Officer Scott (M/M)

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Officer Scott (M/M)

Post by cj2125 »

“You know? Despite what your buddies might have told you, I’m not a thief” Ryan explained while buttoning up the blue shirt “I chose to steal from people who actually deserve it. People who acquired their fortunes through dubious means, kids who never worked on their life and go around wasting their daddy’s fortunes, men and women who have the wealth to change the world for good but would rather indulge in whatever useless hobby they have”

He stopped to look at himself in the mirror. He really dug the police look, he had to admit he looked cute on it, not to mention the handcuffs were always a fun tool. In fact, being able to wear those uniforms would have been enough reason to join the force. Of course always sticking to the law was never fun.

“Take for example today’s objective. That man is loaded! Yet in what does he spend all his money? Expensive watches. It’s almost clichéd! Luckily his watches are really fancy, who buys a clock with encrusted diamonds for crying out loud? But they should sell well so I’m taking all of them!

Unfortunately, his security system is rather good, we couldn’t manage to deactivate it! The moment I set a foot in the room the alarm will go off and an officer will be there in less than five minutes! Well… that’s where you come in Officer Scott”

Ryan turned to look at Officer Henry Scott. The man was on his knees, glaring at him, not that he could do anything else! His arms were pulled behind his back, his wrists tied together and his elbows pulled together leaving only two inches of space between them which forced him to arch his back and puff his muscular chest out. Ropes were wrapped above and below his chest and over his shoulders, pinning his thick arms to his torso. His thighs, knees and ankles were tied together, the later were connected to his wrists by a short rope.

The captured officer was completely naked. Granted, Ryan didn’t need to remove his boxers but with what else would he have stuffed his mouth? With generous amounts of duct tape wrapped around of course!

Ryan watched Henry squirm and grunt. That was one thing he always liked! Watching his prisoners struggle; once they realized they were stuck and gave up Ryan tended lost interest in them, but the blonde man didn’t seem like a quitter.

“It wasn’t really personal Henry, don’t mind if I call you Henry right?” the man grunted even more and nodded, pointing that he did mind that scum like him addressed him so casually! “I just needed someone who had access to the property and who was small enough for the uniform to fit me”

Henry thought of pointing that his uniform didn’t really fit the thief; it still looked a size too large for him! “But to be honest you are one of the most handsome of all the officers available” Ryan continued, running his hand over the man’s hairy chest and circling his index around his brown nipple. “I’m quite lucky to have find you” he bit his lower lip, Henry shook his head and shoot more daggers at Ryan, not liking how he was looking at him “There’s still time so maybe we can have some fun?”

Henry’s eyes opened wide and looked at Ryan with anger; this wasn’t going to happen! Things like this weren’t supposed to happen to guys like him! If his hands weren’t tied he would be beating the crap out of Ryan! “Dhn't nhh fhggnng thhgh mm!” he grunted trying to pull away, but the ropes were too tight so he fell backwards, leaning halfway between the floor and the wall. Ryan took the chance to climb on top of him and slowly caressed his chest. Despite being literally cornered, Henry tried to shout under his gag and fight Ryan off him, needless to say the not-a-thief was loving this! It was rare to find someone who even when completely helpless kept fighting back like that!

“I bet you never thought you’d find yourself like this? I know your type, strong, fearless, with a badge to cover your ass. You aren’t afraid of ending in this position, all helpless and vulnerable”

Ryan moved his hand down Henry’s body and gently squeezed his thighs, getting a reaction from his shaft “Perhaps if you had been worried you wouldn’t have taken a drink from a stranger” he mocked Henry

Ryan was tempted to take the officer home with him! Unfortunately, it would be too much of a hassle, they still had these minutes though! Smirking, he leaned closer and kissed his taped lips, getting an expression of utter disgust from Henry. “Still pretending that you don’t like it? Because your little buddy says otherwise!” he grinned and grasped the hard member, slowly stroking it.

He was impressed. Henry’s body had started to react to the attention his sex was receiving; his breathing had increased its pace, arms and legs were starting to twitch and his hips were slightly rocking to the rhythm of his hand but Henry refrained from being lost in the moment and instead he kept glaring at Ryan with murderous rage. With each minute that passed, Ryan wanted more to keep playing with him until he broke.

While he kept working on his member, Ryan focused on Henry’s face, making it his mission to find any clue that might betrayed his true feelings yet the officer remained unfazed, silently fuming, his blue eyes looking at Ryan with anger, not a single moan escaped his mouth, only the sound of his heavy breathing. Henry on his side, was trying to ignore the pleasure down his groin and instead focus on Ryan’s face, trying to remember every detail so he could later identify him; unfortunately, there wasn’t much except his mismatched eyes, one green, the other grey. Ryan knew that those eyes were rare but he never bothered hiding them, it was his personal challenge and to the date no one had ever track him down. Well, no one but…

“I’ll tell you what you want, what you really, really want…”

“Oops! Gotta get that!” he chuckled and turned away from Henry, looking through his backpack until he found his phone. The ringtone managed to hide the soft moan of disappointment Henry let out involuntarily before snapping back to his defiant act.

“Ryan?” a young sounding voice came from the phone “You’re fucking the hostage aren’t you?”

“Of course not! Though I could do it if you wanna hear us” Ryan grinned and glanced at Henry. He kept glaring at him and his body was starting to relax, resuming his struggle in an effort to pick some knot.

“Fuck off!”

“Glad to!” Ryan chuckled and addressed Henry “My friend here would love to listen us bang!” Henry’s eyes opened wide and he let out an indignant grunt. Ryan couldn’t see his hands but right now they were flipping him both middle fingers

“Anyway, I’ve finally managed to get into their alarm system so we are ready to activate it!”

“Now?” Ryan pouted “Can’t you wait like an hour? Me and Henry were having a moment” Henry shook his head angrily

“Ryan… work first, fun later remember?”

“And now you listen to me? You always say I’m a moronic caveman! Why would you listen to me now?”

“Sometimes I feel like you are the hormone-addled teenager instead of me…”

“I can let you hear” he hummed

“Ten minutes by the house. Now!” he heard the phone hanging up

Ryan rolled his eyes and let a curse under his breath, then turned to his naked prisoner with a disappointed expression “Well, sorry Henry but we have to cut our date short” Henry didn’t seem that disappointed “It has been fun! Maybe we can meet again and finish what we started!” he said while looking through his backpack. Henry shouted something and kept struggling, he told himself that the next time he would meet the thief would be behind bars!

Ryan pulled out a black sharpie and start writing on Henry’s chest “Don’t worry, I’ll call 911 once this is over and let them know where you are!” Henry let out another grunt and shook his head, he did not want to be found naked, tied up in a cheap motel room with the words “Boy Toy” written on his chest! If being the rookie back at the precinct wasn't enough now he would have to endure being found like this. His colleagues would never let him live it down!

“Oh you don’t have to thank me!” Ryan smiled looking for something else from his backpack “I have an idea to make sure we meet again!” he beamed at Henry and pulled out a small, metal cage in the shape of a…

“NH! DHN'T NHH FHGGNNG DHRM! Hm FWMHR Hm'LL GNLL NHH!” Henry shouted once he realized what it was for. Only the thought of wearing that was enough to make him lose his cool and try to fight back against Ryan. Of course, Ryan only had to press his hand against his toned chest to keep him still but he appreciated the effort.

In no time the cage had been locked around Henry’s member much to the officer’s horror. The guys in the precinct will certainly never let live this down! As he watched Ryan pick up the backpack and walk away, panic finally set on Henry and he tried to go after Ryan, only for the ropes to do their job making him trip forwards and land face flat on the floor.

Ryan stopped by the door and turned to look one last time at Henry. He loved the way the man looked, all bound and gagged, helplessly wiggling on the flour, letting out muffled grunts and glaring at him with a mixture of anger, desperation and frustration. Ryan pulled out his phone and snapped one more picture of Officer Henry Scott, then he blew a kiss at him and walked out the door.

“The alarm is about go off!”

“Okay, I’m driving towards the property, get ready to erase the security tapes”

“On it!’

“Hey Nico...”

“I told you to call by my code name!”

“I’m not calling you Lone Wolf, it’s a stupid codename”

“It’s an awesome codename!”

“Anyway, think I could bring Henry home later?”

“You are not kidnapping a cop!”

“But he is hoooot!”


“I’ll let you play with him!” Ryan hummed. Nico hesitated on the other end of the line and seemed to considered the offer


He smiled knowing how close he was, time to pull out the big guns! He looked through the pictures he had taken of the officer until he found the best ones, sending them to his partner in crime “Are you sure?”

This time it took Nico longer to reply though Ryan could hear his heavy breathing on the phone “You… could bring him… AHHH! NO! NO! NO! Nopity! No! Too dangerous!”

“I could-”

“NO! End of the discussion!” he yelled “Now get off your horny ass and go to the mansion! We need to get the loot!” he hanged up on Ryan

Ryan hanged his head defeated and turned on the patrol car, rolling inside the driveway. Too bad he wouldn’t be able to finish playing with Henry but he wasn’t a man who give up easily, he would find a way to cross paths with Officer Scott again, he was sure of that!

The End
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Post by Volobond »

Yum! Amazing story! I'd love to see Ryan getting Officer Scott to submit to him again, maybe with Nico joining in!

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Post by Wrappedmouth »

I hope Ryan can take Scott with him. It would be a shame to leave there to be humiliated. Better for everyone if he just takes him home. 😉
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Post by jone123 »

love it
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Post by Trickster »

That was great and cries out for a sequel!
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Post by NeedControl »

Yes yes yessssss!!!!!

Well done cj2125. 😏
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Great work!

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Post by harveygasson »

That was an amazing story! Definitely requires a sequel. Fantastic job as always
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Post by MaxRoper »

How did I miss this fabulous story? Another excellent one from the inimitable CJ. A little humor, a good plot, and some great bondage in a compact tale - everything I look for.
Thanks, man!
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Post by Charmides »

So sorry that I missed this when you published it, CJ! Absolutely top-tier stuff; a playful, vivid take on a classic situation, packed with good vibes and hot guys. The world clamors for a sequel. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Hahaha, man, I cannot say how much I had fun with this story! Ryan is really a figure! Love his sarcastic way and how he tries to make the fun things first instead of his work, I loved his excentric personality! He made me laugh a lot during the story!

And this was a really good one, Henry Scott seems to be a really cool and handsome officer that seems to be on the wrong place at the wrong time to be bound, gagged and stripped naked! I fid it so hot that Ryan likes to play with his captives a little and how he jerked off the big officer, but never finished him off! And this is SO MEAN of him to put the Officer Scott in chastity!!

That story REALLY deserves a sequel, man!! Very hot!!!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Fantastic story! Would love to read a sequel. I can imagine Ryan calling the cops to let them know where they can find Henry. They burst into the motel room and discover his humiliation. Unfortunately they cannot free Henry, so they go back to get a key and shears to free him, leaving another rookie behind with him. Meanwhile who comes back for Henry...

Your stories are brilliant! 👍
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Post by Kackesh5 »

this is great
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Post by 1960gerson »

I just had a great i
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Post by 1960gerson »

idea. Why not have Ryan kidnap a very rich guy's teenager son and hold him for ransom.
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Post by grayboxers »

Involves a police officer?
Great characters aside from the tie-ups too?

Very glad this got necro'd back into my forum browsing.

The dynamic between Ryan and Nico is arguably almost better than the description of Henry bound up. Almost :)
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Post by Benelux »

A very entertaining and well written story, I enjoyed read through it dearly! I would love to read more from these three in another story!
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