Something I would never expect (M+/MM, MM/M, M+/MM) - part 27

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really well-done rescuing scene! Though... why do I feel like this isn't the end for the son and father pair? :ugeek:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Given [mention]squirrel[/mention]'s track record and given the title of the story, I'm almost certain our star-author has a special surprise up his sleeve. This may just be an attempt to get our guard down 8-) I'm not falling for this trick.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen. But something IS gonna happen.
[mention]squirrel[/mention] With each passing chapter, you're making me more and more cynical 8-)

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 8 - A friend in need

There was only one person I could turn to at that moment; calling my wife or other kids was definitely not an option. If any of them heard what had just happened they would freak out. I knew I would have to tell them everything, but that wasn’t the talk one can do on the phone. So I called to George Clarke, my closest friend, who was living in the same town. The two of us have been best friends for as long as I could remember; we went to the same primary school and high school together. Then George went to college and I started working in the constructing company, but it was never a problem for us to meet and hang out together.

Hallo?” I heard me buddy’s voice.

George, this is Jeff. Listen man, I need you to come to my place. Can you do that?

Give me five minutes, I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Thank, bud.

I hung out. To be honest I didn’t know how George’s presence could help, but it just felt right to call him and have him around. I took a deep breath and waited for one of the cops to return to me and my son and drive us home. I couldn’t help but cast Taylor a quick glance every now and then; I noticed he was a little tensed up, but there was nothing weird about that. Half an hour earlier he was cruelly tied up, gagged, thrown into the trunk of a car and squashed against his father, also roped up and gagged tightly. This kind of experience must have an impact on anyone; I just hoped my boy would be able to get over it soon.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen. My buddies will take care of the kidnappers and I’ll drive you home if you want me to.” Said one of the cops when he approached us.

“I understand. And yes, we would gladly use your kind offer.”

“All right, get it, then.”

When Taylor and were in the police car I told the guy our address and off we went. The cop was tried to talk to me but I had no idea what he was saying. It seemed very distant to me, as if the words we distorted in some strange way. I was too busy thinking about meeting George and the incoming days. Suddenly the car stopped; I looked through the window and saw our house. It brought me back from my semi-conscious state and I heard the cop explaining that the kidnappers must have been driving around the town for a while. According to him, the captors usually do so and it’s supposed to both confuse the victims and make it more difficult for the police to find them.

“I see, anyway, thank you for the ride, officer. And for the rescue, of course…”

“I’m just gladly we could help.”

All three of us got off the car. I told the cop that he didn’t have to wait with us for the arrival of my friend, but he insisted, so I invited him to the house. It was a bizarre feeling entering the house I had been kidnapped in, but I realized it would go away soon. Taylor and the cop sat on the couch and I placed the coffee table back to its place.

“I know you don’t feel too comfortable here now, Mr. Wheat, but don’t worry, it will be over soon.”

“Is that why you wanted my Dad to call someone we trust?” Taylor asked. I was really relieved that he sounded calm and steady.

“Yes. You two need some sleep and you wouldn’t be able to do that alone; you would both be up all night waiting for the kidnappers to return. This happens in most cases like this. When someone trustworthy is around people tend to relax a little.”

At that moment I heard the front door open. Immediately I rose to my feet and stepped in front of my son, wanting to protect him. I didn’t plan this, but my body acted on its own; the need to protect your child is so strong that it usually overrides everything else. But fortunately this time it was George who entered the house and I unwittingly let out a huge sigh of relief. When he saw the policeman in my living room, he froze for a second.

George was my age; he was a tall, very well built guy with a short heard and beard. He worked at a gym and everyone had to admit that was the perfect job for him. The guy was obsessed with working out and often said that a day with no training is a complete waste of time.
George Clarke.jpg
“Fuck, dude, what happened here?!” He asked.

“All right, gentlemen, it’s time for me.” The cop said as he stood up. Then he added: “I’ll come here tomorrow to get your statements. Try to get some sleep, guys…”

“Of course, officer, thanks again for everything.” Taylor and I shook hands with him and he left. I immediately locked the door.

“What the fuck is going on here?!” George seemed really scared now.

“Sit down, man.” I told him and he did.

I started explaining everything from the moment the intruder came into our house. I told him how I was forced to tie my son up and gag him. How I was made look at his predicament completely helpless and how I later got the same treatment. I said everything I remembered from this damn day.

“Did they hurt you?”

“No, we were just roped up, uncle George.” Taylor answered. Even though George wasn’t my brother, he was so close to our family that it was natural for my son to call him ‘uncle’.

“You were right to call me. I’ll stay here as long as you need me.”

“Actually, it was the cop’s idea….”

“And a fucking good one, I must say. I’ll be up all night when you guys sleep. No need to worry, I won’t drift off. You’ll be perfectly safe.”

“Thanks man. Taylor, go take a shower and then off to bed, young man.” I ruffled my son’s hair a little.

“Uhm, ok Dad, see you tomorrow.”

“How is he holding up?” George asked when we heard the water going in the bathroom.

“I think it could’ve been much worse. He’s a tough kid…”

“And you?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Look Jeff…” My buddy stood in front of me, put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. “I can’t even imagine what you went through, so I’m not going to say all that bullshit that I understand. But if you ever want to talk about this, I’ll be here for you, man. Ok?”

“I know, man. I know…”

I felt him squeeze my shoulder a little and then let go. When Taylor left the bathroom and went to his bedroom it was my turn for a shower. It felt so good to get rid of all the sweat from my body. After I washed myself I put on my boxers. At first I wanted to go to grab some rest, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I peeped into Taylor’s room and saw him fast asleep on his bed. I closed the door and went to the living room, where George was watching TV. I sat next to him, but after several moments I dozed off.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm already a fan of George, he's such a hot nice guy.

It's quite refreshing to see what a attempted kidnapping can do to one's psyche, it'll take a while for Mr. Wheat and Taylor to forget about this.
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Post by bondagefreak »

So sweet of Taylor to refer to George as his uncle ;)

The thing that stood out to me the most is how realistic the post-kidnapping stress is here and how well it's described.
Jeff's reaction is completely believable and realistic.

And I'm as surprised as he is about how well Taylor seems to be handling this.

Fantastic writing, my friend.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Can't wait for chapter nine to come out, my friend!
Don't keep us waiting too long!

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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago I'm not sure what's gonna happen. But something IS gonna happen.
I agree with this 100%, and boy oh boy am I excited for it!!

I'm happy with the addition of the family friend, and am super duper looking forward to whatever comes next! 😃😃😃😃
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

What a great story. I love he put himself in front of his son.

@squirrel you do a great job at conveying the tension and fear of Jeff and his son. Well done, man! 🙇🏻‍♂️
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 9 - The day after

When I got up the next morning I was really surprised how well I slept. I expected the night to be terrible and that I would wake up a lot to check if my son is all right. The dreadful experience from the previous day must have cost me much more than I expected; first the horrible day at work, then the kidnapping and finally getting released by the cops. I knew well that this kind of stuff would make an impact on anyone. But I also assumed that it was my best friend’s presence that let me sleep calmly; I really trusted him and knew he would do everything to protect Taylor and me if it was necessary. Nevertheless, once I woke up I felt a persistent thought to check if Taylor is fine enter my mind. Without even realizing what I was doing I got up from the couch and headed toward my son’s bedroom.

“He’s fine, I checked on him a moment ago.” I heard a voice coming from the kitchen. I turned around nervously, but calmed down when I saw George preparing the breakfast.

“Oh, yeah… thanks, man.”

I stood there mindlessly, fighting with the urge to actually rush to Taylor’s room and see with my own eyes that he’s there, safe and unharmed. I realized George was observing me closely and for some reason that thought eased my mind a little. I sighed quite loudly and went to the bathroom. Once I was done with my business there I decided to take a shower; my body was still covered with sweat and dirt from the previous day and I thought that it would help both my body and my mind to get rid of it. It took me some time to wash myself and when I finished, I put on a fresh pair of jeans. It was another hot day, so I remained shirtless. I returned to the kitchen.

“You must eat something, man.” George said when he saw me.

He didn’t wait for my answer; he simply put the chair out for me and sat me on it. Then he brought a plate with scrambled eggs and nicely fried bacon on it. He sat in front of me with his own portion of food and we began eating. We didn’t say anything during the meal; the swirl of thoughts was back in my head and I didn’t even know how to start the conversation. And George must have known what was happening, because he was completely silent, as if he wanted to give me the time to deal with whatever was going inside me.

“How are you feeling, Jeff?” He finally asked when we finished eating.

“Not bad, actually. I thought it would be a lot worse…”

“I was thinking… When the cops arrive I’ll go back to my house to get some clothes, a toothbrush, maybe some other stuff, too. I’ll stay with you guys for several days.”

“What about your son?”

“Peter will be fine. Besides, he’s planned to spend the whole day with his girlfriend, so he won’t need me.”

“Dude, I really appreciate your offer, but that’s not necessary. Taylor and I will be fine.”

“I’m not asking for you invitation or permission. I’ll stay here whether you want or not.”

“Thanks, man.” I was really glad I would have George around. I smiled a little and added: “Don’t forget your gym bag.”

“The gym can wait.” He replied, took both of our plates and put them into the dishwasher.

George was my best friend and now I had another proof that he was taking our friendship seriously. Normally there is no way to make him skip one of his trainings. He can spend hours at the gym and sometimes I was even wondering if his hobby wasn’t turning into an unhealthy obsession. So when he said he was ready to give it up for some time it really meant a lot to me. Of course I didn’t need to say anything, because guys understand such things without words. But I didn’t have too much time to think about that; soon Taylor came downstairs.

“How are you, son?” I asked and immediately went to him.

“Fine, Dad. And you?”

“You guys stay here, I’ll make breakfast for the kid.”

George went to the kitchen, leaving me and Taylor alone; another thing I was grateful for. I wanted to spend some time with my son, make sure everything was all right and talk to him if he wanted to. I was really concerned about him; even though he seemed fine, I felt that he was hiding all his emotions deep inside him. I could only hope he would be able to deal with them in time. When George appeared with Taylor’s breakfast we all sat together and talked a little bit while the kid was eating. He didn’t even finish his meal when we heard a doorbell ring.

“It must be that cop.” I said and got up. With the corner of my eye I saw that George got up too and was following me.

When I got to the door I hesitated for a moment. My heart was pounding in my chest. I had to wait a short while before I opened the door and saw two cops who had saved me and Taylor the previous day.

“Good morning, gentlemen. How are you holding up?” One of them asked.

“We’re fine, officer. Or at least as fine as we can be, giving the circumstances…” I replied. “Come inside, please.”

“Jeff, I’ll go to my house now, but will be back soon.” My friend said when the policemen entered the house.

George shook hands with them and left. Now it was time for the worst part of the day; going through the kidnapping ordeal once again. I knew it would be hard to talk about what had happened, but I also knew that the more we would be able to recall the better. I was the one who did the talking; Taylor was adding some details from time to time. Once we finished, the cops started asking questions; we answered as best as we could, hoping we could be of help.

“Thank you very much, gentlemen. We realize it wasn’t easy for you.”

“Still, talking about it is much easier than going through it…”

“Certainly. If you recall something important call us immediately.” One of the cops said and gave me a card with his phone number on it.

We all shook hands and they left. Taylor went to his room to grab some more sleep; I was alone in the living room again. After maybe twenty minutes the front door opened and George came inside. When I saw his face my heart sank. I’ve seen him in the exact same state once and I hoped I would never have to watch him like this again. The moment I saw him it was clear: something terrible happened to his son, Peter…
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Post by bondagefreak »

Another slow "setting-the-stage" type chapter.

I'm greatly intrigued by what you have in store for us, my friend.
And I'm now on the edge of my seat after reading those last lines of chapter nine.

What the hell happened to George?
And more specifically, what the hell happened with this son!?

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Post by dahanband »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Another slow "setting-the-stage" type chapter.

I'm greatly intrigued by what you have in store for us, my friend.
And I'm now on the edge of my seat after reading those last lines of chapter nine.

What the hell happened to George?
And more specifically, what the hell happened with this son!?

I hope his son has been kidnapped! 8-) :twisted:
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Post by NeedControl »

Man, this is really really good.
You're weaving a beautiful tale with so much happening inside each of these men, and so much opportunity for things to happen together among them!

I'm really happy to be following along, and am excited for whatever comes next, and after that, and after that!!
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Chapter 10 - A moment from the past

It happened nine years ago, but I still remember that day as vividly as if it was yesterday…

It was a really nice Tuesday afternoon in August; our kids were spending some time at my parents’ in the countryside, so me and my wife had the whole house to ourselves and could finally have some rest from our children. Taking care of two young boys and a teenage girl was not an easy task and we both were extremely grateful for my parents for taking the kids for a week. It was already getting dark outside when Susan saw George’s car parking in our driveway. It wasn’t anything unusual, since we were expecting a visit from him and his wife, Helen. We were really looking forward to it; it was supposed to be the first time in a very long time when the four of us had a chance to meet and talk without having the youngsters running all over the house and screaming.

But when the door opened and George came inside Susan and I knew that something was terribly wrong. He was alone; he was pale and had madness in his eyes. He was looking at us but seemed not to see us. He was mumbling something unintelligibly under his nose. He was a mess and it took Susan and me good fifteen minutes to have him sit down and calm down a little. But even then we couldn’t make him tell us what had happened; we only knew that it was something horrible. Finally, after several more minutes, his eyes got back to normal and he started telling us everything.

Earlier that day Helen and Peter went shopping. It usually took them around an hour, so when they didn’t return for two hours, George started to worry. He tried to call his wife, but she didn’t answer. Some time later he got a phone call; it was a nurse from the hospital. She said that Helen and Peter had a terrible car accident and asked George to get there as soon as he could. Of course he did; when he got to the hospital the doctors told him that the condition of his son and wife was very serious, that they were both having a surgery, and that there was no way to tell if either of them would make it through. George waited for several hours there. Finally the surgeries were finished one of the doctors said that they had managed to stabilize both of them, but they were still uncertain about Helen and Peter’s chances to survive. They also let him see his wife and son.

Now George was sitting at our dinner table, silent and devastated. I looked my wife in the eye and we both nodded in silent agreement that we would do whatever it takes to help him. Susan told him to stay with us for as long as he needed and I called my parents and asked them to take care of our kids for a little longer. My mother immediately sensed that something wasn’t all right, so I had to explain the situation to her; once she knew everything, she agreed immediately to my request.

The next several days was an utter nightmare. George was close to a complete breakdown and Susan and I tried to do everything to not let him fall apart. I think it was the little glimpse of hope that Helen and Peter would be fine, that kept him on the surface. At last, after the whole ten days of uncertainty and worries it was all over. On Sunday morning George and I were at the hospital when one of the doctors said that both Helen and Peter would be fine. Of course, the rehab would be long and painful, but the worst was over. When we were left alone George burst into tears; finally he could let all his emotions go, and I was glad to offer him a shoulder to cry on.

When several weeks later Helen and Peter were signed out from the hospital they moved in with me and Susan. George was assuring us that since everything was fine now, that wasn’t necessary, but me and my wife insisted. We wanted to help him taking care of his family and it would be much easier if they stayed at our place for some time. Those few months we lived together really made our two families close with each other.

And now I was looking at the same pale face I was hoping not to see ever again. My heart was pounding in my chest as I was walking George to the couch and sit him there. I waited another few moment for him to calm down. He did and asked me to give him a large glass of whisky. I immediately did as he asked and watched him empty the glass with one big gulp. I sat on the coffee table and took the glass from his hands. I looked him in the eye and saw something new: fear.

“Is it Helen? Is it Peter? Are they fine?” The questions popped out of my mouth on their own.

“What..? Oh yeah, fine, they’re fine.”

“Then what is it!?” I almost shouted, but was so relieved to hear that.

“Where’s Taylor?”

“What?! Is something wrong with Taylor?!” I asked as I jumped to my feet.

“No. Just tell me where he is.”

“He’s sleeping in his room. Dude, you’re scaring me…”

“In case he wakes up, let’s go to the basement. I don’t want him to hear us.”

George got up and didn’t even look at me; e walked to the cellar and I followed him. When we were inside I patiently waited for my buddy to tell me what was going on. He took several deep breaths and took two cigars from the back pocket of his jeans. He handed me one and; I took it and in a moment we were both sucking on our stogies. George took some big puffs before he finally decided to speak.

“Dude, before I tell you this I want you to know that I had no idea about this.”

“Tell me what!? No idea about what!?”

“You’re gonna hate me for this…”

“One more line like this and I’ll punch you, dude.” I warned him; now I was getting really angry.

“This whole kidnapping… I think it was fake…”
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Post by Socksbound »

What a brilliant chapter. It drama filled and had me on the edge of my seat the twist at the end blew my mind my mouth literally opened in shock. :o
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

That's quite a twist, [mention]squirrel[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]squirrel[/mention] George's backstory was vivid and realistic.
I really appreciate the added insight it gives us into his character.

This beating around the bush is killing me and pissing me off almost as much as it's pissing off Jeff though.
I want answers and I want them soon!

You have my full attention, buddy.

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Chapter 11 - The fight

I was standing in my own basement, wearing nothing but a pair of blue jeans with a wide, black belt around my waist. My eyes were wide, my jaw dropped and the hand holding the cigar was frozen in the air; as if the brain forgot what to do with it. I was looking at George’s face and saw the same scared expression he had when he came back from his house not so long time ago. I did understand what he said, but I just couldn’t get the meaning of it; there was a swirl of thoughts in my mind and I had difficulties in grasping one. It seemed they were rushing like crazy inside my head; I needed some time before it stopped and I could speak again.

“Fake? What the fuck do you mean ‘fake’??

“I’m not really sure, man, but…” George didn’t finish the sentence when I interrupted him:

“Not sure!? Is this some kind of a stupid joke?!”

“Dude, please… Just listen to me… When I was at home I heard Peter talk with someone on the phone. At first I was surprised, cause he was supposed to spend the day with his girlfriend, like I told you earlier. But she could have cancelled on him, I dunno, really. I didn’t think about that too much when I heard him say something about cops, prank, gift… and Taylor. I didn’t want to admit this before myself, cause I could only hear several separate words, but there is a possibility that Peter is behind your kidnapping…”

When George finished I felt my knees getting weak. I was looking at him, but this time I didn’t see my best friend, but some stranger; it seemed that a weird wall was now between the two of us. Without even realizing it I started to walk from one wall to another, storming on my cigar. I felt anger and fury flooding me; if George’s assumption was right the whole ordeal I was put through was just a stupid joke. I have no idea how long I was walking over the basement, I completely lost track of time. Finally I heard a voice, it seemed distant and vogue, but there was no doubt who was speaking.

“Dude, I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t know about this…”

I looked at George again. I felt like the rage was leaking out of me. I took several steps and walked to him slowly, and when I stopped I was standing so close to him that our shirtless chests almost touched. I had troubles with controlling myself and when I spoke I realized my own voice was trembling with fury.

“You want to tell that all me and my son went through yesterday was just a joke? A fucking JOKE!? Made by someone whom I treat as my own son!? For whom I prayed every night when he was in that fucking hospital!? Is that REALLY what you want to tell me!??”

“Jeff, dude… I… I don’t know, man. I had no idea about this, I swear!” George sounded desperate, but it didn’t matter.

“Screw you, George!!” I yelled at him and pushed him hard against the wall. “You’ve spoiled that brat and now here are the results!! Susan and I told you many times you should be more strict with him!! Can you now see what your lack of discipline did!? Or do you need some more proof!?

He didn’t fight or snap back; in fact he seemed relieved that I did this. We were now standing there quietly, panting heavily and sweating. I leaned against the wall and felt the rage and fury fading away. Slowly, but surely. It took me some time to compose myself and start thinking clearly again. When I looked at George, the odd wall seemed to be no longer there; he was no stranger any more, but my best friend. I took a deep breath before I walked to him and reached out to him.

“Sorry I pushed you. Even if Peter really did this to me and Taylor, I know you had nothing to do with it. And I’m sorry for what I said about you being a bad father. If I were in your place I would probably be exactly the same.” I said quietly.

“It’s all right, man. I know you didn’t really mean that.” We shook hands. “But you’re right; I should have been more disciplinarian with him.”

“When you heard what you heard… did you talk with Peter?” I asked, changing the subject.

“No. I came to you immediately.”

“Does Taylor know about this?”

“I don’t know, man… but I don’t think so.”

“Wait here for me.”

I left George alone in my basement and went upstairs to see my son. The living room was quiet, so I went upstairs to his room. The door was closed, so I opened it and peeked inside; Taylor was fast asleep on his bed, snoring. The new wave of anger flooded me again, but this time it was much smaller and shallower than before. I sighed and went inside. I took a piece of paper from his desk and wrote him a short note that I would drive George to his house to get some stuff he forgot. I placed the note on the keyboard, left the room and closed it. Then I went to George again.

“I want to talk to Peter.” I told him when I reached the basement.

“I know you do. Maybe… maybe it’s not what we’re thinking… After all, I was up all night and I could’ve misunderstood something.”

“Let’s just hope for it.” I said, but deep in my heart I really doubted that. Then I added: “I’ll drive. As you said, you’ve been up all night.”

George just nodded and handed me his car keys. We got in and drove to his house…

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Post by gaggedfeety »

Wow, I was wondering if Peter was behind this. Was it a joke? Or did Peter have some plan, like what was he trying to get? And him and Taylor were close, did he know?

I can't wait to see what happens!!!
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]squirrel[/mention] strong continuation. You’ve left me with so many questions.
Is Peter behind it?
Was it just a prank?
Does Taylor know about it?
Is he somehow involved in it?
Is George in on it and taking Jeff into a trap?

Can’t wait to find out.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Omigod! This is a real twist.

I really like the relationship between the two friends , George and Jeff...the way Jeff holds back in decking George realizing that he's his best friend and the agony he might be going through.

You have us on the edge of our seats, [mention]squirrel[/mention]

The hallmark of a good story.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]squirrel[/mention] Awesome continuation, man!

Sounds to me like someone's *ahem Peter* now in serious trouble 8-)
I wondering what those question marks on the story title are gonna turn into.
My guess is "MM/m" 8-)

Make that fuckin' twerp pay BIG TIME 8-)

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Post by Bondwriter »

Lots of mystery! Looking forward to finding out what it's all about.
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 12 - The truth

George lived on the other side of the city, so the journey took us some time. The streets were much more crowded that I expected and the day was very hot, so soon our shirtless bodies were glistening with sweat. I tried talking to him, but after several moments I realized it would be best to give him some time to think. He must have felt extremely guilty, even though we both knew he wasn’t responsible for whatever his son had or hadn’t done. But I thought that there was something else, something that was worrying him much more than my anger at Peter; he was afraid that this whole incident would have a great impact on our friendship. And I couldn’t blame him for this; if it was the other way around I would have been freaking out too. After what seemed like a quarter I decided to break the silence again:

“Dude, I want you to know that if this really was Peter’s idea, I’m not going to blame you.”

“I know, man. But it kind of IS my fault; if I had been more strict, maybe he wouldn’t have done such thing.”

“You don’t know that, George. I’ve been trying to be disciplinarian with my sons and it only worked with Jacob, Taylor seemed to be immune to everything me and Susan were trying to do.”

“Yeah, but your son didn’t organize a kidnapping of his friend…”

I didn’t know what to reply, so I stayed silent for several moments. George was right: no matter how troublesome Taylor could be, he never did anything comparable to Peter’s deed. I was thinking about it for a while and recalled what my son had said before the intruder entered our house. I smiled a little and decided to talk with my buddy about it:

“Speaking of my son: did you know that he found a job and wants to send me and Susan to a hotel for the weekend?”

“Holy shit, you’re kidding!” The news was a huge surprise to George.

“Surprising, isn’t it?”

For the rest of the journey we were talking about Taylor’s plans for the future and his remarkable change. George had as much difficulties in believing in this as I had at the beginning; but the good thing was that neither of us felt awkward any more. It felt great to be talking with my best friend normally. Unfortunately it didn’t last for long; soon we arrived at George’s place and I parked the car in front of his house. We took a deep breath and got out.

“All right, let’s get this over with.” I said as I saw my friend heading towards the house.

I waited for George to unlock the door and we both went inside. My buddy immediately went upstairs, to his son’s bedroom, but when we knocked on the door the only thing we could hear was silence. Without even realizing what I was doing I turned the knob and unceremoniously walked inside. I knew George wasn’t too happy with my behavior, but I didn’t care; I felt the familiar wave of rage flooding me again. But unfortunately the room was empty. We were searching the house for some time and when we couldn’t find Peter, my friend suggested we go down to his basement, where he had prepared a small gym room for himself.

Peter was twenty, just like my son. He was very well built for his age, had short black hair and dark green eyes. When we walked inside the room he was working with the barbell. He must have been there for quite a while; he was shirtless and his body was all covered in sweat. When he saw his father and me he smiled and put the barbell aside. I had no idea why, but that smile made me even more angry than before. I started walking towards Peter, but George stopped me. And I was glad that he did; I could barely control myself and I couldn’t guarantee that Peter would get away unharmed if I had a chance to get him.
Peter Clarke.jpg
“Is something wrong, guys?” Peter asked; the smile on his face disappeared.

“You’re damn right there is!” George snapped and went to his son. He was now standing maybe an inch away from him.. “Did you have anything to do with Jeff and Taylor’s kidnapping?”

“Dad… what the hell are you talking about?!” The kid asked, but turned pale.

“Don’t you give me that shit, son! I’ve heard you talking on the phone!”

“Oh fuck…” He whispered.

“What the fuck do you mean by that?!” I walked closer to Peter and was now standing as close to him as George.

“Mr. Wheat, please… don’t me mad at me… it was just a joke… and you weren’t even supposed to be there… Fuck!! This has gone all wrong….”

I closed my eyes and did everything I could not to kill Peter with my bare hands. I put my hand on Georges arm and squeezed it as much as I could. So my buddy was right: this whole kidnapping was only a prank. I felt fury getting control of me. I turned away and hit the wall with all my might. I was gasping heavily. When I turned back I realized that George’s face was getting more red with every second. I came closer to him again, just in case.

“Do you realize what you’ve put them through?” George’s voice was trembling with anger.

“Dad, please, you don’t get it!!”

“What the fuck don’t I get?! What kind of a person comes up with such a stupid idea?!”

“Dad, listen to me!! It was all Taylor’s idea!!”

[mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]privateandrews[/mention] [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]NeedControl[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention]
[mention]Xtc[/mention] [mention]RopedBud[/mention] [mention]dahanband[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]DomTiesMen[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention]
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Peter certainly folded quickly, but...
“Dad, listen to me!! It was all Taylor’s idea!!”
Never liked a Tattletale! :evil:

Take responsibility, man! And take the punishment that is sure to follow! :twisted:
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Post by gaggedfeety »

I had a feeling Taylor was involved in some way!!! But why? What was the plan? What were they getting out of it? Was it a kinky kidnap roleplay, and Jeff was "in the way?

So many questions!!! Can't wait to hear his explanation...
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