A Pandemic Kidnapping (MF/F)- Completed Story

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A Pandemic Kidnapping (MF/F)- Completed Story

Post by Gagfan »

Hello all, my last story got fairly good feedback and views so Ive decided I will try to share my stuff more frequently here rather than just on deviantart as I have done in the past. The following is a story I wrote early in the pandemic while at home due to temporary layoffs. A bratty young woman's life is permanently changed when she catches the attention of a particularly pervy couple whose favorite hobby is kidnapping playthings to abuse. Overall this story is a fair bit shorter than my last one, but I am still rather happy with how it turned out.

As a warning to readers, story is adult and non-consensual in nature. The bondage depicted is not safe and should not be replicated and obviously even safe bondage should be consensual, unlike the fictional events of this tale. Without further ado, here is part 1 and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated:

Part 1

Victoria, or Vicky as her friends and family knew her, was, and always had been, an arrogant brat. She was the daughter of divorced upper middle class parents who had perpetually competed against each other for their daughter’s affection, mostly by seeing who could buy her the biggest and best thing. This had meant the young woman had become insufferably spoiled and was used to having her every whim catered to.

Her arrogance was only worsened by her beauty, she was tall but not gangly. She had emerald green eyes and dark red hair that was unusually thick, she tended to keep it long enough to reach her upper back so she could take advantage of its thickness for various hair styles. She had large breasts and an overall curvy, yet not overweight shape. For many people she would likely be the most attractive person they had ever met, a fact she was well aware of which only fueled her haughty overconfidence.

Thanks to her parents’ perpetual efforts to stay on her good side, the twenty-six old was unemployed, but still living a comfortable life. She had managed to scrape together enough passing grades to get a college degree, but she had no intention to putting it to use. Instead she planned on utilizing the various socializing and party skills she had acquired to have a perpetual good time.

Unfortunately for the arrogant ginger, the recent virus outbreak and brought her life of coasting bars and dining in at her favorite restaurants to a screeching halt. Everything was closed now and she couldn’t even party with friends because large gatherings were banned. The overconfident woman felt the whole thing was rather stupid, she was young and healthy why should she be inconvenienced so some old farts didn’t get sick? She had been unable to convince her friends to see things her way though, much to her frustration. Despite her consistent and determined badgering all of her friends refused to get together for a party or even so much as hangout in a small group.

She was currently walking home in a huff, an employee at her favorite restaurant told her they were closing completely because doing carry out had not been as profitable as they had hoped. Vicky had screeched at the poor young man and threw her carry out order at him while cursing him out for robbing her of her favorite place to eat. As her stomach growled she sort of regretted throwing the food at him, but not because she pitied the poor employee she had belittled, in fact seeing him covered in noodles and sauce was the only thing keeping the bitchy woman from not regretting her decision.

It was a cold day, Vicky was wearing a pair of form fitting grey yoga pants and a teal puffer jacket that hugged her body. She was wearing a grey beanie and her thick red hair had been tied into a massive braid that went down to her shoulders. The young woman was too busy grumbling to herself to notice that she was being followed by two people, a man and a woman.

Clare and George were a married couple, and the only thing they loved more than each other was kidnapping and tormenting people. They had a twisted since of justice though, they tried to pick out victims who they felt really deserved what they were going to do to them. It hadn’t taken them long to discover Vicky was just the sort of bitch they could do terrible things to and not feel guilty about it. The couple had already broken into the young woman’s home earlier today and deposited a considerable pile of binding supplies. Once she entered her house they would burst in and bind her nice and tight. The snotty woman was utterly unaware how much her life was about the change, closed restaurants would soon be the least of her concerns...
Last edited by Gagfan 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great start! Looking forward to the continuation. Great job setting the characters and background!
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Post by Gagfan »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 4 years ago Great start! Looking forward to the continuation. Great job setting the characters and background!
Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m glad it was an introductory segment that got your interest going
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: https://gagfan.wordpress.com/
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Post by Gagfan »

Part 2

Vicky had now walked into her porch and stuck her key in the lock. The moment she had turned the key the couple was on her, pushing her inside and closing the door behind them.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing???”

The ginger snarled as George drug her into her own living room. Clare grabbed a length of rough looking brown hemp rope out of their bag of supplies which was siting on Vicky’s couch.

“What we are doing sweetheart is kidnapping you. I would advise you cooperate, it will make the process a bit more pleasant for you”

Clare coolly said as George wrestled the squirming woman’s arms behind her back. She began wrapping the rope around the girl’s now crossed wrists, being sure to make each lap around her as unforgivingly tight as possible.

“Well fuck you! Why don’t you get a real job rather than leaching off the productive parts of society??”

Vicky winced as the ropes wrapped around her wrists, but she was far more angry than scared of these two. George and Clare started to laugh loudly, which only served to increase her anger. The female kidnapper made eight passes around the girl’s wrists before tightly cinching it off.

“And what is so funny you two fucking creeps? OW that hurts goddammit!”

Clare had begun to wrap another strand of rope around the woman’s arms, right above her elbows, causing them to practically touch. The sudden unpleasant arm positioning was what had caused Vicky to scream out in pain. As his wife worked George decided to answer their captive’s questioning.

“Well two things are funny about that. First off the fact a spoiled brat like you who has never worked a day in your life wants to comment on ‘productive members of society’ is hilarious. How delusional are you?”

As he mocked the snotty woman his wife had finished making six passes around her arm and cinched it off and she was now repeating the process just below the elbows.

“Secondly we have plenty of money, we have no intention of stealing money from your parents, although I haven’t got the faintest why they would bother paying you have YOU back. This is for pleasure not profit.”

Vicky winced as the rope sank deep into the puffy sleeves of her jacket, her elbows now properly touching from how snug the ropes wrapped around her arms were. She was trying to squirm out of George’s tight grip, but accomplished little in the way of escaping.

“Is that supposed to scare me you fucking perverts?”

Clare chuckled as she cinched off the latest winds of rope. Deciding to be thorough she started making a few passes around Vicky’s forearms.

“Well yes darling you probably should be scared, but it’s well known by anyone who has observed you for more than ten seconds that you are an insufferable twat so I’m not shocked you are too dense to realize what a bad situation you are in.”

Clare sneered as she finished making six passes around her prey’s forearms and cinched it tightly. She grabbed a very long piece of rope and began tying it around their new plaything’s chest.

“Well I’m not scared of you two assholes, I’m sure the police will track you down and I’ll be home in no time. My parents won’t rest until the police have done their jobs.”

The couple laughed loudly again as Clare focused intently on her work. She was attempting to tie a rather ornate harness on the squirming girl, winding the rope over, under, and between her large breasts while also winding the rope over her shoulders and around her upper arms. As she neared finishing her work she made some passes around the girl’s neck, insuring too intense of struggling would cause her to be lightly choked.

“Well see the nice thing about a pandemic is it is really a kidnapper’s market. Police are going to be quite busy, not sure if snot nosed shits nobody likes disappearing will be on anyone’s priority list. They’ll probably assume you went down to Florida to party on the beaches like an arrogant bitch.”

George mocked the trussed up woman as his wife began wrapping rope around her stomach, pinning her lower arms into the small of her back. Internally Vicky was becoming more frightened, her captors seemed to know what they were doing and if they honestly didn’t plan on ransoming her she shuddered to think what they might have in mind. Her pride refused to allow her to give in and show that fear to her kidnappers though.

“Whatever, big picture I’ll go back to my comfortable life and you two will be in prison somewhere hoping they start up interprison conjugal visits.”

After making fifteen passes around her stomach, Clare knotted off the rope and grabbed a roll of duct tape. She forced the girl’s hands together then began wrapping the shiny silver strands around them, reducing her hands into one useless mass.

Clare nodded to George who drug the girl over to her couch and forced her to sit down. The two abductors stood back and admired Clare’s rope work. The brown rope dug deep into puffy teal nylon, the harness served to compliment Vicky’s sizable breasts nicely. As they looked her over the girl’s bright green eyes narrowed as she glared at her captors. They looked to be forty something, both having peppered brown hair.

“So do you want to do it now or wait until home?”

George turned to her wife who was intently looking over the young woman.

“We are making good time, I lean towards now unless you disagree.”

Her two captors talking like she wasn’t there was infuriating the arrogant young woman. Anger was rising up and pushing down her growing fear. Her upper body was aching from how tightly the ropes were crushing her body which wasn't helping her mood. She finally interrupted them, her frustration boiling over.

“Not to interrupt you two love birds but what the fuck are you two talking about?”

George merely smiled, leaving the actual response to Clare.

“Well you snotty little thing we were determining if we wanted to rape you here and now or wait until we got you to our place. I think we have determined now is a good time though.”

Vicky gulped as she watched her two kidnappers begin to remove their pants. Her arrogant facade quickly turning into panic.
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Oooh! Vicky is gonna get humbled! Continue please!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

This story is fantastic! I can’t wait for the next update! Great work happy to see more of your work!
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Post by Gagfan »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago Oooh! Vicky is gonna get humbled! Continue please!
Oh yes her upcoming experience is definitely going to knock her down a peg, although one gets the distinct impression she is such the rotten sort that if she ever got free she would quickly forget her lesson, guess they better just make sure she never gets free!
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Post by Gagfan »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 4 years ago This story is fantastic! I can’t wait for the next update! Great work happy to see more of your work!
Thanks for the continued feedback! I’m glad you are still enjoying
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Post by Gagfan »

Part 3

“Wait, no no no don’t do this! I can pay you! If you are trying to prove some sort of point you don’t need to do that!”

As George pulled down his boxers, revealing his large erect cock, causing Vicky to wince in disgust. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to the ground, forcing her on her back. He pulled down her pants, dodging her attempts at kicking him as he worked.

“Oh we aren’t trying to prove anything you sexy little thing. We are both just frustratingly horny seeing a snobby bitch like you put in her place, so we are going to resolve that problem”

George mocked her as he tightly gripped either side of her torso as he got into position, inserting himself into her. She tried to kick and squirm, the heels of her tennis shoes pounding on the floor. His grip was strong through, so she was unable to squirm away from the unwanted invasion.

“Honey I’ll wait to get properly started until you get into position.”

Clare smiled and tossed her damp panties on the ground next to Vicky’s thrashing head. She kneeled down and leaned close to their victim’s face and practically purred at her.

“Now you are going to make us both very happy my dear, my husband will take care of himself, but you’ll have to do the heavy lifting for me.”

Clare stood up and positioned herself so her crotch was right above Vicky’s head. Realization dawned on the young ginger of what her captor was going to want her to do, defiance rose up inside of her. It was bad enough to be raped, but she wasn’t going to orally pleasure her other kidnapper.

“Fuck you bitch, I’m not doing jack fucking shimmmmphhh”

Vicky’s insult was cut short as Clare sat down so her crotch was pressed against the squirming woman’s face, smothering her.

“Well you SAY that, but the quicker you do your job the quicker you can get some air again.”

With his wife in position George had begun pounding away at Vicky, beginning to moan with pleasure. Vicky was trying to squirm harder than ever, but with two captors pinning her down she couldn’t get lose despite her frenzied effort. Her lungs were beginning to burn as she struggled to get in any air and what little air she got stunk of Clare’s crotch. Seeing little choice the ginger began doing as she was told, licking her captor's most intimate areas, Clare began moaning with pleasure, practically synchronized with her husband. Vicky was ashamed to admit it but she could feel herself enjoying the sensation of George's large dick rubbing against her, bringing her closer to an involuntary climax. It didn’t take long, no more than two minutes, and all three participants had finished.

“Good girl, see that wasn’t so hard was it?”
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Amazing yet again! Great continuation cant wait for the next part!
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Post by RopingRingers »

This uppity lass is in a lot of trouble, can't wait for the next part ;)
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Post by Gagfan »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago This uppity lass is in a lot of trouble, can't wait for the next part ;)
Yup, she is currently under the misimpression the worst is over and they’re done with her, she is sorely mistaken
Ducttapelover93 wrote: 4 years ago Amazing yet again! Great continuation cant wait for the next part!
Thank you for your continued feedback and interest! I greatly appreciate it!
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: https://gagfan.wordpress.com/
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Post by Gagfan »

Part 4

Clare got off Vicky’s face and George withdrew and began wiping himself off. As her captors began putting back on their pants, Vicky burned with shame and embarrassment. The arrogant young woman had never been so insulted or embarrassed in her life. Her feelings were quickly causing prideful anger to rise in her again.

“Alright you two fucking assholes you had your fucking fun now get out!”

Clare merely smiled as she finished pulling up her pants. She got up and began rummaging in their bag of supplies before finally replying.

“Oh dear you don’t think we’d go through all this trouble just to fuck you once do you? Oh no my sexy little bitch you are coming with us and can look forward to PLENTY more from where that came from.”

Vicky gulped, her pride quickly shifting back into terror. Her fear worsened when Clare turned to face her and the tied up ginger could see she was holding a foam ball and a rather large red ball gag.

“Wait, ok, I’m sorry! I know I can be a bitch but I can try to do better. Just give me a chance! Please don’t gag me, I’ll do anything!”

Clare straddled the young woman, pinning her underneath her. She took the orange colored foam ball and began compacting it tightly in her right hand.

“Oh I know you’ll do anything, because tied as tightly as we plan on keeping you in our basement you’ll have no choice in the matter. Now I’ve had enough of that big mouth for the time being.”

“Please! Don’t do thimmmphh”

Vicky’s final pathetic begging was cutoff as the foam ball was shoved into her mouth. Once it was past her teeth it quickly expanded outward, pinning her tongue down and causing her cheeks to swell up like a chipmunk. Clare then forced the large red ball into her mouth, forcing it past her lips and buckling it into place. As she was tightly buckling it into position she began teasing their captive.

“Oh you are much better like that, nice and quiet, that insufferable arrogance replaced with fear. And you should be afraid make no mistake, it’s not just rape awaiting you in that basement. Oh no we have clamps, flogs, whips, vibrators, tight little butt plugs, so many ways to torment you”

Vicky whimpered behind her gag as the gravity of her situation finally hit her. She was now properly terrified as she realized these two weren’t joking, they truly intended on kidnapping her and tormenting her. Her jaw ached as the large ball gag painfully stretched it to its limits.

“Honey hand me a roll of that duct tape, we need her properly quiet if this plan is going to work”

The young ginger shook her head no, incredulous her captors felt her already painful gag wasn’t enough. Her protests didn’t stop Clare though, as loud ripping noise was heard as she tore the tape off the roll and smoothed it over Vicky’s left cheek. She then began to wrap it over the girl’s head, going around and around her lower face, practically crushing it under countless winds of unforgivingly tight silver. The air filled with the ripping of tape and Vicky’s frightened whimpers. The whimpers were growing quieter and sounded more like grunts as the gag grew thicker.

Clare didn’t stop though until the large roll of tape had been entirely used. She tossed the cardboard tube to the side then took her hands and smoothed the tape down, tightly pressing on their prey’s face. She leaned in and gave Vicky as light kiss over where her lips were buried under hundreds of wraps of tape.

“There much better like that, wouldn’t you agree honey?”

“Oh yes my dear, her acidic personality and mouth were easily her worst character traits so now that you got those nice and fixed up she is a much more pleasant person to be around I think!”
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Post by RopingRingers »

......damn. that girls in trouble lol. I hope it has a happy ending though lol, unwilling subs deserve payback in the end 😉😂
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Post by Gagfan »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago ......damn. that girls in trouble lol. I hope it has a happy ending though lol, unwilling subs deserve payback in the end 😉😂
Oh I fear not, but look at the bright side, the poor service industry workers who no longer have to deal with her will be delighted!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Oh dear 😂
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Post by Gagfan »

Final Part

George smiled as his wife stood up and got off the victim. Clare went ahead and finally pulled up the poor girl’s pants and underwear, returning the poor woman some semblance of modesty. Vicky merely weakly squirmed, the tight ropework was far too thorough for any proper attempt at escape, and any vigorous squirming caused the ropes to uncomfortably squeeze her neck. She moaned weakly behind her gag, her arrogant pride having been beaten down as the full weight of her situation crushed her emotionally. Her captors perpetually mocking her as being a horrible person nobody could possibly like was not helping her mental status either.

“Ok let’s finish her up so we can get her home. You work on her nose like we planned and I’ll finish her bondage.”

Clare instructed her husband, digging out some more rope and tossing him two small plastic beads which had been coated in a sticky material. She took one of the strands of rope and tied it to the front of one of the ropes circling Vicky’s stomach, she pulled it under the girl and pulled it taut, causing it to dig painfully into the young woman’s crotch. Vicky let out a heavily muffled cry as the strand of hemp dug deeply into her, making her feel as though she was going to be split in two. As Clare tied off the crotch rope, George kneeled down on the ground next to Vicky’s head.

“I would say sorry for this, but you and so both know you deserve this. Throwing food at some poor minimum wage guy because people way above his pay grade decided they are closing for a massive viral outbreak? What a raging bitch, deep down inside you know this is just karma finally giving you want you had coming”

Without warning George shoved one of the pieces of plastic into her right nostril. Vicky panicked, her right side immediately felt like it was congested due to the air flow to it being significantly cut off. She tried much harder to avoid the second one being shoved into her left side. She was thrashing and putting up enough of a fight that Clare had to come tightly grasp her head so George could shove the head into her nostril. Vicky attempted to snort the offending pieces of plastic out but the modest adhesive coating them insured the beads would not go anywhere without being pulled out by her abductors.

“There you go, those beads will motivate you to calm those big tits of yours down”

George teased her, causing his wife to chuckle as she took another length of rope and began tightly wrapping it around Vicky’s taut thighs right below her waist. The young ginger for her part wasn’t bothering to resist, instead being far more focused on desperately trying to breathe. The small openings in the beads let in just enough that the poor girl wouldn’t suffocate, but just barely enough so she did not have the surplus oxygen needed to vigorously struggle. Clare made eight tight passes before cinching off the dull brown rope. The perverted woman added more rope in the middle of her thighs and right above her knees once again making eight passes at each spot. The leg bindings were sufficiently tight they squeezed into her thighs a little, causing her skin to bulge out a little between the three lashings of rope.

With her binding concluded, Clare nodded at her husband who forced the poor woman to her feet. The formerly defiant girl moaned pitifully behind her thick gag, her green eyes filling with tears. George kept a hold of her shoulders while his wife grabbed a large white parka that had been laying over the back of the couch, it looked like a white sleeping bag with arms. She pulled the large jacket over Vicky’s shoulders and zipped it up. The jacket was oversized for the girl and went all the way down to her ankles and as puffy as it was one couldn’t even tell the girl’s arms were behind her back. The couple had sewed the jackets arms into its pockets so it looked like the thoroughly bound woman had her hands in her pockets. The overall effect successfully hid all her bondage other than her massive gag.

“You look so cute like that, now we just need to cover up that gag so you are fit for the public”

Clare said with a smirk, enjoying seeing the insufferable young woman beaten down into a whimpering mess. George dug a face mask out of their bag and put it on their captive. He then pulled the jacket’s large hood over her head and cinched it a bit more tightly. Between the hood and the medical mask the thick tape gag was invisible, Vicky’s strained breathing and moaning sounded conveniently like an ill person straining to breathe. The couple looked at each other and smiled, their plan just might work.

“Let’s go hot stuff, our car is a couple blocks away and we are going to take a nice walk to it nice and in the open. Hence your lovely little outfit you are wearing.”

Clare said with a forceful tone as she and her husband flanked either side of Vicky and guided her towards the door. As they walked down the street the bound ginger attempted to catch the attention of passers by, but her muffled screams mixed with her strained breathing sounded less like a scared kidnap victim and more like a deeply sick person. Occasionally her kidnappers would reassure the pedestrians:

“Oh poor thing is feeling terrible, we’re taking her to the doctor!”

People fearing infection in response kept their distance making it even less likely they would notice something was amiss. Vicky was struggling to breathe too much to struggle in any noticeable way against the two kidnappers flanking her, so her chances of making someone notice were slim. After walking five blocks the ginger was both exhausted and demoralized. They has passed close to multiple people, but despite rescue being so close she was now standing at her captors’ car, her fate now inescapable.

“Now we have a long drive ahead of us. So you spend your time thinking about how you deserve this for being such an insufferable bitch. Remember mommy and daddy can’t bail you out this time.”

Clare teased as she popped the trunk. Vicky moaned pathetically, begging her captors to show some shred of mercy, she truly had learned her lesson, she wanted them to realize that. They merely laughed though as George pushed her inside.

“Oh and while you are thinking about that, also use your imagination to think about all the horrible things we are going to do to you. This car ride will be the most comfortable you’ll likely ever be again.”

Vicky screamed into her gag as the trunk was slammed shut. She sat in the darkness, sweating from the thick parka she was now wearing over her her puffer jacket. She strained to breathe, and resisted the urge to begin crying as the car lurched to a start, bringing her closer to her new life which was going to be far less comfortable than the one she had never properly appreciated before now.
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Post by RopingRingers »

I feel like this could go a lot further lol
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Post by Gagfan »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago I feel like this could go a lot further lol
Oh it definitely could, I tend to cut off my stories most of the time after the kidnapping though and leave the various torments the victim is about to go through to the reader's imagination.
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Post by RopingRingers »

That's one way to do it ;)
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