The Brotherhood (MM/MM) (Illustrated) UPDATE 6/29 chpt 22

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Post by NeedControl »

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. 😃😃
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 8: Stored

… « the gag stays on, Dean ! ».

As he was forcibly seated in the wheelchair again, Dean tried to process the meaning of what he just heard. Everything was so confusing. He was surprised to see his Dad here, then relieved to see him alive after looking for him during long months, then he thought he was to rescue them, before understanding he was actually among their captors… And he didn’t even let him utter a single word. He refused to remove the cruel gag he had kept in his mouth for hours, denying him any ability to speak.

What happened to his father ? What is behind all of this ? Everything is so confusing…

« Off we go ! » said John.

John’s shout brought back Dean to reality. He was so confused that, for once, he didn’t even struggle when Dave looped the wide black strap of the chair over his straitjacketed torso, another one around his already bound calves, and a final one around his likewise bound ankles. But when he saw his father wheeling Sam his opposite way, he started to make muffle protests in his gag again, and vainly struggled against the straps.

« Jeez ! Aren’t you gonna calm down anytime soon ? » Jim said.

He took hold of the wheelchair, while Dave marched at his side, out of Dean’s view. As they were entering a long corridor, they casually began to chat.

« The elder seems very pleased with you », Jim said.

« With us. You did a good job too ».

« Thanks but… I’m still a newbie here, Brother. I’m pretty sure he was actually testing you. I just followed ».

« That’s not true ! Who put Sam in the straitjacket ? »

« He was already out. Nothing difficult in that. And you were the one holding the chloroform over their faces ».

« And you the one holding Dean and handcuffing Sam while I was doing so ! »

« Anyway… I won’t be surprised if you get promoted soon » Jim said.

« We’ll see ».

Unlike Sam, who would have use the situation to gather intel, Dean was just becoming even more upset. He didn’t wonder why they were going chatty after being quiet during the whole capture, nor was he trying to establish the hierarchy between all those cultists… No, he was just angry at these two, just ignoring him while he was carried between them, and casually chatting about his capture. All of these situation was getting more and more humiliating every second.

He grunted in his gag. A first time. Another time. Then louder. Jim and Dave ignored him. He then tried to shout as loud as he could ; though it was utterly unintelligible, thanks to the gag, but it was loud enough to annoy the two cultists.

« Quiet now ! », Dave said while smacking the back of Dean’s skulls with the flat of his gloved hand. « We’re almost arrived ».

A minute later, they indeed were facing a solid metal door, with a narrow rectangular spyhole in it. It had no handle. Dave searched in his pocket and found a bunch of keys.

« Unstrap him first », he commanded Jim.

Dean felt the straps of the chair coming loose, as Dave turned one of the key in the keyhole. He couldn’t stand up on his own, thought. Not while strapped in a snug straitjacket and with his legs strapped together at calves, knees and ankles.

Dave slightly opened the door. « Ready ? » he asked Jim. He nodded.

Dean felt himself being taken under their armpits again as they were making him stand up. When Dave widely opened the door, Dean felt Jim push him brutally forward, making him lose his balance. He crashed head first on the ground behind the gate, landing on his folded arms.

But there was no shock. The floor was made of a soft, supple matter. Like a gym carpet.

Dean tried to stand up somehow. After some efforts, thanks to his good muscles, he managed to sit on his heels, and then looked around him. The room he was sitting in wasn’t big. From a single push from the door, he had almost ended at its center. But it was not the small size of the room that hit his mind. It was its walls.

There were white mattresses nailed on the walls. Well, not really; the walls were white and made of a matter that makes them looks like mattresses. What the…?

Then understanding hit Dean mind.


“They’re locking me in a fucking PADDED CELL!”

Panic hit him. As Dave was already closing the door, Dean rushed at him. If he was not restrained, maybe he would have managed to hit Dave before he closed the door, hitting him hard while roaring a mighty war-cry.

But being gagged, straitjacket and tied up, he only managed to land his face on the floor again, while moaning a pathetic “MMMMOOOPPPOOOHHHHH”. He looked like a giant worm.

The door closed while the two cultists burst into laughter. Dean heard the locks of the door as Dave turned his key. He noticed that the inner part of the door was padded too.

Dave’s head appeared in the door’s peephole. For the first time, he lowered his hood, letting Dean see his face. He was surprised how young he looked. He was no more than 25, whereas Dean was expecting someone more in his late thirties. Burning with anger, he tried to memorize his look… to not miss him when he’ll be free again. Square jaw, short blond hair. Not an unpleasant look by the way.

“Enjoy your stay, Dean!” Dave said after lowering his hood. “Now, you can squirm and shout all you want. You won’t hurt anyone here, not even yourself”. He then close the spyhole. “See you soon”, Dean heard through the door, followed by loud footsteps noises made by the two cultists heavy boots, gradually diminishing as they were leaving him behind.

Dean put himself on his back. Still furious at his humiliation and being overpowered by two youngsters, he nonetheless tried to assess his situation.

“Fuck… I can’t do anything. And if this kid showed me his face, that means he’s sure he got me good. What are they gonna do to me… and what is happening to Sammy? Dad, what are you doing?”.

Dean almost gave in. All of this was just too much. He wasn’t very well at the start of the day, but now…

No. He had to fight. He had to do something. He just cannot loose it. For Sam!

He looked for something to focus on. To canalize his anger.

The gag!

That thing had been invading his mouth for too long. And among all of the devices binding him, it was by far the most humiliating.

Dean crawled to a padded wall and rubbed his face against it. A few moments ago, when he was trying to talk to his father, he almost managed to dislodge it. Maybe with a lever…

He scratched his face several times, trying to pull the gag off his mouth in the same time, trying to rub the leather panel against the wall while pushing it with his jaw muscle… but the long plug was going deep into his mouth, filling it completely, thus difficult to expel. And the strap buckled behind his head was snug, leaving him few wiggle room. It wasn’t just affixed to the corners of the leather panel, but it was going all around the gag, thus pressing the panel and it’s affixed bulb inside the victim’s mouth.

But just as he was considering giving up or changing strategy, Dean finally managed to push strong enough to dislodge the plug. Now it was jammed between his teeth. A final effort, and the gag was finally out, hanging crooked over his straitjacket collar.

Finally, his mouth was free!

Nothing really changed. His legs were still bound so tight they were virtually fused together. And he was still hugging himself in this snug straitjacket. But at least, he could speak.

“Hey...” started Dean. He was surprised with his own voice. It was more a croak than a word. And his mouth was so dry. He must have kept that gag for hours; no wonder it was difficult to talk.

Dean took a few moments to swallow and retrieve his voice.

“Hey”, he said in a more convincing tone; “I got my gag off! You hear me you sons of bitches? I SHALL GET FREE AND I WILL KICK YOUR ASSES”.

He stopped when he realized how childish he was. He wasn’t free just yet, not by a long shot. And he wouldn’t gain anything by attracting his captor’s attention right now.

He started to concentrate on how to get rid of the straitjacket. Trying to get his arms over his head was impossible; they were blocked by the chest strap and the two sides straps. Nor was it possible to pull the entire jacket over his head like a pullover; he remembered the crotch strap smashing his groin when he tried to do that. And the straps were all in his back, not accessible with his teeth. He tried to lie on his back and rubbed the straps as he did for the gag, but quickly realize they were just too tightly buckled to just open like that.

As he still was trying to find a way to get out, he heard the loud stomps of boots echoing in the corridor, then stopping in front of his cell’s door.

“Fuck! They must’ve heard me!”

The locks turned and the door opened. Dean sit up straight as most as he can, facing the door while sitting on his heels. He was in front of an unknown cultist. It wasn’t Dave, nor Jim; Dean got a good look on him, and the guy standing in front of him was much taller and also more muscle-built. Also, his pants were brown, not dark. But apart from that, he wore the same outfit as Dean’s captors: large black cape, with a black hood concealing most of his face, very tight black latex gloves and dark military boots.

“Excuse me, are you the butler here?” Dean said in his usual ironic provoking tone. “Because as a customer, I have some complaints to make, and… OW”

Before he could finished his sentence, the cultist rushed at him and kicked him in the gut with his boot, just below his crossed arms. Dean fall back on the ground, his air cut off. As he was trying to catch his breath and to ignore the pain in his belly, the cultist quickly moved behind him and took hold of his shoulders. Putting Dean on his heels again, his finders searched for the panel gag around his neck.

“No, wait! Wait!” Dean exclaimed. “Don’ MMMPHPHAAMMMMHAHHMMM”.

Too late. The plug was back into Dean’s mouth. Dean quickly felt the strap being pulled behind his head, and locked even more tightly than before, if that was even possible. The leather panel was now almost crushing his lips.

“It’s okay” thought Dean. “I managed to dislodge it once, now I have the technique, that bastard can strap it as tight as he wants…”

That’s when he noticed that his captors was holding an other device in his hand.

A black bundle seemingly made of leather, with several straps dangling from it.

And he was approaching it to Dean’s face.

Dean tried to dodge it by shaking his head, but the cultist had good hold on him and a few seconds later, a black wide leather panel was clamped on Dean’s face, over his gag, going from under his nose to below his chin, blocking his jaw. Dean then felt the cultist binding several straps over his head; one over his forehead, another over his skull, another below his chin, two others going from the leather panel to the forehead strap, blurring his vision as they went just in front of his eyes.

A muzzle.


He was locking a fucking muzzle on him.


The gag was rendering Dean’s voice unintelligible and muffled. But now, the muzzle was making his shouts barely audible. And the straps are not even fully buckled. The cultist was loosing no time, tightening the straps, not caring about Dean’s hair being caught in the buckles. Dean soon felt as if he had a baby Alien clamped over his face.

Then, just as he thought things couldn’t possibly go worse, he heard a faint “click” near his ear. A few seconds later another one, near another buckle. Dean managed to spot what it was by looking at his jailer’s hand as he was passing on his side.


He was padlocking the muzzle buckles.

“There”, he grunted as he closed the final padlock on the strap going over his head. “You can chew on that now”. He then stood up and walked to the door, still grumbling: “those rookies should have known; only a muzzle is fit for long-term, any other gag can come loose...”

Then he closed the door and locked it again, the loud noise of the key contrasting to the silence reigning in the padded cell.

Dean was lying immobile against a wall, in a state of shock. He put so much efforts to dislodge the panel gag because it was humiliating, and now he was not only gagged but also muzzled like a mad dog. And it was useless to even try to dislodged it; the device was too snugly pressed on his face, they were too much buckles and straps, and they were padlocked anyway. This was just too much. He now couldn’t move the plug of the gag for a millimeter; the panel of the muzzle didn’t allow it, and his jaws were locked by the muzzle anyway.

A few moments after, Dean loosed control. Evacuating his frustration, he started to roll over uncontrollably, bumping from one wall to another, shouting his anger but only managing to produce a continuous faint and barely audible “mmmmmhmmmmm” cry.

Somewhere, in another part of the complex, is a control room full of computers and monitors. Its modernity contrasts with the “dungeon-like” style of the ancient wing where Sam and Dean were carried. Two cultists were in this room, still dressed alike with their hooded cloaks, black gloves and heavy boots. Both were young; one of them was sitting, in a chair in front of the monitors, his feet casually lying on the table before him.

“Hey, look at this”, he said to his acolyte. “Now he’s really acting like a madman!”.

“Wow”, the other one replied. “He’s really furious. Should we worry? We could fill the room with chloroform gas...”

“Nah, the straitjacket will hold. And he’ll calm down quickly enough by his own”.

“Did he noticed the camera yet?”

The first cultist put his feet down and shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t think so”.

The cultist was right though. Below the straitjacket, Dean was quickly overheating and was soon forced to calm down. Most of his energy was gone; he didn’t eat or drink for several hours now. Though the temperature of the room wasn’t very high, he was sweating under the straitjacket; the green T-Shirt he wore when he was captured was now sticking to his moist skin. He was breathing with some difficulties too; the panel gag was strict but let him breathe a little through his mouth; while the combination of the gag and the muzzle was almost airtight and let him only breathe through his nose. Also, the muzzle panel was clamped just below his nostrils, partially obstructing them.

Lying against the back wall, facing the barred door, Dean was quickly losing track of time. He was exhausted, beaten, humiliated; he couldn’t work his mind properly.

After what seemed hours, he again heard footsteps from the corridor. Three, at least.

“Let me talk to him alone, please! I’m sure I can convince him”, he heard someone say.

Dean knew this voice. This wasn’t one from his captors. Nor was it his father’s.

As the key turned in the door’s lock, Dean realized who it was. It was...

The door slowly opened.

… SAM!

Last edited by Carnath 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NeedControl »

Oh man, what a hot HOT CHAPTER!!! 🤩
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 9: converted

“ Mmmhmmphmmm ”, Dean faintly cried behind his muzzle, shaking his head. Though indecipherable, his message was obvious.

“Hold on, bro. I’ll get you out of this”.

Sam knelt before his brother. He seized one of the muzzle straps, then stopped realizing the padlocks prevented him from removing Dean’s gag.

“Oh, right, I had forgotten about that”, Sam said while getting a small key out his pocket.

“That’s my boy”, thought Dean as Sam was indeed unlocking the many straps of the device. “He managed to sneak amongst them and even caught the key. We’ll be out in no time”.

After one final click, Dean felt the pressure over his head suddenly vanish as the muzzle felt on the floor, its dangling straps free, ready to imprison someone else head.

“MMMmhmhm” Dean tried to speak, but almost forgot the inner pecker gag remaining inside his mouth. Sam quickly unlocked it too.

“There, bro, catch a breath”, Sam told his brother while extracting the plug from his mouth.

“Gaah”, Dean “said” as the rubber plug went out his mouth with a small “pop” due to saliva. “Water, please…”, he faintly managed to articulate. After being gagged so strictly for so long, his mouth was completely dry and he voice was no much more than a croak.

“Here, Dean”, Sam brought Dean a small bottle of water he had not noticed when his brother came in. Sam helped his bound brother to drink a few sips, holding the bottle to his lips.

“Anything else, Dean?”

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to run, Sam. I almost don’t feel my legs”.

Sam looked at his brother’s fused legs. The strong set of straps kept them stuck together.

“No wonder, look at how tight the straps are. I wonder why Dave tightened them up so much. He must be more scared of you then he wants to admit”, Sam said with a smile on his face as he started to unbind his captive brother’s legs.

“Dave?” thought Dean. Since when do those freaks have names?

“Here”, Sam said as he removed the final strap. “Stretch your legs, see if it’s any better now”.

Dean sat against a wall,extended his legs apart, then felt blood circulate anew.

Sam quietly observed his brother. Dean started to ease down and think again. He had not quite realised it yet, but deep inside, he knew something was definitely off.

“What are you waiting for?”, Dean asked, starting to get irritated. “Get me the hell out of this thing!”, he snapped while shaking his still straitjacketed arms. “Then we’ll give those fuckers the lesson of their lives. And save dad”.

“Hold on, Dean. We’re not in a hurry here. I need you to listen to me first”.

“What?? Yes, we are! And… by the way, Sam, how did you manage to sneak among them without being caught? Where did you find a cloak like this? And the keys to this… gag?” Dean couldn’t say “muzzle”. No way. Admitting he was “muzzled” like an animal was way too humiliating.

“I didn’t, Dean. They welcomed me in the Brotherhood”, Sam just said.

Dean felt the world collapsed around him as he processed what his brother had just told him..

“No!” he cried with horror before crawling away from his sibling. “They brainwashed you! Just like dad!”

“Hold on, Dean”, Sam calmly said, with a reassuring tone. “It’s still me! Sam!”


“Dean”, Sam had suddenly taken a more serious tone. “Just listen to me, please. I know you are confused, and I know the circumstances of our… arrival were…”

“You mean “capture”!”

“Whatever; they are more than questionable, that’s for sure…”

“What the hell are you talking about, Sam?” Dean interrupted him once again, with his newly retrieved sarcastic tone. “I don’t see what’s “questionable” in that. Apart from the chloroform, the straitjackets, the gags, the straps, the blindfolds, being put in the trunk of my car, the cloak you’re wearing, this padded cell, the…” again, Dean couldn’t say the word. He just looked at the opened muzzle laying at Sam’s feet.

“If you would just let me speak, for once, Dean, I could explain all of this”.

“I highly doubt that!”

“Just give me a CHANCE, dude!” Sam was almost pleading now.

Dean went silent for a moment. “Unstrap the straitjacket, and then I’ll listen to you”

“No, Dean. We both know what would happen if I get you loose now, and I don’t want to start a fight.”

Dean sighed.

“Very well. So… where to begin? This whole building we’re in belongs to an organization called the Brotherhood. It was founded a few years ago by the Master. He became aware of the threats that monsters and other supernatural freaks represent for mankind…”

“Come on, Sam! The “master”! Really? And we all know that danger, still we don’t dress with cloaks…”

“Just let me finish, Dean! We know they exist, but can you deny all those fiends become more and more aggressive and visible years after years? Vampires, ghouls, and especially demons… We can’t face them one by one anymore, like we and the other hunters used to. We’re at the eve of a war, a war humanity could lose if it does not get organized. That’s what the Master understood, and that’s the whole point of this”.

“What? Gathering the hunters together?”

“More than that. Gathering forces, yes, but also knowledge and intelligence about the enemy. Ghouls are stupid, but vampires have their own hierarchy, we know that, and the Brotherhood is very concerned by the growing signs of daemonic activities and regular humans developing supernatural abilities. If we could discover the source of those phenomena or maybe infiltrate their ranks, we could get some leverage in the upcoming war…”

“Yeah, so basically, your cultist-in-chief is building an army. And you want us to be a part of it!”

“To keep it simple... yes. Dean, you can’t deny that even though we’ve killed dozens of supernatural beings over the years, we can’t do this alone forever. And there are many more lurking around world, way too many for us to handle alone. Plus, it really had started to get on our mind. If we continue like this, we’ll just lose our mind ! ».

A long moment of silence followed. Dean wished he had something smart to answer that, but deep inside him, he knew it was true.

“And tell me, Sam…”, Dean eventually continued, “once he has his army and some superpower for himself, what tells you that your big boss won’t use it precisely to proclaim himself some kind of new god and try to conquer the world?”

“Because, Dean, we’ve sworn to always act from the shadows and to never kill any human being. So if we win this war, we’ll just continue to protect people from whatever threaten them, without trying to get power for ourselves.”

“Bullshit. You can’t seriously believe that, Sam!”

“Why not? That’s basically our family business too, isn’t it? The brothers take this commitment very seriously”

“The way they treated US, Sam, was indeed full of love for their peers”

“Indeed it was, Dean. Just think about it: have you seen them pointing any weapon at us? They had no guns and didn’t threatened us, not even once, with a knife or whatever. We were the armed ones. In fact, we were more dangerous for them than they were for us”.

“But still”, Dean said. “Why all of this?”

“Dean… imagine they had just come to us and said: “hey, we know where your dad is, just follow us to our secret lair”, would you have followed them?”

“Why didn’t dad come in the first place? We would have trusted him”.

“Unfortunately, he was busy settings things up for the Brotherhood”

“What sort of crappy excuse is that?”

“Look, Dean, I’m just a novice, I don’t know everything yet. But dad... He’s an Elder, you see? One of the first who followed the Master. And the Brotherhood is growing quickly , so for now, he can’t really travel around the country like we do. And… I think he wanted to see if we could be easily subdued. The Brotherhood is still young, and we don’t want to get the attention of the dark forces for now. So, basically, our taking was merely a field test for Dave and Jim…”

“Us? A test?”

“Indeed. Dad told them we would be armed and dangerous, so capturing us without both harming us AND being harmed was quite a thing. They did well, don’t you think?”

“Sam…” Dean voice deepened. “I listened to you, as promised. But this is all CRAP!”

He shouted that last word.

“Dean…” Sam whispered

“No, now you’re listening to ME. Obviously, they gave you some drug to get you high, or brainwashed you in some way, I don’t wanna know how. But you don’t even realize how twisted this whole thing his. And for the record, even if there’s some truth in this delirium, I don’t want to be a nice little soldier risking my life for some creepy megalomaniac guy I don’t even know. Now GET-ME-OUT-OF-THIS-THING!”, Dean yelled as he vigorously squirmed his arms in his straitjacket again.

Sam didn’t answer. His gazed into space, as if his mind was drifting somewhere else.

“I thought I could do it…” he mumbled, as if he was addressing himself.

“DO WHAT, Sam?” Dean’s anger was not fading away.

Sam took Dean’s muzzle which was still laying on the ground.

“SAM? What are you doing with this?” Dean asked with a shivering voice.

“Sam? Need some help?” A voice interjected from the door

Dean turned his head in direction of the voice. His two kidnappers, now identified as Dave and Jim, were on the threshold of the padded cell.

“I’m sorry, brothers”, Sam feebly said. “I failed”.

“Don’t worry. It was to be expected. Only a few are ready to question their existence,change the way they see things and embrace a brand new life. That’s why the conversion process exists”.

“Sam, what is this clown talking about?” Dean snapped.

Dave and Jim then suddenly started marching toward him.

“Hey, back off, don’t touch me!” Dean instantly shouted. “Hey, no, don’t…”. The two cultists took hold of his straitjacket by the shoulders. “Hey, don’t… NO!” Dean cried as they began to drag him on the floor. “Sam, don’t let them! SAM! HELP! SAAAM” he yelled panicking more with every step of his assailants., As he was forcibly dragged out of the cell Dean pointlessly tried to hold his position using his recently freed legs to clamp his heavy boots soles on the floor.



Sam didn’t seem to listen. He was holding Dean’s muzzle, apparently lost in his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Dean was out in the corridor. Jim and Dave tried to seat him on a wheelchair again, but Dean was definitely not cooperating.


“Calm down and…. OW!” Jim was cut off mid sentence as one of Dean’s boots managed to crash on one of his knees, causing him a sharp pain.

“Why are his legs not restrained?” Jim hissed while rubbing his injured leg.

Dean kept screaming. Although he could not go anywhere, as he was still straitjacketed, he gave Dave a hard time.

“SAM!” Dave called. “Care to give us a hand here?”

Sam was oblivious to Dean’s call, but Dave’s voice took him out of his reverie. Catching sight of the scene, he immediately rushed outside the cell.

“I’m sorry, brother. I was…”

“Don’t bother” Dave hastily replied. “Just help me restrain and secure him on the chair”.

With Sam’s help, Dean’s legs were quickly strapped together again. He was then lifted on the chair, with some difficulties, and tightly strapped to it again.

During the whole process, Dean continued to scream at the top of his lungs, his shouts becoming more and more desperate and panicky.

“We can’t take him to conversion in this state of frenzy. Should we chloroform him again?” Jim asked.

“No, he can’t be converted if unconscious. We should calm him down another way.” Dave answered.


“Any idea, Sam?”

“Yeah” Sam just replied.

“SAAM? WHAT ARE MMMPPMHMMM” Before Dean even realized it, the rubber plug of his former gag was back between his teeth. “MMPHPMMMPHPOO”

“He barks a lot” Sam commented while buckling the gag behind his brother’s head. “But when gagged, he tends to cool off. Trust me”.

The trio then wheeled Dean through never-ending corridors, one so large Dean couldn’t see the end of it. Not that he tried to focus on remembering his path anyway. During the several minutes his carriage lasted, he was glaring furiously at his escort, emitting sounds that were supposed to be curse of threats but that the gag rendered them absolutely unintelligible. Sam was right, through; he didn’t struggled in his bonds as furiously as he had done back in his cell.

Then they arrived in a small circular room, with stone walls. Dean was wheeled to the center of the room. He grunted quizzically behind his gag as he noticed the TV screen hanging from the roof. He then turned his head to look at Sam… and froze when he saw his brother carrying what looked like a gasmask.

“MMPHPHPMM! MMHPHP” Dean was getting agitated again. He squirmed and struggled in his bonds… but again, the straps hold him tight. He tried to shake his head to avoid the smothering mask being locked over his face, but strong gloved hands took hold of his chin and forehead, immobilizing him. Within seconds, Sam had the mask tightly strapped over Dean’s gagged mouth and nose, just like it had been strapped on himself some hours ago.

“He’s still too agitated”, Dave said. “He won’t go through the process like this…”

“Leave it to me”, Sam firmly replied. He leaned against Dean’s wheelchair, and locked a gas hose between Dean’s gasmask and the valve of the gas tank Jim had just brought.

“Dean”, Sam gently said to his ear while taking hold of the valve. “This is your last chance now. You know I’d do everything for you, and I can’t possibly accept to be there if you’re not. So Dean, please… just trust me now, as I would trust you. We can be reunited together, with dad, within a new family. Isn’t that what you want?”

Dean wriggled desperately in his straitjacket. All of this was too much. He couldn’t think straight. He…

“So Dean, please… just listen ” Sam finally said while releasing the gas. At the same instant, the spiral appeared on the screen, trying to catch Dean’s attention.

As soon as he took the first whiff of the gas, and noticed the spiral, Dean’s began to panic again. “That’s how they did this! That’s how they brainwashed Sam. No way!” he thought. “I must resist! I must…”

“Dean”, Sam whispered to his ear. “Do it for me! I love you, brother”.

These words passed through Dean’s weak defenses. It was like a seawall breaking somewhere in his brain. He took a full breath of the gas, and his gaze locked on the spiral.

And Dean did listen.


Sam gently unbuckled the gasmask, then the gag. It went out with a small pop as the plug, filled with saliva, went out of Dean’s mouth.

“Sam…” Dean weakly said.

“Hello, Dean! How do you feel?”

“I… am sorry. I understand everything, now. Sam, I’ll be here, with you. With everyone”

Sam kneeled in front of his still bound brother, then pressed his lips over his. Dean returned him the kiss, their tongues tangling together.

It was heaven.

“Welcome to the Brotherhood, big bro!”.

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Post by bondagefreak »

I've just glossed this over and I'm very impressed.
This is definitely going in my to-read list.

I do, however, feel that this story is very much lacking in the crucial field of advertisement.
The lack of feedback is saddening but unsurprising considering The Brotherhood has barely gotten any views (9000 is a sad showing for a 1 year+ story). The vast majority of your target audience no doubt missed this.

The story desperately needs to be "marketed" and placed in the spotlight.
I'll be sending you a PM about this shortly.

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Thanks for your support and kind words. Especially coming from one of my favorite writer ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Man oh man have I - and MANY others - been missing out big time!

I just read the Prologue chapter and judging by the conversation Dave and Jim are having (especially near the second half of it) I just know I'm in for a treat 8-)

I've never followed the show this is based on, but I can already tell it won't be necessary to enjoy this tale.
The writing is descriptive, the dialogue is top-notch and the illustrations accompanying each chapter are HOT.

Really looking forward to eating my way through this tale of yours.
I'll be reading at a steady pace and providing regular reviews from now on.

Cheers [mention]chloroboy[/mention]!
Onto "Chapter 1 - Dean's Capture" now 8-)

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Post by Volobond »

Hey there! I've been following this tale on DeviantArt - I didn't know it was here too! Amazing story combined with incredible illustrations - what more could you ask for? I absolutely adore the bondage tools and the indoctrination fantasy - and using Sam and Dean as the captives is always great! Kudos to you! :D

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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Just finished chapter 1, and it was incredible!
I can't belive I've let such a great story slip under my nose!

The writing is amaizing, the tools, and how they are described are excellent, and the ilustrations are very hot!

Keep it up, man! :)
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Post by ShortSocks »

Finished the prologue and Chapter 1! I am actually a huge fan of the show Supernatural! Great start! I will pick up more later!
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks for your sweet comments guys. Let me know what you think when you progress in the series ;)
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Post by harveygasson »

I saw the pictures on DA but never read the associated story until now. Really great work! Excellent stuff
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Post by Pup »

My my, straight jackets and muzzles in the same story.
AND amazing illustrations...

How I haven't found this masterpiece before is beyond me.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Just finished reading chapter one.

Huge fan of Dean right from the get-go.
Not only does he have good taste in music, but gagging Sammy's protesting mouth up and stashing him in the trunk for a four-hour car ride earns him instant respect.

Now to more serious business.
Part of me wants to alert Sam to the imminent danger he's about to walk into.
But yeah, who am I kidding? Of course I wanna see him all strapped up inside that XL green-collared straitjacket 8-)

Fantastic writing [mention]chloroboy[/mention]
A definite pleasure for these eyes, both visually (because of Bowen's drawings) and mentally (because of your awesome writing).

So glad I stumbled across this yesterday afternoon!
Also glad to see some familiar faces pop up on here.

Onto chapter two now!

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Post by privateandrews »

Bloody Hell not only was this my favourite tv show but i was always imagining a story line were the 2 brothers got kidnapped and trussed and gagged ., and here is this fantastic story fulfilling my dreams. Enjoying it greatly, MORE please...
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Post by Carnath »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Just finished reading chapter one.

Huge fan of Dean right from the get-go.
Not only does he have good taste in music, but gagging Sammy's protesting mouth up and stashing him in the trunk for a four-hour car ride earns him instant respect.

Now to more serious business.
Part of me wants to alert Sam to the imminent danger he's about to walk into.
But yeah, who am I kidding? Of course I wanna see him all strapped up inside that XL green-collared straitjacket 8-)

Fantastic writing @chloroboy
A definite pleasure for these eyes, both visually (because of Bowen's drawings) and mentally (because of your awesome writing).

So glad I stumbled across this yesterday afternoon!
Also glad to see some familiar faces pop up on here.

Onto chapter two now!
Haha thanks for the comment. I like when people get interested in the story and comment it :)

The mention to Dean having tricked and gagged his brother in the past is actually a reference to another fanfic written by an other talented writer ;)
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A few chapters in an enjoying the story. I'm vaguely aware of Supernatural as a thing but thankfully my lack of knowledge isn't hampering my enjoyment.

Dean and Sam seem to have got themselves into a bit of a pickle with some straightjackets! Looking forward to what the Brotherhood have planned for them down the line.

Pictures really help to illustrate the story and there's some funny moments in there as well. Loving the interactions between the kidnappers and between the brothers.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Carnath »

EDIT: Fixed a missing pic in chapter 8
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 10: Interlude


Our brothers Sam and Dean are now among us since two weeks. As you requested, I personally took charge of their reception and training.

As expected, and compared to the average level of our new brothers, their physical skills are excellent and both demonstrate excellent techniques in close combat as well as undeniable skills with most weapons, especially knives and guns, which will prove useful as soon as our combat units will be operational.

As for their intellect, Sam is clearly above in terms of analytical skills. However, Dean’s instinct and intuition compensate his lack of reflexion and lead him to solid tactical judgements.

However, if their physical training is almost unnecessary, except for the skills specifically developed inside our Brotherhood, I must draw attention to the fact their spiritual formation is yet incomplete. As you well know, despite the success of their conversion ritual, every new Brother must complete a series of trials that will strengthen their link to their fellow brothers and ensure their absolute loyalty to the Brotherhood and the Master. Failing to do so could lead to unfortunate consequences in terms of discipline, especially when a new recruit show strong individuality, like brothers Sam and Dean.

That’s why I must have to express my reservations about your will to disregard the standard procedure and sent them on operations right away, despite their exceptional skills.

Respectfully submitted to the Council of Elders,

Brother Cort

“And he is giving me lessons about strong individuality”, thought John as he put on his desk the report he asked to the Brother in charge of training the new recrues. “He sometimes forgets he’s not an Elder himself. And he’s clearly trying to bypass my decision. Nevermind. I’ll deal with him later”.

Someone knocked on the large door of his office.


Dave hesitantly half opened the door.

“You summoned me, Elder?”

“Yes Dave”, John warmly said. “Come in! Take a seat!”

As Dave finally entered the large room and sit on the chair John pointed at, taking care not to crease his cloak by sitting on it, John forgot his annoyance at Cort’s attitude. “Dave is on the contrary an excellent fellow”, he thought. “He’s been on the our first recruit and yet I didn’t hear him complain about anything or failing doing any task he was assigned to. He’s strong, obedient and loyal. He’ll be perfect”.


“Yes, Dave…” said John, suddenly dragged out of his thinking. “Tell me, what do you think of my boys?”

The question surprised Dave.

“Well, Elder… do you mean when I was capturing them with Jim? Well…”

“No, no, you already told me that part. Did you met them after their conversion?”

“Well, as you know, there was still one recruit to bring here, so I didn’t meet them right after…”


“...but I did when I returned. They saw me bringing back our new recruit to his temporary cell before conversion and they immediately greet me and offered me their help; silently, as it should be, to not break the conditioning of the captive. After that, I met them sometimes on the refectory or during training; they were always cordial with me, and they had no grief against me or Jim regarding their abduction. Except maybe that Dean seems to worry about his car, he asked me several times if we damaged it while he was in the trunk”.


John couldn’t hide his smile. Some things never change…

“I heard no other complaint from our Brothers, they seem well integrated, even if they really stick together.”

“Good”, John said. “I plan their induction ceremony for next week”.

“So soon?” asked Dave curtly, before realising his mistake. He spoke again more carefully “I mean… it’s unusual to set it before three months within the Temple, and they arrived only three weeks ago…”

“Nevermind”, John cut him off. “I didn’t ask you to come for discussing this. You see, Dave, we’re in a turning point in the Brotherhood. You were one of the first Brother, so you saw how we slowly grow unseen in the shadows. Now, we have a strong basis; it’s time to advance to the next phase of our plans.”

Dave listened in silence. It’s quite rare for an Elder to talk to a lesser Brother of the global plan of their organization, even partially.

“In the next few months, we’ll recruit more and more Brothers, in preparation for our reveal and our war against the supernatural forces. A large part of this very complex is still unused, so there will be enough place for hundreds of new recruits; and in the meantime, we’ll expand our outer networks and gather more and more intelligence. It might eventually reveal us, but we’ll be ready. However, that means that only 12 Elders might be insufficient to oversee everything. We need to delegate”.

Dave hold his breath. That was his moment.

“We will appoint Brothers in charge of some matters inside each departments. We need someone to supervise - under the control of the council of Elders, of course - the recruitment squads. You’ve been part of such squads since your beginning in the Brotherhood, Dave. You were always successful in your mission and you’re a source of inspiration for the Brothers that are newly assigned to this teams, like Jim. The job is yours!”

Dave left his chair and fall upon his knees.

“Thank you, Elder! This is an honor!”

John smiled. “Rise, brother! We still have much to discuss. It’s time you learn some more about our plans…”


One week later, just as their father decided, Sam and Dean were introduced as full members of the Brotherhood, following the ritual all Brothers have.

They were first stripped of the white cloak of the novices and of their other clothes, sparing only their underwears. Their hands were bound with rope behind their backs, another rope bind their arms to their chest, and white clothes were bind over their eyes and tied behind their head, blindfolding them.

Then, while plunged in the darkness, they were lead silently by other brothers to the old Chapel. It was not a part of the huge main building of the Brotherhood -- with an upper old castle and a gigantic network of old and modern galleries dug beneath. The Chapel was deep in the woods surrounding the Castle, at the heart of the vast land the Brotherhood had taken hold of. Nobody knows exactly when it was built, but everyone can feel when approaching some sort of mystical energy emanating from it’s nave.

When finally arrived, and still bound and blindfolded, the two brothers were made kneeling before the altar, where their father, as an Elder, conducted the introduction ceremony.

First, they each pledged their oath to the Grand Master and to the Brotherhood itself, as each fellow brother did before them, repeating: “My life belongs now to the Brotherhood”, he recited. “My duty is to act for the salvation of mankind and I will do so by fulfilling the will of our Master. I will not let me be distracted of my duty by anyone or anything; the Brotherhood is my only family now”. While reciting it, two appointed brothers anointed their forehead with holy water blessed by the Grand Master himself. It was said among the Brothers that this water took source somewhere deep in the underground of the Brotherhood domain and contained some extraordinary properties.


Then, Dean and Sam were made to recitate the three cardinal rules of the Brotherhood:

“I shall loyally obey the will of the Master and of the Elders, and will not question their orders in any mean”.

“I shall never, under any circumstances, willingly harm or do any hostile action against a fellow Brother”.

“For the outside world, I shall be nothing but a mere shadow. Until our Master decides otherwise, I must act carefully when interacting with outsiders and shall never reveal the existence of the Brotherhood”.

“The Brotherhood is devoted to the salvation of mankind. I shall not killed any human willingly, unless he has been declared an enemy of the Brotherhood or of the mankind”.

“I know any violation of these rules is punishable by death”.

Then, and only then, the Brothers untied the ropes binding their hands and chest and removed their blindfolds. Their father gave them an embrace while the two brothers gathered their new black hooded cloak of full members of the Brotherhood.


One week later, Dave’s new office

“Hey Dave, you wanted to see us?” Dean asked as he entered the office, followed by Sam.

“Brothers. Indeed, come in”, Dave cheerfully replied as he stood up.

Dean casually sat on a nearby chair, not taking too much care about his cloak. Sam, on the opposite, kept standing up.

“So”, Dean said, “are we finally going to the field again? I love this place but, you know, for us it sounds like forced vacations”.

“Indeed. As you know, I’m now in charge of a large portion of the recruitments team…”

“Good job for that, by the way” Sam said with a friendly tone.

“Yeah”, Dean added with his more sarcastic manner. “Thanks to our capture too”.

“Dean…” Sam said

“... no worry, Dave. We’re good! But wait… weren’t we supposed to be assigned to the combat squads? Our specialty is dealing with monster and freaks, not abducting people”.

“You’re right, Brother. And this is the will of the Elder to value your skills. However…”

Dave hesitated. They were the son of Elder John, but how much did he said to them about the Brotherhood’s long term plans? He decided to remain careful.

“... as you should know, we are not yet prepared enough to let our existence be known among those monsters. So, until then, we must focus on reinforcing our position and widen our ranks”.

“Okay then”, Dean said. “I suppose we just need some exercise. So… Who are we gonna kidnap? Some random student on a campus?”

“We do not act “randomly”, Dean” Dave scolded him. “All our targets are being studied and approved by the council of Elder. We do not approach them without a minimum research, in particular to confirm we can… remove them without the Brotherhood being exposed. Luckily for you, the research department already dealt with it in your case. Here’s the file”.

Dave gave them a light folder containing several documents. Sam took it and started reading.

“Kevin Tran?” he said while reading. “He’s just a kid! He’s still in high school. What’s so special about him?”

“As the Master and the Elder ordered, we now focus our recruitment on the guys who show special skills or gifts. This Kevin was noticed by the mystic departments as he began to develop some prophetic abilities”.

The mystic department, Dave thought. The Brothers who are part of it are very discrete, even for their fellow Brothers. They are formally under the authority of the council of Elders, but some think they respond directly to the Master himself.

“He shall be a valuable asset for the Brotherhood. If we determine of we can control and use this power at our advantage...”

“Sounds great indeed”, Sam said. “But how can we capture him if he can predict our coming?”

“Our Brothers in the mystic department think that his power is not that developed yet. For now, he just experience some random flashes about the future. You should be fine if you take care”.

“So it’s about kidnapping a half-crazy high school student? Sounds easy enough to me” Dean said.

“One thing, though”, Dave added, “due to his prophetic gift, it could be easy for him to try to mess with you by allegedly revealing some parts of your future. That’s why, as soon as you come in contact with him, you’ll have to keep him incommunicado all the time. You got that?”

“Don’t worry. Will be easy peasy” Dean casually said.

“What about his parents?” Sam asked more seriously.

“He’s just got a mother. We prepared some letters and stuff to suggest that his son just ran away. She’ll go to the police eventually, but this will confuse them; and our Brothers in the cyber department will deactivate his cellphone as soon as you launch your attack, so they shouldn’t be able to follow any lead. If you act carefully, of course”.

“Yeah, yeah, third rule, we know. And we’ll keep him gagged, promise” Dean said, obviously getting tired of this briefing.

“Good”, Dave said. “And don’t forget to put your gloves on when leaving the domain”.

“You wear them all the time”, noticed Sam. “Isn’t that a bit uncomfortable?”

“Not at all, Brothers”, Dave said while snapping his own right glove. “The guys at the furniture department did a great job at developing those. It’s a new material composed of latex, nylon and high-grade polymer, developed just for us. It’s like a second skin but it let your skin breathe normally. After 10 minutes wearing it, you already forget it, trust me”.

“Cool”, Dean said, standing up. “Where are the stuff we need by the way”.

“All has been prepared in the hidden boot of your car, Dean”.

At this words, Dean’s face list up.

“That’s right, Brother. We fixed it and prepared it for your mission. The Impala is waiting for you at the garage”.


Dean indeed found his beloved “baby” in perfect condition. Suspicious at first as he drove it out of the garage, he quickly relaxed while he was testing it driving in the Brotherhood vast domain, reassured that their new Brothers didn’t do any harm or modification without his approval.

“Shouldn’t we check the stuff they gave us before leaving, Dean?”


Dean parked the car on the side of the forest road and went to the trunk with his brother. He opened it, revealing the hidden cache, indeed full of materials.


“Let’s see”, Dean enumerated. “Miles of rope, lots of tape… panel gags… some straitjackets? Isn’t that a bit over the top?”

“For long term immobilisation, it has proved pretty effective, don’t you remember?” Sam lightly said.

“Yeah, tell me about it… What’s that bottle?”.

Sam took it in his hands and read the label. “CHCl 3 . Chloroform!”

“Won’t need it” Dean quickly said.

“You sure? It worked well on us too.”

“You don’t need to remind me. But he’s just a kid; we should be able to grab him without using that shit”.

“Yeah… we’ll see when we arrive”

“Where does he live by the way?

“Neighbour, Michigan”.

“That’s quite a ride. We should leave now. I drive”.

A few minutes later, the two brothers were leaving the Brotherhood domain, waving at the two Brothers guarding the gate.
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Post by privateandrews »

OH my gosh . this is how i wanted the tv show to be like. I have to say i notice long replies and critiques by others and i have to agree with them all. I am just a lazy and eager consumer of such horny story's . Please keep posting . The pics are also a major bonus, i had seen some on the deviant site and always thought that's how i want to see my Sam and Dean. again thank you.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Now I'm getting a better idea of how Dean would've been able to subdue and stuff his slightly taller brother in a trunk, three months earlier.
Dean is the one with all the combat training! Makes sense considering he's the older brother.

Poor Sam never stood a chance against these hooded guys.
The last lines of chapter two really wets the appetite though.


Really enjoying this [mention]chloroboy[/mention]

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Post by Carnath »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Now I'm getting a better idea of how Dean would've been able to subdue and stuff his slightly taller brother in a trunk, three months earlier.
Dean is the one with all the combat training! Makes sense considering he's the older brother.

Poor Sam never stood a chance against these hooded guys.
The last lines of chapter two really wets the appetite though.


Really enjoying this @chloroboy
This is quite cannon in the TV show: both were raised like survivalists and demon hunters by their father, but when he was teenager, Sam decided to try to go back to a normal life. The show begins when Dean picks him up to look for their missing father.

The fact that Dean knows the smell of chloroform is cannon too btw: he explicitely says so in ep 2x06.
Last edited by Carnath 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]chloroboy[/mention] Awesome! I love the fact that you're keeping this cannon.
It'll make watching the show doubly rewarding if ever I should decide to start watching it sometime in the future.

On another note and for those of you who like stats:

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Post by Carnath »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @chloroboy Awesome! I love the fact that you're keeping this cannon.
It'll make watching the show doubly rewarding if ever I should decide to start watching it sometime in the future.

On another note and for those of you who like stats:

And I really thank you for that my friend :D
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Post by BDBrit »

What began as a casual read turned into me reading the whole story so far. It is supremely well written and is very engaging so far. I'm looking forward to reading the next part. :D
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