Under New Ownership (F/F, M/F) (Final part added)

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Under New Ownership (F/F, M/F) (Final part added)

Post by Raine »

Hi. It's Regan.

I'm setting this down on paper because Lee has commanded this of me. I'm to recount in detail what he did to me, and how it made me feel, for the benefit of the other members of the club. Yes, it's embarrassing as hell, but writing this was his final command to me on the night that he won temporary ownership of me. This account will be on display in the entry hall for the next two months for any member to read.

Yes, the panties hanging here are mine. Yes, they're the ones I wore that night. Yes, Lee is a jerk for making me leave them here. No, you can't have them, but apparently you can touch them or whatever else. Just... don't tell me about it, okay? I don't think I want to know.

I'll be referring to us both by our club names, Regan and Lee, not our real names. Our real names were spoken that night after we left, because we already knew each other outside of the club, but I'm replacing them for privacy reasons.


I'll start at the beginning for the benefit of club members who weren't present that night.

Most of you probably know me, or you've seen me once or twice, at least. I've been coming to the club for almost a year now, once every couple of weeks at the least, sometimes more often if the mood strikes me and my life allows. It's been a fascination of mine ever since I learned about it from a friend - Maxine, I know you're probably reading this. I hope you're happy with what you got me into.

Of course, that's where it started. The club. Hidden away in the inner city, like stepping into a whole other world. I feel comfortable there now, even when a large part of the clientele are strangers to me. I feel like I can talk openly about kink and sex when I'm inside the club's dark walls. Like it's okay for me to watch the sexually charged performances, seeing people I'd gotten to know stripped down and tied up and manhandled in front of everyone.

That's probably why I started agreeing to participate.

Some of you probably know that that night wasn't my first time. I'd undressed in front of dozens of prying eyes here before, let myself be bound, spanked, manhandled for my enjoyment and yours. It was, however, my first time playing the Slave Game.

I'd seen it played before. I knew how it was played. I and another 'lucky' girl would be bent over spanking benches in the middle of the room, strapped down, and... well, spanked. With increasing intensity, until one of us cried mercy. The loser was made a slave to one of the other regulars for the rest of the night, and had to do whatever they said, no matter what. Of course, a safe word was involved.

Occasionally you'd get someone who planned to lose, but for us regulars it was a pride thing not to give in. To hold out as long as possible, to watch the other girl break before you did. Girls like us tended to get picked more often, because it was more fun for the audience that way. Some of them even took bets on the winner, which both amused and annoyed me. It was degrading, really.

I won't deny I liked that.

So... all pretty normal, right? Nothing out of the ordinary for the club we all know and love. But that's... when I realized that he was here.

Yeah. Lee.

Like I said before... he wasn't a stranger to me. We knew each other from work, and I can't say we really had the best relationship. We had a bit of a rivalry, we'd both applied for the same promotion and I'd won, he'd held a bit of a grudge ever since. Nothing really serious, but enough to make things a little bit uncomfortable when he showed up in the club, and our eyes locked.

He smirked, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

I won't lie. It took me a while to come out into the side room I ran off to hide in. My face felt like it was on fire, my stomach churning up a storm. He'd seen me. He, of all people, had seen me. Here. At a kink club. I had no idea that he even knew about this place, let alone that he was a member. I was finished. Done. If he opened his mouth... no, even just him knowing was bad enough...

But... he was here too, wasn't he?

He came to a kink club, same as me, and it wasn't like he was there because of me. I'd seen it in his eyes, before that smirk spread across his face. He was as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Even if we hadn't quite had the same reaction.

That was what gave me the courage to slink back out of that room and back into the main area. I didn't see Lee right away, and I dared to think that he might have even left while I was gone. Still, it was a huge challenge to my nerves when the time came for the Slave Game to be played, and I was called into the middle of the room, where the black leather spanking benches had been set up. The rules of the game were spoken for the benefit of any newcomers as I joined Jade at the benches. You all know her, I'm sure, better than you know me. Definitely not the 'forfeit for fun' type.

So... stiff competition. Worse was that the person to be doling out my spankings tonight was Julianne, and we all know how rough she can be. It wasn't the first time she'd had her hands on me, but this would be more than just a little squeeze here and there. This was serious, and for a moment I seriously considered backing out.

I'd just gotten my nerve back when I found out who would be the lucky slave owner for the night.

Of course it was Lee.

It was like a bad dream. Of course I wanted out by then, and the way he looked at me as they named him as the night's owner made me feel ill. Not ill enough though that I didn't notice how many people here seemed to be familiar with him... more than even I could say I knew well here. Like he was more of a regular than I was. I guess we'd just been missing each other...

I was just about to take Julianne aside and withdraw from the game when Lee pushed his way through the crowd towards me.

"...Lee." I only just barely remembered to call him by the name Julianne had introduced him with.

"Regan, was it?" God, that smirk. "Never would have thought I'd see you here."

I frowned. "Same."

"No shame in backing out, you know."

His words were conciliatory, but his eyes were mocking me, his smirk a challenge. I felt defiance rising inside of me, as it had so many times before when he looked at me like that. "I'm not backing out."

I admit my tongue got in front of my brain there, but the moment I said it, I meant it.

"Neither am I." He winked at me, and then he was gone, moving away from the spanking benches with the rest of the crowd, like an ebbing tide. I don't know if his eyes ever left me. It felt like they didn't.

I could have refused. I could have said that it made me too uncomfortable to do this with somebody that I knew from outside of the club, and they would have understood and accepted my backing out. I knew that, and of course a part of me wanted to, because what was to come there would be no taking back. And yet... I didn't.

This place, in a strange way, felt like home. I wasn't going to let him ruin it for me.


On the bench. Skirt up. Panties down. Hold still. Julianne barked orders, and Jade and I obeyed until we were finally strapped face down to the leather benches, bound at ankle and thigh and waist and chest and wrist. It was overkill, but I won't deny that I loved it... even if the position I was forced to hold, bent over, positioned some very private regions of me right towards where I knew Lee was standing, watching me.
At least he couldn't see my face.

It was right about then that I was regretting my earlier bravado. No matter what happened tonight, the jerk would be taking the mental image of my vagina and my soon-to-be-red ass home with him, and every time I saw him at work from then on, I'd know that he would be thinking about this moment. About me, strapped down and exposed and waiting to be beaten.

It wasn't like I hadn't signed up for this. I'd been nude here before. A whole room full of strangers had seen every inch of my body. But... it was different when it was somebody I knew from my ordinary life. It felt like one of us was an intruder here, and I was no longer sure which of us it was.

Thankfully, I didn't have to dwell on it for very long. The show was about to begin.

I could just see Jade if I turned my head to the right, strapped down just like I was, and I recognized the woman striding around her spanking bench to deliver Jade's end of the challenge. Lucy. I'd only ever talked to her once in my time at the club, but I'd seen her, um, work. Jade wasn't going to have it easy, but if I had to choose between Lucy or Julianne, I would have switched places with my competition.

Not that they were asking the opinion of the tied up girl with her bare butt in the air.

It wasn't long before Julianne was behind me, her hands on my buttocks, kneading them gently. It felt good, and I felt myself relax into the spanking bench, the tension I'd built up in my body beginning to drift away, but I knew that she wasn't doing this for my enjoyment. She was making sure that I was ready, sensitive, that this was going to hurt. I won't deny I was scared, but in a good way, anticipating leaving me tingling.

Then, the spanking began, and all else faded from my mind as pain cracked across my rear, the noise of slapping flesh resounding through the air.

Wow, did it ever hurt.

I'd been spanked before, but it hadn't been anything like this. It hadn't been by somebody who seriously knew what she was doing, and it showed. Blow after blow after blow rained down on my butt, falling into a pattern, then breaking it just to mess with me, vacillating between order and seeming randomness on a whim. It didn't take long for the burn to set in, but I was proud of myself for my resolve when Jade was the first to cry out.

It wasn't a plea for mercy, though. It was merely an admission of the pain that she was in, and soon I was yelping and whimpering too. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but that didn't make it easier to endure. I almost forgot that I was being watched, my world shrinking to my burning behind, the straps holding me down, and the hand descending again, and again, and again...


Yeah. That was me.

A cheer went up from the crowd as Jade was crowned the winner, and me, therefore, the loser. I didn't feel quite myself as I was unstrapped from the spanking bench, oddly euphoric despite the pain scalding my rear end, but it wasn't until I had pulled up my panties and flipped down my skirt and Julianne had hugged me and congratulated me on lasting so long that the full reality of what had just happened came crashing down on me.

I'd lost the Slave Game.

And Lee was looking right at me as he stepped out from the crowd, the widest smirk on his face that I had ever seen.
Last edited by Raine 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

Post by GagHerRealGood »

Loving this story so far. I like how conversational the narration is, and the setting and characters feel very real. Looking forward to the rest!
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Post by Bandit666 »

I have to agree I’m looking forward to reading more of this tale as it works so well and the narrative seems just right
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Post by Beaumains »

This story is written perfectly. The odd narration style works great and truly builds the tension. Amazing job!
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Post by Dpsiic »

What a great story thank you.
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Post by wolfman »

Really fantastic start, the scene is well and truly set and Regan sense of doom is palpable. Looking forward to seeing more of this tale as it unfolds.
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Post by Raine »

Thank you very much, everyone! I'm really happy you enjoyed the first part.


"You don't really have to do this, you know."

That was the first thing he said to me after he led me to the edge of the room by the hand, his fingers closed insistently around mine. He seated himself at a little table at the back of the room, and gestured for me to sit in the chair opposite him, grinning at my wince of pain as my hurting butt made contact with the flat, cool wood.

"Screw you," was my overly grumpy retort, my pride stinging as much as my ass.

"Is that a 'screw you, I'm out of this' or a 'screw you, I'm not backing down'?" He actually laughed at me, more amused with my defiance than put out.

I really didn't know.

I couldn't stand him. Lee was a smug, smarmy, arrogant bastard, and knowing that he was into the same kind of kinks as I was didn't soften my image of him one bit. I admit that I hadn't expected him to be so... well, generous in offering me a chance to back out - I had always had that chance, of course, but it was one that was supposed to be taken, not offered by him. I figured he would expect me to storm off, red-faced, in front of the entire club, and they'd all know that I had lost the Slave Game and backed out of paying the piper.

I still didn't like him. At all. But...

Something deep inside me really liked the idea of having 'no choice' but to submit to him. To have him give me orders. To look down on me as his slave, and do with me as he pleased.

I hated that part of me, but that didn't mean it was going to go away.

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow, feigning impatience. I could tell, but it still chafed at me. "Say it, Regan. Are you going to back out?"

Of course he had to phrase it like that. I pursed my lips tight, glaring back at him. "No."

He seemed genuinely surprised, but he covered it quickly. "Are you sure you're up to it?"

"Don't make me say it again."

He snorted. "I'll make you say whatever I please. You are my slave for the night... aren't you?"

Another challenge. Bait, really. I resisted the urge to snap at it. "I suppose."

"Yes, or no?"

I scowled. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

He was loving this. I was not. Well, maybe a little.

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl." He seemed satisfied with this, and I tried to hide how pleasantly submissive that that phrase made me feel inside. Even coming from him. Ugh, why did it have to be him? Here, where my submissive tendencies were off the leash? Where I was most vulnerable? At work, or anywhere else, I never would have let him talk to me like this, sub or no. It made me mad, as if he had somehow orchestrated this, although I knew that he really couldn't have.

I was fuming, but I didn't bite back. I just sat there, stewing in my own conflicting feelings as he watched me like a hawk, reading my expressions as they shifted between irritation and embarrassment.

"I'll get you some water," he said at last, standing up. Any appreciation for his unexpected gallantry was dulled, however, as he gave me a hard stare. "Stay."

My pride buckled at being ordered like an animal... but I stayed.

It was strange how my obedience almost felt like defiance. As if he wanted me to rebel against his ownership, to prove some kind of point, and by obeying him I was refusing to let him win. I know that doesn't make much sense on paper, but it did to me. He wouldn't break my will. I was tougher than this.

It also felt like I was winning a battle against myself. A part of me wanted out of this, to put distance between him and me, or to leave the club entirely and try to pretend that this had never happened... but I couldn't stand the idea of running away after I had given my word. I knew the rules of the Slave Game, and my pride would prefer to let him humiliate me than to humiliate myself.

He returned with a glass of water and handed it to me. I hadn't realized how badly I'd needed it until I took a sip, allowing it to cool me down, steady me. I took a deep breath, another. Let myself truly settle down after my ordeal, release the tension I didn't even realize I had been holding in.

"Are you ready for your first command, slave?"

I blinked. That was one way to shift the mood back to where it had started. And what, had the orders he had already given me not counted?

He cleared his throat.

"...Fine." I set the half-empty glass down and crossed my arms over my chest. "Command away." And see if I obey, was the unspoken challenge.

He grinned. "Take your panties off."

I stared.

That eyebrow lifted again. Teasing me, taunting me. "Come on, Regan. Who's in charge here? It is you?"

Patronizing jerk. My eyes blazed, my cheeks burning. How he must have been loving putting his uppity colleague in her place. I didn't say anything, and maybe my silence was answer enough.

"I didn't think so." That detestable smirk played across his lips. "Take them off. Right now."

I bristled, scowling across the table at his arrogant leer, daring me to refuse. Either I did what he said, or I chickened out and surrendered at the first hurdle, and I knew he would never let me forget it, even if he never spoke a word of this at work. One look from him would be enough to remind me of the night he had beaten me at my own game. Sighing, I slipped my hands beneath the table, hiking up my skirt to my waist, trying not to be so keenly aware of the people all around us, praying that nobody else was watching. We were no longer the center of attention as the games that night had moved on from Jade and myself, but I didn't look to confirm it. I didn't want to know.

I slid my underwear down my thighs, hastily brushing my skirt back down to cover myself, blushing red hot the entire time. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I drew my panties down over my knees and let them drop to the floor around my ankles, awkwardly kicking it off. Then, embarrassed beyond words, I bent to scoop them up from the floor and presented Lee with the light pink bundle of fabric. It took all of the restraint I possessed not to throw them in his face.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to keep these as some macho trophy?" I grimaced. It wouldn't be the first pair of panties I had lost that way in this club.

Lee made no move to take them. "I didn't say I wanted them."

"Ooookay..." I didn't know what else to do with them, so I awkwardly held onto them, not wanting to be so dirty as to drop my underwear on the table.

I thought I had seen smug before, but... ugh. The self-satisfaction in the look he gave me made me want to slap him. I didn't, of course. I had come pretty close to outright subspace on the spanking bench, and it hadn't quite worn off. I was letting him get away with way too much, but...

"Put them in your mouth."

The words landed like lead weights.

I looked down at the panties in my hands, then back up at him, desperately hoping to see something in his expression that would make it clear that he was joking. I found nothing but stern expectation. "You're not serious..."

Lee looked me in the eye, holding my gaze, and sighed heavily. "Regan... either you're going to do as you're told, or you're not. There's no middle ground here. This isn't a negotiation. Either you apologize to me for being disobedient and you put those panties in your mouth right now, like a good little slave, or you stand up and walk away and admit you weren't up to this. Are we clear?"

Jerk. jerk, jerk, jerk. And yes, Lee, I know you're reading this too. You're a jerk. You knew I was proud, and stubborn. You knew you could make me shove my own underwear in my mouth in public if you played me the right way.

So, yeah, I did it. I mumbled "sorry" without a shred of enthusiasm, balling my panties up and pushing them between my lips before he could demand something more emphatic out of me. A grovelling apology would have tasted worse on my tongue than the mouthful of cotton and crotch sweat I ended up with.

Yes, it was as revolting as it sounds, and my disgust must have shown on my face, because Lee just watched me suffer for almost a minute, staring at me across the table in glee. This wasn't the first time I had been gagged with my own panties, but it was the first time I'd been made to do it to myself, and the first time they hadn't been clean. I bitterly regretted giving him this level of power over me... but not quite enough to spit the soggy ball of cloth back out and tell him to shove the game up his ass.

I hated this... but at the same time, I was enjoying it.

"That's better," Lee said at last, practically aglow with self-satisfaction. "I guess this means you're all in, hmm?"

Did he really expect me to give him a coherent answer? I just nodded slightly, mortified.

"Do I have your full consent tonight?"

Yeah. I knew what that meant. If I agreed, I would let him do whatever he wanted with me until morning came. Tie me up. Torment me. Touching, and sex. The thought of him putting his hands on me like that made my remaining pride want to wither up and die, let alone his other bits, but I found myself nodding again regardless. It was largely ceremonial - he wouldn't have complete control over me. I would still have a safeword, or a way to stop the game if I had to. But, beyond that... yeah. Full consent was a little scary for me, but stubbornness and a flickering desire I didn't want to admit to won out over caution.

"Why, Regan, if I'd known you were like this, I would have asked you out ages ago." Lee grinned, and I huffed through my makeshift gag, suppressing the urge to tell him that I would have told him to go to hell if he'd tried to chat me up at the office. "So, how about it? Shall we get going? I'd like to take you home for tonight."

Uncertainty gnawed at me, but I raised my chin in defiance of my own fear and nodded once more. I was a sub, and I was proud of the punishment I could take, and the positions I could endure, and if it went further... it was just sex. People made mistakes like that all the time. It didn't have to mean anything if I didn't let it.

"Good, good." He stood, and it occurred to me that he meant to leave right now, and suddenly it didn't seem like such a great idea, but I found myself standing along with him all the same. "Don't spit those panties out, all right? You're leaving them in until I get us back to my place and I can get you a proper gag."

"Bsstrdh," I mumbled through the saliva soaked underwear.

I hadn't expected him to hear me, but the glint in his eye as he looked at me told me that he had understood, and that I was going to pay tonight.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Great second part you’re keeping the story going well fun, in a kinky way, naughty and with first class narration
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Post by Beaumains »

Loving this! Great conflicting feelings. I've such a feeling that Lee is either a complete asshole, or secretly loves Regan, making them create a pretty strong bond this night. Keep it up!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Loving this, great story, well written. I can feel that girl's pain, at her dignity being stripped away. :oops:

Post by GagHerRealGood »

So sexy! I love it so far, can't wait to see where this night goes...
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Post by RopingRingers »

Very interesting so far :) not gonna lie though, if I were in her shoes and someone I knew walked in, I would be a GHOST, gone, Number Five'd OUTTA dere 🤣 can't wait for the next part ;)
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Post by redlukas »

Raine wrote: 3 years ago it was just sex. People made mistakes like that all the time. It didn't have to mean anything if I didn't let it.
Foreshadowing? ;)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful first two parts to the story [mention]Raine[/mention] Looking forward to seeing how defiant she gets before she tells Lee to screw it!
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Post by slackywacky »

Wonderful story. Great writing. Keep going...
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Post by Raine »

Thank you for being so encouraging, everyone. Although it might not have gone the way some people expected, this is the final part.

And yeah, in Regan's place I probably would have gotten the heck out of there, too. I think.


It wasn't until we had made the fifteen minute drive to Lee's house and stepped inside and into his living room that he let me spit out my panties into my open hands, grimacing in disgust at the taste, taking several deep breaths now that I was free to do so.

"You really are that submissive." He was staring at me, into my soul. "I'd never have guessed."

I glared. "I can still walk out of here, you know. Whenever I want."

He nodded. "But you won't."

I hated the smug tone, his self assurance, and I hated that he was right.

For a somewhat adventurous submissive, this isn't the sort of chance that comes along very often. Lee has been an antagonist in my life ever since he walked into it, and I still genuinely disliked him. We weren't going to magically become girlfriend and boyfriend after this, and I would probably go on loathing him when tonight was done and my obligations were over. But... legitimately being the sub of someone I hated, and having him gleefully take the reins for the night, having me in his power...

There was something dangerous and perverse about it that I loved.

I think I might have done almost anything that he told me to.

Now that he had me in his den, the intensity in his eyes only grew more powerful. He stalked around me, sizing me up, and when I tried to follow him with my own eyes he demanded that I stand up straight and keep my gaze forward as he circled me, examining me like a piece of meat.

Finally, he took my soaked panties out of my hands and stuffed them in his pocket, and made his next demand. "Take your top off."

I thought it was to my credit that I only hesitated for a few moments before I stripped my long-sleeved shirt up over my head, and didn't flinch as he tore it out of my hands.

"Hands at your sides. Close your eyes."

I took a deep breath and obeyed.

I don't know how long he looked at me. It felt like minutes were passing, and I could feel his eyes roaming over my shoulders, my chest, the lacy pink bra that this smug jerk was never meant to see, but he remained silent, and I couldn't even hear the sounds of his footsteps. He was messing with me, and I knew it.

"You've got some nice tits, Regan."

My mouth dropped open. My hand curled at my side, wanting to lash out and slap him. With my eyes closed, only hearing his voice, I could almost imagine we were back in the office and he was openly perving on me in front of our colleagues. I was used to Lee the office jackass, not Lee the dom, and I felt my temper burning inside of me, threatening to burst out.

I don't know how I kept silent until I regained control of myself. "I suppose you want a better look?"

I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Great idea, Regan. Take the bra off for me."

He just had to say 'for me'.

He hadn't ordered me to open my eyes, and I was too wise to that sort of game to open them without permission, so I kept them closed as I shrugged out of my bra, holding it out for him and letting him snatch it away. I knew he was staring at my chest without needing to see, and I just let him, the deeply submissive part of me overruling the aspect of my personality that he saw in the workplace, the part that would slap him for staring like this even if I had all of my clothes on. He was seeing me bared in more ways than one.

Finally, he cleared his throat. "Down on your knees," he ordered me, and I felt myself shiver at the command. "Keep your eyes closed."

I did as I was told.

"Don't open them," he warned me, a little needlessly, I felt. "Pinch your nipples for me."

With every new command Lee was pushing his luck a little further, but every time, I just let him get away with it like a doormat. I wondered if something was wrong with me as I found my hardening nipples and pinched, hard, gasping at the painful sensation.

"Do it again," Lee's voice demanded from above me, and I obeyed with a whimper. "Keep doing it, over and over. Don't stop until I come back." I didn't open my mouth to question where he was going, but he answered anyway. "I'm just getting a few things from upstairs. I'll only be a minute or two."

He left me there, kneeling and pinching, and I was still kneeling and pinching when his footsteps returned and the sound of something being dropped on the floor beside me made me lift my head. "Can I open my eyes?"

He considered my request. "Yes."

How gracious of him. I opened them at last, looking up at him to find him standing over me, still completely dressed while I knelt for him, topless. Asshole.

Then I looked at the pile of rope he had dropped beside me, and my stomach flipped over.

"Are you ready for this?" He watched me, and I could hear the unspoken question. If I was going to let him bind me.

I lifted my chin defiantly. "You think I haven't been tied up before? Do your worst."

Of course, he wanted me naked.

And yes, of course I stripped for him.

It was either that, or back down, and after everything I had already done at his command tonight, I wouldn't save a lot of pride by disobeying him now. So, yeah, I took the rest of my clothes off, right there in front of him, and I didn't even protest when he took them and placed them out of my reach.

"If I'd known you were this much of a sub, I would have been making you do my paperwork at the office by now," he said as he folded one of his many ropes in front of my eyes.

"Like hell you would!" Even I had my limits!

That got a chuckle out of him, but it wasn't entirely good-humored. "Quite the mouth on you. I might have to do something about that."

I grimaced. No doubt he had been dreaming of this for a long time. Now he would actually get to act on it.

I was ready for him to produce a ball gag, or my drool soaked panties, something that I was used to. Instead, he presented a dildo gag, the long rubber shaft affixed to the inside of a thick leather muzzle, because of course he just had to humiliate me as much as possible. And of course he would be the sort of person to own a degrading thing like that in the first place. It wasn't as if I didn't own a ball gag myself, but this was a completely different level of pervert.

That didn't stop me accepting the long rubber shaft into my mouth when he offered it, and letting him strap the muzzle over my face, but I did give him a pointed glare of rebellion as a matter of principle. I had after all been curious to try a gag like this, although Lee had been the last person that I had imagined or wanted would be the one fitting it into my mouth.

The rope was next, and he ordered me up onto my feet so he could more efficiently bind me. I glared daggers at him the entire time, but I let him tie me up with no more resistance than that, allowing him to cross over my wrists and tie them behind my back, fasten my knees together, then my ankles. He was more than adequate at the task - I had been tied a lot worse, but I had also been tied better. I'm sorry if that hurts your pride, Lee, if you bothered to read this far.

Well, it wasn't like I could worm my way out of it, I suppose. I know, because I tried. I wanted to show you up at your own game, but I couldn't reach any of the knots, and while it wasn't so tight that it would hurt me, it wasn't loose enough for me to escape, either. I guess that's a point for you after all, Lee.

So. Naked. Tied up. Gagged. In the living room of my nemesis, a man I loathed but was too stubborn and proud to back out of subbing for. Still multiple emotions vied for control, crackling through my body like electricity - disgust with myself for going along with this for so long, overpowering excitement, and that deeply submissive throb inside of me that would have had me tell him that he could make me do anything he wanted tonight, if it wasn't held back by my gag and my pride. It didn't mean that I liked him. This was just... what I was. A sub down to my core.

"You were really into the Slave Game," he interrupted my thoughts, gripping me by my muzzled chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. "How about another game, Regan?"

I like to think he could read the challenge in my eyes.

"Okay, here's the deal." He slipped his phone out of his pocket, and I shook my head violently as he pointed it at me, growling through my gag. He wasn't dissuaded though, keeping it trained on me, leaving it up to my imagination whether he had the camera app turned on or not. "I'm going to put you through your paces tonight. I'll give you an order, and you'll obey it, even if I make it really, really hard for you. Or..."

He waggled the phone. "Every time you mess up, I get to take one embarrassing photo of you. For my use only, I swear. And maybe I'll send one to you at work whenever I want you to remember our night together... but that's it. You have my word on it."

Did I trust him? Did I want him taking compromising photos of me even if he meant what he said? And... how exactly was I going to stop him?

I hesitated, waited, and then grunted and nodded agreement. I could just behave myself and stop him from taking any photos in the first place, but I knew he wasn't going to make that easy.

So... we played his little game. If I got untied, it was because he wanted me bound in a new position. If he removed my gag it was to give me water, or to make... other use of my mouth. And yeah, he did. And yeah, I let him.

That wasn't his first demand, though. His first demand was that I bend over his couch and subject myself to my second spanking of the evening, and while Lee was nowhere near the calculatingly cruel spanker that Julianne had been, his hand coaxed out the memories of aches that Julianne's hand had left behind. He allowed me three sounds, not a squeak more; those were the rules of the game. I hadn't expected that he would get even one out of me, but in the end I gave him four, and he snapped a photo of my bare butt, burning red. At least my face wasn't in it, and yes, I know, because the bastard showed it to me right there and then.

The second round, he clamped my nipples, with the really nasty kind. He gave me ten minutes with them, and he told me that if I begged for them to be taken off before then, he'd do it, but I would lose and another photo would be taken. It was ten minutes of hell, but I held out. It wasn't my first time with those. I still don't know if he was disappointed or not that I didn't give in.

I was, however, very aroused by the end of it, and so that made the third test a lot harder on me. A vibrating wand between my legs, and orders to resist orgasm for five whole minutes. I didn't last two, he told me, though I was pretty confident I had actually managed four. Not that it mattered - I lost, and this time I wasn't lucky enough to keep my face out of the photo of me sitting on the floor, bound and gagged and butt naked. I did rather like the defiant expression on what could be seen of my face, but the effect was outweighed by the humiliation of my situation.

I was tired by the end of it, but after giving me some water and a little while to recover, Lee insisted on one last game for the night, and my pride wouldn't let me refuse.

This time, he untied me and let me stretch for a few minutes, and then he escorted me upstairs. I had never wanted to see his bedroom, but there it was, surprisingly normal for a jerk like him.

I guess it looked a little less normal with me tied nude to his bed.

That's exactly what happened. He tied me down with his ropes, face up, securing my wrists and ankles to the four corners of his bed, stretching my whole body out. This time he was kind enough to only gag me with a ball gag, although an uncomfortably large one, bigger than mine, and he surprised me by tying a rope around my waist and feeding it through my very sensitive crotch as well, pulling it tight. My first time with a crotch rope, and it was more than uncomfortable enough for me to see why it appealed to him. And me too.

And... ugh. The bastard capped it off with one more little surprise. A pair of panties pulled over my head, the crotch right over my nose, and no, the transparent little black thing was not mine, and it was not clean. They belonged to his regular tie-up partner, he told me as he patted me on the head and laughed at my disgusted expression. He was sure she wouldn't mind.

Well, I minded!

Not enough to give him the safe gesture we had agreed on, but enough to spend the hour I was left tied to his bed dreaming of slapping him.

Yeah. An hour. That was my final challenge for the night. I had one hour to escape from my bonds, and every ten minutes I was stuck there, he was going to take another picture of me. At the full hour, if i wasn't out of it... I'd please him with my mouth.

I twisted around on that bed like a wildcat until I was exhausted, my wrists hurting from the scrape of the ropes, my jaw aching from the gag, smelling another girl's crotch the whole time. True to his word, every ten minutes he took a photo of my distress, and he made sure to show me every single one, although to my eye they looked mostly the same, other than the angle. No, I didn't end up escaping in time, and yes, I gave him what he wanted when he'd untied me, and retied my hands behind my back for the occasion. And yes, he took photos of that too, the deed and the aftermath.

We didn't have sex 'properly', and he didn't allow me to touch myself to relieve the pent up stress, either. I slept in his bed, naked, but he didn't touch me all night. All he did was tell me that my final order was... this. Writing this account, and leaving it here so that anyone could read it, or make a copy.

Waking up in his bed, remembering everything I'd done the night before in my submissive state... that was a special kind of hell. I have never been so embarrassed and mortified about anything in my entire life as I was right then, and I didn't have much of a kind word for him that morning as I scrambled for my clothes. He refused to give back my panties, telling me they would be part of my display at the club, and I didn't have the fortitude to argue with him, although I did tell him to go to hell when he offered me the panties he'd made me wear over my face instead.

That was pretty much it. I hope you've all enjoyed me embarrassing myself for your amusement, Maxine, Julianne, Jade, Lucy, everyone else. And Lee, I guess, but don't expect this to happen again anytime soon.

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Post by RopingRingers »

That was a very gripping and interesting little tale :) I honestly don't know who I envy more - Lee or Regan. I need to move somewhere with clubs like that 😉
Hello there!


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Post by TomYi »

I really like this. You were very consistent and committed with your narration from Regan's bitter POV. Very well written, I hope that great creativity of yours produces more stories for us to enjoy!
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Post by DioA »

Wow…wow…wow. I haven’t read anything like this. While I’m relived for Regan, I’m sad to see it end.
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