Players Playing (M/M) -- Parts IV & V

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Players Playing (M/M) -- Parts IV & V

Post by Phoenix »

Hey, introductions are difficult for me. I've lurked for a long time (on the old forums, obviously). Decided to finally make my own story. Hope you guys like it.

By the way I promised I proofread. If there is anything that doesn't make sense or if I misspelled anything blame it on the dyslexia. :D

Oh and this goes without saying since it's in the fiction section, but this story is fiction.



I don’t mean to pussyfoot around here, I know you want to get to the good stuff. I’m just not a very good writer, even though I want to be a writer. I just feel compelled to give you a little backstory about me first.

My name is Adavan Kavita; most people just call me “Van.” My details? I’m 5’8”, somewhat toned but lanky at the same time, and black hair that I usually don’t go out of my way to style, but most people tend to think that’s kind of a look, anyways (Thank you, Anne Hathaway).

My dad died when I was young, and my mom and I never really got along. So I had two options when I was young: Stay at home and be miserable, or take up something to preoccupy my time. I went with the latter and picked up soccer, although I wasn’t interested in sports, and, quite frankly, still am not. But that’s whatever.

I always knew I was gay. I didn’t really come out until my freshman year of high school, and even then, I never really talked about it. I don’t mean to sound like one of those types that goes “I don’t want to flaunt it.” The accurate description for me is that I’m still self-conscious. I’ve had two boyfriends, and it’s not like I don’t accept myself, or that my peers haven’t been accepting of me -- it’s just a personal thing, I guess.

One of the most continuous uncomfortable interactions I experienced were with a guy that was on my soccer team, Ryan Mah. He was two years older than me as well as my next door neighbor. Ever since we were young, and I’d see him playing in his backyard with some of his friends, I knew I had a crush on him. It’s hard for me to articulate why, there was just something about him that was so confidant and masculine. It wasn’t even a crush as much as it was envy. I never knew if I wanted to be with him or if I wanted to be him.

Towards the end of the soccer season my sophomore year I had my worst interaction with him. I stayed behind after practice to help our coach with some equipment that needed moving. By the time I got to the locker room, it was empty. I assumed everyone must have gone home.

Usually after practice, most of the guys would stay behind and shower before heading home. I was never one of them. Being around a bunch of naked guys made me uncomfortable. I felt like at any moment somebody would just turn and look at me and start screaming out of fear that they were sharing a shower with some faggot (which was silly for me to think that way, the guys on my team knew I was gay but never bothered me about it, aside from the expected amount of playful teasing). That’s why I decided to take this opportunity to fight some of my anxiety and shower. Even though it was by myself, I’d at least feel like I was accomplishing something.

I stripped and headed into the shower room. Like most high school shower rooms, it was just a big empty room with several showerheads. No privacy, just unwanted intimacy. Even by myself I felt I was being stared at as I let the warm water drip on me and onto the floor around me.

So you can imagine the panic I felt when I heard the locker room doors open. The butterflies I felt in my stomach turned into a swarm of moths.

My first immediate instinct was to turn off the water. Not sure why I did that, it just made things seem suspicious.

Dead silence.

Finally, I heard a voice. “Hello?” It was Ryan.

I gulped instead of responding. I wished I had brought a towel or something into the shower room with me. My clothes were over at my locker. I’m butt-ass naked, there was no way I could’ve made it from point A to point B without unwillingly exposing myself to Ryan. Fuck. I wished that I could’ve asked him to leave.

“Hello??” Ryan asked again, obviously weirded out by the lack of response.

Still couldn't respond. I decided if I couldn’t speak, I would just have to move. So I made my way toward my locker, trying my best to keep from shaking, and appeared in the entranceway to the shower.

“Van! You were starting to creep me out dude,” Ryan said with a laugh.

I laughed too, but it came out as an awkward noise I immediately regretted making, and continued towards my locker, my hand trying its best to cover my package.

Ryan insisted on small talk anyways. “What are you doing here so late, anyways?”

“I just... was.”


Why did I say that? “I mean I was helping coach.”

Ryan just laughed. I started to hurry out of the locker room with whatever was left of my pride.

“No goodbye?” Ryan asked.

“Sorry, seeya.”

“Hey, Van?” I stopped and turned to look at Ryan, who had stripped down to his boxer briefs when I was avoiding him. I was able to take in his full body with my eyes. His toned, 6 foot 1 frame, high thighs, sporting an impressive bulge. “You’re one weird dude, you know that?”

“Yeah,” I laughed nervously. “I know.”

Soccer season finished that year and Ryan and I didn’t interact much after beyond idle chatter with the guys and smiling at each other in our yards. He got accepted into a college out of town, so I only saw him next door on his extended vacations. I never expected to ever have a real interaction with him ever again.

I was pretty wrong about that.

It was spring break. I was 18 years old, preparing to finish my senior year. My mother was away on a business trip. Most of my friends were away on vacation, and the ones that remained I didn’t want to talk to. My entire spring break was going to consist of me lounging around my house by myself.

Friday, on the first day of spring break, I found myself getting out of bed at noon. After brushing my teeth, dressing myself in a white t-shirt and black leggings under black basketball shorts, I was outside stretching before a run. I was about to take off when a voice stopped me.

“Hey Van!” No surprise for you guys, but it was Ryan Mah.

“Oh, hey!” I said. This was the first real look I had of him in two years. God he had gotten even more attractive. Red tank, grey sweatpants. Still in as great shape as ever. Stylish short haircut. Attractively grown-out stubble. He made his way over toward me. Hopefully I don’t make myself look stupid.

“How’ve you been, man?” he asked me as he gave me one of those awkward bro hugs that require you to lock hands and pat each other on the back.

“I-I’m good. How’ve you been? How’s college life?”

“Awesome, dude. I’ve loved it. So what are you up to?”

“Oh, me? Nothing. I was just about to go for a run, that’s all.”

“Hey, what a coincidence! I was too! Care if I join?”

I wanted to tell him no because I didn’t want to risk the potential of me saying something dumb. “Sure!”

It’s important to note that I absolutely regretted running with him, though. I enjoy going around the neighborhood because I love the freedom of setting my own pace, going my own path, being in my own thoughts. I can’t have that with Ryan. I struggled to keep up with him to not seem weak, meaning I was essentially following where he wanted to go, and had to engage in small talk.

Ryan told me about his life. How his college soccer team was doing. He told me about his relationship with the girlfriend he had, and how they had recently broken up in a messy way. He also told me that it was his the week of his parents’ 30th anniversary. They offered to take him to Hawaii with them, since it happened to coincide with Ryan’s spring break, but he encouraged them to go by themselves, and he’d stay at home and watch the house and take care of the cat.

Finally we made it back home after 20 minutes. I was a sweaty mess, breathing heavily. I felt so out of shape it was hard to believe I had been playing soccer for the last 11 years of my life.

“So how’s soccer going for anyways?” Ryan asked me.

“This season has been good, I guess,” I said. “Typical season. Coach asked me to be team captain this year, but I turned him down.”

“What!? Why!?”

“I’ve just been doing soccer so long, I’m losing interest. I almost didn’t even want to be on the team this year, and I don’t think I’m gonna continue in college.”

Ryan’s expression almost seemed upset. “Seriously? That sucks. You were always really good. But I understand that.”

I couldn’t help but feel happy that he said that. Not just the compliment, but the fact that he noticed me at all and seemed sad about me. It made me want to lessen the blow for him, even though I should have no obligation to.

“I’m still thinking about it, though. I’ve gotten offers.”

“Cool, you definitely should consider it.” He paused. “So what are you gonna do now?”

I didn’t know what he wanted to do, but I got the implication that he wanted to hang out more. I knew I couldn’t handle that.

“I think right now I’m gonna head in and take a nap.” That wasn’t a lie. I hadn’t been up for that long, yes, but my pathetic body was exhausted after that run trying not to fall behind Ryan.

Ryan laughed. “All right, dude. Seeya around?”

“Yeah, seeya.”

We parted ways and I headed inside.

Too tired to change or take a shower, I only managed to take off my shirt before I lost all remaining energy and flopped down on the couch in the living room. I turned on the TV but didn’t really pay attention to what was playing, I just wanted the background music. All I did was look up at the ceiling, shut my eyes, and drift off into sleep.

I didn’t know how long I had been asleep when I awoke the feeling of weight on my stomach. My eyes groggy, my brain unable to process what I was seeing yet, I panicked when I saw somebody on top of me. My immediate response was to kick, but something was keeping my legs together at the ankles. I gasped, but a hand covered my mouth, while the other held my own hands together above my head, pressed up against the couch.

My vision clears and I figured out what you had already assumed. It was Ryan on top of me.

“Don’t struggle.” He told me. “We’re just gonna have a little fun, okay?”

Naturally, I felt conflicted.
Last edited by Phoenix 6 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Welcome to the League of TUG writers and welcome to the forum, mate! 8-)

I must say, that is one IMPRESSIVE first post!
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's glad you decided to come out of lurking.
Hopefully you'll be sticking around and sharing your fantasies with us, commenting on other stories you've enjoyed, and just having fun.

I love this first chapter of "Players Playing".
The writing is impeccable. The dialogue sharp. The intro is pretty light and easy to get into.
I'm intrigued, especially after this first chapter ending on a cliff-hanger.

Don't make us wait too long for chapter two ;)
Also, don't forget to add this to the Story Catalogue section when you have the chance.

Again, welcome aboard!

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Post by cj2125 »

Hello and welcome to the site! I agree with everything bondagefreak said! A well written introduction with a detailed description of the characters, their thoughts and actions and a nice cliffhanger! Hope you continue it!
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Post by MaxRoper »

An excellent beginning. Believable characters and dialogue and very well written and edited, especially for a first try. Definitely looking forward to whatever comes next. Thanks for posting.
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Post by Phoenix »

Thank you for the nice comments! I was honestly afraid posting a story here (which is why it took me so long), but I'm glad I'm finally doing something on here.

I got this next part already. I don't think I'll be able to release other parts this quickly lol, I just felt obligated since the intro didn't have any real interaction. Hope you enjoy this part, too.



Friday, 3:46 P.M. Spring Break Day 1 of 10.

Even after coming to terms with my situation after being jolted awake by my longtime crush straddling me in my house, I couldn’t really grasp what was happening or why he was here. I felt like maybe I should’ve been trying to fight him off right now, but I also knew I wouldn’t stand a real chance. Ryan was definitely bigger and stronger than me.

“Alright,” he began, “I’m gonna remove my hand from your mouth. Don’t make any noise, got it?”

I didn’t give any sort of indication of a response. He slowly moved the hand that was clamped over my mouth away from me.

“What are you doing?” I asked him. Perhaps it’s stupid for me not to listen to him. Immediately his hand painfully returned to my face, slapping against my lips. He squeezed the skin around my mouth, causing me to slobber a little, but he didn’t react.

After the initial aggressive reaction, Ryan had a sympathetic look in his eyes and loosened his grip. However, he still kept his hand over my mouth to prevent me from speaking. “Sorry. Just... listen to me, OK? I don’t want to hurt you. Do you understand?”

This time I nodded my head. His sudden spout of anger scared me, but his sincere apology waned (a few) of my fears. I still had a lot of questions, but I don’t think his goal right now to cause me panic. I think.

He pulled back his hand again and slowly got off of me, pulling down my own hands to put them down by me. “Don’t resist,” he said as he rolled me over on the couch. I helped him flip me over and watched as he grabbed my hands again to my back. He then picked something up off the floor -- a zip tie. That’s must be what is keeping my ankles together. Makes sense, as I started to register that it was uncomfortably digging into my legs. He took the other zip tie and used it keep my wrists together behind my back. I felt that digging into me, too. Wow these things are uncomfortable.

He wrapped one free arms around me to put his hand over my mouth again. With his other free hand, he reached down into the front of his sweatpants and into his underwear. My eyes widened with curiosity. “A good place to keep things,” he smiled, and then pulled out a red bandana. “Especially a good place to keep a rag to wipe your ball sweat off, don’t you think?” Gross. Why would you need a rag for that?

His body moved oddly as he got back on the couch to straddle me again, partly laying down. Being more aware of my surroundings, I was able to notice his boner on the back of my thigh. He released his hand on my mouth. Even if I wanted to say anything, I didn’t have a chance. He painfully took the bananda he was storing around his crotch and pulled it tightly over my mouth and around my head to create a cleave gag, tying it in the back. It was painfully cutting into the corners of my lips and I could taste the faint ball musk on my tongue.

Ryan playfully yet forcefully patted the side of my face and got close to my ear. “Good boy,” he said, and then got off me. He stood up over me at the side of the couch, his tall figure towering over me. I could try to strain to look up at his face, but I could only comfortably keep contact with his stomach and groin.

“I know that cleave gag’s probably hurting you. Don’t worry, I won’t keep that on for you. I left most of my gear at my house, so that’s the best I can do right now to keep you quiet. But I’m not gonna take you over there in the day. I at least have the decency not to risk letting our neighbors see you at your worst.”

Excuse me? Taking me over to your house? Your gear? What the fuck is he talking about.

I tried to make some words with my mouth, asking him what the hell he was doing, but the cleave gag digging into me kept me from saying anything intelligible.

“We’re gonna have a fun spring break, dude. Don’t worry. But I have a little detective work to go through in here.” He slapped my ass, causing me to bust out a little yelp. “You stay here, I’ll be right back.”

I glared at him, even though he couldn’t see me, and heard him run off through my house and up the stairs. Don’t go anywhere? Prick. We’ll see about that.

Or maybe he was right. Maybe I wasn’t going anywhere. I found myself testing the zip ties. I know these can’t be impossible to get out of, right? Some way to release them? But I struggled, my fingers trying to reach the ties keeping my wrists together, but it wasn’t working. I hated this feeling of not being able to move. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. The sensation of pain I felt as the ties held my wrists and ankles together, as well as the cleave gag that kept me from using my mouth, didn’t make me feel any better. What also didn’t make me feel any better was the fact that I was still wearing my tights and shorts from when I went running, which also added to the feeling of constriction. Not having the ability to touch any other part of my body frustrated me to no end. I had the biggest desire to adjust my dick and balls in my tights, but it was made impossible by my bonds, and added to this uncomfortable hell I was in. Embarrassingly, too, I began to feel myself getting my own stiffy, too.

What the hell was Ryan’s game, anyways? This entire thing came entirely out of the blue. What did he want from me? I just had so many questions. How did he even get into my house? Did I forget to lock the door? Mom always got pissed at me for that. Seems like I’m paying the price for that.

I started semi-rolling myself on my couch. Maybe I was trying to get free? I guess what was going through mind is that if I could somehow roll myself onto the floor, I could hop away to safety. But I didn’t really think that plan through, though. I rolled a little too far onto the side that was unprotected by the back of the couch. My heart fluttered with terror as I inevitably fell down, hitting my head on the side of the coffee table with a thud, and falling down into the space between the table and the couch.

“Fucking shit,” I said (or at least, attempted to through my gag). I wanted to nurse my head with my hands. But of course, I felt even more constricted than before. And now I was on my back, crushing my hands, which only further intensified the discomfort caused by the zip tie.

After laying there for, I don’t know, maybe 10 minutes, I heard Ryan’s footsteps descending down the stairs. He laughed at me. “That’s what the noise was? You could’ve hurt yourself.” I did hurt myself, thank you. “I told you not to struggle.”

He was standing by my feet. I lifted my head as best as I could to see him. He was holding my laptop. Is that what he was looking for?

He set the laptop down on the coffee table and went over by head. Squatting down, he lifted me up by my armpits and put me back up on the couch, this time in a sitting position. “Try not to fall this time.” I grumbled at him through my gag. “What? Are you angry with me?” His next action caught me by surprise -- he bent over and gripped the erection that had returned inside my tights. My eyes widened and my back straightened. I let out a little mmph and avoided looking at him. Ryan Mah is seriously touching my dick. I may have fantasized about this before, but never in a situation like this.

“Maybe this is wrong?” he began. He slowly began to circle around the tip of my head through my basketball shorts. “But I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think you’d like it. In fact, your hard on here leads me to believe you really like this.”

My breathing was intense. This was such a weird sensation. This isn’t the first time I’ve ever been touched before. The first time a boy ever touched me like this was my first boyfriend when I was 16. Naturally, back then, I jumped a little when I experienced the foreign touch of another person’s hand on my junk. But that sensation quickly dulled to normality. In fact, I remember thinking that, huh, nobody ever told me how boring sexual contact really was.

But with Ryan rubbing my cock right now, the feeling of the first touch wasn’t going away. Maybe it was the combination of an old crush and the bounded predicament I found myself in, but I felt even more excited, not less.

I let out a faint moan. I already felt pre-cum oozing out of my tip.

“Wow, your eyes totally just rolled back into your head right now.” Damn! Why am I excited? This should not be an exciting situation. He pulled his hand away from me. It took everything I could not to add further embarrassment to myself and thrust after his hand in an attempt to beg for more touch.

“See, bro? Told you that you’d like this shit.” I cursed him through my painful gag. My junk was even more uncomfortable than before in my tights.

Ryan sat down in the living room chair adjacent to the couch, and pulled my laptop towards him on the coffee table.

“This is what I was looking for,” he said as he opened my computer. “I expected I’d have to remove your gag and ask you for the password, maybe even having to force it out of you...” he reached behind him and pulled out a notebook of mine that he tucked away in his waistband, “But you were actually dumb enough to keep an entire list of all your passwords for everything you use. How old are you? 60?”

I hung my head in shame. I never could have imagined ending up in a situation like this, so it sucks that I made whatever he wanted easier for him.

He continued to talk to me as he was using my laptop. “I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m doing right now. This entire thing is so crazy. I didn’t even plan any of this. All this was a spur of a moment decision.” What the hell is he talking about? He sounded like a crazy person. “Just think about all the coincidences here. Our spring breaks happen align. Both of our families happen to be away. We live right next door to each other. Life is full of things like these, lining up perfectly. It’s like a story -- almost too good to be true.”

Ryan looked at me and gave me a cocky smile. His deep, dark brown eyes radiated with deviousness. “Could you ever imagine being in this situation with the boy you mooned over for years?” I was taken aback by that comment. Really, kind of offended too. It was a blow to the gut. I averted my eyes in shame, feeling my face get all hot. “Dude, don’t get upset. It just was obvious. Most crushes are. And I’ll admit, I always thought you were a cutie, too. But especially in these last two years, you’ve really matured. Physically, I mean. You’re pretty easy on the eyes.”

I had so many thoughts going through my head. I couldn’t really decide on any one feeling, rather I just felt a mixture of anger, sadness, arousal, frustration, and mostly, confusion. This entire scenario seemed to surreal. I wanted to believe I was dreaming, but I knew that wasn’t true.

Ryan smirked as he continued going through my laptop. “In general, boys are just really stupid. I’m not saying I’m an exception, of course. But boys, they just don’t think.” He turned the laptop around to face me, and I could’ve sworn I swallowed my throat. My anxiety flared as I saw what he had up on my computer screen. Perfectly positioned in the corners were four windows: my bondage tumblr page, a document of a smut story I had written, my Xtube account page, and my recent Google search history.

“Consider this:” Ryan told me. “Our rooms are actually right across from each other from our houses. If I looked out my window, I could clearly see into your room. Not only that, but your desk is on the wall opposite of your window. Which means I saw you every time you started fapping when you forgot to shut your blinds.”

I was sick to my stomach with embarrassment. I shut my eyes tight and let out a few noises of shame. I really could’ve gone without hearing any of this. On the plus side, my boner rescinded out of mortification.

“This is why I say us guys are stupid. We don’t think these things through.” He shut my laptop and stood up to come sit over next to me. He wrapped my arm around my neck and pulled me close to him like an old friend. “But don’t worry, I never gave away your secret. It was funny, for sure, but your fetish was my own secret. Well, our secret.” Ryan ruffled my messy hair. “But now I know for sure this is what you’d want. This is why I’m here. I can read you, Van. Unless you’re just ridiculously complacent, I know you didn’t fight me because this is how you’ve fantasized about me. I want to make this spring break fun for you. For the both of us.”

Ryan was on the right track, but he wasn’t exactly correct. Maybe it was my fault for my awkward demeanor and my submissive personality, but this is not exactly how I think of it. My fetish wasn’t being tied up, it was doing the tying myself. I did not like this feeling one bit. Being at the mercy of someone else freaked me out. I couldn’t fault him for thinking the way he did, I just really wish I was able to speak to let him know I didn’t want to be in this situation. But yet, he did have a point. I hardly put up a fight when he was on top of me earlier, for sure the reason being that he had always been my biggest crush, and now here I am... with him.

“Like I said, I’m gonna get you over to my house tonight. But for now, I’m gonna take you upstairs to your room. I could’ve just waited to kidnap you tonight I guess, but the idea of you being stuck here in your home kinda turns me on, if I’m being honest.”

Ryan gripped me under my armpits and began dragging me through my living room. On his way to the stairs he grabbed a roll of duct tape that he had placed on one of the side tables by the front door.

“Hold on tight,” he told me as he began to drag me up the stairs. My heart raced at the possible fear of him letting his grip slip and me fumbling down the stairs. It probably would’ve been more efficient had he just carried me, but instead he kept pulling me by my bare armpits, his body awkwardly traveling backwards up the steps, my feet slapping up against the steps each time we moved up. It felt like we were traveling the stairs for 10 minutes.

Finally, we reached the top hallway, and he dragged me towards the room. He opened my door, and let go of his grip on me so I fell onto my back into my doorway.

“Let me shut your blinds. We wouldn’t want your next door neighbors seeing you like this,” Ryan winked. After he did that, he grabbed my computer chair and rolled it into the middle of the room. It seems like he either brought something earlier when he was up here, or was up here before he restrained me, because there was some rope and scissors laying my bed already.

“Originally, I was going to tie you on your bed. But I thought about it as I was bringing you up here, and I realized I didn’t want you to be too comfortable. I think your fapping chair should suffice.” Cocky bastard. I groaned into my gag again out of annoyance.

He picked me up and brought me over to my chair and sat me on it.

“Like I said earlier, make this easy for the both of us. Or I’ll make you regret it.” I knew he wasn’t bluffing.

He grabbed the scissors and duct tape and went over to me. First, he cut the zip tie securing my hands behind my back. He took my right arm and placed it on the arm of the chair, and secured it by placing his ass on it. With my left arm he twisted his back and placed it on the corresponding arm chair, but with this one he took the duct tape, began unraveling it with his teeth, and started rolling it around the arm of the chair as well as my own arm, keeping the two stuck together. He made two trips from my wrists to my elbows, making sure my arm wasn’t going anywhere. He repeated the same process with my right arm, again making two trips. I could only move my fingers by the end of it, which would make it incredibly difficult to grip anything.

Next, he went over and grabbed a couple feet of rope and got down on the floor. “Don’t you dare kick me.” He took the scissors and cut the zip tie that was keeping my ankles together, and quickly grabbed both legs and painfully yanked them back so that my ankles were behind the central leg of the swivel chair. He then proceeded to rope my ankles together. “Personally, I think the idea of using rope on your legs was a better idea than settling for duct tape. Maybe it’s not even true, it just seems more secure, you know?”

He knotted the rope to keep my legs back, and then turned me around to look at him. “Perfect! Good work, me.”

Shirtless, in my tights and shorts, only wearing my black ankle socks. Tied to a chair, I tested my bonds. Unable to move. Tall hunk standing over me, his manhood creating a tent in his sweatpants. I’ve never felt more vulnerable than I do at this moment.

“This should keep you down until tonight.” Ryan bit his lip as he continued to admire his work. His gaze transitioned from the deviousness I saw earlier into something closer to arousal. His masculine hand began to rub his erected cock through his sweats.

“Fuck,” he whispered. “God, I wanted to pace myself. But you look so hot tied up like this.”

He knelt down next in front of me and stuck one hand down his pants. I saw him masturbating himself. With his other hand, he went and touched my own manhood again. I gulped as hard as I could with this cleave gag still in my mouth, my dick pulsated from his touch, trapped up against my left thigh by the constricting tights I had underneath my silky shorts.

An important note here: He was stroking my penis much slower than he was rubbing his own. Also important to note: I was 100% sure I was more likely to cum before he was. This entire thing has been incredibly frustrating, but wow I wanted to bust a nut so bad right now. Even if I didn’t want to be tied up like this, everything I liked about Ryan was put on showcase right now: his frame, his masculinity, the dominance he had when he was captain of the soccer team.

A couple of minutes later, my breathing became erratic as I knew I was a couple strokes away from ejaculation. I gave myself away too easily. “Nope!” Ryan withdrew his hand and, while still jacking off under his pants, brought himself to his feet. I shaked and grunted in my bonds, begging for him to finish me. He didn’t understand what I was saying, but he knew what I wanted.

“I know I can’t pace myself, that’s my own problem. But I’m for damn sure gonna make sure you pace yourself.” He pulled down the front of his sweats with the and he was previously using to rub me with, and exposed his cock and balls to me. I knew what was coming. His dick was pointed right at me.

While he tilted his head back in ecstasy, I fruitlessly tried to turn my head to the side in disgust, anger, and annoyance. He let out a moan much different from mine as he spewed his semen over my face and naked chest. “Oh fuck...” he mumbled several times under his breath. His strokes slowed before he finally stopped, and he shook at his knees for a few seconds. He looked at me, a look of confusion of his own for a second, and then finally a smile, his cock and balls still sticking out over his waistband.

“Sorry, dude. Maybe that was a little mean. I just wanted to make sure you knew how this weekend was going to go. Hopefully that gives you a little taste.”

I’ve never been in this situation before. I’ve never been denied an orgasm before. This was way too cruel. Having somebody else orgasm on me while I’m sitting here straining, wishing I could stroke my own cock, was perhaps the most humiliating moment I’ve ever experienced in my life.

Ryan moved behind me and began fumbling with the knot to the musky bandana that gagged me. “Remember to keep quiet.” As the bandana came off, I made weird shapes with my mouth, trying to ease the leftover pain the bandana had left by pulling tightly on my skin, and enjoying the feeling of having free control of my mouth that I had a gut instinct would not last much longer.

He walked back over in front of me as I saw him slowly wipe the cum left over on the tip of the dick. When he was finished with that, tucking his genitals back into his underwear, he said, “All right, let me clean you up a little.”

By “cleaning up,” that really entailed him partially taking up some of the globs of cum, but some of the man juice just being smeared across my face and torso. I had this feeling so much.

I had one last question left for Ryan that had been bugging me. I saw him balling up the bandana (which, stupid me, didn’t register that there was a reason why he was doing) and I decided, even though he told me to be quiet, I wanted to ask him.

“Aren’t you straight?” I said. There were so many questions I could’ve asked him, or really I probably should’ve said something like ‘Hey asshole, get me the fuck outta here!’ But I was curious.

He stopped and looked at me with a curious look. I did kinda expect him to angrily grab my mouth again like he did in the living room, but instead he just responded, “Why would you assume that?”

“Well, I’ve only ever seen you with girls. You were just telling me about your ex-girlfriend a while ago. So I assumed...”

He laughed. “Can I not be bi?” A fair response. “Really it comes down to this: I like to be dominated by girls. But I love to dominate guys. Men are such vulnerable creatures.”

He grabbed the duct tape and started walking towards me.

I panicked and asked him another question. “If you’re about to leave, can you please let me cum before you go?”

Ryan just laughed again. But this time he took the bandana and, effortless, shoved it between my lips, prying my teeth open and pushing it deep into my mouth. I was briefly revolted. I didn’t even have a chance to react. I was too focused on my aching erection that I didn’t even register he going to gag me with his cum rag.

He unrolled the duct tape, straddled me in the chair, and went to town wrapping it around my face. “This is what I mean. Men are such vulnerable creatures. Think about all the things you could’ve asked just now. All you wanted to know was if I was attracted to guys, and if I’d jack you off. It’s silly the shit boys say.”

He really knew how to make me feel insignificant, that’s for sure.

After the 6th orbit around my head, the duct tape was ripped off and firmly pressed up against my cheek. “Make sure you clean all the cum off,” he snickered. “I’d like to use it again.”

He got up off me, squatted down, and gave me a couple firm slaps on my (still hard and frustrated) dick, causing me to buckle in my bonds. “Take it easy buddy. I’m going out tonight, but I’ll be back for you in a couple hours to take you to my house. Seeya!”

Hours!? I yelled into my gag, trying to chase after in my situation as he walked toward the door, but my feet tied the way they are made the swivel chair incapable of making in movement, at least without causing me pain.

One last smirk. “Oh, and by the way, I’m gonna borrow your laptop. Hopefully I can find some ideas for what I’m gonna do with you this weekend.” The door shut behind him, and immediately the my situation set in.

Hours? This fucking sucks.

Again, I sat there and strained in my bonds. As much as I hated being tied up like this, my biggest goal wasn’t even to get out right now. I really wanted to jack off. So bad.
Last edited by Phoenix 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Deleted User 641

Post by Deleted User 641 »

Oh wow. This is smart writing, and I’m super into it. I'm eager to read more.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm really impressed. This is one the most engaging stories I've ever seen on this board (or the old one).
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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Post by cj2125 »

Don't think I can say anyting that hasn't been said, your story is amazing with a smart writting and good description of the scenes. Nice setup you've got! I like the fact that despite the fact that Van considers himself a dom, he has been put into a sub position and doesn't seem to mind it much aside for some mild annoyance. Really wonder if he'll ever get to tell Ryan how he really feels or just accept his new position
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Post by bondagefreak »

Ingenious use of the old cum rag at the end there! Loved it.

You definitely have a lot of talent and it's good to see you sharing it on here so that we can enjoy it as well.
Well done! This was another fantastic chapter.

Can't help but wonder what Ryan has in mind for poor little Van 8-)
Don't keep us waiting too long, mate!

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Post by TiedNW »

Nice story! Great to see those neighbours found each other again and go along so well... :lol:
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Post by Phoenix »

Thank you to all the supportive comments! It means a lot. Seriously.

I didn't think I would have this part out so soon, but I've had a lot of unexpected freetime lately. Hopefully I'm still going strong.



I’ve read people talking about their bondage experiences plenty of times. One thing they don’t ever really tell you though is just how fucking boring it can be. Maybe if you liked to be tied up, it never loses its thrill. However, not long after Ryan left, I began to stress in my situation. I’m gonna lose my mind sitting here.

I still had an aching hard on I longed to reach and take care of. It was especially distressing having complete movement of my fingers, but my arms being taped into place at the arms of the chair, I felt the illusion of my penis being close within my grasp, though that was absolutely not true. To add to that, the taste of Ryan’s musk and jizz was beginning to settle within my mouth, which aided the humiliation of the situation I found myself in.

Maybe Ryan wasn’t somebody I should’ve had a crush on after all. I hated the situation he had put me in.

And yet, I didn’t vocalize any complaints. When my gag was off for a brief moment, I only used my words to beg him to satisfy me. When he pointed that out to me, I couldn’t help but feel like less of a man. Much less of one than he is.

I strained for a while before I eventually gave in. I feel like, with the way I was tied up, it should’ve been possible for me to get out. Unfortunately, I was just incapable. So I’m stuck here, chewing on Ryan’s cum rag, tied in my room, unable to move until he comes and gets me.

Great first day of spring break.

My boner eventually subsided, but I still ached to touch myself. You know what? Not even just my dick. I ached to touch like, anything on my body. Or anything at all. I want to get up and move around and go for a run and lay down my bed.

And what did he tell me? We’re gonna have a fun spring break? Is he planning to keep tied up the whole spring break? What time is it now, anyways? I look over at the alarm clock on my desk to see that... it’s only 5:00!? He hasn’t even been gone for a full hour yet!

All I can do now is close my eyes and pray for sleep. Maybe it’ll help me pass the time...

I did doze off eventually, even though it took me a long time. When I started to reevaluate my situation again, I was in pain around my neck and upper back, most likely due to the hunched over position I napped in. I tried to stretch, but my arms were detained. Right, I can’t lift up my arms when they’re taped to a chair.

The other thing that struck me when I woke up was how sweaty I was. My room has a tendency to keep heat. Couple that with my shut door and the ceiling fan off, I could feel myself getting heated. Luckily I was shirtless, but I was still wearing my tights and basketball shorts. Especially around my crotchal region, which was sprouting another erection I acquired in my sleep, I felt the uncomfortableness and sweat around me.

Why am I so sweaty, anyways? Shouldn’t the A/C be on? Did I never turn it on? Did Ryan plans this too and turned it off before he left? Ugh. No sense thinking about it. What time is it now? Fuck, it’s only 8:34. Ryan said he’d be gone for hours. Does this constitute as hours? He did say he was going out tonight. How much longer do I have to be here?

I fought my bonds again, but it was to no avail. The way my feet were positioned, behind the single leg of the swivel chair, I could move around the room, but it stressed and ached my feet. Not to mention, what was I going to do if I got anywhere? My fingers are free, but with my arms tied down, I can’t grab anything.

I hung my head down in shame. What am I gonna do? I can’t handle this my whole spring break.

I never ended up sleeping again. I just sort of stopped thinking, or at least tried to. Every second felt like its own minute, and I could do nothing to entertain myself. Occasionally I would struggle against my bonds, every once in a while I would try to thrust my hips forward to bring my dick to my free fingers. Everything was useless, though. I wasn’t going anywhere. I’d look over at the clock every now and then -- if I was lucky, 15 minutes would’ve passed since my last glance.

Suddenly, I heard a car door slam. Awkwardly scooting and twisting my body to face my bedroom window, I could make out the same view of car lights coming from the driveaway at the Mah’s house next door. Ryan must be home. I switched my attention to the clock again. 1:42!? I have been tied to this chair for over 9 hours!

Coming to that realization, I began to direct my attention to my bladder. I had been so focused on so many other things, that I became hyperaware of how long it’s been since I pissed, and how badly I need to take a piss now.

10 minutes later, I heard the front door shut within my house. My anxiety flared up again. Most of me was scared of what tonight was going to entail for me, not to mention the rest of my break. Another small part of me fretted over somebody else coming up here. I’d be completely defenseless.

Expectedly, however, when the door to my bedroom opened, it revealed Ryan.

“Hey, buddy. Sorry to keep you waiting,” he smiled. He was dressed really nicely. A colorful buttoned down shirt, slim fitting dark blue jeans, his hair neatly styled. If I wasn’t so pissed and exhausted, I’d think he looked even more cute.

He lifted up his hand to showcase a pair of handcuffs. “Time to take you over to my place.” He grabbed the scissors from my desk drawer that he had used early and began cutting off the tape around my right arm. As he got closer to me, I could smell that he reeked of marijuana.

Once he freed my right arm, and painfully pulled the tape off my raw skin, he quickly twisted my arm behind my back and began to cut the tape off my left arm. I mmph’d in my gag at the stress he caused my arm. Once he had the rest of the tape off, he snatched my other wrist and yanked behind me, handcuffing my hands together at my back.

“When I untie your feet,” he told me, “don’t try anything stupid.”

I nodded to let him know I understood, and he began to untie the rope around my ankles. As soon as I felt them free, I whipped my legs around in front of me and began to stretch out my kneecaps. Oh, the bliss I felt. I slumped down my chair as I extended my legs out from me. It felt so good to have control over my legs again.

A firm slap on the back of my head reminded me, however, that these were not my legs. I guess I was somebody else’s property.

“Sit up straight,” Ryan told me firmly. I did as I was told and he turned me around in my chair, grabbed my cheeks, and held my head up to look into his eyes.

“I bet you’re thirsty, right? And hungry, too?” I nodded and whimpered in my gag. I have not had anything to eat or drink since before my run with Ryan this morning (if one does not count the cum I was being forced to suck off from the bandana in my mouth). “Thought so. Well, that’s too bad. You’re not getting anything until the morning.”

I let out a different kind of whimper into my gag. Is this douchebag heartless?

“Hey, I’m not so mean,” Ryan assured me. “I know for a fact you gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll let you relieve yourself before we go. Blink once for #1, blink twice for #2.”

I considered this for a moment. I wouldn’t want to be caught in this situation and defecate myself, but I already took a shit this morning and don’t know if I could go again, especially since I wouldn’t have anything to release. So I just signaled that all I had to do was pee.

“All right.” He pulled me up and began to escort me out of my room. Walking felt foreign to me for a hot second.

When we got to the bathroom door, I expected him to uncuff me and let me go in by myself. But when we reached our destination down the hall, he followed me into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I was uncomfortable. He lifted up the toilet seat, and pulled down the waistband to my shorts and tights, pulling my penis out with his fingers. I froze at his touch. Alternatively, though, it felt nice to have air flowing around my sweaty genitals again.

He pointed my junk towards the toilet bowl. “Well?” he asked. “Anything gonna come out?”

I was toilet shy, but I guess I didn’t have any alternatives here. It took a lot of pushing, but I finally started to go. It was bliss, but a lot of it was nullified by Ryan standing right behind me, holding me -- it was a humiliating situation, having to feel like somebody had to take care of you.

I was done going, but I also started to get semi-erect again, still horny from the teasing Ryan had caused me hours earlier.

He just laughed me. “Of course your tiny cock is getting hard again.” He roughly pushed my growing manhood back into my tights, causing me to squirm a little.

“Time to go,” he told me, taking me out of the bathroom and down the stairs. There goes my anxiety again. I wanted to do a mixture of crying and fighting, though neither would help me out here. Fighting especially, I couldn’t get far in just handcuffs. He’d surely catch up with me. If I sat here and cried, I’d only make an already humiliating situation even worse.

Thankfully, instead of going out the front door, he me out the back. “Everybody should be asleep by now, since it’s so late,” he told me. “However, I’ll still take you around the less noticeable way. Just in case.”

We went out the back door and he shut it behind him. He pulled out some keys out of his back pocket and began to lock the door. “Don’t worry, I borrowed your set of keys for the house. I’m sure your mom would be mad at me if I didn’t take care of neither her son nor her house.”

Dude, don’t bring my mom up right now. It just makes this whole thing creepier.

Ryan guided me through the yard. I focused in on the gross, mushy feeling of walking through the grass in just my socks. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long walk.

“You won’t be staying in the main part of the house tonight,” Ryan said to me. Instead of going in through the backdoor of his home, we went into the door leading into his two-car garage. He flicked on a slight when we got in, shut the door behind him, closed the blinds that hung on the door -- the only window in the whole room.

All that was in here was some tools, a workbench, bicycles -- traditional garage things. I think Ryan’s dad liked to work on cars, but there were no cars in here tonight. There was a faint smell of grease. The only other things in the garage were a metal chair, some rope and duct tape, and a pile of clothes towards the side, which looked like the clothes Ryan had gone running in that morning.

Ryan pointed at the chair. “That’s where you’re gonna be sleeping tonight. It’s not very comfy, but that’s the point. It’s your first night with me. You’re not supposed to be comfy.” He ruffled my hair playfully, which I protested through my gag. “Let’s get you ready for bed.”

Get me ready for bed? To my surprise, that meant gripping hold of my pants and pulling them off me, leaving me entirely exposed and causing my heart to skip a beat.

Ryan guided me over to the chair and sat me down. The chair was freezing! I tried to jolt upwards, but Ryan held me down at my shoulders.

“Sorry. I should’ve warned you that it gets pretty cold in this garage at night. At least it’s the middle of spring, though. I don’t think you’ll freeze your balls off tonight.”

While I was still handcuffed, Ryan took my arms and began to secure them to the bars on the back of the chair. Once he had my wrists tightly knotted to the chair, he graciously removed the handcuffs, leaving only the rope keeping me to the chair. Then he took two seperate pieces of rope and tied both of my ankles to opposite back legs of the chair. This kept me from moving my feet well, as well as kept me from closing my legs. In this state I was left vulnerable and naked. I’ve never felt this powerless before another guy before in my life.

Next, Ryan took the scissors and began to cut the layers of tape from around my mouth. As he pulled the duct tape off my skin and the back of my head, I couldn’t help but let out a muffled cry. Quickly, I began to push out the bandana that was stuffed in my mouth with my tongue. Ryan gripped the end of it and helped me pull it out. He laughed as he inspected it in front of me.

“Wow, you did a really good job cleaning this off like I asked!” he mocked me. “Maybe I can find you something else to clean for me!”

I was ungagged, but for some reason I was scared to say anything. This entire situation made me nervous. Even after he moved from in front of me, my eyes did not follow me. Mostly, I was thinking of what to say.

When he came back over to me, he held two long, dirty socks in his hands, which I presumed he had gotten from the pile of clothes he had in the garage.

“These are the socks I wore when we went running today. Rest assured, though, I’ve worn them much more than that. Probably haven’t washed these stanky boys in about two weeks or so?” He laughed. “You were able to clean my bandana off so well, so maybe you can do the same with one of these!”

With that, he began to ball one of them up and walked towards me. Ugh, disgusting! Was he really gonna stick one of these in my mouth???

He was above me, tilting my chin up. “Open up,” he says. I was squirming.

“Stop!” I suddenly yelled. “Please let me go!”

Ryan looked at me for a second, first confused, and then confident. A sly smile crept up on his face. “You’re not gonna listen to me?”

“Please,” I pleaded. “Don’t put that sock in my mouth! Just let me go...”

Ryan seemed to ponder the situation for a second. Then he got down on his knees, reached his hand forward, and rubbed my thigh. I jumped at his touch. His hand moved upward, slowly. Grazing my skin. Searching for my delicate parts.

Then, the pain began to overwhelm me. He had grabbed ahold of my left testicle with his fingers and began squeezing. I gasped in horror, squeezed my eyes shut, and rocked back in forth in pain. I pulled on my secure bonds, hoping to fight his hand away, but I, of course, could not reach.

I muttered a bunch of words, mostly “Fuck” and “Shit.”

He tightened his grip. “Shut up! You’re in no position to talk, understand!?” I nodded my head, still struggling in pain. “You’re in no position to make demands here! You’re my prisoner here! I’m holding you for ransom, remember?”

Ransom? What the fuck was he talking about? Does he think I was roleplaying here? He’s crazy!

I’m in too much pain to think too much about it, though. I just wanted him to stop squeezing my nut!

“Now, are you going to listen to me?” I nodded my head without making a sound, lest the no speaking rule still applied here. When your balls are on the line, you don’t want to take any chances.

He let go. I sighed in relief and slumped over, my muscles relaxing, but my ball still aching.

I didn’t look at him.

He took the one balled up sock and brought it up to my face again. “Open!” Ryan demanded. I hesitated for a split second, but knew it was smarter to comply.

Making quick work in case I was going to change my mind, Ryan shoved the sock deep down my throat. Already I could taste the sweat and dirty that he had collected over the last couple weeks from his soccer practices and workout routines. The cum rag was humiliating, but this taste was beyond bitter. I was repulsed. Before I could even consider spitting the sock back out, he made quick work taking the role of duct tape and securing the nasty cloth in my mouth. The sock was so big that some of it was still poking out, causing a dull ache to my jaw. Whatever couldn’t fit in was just pressed up against my lips. Some of the stock still poked out from under the tape. Because of this, Ryan made more trips around my face earlier. 14 times around my head, securing my gag, making sure everything was going to stay there, and then he was finally satisfied.

Try as I made, this revolting taste was not going anywhere.

That wasn’t enough for Ryan. With his other sock, he took it and covered my eyes, tying the sock around in the back of my head. I could feel the ickiness and hard patches pressed up against my skin.

Not only was I naked and freezing, feeling pain in my testicle, bound, gagged, and blindfolded, I was also... hard!? Why!? Why was I letting this turn me on???

“Well look at that,” Ryan said. “Looks like the faggot likes this!”

I groaned. I wasn’t enjoy this one bit! At least... I didn’t think I was. Did I not make my message clear earlier?

“I’m sorry, dude. I feel kinda bad. Maybe I’ll do one thing for you...”

I heard him moving about, which terrified me. I couldn’t see what he was going to do. So when he grabbed onto the base of my cock, I jumped yet again. I guess I half expected this is what he meant, but the sensation was still very much a surprise.

Slowly, he began to rub me up and down my shaft. Holy fuck. I needed to cum sooooo bad! This felt so good! But he really needed to speed up.

I began to ooze pre-cum as he continued his merciless, steady stroking. At one point I began to thrust my hips in an attempt to stimulate more sensation, only for him to quickly grab ahold of one of my nipples and twist, causing me yelp. “You’re not driving. I am,” he sternly told me. I obeyed.

I think it was 10 minutes in, when I started to get angry at how slowly he was going, that he began to pick up pace. Fuck! Felt so good. I really need to cum really bad.

He brought me close to the edge. Again, I gave myself away. My breathing increased, my head falling back, my moans growing louder. I was right there...

“Ouch! My wrist hurts!” Ryan pulled his hand away. I screamed into my gag. He was lying! I could tell by his laugh! I shook violently within my bonds. He was toying with me!

Leaving me hanging for 30 seconds, Ryan got back to it. “I’m sorry, let’s try that again.” I didn’t trust him. And for good reason.

This process repeated three more times; once I was close to climax, he would pull away.

The fourth time he pulled away, when I felt my nads were gonna explode, he told me, “God, this is really annoying. I just can’t seem to get you to cum!” Why the fuck was he doing this to me!?

I heard him get up. I panicked that he was going to leave me, but instead he said, “I got just the thing to help!”

He took a few steps away from me. Did I just hear him dig around in some stuff? I heard the sound of a cap popping, followed by a squirting sound. Was he grabbing lubricant?

He was coming back over to me, getting down on his knees again. To my surprise, he first touched my balls with this lubricant-like substance that was cold to the touch. He lathered it all over my scrotum before he moved back up to my penis, working the shaft and the head.

This is weird. What did he just grab? This didn’t feel like lubricant. It was cooling. But also it was working like lubricant. His hand flowed so effortlessly up and down my dick.

But then the cooling sensation started to transition into something else. I started to take in the smell. This was... oh no...

I began to buckle and stress in my bonds, shaking and screaming into my sock gag, as this burning sensation began to overwhelm my manhood. I felt like the skin was peeling right off my genitals.

Ryan kept jacking me off, despite the fact that I was moving about violently. “What the hell, man? I thought you wanted to cum! Why are you acting like this???”

Through my tears and gag, I tried my best to tell him, “Fuck you!” Multiple times.

My penis slowly began to go flaccid. Not surprising, since I wasn’t focused on the pleasure anymore.

“I didn’t have any lubricant, but I thought this Icy Hot was going to work just as well for you.” He flicked my limp dick. “But if you’re not gonna be grateful about it, then I’ll just forget it.”

All these years I’ve known Ryan, and I had no idea about this dark side to him. This asshole was a true sadist!

“Well, good night,” he told me as he got up to leave. “Maybe tomorrow you’ll want to cum.”

I heard a light switch, and a door shut.

I strained myself in my rope ties. I wasn’t going anywhere. My crotch was burning! My lonely cries filled the dark, cold garage.
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Post by cj2125 »

So glad you got a third part so quick! I felt so bad for the poor guy, you made a good job expressing the feeling of utter boredom and despair that one gets when tied alone for a long period of time!

And Ryan indeed is turning out to be a complete sadist, I’m starting to hate him in a good way (If that makes sense :) ) But at the same time want to see what he has planned in store!

Keep writing man! :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

FINALLY, someone who knows how to write a gagging scene the way I enjoy it!

I really enjoyed how Ryan took his time explaining to his captive just how rank his socks were.
Van's refusal to cooperate was perfectly believable and I just loved the way Ryan sorta coerced the boi into submitting and accepting his smelly sock gag. Bon appétit ! Haha ;)

You also really put some effort into describing how Ryan's large sock filled up Van's mouth, and even included details about it's texture.

Really enjoyed that scene.
The effort you put into this really shows. Don't think that it doesn't!

Loved the details about the empty garage smelling like grease and oil.
You can really picture yourself standing there, with the characters.

And yes, I have to agree with [mention]cj2125[/mention]. Ryan really is a sadistic bastard.
Can't wait to see what he in store for his garage-hostage!

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Post by Mrtrident178 »

I wonder if a cock cage will come into play? I love where this is going!
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Mrtrident178 wrote: 6 years ago I wonder if a cock cage will come into play? I love where this is going!
Damn. I know one little guy who gets REAL hard when someone mentions cock cages.
[mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] ;)

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
Mrtrident178 wrote: 6 years ago I wonder if a cock cage will come into play? I love where this is going!
Damn. I know one little guy who gets REAL hard when someone mentions cock cages.
@sniffingyoursocks ;)
Ohhh yeah :)
I now even more have to read this tale ;)
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Post by Pup »

I just found this story and damn...
I get the feeling you are going to give Bondagefreak a run for his money for my favourite writer.

Awesome story and can't wait for more... ;)
I definitely gotta agree with the others though, Ryan is cruel.
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Post by ziptiedboy »

Really well written! I enjoyed it right from the beginning - good backstory and a great twist which is certainly emphasised by the sadistic Ryan. I look forward to reading more :)
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Post by harveygasson »

Amazing story! Brilliantly descriptive and wonderfully written
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Post by Phoenix »

Thank you for all the nice comments! I really appreciate it!

Just to update, I’m still writing. Will hope to have the next chapter up by the end of the weekend. Just struggling with making a boring chapter exciting lol.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Don't rush. Make sure you're satisfied. Anticipation is good. We can wait.

But not too long.
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Post by Jason07 »

I just want to say I enjoyed reading what is already on here. I hope to see more and look forward to the next story. Thank you for writing.
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Post by Veracity »

Hey, I'm just getting caught up in this one and am enjoying it a lot. Keep up the good work.
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Post by LK3869 »

Late again to notice a good story... And huge writing skills.
You filled it with accurate little touches and thoughts we all must have had but somehow never resurface in most TUG stories...
And a quality "victim"/"abuser" couple, the first has a nice background and the second makes a great ambiguous and intriging "bad guy". ( I like his views on manhood's weaknesses )
Seriously, not even a little defect to point to...
EDIT: found one the day after: the title you chose doesn't give it justice. I remember seeing it and it didn't catch my attention, or I would have reacted a long time before... Somehow, it doesn't give a good idea of the spirit and the quality of that story.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by dwild »

Just WOW!!! I don't know where to start. This is so well written. Keep going, it's such a good (and somewhat arousing) story.
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