ali walked back to the living room, just as Mac walked in.

"We have a lot to talk about."

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Ali and Mac are both great doms. Really loved how she used Pax to mummify Dane and the tie up game involving Logan.

It's really fun reading about the five intersected characters. They all have their own relationships with each other and it makes the story very unique.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Repercussions - Part 7: Reduced Sentence

"Hey, boy." Mac said softly. "Still feeling alright?"

"Ugghgg-huh." Logan said through the ball gag, nodding.

Pax smirked. "Jaw sore?"

Logan hesitated, then nodded again. Pax moved closer to the bed and patted Logan's arm as Mac moved to remove the gag. Logan began to cry out in protest, but calmed when Mac immediately put a hand over his mouth once the gag was gone. He made a soft moan of enjoyment.

"I'm gonna untie your arms for now, okay? I'll hold them behind your back." Mac said softly, quickly undoing the restraints but leaving the cuffs on, before maneuvering Logan into a sitting position. He moved behind Logan and put an arm around him, pressing him back against his chest, the other hand going over his mouth. He angled Logan so he would have a perfect view of Pax slowly undressing from the clothes he had put back on after poker.

Mac kissed Logan on the top of his head. "Like what you see?"

"Mmmm-hmmm." Logan nodded.

Pax turned and started crawling on the bed, moving slowly up to Logan. "You know what's gonna happen now?"

Logan shook his head.

"We're gonna tie you up all nice and comfortable, and then we're gonna put you right here between us for the night. We're gonna hold you between us, all safe and bound up."

Logan nodded, groaned.

"But before that," Mac whispered, kissing Logan's neck. "We thought we'd play another little game. You'd like that?"

Logan nodded again.

"Okay." Mac grinned and started to rub Logan's joints with both hands, causing him to groan again. "Here's the game. It works a lot like before. Pax has some questions for you, and I'm sure you'll have some, too. Whoever answers, I'll give a position or toy. And that person will tell me whether it goes on you or Pax. I want you to tell me if that's good for you."

"Yes, Sir. It's good."

"Good boy. Now tell Pax you like his idea."

Logan sighed again as Mac worked out a kink on his back. "Thank you, Pax, sir. I like your - ah - idea."

Pax smirked and leaned forward to press a kiss to Logan's forehead, then to Mac's lips. "You're welcome, boy."

"He's more like a puppy." Mac said softly, running a hand through Logan's hair and watching him curl into the touch. "He likes affection. Don't you, puppy?"

Logan nodded, too deep to argue. "Yes, sir. Your and Pax's puppy."


"Well, we got it completely wrong." Mac said. "Logan's... different."

Ali snorted. "Wow, Mac. I didn't think he'd sucker you, too."

Mac did not seem to be amused, and turned to Pax. "He... he wants to belong to us. You and me."

"Really? Why?" Pax wondered, shrugging at Ali. "He doesn't seem like a submissive type."

"Neither do you." Mac reminded him. "He was... sincere."

Ali shook her head. "If he had this deep-seated desire to belong or whatever, why was he going after Dane?"

Mac shrugged. "He wanted to feel belonging, and if he couldn't get that as a submissive, then he'd get one of his own."

"So, what, I'm supposed to forget the plan because suddenly he has feelings?"

"No. But, I think we might be able to take a different tack. I overestimated Dane's willpower. He's practically broken."

"You should've seen when we mummified him. It was actually pretty sad." Pax sighed. Ali glared at him.

"Gagged, Paxton."

He stuck out his tongue at her. Mac glanced at Ali with a cold look. "Pax is mine. And from the looks of it, I won't be letting control of him go anytime soon."

"So what am I supposed to do now? Dane needs to see him punished."

Mac seemed about to retort until Pax stepped in front of him. "We'll work that out, okay? You might not even need it. It sounds like that we might be doing something different with Logan. We'll take the night to think about it, that sound good?"

Ali crossed her arms, then sighed. "Fine."


Dane had been struggling for the last half-hour, using up the last little bit of energy he could muster. Now he simply lay limp in his cocoon, trying to fall asleep. He hated this. Hated feeling like nothing more than a toy. He knew he had done wrong, but he didn't deserve this. He had to get out. Dane breathed in and out a few times through his nose, and then gave the loudest scream he could. There was so much saran wrap and tape over his mouth and jaw that he couldn't even open his mouth.

Ali jumped in fright at the sound, forgetting momentarily the mummy on the bed. Dane gave another shout, and Ali was ready this time. She set a hand over his chest, the pressure letting him know she was there. "Calm down."

Dane gave a pitiful cry. There were so many emotions running through his head, from fear to excitement to humiliation to anger to guilt. Ali wondered if she had been too harsh in her treatment of Dane after the poker game. She wanted him to submit to her, but she wanted it to be like Mac and Pax, the way they seemed to be equals, despite Mac having such control.

Dane whimpered at the sound when Ali began cutting him free. She started at the head and removed the saran wrap too, but as soon as Dane's mouth was free, she covered it. "You speak when spoken to. I'm going to let you sleep with just your hands and feet tied, but the cage stays on, like I said. Any questions?"

Dane took a while to respond while she moved down his torso. "Please let me go, Ali. I'm so sorry for what I did, I'll never do it again, just let me go."

Ali stopped at his waist and grabbed his hands, using some spare rope on the nightstand to bind his wrists. "No, Dane. That's not how this works. How it works is, you're gonna do what I say. Are you gonna be a good boy for me?"

Dane's eyes started to water. "Yes, please, Ali! I'll do anything you say. Please..."

Ali smiled at him. "Good. Good, Dane. You're learning. What are you gonna be?"

"A good boy."

"And how's that going to happen?"

"I'll do what you say."

"Good boy." Ali leaned down and kissed Dane tenderly. She felt him desperately try to deepen the kiss and she put her hand behind his head, obliging him. Finally she pulled away, patting Dane's cheek. "As a reward, I'm letting you sleep without a gag."

"Thank you. Thank you, Ali; I'll be good." Dane whimpered as Ali finished cutting his wrappings and binding his legs together. She turned off the lights and tugged the covers over them both, slipping her hands around his frame and kissing his shoulders.

"I know you will."

And as Dane fell into a slumber, he found himself proud of how pleased Ali was with him, at how she was rewarding him...


Pax and Logan sat facing each other on the bed, Logan blushing for the first time as they were both naked. His whole demeanor really had changed from the confident if arrogant man at the poker table to the shy and almost sweet individual here. Mac sat on the couch, a box of toys and gear next to him.

"You ready to begin, puppy?" Pax asked softly.

Logan wondered why he enjoyed being called that so much, but then he perked up and glanced at Mac. "Does that count as a question?"

"No, it does not."

"Then yeah, I'm ready... I think."

"Alright. You said you wanted to be controlled. How far does that go? Like, what do you want to have for yourself?"

Logan blinked, apparently not having expected such a question. "Uh... I guess I don't want to be caged like Dane. I don't... I guess I like the idea of staying as your tie-up pet. I can do whatever you want me to, but I guess I want final control? I- I don't know how to explain it."

"You want to be owned, but softly." Mac said. "Not like an object or a slave, but more like a pet. You want to give up control willingly and know it'll be given back to you when you ask."

Logan's eyes widened, and he nodded. Mac held up a black leather harness. "You or Pax?"

He smiled and licked his lips. "Pax, please."

Mac grinned and moved over to Pax to begin putting the harness on him, Pax winking and grinning at Logan the whole time. It looked good on his tanned skin, emphasizing his chest and shoulder muscles.

"Next round."

"Why do you like being controlled so much?" Logan asked.

Pax grinned. "Well, it's less about the controlled part and more about the controller. I like knowing that I'm totally in the hands of someone who loves me and that I love."

"Awww." Mac sighed. Then he held up a red collar. "Who's it for?"

Pax chuckled. "The pup, of course."

Mac patted Logan's shoulder before slipping the collar around his neck. It felt... good. Logan stretched his neck, noticing how he would always feel it on him, not restricting but just present. He smiled.

"Next round."

"When you're tied up... besides, you know, getting off... what do you like?" Pax wondered.

Logan blushed deeply. "Uh... I like being gagged. And being held. I don't get held a lot."

"Well, we're very big on cuddling, here, tied up or no." Mac smiled. "Now... a hogtie."

"Me." Logan said immediately. Mac chuckled.

"You know what? I like that. Paxton. You'll mirror how Logan is tied."

Logan watched in awe as Mac looped rope around his legs and arms, and untouched, Pax's limbs folded behind him the same way. Mac slowly lowered Logan onto his side, and Logan saw Pax move the same way, although he moved a bit more roughly with no one to hold him.

"Next round."

Logan closed his eyes. "Do you really want me as a pet?"

Pax looked at Mac, then at Logan, who was not looking at either of them. "Yes. We do. And we'll make sure to take good care of you."

Logan's eyes snapped open. "Really?"

Pax nodded. "Really." he glanced over at Mac. "Uh, Mac? I think our pup here needs some kisses."

Mac grinned and nearly ran over, sliding Logan towards Pax on the bed. Logan smiled widely as Pax peppered his face with kisses before going in for the lips, and Mac kissed all along Logan's side and arms. Mac pulled away and cleared his throat to get the attention of the other two.

"Okay, I guess that's a good place to leave it. Logan, I'm just gonna gag you two with scarves for the night. That okay?"

Logan grinned. "Yes, please, Sir."

Mac retrieved two scarves and placed the first between Pax's lips for Logan's benefit, taking his time with the tying. He saw Logan's manhood twitch in response as Pax gave some experimental moans.

"Mmmph. Mmmmmmmmmm."

Logan gave a loud moan as Mac gagged him, but he didn't know what Mac and Pax had planned.

Logan felt Mac snuggle up behind him and snake an arm beneath him, the hand splaying across his chest.

"Paxton. You will feel everything Logan feels." Mac said firmly, before pinching Logan's nipple.

In unison, both men gave a moan of pleasure. Mac tested the connection between the two, digging his hand into Logan's flank to tickle the two of them, kissing Logan's spine to make them shudder in sync, and finally starting to pump Logan's erection, causing them both to squirm and whimper.

"You can come whenever you need to." Mac said softly, continuing his pace. Logan shuddered and arched, just as Pax did the same, both of them coming with gagged cries.

"Good boys." Mac smiled. He left them to soak in the afterglow while he got some towels to clean them up with, snapping his fingers and severing the connection between the two, unbinding Pax from his mental bonds. Pax immediately removed his gag and scooted forward to kiss the still-bound Logan, and grabbed for Mac to kiss him once he returned.

Mac helped Pax out of his harness and let him loosen the hogtie and re-tie Logan's hands above his head, attached to the headboard, and his legs tied together and attached to the foot of the bed. They had already agreed to let Logan stay in the middle, between them. Mac slid into bed, and Pax grabbed a blanket for the three of them.

"You know, I didn't say you could take off the gag, Paxton. Put it back on."

Pax still had the scarf around his neck, and automatically lifted and tightened it.

"Hug Logan. Arms and legs."

Pax felt his body curl up around Logan, hugging him tightly, his legs wrapped around the other man's and his arms around his torso, practically pressing his face into Logan's armpit.

"Your arms and legs are bound like this, to Logan. You can't remove yourself from him. Do whatever you want, Pax. Rub against him, tickle him, smell him. I want you to get used to having him bound for you while you both are bound for me."

Logan moaned, the sound making Pax hard again, although his crotch was pressed up against Logan's side. He nodded, rubbing his face against Logan.

"Logan, if you get uncomfortable or need to be freed, either snap or just start screaming. We'll wake up and untie you. Paxton, if you hear Logan snap or scream, you will automatically be unbound."

Mac leaned close to kiss Logan's cheek. "You like this, puppy?"

Logan nodded. "Mmmph, mmmrr."

"Good. I'll see you in the morning, and we'll discuss this arrangement further. Sleep well, if you can. Pax is known to get a little bit devious from time to time."

And with that, Mac flopped an arm across Logan, touching him and Pax at the same time. Logan felt Pax nuzzling his armpit, breathing through his nose and trying to tickle him with the concentrated air, even as he subtly rocked his hips against Logan.

Behind his gag, Logan smiled, never having felt so secure and taken care of. He wanted to stay like this forever...

You can find my M/M stories here:
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 100
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by dahanband »

Great story
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