Shadowhands Saga (Fantasy, M/M) #Update 4 Sept#

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Shadowhands Saga (Fantasy, M/M) #Update 4 Sept#

Post by MountainMan_91 »

Hi all

and a special hi to Charmides who was the inspiration for this story with his tale: Shadow of the mountain.

I hope this story is acceptable, as it is more guys in distress rather than tie up games...

without further ado, I hope someone out there enjoys this!!


I decided to rework this story. Doing three timelines simultaneously was not the best idea... So I reposted the chapters for Book 1 in this post, and will finish Book 1 before returning to book 2 and 3 - the finished chapters for them will be reposted when we reach that time.

Hopefully this might spark some new interest in the story :D


Book 1: Dusk

Chapter 1: The Shadow Prince

Baldor seemed to be a simple leather worker in Parith, a small village on the border of the vast desert. It was peculiar that a desert and a forest coexisted so close together. Most inhabitants wrote it up to be magic related, on the far side of the desert lies the geyser flats and beyond that the Unseen Woods, a place of darkness, they believed the influence of darkness ended right where the desert ended.

Baldor was living with his son, Javeed, who was now 18 years old. His wife had passed away shortly after the boy’s birth. Nobody in town knew that the two were sorcerers and it was better that way. In the free kingdoms, any form of magic except divine magic, which was bestowed only upon an elite few, was considered treason. Baldor and his son would be executed for what they were.

Today Javeed had left early in the morning to go hunting on the woodland side of town, and he wouldn’t be back until much later. Baldor was working in his shop when two men walked up to him. Both clad in black robes with leather masks covering their lower faces.

Baldor was ready in an instant, he knew this day would come. He grabbed his weapon as he was lifted off the ground and suspended in mid-air by the one figure.

“Baldor, descendant of Harothmere Shadowhand. Where is your son?”

Baldor knew he had to protect his son, he opened his mouth ready to speak a spell but the man slammed him into the ground and knocked him out

As he regained consciousness he noticed he was sitting in a chair. He felt his wrists glued to the chair back by some slimy black substance. His bare feet were tied to the chair legs in the same manner. He wanted to whisper an incantation to release himself but he realised his mouth was filled with some cloth and another black band was pulled tightly between his lips. His muscular torso was stripped bare and his chest muscles were taught, hidden beneath a carpet of chest hair.

The one man began speaking “We know Juliana, descendant of Jodier Shadowhand, was your wife, and she bore a son. He is the descendant of two Shadowhands, he is the mighty sorcerer we need to finish what the Shadowhands started.”

Baldor shifted in his prison, as the man walked towards him. Baldor knew who his wife was and he knew who his son was, just as he knew who these men were. They were also descendants of Shadowhands and wanted Javeed to bring the Darkness into the material plane.

The other guy stepped up behind Baldor and placed his right hand on Baldor’s neck. He was planning to extract Baldor’s memories. Baldor trained for this day and it was easy to block the other presence from his mind.

His training didn’t account for two men, the other guy punched him with a roundhouse. Then grabbed his hair and held his head up, ready for the next punch. Baldor tried to focus on his mind but it grew more difficult with each strike.

He braced for the next blow, but something unexpected happened. The man removed his gloves and softly caressed Baldor’s pecs. He lingered on the nipple and gave it a few tweaks, as it became rock hard. The fingers then pinched the nipple as Baldor heard his tormentors breaths grow deeper below his leather mask.

What was happening, wondered Baldor, as the man’s cold hand traced down his washboard abs and found his happy trail into his waistband. Baldor felt his manhood fill and become stiff but didn’t understand his reaction. He tried fighting it but with his mind preoccupied, he couldn’t control his biology. Soon his dick was erect as the lighthouse at Howling Bay.

The assailant’s hands made their way down his legs to his bare feet, where they tickled him a little bit, he shifted uneasily as he let out a little giggle. There was absolutely nothing minutely laughable about his situation but his will power was busy elsewhere.

Baldor tried to process the overstimulation of pain and pleasure.

The man’s hands returned to his crotch and grabbed his shaft and squeezed it, pumping it slightly while caressing Baldor’s nipple with his other hand.

All the sensations stopped, Baldor opened his eyes just in time to see the fist approaching his face. Pain flashed through his face as he felt the punch connect.

He was still wincing from the pain when he felt the stimulation on his nipples and dick again. Followed by more tickling.

The switching sensations did their work distracting him from keeping his assailant out of his mind.

The man grabbed hold of his shaft and started pumping vigorously, Baldor thought about the pleasure for the briefest of moments…

Then he felt it, more painful than a sword cutting at your flesh, his mind barrier was hacked to pieces and they had all the information they needed.

He hung his head in defeat as all the stimulation ended simultaneously. The men left the workshop as suddenly as they came. As the door shut Baldor could see the flames climbing around him. He tried to scream some spells into his gag, but they weren’t clear enough. He pulled at his bonds with all his might. But nothing budged. He felt the flames closing in on his body, and gave in to his fate.

Javeed’s black hair and olive skin was the perfect camouflage for the dense woodland that he was hunting in. His green eyes mirrored the green leaves as he placed his arrow ready to shoot the deer. He was hidden in the underbrush and he had used a spell to muffle his steps, he was mere seconds away from getting his dinner.

Wait, he saw it look up and twitch its ears then bolted off into the dim light. He looked around to see what had scared it and saw the smoke billow up into a column from the village’s side. Something inside him told him to run back, that his father was in danger. He sped through the forest jumping over logs and ducking below branches.

He thought he saw someone running beside him, he looked over to see a man dressed in black matching his speed. He tried to make out who the man was when he ran full speed into an invisible wall. He fell back sprawling in the dead leaves and looked up, only to see there was a second man, who stepped closer to Javeed and lifted his hand.

Thick black roots shot out of the ground and pinned Javeeds body to the ground.

By instinct he shouted “greval tu wethor,” the roots dissolved and his body lifted off the ground, he was suspended in mid-air and he was ready for the fight, his father had taught him some defensive sorcery from an early age, they would venture into the desert and exercise where no one could see them, Javeed was quite impressive and he had a natural affinity for his magic.

Four roots shot out at him and he ducked them easily. “Belfu et adiyt” thick black tentacles extended from his back. They raced through the air and grabbed onto the man’s limbs and stretched him out in a spread-eagle. “What did you do to my father?” he screamed.

“We aren’t here for him, we’re here for you.” Spoke the other man as Javeed looked around he saw small shards of glass flying towards him. He dropped the first man and his tentacles blocked the shards, but Javeed felt a small cut stinging in his bicep.

He winced, and that was enough proof for his attacker.

“One hit is all I needed,” smirked the man as he stepped back and waited.

Javeed felt a poison coursing into his body, soon he couldn’t keep himself suspended and he floated back to the ground and landed, half paralyzed among the leaves and dirt.

The men were on him in seconds. The first assailant thrust a thick piece of hard leather into Javeed’s mouth, with straps that ran from it he tied it behind his neck, without his ability to speak Javeed couldn’t rely on his sorcery. The other man bound his wrists behind his back and did the same to his elbows, pulling his arms back at a very uncomfortable degree. He proceeded to wrap more rope around his chest circling his already bound arms, pinning them to his torso.

“You look just like your old man before we left him to die.” Teased one of the men.

Javeed’s eyes filled with tears as he realised his darkest fear had become a reality. These guys were from the Shadowhand cult, and they were here to take him away.

Finally a heavy steel collar was placed around his neck and locked in place. A chain was attached to it and the men pulled Javeed to his feet and forced him to walk after them.

As they headed away from Parith, Javeed looked back at the smoke column, the forest he had known since a child felt cold and lonesome, tears flowed down his cheeks as he knew he would never again see his father.

Chapter 2: Farther Away

Javeed woke up feeling pain in his arms. The way he was lying on the hard rocks in the cave was not comfortable. His arms were still pulled tightly behind his back, the bindings felt even tighter than when they were applied. And the heavy collar was weighing his neck down.

He chewed on the leather bit in his mouth and swallowed back some extra saliva that had built up in his mouth, his jaw was aching as he gnawed at the hard leather bar that was stuck between his teeth. The edges of his mouth was sore from the straps pulling at them.

He was lying on his side with his ankles also bound tightly together and pulled up to his wrists to leave him totally immobile in a strict hogtie.

He blinked his sleepy eyes as he looked around the cave trying to locate his abductors but they were nowhere in sight. He had to try this again, he mustered all his will power and spoke into his gag, “mmpkiu et hyupphhh”. Nothing happened…

He understood the rules of magic, he knew he needed to speak his spell clearly or it wouldn’t work. That was the one weakness, if someone could prevent you from uttering your spells, you were basically powerless.

And powerless was not a feeling Javeed enjoyed.

He scanned the cave looking for something that could help him. This must have been an animal’s den, there must be some bones somewhere. With some maneuvering Javeed rolled himself off the hard rocks and into the softer dirt lower down into the cave, his metal collar clanking against the rock floor as he did so.

He froze wondering if the sound would alert his captors. His body tensed as he looked to the side where some faint light was coming from, waiting for one of the black robes to appear.

Nothing but silence. He rolled over onto his back, with his legs at an awkward angle, and started digging in the dirt with his hands, trying to find anything that was sharp. His bound frame was squirming around in the dirt when a familiar sensation came over him. He was getting aroused. He felt his crotch heat up as his breathing became shallow.

His mind was in two places now, but was quickly brought back to reality as he struck gold, a shard of bone pricked his hand, and he fumbled in the dirt until he held it between his fingers. He thanked the gods for his luck and twisted his wrists, the rope digging into his skin till he felt the bone sawing at the ropes.

He bit down on his gag as he pulled together his will to keep cutting, his wrists were burning, but it would be worth it. He was cutting and cutting and cutting. But he felt no progress.

Just then Serto came strolling into the back cavern, he was the Shadowhand who had struck Javeed with the poison. To Javeeds surprise he wasn’t in his regular black robes, he was wearing only his tight leather pants. Serto still looked every bit as imposing, he was a sight to behold, his body was the perfect proportions and his trained muscles were glittering in the faint light from behind him, his skin was a pale grey color covered in scars shaped into some form of writing. His blue hair was swept back out of his face to reveal deep hazelnut eyes.

Javeed stared at his captor as he walked closer to him, his eyes were not as harsh as his appearance. Somewhere in there Javeed thought he saw a flicker of compassion. The feeling of arousal flooded back into his body.

“I brought you some water boy.” He held a cup that he tilted as Javeed tried to drink water through his gag, a difficult feat to say the least. After he got some decent gulps Serto tossed the cup.

“Let’s get you back onto the rocks out of the dirt.”

Javeed frantically wrapped his hand around the bone shard, hoping Serto wouldn’t see it. Serto lifted him with ease and placed him back onto the hard rock. Javeed closed his eyes and gave a groan as the pain in his arms returned.

“What’s that you got there?” Serto asked…

Javeed’s heart sank into his stomach as he expected Serto to find the shard, when he opened his eyes he saw the muscled stud was looking at his crotch rather than his hands. Serto’s rough strong hands softly touched his erect shaft through his pants. This caused Javeed to startle and he dropped the piece of bone, it made a small rattle. Javeed was sure it was barely audible.

But, Serto immediately stopped and peered over the bound boy to see the sharp piece of bone that had caused the noise.

He let out a little giggle, a sound Javeed never expected to hear, “my dear boy. This isn’t ordinary rope. These ropes were weaved deep in the dark forest, and imbued with magic. You will never cut through it.” He mocked as he placed the shard back into Javeeds palm. “Have a go, it’ll be our little secret.”

He stepped back, “it’s a shame that happened I was ready for some fun, but I guess it will have to wait. Your first lesson, if you disappoint me like you just did, you will lose your privileges. No release and no food tonight.”

Javeed shut his eyes as Serto placed his leather boot on his head, the dirt pressing into his face, and his face pressing into the hard rock with the gag adding to the pressure he was feeling. He tried hard not to make a sound but soon he needed to let out a little whelp of pain.

That seemed to satisfy Serto as he sauntered back to the front of the cave, he stopped briefly to say “It’s almost night time we will be ready to move soon boy.”

Javeed felt the tears coming back but he pushed them down as best he could. He wondered if anybody even knew he was missing. Would anybody come for him?

A few minutes later Serto returned dressed in his black robes, he untied Javeed’s ankles and pulled the boy to his feet. Javeed clung to the bone shard, some form of hope existed in his mind as long as he had a chance.

They left the darkness of the cave to be met by the dusk of the setting sun. They headed further west away from Parith, always sticking to the edge of the Mighty Forest, the Sea of Sand always looming to their left. Javeed wondered where they were going. He would have expected them to take him straight across the desert to the dark forest.

By midnight he had his answer, it seems they were looking for a specific place to cross, he looked out at the sea of sand and noticed a slight track, illuminated by the moonlight, disappearing into the dunes. Javeed needed to be quick, if someone was coming after him he needed to signal this spot to them. He looked around and felt the bone still in his hands. There was a tree right behind him, he gave a step back and leaned against it. Serto glanced his way but allowed the boy to rest.

Frantically Javeed started scratching an arrow into the tree’s bark. He hoped that his captors would miss the sign in the darkness, but that whoever was looking for him, if someone was looking for him, might be able to find it…

Chapter 3: No Escape

The two captors had walked through the desert with their captive for the past two days. Resting during the day and walking at night following the path that glowed in the moonlight. Without that path even someone who had been through this desert many times would get lost, and once lost you would surely perish.

Now they stood at the mouth of the Dark Forest. Huge trees with black bark and gnarly branches grew close together and created an impermeable canopy. Inside the forest you could barely see 20 steps ahead of you. The only things breaking through the canopy were the spires of the Thorn Mountains, spikes of Dolomite that protruded the forest like literal thorns. The inside of the dark forest was unknown to all. None that have ventured in have ever returned.

The trio were sitting on some rocks, resting before heading into the forest. The two Shadowhands having some food and water. Javeed sat a distance from them. His body still bound like it had been for the last three days. He had not had anything to eat in all this time and his stomach made a loud growl as he watched his captors eating. He felt so weak he could almost not sit upright.

Serto heard the sound and looked up. He grabbed a piece of meat and walked over to where Javeed was sitting.

“Ok boy. I will remove your gag to allow you to eat. But be warned. Any sound you make and I will exercise force to subdue you.”

Javeed sat silent for a couple of seconds. He was really hungry. He slowly nodded his head.

Serto started untying the leather knot behind Javeeds head.

Javeed felt the obstructing bar leave his mouth and without any consideration, “Ek sao Tu” the words had barely left his mouth or Serto’s legs were knocked out from under him.

Javeed jumped up and using his last remaining energy started running back into the desert away from his abductors. He glanced back and screamed “Hert as Do mi!” the ground beneath the two men turned into quicksand. Serto who was on the ground sunk into the sand. The other Shadowhand jumped out of the way in time.

“Pyre et flabe” he shouted after the running boy.

Javeed felt the ropes start to burn his skin wherever they were touching. Pieces of his shirt fell to the ground as they burned. Next Javeed felt the ropes grow and start wrapping around his legs. Two more steps before he fell to the ground like a tree that got chopped down. Knocking the wind out of him.

“Dus de tir” he spoke to the ropes but they did not listen they kept their grip. He squirmed and kept using different spells to control the ropes but to no avail.

Finally Javeed felt one rope tentacle crawling up his neck, under the collar and making its way to his mouth. It wrapped around his head effectively gagging him. With another occupant in the collar it tightened its grip around his neck. He craned his head feeling the uncomfortable squeeze around his throat.

He screamed into the ropes inaudible sounds of frustration. He looked at the desert dunes and longed for his freedom. He was willing to take a chance in the desert rather than with these guys.

Serto was the first to reach him. He grabbed Javeeds jaw in a strong hand and squeezed it hard. Javeed wanted to give a cry but kept a steel glance at Serto.

“That was a mistake boy. How long do you think you can go without food?” He backhanded Javeeds face “Well now it will be at least two more days.” He stood up and grabbed Javeeds bound ankles and dragged they boy back to where his partner had resumed eating.

A small trickle of blood ran down from the scar that opened on Javeeds brow, and his torso was covered with minor grade burns wherever the rope was in contact with his skin.

“oh and those ropes belong to Thresh here. They will only obey him, a great skill we learned in the shadowplane. How much do you know about the shadowplane boy, about your legacy. You know how special you are? With your pure blood we will be able to make all of this world obey our every decree. That much power, you have to also want that. You are the special key my boy.”

What did he mean I am special, wondered Javeed as he chewed on the rope ceaselessly stuck between his teeth.

Chapter 4: Destiny

Another day was gone, another day of him being cruelly stuck in his rope prison. It was four days since he last tried to escape, four days and he hadn’t felt the release of any of his limbs. Did he even remember how to walk? Whenever they moved either Serto or Thresh would carry him like a bag of potatoes, slung over their thick shoulders. Usually his dick would be digging into their pecs just next to the armpit. More times than not he was actually left very aroused during the walking.

That is exactly whats happening right now, Javeed felt his erection digging into Serto’s shoulder. It was disturbing that the man carrying him didn’t seem to notice it. Or maybe he did notice but just didn’t pay heed.

They were four days into the dark forest, the trees grew thick and the midday rays didn’t break through the thick canopy of gnarly trees. The days always seemed to be only dawn or dusk, nothing in-between, and the nights were pitch black, you couldn’t see further than a couple of feet. They had switched from traveling at night to traveling at day.

“This should be a good spot for lunch.” Said Serto as he literally just dropped Javeed to ground.

Javeed struck the moldy ground. The thick leaf and moss covering cushioned his fall. But his face was trapped in a pile of rotting leaves, the stench invading his nose and mouth.

He twisted and twirled his bound body to turn himself over so he would lie on his back.

He looked down at his helpless body once more. There were five loops of the thick black rope, which resembled vines but were soft to touch, wrapped around his bare ankles. More loops were spaced every couple of inches up his legs trapping his ripped pants to his legs, and trapping his legs together. His wrists had been thrashed together behind his back, palms facing each other, and his upper arms pinned to his chest by loops going around his arms and cinched in between his biceps and pecs. His upper body was bare since the ropes had scorched his shirt and the tattered pieces of fabric had fallen away.

Thresh had ordered his ropes to secrete some healing salve, by Serto’s command, to heal the burn wounds that they had inflicted on their captive.

Javeed didn’t know if it was the lack of decent meals or the constant struggling but looking at his body his muscles seemed to become more pronounced, his stomach had grown flatter and his abs were more visible, the v at the base of his torso was slightly more accentuated, and his arms seemed to feel a little stronger. His body must be using all the stored nutrition burning the extra calories he was carrying around.

Thinking about the poor diet Javeed couldn’t keep his mouth from watering as he watched the two leather clad beasts prepare a fire, and skin the rats they had caught earlier. He was given small bits of food at a time, just enough to keep his internal engine going.

Serto walked over to Javeed, he placed his large leather boot on Javeeds chest, right between his pecs. The dirt and dead leaves sticking to Javeed’s hairless chest, wherever the ropes were not.

“So my Boy. Do you think I can trust you this time to not do anything stupid. The last couple of meals we had you have been really good.”

Javeed made the faintest pleading look with his eyes, he didn’t want to but it was involuntary. The vine in his mouth tasted horrible. His lips were parched, his throat was dry, and he could feel his tongue sticking to his pallet. He didn’t know how much more he would be able to take. This overwhelming feeling is what brought on that whimper and broken look in his eyes.

“Hmmppphh” he tried to reassure Serto he would behave.

“Thresh, remove the gag.” Instructed Serto, and Thresh did as he was told.

Javeed felt the vine that had been driving his mouth open grow smaller and then retreat. He closed his mouth and tried licking his dry lips.

Serto held a waterskin to his mouth and Javeed happily gulped down a few mouthfuls.

He looked up at Serto, that same broken look in his eyes, “thank you.”

“your welcome little one.” The look in Javeed’s eyes did something to him, he felt sorry for the boy. He knew from the start that this kid didn’t ask for any of this. Maybe he was tired but he found himself opening his mouth. “You know kid. This isn’t how we wanted this to go, we were hoping that your father and you would come with us willingly. But after hearing your father swear off any ties that he had to the shadowplane we knew you wouldn’t come without a fight.”

Serto held the waterskin so Javeed could take more sips.

“This is your destiny you know. You are the shadow prince. You are the one strong enough to make this happen. We believe in you. If only you believed in yourself.”

“I do” said Javeed softly, “I do believe in myself.” His voice grew louder, “I believe I am free to decide my own destiny, not something someone wants to force on mpphh.” The vine quickly grew across his open mouth as his voice started getting louder. The thick invasion resumed.

Serto looked to Thresh. “What? He was getting worked up, he was sure to do something stupid. I saved us some trouble.”

Serto looked back into Javeeds eyes and the two of them connected over something. Serto remembered himself as a young boy, with his ideals and plans, and how everything was changed by his father who sold him for a big fat hog.

Javeed’s broken glare tore a hole into Serto’s memory.

He must have been about ten when his father exchanged him for the hog. From there he became a hog herder until he was about fifteen. He ran away from there since following hogs around all day was not his plan of a glorious future.

He made his way to the docks and was snatched up by a pirate, he worked hard on that ship and made it from deck scrub to one of the mates. This was more like it. Sure he didn’t particularly enjoy the way the captain bound him up at night, used his body and practically abused him. But the life on the sea was adventurous. Until there was a mutiny and Serto was sold together with his captain to some wiry old merchant.

The merchant found a particular interest in Serto so he was always taken along on the merchant’s trips as his muscle to carry people’s purchases. He was usually led behind the cart attached to it by a leash and thick metal collar. It was on one of these trips the merchant ventured too far into the dark forest, he was surrounded by Shadowhands and he offered up Serto as bait for his freedom.

That’s how Serto became a Shadowhand, finally he had found a place where he was taught to wield power and craft his own destiny. That is what this boy before him needs more than anything, a chance to determine his own fate.

But that cannot happen, Serto reprimanded himself. If I want more power, the boy must fulfil the destiny we have chosen for him.

From where he was lying in the grass Javeed could sense that Serto was conflicted about something.

Javeed was left gagged until the rats were ready to eat, after his abductors had had their fill, Serto came over to him with pieces of meat.

The gag vine receded and Javeed could relax his jaw again.

As he was chewing Serto cupped his chin in his hand. “Keep strong, young one. You are going to accomplish something great. I will help you.”

Serto sat down on the moss next to Javeed’s trussed body and started explaining some things about the shadowplane to Javeed.

Although he wanted nothing to do with this, Javeed didn’t have a choice but to listen, he couldn’t exactly get up and leave. Besides he thought he might need this information to survive.

After a while, the vine gag was replaced once again but before Thresh picked up his piece of baggage Serto spoke up.

“Hey, I think we can trust him to walk a little.” Serto made eye contact with Javeed and for a brief moment Javeed thought he saw a wink.

“Ok, but I aint running after the little twerp into the forest if he decides to bolt.” Thresh started heading out as he cast some words which allowed the vines to recede up Javeeds legs.

He gingerly stood up, not having used his legs in four days had caused the muscled to become stiff, but the flow of blood quickly restored them and he was walking a couple of feet behind Serto down the barely visible path in the dark forest.

Javeed thought about making a run for it into the forest but two things made him hesitate. First, he knew nothing of the dark forest, he might not survive an hour on his own in this foul place. Secondly, there was something in the way Serto had spoken to him, fed him and allowed him to regain the freedom of his legs that triggered Javeed to want to be near to him.

As the night fell, the trio set up camp again, if you could call it a camp, the two brawny men threw open their sleeping gear, and Serto put out a small tarp for Javeed to lie on. The thick mouldy air in the forest was humid and thus blankets were not needed.

Once he was on the ground, Thresh commanded his ropes to bind the young man’s legs together again. In some sick twist of his mind Thresh went further and Javeed felt his bound ankles being pulled closer to his wrists. Javeed arched his back as his wrists and ankles were rudely pulled together in a tight hogtie. His newly recognised lean muscled torso now stretched out in an uncomfortable position.

As Thresh went to lie down Serto came over to Javeed.

The husky man removed his overcoat and shirt and sat down in the grass next to Javeed.

“Have you been feeling stronger?” he asked softly, “your body is changing, I can see it, I wonder if you can see it and feel it.”

Javeed grunted into his rugged gag. Trying to convey a positive response. Has Serto been watching his body…

“It’s the shadowplane, your heritage. Your body is responding to your destiny.”

Right now Javeeds body was responding to something else. Seeing the beefy muscled chest and thick arms of Serto, combined with his strenuous position Javeed felt his wand growing hard. He tried fighting it, but the entire situation was too much to bare. He let out a small moan as he once again shifted in the ropes that held his body captive.

Serto picked up on this moan, the same tone he had heard whilst carrying the youth over his shoulder. Then he noted what was happening. Serto flashed back to the nights with the pirate captain, he would get tied down and almost involuntarily his body would respond, ready to please the captain, a fit young stud for his use.

The ropes were stimulating Javeeds body, with every passing minute Serto realised how alike they were.

Perhaps, there was one more likeness, Serto leaned in and kissed Javeeds neck. That same little moan was more than enough confirmation.

He thrust his right hand into Javeeds pants and grabbed a nipple with his left hand, he attacked Javeeds bound body with fervour. His eyes he locked onto the young green saucers looking at him with longing.

“Sapite” muttered Serto, trying to get the gag out of Javeeds mouth, but it didn’t budge, he tugged it at lightly, frustrated, while still pumping Javeeds cock. He craved those luscious lips.

Javeed moaned and groaned into the vine, his eyes rolling back into his head as he felt the tension releasing that has been building up for four days.

Serto felt Javeeds body quiver, his muscles tensed. The bound man bucked as much as he could, and shot his load.

Javeed opened his eyes and was staring into Serto’s blue ones, they were no longer cold but now revitalising. They formed something new tonight, something more than captor and captive. He could see it in Serto’s eyes.
Last edited by MountainMan_91 2 years ago, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Charmides »

Many congrats to you, [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention]! Sinister cults, capturing and indoctrinating young men... can't wait to see the bondage possibilities that come out of this! Great first installment, and I'm super looking forward to the next chapter. (The flashback-framework is really interesting; it looks like the younger Javeed is playing out the classic Campbell hero's journey, while the older Javeed is thrust into a story that's a little more grizzled and subversive.)

And thanks kindly for the shout-out, my friend; I'm flattered that you're enjoying my writing, and the feeling is very much mutual. It takes a lot of work to write these world-building-heavy stories, and I can promise that your efforts aren't lost on your readers. Wonderful start.
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Last edited by MountainMan_91 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Fantasy's not my bag. But this is s good, pacey start that, unlike some of its oevre, does not just seem to be obscurantism for it's own sake. I assume, rightly or wrongly, that you already have a strong idea of how your universe works. I look forward to seeing how you maintain the consistency without too much deus ex machina being called upon.

Write on!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm really liking the worldbuilding in here, it's nice seeing fantasy themed TUG stories around.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Thanks for the comments gents.

Yeah keeping the rules consistent is the key.

I am really enjoying writing this one...

I hope I can get another chapter out soon.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Nice update! Great to see older men getting bondage treatment for a change.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's great that you still continue this. This is one of the best stories on this site. It's a shame it isn't more popular.

I wonder how poor Javeed will escape, his kidnappers seem relentless. Also, Oliver getting captured after being so arrogant was very satisfying to read.

Excellent update, overall. Kudos!
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Post by Charmides »

So glad to see that you update this, MountainMan! I'm really sorry that I've taken so long to get caught up on it, but it's a fantastic read. The non-linear style is admirably ambitious, and you pull it off super well; and not for nothing, but the bondage is excellent. (And it's really interesting to see Oliver start to reckon with his sexual feelings, especially since we don't exactly know yet what this world's attitude is toward any non-straight orientation, save for that scene with Javeed in the brothel -- very curious to see where that goes!) Can't wait to keep reading.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Wow, I wasn't expecting this development for Serto but I'm impressed. The parallels between him and Javeed added a new dynamic to relationship and the last scene was super hot.

Despite the exposition, there is still an air of mystery around the plot and setting which I adore. Great stuff, as always, man. Keep it up!
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Post by Charmides »

Such fantastic work here, pal! Really enjoying this. And I agree with DTR, Javeed's developing dynamic with Serto is one of the highlights of the story for me. Your use of intrigue and magic, as well as the way you integrate bondage, really make this story one of a kind. Can't wait to keep reading!
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I decided to rework this story a little bit. I removed some of the chapters that took place in a different timeline and decided to focus on one story first then delve into the others.

You can read the first four chapters in the first post, and here is a little update.

Chapter 5: Home

Javeed felt his body growing stronger, with every tug at his rope prison, the binds felt weaker. This had to mean they were getting closer to the dark castle, closer to his dark destiny.

In the past days the thick forest had given way to desolate black wasteland. There was absolutely nothing but black sand and thick black smoke. Serto and Thresh had their leather masks covering the lower half of their faces to filter the smoke from their breathing but they had made no such courtesy for their captive.

Javeed breathed in thick air through his nose and the little bits of air that came into his mouth past the rope gag. From the day that he and Serto shared intimacy his treatment had bettered with every passing day. He was even allowed to eat three times a day.

His body was still wrapped in Thresh’s living ropes. With just a wave of the finger Thresh would change his bound predicament. Once while Javeed was still walking the ropes wrapped his ankles together and he toppled forward into the dirt, getting his wind knocked out. His handlers had a good laugh and then Serto helped him up.

Another time in the night while Javeed was sleeping he was awakened to the feeling of the rope sliding between his butt cheeks and around the base of his manhood. It was pulled tight and connected to his wrists. For the rest of the night whenever he moved he would be tugging at his wand. By dawn he had managed to get himself off. He still wasn’t sure if that specific incident was a sadistic torture from Thresh or a helping hand from Serto.

But here in the thick smoke he was struggling to breathe and he trudged along, dreading what the future held in store for him.

He coughed, it felt like the smoke was getting even thicker, it was. He could barely see a few feet ahead of him.

And then he felt his body pass through a magical barrier and he stumbled out of the thick air and beheld the dark castle. The sight overwhelmed Javeed. It looked like the huge peaks of the mountains that rimmed the world, before him were immense black walls that looked smooth like glass and reaching into the dark clouds above menacing towers with ragged spires.

A door opened seemingly from nowhere in the smooth wall and the trio walked in.

Serto turned around, “Almost home my prince.”

As he said this he pulled out a black leather hood and started pulling it over Javeeds head. Javeed stepped back feeling claustrophobia take over. His face was pressed up against the leather, and he felt Serto pull something tight behind him as he felt the leather hugging around his head. “We don’t want you to know the way out my prince. In case you get some ideas.”

“Mmmmppphhh.” Javeed protested and stepped back again. He was so confused. His body was telling him he was where he belonged, he could literally feel the power start coursing through his veins. But his mind was fighting against the unknown, against the promise of unmatched power. He knew he would be a pawn to the darkness.

There was one positive sliver to the leather hood, at least his captors didn’t see the tears start flowing.

Being blinded was horrible, Javeed gave yet another retreating step but this time stepped right into Serto’s embrace.

“It’s ok my prince. I am here. I will be there for every step of your new life. I am going to guide you into your destiny.” Serto gave Javeed’s bicep a small squeeze, this wasn’t a threatening or dominating squueze but rather a comforting touch.

Javeed felt his heart beat a little slower. There was something inside that trusted Serto and he gave in to the strong man’s grip, allowing Serto to lead him down the corridors.

There was absolutely no way for Javeed to know where he was, his world had shrunk to only the black embrace of the leather hood.

He heard a heavy door opening as they walked into a room which felt very different from the corridors, this room had some warmth to it.

Serto pulled off the hood.

Javeed blinked his eyes getting used to the red glow of a fire.

“Welcome child.” a deep voice spoke from a chair that was facing the fire, all Javeed could see was the silhouette of the chair. “Come closer.”

Javeed looked up at Serto, partly to find out if it was safe and partly to ask for permission. Javeed couldn’t comprehend why he needed confirmation from the man that had ended his life as he knew it, but it felt right.

Javeed slowly walked over to the fire place, as he came around the chair and saw the face of the man sitting in the chair he was shocked.

The man looked like any other man that might be living in his hometown Parith. Dressed in regular slightly stylish and flamboyant clothes, he could have been Gerhald from next door, and in fact he started to look even more like Gerhald with every passing moment.

“Does this face ease your worry child?”

What he meant Javeed did not understand, but it did feel good to look into familiar eyes.

“I can see you are frightened and confused. We will let you rest shortly, first lets get that gag out of your mouth.” the man lifted a finger indicating to Serto to remove Javeeds gag. Serto complied. “And the bindings Thresh.”

Javeed felt freedom return to his limbs as the ruthless ropes receded from his body and slithered back to Thresh.

The man that looked like Gerhald stood up and walked over to Javeed, “You are finally home my child.”
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's great that you're continuing this story! I'm really curious about what will happen to Javeed next!
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Post by dahanband »

Woooooooow, it was great.
I came back after a long time and enjoyed reading it!
Please write the rest of the story sooner, I can't wait.
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Post by dahanband »

When will you send the rest of the story?
Please write a long handgag for Javeed.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] and [mention]dahanband[/mention] here is another chapter...

thanks for the reviews and the suggestions...


Chapter 6: The Shadow King

Javeed looked into the eyes of his old neighbor as Gerhald opened his arms for an embrace.

Javeed found himself stepping forward into it. The embrace was amazing, it felt warm and comfortable. Javeed found himself latching on to Gerhald, sobbing quietly as he remembered about his dad.


Javeed pushed the man away that was holding him in an embrace. “You aren’t Gerhald!”

In an instant the mans features changed to reveal his true self, a grey skin with red tattoos where Serto had blue ones.

Javeed started formulating a spell, “Esto o…”

The man grabbed Javeeds jaw in his hand and pushed him back against the wall. Javeed was now handgagged trapped between the man’s hand and the wall.

Javeed’s hands grabbed the guys arm trying to pry himself loose. “Mmmmmppphhhh.” Javeed screamed into the handgag, thrashing and beating at the man before him.

His assailant remained calm and simply smiled.

“Mmmpppp, ghhhjehrr” Javeed tried formulating a spell but any wards escaping his mouth were smothered by the bony hand.

“Well, well. He really is a fighter isn’t he.”

Javeed had managed to get a grip on the man’s hand and was using all of his might to try and pry it off his face. He managed to shift it ever so slightly, the man’s smile turned into a smirk.

“And strong too. Thresh, you can bind him again.”

Javeed felt the rope prison return, his wrists were pulled behind his back and wrapped up in a box tie, each wrist tied to the opposite elbow and ropes wrapped around his entire forearms.

More ropes slithered and formed a chest harness securing Javeed’s arms to his torso.

Another rope wrapped itself around Javeeds ankles and kept wrapping till his legs were encased from ankles to waist. To add to the insult Javeed felt the familiar rope wrapping around the base of his cock and sliding up between his butt cheeks.

Javeeds eyes were locked onto the man that was still holding him in a handgag trapped against the wall.

“Javeed descendent of both Harothmere and Jodier Shadowhand, you are here to bring the shadows into the world, to snuff out the light and to allow us, your family, to reign supreme.”

“Mmmpphhhhh” Javeed shouted into his assailants hand.

The man waved his wrist and the small room that they were in transformed into an immense hall, with huge black archways and an impressive black glass throne.

“Og termi tu posti.” the man spoke and Javeed felt something strong and slimy wrapping around his head, sealing his lips together. The man released Javeed from his handgag and Javeed fell to the floor.

“I am Shade, emperor regent of the shadowhands, and you will fulfill your destiny boy.” Shade waved his hand “Seri op ot togre” and Javeed was dragged across the black marble floor by an invisible force.

Shade walked to the throne dragging Javeed along. When they reached the throne, Shade didn’t take his regular seat, instead he picked Javeed up and placed him in the throne.

Javeed was surprised, and even more so when Shade went down on his knee.

“The Shadow King has returned.”

Javeed looked across at Serto and Thresh, they too were on their knees. And then Javeed started seeing dark figures appearing throughout the large hall, all of them dressed in black and all of them going down on their knees.

Shade looked up at Javeed. “Crus ti et ops tu lang.”

Thick black ropes shot out from the ground around the throne that Javeed was sitting in.

The ropes wrapped themselves around his body and the chair, securing his legs to the throne, then he felt more ropes reaching around his torso pinning him to the back of the chair. This was very uncomfortable with his arms pulled back to the degree they were.

Lastly a rope wrapped around Javeed’s neck and again around his forehead, trapping even his head against the chair, he could only move his eyes.

“Long live the Shadow King!” Shouted Shade as he stood up thrusting his fist into the air.

Shouts and cheers rose from the crowd gathered in the throne room.

Shade turned back to Javeed, “This could have looked very different if you just went along with your destiny.”

Javeed screamed into his slime gag, but the gag silenced him entirely, not a sound escaped. Javeed strained his entire body, but there was almost no movement.

He sighed, defeated, as he closed his eyes he started thrashing in his prison but no budge.

Shade leaned in whispering, “Good, show them you are a fake, a weakling, then I can take control again. And this time I won’t hold back. You don’t need to be willing to be part of the ritual, all I need is your heart.”

Shade placed his hand on Javeed’s chest.

Javeed felt it beating faster and fatser, he shouted into his gag, but silence.

“Shade, perhaps we should take the boy to his quarters?” Serto’s deep voice, broke the tension that Shade had built, and Shade let go of Javeed’s chest.

Javeed looked at Serto with begging eyes, but it did nothing. Serto just ignored him.

“Perhaps, he will see things differently tomorrow?”

“Fine. Just make sure he isn’t too comfortable.” Shade waved his hand and the ropes pinning Javeed to the chair withered away.

Serto picked Javeed up over his shoulder.

This position felt oddly comforting to Javeed, as he was carried out of the throne room, cheers and shouts still rising from the crowd.

The last thing Javeed saw was the sinister smile of Shade as the large doors slammed shut.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really exciting to see where the title comes from. :D

Javeed's bondage in this chapter was also amazing, there's no way he's getting out of it without help.
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Post by gag1195 »

Loving this reboot! Your details and descriptions are so good! and poor Javeed! he's been through so much and I have no doubt he has more to endure! Looking forward to more!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Hey [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] thanks for reading.

A change of pace for this story... I hope it's good. :)

Chapter 7: The Shadow King's Ward
Serto carried Javeed away through corridors and up a spiraling staircase.

They finally reached the top and Serto opened a heavy oak and metal door, it screeched on it’s hinges and Javeed felt a cold ripple through his body at the sound.

Serto placed Javeed on the ground, his bondage just as relentless as the day they took him away from his life.

Javeed looked around the room. It was empty, only a single chain attached to the wall in the back.

Serto picked up the loose end of the chain and walked back to Javeed. He pulled out a lock and attached the chain to Javeed’s collar that he had almost forgotten about.

“mmmmpppp mmmaaaaa sssghhhh” mumbled Javeed into his gag. How could they be treating him like this if he was their king! Surely their king deserved respect and dignity.

Serto walked to the door and looked back at Javeed, his body in a cocoon of ropes, his face gagged with a slimy black substance and his thick metal collar attached to the wall with a chain.

“If you accept your destiny all of this can change my King.” Serto started closing the door…

Javeed let out a genuine frightened and frantic whimper into his gag, almost inaudible, but Serto heard it, and he froze.

Javeed heard the door shut, but to his relief and surprise Serto was still in the room. Serto removed his coat and draped it over Javeed’s almost naked body, then took a seat on the ground close to the door, resting his back against the wall.

“I can’t remove Shades gag my King, just like Thresh’s ropes the gag has a master. But I will be at your side always, I will protect you and serve you. I…” Javeed saw Serto leaning his head back against the wall, “I wish the circumstances were different my King. And when I set out a few weeks ago to capture you I would have never thought this was possible, but you have reawakened me, bringing me back to my past. Reminding me of who I was. I see myself in you. And I want to spare you the life that I had to go through. So I vow my life to you. My life and my heart.”

Javeed was grateful for Serto, a warm feeling growing in his chest. The two of them had definitely bonded on the journey to the castle so Serto’s vow wasn’t a surprise but still Javeed was slightly shocked. Shocked and wiped out.

Despite his uncomfortable prison and being on the floor he soon fell asleep with his newly acquired ward watching over him.


Javeed was startled awake by the hinges screaming as the heavy door opened.

His body ached and he felt a little cold even with Serto’s coat draped over him. His mind was quick and he forced his body to remain motionless, hoping whomever it was that walked in would think he is still asleep.

“Shade is looking for you.” Javeed recognized Thresh’s voice.

“Then he can search all he wants, I’m not his servant, and neither are you Thresh. Don’t you see. With the Shadow King here, Shade is no longer in control. The power has shifted, we can…”

Thresh interrupted Serto, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed your affection for the prisoner Serto. And do not mistake my silence of the matter to be support. You know as well as I what needs to happen. You know the end of the road he needs to take. You are making things worse for yourself by denying his destiny.”

“Thresh, he is our rightful ruler!”

“But he is also the key to us being released from the shadows!”

“A ruler or a savior. Shouldn’t he get to choose.”

“Enough!!” Javeed opened his eyes slightly, as the room fell into silence, trying to see what was happening, Thresh had forced Serto against the wall, “Shade has summoned you, you will obey or else.”

“Or else?” asked Serto…

Javeed felt a loop of Thresh’s ropes circle around his neck and he started struggling, he felt it grow tighter and tighter, he moaned into his gag. Javeed also felt his ankles being pulled up toward where his wrists were bound, he was being pulled into an extremely tight hogtie. His back arched and his body quivered at the new stress.

“Or else your little boy will feel your disobedience.”

Javeed looked at Serto, trying to hide the pain and fear that was very clearly written across his face.

Serto clenched his fist ready to strike Thresh, but sighed and resorted to grabbing his coat from Javeed’s body, exposing Javeed to the cold air. Serto didn’t even look at Javeed as he walked out of the room.

“Now… young King. What fun shall we have.” Thresh had a smile spread across his face as he pulled back the dark hood. “A little bit of this?” he waved his fingers and the hogtie rope pulled even tighter.

Javeed whimpered into his gag.

“Or a little bit of this?” the rope around Javeeds throat pulled tighter, it started cutting off air.

Javeed writhed in his bonds screaming into his gag, feeling his lungs burn for fresh air. He closed his eyes trying to focus on staying alive, then he heard it… Serto’s voice!

“Free him right now!” Javeed opened his eyes. Serto was standing next to Thresh, a black liquid-like blade in his hand, it’s tip resting on Thresh’s neck. “One move and I slit you open! Call off your ropes.”

“You will regret this Serto! How will you ever escape the castle. It’s never been done!”

“There is always a first time. Now free him.” Serto pressed the tip of his blade into Thresh’s neck drawing some blood.

Thresh waved his hands and Javeed felt every inch of the ropes retreat from his body.

“Now have them bind you.” Serto did not move his blade which was threatening Thresh's life.

Thresh had his ropes crawl onto his own body. His ankles were roped together as well as his knees and thighs, the tight leather suit he was wearing allowed Javeed to watch the ropes encircling his captor. His chest and arms were wrapped next, forming a strong chest harness wrapping his upper arms tight and securing his wrists behind his back.

Javeed got up from the ground tugging at his gag and the chain securing him to the wall.

“Get the fingers tied down,” instructed Serto. Javeed guessed that as long as Thresh had his fingers mobile and his mouth open he would get free easily.

“Es ek te or.” Thresh spoke and his hands were balled up and wrapped in rope.

Serto grabbed a piece of Thresh’s tunic and cut it off forcing it into Thresh’s mouth, “Gu tek si al et.” a small ball formed between Thresh’s teeth and a strip tied tightly behind his head, silencing Thresh.

Serto walked over to Javeed, “That gag will have to be dealt with later we need to escape right now.” Javeed nodded his head that he understood, Serto unlocked the chain and the collar from Javeeds neck.

Javeed relished his freedom, for the first time in days he could move freely, he followed Serto out of the room, pulling the door shut. Javeed looked through the closing door, watching Thresh start to struggle against his own ropes.

They sneaked down the spiral staircase and into the hallways.

Javeed looked at his rescuer in front of him and followed closely. He wished his mouth was free so that he could kiss the man that saved him! And so that he could use magic to help them get out of here…

A loud boom erupted from somewhere inside the castle, and a voice echoed through all the corridors, it was Shade’s voice.

“I will find you traitor. You and your Shadow King will never escape this castle!”
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