The Watch: Haley’s Beginning (F/F)

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The Watch: Haley’s Beginning (F/F)

Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Hello again! I am back with another “short story.” I’m not really sure how short this story would be, but rather than let writer’s block slow me down, I decided to kinda turn this into an interactive story of sorts influenced by your input. So, here is the first part. Now message me your suggestions or inputs, and we will go from there! Thanks guys!


Part One . . .

The day had finally arrived. Nerves were beginning to show as her fingers clenched the handle of her black Nike duffel bag. This is what I want...what I’ve always wanted, she told herself as she looked down the dark road. The lights from the airport shown out through the darkness to light the platform and beyond. A breeze carried the cool country air through her jacket and that of those around her. They were a grout of about twenty people, all volunteers for this special new elite protection program called “The Watch.”

She nervously paced back and forth for a second, her white converse sneakers stood out against her dark jeans and matching jacket. Haley was about 5’5” with a thin build and dark brown brunette just past her shoulders. Her matching brown eyes peered down the road into the darkness, waiting for those headlights. She then turned her gaze to the crowd of people. Most of them appeared to be her age with a few exceptions. Most of them were prior military or law enforcement which she did not have going for her. Most of them wouldn’t make it past the first week.

But I will, she thought confidently, or so she hoped. The program that they had volunteered for was new and not well know. She had been fortunate enough to have military friends that brought her the brochure. The program awarded a three year contract upon completion of the program which was described as “extremely intensive training.” Once the candidates made kit through, they would be assigned to various high profile politicians and important people as protective escorts and added security.

She had contacted the recruiters immediately and started the package. After several medical examinations, background checks and interviews, she had been accepted as one of the last candidates for class 001, the first class. She was informed through an email that she had been selected and what she should bring. The list was very specific and was to be strictly adhered to. Socks, undergarments, 3 civilian outfits to include shoes, identification and enough money for a plane ticket home should she fail.

I won’t though. There is no other option, she said softly in her head. With the help of her military friends, she had been training and working out for the few weeks leading up to this. Having played sports in high school, she considered herself to be in fairly good shape to start, but these last few weeks had made her strong. Still, the email with her acceptance had included a rather discouraging line at the end. “No amount of training will prepare you for what you encounter here. You will sign a waiver upon arrival, waiving your rights and holding you to the non disclosure agreement barring you from talking to anyone about the training you will receive.”

The group began to stand and peer down the road as headlights appeared in the distance. The moment was finally here. Her heart began to race as she thought of her parents, immigrants of Braśil, and her little brother back home. She would make them proud. This was her calling.

An all black bus came to a screeching halt in front of the group. She had seen videos of what special forces and military are faced when going through training. She imagined the doors would swing open and out would come angry instructors, screaming at them. To her surprise, the doors opened up to a grim faced bus driver and a smiling blonde lady, both dressed in all black.

“Welcome candidates!” The lady said cheerfully. “Please board the bus and fill in the seats from back to front.

Haley grabbed her bag and filtered in to the line. No one spoke as the quiet shuffle of clothing and the hum of the bus engine were the only sounds to be heard. After everyone was seated, the lady spoke again. “We have quite the drive ahead of us so please allow me to get you a drink of water and some refreshments. Can I get a show of hands for those who would like some?” Out of the group of 25 people, about five or so raised their hands. Haley couldn’t stand the thought of food. Her stomach was already jumping from nervousness.

“Alright, sit back and enjoy the ride.” She smiled, way to happily as she started to organize a snack basket. Haley leaned back in her seat as the bus began to drive. The darkness outside was eerily thick, like an impenetrable blindfold engulfing the bus. As they turned away from the airport lights, her seat mate was given his snack.

“Thanks!” He said to the blonde lady. Haley saw her wink her eye at him and then her gaze turned to her. They locked eyes for just a second, and the lady moved on. Dark..and cold, she shuddered while picturing the lady’s eyes peering into her soul. She jumped in shock as the bus started to take a sharp turn back to the airport. Why are we turning around, she said to herself as the bus screeched to a stop on the departing side of the airport terminal. The candidates began to look around in concern as the doors opened yet again and on walked three more people dressed in all black.

Haley turned her head slightly as she heard the once friendly blonde lady giggling creepily. She turned her head back to the three as the female in front began to speak. “Everyone who has a snack, get the fuck off the bus.” Everyone froze for a second. That’s when the other two started walking down the aisle. As they moved back, the five people who were served a snack, stood up and exited the bus, all except Haley’s seat mate.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” He said somewhat boldly. As the tall ginger male took another step forward, the brunette stepped in. “I’ll take care of this..” she said as she walked right up the the seat. “If you would trust someone whom you’ve never met, in a place you’ve never been, with food and water you’ve never seen, we don’t want you.” The candidate slowly dropped his head. “Now, get off my bus, before I let my friend remove you..” she whispered menacingly. He slowly got up, grabbed his bag and joined the other four on the sidewalk.

The bus tumbled to a start again as everyone now sat rigidly in their seats. To Haley’s surprise, the female instructor took the now empty seat next to her. Haley kept her eyes forward until the instructor looked away, and she stole a peak. The instructor was about 5’6” with long brunette hair pulled back into a pony tail. She was wearing black tights, black boots and a black long sleeve shirt. Haley could see the athletic body showing through the clothes. As the instructor turned back, Haley snapped her gaze forward again. Even then, she could feel the instructors eyes looking her up and down.

Haley tried to distract herself by looking out the window into the darkness, but still, she could feel the instructors eyes on her. The last thing she wanted was the attention of the instructors before she even arrived. She crosses her ankles nervously in front of her and placed her hands in her lap. “Nice shoes..”

Haley jumped a little in surprise that the instructor was speaking to her. “Oh..uhm thank you.” The instructor smiled somewhat evilly. “You’re nervous. I can tell.” Haley shifted in her seat uncomfortably, praying silently that she wouldn’t be the next one off the bus. “I’m not nervous.” She bravely replied. “You’re also a bad liar...we will work on that.” The instructor replied and placed a hand on Haley’s arm and leaned in. “If you make it past week three, come find me...if not, I’ll be sure to enjoy myself before you leave...” she hissed dangerously before getting up and walking to the front of the bus.

Haley watched as the curvy instructor whispered to the finger instructor who then turned and looked directly back at Haley before sharing a laugh. Haley felt her face go red. They won’t intimidate me, she thought in her head as the bus jolted to a stop. “Everyone off the bus and line up in the building. Now!” The driver yelled. All twenty of the remaining candidates grabbed their baggage and rushed to get off. As Haley stepped off the bus, she found herself rushing into a long white building. Once inside and lined up, they were all pushed through a series of stations where they were searched, medically examined, given duffel bags of their new gear and assigned numbers.

As Haley lined up in front of the building afterwards, she adjusted her number on her bag. 11, it read as the instructors began to file lit on front of the candidates. “Alright...” one of the male instructors began to speak. “You will spend the first three weeks doing the physical portion to determine if you are physically able. If you make it..” he looks dead in Haley’s eyes. “If... you will choose a mentor and move on to the next stage...” as the candidates began to file out, Haley turned to see that female instructor that she had met on the bus staring at her. She shivered a little and kept marching.

The next three weeks were nothing short of pure hell. Formation runs through the woods, swimming for laps and laps, obstacle courses and various forms of physical training for when one of them was too slow or messed up an exercise. For the few hours they were able to sleep, they all slept in a large open room with bunk beds separated by a curtain. A few of the candidates were dropped from the course due to injury. A few of them quit. Haley pressed on, only hindered by a twisted ankle. What had started at 25 candidates had now turned to 11 after the final night of the three weeks of training. They started at 15, but throughout a night of straight running and crawling through mud and running through the woods, 4 had dropped. All due to injury. Though Haley’s ankle was now super swollen, she refused to quit and barely passed the final night.

The night ended with each candidate, exhausted, dirty and defeated being placed in a separate all white room with a single chair and table in it. Haley brushed a strand of her matted hair from her face and let out a long sigh. Bruises covered her limbs from falling through the woods and mud was splashed all over her normally spotless black shirt, black cargo pants, and black leather boots. It wasn’t all bad, she thought. They had been taught evasion techniques and self-defense. She grimaced as she leaned on the table to take the pressure off of her ankle. Was it finally over or was this only the beginning...

The door swung open violently and a masked man in body armor entered. Haley readied her slight frame just before he slammed into her. His fists swung wildly, hitting her arms, legs, chest and face. She rolled and through a kick that connected with his chin. It was a wild kick, but luck was in her favor as he crashed to the floor much harder than she had expected. As she braced herself for another assault, she heard a slow clapping in the doorway. It was her again. The instructor from that day on the bus. She was wearing black leather boots, but ones shined perfectly. She also had on black pants but also a red shirt. “Well done candidate. You have survived unlike most of your friends.” Haley was now able to hear her fellow candidates fighting in the rooms around her. It did not sound good. “Time for the next phase. Go downstairs to the conference room and wait to see if any of your friends are lucky or dumb enough to join you...” with that, she brushed her hair back and sauntered away. Haley quickly hobbled downstairs.

It was a large room with white walls and red carpet. It was beautifully decorated with pictures of scenery and various monuments. Haley hobbled over to chairs and quickly sat down. She folded her arms and breathed heavily for a moment, letting the emotions pass from those awful three weeks. Slowly, other candidates began to file in as well. 6 to be exact. Only seven left from the starting 25. After what seemed like forever, instructors began to file in, all wearing the same black boots, pants and red shirt. The familiar ginger male began to speak.

“Well done. This portion was not only meant to check your physical health, but also to see which of you actually want to stay. Being a part of this elite group requires full dedication, and, to this point, you 7 have showed that.” He paused to clear his throat. “You will now choose your mentor for the remainder of your training. You must choose someone in this room, and that instructor has the right to refuse you if he or she thinks you will fail. They will not speak to you. They will reply with a simple yes or no. Now, choose..” he steps away from the small podium and mic.

Haley looked around nervously. As she began to walk through the rows of instructors, she remember what she had been told on the bus..where it all began. If you make it past these first three weeks, come find me... she peered in between rows and finally saw who she was looking for . . .
Last edited by chelseykittyc@t 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Any help would be appreciated! Otherwise, I will delete this and try something else. Please PM! (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by Bandit666 »

Really interesting start. Seems such a shame should you decide not to continue. For it has the possibility to proceed into something more than just your average bondage story. But I do hope she picks the female instructor.

So come on all you other readers. Leave your comments and thoughts, support where support is due
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Post by TayDay95 »

I agree with Bandit, Haley should choose the female instructor, seems like they’ve already made a connection of sorts!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Well written start to the story, lots of detail, really enjoyed reading it. :)
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