Jen's Home M/F+ F/M F+/F+

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Jen's Home M/F+ F/M F+/F+

Post by herdfaninrva »

The continued adventures of Julie, Kenny, and friends. It will make more sense if you read the stories below but can be read as a stand-alone. This MAY be the last story in the series. ... f63c3468a3 ... f63c3468a3

Jen’s home

Julie and Tara’s break was short-lived. Following their day at the Bondage Club, they had ridden home clad in bikinis and pantyhose with their hands and elbows tied behind them and their ankles chained. They had talked about the events of the day, but there was work to be done. There would be no more play today. As cheer captains at the local college, they had to prepare for the year’s first practice on Monday, just four days ahead. When they reached their apartment, Kenny released them from their bonds then headed home.

After some badly needed rest and refreshment, they sat down to work. The hose were gone, but they were still wearing their club bikinis. “OK, what’s on the list?” Tara asked.

“Two dances,” Julie replied. “One in our regular uniforms, one in a special one. Can be anything.”

“Since the band is doing a USA theme for their halftime show, how about ‘Boogie, Woogie Bugle Boy’ for the first one and ‘Surfin’ USA’ for the second. Everyone has said they want to do something we could do barefoot, and the guys in the stands would love to see us in bathing suits,” Tara suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” Julie agreed. “Let’s get started. We should be able to find those online easily. Maybe even pick up some steps that other groups have used.”

Having worked together on making up dances many times before, the duo made far more progress than would normally be expected. As they got ready for bed, Julie pointed out “You know that we’re going to have to let Jen in on our secret activities.”

“Got that one figured out. Since she likes Truth or Dare so much, we’ll use that. She said she’ll be here around 1, so we get Kenny over and start a game after lunch. As soon as she gets here and joins in, we do a dare to get tied up and keep doing bondage truths and dares until she figures it out.”

“Tara, you’re a genius!”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” she laughed. “Just good at being devious when I want to be.”

“True, my dear friend. VERY true!”

With a busy day ahead, both chose not to be tied during the night. Morning saw them grab a hearty breakfast before donning their bikinis for some rest and relaxation at the pool. Kenny joined them shortly thereafter. A bit later, they showed him what they had done on the dances, much to his approval.

When Jen arrived the others were gathered in the living room playing as planned. Kenny was wearing red swim trunks. Julie and Tara were wearing bikinis with their school’s logo on them. All were barefoot. Being the gentleman that he was, Kenny left the girls to help Jen unload her car. “So, what did I interrupt when I came in?” Jen asked.

“Oh, nothing, just your favorite game,” Tara laughed.

“Forget unpacking. I’m in!” Jen replied enthusiastically.

“Not until you are properly dressed,” Julie told her. “The forfeit for not doing what you’re assigned is 2 laps of the pool up and back..”

“Be back ASAP!” Jen answered with a smile. A few minutes later, she returned in a white bikini that showed off her summer tan to its fullest. Kenny’s eyes instantly became the size of saucers!

“Down, boy!” Julie laughed. “You’re spoken for, remember?”

“HOLD IT!” Jen interrupted. “What did I miss? Are you two ‘an item’ now?”

“Yes. We both realized that we’ve been a couple for a long time but just never made it ‘official’” Kenny replied.

“Well, I’ve known it as long as I’ve known you,” Jen replied as she put her arms around both of them. “Congratulations!”

“Thanks!” they both replied.

“Back to the game,” Tara said. “Kenny, you’re up.”

“Julie, truth or dare?


“I dare you to spank me for my reaction to Jen.”

“I don’t think you deserve it, but I’ll do it. How many and how?”

“10 with the holed paddle on my bare butt. Tara, Jen, can she do it here, or should we go into the bedroom?”

“Here’s fine,” Tara replied with an evil grin.

“Julie, if you’re OK with it here, so am I.”

“I’ll pass to Kenny. Where do you want to get it?”

Without a word, Kenny walked over to a dining room chair and lowered the back of his trunks. “Better tie my hands to the front legs. I don’t want to accidentally get them in your way.”

“As you wish,” Julie answered. “Count them and thank me for each.”


“One, thank you…Ten, thank you.”

When Julie untied him, Kenny gave his sore ass a quick rub then pulled his trunks up and rejoined the others. “Good job, Julie,” he said lovingly. “I think I’ll stand for a bit!..Tara, your turn.”

“Julie, truth or dare?”


“Did you enjoy spanking Kenny?”

“Yes, and I really enjoyed my view, but I would much rather have been the one being spanked.”

“You like being spanked?” Jen asked.


“Hmmm, I wonder what other secrets I’m going to learn today,” Jen commented.

“I’m not going to try to keep it a secret,” Julie told her. “I’ve just discovered it myself. Who knows? Maybe you do, too and don’t know it...Back to the game. Jen, truth or dare.”


“I dare you to let me spank you, same position as Kenny but not as hard. You keep your bottom pulled up.”

“That’s what I was hoping for, but no to the last two items. I get it just as hard on my bare butt.”


Moments later, Jen was bound as Kenny had been. Deviously, Julie intentionally positioned her so that Kenny had a perfect view down her top.

“THWACK! One. Thank you…”

By the time they reached five, Kenny had given up all efforts to control his hard-on. Jen kept her composure through ten then asked, “Is that why you like being spanked, Julie? Does it turn you on that much, too?”

“Yes and yes. I like turning Kenny on, and it turns me on as well,” Julie said as she untied her friend. “And obviously, it turns you on, too. That wet spot on the front of your bottom wasn’t there when we started.”

Jen’s face immediately turned bright red, but Julie and Tara both were quick to get an arm around her shoulders. “Why are you embarrassed? You know that what you just saw is something that we enjoy. Why would we think less of you for enjoying it?”

“Makes sense, but in front of our roommate?”

“Tara, should we tell her or show her?” asked Julie

“Show. Kenny, which way do you want me?”


“Would you explain that question?” Jen asked.

“Sure,” Tara answered. “I am what is called a true switch. I am equally happy being the dominant one or the submissive.”

“So Kenny, you’re a switch, too?”

“Not exactly. I like to switch occasionally but very much prefer being dominant.”


“I’ll Domme when necessary, but I prefer being Kenny’s slave.”

“Did you say, ‘slave?!!’”

“Yes. When I’m with Kenny, and either we’re alone or only you and Tara are around, I’ve given him complete control of me. He can tell me to do anything he wants within the limits we agreed to, and I’ll do it and love it.

“But Tara asked Kenny to do something to her.”

“There’s nothing sexual between Kenny and me yet, and when it happens it will be strictly between him and me. He’ll decide when it happens. Even then, he can tie and torture whomever he wants to. If he wants to do that in front of me, I have to accept it. Since Tara’s my friend and helped us understand what was happening between us and explore what we needed to do to make it happen, I really don’t mind. I know I’ll get my turn.”

“What if it were me?”

“Do you really have to ask? Of course, I’d feel the same way.”

“I’d like to explore, too. What else besides spanking do you do?”

“Kenny, looks like you have three willing subs. Do what you want to us,” Julie told him.

“Jen, Tara, strip! Face down on the floor, hands behind your backs...Julie, hogtie them then roll them on their sides back-to-back and tie their arms together. No blindfolds, no gags.” Julie quickly did as she had been told then Kenny continued, “Ladies, Julie and I are going to her room for some private fun. If you don’t escape before we get back, both of you get punished. If you do, she gets punished. So you don’t get any ideas of not trying to escape, I’m going to check on you periodically. You’d better be trying or all three of you get punished then Julie and Tara have to punish me. Clear?”


A few minutes later, Julie was tied spread-eagle on her bed. “Before we do anything more with your friends, you need to be punished for putting my hard-on on display a while ago,” Kenny told her.

“That’s why I did it,” she replied. “Please punish me hard. I want to know that you’re in charge.”

“How should I punish you?...Let me think...Tell you what. I’m going to check on our friends while you think about what’s coming.” Kenny could hear Tara and Jen talking as he made his way to the living room, and it was obvious that they were used to working together. Unfortunately for them, Julie had done her job well, and they were making no progress on getting loose. “Keep trying, ladies,” he advised them. “Good effort so far. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Returning to his slave, Kenny found her with her eyes shut, but she was obviously not asleep. A huge smile graced her lovely face. “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“How lucky I am to be your slave. I have no need to think nor act. Only lay here and enjoy whatever you decide to do to me.”

“But you know that I’m going to punish you.”

“I know, and I deserve it. I enjoy being disciplined by you.”

“And discipline you I shall.” Taking a crop that Tara had given them, without warning, he delivered a soft blow to Julie’s pussy.

“Please gag me before you do that again,”Julie requested. “I don’t want the neighbors to hear me when I scream.”

“Wise request, my love.” Kenny grabbed a clean washcloth and carefully stuffed it into her mouth. An elastic bandage around her head assured that it would not go anywhere.

Julie braced herself for what was to come, but nothing happened. Kenny had slipped away to check on the two captives in the living room. They had managed to loosen a couple of knots but were still a long way from being free.

Now, he was ready to punish her. Crop in hand, he started with her tits then worked his way down to her feet. The sharpest spanks were to her pussy, inner thighs, and soles. Before he could begin again, the glint of pre-cum caught his attention. Able to resist no longer, he pulled off his trunks and slammed into her. Instantly, both exploded in orgasm. As soon as he could recover, he removed her gag as he lay on top of her. “Julie, I am sorry! I wanted our first time to be something romantic, but I could not resist you!”

“Don’t be sorry! You just made me a VERY happy girl! And don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”

He gently leaned down and kissed her. “I did indeed! But I will do the romantic thing soon.”

“It will be awesome, I know!”

“Now, let’s get you untied and go check on our friends.”

“Maybe a quick shower first,” she suggested.

“Good idea. We can do it together. Just don’t get too frisky!”

Kenny and Julie did manage to keep their desires under control and returned to the living room in good time. Tara and Jen had managed to separate from each other. Tara’s ankles were free thanks to Jen’s nimble fingers,, and she was working on returning the favor. “Time’s up, ladies,” Kenny announced. “Looks like the two of you have some punishment coming.”

“I’m sorry I tied you so well!” Julie commented.

“Don’t be,” Tara replied. “We agreed to the rules when we let you tie us up. You did exactly what you were supposed to, and we did our best to do the same. Kenny, I submit to whatever punishment you desire.”

“Same here,” Jen added.

“When I was growing up, if I needed a good punishment, my mom made me go get a switch from one of the trees outside then gave me a good thrashing with it. Are you willing to accept that as punishment?”

“Yes,” Jen replied. “Just please be careful about marks since we have practice tomorrow.”

“I didn’t think about that,” Kenny said. “How about you get half today and the other half after practice tomorrow?”

“Deal!” said Jen.

“But we need more punishment.” Tara commented. “We didn’t come close to getting free. After the spanking we spend 15 minutes each day in the corner. We’re tied and gagged and kneeling, and you or Julie occasionally whip our feet as well.”

“Do you agree to that, Jen?” he asked.

“I do.”

“OK, let’s get you untied so you can get the switches.”

“Are you going to make us go out naked?” asked Jen.

“What are the apartments’ rules about that?” asked Kenny.

“I don’t know,” replied Julie, “but I can check the lease while you help them get untied.”

“Make it so!”

“I don’t believe this,” said Julie a few minutes later. “It says specifically that nudity is allowed at the pool unless someone under 18 is present or someone objects. It also says that bondage is allowed under the same circumstances. Looks like we can have all kinds of fun! I’ll get the leg shackles!”

“Julie, who’s in charge here?” Kenny asked.

“You are.”

“Then why did you presume that I want to shackle their legs?”

“I shouldn’t have! I accept my punishment as well.”

“I’ll decide what that will be while you’re gone. You were right about the shackles, though. Go get them and put them on your roomies.”

Julie quickly did as instructed, and Kenny handed each a pair of scissors. “Each of you is to bring back two switches, one for today and one for tomorrow. Make sure they have a good sting to them. If they don’t, I’ll go get ones that do, and it will be three switchings instead of two.”

“What if someone does object to us being naked?” asked Jen.

“Fair question. Just come back and tell me, and I’ll take the shackles off so you can put a bikini on.”

“Julie, starting now, when you are waiting to be punished, you will be naked as well. Strip! Go with them so they can test their switches on you.”

A moment later, all three girls stepped outside, and Tara and Jen moved as quickly as safety permitted to the grove of trees that shaded a picnic area at the end of the pool. Only two girls were by the pool, and both appeared to be sound asleep. Wasting no time, Julie headed for a hickory tree with several low-hanging branches while Jen chose a small birch. Tara was first to collect hers and ordered Julie to bend over. Her first blow drew a yelp, so she swung a little easier on the second. When Jen was ready she was surprised to find Julie laying on one of the picnic tables. “Do my feet,” she requested, “and don’t hold back.” Now knowing what to expect, she remained silent as Jen landed two strokes from each across her soles. All three agreed that the switches met Kenny’s criteria and made their way back in. Just as they passed the sunbathers, Casey woke up and asked them what they were doing. “We lost a game and the consequences of that are that we get our butts switched,” Tara replied matter-of-factly.

“Ouch! I got mine switched at growing up. Those look mean enough to do a pretty good job on you,” Casey commented, “but aren’t you afraid of getting into trouble for being naked? I think it’s OK, so don’t worry about me causing a problem.”

“Our leases say we’re allowed to be naked and tied up if no one under 18 is around and no one objects,” Julie responded.

“So I could sunbathe nude if I want to?”

“That’s right, and you could be tied up if you wanted as well. Says so specifically in the lease,” added Jen.

In a matter of seconds, Casey’s bikini was on the ground by her lounge chair. “THANK YOU!!! My friends and I used to play tie up games as we were growing up, and I miss those. Maybe we could play together sometime. Some people might think we’re weird, but I don’t care!”

“Sounds like fun to me!” Tara replied as the other two agreed.

As they turned to go back to the apartment, they noticed that Natasha, the other girl who had been sunbathing, had obviously overheard as she, too, had stripped. “Count me in on those tie up games,” she said as they walked by, “If you don’t mind that is.”

“The more, the merrier,” chuckled Julie.

When they got inside, Kenny was pleased when he inspected the switches. “Well chosen, ladies. Julie, your punishment is that you get your feet switched, but we’re going to take care of these two first. Tara, grab your ankles. Julie and Jen, get on either side of her and make sure she doesn’t fall. Tara, count, thank me, then ask for another. We’ll do 15.”

“May I make a suggestion?” asked Julie.

“You may.”

“To avoid marks, could you do seven on her ass and eight on her tits or feet?”

“Good idea. Tara, your call. Tits or feet?”

“Tits. Please go high. That area’s covered by the uniform we’re wearing tomorrow.”

“Good thinking! Ready?”



“One, thank you. May I have another?...”

After number seven, Kenny asked if Tara wanted her hands tied behind her, and she asked that that be done.


“Eight, thank you. May I have another?”

When Jen’s turn came, she, too, chose to have her second set on her tits, and Kenny carried out the punishment.

“You’re turn, Julie. Shackle your ankles and go get me a switch,” Kenny instructed.

As she passed the pool, Julie noticed that the naked Casey and Natasha had moved to adjoining chairs and were having an obviously friendly conversation. When they saw that she was naked and shackled, Natasha asked, “Did you lose a bet, too?”

“No, I said something that was not my place to say to Kenny, so I’m getting my feet switched.”

“I don’t understand,” Casey replied.

“I have chosen to give Kenny the right to punish me when I do something inappropriate to our relationship. I did just that so have to accept the consequences.”

“Sounds like you four have some interesting dynamics going on,” Natasha commented.

“We do, and they’re still evolving, but they’re working for us.”

“Could we ask a favor of you?” said Casey.


“We were going to tie each other up for a bit, but since you’re here, could you tie us up. All we have are our bikinis, but I think you can tie our hands and feet a little.”

“I’ll be glad to tie you after I take my punishment, but I’ll get some of our ropes. OK?”

“That would be awesome! Thanks!”

Julie continued to the trees and returned to Kenny with a switch. “Well, done! Tara, hogtie her...Julie, same as with Tara and Jen. 15 swats, and you know the drill.”


“One, thank you. May I have another?”....

Julie was very much a “barefoot girl” who spent every possible moment that way, so the punishment was not as severe as it may have seemed, a fact that Kenny knew well. Because of that, she had no trouble walking as she gathered some ropes for Natasha and Casey. As she made her way to them, Kenny left for a session with his hitting instructor while Jen and Tara slipped back into their bikinis to continue work on the dances.

“Casey, you’re first,” Julie said with a smile. “How do you want to be tied?”

“Your call.”

“Do you want to show your pussies?”

“I’ll leave that up to you,” Casey replied.

“Same here,” Natasha added.

“How about one pussy and one ass spread eagle?”


“Do you just want to be tied or tortured as well?”

“Once you get us tied up there’s not much we can do except scream, and we aren’t going to do that,” Natasha answered.

“OK, Natasha, heads or tails?”


“On your chair, face down, hands and legs spread as far as you can...Casey, same thing but face up.”

The duo complied, and Julie soon had them secured and blindfolded. “You OK?”

“Great! Can’t wait to see what happens next,” Casey chuckled.

“Likewise,” added Natasha.

“If you need a break or a drink, yell ‘yellow,’ and I’ll get to you ASAP. If there’s a problem yell ‘red,’ and all three of us will be here immediately, OK?”

“That’ll work,” Natasha confirmed.

Julie returned to the apartment to work on the dances with Tara and Jen while Casey and Natasha settled in for only-time-would-tell what. 30 minutes later, Julie returned and found the captives sound asleep. The area which had normally been covered by their bikinis were starting to turn red, so she knew she needed to wake them. Grabbing a towel, she dipped it into the pool then rolled it into a “rat tail.” Casey’s pussy was first to feel the bite of this with Natasha’s ass following immediately thereafter. Both girls awakened with a yelp. “OK, you two, gotta change positions or let you go before you get too sunburned. What’s your pleasure?”

“We’ve got all day free, so your call,” Casey replied, “but we need something to keep us awake. We talked for a while about how much we enjoyed feeling helpless but after that the next thing we knew was when you hit us.”

“Maybe I should punish you for falling asleep.”

“Please do,” Natasha asked.

“I’m going to make you punish each other,” replied Julie as she freed Natasha. “Get a towel and make another rat tail. Give her five good shots to the inner thighs. If I don’t think you hit hard enough, I’ll smack your ass again.”

“I’m very flexible,” Casey said. “You can tie my ankles to my wrists to give yourself a better target.Better gag me, too.”

“Make it so,” Julie ordered, and Natasha complied.


Casey’s first shot landed right on target, and Natasha was VERY glad that she was gagged. The next four followed in rapid succession without Julie having to provide extra motivation.

“Well done,” Julie told her. “Can you do the same position?”

“Sure. I might need a little help getting into it, but I can hold it.”

“Untie her and get ready.”

Natasha did as instructed, and Casey soon had her bound and gagged. “Same thing, but since her first one was on her ass, she gets six from you,” Julie told Casey.

THWACK! A scream erupted from Natasha into her gag.

THWACK from Julie. “You hit her pussy.”

“I’m sorry,” Casey said as she spread her legs. “Please hit me there just as hard as I hit her. Better gag me as well”

“You deserve that.” THWACK “Now, start over and hit her correctly.”

THWACK! Casey’s aim this time was true as it was for the next five.”

“Well done!” Julie told her.

By now, Casey was on her lounge chair with her hands in her crotch. A moment later, Casey exploded in an orgasm then collapsed into the chair in complete exhaustion. Removing her gag, she commented, “Thanks, Julie! Please tie me up so I can rest. I can’t believe I got turned on by whipping my best friend. Natasha, I AM SORRY!”

By now, Julie had removed Natasha’s gag. “No need to be sorry,” Natasha said with a huge smile. “I came on your third shot. Maybe we need to talk about some things.”

“We do, but not here and not now,” Casey replied. “We can talk about other things until Julie comes back to free us. One hour, Julie? And you will punish us if we fall asleep.”

As she secured the last knot on Casey’s right ankle, Julie said, “Deal!”

When she returned to the apartment, Julie was confronted by two angry friends. “I hope you had fun!” Tara snapped.

“You said five minutes to change their bondage, and it’s been 20,” added Jen angrily.

“Guilty, and I ask no mercy from the court,” Julie replied softly.

“And you shall receive none,” Tara replied in a much less harsh tone. “Strip!...We’ve got to get these dances ready for tomorrow so don’t have time to punish you now. You’ll be naked until we get them ready to teach then we’ll take care of things.”

“May I wear the clover clamps while we’re working?”

“That’s fair,” Tara agreed.

“Just don’t let me forget to go untie them in an hour.”

“Right. Do they have any more punishment coming?” asked Jen.

“If they fall asleep, yes.”

“Then have something fast in mind,” Tara told her.

“Will do.”

Over the next hour, the trio made good progress on the dances and were nearly finished when the time came to check on Natasha and Casey. Clamps still on, Julie ran out to check on them and again found them asleep. “OK, ladies, I have to make this quick. I have to get back in 10 minutes,” she said as she woke them up.

“Why are you naked, and what’s that on your nipples?” Casey asked.

“I’m being punished for taking so long when I was out here before. Those are called clover clamps. Before you ask, yes, they hurt and are really going to hurt when they come off. But I deserve them, so it’s OK.”

“Then we deserve them, too,” Natasha responded.

“If you’ve never had anything like this on your nipples, you won’t be able to stand them, but we have some that aren’t as bad. That’s actually the punishment I had in mind. One hour tied to a chair in our apartment. You’ll be naked and clamped.”

“I gladly accept,” Casey told her.

“Same here,” Natasha added. “Are you going to gag us?”

“No, and you can talk about your reactions all you want. You can comment on our dances, too.”

“Lead the way,” Casey said enthusiastically.

“Hands behind your backs,” Julie ordered then quickly bound them. Knowing that her time was short, Julie quickly led the duo to her apartment.

“10 seconds to spare,” Tara laughed as they entered. “What are you doing?”

“These two need some of the tamer nipple clamps. They’re going to watch us for an hour while wearing them. Tied to chairs, of course.”

“Make it so,” Jen told her.

30 minutes later, the cheerleaders had both dances ready for the next day. They would need to run through them a few more times later that evening but had gone as far as they needed to for now.

“Ladies,” Tara said, “the time has come for Julie to be punished for her tardiness earlier. If you want to watch, you may, or I will release you and consider your punishment complete.”

“Please don’t punish her,” Natasha pleaded. “It was our fault she was late. We didn’t give her much chance to get away from us.”

“She’s right,” Casey agreed. “We deserve to be punished, not her.”

“Julie?” Tara said.

“You know me. When I get wrapped up in a conversation, I lose track of time. That’s all I’ll say.”

“I think we should punish all three of them,” Tara commented.

“Agreed,” replied Jen, “but I think we all need a break first. Julie, untie our friends and get those clamps off. Yours included.”

“This is going to hurt worse than you think,” Julie warned Natasha and Casey. Both managed not to scream as Julie removed their clamps, but it was not easy. Julie did the same when she took hers off.

When all agreed that they were ready, they reassembled in the living room. A very large house plant had been removed from its ring in the ceiling, and two ropes were in its place. Tara said. “Tasha and Casey, on your backs on opposite sides of the rope. Julie, on your back under it.” When they were in place, all three girls’ legs were tied and their hands bound above their heads. Next, Tara put the clamps Natasha had worn on Julie’s pussy then tied it to the rope. Julie had to arch her back if she wanted to relieve the pressure on her lips. If she let her back drop to the floor, the clamps stretched them to their limits. Casey’s and Natasha’s legs were tied such that only one of them could rest her legs on the floor at a time. “Very simple from here,” Tara told them. “The first two to give up get a spanking with the big red paddle. The last one gets dinner on me tomorrow night. Your choice of where. Your give up word is red. Questions?”

Natasha and Casey quickly developed a rhythm as if they were on a see-saw with each holding her legs up for a bit as the other rested then reversing positions. For Julie, on the other hand, there was no rest. Either her back was in a painful position, or her pussy was being stretched. After only five minutes, she had had enough and called red. Tara released the clamps but left her bound on the floor. 10 minutes later, Casey’s legs finally gave out, and she called red as well.

Julie and Casey took their spankings without complaint then Casey and Natasha took the rope, clamps, and paddle which Tara offered them back to their apartment. They would stay up well into the night talking and trying them out on each other. Julie raced to the phone to call Kenny. “I need you now,” she told him. Please get here while I’m still turned on at full power!” When he arrived, he found her blindfolded, gagged, and tied spread eagle on the bed.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by NotSeen »

I need to go re-read the whole story, but just wanted to commend you on yet another great story. Hopefully we'll get to read more installments down the line - although if the cast keeps expanding at this rate, you'll need to start doing spin-offs pretty soon. Not that that would be a bad thing, mind you...
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Post by herdfaninrva »

NotSeen wrote: 3 years ago I need to go re-read the whole story, but just wanted to commend you on yet another great story. Hopefully we'll get to read more installments down the line - although if the cast keeps expanding at this rate, you'll need to start doing spin-offs pretty soon. Not that that would be a bad thing, mind you...
Thanks for the kind words! I want to do one more installment that covers Julie and Kenny's initiation into the bondage club but am not sure I can come up with any new tortures for them to experience. If anyone has suggestions please PM them to me.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by slackywacky »

You can't say 'this might be the last story in series' and leave Julie bound and gagged on the bed :lol: .
I enjoyed the story anyway, although I crave for a little more detail at times. I think it would make the story even better.
A good read though.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by herdfaninrva »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago You can't say 'this might be the last story in series' and leave Julie bound and gagged on the bed :lol: .
I enjoyed the story anyway, although I crave for a little more detail at times. I think it would make the story even better.
A good read though.
Thanks! I tried to let the reader draw his/her own conclusions about what happened between Kenny and Julie. :D :D

For there to be a next chapter, I need to come up with some new torments for their initiation into the bondage club. Suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Getting ready to start the nest chapter. This will be the initiation into the bondage club. Please help me out with some new tortures for Kenny and Julie. Tara will be held hostage and punished if they fail to complete a task, so punishments for her are needed as well.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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