Demon Summoning at Fulmen Heights (Fantasy) (M/M)

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Demon Summoning at Fulmen Heights (Fantasy) (M/M)

Post by Opal »

“It’s that time again.” Alaric mumbled, flicking through his phone, the car jostling him as its wheels turned over the pothole-filled New York City road. He reached into his trench coat pocket, feeling for his wallet and keys, a nervous habit he dipped into when he was nearing the site of a job.

“Indeed.” The man next to him sighed, his voice silky and calm as he turned the pages of a small paperback novelette. “Every month there seems to be another demon manifestation.”

Alaric groaned, pushing his brown wool-knit beanie further up his head, allowing his blonde locks to fall across his eyes. “What is it about this city that just compels people to summon demons, Cedric?” He rolled his eyes, propping his booted feet up against the back of the passenger seat.

“I think it might be a population problem.” Cedric replied, his own medium-length brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. “More people means more demons. Or, rather, more people know how to summon them.”

“I didn’t graduate from the academy just to become a paranormal janitor.” Alaric scowled, baring his fang-like teeth in annoyance. “It’s undignified. And now we have the new kid, as if things weren’t annoying enough.”

The head in the passenger seat, topped with a black, messy mop of hair, turned to flash a look of irritation.

“I can hear you.” The ‘new kid’ growled before turning back to face forward. “Besides, you’re only, what, a year older than me?”

“Two, Doran.” Alaric corrected him.

“Oh, my bad.” Doran replied venomously. “Really makes a difference.”

“Hey, I’m stuck with you.” The exorcist spat. “I didn’t ask to be saddled with an intern.”

“That library position at the academy suddenly looks a lot better.” Doran mumbled to himself, causing Alaric’s eyes to narrow dangerously.

“Watch it, newblood.” He threatened. “You don’t know what we’re up against. Could be anything, you know.”

“I think I’ll manage.” Came the sly response.

“Easy, you two.” The driver warned, his expression amused but weary. “We’re here now, so put on a pleasant face for our client. Don’t want bad word-of-mouth, ya’ know?”

“Fine.” Doran said curtly.

“Fine.” Alaric mirrored his statement, adding, “But don’t expect me to like it, Gabe.”

The driver, who was clad in a leather jacket and tattered jeans, laughed, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it and moving some of his brown hair from his face. He took a short drag as he parked, exhaling the smoke out the window.

“Ya don’t have to like it, but just pretend for me.” He said as they all piled out of the car, looking up at the massive hotel that dominated their view.

“This the place, Cedric?” Alaric asked, turning to look at his analyst.

“This is where the call came from. Quite frantically, if I might add.” Cedric confirmed, pocketing his book, and tossing the coattails of his jacket behind him. “The owner was very disturbed.”

“Well, let’s get in, get that demon out.” Alaric said, walking to tug on the door, but earning a loud clanging sound as the locks held fast.

“Hey, genius.” Doran pointed to a sign next to Alaric’s face that said CLOSED in bold font.

Alaric growled at the newbie’s gall, but said nothing as he cupped his gloved hands to his eyes to peer through the dark glass. But before he could get a good look, the door next to him popped open, a disheveled looking man in a suit and tie peering out of it.

“Are… are you the exorcists?” He asked, casting looks to the left and right, as if afraid someone would see them.

“Yeah.” Alaric craned his head, inspecting the inside of the foyer already. “Care to let us in?”

“Yes, yes, but please be quick.” The man opened the door fully, ushering them all inside. “All of our guests have been evacuated for their safety, but they don’t know the, uh… full extent of the… manifestation.” The man babbled, sweat visibly forming on his bald head.

“Well, all of our guests save two. I fear they may have been... “ He gulped. “Taken.”

Alaric took a look around the lobby of the hotel, the entire room bedecked in golden gilding and ivory accents. This was clearly a very high-class place, with over 80 stories listed on the directory by the nearest elevator.

“Any clue who those two might be?” Cedric asked the man, his own calm demeanor serving to placate the man somewhat as Alaric continued to investigate.

“Yes, actually.” The man breathed, trying to steel his nerves. “We were going to host a residency here, a concert.” He was moving his hands erratically. “All of the guests and performers we booked have been accounted for, aside from, and excuse my butchering of this name,” He pulled a slip of paper from his lapel, “Jin Lee and Shen Park. Two Korean phenoms we booked to draw in the, uh…” He pulled at his tie nervously. “Female crowd.”

“K-Pop, huh?” Gabe leaned in, grinning widely, his happy expression and openness in direct juxtaposition to his teammates. “Cashing in on the fad, are we?” He said smugly. He turned to look up at Cedric, who stood almost a head taller than him.

“Think those are the culprits, Cedge?”

Cedric nodded. “At least one of them is.” He agreed. “Do you know what room these two were staying in?”

“Of course!” The hotel owner exclaimed. “We kept them far apart, on account of their, well… I’ll be nice and call them ‘creative disputes’.”

“A clash of the egos, it seems.” The taller man noted.

Meanwhile, Alaric drew a gloved hand on the steel doors of a nearby elevator, inspecting the fingertips intently. He focused acutely on the leather, trying to view any sort of residue of film he may have picked up.

“Looking for ectoplasm?” Came Doran’s voice, jolting Alaric and making him jump. His voice was still sly and full of self-assurance. “Don’t you think it’s a little early for that?”

Alaric resisted a powerful urge to deck the younger man.

“Actually, dumbass, I’m looking for demiplasm.” He corrected, snarling at the intrusive presence. “It’s like ectoplasm, but manifests earlier and only during a demon-based event.”

Doran opened his mouth, no doubt, preparing a scathing retort, before his eyes slid down to the floor. He snapped his mouth shut, snorting with laughter before quickly composing himself.

“Well, I think you found what you’re looking for.”

Alaric’s own eyes dropped to his boots, realizing he had stepped in a thick, viscous substance. Demiplasm, extremely sticky, pitch black, and a sure sign of demonic activity, had formed a puddle outside of the elevator.

“Damnit!” Alaric swore, prying his boot off the floor with difficulty.

“I’m sure a dry cleaner will get that right out.” Doran purred, happy in his teammate’s misfortune.

“Are we ready to begin the investigation?” Cedric had appeared, as if out of thin air, behind Alaric, with Gabe in tow.

Fuck, can everyone stop sneaking up on me!” Alaric half-shouted, scraping his boot along the floor to loosen the supernatural goo stuck to the bottom of it.

“An exorcist that’s easily startled?” Doran mused aloud. “That’s an oxymoron.”

“If you don’t shut your goddamn mouth-” Alaric began, only to be silenced when Gabe clapped his shoulder and pointed to the black puddle on the floor.

“Yo, demiplasm already? Must be a big demon, huh?”

“On the contrary, Gabriel.” Cedric said, bending down to gingerly touch the slime. “It’s a sizable amount, but it is uncharged. More a byproduct of a manifestation than an active effort on the part of the demon..”

“Yeah, but it’s still pretty cool, right?” Gabe insisted, his face still beaming.

“I… suppose?” Cedric mirrored the smile, always taken aback by Gabe’s unflappable optimism. “Anyway, I’ve acquired the room numbers of the assumed victims from the maitre d’ hotel.” He passed the paper to Alaric, who unfolded it to read the numbers, pushing Doran away from him when he tried to read it as well.

“Room 723-A and Room 121-C.” He read aloud before looking up at his teammates. “So, how should we go about this?”

“I’m sure one of these men is the summoner. Maybe even both.” Cedric bowed his head in thought. “Why is it always the artists that decide to summon?”

“Inspiration is a killer, man!” Gabe said, stretching his arms behind his head. “Some people will do anything for a good muse.”

“We should split up.” Doran suggested. “Two of us take the upper room, and the other two investigate the lower one.”

“Hard disagree.” Alaric rebuked, folding the paper into his trench coat pocket. “That’s a great way for us to be picked off. We don’t know what kind of demon we’re dealing with.”

“I agree with Alaric.” Cedric nodded. “We should investigate the upper room as a unit, then branch off once we’ve assessed the extent of the manifestation.”

“Can we not handle a class four demon?” Doran asked, quirking an eyebrow in annoyance.

“It’s not worth the risk.” Gabe sighed. “As much as I hate to admit it, we’d be better off staying together, at least at first.”

“Fine, fine.” Doran held his hands up in defeat.

“In any case, we should hurry. There’s no telling what state Mr. Jin and Shen will be in with this botched summoning.”

“Yes!” Gabe pumped a fist in the air, striding to the stairway entrance. “Let’s go see some otherworldy monstrosities!”

“Why can’t we take the elevator?” Doran asked, following the others into the stairwell. “It’s a 60-story walkup!”

“Do you want to die?” Alaric spat back, beginning the first steps of the long ascent. “It’s very easy for a demon to sabotage an elevator and then-”
He made a popping sound with his mouth. “Exorcist pancakes.”

Doran rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

“Come on, guys!” Gabe exclaimed, rushing up the stairs ahead of everyone else. “Today’s cardio day! Get a move on! Let’s get in those miles!”

“Ugh…” Cedric groaned, already winded. “This is going to be one of those missions.”

“It’s not…. So bad…” Alaric replied, also out of breath. “I’m working off that pizza from this morning, right?”

“How is he… so energetic…?” Cedric gasped.

“I don’t… know…” The leader panted. “But… I’m jealous…”

After much struggle, and a period of Gabe waiting impatiently at the door to their flight, they reached their landing.

“Took y’all long enough!” He chided, holding open the door for his three winded teammates.

“Don’t… wanna hear it…” Alaric hissed between breaths.

The interior of the floor was just like any other hotel, although much classier in that the doors were gilded with gold, the carpets were plush, soft and dyed dark red. Alaric almost felt bad tracking leftover demiplasm on it.

“Okay, gentlemen.” Cedric sighed, catching his breath. “Gabriel, go with Alaric to room 732-A. Doran and I will scope out the rest of the floor.”

“Awesome!” Gabe practically pushed Alaric forward, grumbling, “The room is on the other side of the hall let’s move.”

Alaric let himself be pushed, watching Doran and Cedric begin their examination of the floor, starting with the carpets.

“Room 732-A!” Gabe gestured to the golden plaque. “So, you think it’s gonna be a gorey mess like last time?”

“God, I hope not.” Alaric chuckled. “Took forever to get the blood out of my coat.”

“Well, let’s open the door!” Gabe grasped the knob, twisting and pushing to force the door open, as if something had been holding it shut.

“Jesus…!” He grunted, struggling to keep the door open. “Get in here already!”

Alaric stepped in, allowing Gabe to swing himself to the other side as well and release his grip. The door slammed shut, the lock twisting into the active position.

“Ah. Threshold activity.” Alaric observed.

“Fuckin’ demons and doors.” Gabe rolled his eyes. “I guess we can just bust through the-”

He trailed off, his eyes focusing on the interior of the room and what lie within.

A salt circle was on the floor at the foot of the bottom, and a book lay sprawling in the center. The TV was on, turned to a stand-up comedy routine. But the really interesting object of attention lay on the bed.

A man, wrapped head-to-toe in black tape, lay mummified on the bedsheets. The sleek black material conformed to his body, trapping his limbs to his sides and his legs to each other. It was practically seamless, pressed flush to itself, and only two parts of his anatomy were free of his tape; the first was bottom of his nose, which was thankfully allowed to remain unobstructed.

The second was his cock, which was rock-hard and surrounded by a series of three rings, suspended in mid-air around it. They were rotating slowly, and were composed of the same symbols as the salt circle. It appeared that those rings were responsible for his arousal, but he was very clearly not happy about it.

“Mmmph!” The man writhed, spurred into action by the sound of the investigators. “Mmrp, mmph!” He tried to speak through the tape that was wound tightly around his mouth, so tightly, in fact, that Alaric could see his lips through the material.

He squirmed, kicking his encased legs in the air and trying to pull his arms aways from his sides, but got nowhere.

“Wow.” Gabe whistled. “That looks… tight.” He looked at Alaric. “I’ll handle him, you take a look at that summoning circle.”

“Sure.” Alaric nodded, bending down to look at the runes that had been written in salt on the carpet.

“Hey, you okay in there?” Gabe asked the mummified man, almost teasingly, tapping lightly on his covered head.

“Mmph! Mmr-mm!” The man shook his head angrily, still struggling mightily to be free.

While Gabe tried to talk to the man, Alaric got to work on the salt circle, wiping away the symbols with his hand to break whatever spirits may have been trying to use it as a point of entry. Then, he picked up the book.

“Necromonicon.” He muttered to himself. “It’s always a necronomicon.” He turned the book over, flipping to a dog-eared page.

“Looks like you got caught, buddy.” Gabe continued, talking to the trapped man. “Can I assume you were responsible for this demon we’ve been hearing so much about?”

“Mmr…” The man growled, as if reluctant to answer.

“Look, I get it. You’re embarrassed. But we can’t figure out how to get you out of this until you… well, I guess ‘talk’ isn’t the right word.”

He propped his elbows upon on the man’s tape-wrapped chest. “So, how about it? Did you summon the demon?”

Slowly, the man nodded.

“Cool. We’re getting somewhere.”

“Mmrphm! Mmrmmphmppmro!”

“I can’t let you out, buddy. This stuff is demiplasm. Not breakable until we dispel the demon responsible.” Gabe said, although he was clearly relishing the position the man was in. “Followup question; are you Jin or Shen? One ‘mmph’ for Jin, two for Shen.”


“Awesome!” Gabe leaned up. “Hey, this is Jin. Looks like the summoning backfired on him.”

“Not the first time we’ve seen that.” Alaric said as he read the page.
‘Coercinus; Demon of Captivity and Enslavement’ was the title, written in scrawling black ink.

“Ah.” Alaric murmured to himself. “These symbols in the salt were for the wrong demon.” He said to Gabe. “He meant to summon Coercinus, demon of captivity and enslavement, but instead he summoned Coercitus, demon of captivity and pleasure.”

“Well, that definitely explains that.” Gabe pointed to the rings around Jin’s cock. “Pleasure rings. And three, too! That’s a new record, I think.” He flicked one playfully, making it wobble up and down and earning a loud, lecherous moan from the captured celebrity.

“Oops, sorry, sorry.” Gabe smiled sheepishly. “Wasn’t thinking.”

“Well, we have the demon.” Alaric stood, walking over to the mummified man, who had quieted somewhat. “Now we just need a motive.”

“Good luck with that, what with the,’ Gabriel covered his own mouth, muffling out; “Whole gag situation.”

“I’m sure the other victim will know why this whole ordeal took place.” Alaric leaned over Jin, examining his taped up head. “Perhaps you meant for the demon to do this to him instead of you?”

Jin growled angrily, writing in his bonds, but did not deny the statement.

“Thought so. Learn your Aramaic script, dumbass.”

“So, what now?” Gabriel asked, leaning forward again to rest his cheek against Jin’s taped-up chest.

“Now, we find Shen. And, hopefully, our demon. I’ll go get Cedric and Doran.”

“Wait!” Gabe half-shouted. “Does that mean I have to stay here with Jin? He’s not exactly great company in his state.”


“What, you’re not.” Gabe pressed, rolling his eyes. “I want to investigate with you!”

“Sorry, Gabe.” Alaric said, “But if the demon comes back to this room, I feel you’re the only one that could stand a chance.”

“Ugh. Fine.” Gabe huffed. “I’ll watch the cocoon.”


“I don’t know why you’re trying to speak, you’re gagged!” Gabe shot back, pushing Jin’s head into the pillows to calm the man’s struggling.

“Thanks.” Alaric turned to leave, noticing the lock had unlocked itself after he dispelled the salt circle. “I’ll be back to check on you when I find Cedric and Doran.”

“Cool. I’ll be here.” Gabe groaned, trying to be excited.

“I’ll be back in, like, fifteen minutes. You’ll be fine.”

“Sure, sure.” Gabriel smiled, waving Alaric away. “Go get ‘em. I’ll wait.”

“Thanks.” Alaric repeated, closing the door behind him and leaving Gabe alone with the encased Jin.

“So…” Gabe said, a little awkwardly, drumming his fingers on the tape covering Jin’s body. “I bet you’re frustrated, huh?”

“Mmrp-mh.” Jin nodded, calming down a bit.

“Yeah, I get it. Demons aren’t an exact science. At least you’re not dead, right?”

Jin exhaled heavily through his nose, obviously sick of his bondage.

“I wish I could let you out, dude. I really do.” Gabe stood up, stretching. “But there’s no getting through this demiplasm. You’re screwed until we find that demon. But, I guess you deserve it.”

There was no response from the celebrity, who was clearly ruminating on his backfired plan.

“Well…” Gabriel cracked a sly smile, like a cat that got the cream. “While we’re alone, maybe we can have some fun?”

“Mmph?” Jin tried to ask through the tape slapped over is mouth. “Mmmrp mph?”

“It’s not exactly professional, but I’m sure you won’t complain.” He chuckled to himself. “Or, rather, can’t complain. Either way, I think you’re enjoy it.”

He tapped one of the rings floating around Jin’s cock, causing it to vibrate and glow, sending pleasing sensations directly to Jin’s nerves.

“Mmmph! Mmrm pmhp! Mmrp!”

“Relax, buddy. You’re not goin’ anywhere. Just enjoy it, huh?” He pushed the ring down, the glow increasing along with the vibration.

Jin thrashed, trying to escape the stimulation, but the demiplasm held strong.

“Consider this a sort of payback for Shen, wherever he is.” Gabe smirked, releasing the ring and hearing Jin pant through his nose.

He laughed, dragging a hand across the rings and making them all spin, creating a pulsing sensation in Jin’s cock.

“If we’re going to be this intimate, might as well change the channel, right?” Gabe said, leaving Jin and walking to the TV set. Firstly, he turned up the volume to hear the comedy routine that was playing.

“Ugh. I hate this guy.” He switched the channel, surfing to find something watchable.

“Mmmph! Mmmph mmrp mph!” Jin howled through the tape.

“Hold on, hold on, I’ll get back to teasing you.” He assured his captive, continuing to channel-surf.

“Mmmmmmmmph! Mmmmmmph!”

“God, what do you-!” Gabe whirled around, stopping in his tracks as he saw what Jin was trying to warn him about

Last edited by Opal 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blackbound »

Great start! Looking forward to seeing the next bit.

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Post by sharpliketoday »

Nice one! I really like the premise. Dysfunctional team mechanics really aren't gonna help our heroes, I bet. Bondage demons would absolutely get me to learn how to summon them :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Opal[/mention] Wonderful start, mate!
This is refreshing, different and highly erotic.

The gag speech and teasing dialogue is simply fantastic.
The mummified guy's frustration really shines through.

Super enjoyable.
Hope to see a continuation of this fine tale.

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Post by notreallyme06 »

Love the idea of a bound and gagged K Pop star.
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Post by Ossassin »

Loving your work so far, creative and overall fun group of characters.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wonderful start, [mention]Opal[/mention]!

Love the tension between Alaric and Doran.😡

Those K pop stars should know better. Once you summon demons to do your bidding, you always end up doing theirs. 😈😈😈
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

What a unique setting and interesting characters. I'll keep an eye on this.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Charmides »

So thrilled to read your work, [mention]Opal[/mention]! This story is a great time so far, not only for the banter and the intrigue, but for the truly erotic situation and a bondage slow-burn. Really looking forward to seeing what's next.
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Post by BDBrit »

I can only really second what's been said already. I love a good supernatural story. :D
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Post by Opal »

Thank you all for the kind words!! c: I'll hopefully get some more of this story up soon!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


That is quite a hot predicament.

Lets see Gabe talk his way out of this... :lol:
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Post by GopalNK »


This story is so interesting. Are you planning on continuing?
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Post by Asylum »

I would love to read part 2! This story is so hot....
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