The Near Misadventures of Lucky Lucy (various/F)

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The Near Misadventures of Lucky Lucy (various/F)

Post by Gagfan »

Hello all, I dont post as many of my stories here as I do other places for various reasons, but Ive decided Im going to try posting a little anthology series I have going covering a young woman who regularly draws the attention of the wrong sort of people and narrowly and repeatedly avoids brutal kidnappings only for various friends, family, and random passerbys to take her place. For the gender tag I listed various/F because it varies from story to story, the victims are always female but the villains are sometimes M, sometimes F.

In this topic over time I will post the various stories I've written involving this concept. Will likely be a fairly long running thing as I have written a fair number of stories for this concept. Hopefully some of you find enjoyment from it! As always feedback will be appreciated!

Story I: The Unfortunate Sister And Her Lover Part 1

Lucy was a beautiful teen, thick and wavy red hair that went down to her shoulder blades with a face that had a very cute Emma Watson look about it. She also had large breasts, but well proportioned to her 5'5" body. Unfortunately her good looks had caught the eye of a rather rich pervert, who had offered a bounty for a slaver to kidnap the young woman so she would be his. The slaver who took up the potential job was well respected in his particular dark field, well known for being meticulous. He stalked the girl for weeks, discovering her bedroom was the only one in the walkout basement level of a two story house, meaning there was an empty floor between her bedroom and the rest of her family. The isolation of her bedroom meant she was the perfect victim to snatch at night while her family slept.

However, in the first instance of Lucy's good luck, on the night that she was to be snatched she switched rooms with her older sister Stacy. Stacy had a girlfriend, a fact her parents wouldnt approve of, and Lucy's isolated room was perfect for secret nighttime visits. Lucy being an open minded and sweet natured girl, was all too happy to secretly switch places with her sister on nights that she wanted to see her girlfriend. Katrina, the girlfriend, had been visiting family overseas for the past few months, hence why the slaver, despite all his diligent research, had never noticed this particular exchange despite the fact it happened quite regularly.

The slaver was obviously, quite surprised, when instead of the beautiful redhead he saw a brunette and blonde girl cuddled together as they slept. As he looked over the two women he wasnt mad though, Stacy looked similar to her younger sister except her thick hair was brown and was cut into a pixie cut. Her blonde girlfriend, Katrina was equally beautiful, her long blonde hair sprawled out around her head as she slept gave her an almost angelic appearance. The two young lovers were in lingerie, Stacy a hot pink set and Katrina a royal purple set, they both had taut athletic bodies. An evil smile grew on his face, couples brought in a premium and a young hot lesbian couple like these two would bring in more money than the bounty on Lucy.

With his new plan in motion, he softly set his duffel bag of supplies next to the two cuddling women. Multiple victims were always more difficult, but he decided the time honored tactic of threats and lies would be a safe bet here. He flexed his leather gloved hands then leapt into action, putting both women into crushingly tight hand gags. The effect was immediate, and predictable, their eyes flew open wide and both women began squirming and giving muffled screams. His handgags were brutally tight though, so not only were their cries muffled
, but they were kept tightly pinned to the bed.

"Shut the fuck up you two!!!"

He hissed at them, Stacy's dark brown eyes and Katrina's bright green eyes stared back at him with terror. They were each still squirming under his grip, but calmed a little due to the tone of implied threat his voice carried.

"Now Im just here for a simple robbery, cooperate and I’ll tie you up nice and snug, go tie up the other members of the household then take my fill. Then tomorrow when no one can get a hold of you, someone will call the police and some cops will come by and do a wellness check and release you all... nice and easy."

The slaver lied, then tightened his already vice like handgags further causing the two women to whimper in discomfort as he leaned in closer, scarcely speaking over a whisper.

"BUT, try anything and I take my knife there" he motioned his head to the large knife sheathed in his belt "and Ill end you both here, and since I’ll already be a murderer at that point I’ll just end every one in the house... so which is it going to be?"

The two lovers stopped all squirming and whimpering, denoting their agreement to cooperate fully with the man. He was always amazed how well that worked, it wasnt even a real knife sheathed on his belt, but the prop did an amazing job at securing compliance. These women he kidnapped always underestimated there were worst fates than death, and frankly they would be better off trying to make a run for it. Their ignorance was his good fortune though, hopefully this would end up being a fairly profitable but easy evening.

"Now Im going to release your mouths, no screaming and no running, or else me and Mr Knife move onto plan B. Oh and no pathetic begging either, not one PEEP of protest, got it?"

The girls quickly shook their heads yes, and the slaver released their mouth from his tight vice grip. Stacy opened her mouth to speak and the slaver immediately held up a single gloved finger.

"What did I say about not one peep?"

Stacy quickly closed her mouth again without uttering a sound. The slaver opened up his bag of supplies and removed two coils of dull brown hemp rope.

"Roll over onto your stomachs, then wrists behind your backs, quickly now time is money"
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by Gagfan »

Hey all sort of forgot I had started posting this, I'll go ahead and continue it and let feedback determine if I end up posting any more stories from this anthology
Story I: The Unfortunate Sister And Her Lover: Part II

The frightened women did as they were told, they stared into each other's eyes, each of them attempting to communicate nonverbal reassurance to the other that everything was going to be ok. Stacy winced as the man began to wind the rough rope snugly around her wrists, making ten passes before looping it between her wrists several times and knotting it off, just out of reach of her fingers. Katrina soon got identical treatment, both women gingerly tested their bonds. They were snug, but not uncomfortably so, although any attempts at squirming caused the rope to dig into their tender skin.

"Alright sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed. Like I said before make it fast, Ive got other people to tie up and a house to ransack"

The women did as they were told, although having one's arms tied behind ones back made even simple tasks like sitting up and scooting more difficult. Once the young women were sitting were instructed, the slaver grabbed more rope out of his bag. Grabbing a hold of Katrina's bare feet, he forced her legs together then began lashing her ankles firmly. He made twelve passes then cinched the rope off, tying a snug knot upon finishing. Stacy soon got a matching treatment, and then got additional rope at her shins, above and below her knees, and at the center of her thighs. He then moved back to Katrina and began giving her legs the same thorough working over. He could sense the women were growing anxious with their rapidly intensifying bondage, and moved to soothe them so he could continue without complication.

"You two are doing good, just have to make sure you are secure, either of you squirm out on your own and my whole night could be ruined. So stay cool, and dont do anything stupid alright?"

He tried to soften his tone, in order to reassure the two women and keep up the facade he was here for stuff and not people and that they could go back to their normal little lives if they just cooperated. He needed them calm for just a little longer, once they were gagged their cooperation would be irrelevant.

He looked around for some stuffing material to go into their cute mouths and spied a couple of pairs of socks, likely the ones the girls had been wearing prior to stripping down for bed. He rounded them up and sat them on the bed next to the girls and then grabbed a roll of duct tape and sat it on the bed as well. Stacy’s dark eyes went wide, she had seen enough bondage videos to have a fairly good idea of what was coming, which was at last enough to make her talk despite her fear.

”Oh come on please don’t gag us, we’ll be good! At least give us the chance to talk and reassure each other since we’ll be here for hours!”

Her plea was scarcely above a whisper, not wanting to agitate the man whom she believed was armed. The slaver wasn’t angry though, instead he was slightly bemused by her request. If he was actually here to merely rob them he might have legitimately considered letting the two young lovers lie here and talk. However, since the two girls were destined to be spending the next several hours in his car trunk and not lying on Lucy’s soft bed, the answer was a hard no.

”Sorry girls, you’ve been doing very well and cooperating like a charm, but I just can’t trust that will continue. If you suddenly panic this whole night could go belly up for me. Now open up my dear.”

Stacy gave Katrina a sad look, and the blonde tried to give her a reassuring smile. The brunette then did as she was instructed and opened her mouth wide. Katrina’s two powder blue socks were pushed inside, the slaver was somewhat gentle about it, rewarding the young woman for her misplaced cooperation. He then grabbed the roll of duct tape.

”Now put your lips together my dear”

Stacy’s cheeks were bulging slightly from the two socks, but she did her best to comply. The loud rip of duct tape filled the quiet room as he began pulling it off the roll. He smoothed the edge over her left cheek then began to wrap around her head. The slaver was making each pass snug, but not as sadistically tight as he would on a non cooperative captive. After all, the man was in a twisted business, but he believed in rewarding good behavior. He made thirty or so passes around her head then tore the continuous strip from the roll. He took his gloves hands and gently pressed around the gag, making sure it was smooth. Everything below Stacy’s nose was hidden by silver tape, her brown eyes staring at the kidnapper with concern from over the tape.

”Ok blondie your turn, open up”

With a slight hesitance she complied, and the man took Stacy’s hot pink socks and began shoving them into Katrina’s mouth. Whereas Katrina’s socks were a lower cut, Stacy’s pink socks were a bit higher cut, so it was a bit tighter fit to get them inside. As such once the slaver finally did get the socks inside, the blonde’s cheeks were bulging out like a chipmunk. Fortunately, neither woman had done anything particularly athletic that day, so the socks they were both now sucking on were relatively clean.

”Alright lips together darling. Also as a tip since you have a bit longer hair than your girlfriend, duct tape is never pleasant to remove, but if you stay very still your hair will all be under it which will help with removal. If you squirm your hair is going to get tangled up in the layers of tape and that makes it much tougher, at least on your end, to take off, ok?”

Katrina gave a nervous head nod then tried to bring her lips together. As packed tight as her mouth was it was a struggle, but eventually she managed. The man then began wrapping the duct tape around her lower face. Wanting to keep true to his advice, the first ten wraps were done very slow and deliberate, as to make sure none of her golden hair ended up tangled in the tape, after that he sped up a bit, eventually giving her nearly forty wraps of the material.

He stood back for a moment to admire his catches now that they had officially passed the point of helplessness where there was no hope of them avoiding their fate. He ALMOST felt bad, it had been awhile since he had captives who were this docile. But just like anyone else, he needed to get food on the table, he would at the very least try to make sure the two women got a ‘nicer’ home, he was a respected enough slaver that he could ideally manage at least that much for them.
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by MuscularFreak »

Great and descriptive story, cant believe I haven't seen it sooner. Looking forward to seeing how the kidnapper gets the two girls out of the house without making some noise because at that point they will have realized they've been tricked... Keep up the great work!
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