The Camping Trip - A work by Bondagefreak m/m

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The Camping Trip - A work by Bondagefreak m/m

Post by downlover »

This story was originally by bondagefreak, who created this from a mental break while writing his masterpiece, Bound and Gagged in a Sleeping Bag, from the original site. It's incomplete, as he never got on to finishing it. Alas, though, I shall release that which had been published. Although, it would be nice to see this story complete, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].

Chapter 1 - Fantasy Fulfilled

Alright, so where do I start?
Let's see.

First things first.
My name's Kyle. I'm 16, blond hair, brown eyes, short and lean.
I'm pretty good looking, I think. Anyways, I'm a pretty normal guy for the most part.

I like sports, drinking and partying, hanging out with friends, gaming and all that type of stuff.

My parents are divorced and I'm an only child. Every month, I spend two weeks at my mom's and two weeks at my dad's.
My mom is sweet and caring, but ever since she got involved with another man, her attention's been divided between me and her boyfriend's two kids.
My dad's name is Jack. He's single, late 40s, pretty tall and muscular and still in really good shape.
We've always been pretty close.

Like I said, I'm pretty normal...except for one really weird thing.

I have a sleeping bag fetish.

Yeah, that's right.
Ever since I was a little kid, I've pretty much dreamed about being tied up inside a thick sleeping bag.

I had no idea where that particular fantasy came from, but it was there and it wasn't going anywhere.

Anyways, so each year my dad takes me out on a mid-fall camping trip, just me, him and his three brothers.

Two of my uncles had kids of their own, but for some reason, my cousins never seemed interested in these camping trips.
In all honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that I was spending those cool October nights zipped up inside a sleeping bag, I probably would've lost interest in this as well.

So this year was no different from the previous year.
It was already mid-October and my dad and uncles were setting out on their long-weekend camping trip up north.

This time would be really special though.

My dad looked at the weather forecast for the weekend and was pretty apprehensive about bringing me along.

I was a cold sleeper and it was gonna be pretty cold this weekend, especially at night.

It also didn't help that in the past years, I'd pretty much been complaining every night, pretending to be colder than I really was, just so that I could use a second sleeping bag over my old one.

Whenever my dad or uncles would ask me if I'd slept okay, I'd lie and tell them I was cold during the night.
There had been nights where I did feel cold, but it didn't bother me nearly as much as I was letting on.

My dad knew I wanted to come and knew that I enjoyed these trips with him, even if I complained a lot about the cold.

We talked for a while and then he decided that he'd stop by the mountaineering equipment store on our way up north, tomorrow morning.
I'd only just turned 16 and I wasn't earning any income yet.

So I was really excited when my dad told me he'd be getting me a new sleeping bag for this year's trip.

My old bag wouldn't do me any good. Especially against the cold nights up ahead.

I tried to contain my excitement and quickly went to bed, anxious for the next morning.

Friday morning came and my dad woke me up at around 7 AM.

I'd barely slept at all during the night, too caught up by the prospect of zipping up inside a new bag.

After dragging myself to the shower, eating the breakfast my dad had prepared and loading my backpack into the back of the SUV, I sat myself down on the passenger seat and buckled myself up.
I quickly pulled my orange hoodie up over my head to try and shield my eyes from the sun and propped my head against the window to try and get some rest.

My dad drove and I dozed off.

The mountaineering store was only about 45 minutes from home, but I'd dozed off and woken up so often that I felt as though we'd been on the road for over two hours already.

My dad took the keys out of the ignition and woke me up to tell me he'd be back in a few minutes.

I nodded in approval before dozing back to sleep.
I knew he was gonna be getting a new sleeping bag for me, but at the time, I was too tired to care.

I closed me eyes and before I knew it, the back door opened and I woke up suddenly to see my dad throwing a rolled up sleeping bag on the back seat, with all the other camping gear.

I tried to catch a glimpse of the bag, but it was too far back behind my seat.

Any "normal" person would've just reached out for it to read the specs given on the stuff sack, but I was so paranoid about my dad finding out about my weird fetish that I pretended not to care about the new bag.

We drove all the way north to our usual lakeside camping spot and although I was still pooped, my mind was too consumed by the new sleeping bag for me to get anymore rest.

I looked at the time and it was only 11 AM.
I found myself wishing it was already nighttime so that I could crawl into my new bag and zip myself up.

We arrived at the camping spot and all three of my uncles were already there.

The big tent was already fixed up, so all that was left to do was bring our stuff inside, fix up the cots and get our fishing gear ready.

I got out of the SUV and greeted all three of my uncles; uncle Joe, uncle Don and uncle Frank.

Joe was a few years older than my dad, while Don and Frank were both slightly younger.

I was happy to see them, but I was really anxious to see the new bag my dad had bought me.

"Go bring our stuff inside the tent." my dad told me, while he and my three uncles each opened up a beer.

I quickly started getting our stuff from out of the SUV, careful not to appear too caught up by the new sleeping bag.
I emptied the SUV out until the only thing left inside was my new bag.

It looked really big in it's dark, grey stuff sack. Much...much bigger than my previous bag.
The moment I picked it up, I knew this was gonna be an awesome bag.
It felt really heavy...easily three to four times heavier than my old bag.

I nervously marched my new bag inside the tent, careful not to walk too fast or seem out of character.

The moment I got inside the tent, I sank down to my knees and looked at the specs on the stuff sack.

The stuff sack read: 12 lbs/5,4 kg. Temperature (comfort) rating: -23C/-10F.

My eyes immediately bulged out of their sockets.

This was gonna be a really hot bag!

I slipped my hand inside the small opening in the grey stuff sack and immediately felt the soothing touch of the soft nylon within.

I started opening the stuff sack, anxious to see what the bag looked like, but before I knew it, I heard footsteps approaching and quickly got up inside the tent.

"Come on, kiddo." I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Uncle Joe opened the tent door and invited me out.
"You can finish setting your things up tonight. Come on, we're going hiking now." he told me.

The day was relatively fun. We hiked a lot.
The sun was out but the weather was cold.

Walking kept me warm, but as soon as I stopped, I felt the wind rip through my thin jacket and hoodie.

My dad and uncles looked overdressed for this time of the year, but at least they were warm and toasty in their big down jackets.

By 5 pm the sun was already going down and the air was getting considerably colder.

Even as we ate supper around the campfire, I couldn't help but think about zipping up inside my new bag for the night.
The cold, combined with my lack of sleep from the previous night, made the thought of retreating to the tent, VERY tempting.

I must've looked really tired, 'cause Joe actually suggested I get to bed early.

My dad looked at me and agreed with his brother.
"Come on, son. Let's get you to bed." he told me.

My dad and his brothers would be staying up around the campfire for a while longer, leaving me alone inside the tent with my new bag.
This was perfect!

My uncles all wished me goodnight and my dad led the way to the tent.
I followed, walking slowly from the accumulation of fatigue.

My dad entered first and lit one of the electric lamps, bathing the tent in soft-white light.

He fixed up my cot and then his.
My uncles' cots were already all fixed up.

The cots were elevated about a foot off the ground and were pretty narrow.
The good part was that they took much less space than air mattresses and allowed all of us to share the same tent, even if a little cramped.

I watched as my dad grabbed the sleeping bag he'd bought me and opened up the stuff sack.
His big, shiny black jacket made swooshing noises every time he moved.

The instant he managed to get the sack off from over the bag, I was mesmerized.

"Yeah, this bag'll keep you warm, son." he said, unrolling it and laying it out on the cot.

The bag was red, rectangular shaped, narrow and thick. Like...REALLY thick.

I pretended not to notice it and tore my eyes away from the bag before proceeding to take my jacket and clothes off, keeping only my t-shirt and boxer-briefs on.

I heard my dad unzip the heavy-duty sleeping bag zipper and open the bag up.

"Yeah." he said, running his hand inside the bag to feel the soft poly-cotton flannel lining inside. "It's really nice and thick..." he mumbled, only adding to my excitement.

My dad grabbed one of the camping pillows and put it underneath the bag, at the head of the cot.

"Alright dad, goodnight." I told him, anxious for him to leave so that I could slip inside this new monster sleeping bag.

"What d'you mean, goodnight?" my dad chuckled. "I'm zipping you up."

"Daaaad! Come on, I'm not a kid anymore." I complained.

"Enough arguing, son. Get your ass inside the bag. I'm zipping you up and that's final." he answered, looking quite menacing in his army pants and big, black jacket.

I sighed and climbed into the bag.

Wow! Okay, it was SERIOUSLY thick!

"Scoot down. All the way." My dad ordered.

I rolled my eyes and obeyed.
The bag was pretty long. With my feet at the bottom like this, the bag continued past my head by over a foot.

"Arms down." he ordered. "Alright, now let's zip you up."

I watched as my dad grabbed the heavy duty zipper and slowly pulled it up.
The bag looks a little narrower than usual for a rectangular bag, but it was even narrower on the inside, with all the thick loft pressing down around me.

The bag was slowly zipped up past my chest and shoulders and my dad stopped just below my chin.

"There. How does that feel?" he asked, patting the outside of the shiny red bag with his hands.

I moved around a little and was pleasantly surprised by just how restrictive it felt.

"It''s really thick." I answered, chuckling in disbelief and raising my arms out of the bag.

This was really awesome, but I had to be careful to hide my excitement, lest my dad realise that I was some kind of freak.

"Haha, you bet it is." he laughed. "At least now you wont be complaining about the cold anymore. Put your arms back in, I'm zipping you up all the way." he ordered.

"Dad, I'm okay like this." I argued.

"I said, put your arms inside the bag. I didn't get you a 300$ sleeping bag so you can keep it unzipped during the night."

"Ugh." I complained, pretending not to be happy.

"The bag stays zipped up. End of discussion." he grunted, grabbing the zipper and slowly zipping the entire bag up all the way to the top, the thick loft covering my mouth, nose, eyes and forehead in the process.

The bag was made for tall guys, I knew, 'cause it continued quite a bit past my head.

My dad dragged the upper end of the bag down and bunched it up around my face.
He pulled the bottom part of the bag up and around the back of my head like a big hood and pulled the top part of the bag over my face, bunching it up over my mouth and nose.

Then I felt the improvised hood tighten around my face and realised that the bag came equipped with a set of drawstring to completely close off the top opening.
I wanted to protest, but at the same time this was so hot...

My dad was actually sealing me up inside my new, monstrously thick bag!
He fidgeted around with the cord for a while, then I saw him pulling it tight again and knotting it together a few times.

When he was done, I was completely zipped up and snug inside the thick bag, with only a small crack for my eyes.

"There we go." My dad mumbled, running his hand over the super thick bag. "You comfy in there, son?" he asked, peering into the small opening above my eyes.

I nodded and told him I was, but my response was deeply muffled by the loft of the bag snuggly covering my entire face.

My dad was about to respond when uncle Joe suddenly came in the tent with a rolled up sleeping bag in tow.

"I almost forgot but I..." he said, looking at my dad before suddenly looking down at me and stopping mid-sentence.

"Hey! That's a nice sleeping bag you got him, bro." he suddenly said, drawing closer to my cot and feeling the loft of my thick bag with his hands.

"Yeah, I was tired of hearing him complaining each year about the cold, so I went to the Mountaineering Co-op this morning and got him a winter bag." my dad explained.

"Nice..." Joe answered, running his hands over the swishy red nylon. "Yeah, he'll be really warm and comfy in there."

"So, what were you gonna say?" my dad asked, referring to my uncle's initial words upon entering the tent.

"'s nothing. I didn't know you'd bought Kyle a new bag, so I brought my old military bag along, just in case he got cold during the night." he explained.

I was expecting my dad to thank him and decline his offer, given that I was already zipped up inside my new, ultra thick bag. But he didn't.

"Thanks bro. Yeah, we'll use it. It's gonna be pretty cold tonight anyway." he reasoned.

"Good. At least I didn't bring it along for nothing." Joe answered, happy to know I'd be using his trusty old bag after all.

I couldn't see much from the small slit above my eyes, but did catch a good glimpse of my uncle's old military bag as he took it out of it's big stuck sack.

It was a really thick, narrow, army green mummy bag, with a central zipper going up all the way along the top.

I recognised it as the bag my uncle used to sleep in during camping trips when I was a kid.

Being a warm sleeper, he'd eventually upgraded to a lighter, more compact bag and kept this one for more extreme conditions.

"It doesn't smell too good in there, but at least it'll keep you warm and cozy." my uncle told me, unzipping his thick, military bag and supressing a mischievous smile.

It's a good thing my new bag was so thick, 'cause I had an enormous boner inside my boxers.

My dad and uncle suddenly lifted my cocooned form off the cot and placed me on the tent floor.

I watched them put my uncle's bag down on the cot and open it up completely.
Then they picked me up again and placed me back down on the cot.

Suddenly, I felt my super thick winter sleeping bag being sealed up inside my uncle's big, green mummy bag.

His bag was a little narrower than mine, squashing all the thick loft around me, trapping me inside my big, fat, red bag.

My dad pulled the zipper up, over my thighs, my waist and my chest.

"Haha, he's gonna be like our little prisoner for the night." uncle Joe laughed, walking up to the head of my cot.

"Yeah, I don't want him fooling around with the zippers or unzipping his bag..." my dad mumbled, zipping his older brother's mummy bag up all the way up to the hood, sealing me up inside my thick prison.

I started complaining...started trying to move my arms up, but I couldn't.
My red bag was super thick and with my uncle's equally thick, narrow mummy bag zipped up over it, I was trapped.

"Daaad. No. Come on...ugh." I mumbled, my complaints heavily muffled by the thick loft covering my mouth and nose.

I was really aroused by all this, but at the same time, I didn't wanna spend the entire night zipped up like this.

It wasn't even 8PM yet!

"Yeah, good luck getting out of there, nephew." uncle Joe chuckled.

My dad didn't seem too amused about my complaining though.
He reached inside the thick military hood and grabbed the upper end of my thick red bag before pulling it up over my mouth and nose.
"Quiet down." he ordered, pressing the thick loft over my face, smothering my up pretty effectively.

I gave him angry eyes, but that didn't stop him from grabbing the thick military bag's hood and knotting the drawstrings together real tight, sealing me inside my uncle's smelly expedition bag.

"G'night, son." he said, patting the outside of his brother's thick army bag. "Sleep tight." uncle Joe added, causing both he and my dad to laugh a bit as they shut the light off and made their way out of the tent and back to the campfire.

Here I was, alone and trapped inside two really thick sleeping bags.

It was fun at first, but as time went by, the hours became harder and harder to bare.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Awesome. This is a great story
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Post by squirrel »

It really is! I hope it will be continued some time

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Post by StealthAlex »

Hi bondagefreak,
I remember this story. Will you release that like before or will you add some events ?
Because, I really want Kyle to be forced to choke on daddy's sock and why not later lick on his uncle's feet lol
~~ I can feel them coming in my mouth tonight ~~
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]StealthAlex[/mention] Hey buddy! Nice to have you back ;)

I do not have access to this story. Downlover does and he's going to be posting the rest on his own time.
There are quite a few chapters.
I'd like to continue this later on this year, but at the moment I'm too busy enjoying the arrival of spring and rebooting Bound and Gagged in a Sleeping bag.

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Post by Veracity »

Thanks for sharing. Please remember that all stories must be tagged in the subject lines. Guidelines are here:
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Post by Johnsnow »

Veracity wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for sharing. Please remember that all stories must be tagged in the subject lines. Guidelines are here:
Please make necessary adjustments
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Post by bondagefreak »

StealthAlex wrote: 6 years ago Hi bondagefreak,
I remember this story. Will you release that like before or will you add some events ?
Because, I really want Kyle to be forced to choke on daddy's sock and why not later lick on his uncle's feet lol
Alex, if you enjoyed reading this on the old board, you'll probably really enjoy [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]' "The Babysitting" story and [mention]squirrel[/mention]'s "On Vacation".

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Post by GoBucks »

Hope you're still planning on posting more of the story!
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Post by bondagefreak »

GoBucks wrote: 6 years ago Hope you're still planning on posting more of the story!
Hey bud. Not sure who your comment was being directed at, but as pointed out above, I do not have access to this story and have no control over when/if the other chapters will be featured here.
I wish I had better news for you guys, but last I heard, Downlover was leaving the forum for an undefined period of time.

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Post by GoBucks »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
GoBucks wrote: 6 years ago Hope you're still planning on posting more of the story!
Hey bud. Not sure who your comment was being directed at, but as pointed out above, I do not have access to this story and have no control over when/if the other chapters will be featured here.
I wish I had better news for you guys, but last I heard, Downlover was leaving the forum for an undefined period of time.
Yeah I was directing it at [mention]downlover[/mention]. Hopefully sometime he checks in for a bit so he can post the rest. Can never get enough of your stories!
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Post by Druidofthewilds »

The Camping Trip - A work that either gets gender tagged or locked and deleted in 2 days.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

My favorite story
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Somehow I missed it on these new site, one of my favorite stories, perfect (I'm beginning to doubt if bondagefreak does something in life that is not perfect :lol: ) anyway, it was good to re-read this. Thank you for posting.
Last edited by Tsuhaya 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Scottstud94[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention]
Sorry to hear you guys enjoyed this that much.
Unfortunately, I do not have the other 20 chapters. Only [mention]downlover[/mention] has them, and from last I heard, he was stepping out of the forum for an untold period of time.

[mention]Scottstud94[/mention] I had no idea this was your thing.
If you liked this, you'd probably really like [mention]squirrel[/mention]'s works.
[mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] also started a fun story a short while ago.

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Post by Scottstud94 »

Can somebody post the rest of this from the old website?

It seems downlover is not going to post the rest and if we can get this great story back that’d be great
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Post by downlover »

Chapter 2 - Alone Time

I couldn't believe it.
My dad had actually zipped me up inside the new, super fat, red sleeping bag he'd bought me.

The sun had just gown down a few hours ago and already the mercury had fallen below five degrees Celsius.
I knew it was supposed to go down below freezing point tonight, but the new monster-sleeping bag my dad had got me would have kept me more than warm enough!

The thing weighed well over 5 kilograms and was easily four times thicker than my previous bag.
Being on the short size, even for a teenager my age, I was a little pissed off about my dad zipping the bag up all the way, not caring about the fact that it continued way past my head.
As if that wasn't enough, he just decided to bunch all the excess loft right over my face and triple-knot the cinched drawcord to keep my head and face sealed inside the bag.

It's almost as though I was being grounded or something!
Only this time it wasn't in my room, but in a sleeping bag instead.

The worst part of it though, was my uncle Joe offering to lend me his smelly old expedition bag.

Given the thickness of the bag I was zipped it, I was expecting my dad to decline his brother's offer.
But no...
He apparently thought it was a good idea to zip me up inside my uncle's fat, military bag, cinch the hood shut and triple-knot it as well.
Apparently, he didn't want me getting out or unzipping my bag for some reason.

So here I was, zipped up and trapped inside these two heavy-duty winter bags.

It was 7:30 on a Friday night and my classmates were probably busy hanging out, drinking and getting ready to party.
Me? I was all zipped up and going nowhere.

This was more than a little ridiculous when you stop think about it,,
I was sixteen now, almost an adult and my dad was treating me like an infant!

Even more frustrating, was the fact that I wasn't able to get out.
I was sixteen....SIXTEEN and my dad wouldn't even allow me to unzip my stupid sleeping bag!

At first, I wasn't too upset about my predicament.

It was pretty cold outside and I was really warm and comfortable zipped up and sealed inside my uncle's old military bag.

Its only after about 45 minutes that my frustration started mounting.

I was tired, but my state of arousal kept me from getting any sleep.
I was wide awake and bored out of my mind.

I wanted to open the bags up and get my phone out of my backpack.
I knew there wouldn't be any signal this far away, but I had a few games on there that could help me pass the time.

I squirmed and struggled, but I couldn't work my arms up past my chest.
The red bag was too thick and my uncle's expedition mummy was too restrictive.

My arms were trapped.
I couldn't even raise my head out of the bags to enjoy the cool night air, since my dad had cinched them and triple-knotted both of them up real good, leaving only a small hole for me to breathe through.

This was getting REALLY frustrating.

I struggled inside the bags for a short while, only to give up and let out a muffled grunt into the thick loft covering my mouth and nose.

I was a little annoyed about being smothered and muffled up by my fat, red bag. But at the same time, I was pretty happy to have my face in there. My uncle Joe wasn't kidding...
His old army bag didn't smell too good.

It actually smelled pretty foul.

Even with the thick loft covering my nose, I could still pick up the strong scent of his dirty winter bag.
He'd undoubtedly slept half-naked inside it, a few too many times, I figured.

I eventually closed my eyes and tried accepting my fate.

At first, the warmth felt good, but it didn't take long for it to start getting uncomfortable.

Time went by and I started dozing on and off, finally caught up by the mounting heat and my growing fatigue.

I only woke some time later when I heard noise from inside the tent.

My dad and uncles were coming in.
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Post by GoBucks »

Happy to see that you're back [mention]downlover[/mention] and decided to continue to post this story!
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Yayyyyy my favorite story
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Post by Canuck100 »

Except for the bad odour part, I’d love to be in his place! Great story, glad that you’re continuing it.
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Post by bondagefreak »

This might be partially up your alley as well.

[mention]nylongag[/mention] Welcome back my friend.
I'm attaching the missing photo of Kyle's dad (Jack) to this post.
Maybe you could attach it to the beginning of chapter 1 when you have the chance.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

Will you be posting another chapter
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Post by downlover »

I will, as soon as I have some time to do so. Rest assured, I will not leave you hanging. For now.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

downlover wrote: 5 years ago I will, as soon as I have some time to do so. Rest assured, I will not leave you hanging. For now.
The story is already written? We appreciate you having saved this story and posting it, but why can’t you just post it all in one post? Not to sound ungrateful, this is just my favorite story. I do appreciate you having saved it.
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Post by GoBucks »

Scottstud94 wrote: 5 years ago
downlover wrote: 5 years ago I will, as soon as I have some time to do so. Rest assured, I will not leave you hanging. For now.
The story is already written? We appreciate you having saved this story and posting it, but why can’t you just post it all in one post? Not to sound ungrateful, this is just my favorite story. I do appreciate you having saved it.
I was thinking the same thing as Scott. I'm glad you saved the story, but unless you are editing the chapters or putting your own spin on it, I don't see why you wouldn't have time to copy and paste on here. If you intended to pace when chapters are posted to keep from overwhelming everyone, I would be happy to do that if you would be interested in sending it to me if you don't have the time to come on here very often. I check in on this website every day and would be happy to post a chapter every few days or so.

I too enjoyed this story and I just really want to see it up here again. Let me know if you'd like me to help [mention]downlover[/mention]
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