Unexpected adventure (M/FF)

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Unexpected adventure (M/FF)

Post by GirlBondage »

Hello, my name is Patty and like many other girls at a young age I go to the disco every weekend to dance with my friend Becci, have a drink, maybe meet a nice boy or just have a nice evening.

Maybe I should introduce ourselves to you at this point. I have green eyes and shoulder-length curly brown hair. I weigh around 50kg and am 1.63m tall. So I'm slim, but I still have larger than average breasts. Becci also has brown but straight shoulder-length hair. She has blue eyes and is 1.75 m tall. In terms of figure, Becci is a bit curvier, but that suits her very well.
That evening, Becci wore a red dress that reached mid-thigh height. She wore transparent tights and sneakers with the dress. I was dressed a little more daring with a top, a short skirt and purple leggings underneath.

After the evening in the disco was pretty uneventful for the two of us for the first hour and a half, Becci was approached by a boy who was drinking and having fun with his friends at the bar when he got another drink. Because Becci didn't come back so quickly, I decided to go over to them. I quickly noticed that the boy was talking to Becci without serious intentions and making subliminal fun of her. Meanwhile, one of his friends, who later introduced himself as Henry, smiled at me and bought me a drink. Henry was more the appearance of a boy than a man, but he was funny and always knew how to make me laugh. So another two hours passed in which we talked and shortly before we had to leave to get the last train home we also kissed.
Finally, I asked Henry for his phone number but he didn't want to give it to me. He said that he and his friends were here more often and that we could meet again here at the disco.

I left the disco with Becci, a little disappointed about the missed chance, to make our way home. We had to take the subway a few stops and then change to a local train to go to the neighboring town to the north. When we arrived at the subway stop, we were shocked to find that the subway was delayed and that the punctual arrival of the local train was endangered.
After waiting twelve minutes and dwindling hope of catching our local train in time, Henry and his friends stepped onto the platform. He smiled when he saw me and said, visibly amused, that we met again sooner than expected. The next subway came and we drove together to the stop where we had to change trains.

To our surprise, Henry got out with us while his friends continued on the subway. We asked Henry where he had to go and it turned out that he had to go in the same direction as us. He just didn't have to go as far as we did and that seemed to be the reason why he wasn't informed about the departure time of the local train or was not worried about missing the train.

We informed Henry that the next train would not leave for an hour, whereupon Henry indicated that he would take a taxi. At Henry's home the price for the taxi was still quite moderate, but in the neighboring town it would be too expensive for us and we decided to wait.
Henry then made us the offer to stay with him. Becci declined the offer with thanks and although I found Henry really courteous and attractive it was actually much too early and too sudden for me to stay with him.

Henry tried to persuade us by arguing that it was way too cold out here and that he would be a good host. Becci and I started thinking and when Henry stopped a taxi Becci gave me her okay. We got into the taxi with Henry and drove to his house.
Henry lived in a settlement a few yards off the main road. To get to his house, we had to walk down a dark, narrow path. Henry led us because you could hardly see anything and said that the settlement was private and that there was lighting, but nobody could be found who would pay the electricity for it.

While we were walking down the path, Becci made the remark that we were about to be tied up somewhere in his house, but with a slight uncertainty. That didn't escape Henry either, which is why he asked Becci whether it was her fear or her secret wish to be tied up. Becci answered in an unsteady voice and asked the other question who would like to be tied up, to which Henry again replied that people are very diverse and there are definitely people who like to be tied up.

We finally got to Henry's front door and went inside. Henry let us take off our jackets and shoes in the wardrobe and we followed him into the room where he immediately began to make a second duvet.
I smiled at Henry because I loved the way he did it. He smiled back and probably took it as an invitation to come over to me. I didn't mind because Henry was really charming and I would have preferred to kiss him longer at the disco. We hugged and kissed deeper than we could in the disco.

Becci has meanwhile sat on the edge of the bed and was a little lost between us. Henry didn't miss it either, which is why he let go of me and sat down on the edge of the bed next to Becci. He asked Becci what he could do for her to make her feel comfortable. Henry suggested Becci be able to turn on the TV or he asked her if she would like another drink. Before she could answer, Henry moved his mouth to Becci’s ear and half-whispered the question: "Or do you want to be tied up".

Without waiting for an answer, Henry opened the drawer under his and revealed a multitude of brightly colored cotton ropes. We made big eyes and Becci just stammered something to himself. Henry took little notice of this and grabbed a shorter piece of the red cotton rope. "Come on I'll show you how to do it. Don't worry, I'll do it professionally, ”said Henry and asked Becci to turn her back a little to him. "If I didn't know better, then I would say that it was your fantasy of being tied up just in front of the door that spoke out of you," added Henry and used his arms to turn the petrified Becci towards him.

Henry grabbed Becci’s arms, which were lying on her thighs in front of her, and wanted to pull her past her left and right onto her back. Becci struggled a bit now by keeping her hands on her thighs with a little effort. Henry turned to me now and smiled at me. I was as petrified as Becci and didn't even know what to say. Henry took advantage of my speechlessness and said to Becci that Patty was just as excited as you. I have to admit that I didn't know what to do. On the one hand we were in a stranger's house and the stranger Henry wanted to tie up my girlfriend. On the other hand, I was so excited and wanted to know what would happen now.

Henry increased the force on Becci and Becci finally gave in and put her hands behind her back. He didn't do it with force, but with a self-confidence that impressed me. Henry crossed Becci’s wrists and looped the doubled rope twice horizontally around her wrists, before passing it through the loop and now looping the rope twice vertically around her wrists. On the side of Becci’s hand, he knotted the rope with one of the horizontal ropes and Becci’s hands were tied.

"Come closer, Patty, I'll explain how to do it," said Henry and I sat down on the bed behind Becci. “We will now put a harness made of ropes around the upper body of Becci. The harness is supposed to take away the freedom of movement of the Becci in order to possibly fight his way free ”explained Henry and took a long piece of red cotton rope.

Henry took the long rope twice and looped it twice around her upper body just below Becci‘s breasts, so that four layers of rope were wrapped around her upper body. He pulled the rope taut so that the loop of the rope was centered on Becci’s back and repeated the whole thing above Becci’s breasts. After Henry threaded the rope through the loop at the other end of the rope, he used the rest of the rope to secure the ropes around Becci’s upper arms, as Henry explained. He stuck the rope between the two ropes and between the upper body and upper arm on the left side and forward and then led the rope over Becci’s left shoulder behind her neck. From behind Becci’s neck, Henry led the rope back onto his back in the same meadow on the right side. Once again threaded through the loop, Henry led the rope to Becci's right side in order to put the rope through again between Becci's upper arm and upper body, wrap it around the lower chest rope and then lead the rope over Becci's back and repeat this on the left side . Henry knotted the rope in the middle of Becci’s back and, to my amazement, immediately took another rope. Henry saw my astonishment and explained to me that it would be better to also cuff Becci’s hands to her body.

With every further restraint, my interest in the technique of restraint increased and Becci seemed to be sitting there full of anticipation and waiting to see what else would happen. Henry took this rope twice again and threaded the loop through the rope behind Becci’s neck. He pulled the long ends of the rope through the loop so that the rope was already attached to the rope on one side behind Becci’s neck. Next, Henry led the rope down Becci’s back to wrap it around the ropes of Becci’s upper body bondage and then to knot it.

Next he led the rope down to Becci’s wrists in order to thread it through the rope that ties Becci’s wrists. Henry next led the rope three times in opposite directions around Becci’s belly before he knotted the two ends of the rope in front of Becci’s belly. To do this, Henry had to hug Becci from behind. When tying the rope in front of Becci’s stomach, Henry’s chin rested on Becci’s shoulder and his cheek rested against Becci’s cheek. It seemed as if Becci was snuggling her cheek against Henry’s cheek, which Henry didn’t miss, so he asked Becci if she liked it.
Becci looked a bit embarrassed at the question and her answer was only an approving noise. Henry smiled and turned back to me. “Come help me Patty. Let's put Becci in the corner by the wall so she can lean on, ”said Henry and that sounded logical to me. We helped Becci, who could also push her legs off, to sit in the corner on the bed.
“We'll be finished soon Becci. Let's just immobilize your feet ”smiled Henry and grabbed another rope. He took Becci’s legs covered in nylons and sat her cross-legged. He wound the double rope three times around her opposite ankles and then again between her ankles to then knot it.
He led the rest of the rope to the rope that wrapped around Becci’s stomach. He pushed Becci’s feet a little further in the direction of her crotch and knotted the rope in front of her stomach. Becci was now sitting cross-legged with her hands tied behind her back in the corner of Henry's bed and I had to admit that I found the sight of Becci tied up very exciting.
Henry asked Becci if everything was pleasant and Becci said yes. "Well, then I can turn to the Patty again," smiled Henry Becci and then turned to me to pull me close, to hug and kiss me. I found Henry's approach a bit brash, but I didn't really mind either, so we kissed passionately.

After a few minutes, Becci was feigned annoyance about having to shovel Henry and me up while smooching. Henry then reached into the drawer under his bed and took out a red ball gag and presented it to me with a smile and asked if I wanted to calm my girlfriend down. I laughed too and took the red ball gag to gag Becci.
I sat down in front of Becci and asked her to open her mouth. Becci didn't open her mouth immediately, but with a little pressure I was able to push the gag into her mouth and then close the straps behind Becci’s head.

Henry and I continued to smooch and occasionally looked over at Becci to laugh at her helpless situation. Henry suggested I let him scratch my head. I thought the idea was great and came Henry’s request to lie on my stomach after me. Henry sat on me and went to work scratching me. Henry did really well and after a few minutes I was completely relaxed and in a twilight state when suddenly Becci started to protest in the ball gag.
I wasn't quite back to myself yet when my right hand was already handcuffed on my back and the left hand was already pulled onto my back. I didn't manage to build up the necessary strength in time to defend myself and had to feel so helplessly as my other hand was enclosed in a handcuff.

I tried to pull my hands apart in reflex, but it was too late. I was now also tied up and felt hot and cold at the same time. "Hey don't tie me up" I said excitedly and also Becci mmmpppfff in her gag and made wild movements in her bonds.
Henry said in a cheerful voice that we should relax and that it would be much more exciting when we were both helpless, while Henry also pressed a ball gag into my mouth. I protested a little but Henry continued undeterred by placing my ankles in ankle cuffs and then tying the long chain of ankle cuffs with a small padlock to my handcuffs in a hogtie. He then took a second small padlock to tie the chain of my ankle cuffs tightly together.

It was clear to me that I could no longer free myself from handcuffs and anklecuffs and Becci’s resistance to the shackles has also subsided again. Becci and I let ourselves be helplessly tied up by a strange boy whom we just met that evening and were now completely at his mercy.
Henry knew how to take our fear away and talked to us. He said that it was just a big adventure for us and that we would soon be freed again and that with his passion for bondage it would be very nice for him to have two prisoners. He told us that he would free us again immediately if we wanted to, but also that he would be very grateful if we would play along.

Henry seemed very trustworthy to us with his charming manner and so we calmed down again. Without getting an answer, Henry said "Great", Becci kissed me on the cheek in thanks and kissed me on my gagged mouth.
Henry grabbed another bundle of yellow cotton ropes and said that the Becci would surely also want to see how someone really tied up with ropes and that it would certainly not be pleasant to be handcuffed and anklecuffed. With Becci, trust in Henry has triumphed over her fear and so I saw her smile with her eyes when I was about to be tied up with ropes.

First, however, Henry took a scarf and cuffed my elbows with it. Another cloth was placed in the middle behind the neck. The two ends of the cloth were placed over my shoulders and then brought back through my armpits onto my back. There the ends of the second cloth were passed through the first cloth and from there the ends of the cloth were pulled up to my neck, tightened and knotted.
Henry explained to Becci that the elbow restraint with the cloths was only temporary and that it made it easier for him to cuff my wrists. Next, Henry took a shorter rope and sat behind my upturned feet and undid the ankle cuffs. I didn't resist and had Henry tie my feet together in parallel.

Next he took a second rope and turned to my wrists. He released the handcuffs and crossed my arms parallel to each other and tied my hands with the rope.
He straightened me up and helped me to sit on the edge of the bed so that Becci could see me well. Then he took another long yellow cotton rope and tied my upper body under Beeci's tense eyes just as he tied hers. Becci had to look at how I was being tied up bit by bit and she seemed to like this sight.

The slight difference to her bondage was that my hands were not tied crosswise, but parallel crossed and that there was no rope around my stomach. For this, my hands were tied to the upper body rope harness, which ensured that my hands were pulled up a little. Finally, Henry helped me to lie on my stomach in bed and completed the bondage by tying my feet with the upper body rope harness and me again in a hogtie.

Well, that would be done, said Henry happily and asked Becci how she liked to see Patty lying there tied up. Becci nodded satisfied and I also had to realize that it feels strangely good to be so tied up and at the mercy.
Henry rolled me on my side and lay down next to me to cuddle with me, kiss me and rub his nose against mine. When Henry pressed his pelvis against my pelvis, I couldn't help but rub my pelvis rhythmically against his pelvis. "Mmmmhhh, you like that," said Henry and let go of me to get an MP3 player.
"I'll take care of Becci for a moment so that she doesn't get bored," he said and put the headphones in my ears. To keep the headphones safe and at the same time to block my view, Henry blindfolded my eyes with his handkerchief. He made me a playlist with a cozy skirt and left me there for now.

I wondered what he was going to do with Becci and got a bad feeling, but as it turned out later, Henry was thoroughly courteous. I only know everything Henry did with Becci because Becci told me about it later. I was lying there blindfolded and listening to my ears.
Henry asked Becci if she would like to have fun too and presented her with a vibrator. “I would like to have some fun with your friend Patty, and she certainly with me too. You don't necessarily have to watch us do it, so I would like to blindfold you too. Give us half an hour and I'll set you free again. Would you like me to tie the vibrator between your legs for the time being? Don't worry, I just noticed when you snuggled your cheek against mine that you like bondage, "Henry whispered in Becci’s ear and then smiled at her.

Becci nodded and Henry switched on the vibrator and played with it a little between Becci’s legs to give her a little taste. Becci groaned in satisfaction, which Henry took as a signal that she liked it. Henry grabbed a thinner rope and tied it around the spherical head of the vibrator so that the two ends of the rope were exposed. Henry searched for Becci’s vagina with the vibrator before tying one end of the rope to the knot in front of Becci’s stomach. He playfully led the other end of the rope through Becci’s crotch and under her buttocks to the wrist cuffs, where he also fastened it. That already caused Becci to moan into her gag.

The vibrator was now firmly fixed in front of Becci’s vagina and was only separated by her pantyhose and underpants. Henry now took the headphones from me to put them in Becci’s ears and after he had blindfolded her, he switched on the vibrator. Becci began to moan and move on the ropes with pleasure.
Henry took the gag off me and asked me how I was doing. I said I was fine and asked what he did with Becci. I heard Becci’s moan and the buzzing of the vibrator so I answered the question myself by asking him with a smile if it was a vibrator.
Henry said yes and said that Becci agreed that we should have another half an hour. We kissed passionately before he asked me if I would like sex. I nodded. But asked that Henry use a condom. Henry took off the blindfold and presented me with a condom. Henry probably wanted to strengthen my trust in him and he did, because that way I could see that he was really using a condom.

Now I could also see Becci how she sat there moaning and moaning to herself and writhing on the ropes with pleasure. Her drool ran down her dress in a thick thread from her gagged mouth. Henry saw that too. Smiled at me and took a tissue to wipe off Becci the drool.
But first we have to take your clothes off, Henry noticed and released me from my hogtie before he also untied my feet. Henry rolled me onto my back and put my feet on his shoulders. He opened my skirt and then pulled my skirt, leggings and panties down my legs. I helped him by lifting my buttocks.

Now Henry undressed. He put on the condom and then came over me. We had beautiful cuddle sex. Usually it is not easy for me to orgasm, but the ropes were somehow miraculously liberating. I didn't feel any pressure and although I was lying on my tied hands it was somehow not too uncomfortable.
After sex, Henry released me without prompting and I got dressed again. Henry said he was tired and asked me if I could free Becci. Becci was still sitting there moaning and her drool was already pouring out of her mouth. I undid her blindfold and smiled at her. She blushed when she came to from her dream. I loosened her gag and took the headphones out of my ears. "How was it Becci?" I asked and Becci replied that it was nice.
I had a little trouble finding the knots and it took me a while to get Becci free. Henry watched me with interest and seemed pleased with my clumsiness.
When Becci was free she lay down exhausted and tired. I cuddled with Henry before we fell asleep.
When Becci and I woke up, Henry was still asleep. I decided to leave him a note with my number on it. When we left his house we were glad that this adventure turned out well for us and at the same time we were overjoyed about this great experience.
Becci bought ropes for herself and we practiced tying each other up.

Here are the links to my other stories

Fictional Stories For Everyone

Involuntary pyjama bondage video night (FF/ff)
Be careful how you treat your admirer (m/f)
My daughter Vanessa tricked (FF/ff)
Overnight stay with my girlfriend Jessica (F/F)
A weekend with the clique in the green (??/fff)
Tied up and fixed in the trunk (F/F)
Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)
A victim to cuddle (F/F)
3 against 3 bondage fight on the playground (FFF/FFF)
In a roundabout way to happiness (m/f)

Fictional Stories For Adults

Unexpected adventure (M/FF)
The feeling of being captivated can move mountains (M/F)
Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)
The Living Mannequin (FF/F)
Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

True Stories for Adults

Bondage Wrestling/Sex (M/F)
Nylon Encasement Sex in Tights (M/F)
Last edited by GirlBondage 1 year ago, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by DioA »

Wow, great story. I love the pacing, how it was so conseunal in a realistic way, and how Catty and Becci ended with a newfound hobby. I must ask - what doe the two women do when tying the other up? Is there even a need for a third person?
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Post by GreyLord »

That is a good tale, [mention]GirlBondage[/mention]. You provided excellent detail and brought the story along to a natural breaking place. You could continue with additional chapters if you wished and I would certainly be supportive of that.
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Post by slackywacky »

Good read. Would certainly be in for more chapters, as [mention]GreyLord[/mention] already stated.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by BoundJana »

A truly wonderfully written story, I especially enjoyed the great detail in which you described the progress of getting tied up ^-^
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by MrBind »

Another great story!
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Post by GirlBondage »

Thank you for the positive reviews : )

It is difficult for me to continue this story, because it is partly based on a true story and in reality there was no continuation.
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Post by tickletied84 »

It's a great story, and lots going on! Shame there's no more stories - but as you write well am sure you could 'adjust' the characters for a fictional one too!
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Post by Rtj65 »

This is a really fun, hot story - thank you for sharing!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by masha7 »

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Post by jafib »

Really nice one!
I personally would appreciate some subheadings for orientation but the content is great.
Meet Jessica in the Garage, Alica the baby-sitter, Phillip tieing up teen girls
Adult Stories: Naughty Tamara, Josefine the Model (all M/F)

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Post by GirlBondage »

jafib wrote: 1 week ago Really nice one!
I personally would appreciate some subheadings for orientation but the content is great.
Thank you very much. I think one or two things are unfortunately broken in the translation. When I do my picture stories, I choose the words a little more specifically, but I have translated the long texts more according to the Pareto principle : )
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