The Footjob Felon (M/MM) part five uploaded 2/12

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The Footjob Felon (M/MM) part five uploaded 2/12

Post by zerg rush »

I got the title and basic premise from Tiffany James' work. Check it out in various places. It's great.

I need to make it clear the me in this story doesn't share my real beliefs. The story me is a homophobe in denial, as a narrative device, so what happens to me and my friend seems both worse and deserved in some kind of karmatic sense. IRL me doesn't give a shit about sexuality as long as it's between consenting adult humans.

Ian and myself were poor students, in both ways. We were kind of lucky to have made it into college in the first place, scraping just enough points to get in. Quickly I became overwhelmed with both the amount of study and how challenging it was. I had left it too late to get accomodation and Ian couldn't affford the rent on his shitty flat, so I answered an advert in the local paper, and there we were. Only three things were keeping us fron dropping out. Cheap beer, cheap gym membership and a massive debt with nothing to show for it. And girls too. But mainly beer.

"It's heads. You get to use the shower first" sighed Ian. Althought we liked going to the gym, they hated the thought of showering in the open changing rooms. We had done it precisely once, on the first day we went, and we thought we saw a middle aged man checking people out. Ian is pretty homophobic. I'm not at all in any way, but I don't want to see naked men, and I don't want other men seeing my naked. I casually strolled into the shower in our grotty flat, while Ian flopped on the battered sofa, tired and sore from his workout. I enjoyed my nice hot shower. The noise from the shower, and my rubbish singing, drowned out any noises. Nice and clean, wearing only a dressing gown, I walked into the lounge, to be greeted by a thick hand held tightly over my mouth. An arm held my arms to his body and held me fast against this unseen assailant.

"Hmmm. Hmmm"
I struggled, trying to break the man's grip, but he was far too strong. I looked around the room screaming behind my hand gag, hoping Ian would come and beat the shit out of him.Then I saw. Ian was sitting on the floor, wearing only his boxers and socks, sweaty from the gym. I didn't want to see any man semi naked, let alone my friend and flatmate. His wrists were cuffed behind his back, his ankles cuffed, and a large pink ballgag in his mouth. Over his head was a slightly cloudy looking clear plastic bag. Mike wasn't struggling or trying to call for help. He was focused on trying to get enough air to survive.

"I don't know how much air your friend have left. The bag stays on till I'm convinced you're secure enough"

I squirmed and struggled and cried even more at the sight on my friend untill the captor spoke. I didn't want to me bound and gagged like Ian, but what choice did I have? Either I let this freak cuff me, or I fight and Ian suffocates in front of me, even if I could fight him off, ald let's face it I haven't been able to so far. Keeping a hand over my mouth, I reluctantly allowed him to cuff my wrists behind my back. These were not flimsy handcuffs either. They were steel rigid handcuffs. The burglar went to his pocket and pulled out another pink ballgag. He removed his hand from my mouth, and as I opened it to scream, he pushed the ball in my mouth. I fought it, but he was insistant. He held my chin with the hand not holding the gag, prising my mouth open wider, and pushed the ball untill it sat behind my teeth, before buckling it at the tightest hole. The ball felt huge, and it made my jaw ache slightly. I noticed it taste a bit odd. I couldn't work out what it was. I didn't know what rubber tasted like, but I was pretty sure this wasn't it.

"Uff tff bffgf" I tried to tell him it was too big, but that's what came out, along with a little drool. I was dismayed at how quiet it sounded. He sat me down and cuffed my ankles together. The metal felt cold on my bare skin. He must have felt I was 'secure enough' because he bent down and removed the bag from Ian's head.

Ian inhaled deeply drawing in some much needed air. I began to struggled in my handcuffs but there was no way I was breaking them or slipping them off. The burglar turned on the television.
"Let's put some news on. I like keeping up with current affairs"

He turned the volume up loud, drowning out any muffled pleas for help from Ime and Ian. The bastard. The burglar caught us trying to spit out our gags, not that we could do that. They were strapped in far too tightly. He chuckled to himself.

"Ya know, rubber doesn't taste that nice, so I thought I'd improve it. I wiped my dick, balls and crotch with both of them earlier. I hope you don't mind"

That motherfucker! I was tasting the sweat from his cock and crotch! That sick fuck! When we get out we are gonna break every bone in his body.
"Errff. Ymm m Fmmkm Skkmmf" Ian said. I wholeheartedly agreed. I crawled over to him and kicked him in the legs. Well, attempted to. He just grabbed them. He looked at my feet before putting my legs down again. I wish I'd paid more attention to it then, knowing what I know now.

We struggled with increased effort, and tried pushing the ballgags out of our mouths even more.

"I'm not sure those cuffs will hold. Good job I bought some more things with me"

The burglar went to a gym bag he'd brought with him. He made a show of opening it and turning it upside down. From the bag fell tons of coils of rope, rolls of black gorilla tape, two black studded objects me and Ian didn't recognize, and a small clean bottle with a colorless substance in it.

The burglar started with Ian.
"Very nice"
"Hmm? Mmm Nmm Gmm ymm cmmt"

Taking a length of rope, he bound Ian's arms together above the elbow, pulling the rope till they met before looping and cinching and knotting it. Ian gave a yelp of pain. More rope was added below his elbows and to his forearms, all pulled tightly, welding his arms together. The cuffs on his wrists were unlocked and removed, replaced by rope. Each new addition of rope bondage brought a yelp of pain from Ian. It looked pretty tight. Nothing we couldn't handle though. The burglar took a length of rope from the floor and looped it round Ian's waist, pinning his arms to his back. The rope was cinched between Ian's back and arms before being knotted off. Rope was tied above and below his pecs, and cinched in the same way as before. A rope was tied from below the rope above his elbows to his shoulder blades. Ian looked in some degree of discomfort. The rope looked like it was digging into his skin.

He sat down and worked on Ian's legs. He tied his legs above and below his knees, then his shins, and his thighs. All of it cinched and knotted tightly. He removed Ian's ankle cuffs before binding them with rope, above his socks. The burglar looked at his socks and shook his head. We didn't know what he meant. All I knew was it was my turn next.

He untied my dressing gown, which hung loosely round my body. The burglar opened it, revealing my toned body. He looked me up and down. That fucker! He pulled my dressing gown down my arms, so they were only held in place by the handcuffs, then tied my arms above my elbows. I winced into my gag, but he didn't stop. Tighter and tighter it went, till my elbows touched, before being cinched and knotted off. As he set about making tying me the same way as Ian, any previous silly notions about escaping easilly went away. When I watched him tie Ian it seemed so fast, but now I was being tied it went by in slow motion as he tied below my elbows and forearms. He uncuffed my wrists, and removed my dressing gown completely before tying my wrists. He worked with complete efficiency, brutally crushing my arms together, leaving not even the merest suggestion of slack. I did my best not to yell in pain as more and more rope was added, pinning what felt like my one arm to my back in a vice like grip. Like Ian, my arms were held to my back at the waist and above and below my pecs. The burning I felt in my arms masked the embarrassment I felt at being completely naked. He went about tying my legs as painfully as my arms, with my knees and thighs roped with a level of tightness completely over the top. As he removed my ankle cuffs, again I noticed him perv over my feet as he replaced the cuffs with rope.

Me and Ian were bound and gagged identically. At least he was allowed to wear boxers and socks. Lucky bastard. I couldn't get over how much rope he had used, and it's tightness. What concerned me more was the vast amount of rope he had left, and he hadn't even started on the tape yet. I was putting on a brave face, but this was so tight it hurt. I didn't know how Ian was holding himself together.

"That should be enough. I'm gonna see what you have worth taking. Be good boys"

As soon as we saw him leave, we shuffled towards each other. Positioning ourselves back to back, we tried feeling around for any knots. But because of how we were tied, we couldn't move our arms at all, and we couldn't bend our fingers high enough to even touch any rope, let alone pick at any knots. I shuffled to Ian's side, to see if I could untie any ropes pinning his arms to his body. By positioning my body right next to his side, and bending over as much as I could, I stretched, and felt my fingertips brush the ropes round his waist.

"Ugg Gggf Umtt"
"Plfggh umtmm mm"
Mmm Trogghmm"

I stretched as far as I could, and reach as far as I could, and started picking at the rope as much as I could. The rope didn't budge.

"I told you to be good" the burglar said as he returned. He was carrying my sweaty gym socks and underwear. "It was just a test to see if you were going to be good boys and stay put. It seems you need a more thorough roping. And those gags are far too weak"
Last edited by zerg rush 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Volobond »

Awesome start! I can't wait to see how it goes!

You can find my M/M stories here:
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The burglar gave us a funny look; the kind of look a teacher gives a child that makes a dirty joke in class. He knows what we did was wrong, but he couldn't help but admire our spirit. At least I thought then that's what the look meant. Now I know he wanted to tie us up more. Two good looking guys. Me completely naked, my friend Ian semi naked. Well, apart from all that tight rope on us.

He sat down behind me and picked up a roll of gorilla tape. I tried turning my head around to see what he was doing, but I couldn't turn it far enough. I felt something sticky against my palm. He was taping my fingers! It was too late to hold my palms seperate as they were already taped together, but I splayed my fingers wide and wiggled them, hoping to hinder his progress. He just kept taping though. Round and round my fingers he went, getting tighter and tighter with each layer of tape, untill they were all touching. He still didn't stop taping though. I could barely hear the tape ripping off the spool over the television as he kept wrapping. After a quarter of the roll he stopped, cutting the roll free. He smoothed the tape down, applying as much pressure as he could to smooth out any wrinkles and to make sure the tape had stuck properly. My fingers were completely immobile, I couldn't seperate them at all.

"No more knot picking for you, pretty boy. But we better cover up all those knots to make sure"

He taped over the ropes tying my arms to my body. I'm sure he would have taped my wrist and elbow ropes if he could, but they were clamped so tightly to my back their was no space. I counted twelve layers of the gorilla tape on my waist, and twelves layers both above and below my chest. From the front it looked like I was only bound with black tape, apart from a slight bulge under it where the brutal rope bondage was. He moves to sit in front of me and another twelves layers of tape were wound over each rope on my ankles, above and below my knees, and my thighs. That motherfucker looked at my feet AGAIN as he was taping my ankles. He must be gay for my feet, I thought. Now I know he is.

He smoothed over all the tape, taking care to feel me up as he did. He felt my upper body the same way I would feel a chick's chest. The tape was just as tight as all that rope was. The only reason it wasn't tighter than the ropes was because it wasn't possible, I don't think anyway. I tried to squirm away from him as he felt me up, but with all that rope and now tape, I had to sit there and take it.

"Ymm um FMMKMM HMMOMMM" I yelled at him through by gag. He ignored me and set about taping Ian up the same was I was. Slowly but surely he was taped up, first his hands and fingers, then over all the rope binding him. He looked into my eyes. He was trying to be as brave as I was, but all hope of us untying ourselves was leaving us, after we suddenly found it when I managed to pick at the ropes on his waist. We weren't getting free from this. We had to hope we could make enough noise for someone to hear and find us, but we couldn't make ourselves heard over the television.

He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off Ian's boxers. "Nmm. Plghh dmm" he said as he took them off.

"We need you two to match. I need you to be equally naked"

He casually tossed Ian's ruined boxers at me, then knelt down and took his socks off. He walked over to me, turning Ian's nasty sweaty gym socks inside out as he did.

"They're all wet and sweaty. You been running or something"

We nodded. Seemed easier that way. No point arguing over something like that.

He turned Ian's boxers inside out. They looked damp, and the crotch area appeared to be an slightly yellow color. He forced my head on the floor, and knelt over my chest, one knee either side. He held the boxers in one hand, and unbuckled my ballgag with the other. He held the ball in my mouth with the same hand, not letting me spit it out. With the other hand, he held the boxers as close to my mouth as he could. I could smell them. He pulled the ball from my mouth, and before I could close it again, he began forcing Ian's nasty boxers in my mouth. Roughly, he stuffed them in my mouth. The taste was indescribeable. Words haven't been invented that could even begin to describe how they taste. A mix of ball and crotch sweat, ass sweat, and old dried cum. More and move of the fabric dissapeared into my mouth, making my cheeks bulge, untill the last of it was in my mouth.

He held a hand over my mouth as he reached for one of Ian's socks. They were small, but quite thick. They were good at absorbing sweat, which was very bad news for me. He removed his hand and forced that sock in my mouth as well. The toe end went in first. He needed two hands to force the sock in my mouth with the boxers, but eventually it too was all gone. My gag now tasted even worse than before, with Ian's foot sweat in the mix. He didn't even bother to put his hand over my mouth as he picked up Ian's second sock. I stared is disbelief. I was astonished the first sock fit in my mouth. There was no was that second sock would fit. Absolutely no way.

I was wrong. Or rather, mostly wrong. With one hand, he forced the mass of packing over as much as he could, and shoved the sock in the small space he had just made. From the toe end to the heel managed to fit. The rest of the sock was forced in as much as he could. Wth both hands he pushed the mass of sweaty underwear as far in my outh as he could to make room, but the very end of the second sock just wouldn't fit. He handgagged me again and picked up my old ballgag. The stuffing held my mouth wide open as he removed his hand the buckled the ballgag in place. The ball forced the stuffing further in my mouth and compressed it into what felt like a huge solid mass of foul underwear. The ball only went half way in before it was strapped as tightly as possible. I would have gladly sold my soul to just have the ballgag in my mouth. I felt my jaw was about to snap in half.

"Mmm Smm. Pmm Tmm mm Omm" I mumbled into my new stupidly large gag. I felt like I was choking on my gag, and It took a lot on concentration no to trigger my gag reflex. I looked over at Ian, who had a look of panic on his face. I watched on in horror as he turned my old underwear and socks inside out and gagged poor Ian the same way I was. He must have got them from the dirty laundry bin in the bathroom. I saw Ian go through everything I had. Gagging first at the sweaty taste on underwear, then on the sheer size of it all. First my boxers, then my evil gym socks. With the second sock he had to force the packing to one side like me, but unlike me, the whole of the second sock managed to fit. As the ballgag went in Ian's mouth, I saw him violently dry heave. The burglar paid no attention as he buckled it as tightly as he could.

Grabbing yet more rope, he tied my knees to my chest. He must have noticed we crawled over to each other earlier, so he was going to stop that. He forced my chin to rest on my knees before tying my knees to my neck. It wasn't tight, but it was pretty firm. He tied Ian in the same way. Before he left me and Ian, he blew me a kiss. When I get out of this, I'll hunt this gay boy down and murder him.


Of course no-one could hear us, even if the tv was turned off. Our enormous gags saw to that.

"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
zerg rush
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Post by zerg rush »

Any observer would have seen me and Ian, naked, massively balltied with tons of rope and tape, and huge overstuffed gags of our own underwear and a big ballgag, with taped up hands and fingers, were completely helpless. I thought we were, and the sick gay foot freak certainly did. My mate Ian, however naively thought differently. Our gags made any verbal commination impossible. Attracting help was right out, especially with the television blaring out news. Being balltied made shuffling hard, but not impossible. By planting his feet and dragging his ass forwards, he slowly made his way over to me. He positioned himself so his feet were against my hands, and began trying to pick at the tape with his toes. He kicked me a few times, and spent most of the time what seemed like rubbing his sweaty soles on the mass of tape burying and crushing my fingers. Very occasionally, he managed to catch the top of the tape wrapped around my hands, but accomplished nothing.


I couldn't be mad at my sweaty unwashed friend. I knew he was doing his best to drag us out of our predicament. While he was using his toes to remove the tape, I noticed my sweaty underwear gag starting to taste even sweatier. I could only guess, and can still only guess now, but I think the saliva from my mouth was releasing the dried stale sweat from his disgusting gym socks. If my theory was right, I really hoped that light yellow stain on the crotch of Ian's boxers was sweat and not cum as I originally thought. The thought of tasting and swallowing my friends spunk... I couldn't live with the shame.

"Mmm Gmm mm. MMM GMM MM!!!!"

Wow. Ian had got somewhere with the mass of gorilla tape on my hands! Well, according to Ian anyway. What he'd managed to achieve, in fifteen minutes, was a tiny tear in the tape, right at the top near my wrists. It was better than I'd managed in the same time though. He shuffled past me, and I read his signal and followed his lead. Soon we were back to back. Ian moved much quicker than I did, and I started to appreciate what a beast he was with his legs, but obviously not in a gay way. We attempted to rub the tape off our fingers, using each others taped hands. Maybe the rush of adrenaline caused by our miniscule 'success' had clouded our minds. As before, we couldn't move our taped hands high enough for Ian to work more at the tear, but we thought that rubbing them together could somehow loosen the tape. This may have worked with shitty tape, but our burglar knew what he was doing. This was water resistant, super sticky and tough gorilla tape. We would have had issues removing it if we were just untying our legs, with the amount he'd used. With the bone crushing, limb numbing tightness of the ropes plus all the tape on them, and the fact he'd used a quarter of a massive roll on each ot our hands and fingers, even a miracle wouldn't get us to rub it off. After five minutes of furiously rubbing our useless taped hands together, all we had done was made our hands sweaty in their strict tape cocoons. The sweat had no effect on the tapes adhesive either, and even if it had it was so tight and stuck to itself it would have stayed there anyway.

"Mmm nmm wmmnmm"
"Trmm ymm tmm"
"Hmm mm. Umm gmm mm mm gmm"

I slowly spun around on my ass and shuffled myself into position. As Ian had with me, I ended up kicking my friend a few times. I thought his feet being sweaty was why they kept sliding off, but it turned out the tape was very slippery. The ball tie made it very hard to keep my legs in the air and maintain my balance. I would occasionally brush the top of the tape with my big toes, but either my feet would slip off, I'd lose my balance, or my legs would cramp and I'd have to put them down again. I had no idea how Ian managed to put that tiny rip in the tape. Untill I managed through sheer perseverance to get a good grip on the top of the tape on Ian's hands with my big toes. Using all the strength I could, I tugged at the gorilla tape, and managed to peel a tiny bit loose.


I was buzzing. It looked like we might actually get somewhere. In our dreams. It had taken twenty minutes of hard work to peel off maybe a centimetre square of gorilla tape off his skin. Maybe, in twenty years, I'd have peeled enough tape off Ian's hands that we could start picking at all the knots on all the tight ropes keeping us painfully bound up. The same knots we couldn't even reach without our fingers and hands massively taped. That were now reinforced and buried under yards of unyielding gorilla tape. This homo fucker had done a real number on us. He knew what he was doing. He must get off on making hot students brutally bound and enomously gagged. The sweat from Ian's crotch and socks wasn't getting any better, and my gag reflex was starting to get weaker. I felt myself wretch a few times. I heard Ian wretch as well. A mouth stuffed to the brim of sweaty boxers and two sweaty socks holding our mouths as wide open as possible, AND a large ballgag adding to it and keeping all that packing in, would do that. Choking to death on my friends nasty worn underwear wasn't my preferred way of going, and I doubted Ian was enjoying my nasty socks and boxers either. My buzz was thoroughly killed.

Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. It was genius. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier. I stomped my feet on the carpet as loudly as I could. My feet were bare, the carpet deadened some of the sound, and the balltie severely limited my range of motion, but surely someone would hear and save us. Ian saw what I was doing, and stomped as well. We hoped someone woud hear it, and they did. Unfortunately for us, that someone was that cunt that tied us up in the first place.

He stormed over to us, with a face like thunder. He was carrying two clear plastic bags. Blindingly quickly, me and Ian had them forced over our heads.


"It's always the pretty ones. Why do they make me be a bad guy. I try to be nice, and all they do is try and attract attention, while I'm still here. If you'd been good, you'd only be tied with rope, and you'd only be gagged with a ballgag. Then you could have untied yourselves when I was gone, or did what you did just now and get help that way. Then I caught you trying to untie yourselves too early, and had to tape you up and gag you more. Then you do it AGAIN. You don't learn do you. Are ALL pretty boys this dumb? They must be. Well I've got all your cash, credit cards and jewellry, so I COULD just leave you..."


"Oh, alright. I never could resist cute guys like you. My biggest weakness. But I'll have to make sure you don't misbehave again"

He bent over us and removed our plastic bags. They were full of condensation. I hadn't been able to breathe through most of that fucker's monologue. I gratefully took in as much air as I could through my nose. I would take it for granted again.

How were we the bad guys?!?! HE tied US up, painfully, with far more rope and tape than necessary. HE gagged US with sweaty underwear AND a ballgag. And he blames US??!! What the fuck dude. What the utter fuck. I know now of course, but back then I did wonder: what did he mean when he said he'd make sure we wouldn't misbehave. We were still surrounded my what looked like miles of ropes, and many rolls of black gorilla tape. As he inspected our brutally over the top bondage, I got the merest hint of what was coming next.

"That tape is coming loose round your hands. We'll just fix that up"

He reached for the used roll of gorilla tape, and gave my already taped hands a real going over. Starting from my wrists, my taped them just as brutally as before untill he reached the tip of my fingers, each wrap half a centimetere below the previous one. When he reached my fingertips, he went down the same way all the way down to my wrists. Up and down he went, adding another five layers to my hands and fingers before cutting the roll. Ian had the same treatment. We looked into each others eyes, trying to give each other a crumb of comfort. We would have even less success at removing that with our toes than we had last time, and that was a complete failure.

Checking my ankle bondage, he stared at my feet AGAIN.

"You do have some very sexy feet, you know"

"MmmMmm. MmmMmmm"

I shook my head frantically. This felt very bad.

"Yes you do. You two have proven very resourceful, but I've run out of patience for your bullshit"

He looked at my feet, then Ian's feet, then at our taped fists, that now looked like small black balloons from all the tape wrapped over them.

"So that's how you loosened the tape, was it? It wouldn't come off on it's own, and I can't see how else you would have done it"

This felt even worse very bad.
Last edited by zerg rush 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Great story
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Post by blackbound »

Very hot. Looking forward to their punishment.

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The burglar finished checking us over. He appeared to be in good spirits, unlike us. Suddenly he pushed us on our back.


We cried out in surprise. As I couldn't protect myself, the back of my head hit the floor as I landed. I don't know if Ian hit his head as well, but he must have felt as vulnerable as me in this position. Helplessly balltied on our backs and naked, our genitals and asses on display. He dragged me next to Ian, facing the same way. This new position meant I couldn't see what was coming next. Without tilting my head all I could see was the ceiling. I tried looking forwards but my vision was blocked by my knees. To my left was the mass of unused rope and tape. To by right I could see Ian's gagged face.

The whole time we'd been in our strict bondage, I'd never actually seen his gag yet, at least not close up. I'd seen the ropes crushing his body, and the thick bands of gorilla tape over them, but not his face. I was lost for words, not that I could have said any. His mouth was as wide open as it was when he yawned. That pink ballgag wasn't small, but it was completely surrounded by my mass of sweaty gym underwear. His cheeks were bulging outwards. Fragments of material looked to be leaking past the ballgag and out of his mouth. His lower face looked slightly warped and contorted. The strap of the ballgag was digging into his cheeks.The bits of mouth packing I could see looked completely soaked. Must have been both my sweat and his saliva. His lips looked dry though. Not even drool could escape that gag. It was almost hypnotic. It was so horrific I couldn't look away. Staring at Ian's gag made mine taste and hurt even worse than before. Seeing how painfull it looked must have played with my mind. As I studied his gag, I noticed Ian staring at my face. Like me, he couldn't avert his gaze.

"Mmm ymm omnm?"
"Nmm. Umm hmms"
"Mmm Smmmff"

I was scared as well. We were completely as this gay weirdo's mercy, and he fancied either me or both of us. The gravity of our situation had finally got to Ian.


He shook his head repeatedly. His eyes were crossed. His tiny muted pleas sounded as though they were getting higher in pitch. His face was going red. A few seconds later he stopped shaking his head and making noises, but his face was still red. The room fell silent. The burglar had finally turned the television off. I get why people watch news channels, but they keep showing the same shit on a loop. Then I discovered why Ian had acted the way he had.I felt a cold object against my asshole.


I protested as much as I could through my gag, which was very little. The object was pushed further and deeper up my ass, and my attempts at pushing it out were fruitless. When he tipped that mass of rope and tape on the floor, I'd spotted two small black studded things. Now I knew they were buttplugs, and it not feel small in any way. My tight anus felt overfull, and I desperately tried pushing the invader out. How could anyone have something up there for fun? I will never ask a girl for anal again.

He righted me and took a length of rope. It was tightly tied over the rope and tape already on my waist. He doubled another rope and tied one end up it to my new waist rope. Tipping me on my side again, he fed the rope towards my penis. He seperated the doubled rope, running them either side of my dick and balls. At my balls, he crossed the ropes over and went back up. He was not gentle. The rope was crossed again at the base of my cock. He did a second lap of my genitals, crossing the rope as he went. Everytime he crossed the ropes round my dick and balls he pulled tightly. With my penis and testicals tightly tied, the rope was pulled between my ass cheeks, and pulled brutally tightly before being tied off at the rope on my waist near my wrists. That prick had given me a strict crotch rope, tightly tied my dick and balls AND made sure I couldn't expell the buttplug, all with one rope! I shook my head and made garbled sounds into Ian's nasty boxers and socks, for all the good that did. I knew Ian was next. I couldn't warn him though, as he set about giving Ian's cock and balls the same rope treatment mine were enduring. It was tight and painfull, not torturously so, but plenty painfull enough. I watched Ian's face go through a few different emotions. Pain. Embarrassment. Pain again. Utter humiliation. Then it settled on pain.

With both of us now wearing crotch ropes and our genitals tied, our burglar went to his now nearly spent roll of gorilla tape. Five layers were tightly applied over my wrist rope. He tipped me over on my side, and applied strip after strip of tape to my crack, making sure the crotch rope stayed in place and the buttplug remained completely filling my poor asshole. Then that fucker covered the ropes tying my cock and balls with tape! When he was finished, my testicles and the base of my dick were completely covered in gorilla tape. This was gonna hurt like a motherfucker when it was pulled off.


I was desperate for help now. I watched, ashen, as he taped up Ian's genitals and ass. None of this made us any more helpless, really. It just hurt and humiliated us even more, which I'm sure was the point.

"See what you get for trying to escape? Your ass looks mighty full there, handsome. And don't your dick and balls feel great with all that rope and tape on them? That should stop you struggling a bit. It's cute you trying to get some help as well. I don't see any neighbors here yet. But someone may heard you if you keep it up"

On our sides, he dragged me and Ian close, facing each other. Our knees were forced together and tied loosely. I think he just wanted us to watch what he was doing to the other. He opened a packet containing a huge roll of clear tape. He left the packaging right in front of face for me to read. Ultra heavy duty packing tape. Resists abrasion and moisture. Suitable for boxes weighing 200 pounds. 72mm wide. 1640 metres long*. I didn't know tape came in that size.

He sat on the ground next to my face, tape in hand. He tore the end off, sticking it firmly to my cheek. Round and round he went, covering my entire lower face with the tape, far too many times to count. He made sure it was just and forgivingly brutal as the rest of my bonds were. The pressure forced the ballgag deeper in my mouth, compressing the huge amount of packing. The tape was so tight my bulging cheeks were compressed as well. After what felt like hours, finally he was done and the roll of tape was cut free. I looked at the roll. He'd used half of that giant roll just on my mouth! He smoothed the mass of tape down, making sure there were no wrinkles and I couldn't sweat or drool off the adhesive. Going back to the roll, he started under my chin and wrapped my head vertically, squashing my face around my gag. Crushed from all directions, that vast sweaty packing was forced in on itself, like a squeezed stress ball. All the air was driven out of the stuffing and down my throat, as the massive stuffing became denser. All this pressure hurt like hell. I counted thirty layers used vertically, and it barely put a dent in the vast roll. He went back to taping my mouth. Round and round he went, with his usual brutality. I tried counting how many layers he'd used, but when it got over a hundred, it seemed pointless. He didn't stop untill the whole roll was spent. He'd used the entire 1640 metres on my gag. Ian looked at me, eyes wide open bulging with fear. He knew it was his turn next.

The burglar opened a second roll of the tape, and sat down with it next to Ian's face. He too was generously allowed to read the details of the tape as it was violently wrapped over his mouth and head. As the tape gag bacame thicker, the rest of that massive gag became more and more indistinct. The tape started clear, became translucent, and finally opaque. When the roll was half done, the burglar switched and wrapped vertically, Ian began choking as, like with my gagging earlier, his face compressed around my underwear and the ballgag, forcing the vast amount of packing into a horrendously dense, sweaty airtight mass. After thirty layers of tight taping vertically, he returned to taping horizontally. I watched appalled as Ian's gag became bigger and bigger, and the huge roll extremely slowly got smaller. Eventually the roll expired. Ian's lower face was an indistinct, vaguely skin colored mass of tape. He took a good few minutes smoothing out as many wrinkles in the tape as he could. I knew how much was in his mouth, but looking at Ian, his face was so compressed in the tape's vice like grip, there appeared to be no stuffing in there at all.

He untied our knees, and me and Ian were rolled over on our backs, lying next to each other. That gay dickwad reached towards our tightly tied cocks. With one hand on each, he stroked our dicks! Up and down he went. I'm embarrassed to admit I cried slightly.


We wriggled as much as all the rope and tape allowed us to, which was very little. We knew we were almost immobile balltied on our backs, but what amazed me was how quiet we were. With each of us wearing an enormous roll of tape over our mouths, as well as everything stuffed in them, we were never going to be heard from outside the room we were tied in. I doubted we could even be heard from one side of the room to the other.

He only pumped our cocks five or six times. Maybe he was seeing how effective all that tape was. Thank God. I had no idea how much pain I'd be in if I got a boner with all that rope and tape on my dick.

Ian was dragged away from me slightly, but I was still more or less forced to watch what happened next. Rope was added to Ian's already tied ankles, and cinched. I have no idea how he managed to get that rope between his ankles. Another rope was tied round his forearms, between the ties on his forearms and the ties below his elbows. Brutally tight and cinched, as always. As with his ankles, I didn't think there was room for a rope between his forearms, or between his arms and back, but somehow he managed. Ian's balltie was released. He stretched his legs as much as the rope and tape allowed. Ian was rolled on his belly, and any thought we had of being untied were vanquished. The burglar bent Ian's legs, before tying the new ropes on his ankles and forearms together, the rope tied from cinch to cinch, in a sickening, backbreaking hogtie. The look on Ian's face will stay with me forever.


He yelped in pain as the hogtie was pulled as tight as possible before tying the knot. His heels were directly on top of his elbows, with his taped fingers somewhere near his knees. It looked like Ian was in complete agony. I'm not an expert, but the knot looked a lot looser than all the other's I'd seen so far. The reason would becore apparent all too soon. Rope was tied round his thighs and ankles, crushing them together as much as he could. His taped fingers were squashed between his calves and hamstrings. A fresh roll of gorilla tape was started, first covering the rope tying his upper and lower legs together, and wrapped slowly and methodically to his knees, but leaving the hogtie rope free. The loose knot was untied, and the hogtie pulled even tighter, as Ian's legs being tied more tightly had slacked the hogtying rope. It only looked to be an inch or two tighter, but Ian must have felt it. The hogtie rope was covered in yet more yards of gorilla tape, first lengthways following the rope from forearms to ankles, then sideways, round and round, reinforcing the unready unbreakable hogtie. The gorilla tape covered all the ropes completely. No-one that saw Ian would think any rope had been used.

"mmmmm" "mmmm"

That was all Ian and me could manage. Me in pain, trying to comfort him, in much more pain. Either as a party piece or to remind us of out past trangressions, he tied Ian's big toes together with a thin piece of rope. Now he couldn't even move his feet. I attempted to get my head around his bondage. Wrists, forearms, below and above elbows, bound with rope, covered in gorilla tape. Ropes round his waist and chest tying his arms to his back, covered in gorilla tape. Fingers wrapped in masses of gorilla tape. Cock and balls tied with rope, covered in gorilla tape. A studded buttplug in his ass, held in place with a crotchrope and gorilla tape. Hogtied from his forearms to his ankles, with his heels on his elbows and his taped fingers squashed in the back of his knees, covered in gorilla tape. His thighs tied to his ankles, and his legs from his thighs to his ankles wrapped completely in gorilla tape. His big toes tied. Gagged with my two thickish sweaty gym socks, my sweaty gym boxer shorts, and a large pink ball gag, covered by a whole 1640 metres of ultra heavy duty packing tape. All of it brutally tight as fuck.

I contemplated my own situation. Wrists, forearms, below and above elbows, bound with rope, covered in gorilla tape. Ropes round my waist and chest tying my arms to his back, covered in gorilla tape. Fingers wrapped in gorilla tape. Cock and balls tied with rope, covered in gorilla tape. A studded buttplug in my ass, held in place with a crotchrope and gorilla tape. Balltied with my knees crushed against my chest. Gagged with his two thickish sweaty gym socks, his sweaty gym boxer shorts, and a large pink ball gag, covered by a whole 1640 metres of ultra duty packing tape. All of it brutally tight as fuck. Knowing I would be joining Ian in a backbreaking hogtie. We were utterly fucked.

Deciding my balltie clearly needed improving, he tied a rope about 4/5ths down my shins, lashing them to my thighs. I had even less movement than before. Unlike before, this rope was merely very tight, not brutally, bone crushingly tight. There was even a little slack! I could move my heels four inches from my buttcheeks. With my new and improved balltie, I was pushed on my back. I was positioned so that Ian was at a slight angle, but was looking right at my feet.
The burglar looked at Ian's hogtied feet. He bent over and gave them a big sniff.


"Eeww. Don't like nasty sweaty feet"

He went to my feet and gave them a big sniff as well


"Aaahh. Such nice clean feet. And so sexy too"

"mmm? mmmm! mmm! mmm!!!!!!"

I screamed as loud as I could, and struggled as much as I could. I hoped desperately that someone would come and save us. Especially me. With my massive gag, no-one heard who saviours could possibly here me. All that rope and tape on my naked body held firm. A turtle taped on it's back mad more motion that I did. I could wiggle my toes and move my neck. Ian couldn't even wiggle his toes properly. I don't think I saw him move a single centimetre. He may have struggled, he may not. The result was the same.

"Oooooh. Wiggling your pretty toes for me are you, you little cock tease?"


Sorry about the formatting. I did my best with it, but it seems to be misbehaving.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Scottstud94 »

This might be the best story on here
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Post by Ducttape1234 »

Love that this is inspired by Tiffany James I loved her work. Great story :D
I'll tie you if you tie me :D
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Post by Bondwriter »

Nicely done, this is a very good read! This burglar comes prepared and ready to deal with feisty hostages.
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Post by zerg rush »

I'm having a few issues. Maybe you lovely readers can help out.

1) If you were the burglar, how bad would our punishment be, out of 10? Remember, we did try and escape twice.
2) Should we get rescued when the burglar leaves?
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by blackbound »

Going to say 8/10 so there's still room for escalation; and of course not!

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Post by zerg rush »

Cock tease? Wiggling my toes. That's ALL I CAN DO, you motherfucker!

I was still balltied to buggery on my back. This was the most scared I'd felt so far. Helpless on my back, showing him my plugged ass and my tied cock and balls.

"You've been teasing me with those feet of yours even since you walked in here in just your dressing gown."

He sat down in front of me, and pressed his face into my soles.

"They smell so good. I bet they taste evn better!"


Taste? What did he mean by that?

I felt him plant a small kiss on my sole.

"mm? MMM! MMmmmMMMmmm!"

A small kiss became many. He smothered my soles with them, from my heels to the balls of my feet. Then I felt something slimy. He was licking them!


My bone crushing balltie held firm as I tried to get away from his tongue. Ian's nasty workout socks and boxers, the ballgag, and an insane amount of tape stopped my desperate pleas before they even left my lips. My intense struggling resulted in maybe an inch or two of movement, which was quickly clamped down on by him holding my ankles. He licked slowly, almost gently, from the bottom of my heel to the top of my big toe. He licked repeatedly, gently, making sure to cover as much of my foot as he could. From my vantage point, I could see my knees, Ian's confused, massively gagged face, and the clock on the wall. Five minutes I counted. Five minutes of continuous slow licking of my soles. He alternated my feet, making sure he didn't leave one out for too long. I thought after the licking he would be done, but he tilted me slightly so he could access my heels. He started from the outside, slowly circling my left heel with his tongue. There was just enough space between my feet and my ass to allow him enough room to suck on my heels. In hindsight, that's why he just make my balltie tighter. Hogtied the way Ian was, my heels would be squashed up on my elbows. Ian's bondage did look more uncomfortable than mine felt. Hogtied to the max, forearms to ankles, and the whole lot wrapped in copious layers of touch gorilla tape. We both had our arms welded from elbows to wrists, fingers taped, legs mashed together, cock and balled crushed, and plugs up our asses, but I 'only' had my knees brutally tied to my chest and ankles tied to my thighs. I was only in moderate agony. Ian didn't have some weirdo licking his feet though.On balance I'd have preferred the hogtie.

He moved round slightly, and sucked on my heel. He was gentle, almost tender as applied suction. He nibbled and chewed on my heels in an almost seductive way. I hated it. It felt slimy and wet and absolutely disgusting. And it was a dude, which made if a million times worse. When he was mercilessly tying us up up and gagging us, we knew where we stood then. Him being caring is even more frightnening.

After finishing with my heels, he went back to my soles. He sucked and chewed on them, gently again. I think he wanted me to like it. He went all over my soles, leaving them covered with coats of his saliva. He made me arch my feet with one hand, and licked my wrinkles. All of them. He ran his tongue down them, following whatever direction my wrinkled feet took him. Sometimes his tongue tickled me, which made me rock an inch in my brutal bondage and laugh into my huge gag, but he just held my feet still and resumed. He nibbled playfully at the balls of my feet before sucking on them, massaging my lower soles as he went. He really wanted me to like him sucking my feet. No chance. If I wasn't completely helpless he'd be out cold or dead. He was raping my feet with his mouth and all I could do was watch the clock and hope it would be over soon.


I cried repeatedly into my gag in disgust. Ian's nasty underwear had been trapped in my mouth for hours now. My tongue was pinned down them, trapped, as desperate to get out of it's predicament as the rest of my body. The taste hadn't gone away. If anything, being soaked in my saliva and loosen some sweat from deep down in the fabric, bringing up to the surface for me to taste. If was only going stronger. My feet were soaked in the burglar's saliva as he continued, now up to my toes. Slowly and gently he caressed each toe lovingly with his tongue, feeling and probing with it. Savouring each individual toe, carefully weighing up how they tasted, or which one he liked best. He'd take in two toes at a time, playfully nibbling at my toe pads before snaking his tongue between them. His slimy wet tongue ran along each crevase, tickling me as he went. Tiny giggles escaped from where my mouth was, but they were indistinquishable from all my other gagged noises. He chewed by fleshy big toes. I think they were his favourite. Having finally licked, sucked, nibbled and chewed on every single square micron of my feet, he'd had his fill. My feet were soaked to the skin. They felt slick with his saliva, cold, smily and clammy. I would feel his breathe on my soles. It felt like he was admiring them, inspecting them and his own handiwork. I checked the clock. He had lovingly tongue bathed my feet for over an hour.

"It seems almost a shame to do this to you, my pretty. You did fidget a bit, so you'll have to be hogtied like your friend here. I know you didn't do it deliberately"

He untied the rope binding my knees to my chest as he monologued to himself.

"I'm sorry for tickling you. It's hard to worship someone's feet with tickling, particularly if they're knew to it"

He carried on, almost absent mindedly. I got the feeling he thought we were in a relationship. Sorry bro, I don't do guys. Especially guys that strictly tie me up and gag me with my mate's nasty underwear. He started untying my thighs from my shins.

"Was that your first time having your feet worshipped? I'm surprised. Good looking guy. In good shape. Perfect little feet..."

My shins were free from my thighs. My shins were still tightly cinched, but my legs were free from the balltie from the first time in hours. I was pissed. Real fucking pissed. That cunt violated me, and I did the only thing I could. I kicked him with my tied legs. It sure felt good, for a few seconds. It wasn't a good hit, but not bad considering how tightly bound they were. The pleasant romantic demeanour changed. He'd gone from talking like I was his boyfriend (ew) to treating me like we'd just broken up and he was going to do anything to keep me. Like tie me up and gag me. Oh wait...

"OK motherfucker, we're done playing games. I give you a nice treat, and you kick me?! See your friend over there? Look how well behaved he is"


"We'll have to teach you a lesson"

Using the rope he'd untied from my knees, he tied my forearms, between the rope and tape already there and my elbows. This felt even tighter than everything else. I felt my arms turn outwards, and my elbows grind into each other. He rolled me on my front forecfully, and I landed with my bodyweight on my tied cock and balls.


"Good. That's what you deserve you whiny little shit"

Like Ian, I was hogtied to within an inch of my life. My legs were bent over so my heels were over my ass. This wasn't good enough for him. He lifted my thighs off the floor with one hand and pulled my legs further with the other. My taped hands slid from my ass, along my hamstrings, until I felt them touch the back of my knees. He tied my shins on top of my elbows, looping the rope twelve times, cinched and tied in a quadruple knot. He covered my hogtie rope in yards and yards of gorilla tape. It sounded like far more than he used on Ian's hogtie. I could feel my hogtie get tighter with every wrap of tape he applied. Extra layers were applied to the knots, because we were definitely going to be able to reach them with our fingers taped, tied between our bent legs. I felt something go in my back. I've never been flexible, and now I was folded up like an accordian. My entire lower body was off the ground, a result of my extreme hogtie. He put his hand below my knee and pushed down, sending my upper body in the air and my legs made contact with the ground. He was using me like a see-saw, and my poor tied genitals were the pivot. I cried in pain.


"Don't you like my new game? It's a bit boring isn't it? Let's liven it up a touch."

He went into his pocket, and retrieved a nasty looking pair of nipple clamps. A small chain, linking two sharp alligator clips.

"MMMM!! MMMM!! MMM!!!"

I felt him roll me on my side. He gently squeezed my nipples between his thumbs and index fingers, rubbing them gently. I felt them starting to go hard. He sucked his fingers and rubbed my nipples with them. They felt wet and icky, like my feet. It wasn't till be blew on them that I worked out what he was doing. I shook my head and swore at him, which was muted by my overstuffed mouth and a jumbo roll of tape. My hogtie was so punishingly tight I couldn't do anything else. My nipples stood proudly erect after his manipulation, and he made his move.


I guess this is what it feels like to have a nipple piercing, constantly. The sharp points bit painfully into my skin. He cut strips of gorilla tape, and wound one each over the clamped end of the alligator clips. I couldn't move a muscle from my ankles to my shoulders, so I was never going to shake them off, so what was the tape for?! To further compound my misery, more strips of gorilla tape were used to cover my tortured niples with a black X. Was all this necessary? Hadn't I been punished enough, for a single kick?

As it turns out, no. He pulled, something, from his pocket. It looked like a row of ball bearings on a string. He walked over to my tied cock, and squeezed the head gently. My cock felt ice cold. He was pushing it inside my dick" I begged desperately for someone at that moment to smash down the door, but as usual my prayers went ignored, as he fed it slowly, slowly down my urethra. Three quarters of his hellish contraption was inserted in my cock, before he took a strip of gorilla tape and placed if directly over my head, to keep it in place. It felt weird. It wasn't as painfull as I was expecting. If I wasn't enormously bound and gagged against my will, and it wasn't done by some horny foot freak homo, it may have even felt slightly good.

He took a rope from his dwindling pile on the floor. He doubled it and looped it with the chain of my nipple clamps through the middle. I screamed in pain through my gag. He pulled the rope towards my bound balls, and wrapped it round them like he did with my crotchrope earlier. With every tug, the rope pulled on my nipples. After five laps of my cock and balls, he tied the rope back up to my chain. Now my cock was tied to my nipples, causing me great pain.

He looked at Ian, then at me. Then turned to his trust gorilla tape. Rolling me on my front, be started mummifying me. Starting from my ankles and thighs, he wound layer after layer of tape round my legs. He took his time, making sure everything was as tight as it could be. There couldn't have been half an inch between one wrap and the next. Mayn minutes later, he reached my knees. Now me and Ian were matching, I thought that was it, but his OCD wasn't as strong as I'd guessed. Using one foot, he put some of his weight down on my mummified legs, forcing my upper body in the air again. Starting at the tops of my shoulders, he wrapped again, going down my body. The sound of taped being pulled from the spool was far louder than our miniscule gagged noises, as my skin slowly disappeared under layer upon layer of black gorilla tape. He stopped when he reached my heels and my elbows, but my upper arms and chests were mummified.

Me and Ian were rolled on our sides, both helpless hogtied. We were positioned weirdly. We were hogtied back to back, with the tops of our heads on each others elbows and each others feet in front of our faces.


(Never posted a pic here so I hope I did it right. Wasn't sure if I described our position well enough. I know it's a shitty MS paint job but I can't draw. The black is supposed to be the gorilla tape, the dark part over our lower faces the packing tape, and the darker bit than that the ballgag covered by said packing tape.The small bulge around the mouth area is supposed to show the size of the packing. I tried to make my legs at a higher angle. Hope my shit art skills convey what my words couldn't.)

I could see what he meant when he said Ian's feet were sweaty. Man they stunk. And I was forced to breathe them in with every inhale. I couldn't wiggle away to escape their stench. The sweat was dripping down his soles, similar to way the burglars spit was dripping down mine. His big toes were absolutely crushed. They were starting to go slightly purple due to lack of circulation

Now we were in position, he made sure we stayed there. He tied ropes round us every three inches from just below our necks to just under our pecs, cinching them between our bodies. The way our backs were bent backwards meant he could easilly lift us off the floor to make way for the ropes. We both shuddered as each rope was ball as tightly as possible. Now we couldn't move away from where we were. We woudn't roll over to relieve any pressure. I had so much rope and tape on me I could just about breathe. All I could see was Ian's feet. Every time he moves his tied toes, a waft of funk hit my nose. I felt the burglar get on the floor and scissor my legs with his own. Then I felt a familiar wet sensation on my toes.

If he was feeling gentle last time, this time he was like a ravenous dog. He held my ankles firmly as is sucked my toes like a limpet. He was like a mad man; he was giving my feet a blowjob. I could fear very faint murmurs from Ian's direction over the nasty slurping noises. He hadn't been able to see the last time he went down on my feet, and now his face was inches from them so he could see any agonizing detail. I fought to escape his mouth but I couldn't move a milimetre now, being bound to Ian's deadweight. There would be no kicking out like last time. I had no idea how much time was passing, but it felt like milennia. Ian's wiggling toes only enhanced the sensations I could feel on my own. He would suck them one at a time, or two, or three. His favourite was always my big toes. He sucked on them individually, then he sucked on them together. He would put them both in his mouth and tickle my soles, so my toes would wriggle around in his mouth as he passionately sucked on them. When he got bored of sucking my poor helpless toes, he'd lick between them, lapping them like they were vaginas. Up and down went his tongue in the grooves between a my toes, making sure there wasn't a micrometre he hadn't missed. I kicked and flapped my feet, but he jus grabbed my soles and held them still as he worshiped them. He only seemed interested in my toes this time. Or maybe with Ian's faces an inch or two from my feet that was all he could access. It didn't seem to bother him as he chewed and nibbled on my toes. All I could do what sit there and let this freak do what he wanted. His saliva soaked my toes and dribbled down the balls of my feet and my soles. I felt him put all the toes on my right foot and deepthroat it. I wanted to be sick. It went in and out of his mouth slightly as though he was bobbing up and down on it. Then he held it there as his explored as much of my foot as he could with his tongue. The tops of my feet, the bits of my soles he could reach, and of course my toes again, darting his tongue in and out of them. When he finished my my right foot, he did the same on my left. I could feel Ian breathing out of his nose onto my saliva drenched toes, which made me shiver from the coldness. After the deepthroating, he held my soles tightly and ran his tongue across the tops of all my toes, back and forth. His grip was so tight I wouldn't even wiggle them to get away from his mouth. After giving the tops a thorough going over, he held my feet by each small toe and stretched them as wide as he could, then snaked his tongue between all my toes. Finally, he untangled himself and got up. He fetched another rope and tied my feet together. I could feel the fat on my feet move as he tied them, digging into the skin. I could just about wiggle my toes Then he scissored my legs with his and went right back to sucking my toes. This time I could barely move my feet as he passionately slurped and sucked on my toes. It must have been tough to watch, a strong man devourering a helpless young adults feet against his will. His ruthless assault made me breathe faster and deeper, so I took in more and more of Ian's reeking feet stink. He kept chewing on the pads of my toes with gusto. With his hands now free, he tickled my soles as he sucked and licked. I bucked to try and get away, which pulled agonizingly at by bound nipples and balls. He stopped tickling with both hands and just used the one, and I heard weird noises coming from him. He was really enjoying sucking on my defenceless toes. He deepthroated my feet again while tickling my soles, making me wiggle my toes in his mouth. His slimy tongue continues dancing between my toes. After another round of sucking and chewing on my toes, he separeated each toe and sucked on the skin between them. When he finished sucking on every bit of skin between all of my toes, he held my toes close ran his tongue backwards and forwards across the tops. Finally, he got off me and stood up. Mercifully, with my toes utterly drenched and me utterly humilated, it was over.

My big toes were grabbed, and a piece of string was used to bind them together. The string was cinched between my big toes, with the knot on top of the cinch, also between my big toes. I couldn't seperate my feet at all. My one last piece of freedom removed. He tied this one sickeningly tight, making it feel as my big toes were fused together as one. He gave my feet a quick tickle, and I couldn't move them at all. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. He untied my soles. The rope was soaking wet from his assault on my feet. He tickled my arches and I could barely wiggle my feet despite the rope tying them gone. That's how tied that toe tie was.

"That's better. I deserved a reward after all the effort I put in to tying you both and gagging you. You have some fine tasting feet, handsome. I needed another taste before I left"

"mmmm! mmm! mmnmmm!!"

"Now, I just need to give you boys something to remember me by."

I heard him unzip his flies and pull down his trousers. Why would he do that, I thought. What could he give us that would need him take his trousers down? I know he's a sick gay fucker, but he can't get to our asses, and even if he could it would take ages for him to unplug us. He must have wanted to use our mouths. It would have taken ages for him to ungag us, but I'd finally have gotten that 1640 metres of ultra heavy duty packing tape off my mouth, and that big ballgag, Ian's sweaty worn boxers and his sweaty worn socks out of my mouth. Then I'd scream for help and someone would have found us and we'll be saved! Only a lot of minutes while he ungags us. All this agony and sexual abuse will be over soon!
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Trickster »

Incredible installment to a fantastic story!
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Post by blackbound »

I hope the felon remembers that it's even harder to get untied if you can't see.

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Post by Bondwriter »

This foot felon is relentless, which makes for great adventures for these two captives.
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Post by zerg rush »

Thanks for all the replies and comments. My mouse is broken. Specifically, the right click, so it will highlight stuff at random, and if I accidentally hit backspace, it all goes. Took me ages to write my contest entry, so no updates till I get a new mouse.
blackbound wrote: 4 years ago I hope the felon remembers that it's even harder to get untied if you can't see.
Don't worry. Not that we can get untied with the power of sight anyway, but he has two tricks left, only one of them spoilt by the title.
Bondwriter wrote: 4 years ago This foot felon is relentless, which makes for great adventures for these two captives.
He isn't going to see us again, so he must want to do everything he can in his visit. There are plenty of other students around here he may pop in and see though.
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Post by harukatsukino »

What an awesome episode 1, struggling and unwilling to be tied is guaranteed number 1 in my favorite! love this. Gotta continue reading episode 2!
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Post by harukatsukino »

The plastic bag part is so sexy. Really love this series, the struggle from the homophobes, the fact that they're jocks, the part when Ian's shorts are cut, the variety in the clothing (before they are naked), and especially they're attempt on escaping the the rope, pretty hopeless, but still they have the spirit. Love it... gotta read the next episode (3)!
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Post by harukatsukino »

Scottstud94 wrote: 4 years ago This might be the best story on here
I completely agree with you, I think this story is number one M/M story in this website!! WELL DONE!! and I just read chapter 3, gotta continue!

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Post by harukatsukino »

I think this is by far the best M/M story in tugstories, glad I discovered you, I love everything about the story. The struggling sexy jocks, roped with many ropes on every possible joints, taped just above the rope, the gagging, the earlier plastic bag, the toe tying, even the crotch roping and then the torture is described really detail, and I never thought foot worshipping can be so sexy. poor Ian and the unnamed protagonist.

I don't know if you ever write this again, but I hope there's another series about this felon kidnapping other sexy desperate students. many thanks for the awesome story, number one story in my opinion.
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Post by Kackesh5 »

so hot
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Post by Kishi »

One of my favorite stories on here! Absolutely love the over-the-top brutality of every single aspect of these boys' hogties. I'm left wondering what more that dom could possibly have in store for the boys to remember him by.
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Post by harukatsukino »

just reading this again, so hot, never fails
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Post by TightropesEU »

Very cool (actually hot) story
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