Sorority Tradition (F/M)

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Sorority Tradition (F/M)

Post by GMen »

I debated whether or not to place this story in the fiction or nonfiction section. In the end, I placed it here if for no other reason than while many of the details within are true, it was relayed to me by a friend of mine only from his point of view and therefore if I retold it, it would be far too one-dimensional. Moreover, in order to make the story as detailed as possible, many of the salient details that were unknown needed to be fabricated. As a result of the story not being completely true (probably closer to 60%), I chose to place it here. Names and places have been changed for the usual reasons.

Sorority Tradition

On the final Friday of the semester, the sisters of Alpha Omega Phi gathered in their home to discuss the final preparations for their weekend soiree. They already had their Spring formal a couple of weeks before which, by and large, was geared more towards the sisters who were in longstanding relationships. Their final event of the year, a traditional house party, was meant to be a final, no holds-barred event where all inhibitions were cast to the wind, especially for the departing seniors. As the girls dutifully checked off each item on their lists of supplies needed, Melanie waited anxiously for the final item. Within the group of senior girls, it had become commonplace for one to be selected to snag herself a beau in the most literal sense of the phrase. The unsuspecting guy needed to be securely tied for no less than thirty minutes, leaving it up to the other sisters to use their own discretion. To ensure complete spontaneity, anyone with a significant other was automatically disqualified from being selected. In other instances, if someone was picked, they couldn’t use one of their close male friends who could have easily been in on the whole scheme in advance. The significant others of fellow sisters was not off limits, although the selected person would have needed permission from her sister beforehand, a request that more than likely would be declined.

Of the twenty or so seniors, Melanie was one of the only ones without a boyfriend. In fact, she was one of the only ones who hadn’t had a longterm serious relationship throughout all of college. Now, let me be abundantly clear: she was not some socially awkward book worm or geek that was deemed a pity case. At 5’5, brown/blonde hair, hazel eyes and a member of the university’s track team, she was not unattractive or someone you’d find wearing all black and listening to grunge music. However, Because she was on scholarship, she needed to keep her GPA above a certain level and therefore did work diligently at her studies. She’d go out and have fun on Fridays and Saturdays, but rarely any other day during the week. In other words, she would most likely be the one selected for this mission. In fact, it had come to mind a few months earlier and she even contemplated finding a guy - nearly any guy - to start seeing socially on a regular basis in hopes of evading this task. Some of her sisters would undoubtedly suffer a devastating end-of-the-year breakup, she otherwise thought, and hoped that premonition would come true.

The pressure she was placing on herself was sizable, the result of being relatively shy when it came to rushing into things. At the various parties over the years, sure, she’d flirt back and forth with guys but it never got too intense, certainly not enough that she could coax them into some quick ties. Those thoughts came to mind as the girls had finished their checklist, minus the final item.

“Okay girls, you’re dismissed. Except for the seniors,” Pam, the sorority president, declared in the kitchen. “But stay tuned. We’ll let you know who the Honored One will be later.” As the girls departed, the seniors came from their various perches around the kitchen to sit at their dining room table. Pam sat in the center, unfolding a piece of paper with a list of all the seniors. With a red pen, she sat silently, crossing off each name individually and writing “TAKEN” next to each name that was crossed off. When she capped the pen, each girl leaned over from their sitting position to see how many names were still eligible. There were four names: Lisa, CJ, Kurstin, and, of course, Melanie.

“Of the four, do we have any volunteers?” Pam asked, as she scoured the faces of those huddled. When no girl raised their hand or spoke up, Melanie knew she was toast as the tiebreaker was the one who had last exchanged carnal knowledge with someone. For Melanie, that had come at the very beginning of the semester; she knew the others had fooled around more recent than that. Rather than be selected by that metric, she raised her hand.

Pam raised an eyebrow, completely understanding Melanie’s reason for doing so.

“Thank you, Melanie. You know the rules by now. Good luck.” With that, everyone dispersed from the table as word started circulating that Melanie was the Honored One for the following evening.


Melanie hadn’t stressed out about her goal for the evening, but she was a bit conflicted. Who exactly was she going to find? There were going to be any number of unattached males coming to this event and with a few bats of her eyelashes, maybe a playful giggle or two, it was entirely possible - in fact, it was probable - that she could succeed. She just had to hope that the guys were unaware of their little tradition.

Melanie went about her day as usual before getting ready for the party. There was no reason to go overboard on looking too dolled up, she thought, the guys will get hammered quickly so what’s the point? Although, for some incentive, she put on her tightest pair of jeans, a hunter green tank top that showed just enough of her midriff to piqued the curiosity of any admirer, and a pair of flip flops.

In the early part of the evening, she headed across campus. It was the final weekend, after all; Alpha Omega Phi was not the only member of the campus Greek life going all-out one last time. The decision was also calculated. Give it some time for an unsuspecting guy to get comfortable, then she could swoop in and it’d be like taking candy from a baby. She killed an hour perusing the cloister of Greek houses down some of the residential streets before deciding it was time to head on back and meet her challenge head-on. By now, she had imbibed a bit (some liquid courage never hurt in such situations) but she was nowhere near being drunk. Even still, all the working was doing a number on her feet and she promptly requested an Uber. Seconds later, she was informed that Eric would be the driver of her chariot and arriving in three minutes.

Eric was a fellow undergraduate, although he was probably the youngest freshman at age 23; the result of active duty in the military. Since his return to the States, he enrolled in college and spent most of his free time in the college gym. Between his numerous tattoos along his arms and upper chest and his baby face, he had become somewhat of a commodity with the ladies. After two years deployed in the desert, he certainly welcomed the attention but his laser-focus on studies and fitness precluded him from regularly attending the various drinking establishments about town. He quickly learned the best way to meet girls, while also making money doing it, was by driving around campus as an Uber. In the first year, he was frequently requested by customers he deemed regulars - the usual flirty college girls who scribbled their phone numbers on bits of paper they left in the rear cupholders of his SUV for him to find later. It was certainly an ego boost, especially on the couple of occasions the girls were openly flirting with him while they sat next to whoever their date was that particular evening.

He anticipated this evening for awhile. A few of his fellow Uber drivers had explained that the final weekend of the semester was one of the most, if not the most, profitable weekends of the entire year. Knowing this, he started his shift early at 4 in the afternoon, and as the sun began to set, the number of rides escalated. By the time he received Melanie’s request, he had been driving for nearly five hours and earned nearly $150. He figured another hour-and-a-half and he could clear $200. Not bad for less than a half-a-tank of gas.

For each pick up, he tried not to eye his customers, but he was human after all and on this particular night, his beams caught the girl standing on the sidewalk awaiting her temporary chauffeur. She instantly knew he was her ride and she swung the back door open and hopped in.

“Evening miss,” Eric greeted, always ensuring his politeness was genuine. “How are you this evening?” He glanced at his phone in the cradle on the dash. “We’re off to 19 Chestnut Lane, correct?”

“Yessir, we are. Thanks,” Melanie said, staring out the window as the SUV drove down the tree-lined street.

As they began their journey, Melanie glanced over at her driver. From the backseat, Eric certainly looked handsome, the little bit of tattoo ink she could notice on his lower neck certainly was appealing. Every minute or so, she’d give a subtle glance before returning her attention back out the window. While she thought she was able to do this clandestinely in the overall darkness, the reflection of the streetlights had allowed Eric to espy her brief stares in the rearview mirror. Naturally flattered, he was also pleased that she wasn’t one of the drunkards who would be wrapping their arms around his neck (and in some cases having those hands and arms try to reach lower; he always kept female passengers out of the front passenger seat to ensure they kept their hands to themselves as much as possible.)

Finally, after what seemed like five minutes (but what was probably more along the lines of 90 seconds), Eric had to break the ice.

“What debauchery have you got planned for the evening?” he asked.

“Oh you know, the usual tequila shots until you can’t remember your own name, make out with some rand-oh and wake up a pool of your own vomit,” she replied sarcastically. “There are just some days you just dread…and this is mine. But what are ya gonna do? Have to push through it; graduation’s just a few days away.”

“Well that sounds like a lot of fun. Be sure to have a couple for me.”

The pieces formed in Melanie’s mind rapidly. A cute guy, interested in a party…hell even if she couldn’t get him tied, maybe she could strike up something before she left campus.

“Well, why don’t you have those couple with me?”

The second she completed the question, she closed her eyes in a moment of embarrassment. She had never sounded so cheesy in her life, and here she was acting like a middle-schooler telling a boy she liked him. It was all very amateurish.

“Thanks for the offer but I want to finish up for the night. There’s still plenty of money to be made.”

“I understand,” she replied, emitting a childish frown that Eric caught glimpse of in the rearview mirror. She had mastered the schoolgirl routine and Eric was buying into it hook, line, and sinker. After a few brief moments in silence, Eric relented. “Oh alright, I’ve made enough for the night I guess.”

They arrived a few minutes later, and as soon as Melanie walked in with Eric, she felt some of her sisters eyeing her escort. She could only imagine what they must be thinking. Melanie would make the determination in the first thirty minutes. If she and Eric were getting along nicely and there was potential for something more, she certainly wasn’t going to ruin it by coaxing him into the bedroom to tie him up. She would just as easily blow off the challenge and suffer the wrath of her sorority sisters until commencement. They made their way to the backyard and enjoyed their freshly tapped beer from the keg. Eric figured a couple wouldn’t be the end of the world; he could simply spend another half-hour at the gym the next day. The problem was he hadn’t had a drink in a decent amount of time. While the beer was fine, a shot or two of Fireball in near back-to-back succession was going to wreak havoc on him. Melanie would have felt a bit guilty had she forced them on him, but she hadn’t; he willingly sought them out. But she knew she’d have to move quickly: the rules stipulated the guy needed to be conscious and aware of what was happening. As they conversed, she noticed Eric slurred a word here and there and started to lean against a tree.

Melanie led Eric back into the house and brought him into her room. She was adamantly clear that this wasn’t going to be Eric’s lucky night, however, that did not preclude any other flirtation. The room wasn’t particularly big and Melanie found it took little effort to playfully push Eric down onto her bed where they proceeded to make out. As time progressed, Melanie kept getting nervous before finally reaching in her nightstand and producing the roll of silver duct tape.

Looking up at her smiling face in between kissing, Eric had to inquire. “What are you doing?”

“Listen, Eric, I just need you to go with it,” she said anxiously, as she fidgeted with the roll, using her fingernail to find the beginning of the tape.

“Go with what?” he said. There was no expression of concern, but he was genuinely interested, as well as confused; the alcohol had certainly hazed his judgment.

“It’s a stupid sorority challenge,” she said as the RIIIIIIIIP of the tape screeched. She took his wrists together, wrapping the tape around them a number of times before she was satisfied they were secure. Moving down to his ankles, she repeated the procedure, wrapping the tape around his jeans. Then, finally, to prevent him from trying to chew this way out of his predicament, she took one strip of tape and pressed it over his lips.

“Don’t worry Eric, it’s only for thirty minutes, I promise.” With that, Melanie got up and left the room.

Eric didn’t struggle at first, he was too bewildered to do anything. He was trying to determine whether this had been some elaborate ruse all along, or if this was just something to serve as a prelude for what could turn out to be one wild night. Certainly there were a fair share of humans into this sort of thing and he wasn’t going to judge one way or another.

A few minutes transpired before he heard the door knob twist and Melanie returned with Pam. All he could do was look up with his innocent brown eyes while Pam examined the specimen.

“How long has it been?” Pam asked.

“No more than five minutes,” Melanie responded.

“Very good then. Not a bad catch, if I do say so myself. What his name?”

Instinctively Eric responded, but all that emerged was a muffled and garbled response.

“His name’s Eric. He was my Uber driver.”

Pam looked him over, pinching his arm through his plaid shirt.

“My, my, my, aren’t you fit,” Pam said. “Okay Melanie, inform the other sisters that they can start coming up to witness your triumph.” Melanie looked back at her for a moment before Pam gave her a stern look. “Go.”

Melanie headed down the stairs while Pam continued to eye Eric up and down. She leaned down and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“Mmmmmm,” Eric protested, shaking his head no. Pam just smiled. “Don’t worry, beefcake. We won’t strip you naked, we just want to satisfy our imaginations.”

With the shirt unbuttoned, it revealed a completely bare chest complete with six pack abs - not a hair in sight, just his numerous tattoos on the upper part of his chest. For a brief second Pam was breathless. “Wowie.”

Moving down to his ankles, she then started untying his sneakers, slowly removing them and briefly glimpsing at the label. “Size 12. interesting. Of course you know what they say about guys with big feet…” as she nodded to his crotch. When his socks were removed and she scraped his bare soles with the edge of her fingernail, he was convinced he’d be nude shortly. Those fears were exacerbated when she reached up, unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down a bit.

“MMMMPPPPPHHH!!!!!!” he yelled. Up to now, he wasn’t struggling too much, but now that fear was definitely taking hold. Pam palmed his face in her hand, squishing his cheeks. “Calm down, Romeo. That’s as far as it’ll go. Plus,” she said, motioning down to his short Calvin Klein briefs, “that underwear is so short it doesn’t leave anything to imagination! The girls will love it. Melanie sure picked a winner.”

Eric sighed to himself, attempting to pull his wrists away from each other, but the tape wasn’t budging. A few minutes later, the first girls started to filter into the bedroom. Pam gave them explicit instructions that they could look, but not touch; only she could touch. Eric endured a series of quick tickles on his bare soles, thighs, sides, and ribs. Pam would sometimes raise his arms above his head, revealing the entire smoothness of his torso. In some ways Melanie felt guilty at what she had done but, minus the muffled fits of laughter from the tickling, Eric didn’t seem too bothered by it.

Eric kept a close eye on the digital clock readout he could see. Being ogled by college coeds was certainly not something he expected when he woke up but he rolled with it for the time being. As the thirty-minute time limit inched closer, the next thing he worried about was either Pam or Melanie reneging and keeping him like this for awhile longer…Pam had certainly taken a shining to him.

Thankfully, she was true to her word and when the final group of girls made their way out of the room, so did Pam.

“Nice work, Melanie. And Eric, you weren’t so bad yourself,” she said, planting her lips on the tape over his mouth.

Pam left, closing the door behind her. Melanie slowly peeled the tape from his lips.

“Hey, I’m really sorry, it was an end-of-the-year sorority prank deal.”

Eric gave off a subtle grin. “It’s alright, I guess. Could’ve been worse,” he said, before adding, “but it could’ve been better.”

Melanie was sufficiently intrigued. “And how’s that?”

“Well instead of Pam fondling me, it could’ve been you!”

“Oh really?” Melanie hopped into bed next to Eric and pulled the tape hanging from the edge of his face and resealed it over his lips. “Now you’re all mine.”
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Post by Xtc »

In spite of my lack of unerstanding of the more barabric American "Greek" customs, I must say that tihs was well written and most entertaining. It was a well paced story with plenty of detail that certainly did not fall into the "mere list of who did what, with which and to whom" school of TUGs writing. It was also of a length that invited one to read to the end of a well structured, complete story.

Thanks for posting.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Much better than the usual Sorority Girl rubbish. Good pacing, character development, and dialogue, all in a compact and easy-to-read package. Well done! Thanks for posting.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I would have loved to be the “victim” of this sorority tradition!

Grat story!
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Post by cj2125 »

Good story, well developed characters and nice setting, agree with [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] , I've seen stories with similar premises that turn out to be complete rubish but yours sir, is certainly none of those!
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Post by overlooker »

Good story - im sure he continued to have a good time after this story ended.
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Post by Benelux »

A nicely done story with an ending leaving a lot to the reader's imagination - I love it!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Fantastic story [mention]GMen[/mention], one of the best I’ve read here! Great premise to the story and sounds like Eric ended up having himself a nice time!
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