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Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:35 am
by Bandit666
Does your imagination and writing skills know no bounds. (No pun intended). Just when I think it’s cant get any better or more interesting along comes a couple of updates that prove me wrong.

Thanks for another awesome story wolfman

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:29 am
by wolfman
Steve lays down his fork after finishing his steak and eggs and takes a sip of water.  He smiles, as he sees Dani and Sasha chatting to each other and giggling, over platefuls of food. "I am so very proud of you two. I regret not getting to know you sooner." He thinks, letting his smile falter, "I wish I had known all of them."

He squeezes Louise's hand under the table and looks lovingly at his wife, "I wish we could have children together. She is so lovely with Sasha and Dani, I know she would be a great mother."

"Steve?" He hears, distantly, pulling him from his thoughts.

He turns to the source of the voice and notices Kate smiling at him. "'Are you ok?" She asks, concerned.

He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand, "Yeah, sorry. World of my own."

"Penny for your thoughts." Kate asks, with a wink.

"Reflecting on how lucky I am." Steve says with a smile.

"True not everyone has a sister like me." Kate says, raising an eyebrow.

"Fair point." Steve says, with a grin, "I feel blessed by the people around me. One and all."

"I feel the same way." Kate says, with a sigh.

"I know it has been a rough day, but I need a favour." Steve asks, wearily. "Garvey and Collins will be halfway through a bottle of scotch, destroying all comers on some online shooter or another. We are set up here. Amy hasn't got anyone and she has had the roughest day of all of us. I feel terrible for not inviting her to join us. Would you mind holding the fort here while I pop out, to make sure she is ok?"

Kate shakes her head gently, "Everyone here looks ok on the surface, but, your family needs you. Stay here, I will go. I am too wired to sleep just yet anyway."

Steve looks at his wife and daughters, then turns to Kate, "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"I will just get changed and pop over. If she is in a bad way, I will bring her back here." Kate says, getting to her feet.

The clink of Steve's sword cane against the hard marble floor of the corridor, punctuates Kate's steps, as he makes her way to Amy's room. She pulls her double breasted half length leather coat closed over the this blouse she wears, "Chilly tonight. Guess the heating is taking a while to come back on after the shut down." She guesses, glad of the jacket and jeans she wears for some protection from the cold.

She stands outside of Amy's room, tentatively stretching, only to be    Rewarded by a twinge of pain from her back. "Nope, it still hurts."she thinks as she knocks the door.

After a few moments, she knocks again, "Amy? It's Kate. Are you ok?"

She waits for a moment and shrugs, "Must have gone to bed."' She decides, turning to leave.

Kate freezes in the silent corridor, hearing a soft muffled moan from inside. She takes out her key card and swipes the lock, griping the sword cane at the ready. She opens the door sharply and sweeps inside.

"Oh Amy." She sighs, seeing the medic, sitting in the middle of the floor, the overalls she has worn all day discarded on the floor beside her, leaving her in a white tank top and loose black shorts. A part of Kate's heart melts, seeing the ever-ready and normally smiling medic, on the floor, hugging her knees and weeping to herself.

Kate closes the door softly behind her, leaving the cane at the door. She removes her coat and moves to Amy's side, wrapping it around her shoulders.

Amy's terror filled eyes, turn to Kate at her first touch. "Kate?" She asks, shakily.

Kate winces, as she joins Amy on the floor and puts her arm around her shoulder. "I am here for you Amy."

Amy buries her face in Kate's shoulder and wails uncontrollably. Kate, strokes the medics hair and gently rocks her, in her arms. "Everything will be ok Amy. Just let it all out." She says softly, ignoring the pain in her back.

"This has been the worst day of my life." Amy says, sniffing back tears.

Kate hugs her close and presses her cheek to the top of Amy's head, "It's over now, you are safe."

"First I get hit by a ricochet, then I get overpowered by someone disguised as me." Once she starts, she cannot stop herself, "I wake up, wrapped in cling film unable to move, scream or see, all I could do was lay there wondering if the smoke or the fire would get me first. When I was freed I got a shard of metal in my leg. If that wasn't bad enough, that woman outed me. Then I thought I was safe in the panic room, but that man." She pauses, choking on her words, "He hurt me so badly." A wall of tears descends and she slumps, wailing, into Kate's arms.

"Shhhh, it's alright Amy. You are safe now, no one will hurt you any more." Kate whispers softly, stroking Amy's hair gently.

Amy tears herself out of Kate's arms and looks at her with tear reddened eyes. "I only had a small injury from a ricochet when I got hit. Two, maybe three weeks and I would be ok. After that man tortured my arm-" She tries to compose herself and breathes deeply to calm down, "Dr Bryce examined my arm afterwards. The damage is extensive. With time and physiotherapy, I will be able to use my right hand." Amy looks sorrowfully at her hand, "However, there is extensive nerve damage and I will not get my fine motor control back."

"Surely there is something we can do." Kate says, feeling her heart break for the woman in front of her. "What about the PCS twenty? Could that do it?"

"I have pins in my back from a car crash a while ago. Dr Bryce and I discussed it and there is a good chance that the repairs may try to force the pins out and sever the nerves in my spine. There is no proof that the PCS will regrow nerves or bones. So it is a choice between a year on crutches for my leg and never be able to do the job I love, or possible recovery and end up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. I have lost everything."

"You haven't lost us Amy. You have done so much for us, let us look after you for once." Kate says, gently touching Amy's arm, "Could the pins be removed?"

"Too risky, could damage my spine." Amy says, bitterly. "Even if my arm and leg coul be fixed, I don't know, if I can ever go on operation again. Even if I could, thee guys would never be able to trust me again, because I have lied since I joined about being gay."

"They wont care about that. They are great guys." Kate says, putting a comforting arm around her.

Emotionally drained, Amy hangs her head, "I have betrayed their trust. I can't look them in the eyes any more." She raises her hand and rubs her eyes, "In twenty four hours, my life has been destroyed. I have nothing left. Even Steve couldn't be bothered to come, he sent you."

"No. No. No. Amy that is not right." Kate says, softly, "He was going to come, but I said he should be there for his Sasha, Dani and Lou. I promised to bring you back to the suite if you were upset. Look I died in that helicopter, if you weren't there, Sasha would not have been able to save me." Kate says, looking up at her, "I owe you my life. You may not be able to do what you have always done, but you are so good at what you do and know so much. Stay, train the medics here, don't let today rob you of everything."

"Easy for you to say." Amy says, bitterly, "I am a has-been ex-medic, who can only talk about saving lives. I think I will just have an early night and pack up my stuff in the morning. Everything here is a testament to a life I can't live anymore, I might as well be dead."

"Please, don't say that." Kate begs, "Stay, let us help you."

"I know you mean well. But, there is nothing that can be done." Amy says, spent.

"Amy please, at least let us see if there are any options. We have the Medteqniq database, there might be something that can help you. You have done so much to care for others, let yourself be cared for, just for a change." Kate pulls Amy close and rests her head against the medic's gently. "If there is a way to make this right, we will find it. I for one, will not abandon you and I know Steve and the others will feel the same way."

Amy dries her eyes, thinking, "I have only really seen the warrior side of Kate, I didn't realise that she could be so nice." She dries her eyes and looks into Kate's eyes, "Why are you doing this?"

Kate hugs Amy, gently and softly whispers, "Because, I know what it is like to be hurt and alone and think that no one cares." She recalls the feeling of being helplessly restrained after her arrest for Helen Carters murder. How terrified she was when they killed a police officer and dragged her out of the van to wait for pick up. "I want you to know, you are not alone."

"Thanks Kate, I dont want to be a burden." Amy says, considering staying.

"Nonsense, we are hear for you. Besides, if you say no, I will just have to arrest you." Kate says, smiling warmly at Amy.

Amy cracks a gentle smile, "Oh yeah, copper. What for?"

"I will make something up. Inappropriate use of deodourant on an aircraft, being blonde without a license, breaking wind in a no fly zone, eating pizza on a fried chicken night, using bandages in a provocative manner, something.  Haven't decided yet." Kate says pursing her lips and smiling.

Amy shakes her head with a smile, "Worst part is, I am guilty on all charges. I guess I should stay so you don't have to lock me up."

Amy smiles at Kate and says, "I will stay for now. It has been a terrible day and I just feel low. If there is a chance I will recover, I want to take it."

"If there is a way, we will find it." Kate smiles back at her."But first, shall we get off of the floor?"

"Sounds good to me." Amy says, warmly, "Thank you Kate."

"What for?" Kate responds as she gets on to her hands and knees.

"I had given up on myself. I barely know you and yet, you cared enough to stay." Amy Says, trying to twist to get up but being confounded by her arm and leg injuries.

"I-" Kate stops herself, making a show of crawling onto the bed. "Steve speaks highly of you and from what I see, he is totally justified."

"What do you see?" Amy asks, seeking reassurance and validation, as she shuffles on her bum towards the bed.

"I see a brave, confident, selfless woman, hurt through no fault of her own, who needs someone to be there for her." Kate sits on the bed, breathing hard, the pain in her back, making her breathing ragged and forced, "Someone who is there for her, like Steve and Lou are there for me. I have worked with paramedics and hostage rescue teams in the past and I have never seen any of them as driven as you, to protect their team mates. I see someone who deserves the same loyalty, that you display to everyone around you."

Amy is speechless for a moment, as she still struggles to get up. "I am not brave or confident. I just do what I can to lift those around me."

"And you do it without thought for yourself. That makes you worth figthing for." Kate says, placing her feet either side of Amy's and extending a hand to Amy to help her up. 

Amy takes Kate's hand with her good left hand and tries to stand. "No one has ever said anything like that about me before."

"Maybe not, but I guarantee that I am not the first person to think it." Kate says, smiling as she tries to pull Amy to her feet from the bed.

Amy pulls on Kate's arm, dragging herself upright. "Thank you Kate." She says, managing to stand on her good leg.

"I see what you do. How you look after the team and Steve, Lou and me. You give of yourself and ask nothing in return. You are pretty great."' Kate says, warmly.

"Stop it. You will make me blush." Amy says, looking away.

"I mean it, without you to keep us on our feet, there is no way we could do what we do. Even if we can't help you heal, we will not abandon you. I promise." Kate says, looking so deeply into Amy's eyes, that she can feel it in teir soul.

Without thinking, Amy puts her weight onto her bad leg and loses her balance pitching forward. Kate throws up her arms to catch her, but only succeeds in slowing her fall. As she feels herself fall forward, she realises she is forcing Kate onto her back, Amy puts her left arm around Kate and tries in vain to stop their fall. However, their momentum and combined weight conspires against them. 

Kate winces, landing hard on her back and Amy lands on top of her. She coughs in pain and laughs, "We are so elite, we have been defeated by standing up."

"The worst part is, my good arm is stuck under you and I can't lift myself off." Amy laughs.

"Let me try to push you up." Kate says, gently placing her arms on Amy's shoulder and pushing up, before a lance of pain from her back, stops her in her tracks and Amy crashs back down on top of her.

"Damn it." Kate says, with a chuckle. "Is it always like this when you are on top."

Amy cannot stop herself from giggle and responds. "Yeah, pretty much." Amy struggles to pull her arm from under Kate, freeing them both from this embrace. Embarrassingly aware that her breasts are pressing against Kate's. "I am so sorry about this."

Kate laughs, "Don't be daft. It's not your fault we are both a bit useless." Her pulse quickens, as she becomes acutely aware of the medics body pressed to hers.

Stuck as they are, their faces are mere inches apart. Amy gazes at Kate, her mind racing, "I wish things were different. She is so lovely." Amy inhales the other womans scent and her gaze is draw to Kate's mouth, her soft moist lips, almost hypnotic, as they caress every word she utters. In that moment, the hurt of the day is forgotten and before she realises what she is doing, her lips are locked with Kate's.

Amy pulls back her head sharply, "Oh God. I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

They both stare at each other, neither laughing nor speaking, trying to process what has just happened. Amy thinks, "Oh no. What have I done?"

Amy looks down at Kate wondering, "What is she thinking right now? Why doesnt she say something?"

"Please Kate, I didn't mean to. It wont happen again. Please say something." She pleads, on the verge of tears.

Kate looks up at Amy, remembering the tender warmth of the medics soft lips, against her own. She laces her arms behind the slowly panicking woman's neck, pulling her close. Kate once more finds Amy's soft kiss warm and waiting, her tongue hungrily darting between hot lips, taking each of the women further from their own pain. 

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:01 am
by Caesar73
I´m repeating myself here, but this chapter was incredibly intense. All people who read your stories will agree that you are a genius at writing action sequences. But this chapter shows another quality: The conversation between Kate and Amy is really good stuff. Kate shows empathy, cares for Amy and is there for her, builds her up. And the last paragraph? A grandiose finish. Not action wise, but in developing your characters further. When Amy fears Kates reaction after kissing her, maybe fearing rejection - and Kate reacts totally different. How the relation between Amy and Kate develops, changes? That remains to be seen :)

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:35 pm
by wolfman
Dani closes her eyes for the dozenth time since settling on the sofa in the quiet suite, "No matter what I try, I can't get the fight with Lady Chameleon and the gun battle this evening out of my mind."

Slowly, she rises from the sofa and heads to the kitchen area. She pours a glass of water and sips it slowly, staring at the counter top. "Not point trying to sleep when I feel like this." She thinks, reflecting on her day, when the soft sound of a door being closed, catches her ear. She silently sets down the glass and peers back into the living room to see Sasha tip toeing towards the door.

"Can't sleep?" She whispers, making Sasha start in surprise.

"Bugger, you scared me." Sasha says softly. 

"Sorry babe. Is everything ok?" Dani asks, concerned for her sister.

"I still have that stuff in my system and I have so much energy, I just can't sleep." Sasha admits.

"My mind is racing about everything that happened today. I saw a gym, was thinking about going for a workout. Do you fancy joining me?" Dani asks, pulling her blanket off and putting on a pair of running shoes.

"I would really like that." Sasha says, with a smile.

The gym is still and quiet. Machines and weights lay dormant and the lights are off, except for one corner where two sisters stand beside a punching bag. "Give it a go." Dani says warmly.

Sasha pulls her arm back to unleash a punch on the defenseless bag and Dani's eyed widen in fear. She catches Sasha's arm mid swing. "Hold on a second."

Sasha looks at her sister confused, "What's wrong?"

"Your fist is pointed slightly down. If you hit like that, a lot of force is transferred to your wrist, which means you wont hit as hard and more importantly you could really hurt yourself." Dani gently takes Sasha's arm with one hand and moves her fist with the other, " Now, the back of your hand is in a straight line with the bones of your arm. You can hit harder like this and shouldn't strain your wrist. Go ahead."

Sasha smiles and lets fly with a solid punch into the bag. She giggles to herself, as she watches it sway.

Dani smiles, in admiration "Good." She steps back slightly, "That was a good punch, but, do you want to know how to hit harder than that."

Sasha's eyes sparkle and she nods eagerly.

"That punch was from the shoulder, only using the muscles in your arm. To hit hard you put your body into it. Like this." Dani says, throwing a punch in slow motion, twisting her shoulders, pivoting her hips and shifting her feet.

Sasha nods thoughtfully and throws a punch as she had been shown and makes the bag sway like a willow in a storm.

"Good. How did that feel?" Dani asks, with a massive smile.

"I think-" Sasha begins.

"No" Dani says gently raising her hands to stop her sister, "Knowing is just a fact, feeling is power.  How did it feel?"

Sasha giggles, "Really good."

"Excellent." She claps, "Do you fancy doing some punching drills? Then we can look at different types of punch and elbow strikes and how much hurt you can do with a knee." She moves behind the bag and braces herself.

Two hours later, Dani is aching a little from holding the mercilessly pounded bag and Sasha is dripping with sweat and grinning like a giddy child.

Sasha unleashes a barage of punches, uppercuts, hooks and elbows before she pirouettes, striking the bag with her foot and without breaking her rhythm leaps up and screams, delivering a devastating reverse roundhouse to the bag, with enough force to knock Dani off of her feet. She races to Dani's side horrified, "I am so sorry Dani. I didn't mean to. Are you ok?"

Dani sits up laughing, "Behave yourself, that was great. Where did you learn that?"

Sasha shrugs, sheepishly, "Ballet and gymnastics lessons."

Dani gets to her feet."That explains why you are so light on your feet and fluid." She says, donning a pair of heavily padded gloves, boxing helmet and chest pads. "These are so I don't hurt you. Time to try some defensive drills."

"Do I get pads?" Sasha asks, biting her lip nervously.

"Not this time. I will pull my punches but will still try to hit you. As I strike try to push my hand either down and away from you or up and away. I will use a mixture of left and right strikes and will increase the frequency as we go then we will look at different types of blocks and counters. Is that ok?" Dani says, laying out the structure of the next session.

Sasha nods, eager to begin.

"If there is anything from your ballet training that feels right to try, then go for it.'' Dani says warmly.

Sasha devours every word Dani says and carves it deeper in her mind, with each strike she confounds. Dani and Sasha bob and weave facing each other, dressed only in t-shirts and shorts, their hands a blur. When Dani strikes, Sasha parries and counter attacks, Dani parries and strikes again and so it goes on. Hands, elbows, feet, knees all fly, as the pair fight freely, at full speed neither able to land a blow.

Dani steps back and raises her hands, "Let's take a break." She says breathing hard.

Sasha steps forward and wraps her arms around her sister, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much for this. I have been scared to set foot in a gym for so long because of my scars. I feel amazing right now, I never knew I could do anything like this."

"You have a gift for this. You are such a quick learner." Dani says, remembering that her instructor in the regulators, said the same of her.

"Thank you Dani. I do really appreciate this." Sasha says warmly. "You are an amazing teacher."

"'No worries. It has been nice to spend a bit of time with you without someone trying to kill us. How do you feel?" Dani says with a smile.

"I have really enjoyed it too. I wont lie though I'm tired and a little hungry to be fair." Sasha says, with a yawn.

"I am not surprised, we have been at this for hours, it is nearly four in the morning." Dani says, checking the clock in the gym.

"I know where the kitchen is. Do you fancy bacon sarnies?" Sasha asks, with a glint in her eyes.

Amy whimpers softly. She tries weakly to twist out of the harsh chains that hold her to the bed, but each movement makes them tighter. The man from the panic room stands over her, with a hammer and a metal stake.

"Please let me go." Amy pleads, as the man puts his foot on the inside of her elbow pinning her uninjured arm down.

"No-one cares and no one is coming. Tell me the frequency." He says coldly, positioning the stake against the arm and raising the hammer.

Everything happns in slow motion, as the hammer comes down. She twists and screams watching the hammer's arc. The weapon makes the stake ring harshly, and she feels it pierce her skin.

Amy wakes in a cold sweat, screaming, curled up on her left side in bed. Blindly she flails against the arm around her holding her right arm to her body, gently shaking her. Her breathing is fast and ragged, as the dream refuses to let her go.

"Shhhhh." Kate coos softly into her ear. "It's ok Amy, you are safe. It's only a dream. I've got you. Come back to me."

Kate's soft words, slowly bring her back to herself and she becomes aware of her surroundings. She feels the gentle strength of Kate's arm around her and feels the comforting, warmth of Kate's soft skin against her back. She dries her eyes and whisper's "Sorry to wake you Kate." 

Amy's face flushes red, with embarrassment in the dark room. She leans down and places a soft kiss on the back of Kate's hand.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't wake me." Kate says softly, before kissing the top of Amy's head. "Are you ok?"

"Just a bad dream." Amy says, closing her eyes and sinking into the sensation of Kate's breasts, pressing against her back. "Can't sleep?"

"Can't stop thinking about last night." Kate says, softly, "I had no idea, that we were going to, er, you know. I didn't plan for any of this."

Amy feels her heart sink, "Knew it was too good to be true. While I have slept, she has explored her regrets and realised she made a mistake." She thinks, sorrowfully.

Slowly, she rolls over in bed, until she faces Kate and gazes into her eyes in the dim light of the room. She tenderly reaches up and strokes the soft skin of Kate's cheek, "It's ok, Kate. You don't need to explain. It was the heat of the moment and we got carried away. It was amazing while it lasted, but I know that in the cold light of day, it will just become a memory and you will go your own way."

Kate listens with growing heartache, as every word, cuts her like a knife. She opens her mouth to explain what she had been thinking, "I'm sorry Amy-" Kate begins, before Amy cuts in.

"Don't." Amy says, holding back tears, "Let's just accept that it was a one off and leave it there. I have been hurt enough for one day."

Kate composes herself and presses a gentle finger to Amy's lips. "I felt something last night, that I have not felt in a long time. Not just physically, but in here." She removes her finger from her lover's lips and takes Amy's hand, gently pressing it to the skin, above her heart. "I am sorry Amy, but, I can't just let this go. Last night, you touched my heart and it will never be the same. I don't know if it just a one off, but with all my being I hope it wasn't. I felt something good and real and powerful between us. I can't just let that go." Kate's voice waivers, as she struggles to finish without tears, "If last night is all I get, I will respect your decision, but I will always wonder what might have been."

Amy listens in shock, her heart racing, "Is she serious? She sounds like she wants more." She thinks barely daring to hope.

"I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that after last night, I want the chance to face it with you by my side and with your hand in mine." Kate says tenderly, "Please don't push me away."

"But, I thought." Amy begins, her heart pounding in the chest and blood singing in her ears. "Do you mean it?"

Kate gazes into Amy's eyes, "I have had a lifetime of denying myself any possible chance of being truly happy. Last night, I felt free. For the first time in so long, I felt something wonderful and pure. I saw a chance at happiness and maybe even love. Things have been awful for us, but circumstances have brought us together, to find something better together. Will you give me a chance?" Kate extends her left hand for Amy to take, glad that the low light in the room, hides the quivering of her lips.

Amy reaches out with her injured arm and takes Kate's hand. Light headed and barely breathing she says, "I have nothing to offer you, but if you would have me, I am yours."

"You say you have nothing to offer me, but you are wrong. Just being near you like this, fills me with warmth. Your lips against mine, feels like a taste of heaven. You have already given me so much, in the short time we have shared." Kate says, reaching over with her right hand to caress Amy's cheek. "I was yours, the moment you kissed me."

Amy gazes in wonder at Kate, "Please God, let this be real. If this is a dream, it will break my heart."

Kate moves closer and wraps a tender arm around Amy, pulling her close under the blanket and placing a soft delicate kiss on her lips. The kiss is electrifying, banishing a loneliness that has followed them both, all of their lives. As the kiss deepens and their bodies entwine, the only thing that exists for them, is each other and all they feel is bliss.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:03 pm
by Caesar73
They both Amy and Kate deserve some luck, after all they have gone through.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:18 pm
by wolfman
Dani stares at the stack of bacon and mushroom sandwiches, on a plate between them and shakes her head gently, "We will never get through all of these." She says. Despite speaking softly, her voice echoed around the empty hotel kitchen.

"I will have quite a few of these. While the PCS is in my system, I need protein for tissue regeneration and healing in general." Sasha says before devouring a sandwich in three bites.

Dani beams at her sister, "Enjoy my beautiful sister." She says claiming a sandwich for herself.

"Thanks Dani, you are just saying that now I don't have any scars." Sasha says, attacking her second sandwich, like a mortal enemy.

Dani squeezes Sasha's arm, "No babe, I say it because it has always been true, scars or not. Your skin is just clothing, your beauty has always been inside you,now it shines through."

Sasha beams warmly at Dani and holds her hand, "Following that logic, you are my beautiful sister too. Mind you, you are pretty too." 

Dani blushes, "Stop it."

"'Seriously, with your bone structure, lips and figure, you could be a film star. You are lovely." Sasha says, with wide eyed innocence.

"So are you babe." Dani beams at her sister. "What do you reckon? Deadly sisters, The Movie. Starring Sasha Turner and Dani Foster." She continues, spreading her hands slowly as if revealing a movie poster for the first time.

Sasha laughs, nearly choking on her latest sandwich, "Love it. Would we star in it or get actors to play us?"

"I think we would have to play ourselves, no one else is awesome enough." Dani says, striking a pose with her hand on her hip.

Sasha keeps laughing, "Good point, we can keep it real. Do our own stunts and sex scenes."

Dani blushes and giggles nervously.

Sasha stops laughing seeing her sisters reaction, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." She gently says.

"Don't worry." Dani whispers, visibly struggling with whether she should say more, until she quietly says, "I haven't met the right guy."

Sasha smiles warmly, "You will babe and when you do, you will know."

"I am not overly interested." Dani admits..

"It will happen when you least expect it. Don't settle for second best. Don't make the mistake I made." Sasha says, in a melancholy tone.

"Thanks babe." Dani says, thoughtfully. "What was your mistake?"

"Drunken one night stand. It was freshers week, I was away from home for the first time and felt so lonely. There was a party in our halls of residence and I just needed to get out of my flat. I ended up standing next to a wall with a beer and a good view of everyone else having fun." Sasha, shakes her head bitterly, "I had enough about two hours in and was on my way out when I bumped into a guy and spilled my drink on him. He smiled when I tried to wipe the beer off and actually looked at me. It was like he was the first person who had seen me since, I arrived at uni. We talked and drank into the early hours and ended up back at my room." She pauses, slumping back in her chair, "It wasn't romantic or sexy. Just two drunk teenagers, sloppily grinding against each other. It lasted less than a minute and he fell asleep straight away. He was gone when I woke up."

Dani reaches across the table and covers Sasha's hand with her own, squeezing gently. "I'm so sorry. You deserved better."

Sasha gives a wan smile, "You can't get your first time back. Don't make my mistake, wait for the right one and make it special."

"Closest I got was in the Royal Navy Police. I was pair up with another recruit during hand to hand combat training. He was kind of cute and we got hot and sweaty during practice. At the end of the session, he invited me back to practice more. As soon as we got back to his room, we were all over each other. Before I knew it, he pushed me back onto his bed. Not like a shove, more like a nudge, but on my back I went. I don't know what came over me, but it felt right and I let him get on top of me and kiss me. He slowly removed my trousers and underwear and pulled my top off. When he started stroking me all over and telling me how beautiful I was, I got so turned on." Dani explains, her face flushing red, as the memory makes her bite her lip. 

"Woah, so what happened?" Sasha asks, open mouthed.

"His girlfriend came in." Dani says, wincing at the thought.

"Oh shit." Sasha says, giving a sympathetic smile.

"He panicked and locked himself in the bathroom and she came at me like a wild animal. Screaming at me, slapping me and I was begging her to let me go. She stuffed my underwear in my mouth and practically threw me into the corridor." Dani puts her head in her hands and rubs her face, "Her screaming had got everyone's attention and his neighbours all came out to see what was going on." 

"That is awful." Sasha says, on the verge of tears, imagining Dani's embarassment.

"Not my best day." Dani laughs, "I have had zero interest in dating since." 

"I am not surprised babe. You deserve a better man." Sasha says, beaming at her sister.

"So do you babe." Dani says, smiling.

"Plenty of time for that. I have been closed off since the attack, but I feel like I am ready to show the world who I am. I want to live a bit of life, before I settle down." Sasha says, looking at the last sandwich on the plate, as if she were an eagle, circling a kitten, "When this is all done, what are you going to do?

"Not sure. I am thinking I might stick around for a bit, get to know you and dad better. Maybe get a job. What about you?" Dani yawns.

"Same. Might try to save a bit of money and go travelling. Amy said about supporting me, if I wanted to train to be a medic. I might take her up on it." Sasha grins, snatching the last bacon sandwich after deciding that it was looking at her funny and needed to be taught a lesson.

"You would be great at that." Dani says, stretching. "Where would you go travelling?"

"I grew up by the sea and it has always had an appeal for me. I think maybe sail around the world." Sasha admits, with a faraway look in her eyes.

"That does sound amazing." Dani says, nervously, "Would you like some company?" She asks biting her lip.

Sasha beams at Dani, "That would be amazing. Deadly sisters, the world tour."

Sasha devours the last of the sandwich and looks quizically at her sister, "Hang on a sec, I have just had a thought. I have the PCS in my system so I am hopped up and ready to go. But you haven't, so how come you can keep up with me? Did you take some?"

"Yeah. When we were getting geared up top head out. I took about a hundred milligrams." Dani says, sheepishly, chewy the end of her finger,  "Can I trust you?"

"Of course." Sasha says leaning in closely, "You can tell me anything."'

"A grenade went off next to me and threw me into a tree. My legs went one side and my shoulders and arms the other. I heard about a sharp snaps from my back, when I hit." Dani says nervously, " I should be dead, or in a wheel chair, but here I am."

Sasha stares open mouthed, "But you freed yourself and defeated the men who captured you."

"When I fought Lady Chameloen, she beat the hell out of me." Dani says, with a faraway look in her eyes, "Most of the bruises are gone already and I feel fine. I am back from crippling injuries and feel stronger than ever."

"What are you saying?" Dani says, taking a sip of water.

"I have always been able to bounce back from being hurt quickly, but, not like this. In the wrong hands, this stuff would be dangerous." Dani whispers, leaning close to her sister. 

"But it heals, how could it be dangerous." Sasha asks, innocently.

"Criminals and terrorists able to walk through a hail of gunfire, unimpeded. Torturers able to unleash hell on their captives, without fear of killing them. Thousands of people out of work for pharmaceutical companies, as treatments no longer needed as whatever it is there is a cure. Rich people getting the cure, while everyone else is left by the wayside in substandard care. Then there is the feeling of power, which could be addictive for long term users." Dani explains, "This is bad stuff."

"Have you spoken to dad about this?" Sasha says, worried.

"No, but I think we have to." Dani says.

The assembled group of doctors and nurses are shaking hands and hugging around the bed of a patient. Dr Lund slips through the crowd like a shark, through a breaking wave. He stops by the bed and checks the mans chart, wordlessly nodding.

He exits the room without speaking, or even acknowledging anyone within. The sharply dressed man strides purposefully to his office and takes a seat at his desk.

Lund pulls a shot glass and a bottle of schnapps from his bottom desk draw. With a slowly spreading grin on his face, he fills and then drains the glass. 

He opens his computer's messenger and initiates a video call.

A slim man in his sixties, answers the call in his pyjama's. "Lund? Good God man. Don't you know what time it is?" He thinks to himself, "What does this bloody sociopath want now?"

Without any sign of remorse, Lund speaks crisply, "I have news, sir. It worked."

"What?" The man says, putting on his glasses, suddenly focused. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely, A man with serious burns from the helicopter explosion, has been successfully treated and made a full recovery, using the latest iteration." Lund says, leaning back in his chair.

"I don't know how you have done it. I never thought we would have a successful compound in nine months." The Chairman says, "When can we start production?"

"Once the patents are registered, we can enter production by the end of the month." Lund confirms.

"Excellent." The chairman says, before leaning in towards the camera, "I had my doubts but you really delivered on this project. How did you do it?" 

Lund smiles and calmly begins, "I discovered a man who healed faster than those around him. Then I found his children and took what we needed. From that point it was a simple matter to synthesise and reproduce a concentrated version."

The chairman brings his hand to his face covering his mouth, as he feels a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach, "What do you mean took what we needed?"

"The hormones we sought are mostly released at the point of injury, with a surge at the point of death. So I arranged for the subjects, to be heavily traumatised and euthanised, so we could drain their spinal fluid and obtain blood samples." Lund explains, without emotion.

The colour drains from the chairmans face, as he listens to the medical director. "No, no. That is not the way." He says, in disbelief, "I trusted you. If this gets out, it will destroy us."

"Oh, please." Lund scoffs, "You came to me and said you wanted results, at any cost. I gave you results."

"I never sanctioned murder, you fucking monster. I built this company to save lives, take them. How many have died for this?" The Chairman says, raising a shaking hand to rub his scalp.

"You never questioned how fast we were progressing without testing. You have been doing this for long enough to know, that success is paid for in blood. You trusted me to deliver at any cost and that is what I have done." Lund sneers, "Oh, do not worry, I will make sure that there is no evidence and your hands will be clean."

"Let me guess, if I fire you, then news of this gets out and ruins the company?" The Chairman says, with a bitter taste in his mouth. 

"Correct and I will present evidence that shows you were complicit." Lund says, without emotion.

The Chairman puts his head in his hands, and shakes his head, unable to look at the screen "Fine." He says, softly, "Clean it up."

"Cheer up Mr Baxter, I am sure the money will help you feel better." Lund says crisply, before the Chairman ends the call.

Lund picks up his phone and begins to dial his driver, "No, I cannot call him, her was killed tonight. I will call the new guy." He redials and waits.

"This is Jackson, Medteqniq security." The new security chief answers, grimly thinking "Dead man's shoes. My reward for not getting killed by that devil woman."

"This is Dr Lund, Are you aware of the work I do here?" He says.

"When I was promoted, I was told about your section Doctor." Jackson says, with a bad taste in his mouth, remembering what he was told about the harvesting of hormones from dead young men and women.

"Good." Lund says calmly, "I need you to clear lab thirty two and dispose of everyone in there." 

"What would you like me to do with them?" Jackson asks as much for instruction as disbelief.

"Mr Jackson, let me be clear on how this works. I tell you what to do and you do it. The details are not my concern." The Doctor says, impatiently, "Get it done."

"Sir." Jackson says, as Lund ends the call.

Jackson and the rest of the surviving team members from the Chateau raid, gather outside the lab armed and ready. He reflects on breaking the news to the men, "The briefing had been a grim affair, few of the men speaking. I am just glad that when I told them what I intended for us to do, they all agreed. Shit, I am not cut out for this."

Jackson and the team don their ski masks, readying weapons and he nods to the team giving the thumbs up.

Berry, who was beaten badly by the devil woman after he ran out of bullets, unlocks the door and Jackson leads him men forward. "I am just a glorified janitor, I shouldn't be doing stuff like this." He thinks taking the nearest medic, to the ground and securing his wrists behind his back with zip ties.

His men surge past him systematically subduing the men and women of the lab. "Less than a minute." He says checking his watch.

Jackson looks at the unconscious patient in the bed with dismay, then turns to Berry, he orders, "This one too."

Three minutes and twenty seconds after entering the lab, two large vans pull out of the car park and head towards the outskirts of Paris. The soundproofing of the vehicles, prevents the terrified screams of the helpless medics from being heard, as they drive into the night.

Jackson settles in the passenger seat of the lead vehicle, feeling nauseous, "I have only been head of security for an hour and I hate this job already."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:15 pm
by wolfman
As the clock in the local village church strikes nine, Steve lazily sweeps his arm across the bed to find Louise's side, empty but still warm. He hears the sound of water in the bathroom and relaxes. "She is amazing.  She stands by my side come what may and never falters. I love her so much."

She quietly opens the bathroom door and pads across the room. With a swish, she gets back under the covers and nestes against Steve's body.

"Love you." Steve whispers, kissing the top of her head.

"Love you too. Did I wake you? She says softly, as she snuggles down against him.

"No, was just dozing to be fair. How are you?" He asks, tenderly.

"Not too bad thanks." She says accepting a loving kiss from her husband. "Kate is still out and the girls are fast asleep in Sasha's room."

"I feel bad about Amy. I just didn't think, I was so worried about you and the girls. If Kate is still with Amy, then she must be in a bad way. I hope Kate can make her feel better." Steve says, voice tinged with concern. 

Louise rubs her head on his chest, "Don't worry. I am sure she will be ok." She whispers, brightly.

"I am sorry." He says, rubbing her back, "I have been so busy worrying about everyone else, I have neglected you."

"Not at all. It has been a little crazy, that's all." Louise says softly, before getting a twinkle in her eyes, "Although, if you are up to it. We can be quiet."

He chuckes warmly and then looks down at his wife to see her looking up at him, seductively biting her lip. He raises his eyebrows and smiles, "Never too tired, my darling."

They descent under the covers in a fit of giggles as, he begins to trace a line of hot kisses across the supple skin of her stomach. 

The hot passion of their embrace, only builds, as they explore each other.  Gentle caresses, soft kisses and tender stroking blend into a sensual cacophony. Louise lays back, eyes rolling back, half closed with desire, breathing ragged and skin slick with sweat, as she prepares to receive her husband. Slowly he leans in and gently kisses her lips, ready to enter her. When her work phone rings.

"I understand." Steve sighs, in a deep ragged tone.

"Damn it." She says, pinching the bridge of her nose, then running her fingers through her hair. "Sorry, it might be important."

Steve shakes his head with a smile, passing her phone to her from the night stand. "I know you have to answer it. I love you." He whispers, laying down next to her, softly stroking her thigh.

"Louise Marks, Nirvana Group Chief Executive Officer." She answers formally, not recognising the number.

"Good morning Mrs Marks, I wonder if I may speak with your husband." The voice on the other end of the line says, in crisp english, with a hint of a German accent.

Louise frowns and looks at Steve, waving draw his attention away from playing with her breasts. "May I ask who wishes to speak to him?"

Steve sits up fully alert, thinking, "Who on earth would want to speak to me, on Louise's phone?"

"'Of course. My name is Dr Hermann Lund, clinical director of medicine at Medteqniq." He says, with the warm crispness of freshly burnt toast.

She mutes the call. The look in her eyes, stops Steve dead in his tracks, snapping him from his romantic reverie and focusing him, "Dr Hermann Lund, Medteqniq. He wants to talk to you."

Steve's expression darkens and he nods, "Could you put him on speaker?" He says slipping from the bed and heading to the dresser.

"Dr Lund, to what do I owe the honour of this call?" Steve asks, pulling on boxer shorts.

"It is high time that we spoke, I believe the phrase is, man to man." The doctor, says brightly.

"Actually the phrase is, one cunt to another. What do you want?" Steve asks, impatiently.

"I thought it wise to give you a call, in response to your latest gift." Dr Lund says calmly.

Steve mouths the words, "The bodies.", to Louise, before responding, "You didn't have to call to thank me. It was my pleasure."

"I pride myself in being an intelligent man, Mr Marks. However, I have underestimated you and your family at every step. We have sent the best people in our employ and you seem to defeat them with reckless abandon. This state of affairs can not continue. Therefore, I am calling to propose a truce, before any more needless blood is shed." Lund says, calmly.

"You are of course, joking." Steve says, laughing incredulously.

"Not at all, Mr Marks. There have been casualties on both sides. May I take this opportunity to say, as an organisation, we are truly sorry, for the deaths of your children. Please rest assured that their lives were given to benefit the whole of humanity and the world owes them a debt of gratitude for their sacrifice. Because of their gift, we now have completed testing of a synthetic formula. As a result, we have no need of the remaining members of your family and so we will no longer be pursuing them. You have my personal assurance on this."

Steve's face turns scarlet, as he listens. He takes a deep breath to centre himself before he speaks, his voice calm, even though he is incandescent with rage, "You think that just saying sorry and spinning sanctimonious drivel, makes up for the brutal torture and murder of innocent children and their families, the torture and attempted murder of Sasha Turner and the forced removal of her unborn child. You have sent people here after myself and my family and friends. You preach high minded goals, but you are a common murderer, who needs to be put down like the rabid dog you are."

"Come now, Mr Marks, can you not see that any further blood shed would be folly?" Dr Lund, says in the same tone he would admonish a small child to eating sweets before dinner.

"Do you really think that I will stop coming for you? I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. I will visit upon you, the evil you have visited upon my children and I will use your formula, to keep you alive while I do it." Steve hisses, coldly.

"I sense a little hesitation on your part, to talk reasonably about this." Lund says in a calm yet smug tone.

"You declared war on my family. Why on earth would you think that, there could be any peace between us?" Steve says, in a low, angry voice.

The silence in the room is deafening, as neither man speaks. Even the birds flying outside are afraid to sing in this moment.

"I was afraid you would say that." Dr Lund says, sadly. "Dr Benjamin Callard. Do you know that name?"
He stares at Louise, whose face is a mask of shock. "Dr Callard was the doctor who treated Louise after she and her sister fought. Then I killed him for kidnapping Louise." He thinks, silently.

"I take it by your silence that you are familiar with him. Did you know that, quite by chance, we purchased some of his clinics to expand our operations?" Lund says, lightly.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Steve wonders, feeling a nameless, creeping dread, growing in the back of his mind.

"Well, we did." Lund says in a smug voice, "As you are no doubt aware, he treated your wife after she fought with her sister. It turns out that the attack did not affect your wife's fertility, even though it did cost the life of the baby she was carrying." Steve moves Louise's side, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close as Lund continues. "No, he actually removed your wife's ovaries and he kept and froze her eggs, at Helen Carter's request. Guess what we found, when we checked the stocks of our newly acquired properties."

Through gritted teeth, Steve speaks quietly, "Please continue."

"There will be a cessation of hostilities between our two parties, with immediate effect. If you, or anyone associated with you, moves against this company, we will destroy your wifes eggs and use our steadily growing resources to destroy you and everyone you love." Lund says coldly, before hissing, "Stay away Mr Marks."

Steve looks in horror at the pain in his wife's eyes. Her face frozen in a silent scream, as she sinks to her knees.  Steve lowers himself with her and takes the phone from her trembling hand and ends the call. He kneels next to her and pulls her close, gently kissing the top of her head.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:29 pm
by Caesar73
Lund is a Bastard. I so hope he will get what he deserves.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:58 am
by wolfman
Louise sits in open mouthed shock, unmoving since the call from Dr Lund.

She is aware of Steve speaking, but his voice sounds as if he is a mile away. Any hope she had of hearing is drowned out by the deafening roar of blood in her ears and the cacophony of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Oh, my fucking bitch sister. Why would she do this to me? Even she wasn't this evil." She thinks feeling hollow, "Even if I got the eggs, I have no ovaries, so I can't get pregnant. Can I?"

Absent mindedly, she vomits and sways back and forth, "How dare this bastard, hold my eggs hostage. It's bad enough he has taken the lives of Steve's children, but now he is keeping my eggs so we cannot have children together."

She imagines the faces of their unborn children begging her to avenge them, as they spiral away in darkness. 

Louise feels a gentle motion as Steve shakes her shoulder. She looks him in the eyes, with a fire her has never seen before. He leans in close and speaks softly, "I am so sorry." 

"Nothing has changed. We will obliterate this man." Louise says, with a rasping anger. "We proceed as planned. Bury this bastard so deep the worms won't find him."

"God you are even more gorgeous when you are angry." Steve thinks, as he reaches for the phone he almost never uses.

Mike sits at a quiet table at the back of a quiet café in Bermondsey. The place looks like it hasn't been decorated since the fall of the Berlin wall and the floor bears the scars of several years abuse from baby pushers, dropped plates and spilled coffee. The waitress in her forties, dressed in a red shirt, black skirt and a white apron, deposits his breakfast on the table in front of him with a warm smile that sweetens her tired eyes.

"This place is a bit of a dive but this is the best breakfast sandwich south of the Thames." He thinks as he spendsa moment of silent appreciation admiring the sandwich. "Four slices of bacon, two sausages, grilled mushrooms and a fried egg, between two slices of perfectly baked bloomer."

Two bites in, a man walks past his table, wearing a suit two days past where most would dry clean it and subtly, scoops up the newspaper folded around the second hard drive he took from Medteqniq, and goes to the bathroom without stopping. Ryan wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes a sip of strong black coffee.

As he finishes his breakfast he watches the world go by. He sees the waitress, frowning when she answers her mobile and sees the look of dispondency, when she hangs up the phone and talks to the owner. Reading her lips, it appears she has money worries and needs an advance, but the owner hasn't got the cash to hand to help her out. She glides between tables and collects the plates of the patrons, fighting back tears.

Mike finishes the rest of the sandwich and thinks quietly to himself, "The sandwich is great, but you come here for her." He wipes the remains of the sandwich away from his mouth. "I have spent a lifetime honing my skills at remaining unseen in the world, but it means the world to me, to be noticed by her."

She collects his plate and asks "Will there be anything else, sir?"

His heart says, "Yes please, can I have your number?" But all he can say is, "Can I have the bill, please love?"

She looks Mike in the eye and smiles at him. "Sure darlin'." She pulls the pad from the pocket of her apron and totals up the bill before tearing a leaf out and passing it to him.  In an electrifying moment, his fingers momentarily brush hers, when he takes the slip of paper from her.

He smiles seeing that she has put her name on the bill, "Michelle? Pretty name for a pretty lady." He thinks, to himself

He watches his contact leave and puts enough money on the table to cover the bill and a little extra for the service. He gulps down the remainder of his coffee and stands, with a stretch earned from a long day and night. 

No one sees him walk away from his table and slip a roll of twenty pound notes into Michelle's bag, before he leaves.

Mike answers the phone on the second ring, "Morning mate." He says, brightly.

"Morning mate. How are you getting on?" Steve asks, with a hard edge to his voice.

"Drive handed over, there will be results by the end of the day." Mike answers, warily, "Everything ok mate?"

"Yes." Steve says sharply. He softens his tone remembering it was a friend he was speaking to, "Sorry mate. Rough morning. I really appreciate your help on this."

"No worries. Do you want to talk about it?" Mike asks, slipping unseen onto a bus.

"Turns out that Medteqniq have Louise's frozen eggs. If we move against them, the eggs will be destroyed." Steve says, wearily.

"Mate, that is awful. Where are they? I will get them." Mike says, without hesitation.

"No idea where they are mate." Steve admits, sadly, "Thank you Mike."

"Don't mention it. We have been through a lot together. I have always got your back." Ryan says, gazing out of the window.

"I mean it. I can't thank you enough. When do you think you might visit? It would be great to see you and I would really like you to meet my girls."

"I thought I would have a few years, before I get invited over to meet your kids." Ryan says smiling. "I would really like that."

"They will absolutely love you. I am sure Kate and Lou would enjoy seing you again." Steve says with a wink at Lou.

"Do you miss it?" Mike asks, rubbing the back of his neck, "You know, the old days."

"Me up to my neck in muck and bullets and you watching my back from the office?" Steve smiles, reminiscing, "I wont lie, I do. Simpler times, enemies that stood up to be counted, clear waters compard to this murk." He turns to Louise, and smiles, "Wouldn't trade it for the world."

Steve ends the call a few minutes later after confirming when Mike will visit next.

Louise squeezes his arm, teasing a smile from his lips. "Steve. I dont want you to tell Kate and the girls about my eggs, this is already hard enough on them. They don't need this too."

"I was already wondering about that." Steve says, gazing into her eyes, "It's not too late you know. I can call it off."

"It has gone too far for that. It was too far the moment they ordered Price to lay a hand on Sasha." She says meeting his gaze.

Steve nods, seeing Louise's commitment to the plan, "Time for the next step."He stretches and dials another number, checking the time and nodding, "Good, he should be about."

"Moshi moshi." A young sounding man says.

"Shimada-san to hanashite mo īdesu ka?" Steve asks, with a dark smile.

"Thanks for last night." Sasha says, passing Dani a steaming hot cup of coffee. "Would we be able to do that again sometime soon?"

"Cheers." Dani accepts the cup and takes a long draft. "I really enjoyed it too, we have to do it again soon."

"If you get a chance, get aubite Kate to give you a driving lesson." Sasha grins.

"Yeah? Is she good?" Dani asks, her eyes sparkling.

"She got me to drive so fast. It was amazing." Sasha giggles, "I think you would get on well with her. You both have the Ex-cop on the edge vibe."

"Excuse me." Dani says with mock outrage, "I will have you know I am not on the edge." 

"Fair enough, I stand corrected." Sasha says raising her hands in mock surrender.

"'Morning ladies." Louise says, leaving Steve on the phone in their bedroom. "How did you sleep?"

"'Really well thanks, we hit the gym till about three and were knackered by the end." Dani says.

"Did you sleep ok, Lou?" Sasha asks, pouring her step mother a cup of coffee from a pot on the table.

"Not too bad thanks." She sips the coffee and quickly puts it down, before heading to the ready room. "While I think of it. Your dad and I had a chat last night. Ah got it." She emerges with two black bags the size of a large shoe box and takes a seat, passing one to each of the girls.

"Oooh whats this." Sasha says, rumaging in her bag, pulling out a gun. "I am not too keen on guns. Sorry."

"That is no ordinary gun. That is a tranquilliser gun, it has a ten round magazine, has a carbon dioxide cylinder good for 10 shots and if you shoot someone in the neck or near the hear they will pass out for at least an hour within a second.  Strictly non lethal and not much good against armour." Louise explains, with a smile.

Sasha looks at it with fresh eyes, pointing it at a door, "I think, I am good with this."

"You have got ten magazines, loaded with live darts and ten with practice darts,  extra carbon dioxide cylinders, a shoulder holster and spare batteries for the laser sights. Oh and a pack of large zip ties each." Louise says, smiling."Might be handy if you want to stick around."

"We have been talking." Sasha smiles, looking at Dani. "We would like to stay but we would like to get jobs."

"We want to earn our keep." Dani says, switching her gaze from Sasha to Louise.

Kate opens her eyes and finds herself gazing into the eyes of her lover. "Morning gorgeous." She whispers and is immediately struck, by how natural it feels to say. 

"Good morning, my lovely." Amy says, stroking Kate's arm.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I am still here, so I guess you are stuck with me." Kate winks.

Amy giggles, "I locked the door and if you had tried to make a break for it, I was ready to chain you to the bed." 

Kate gives a thoughtful look plants a gentle kiss on Amy's lips, "Maybe I should have tried to run."

Amy's face drops, prompting a laugh from Kate. "Gotcha."

Amy playfully slaps Kate's thigh, "You have me as long as you wish."

"Careful now, that could be a very long time." Kate strokes Amy's hair.

Amy leans in softly teasing Kate's lips with her own, before tenderly locking lips. "I hope so." 

Their bodies draw closer, as their lips dance playfully and their tongues entwine. Hands explore, silken skin. Pains are forgotten. Pulses race. Passions rise.

Kate takes Amy in her arms and lifts her into her lap. Kate's hand caresses Amy's breast tenderly and nuzzles her neck. "'Something is wrong." She thinks realising Amy is still in her arms.

"'Are you ok?" She asks breathless.

"You just lifted me without any sign of pain." Amy says, surprised, "Are you ok?"

Kate flexes her back, twisting her torso and rolling her shoulders, "I feel ok. Can you take a look?" Kate turns away from Amy and allows her to unwrap the bandages. Amy's gentle probing fingers, send shudders down Kate's spine as she is examined.

"I have no idea." Amy shakes her head, staring at Kate's back. "The wound is almost fully healed, I think there will be a scar, but it looks good. Do you want to try moving about a bit?"

Kate tentatively gets up and raises her hands towards the ceiling then bends at the waist touching her toes. giving Amy a perfect view of her toned rear.  She turns to face Amy and performs about half a dozen star jumps, sending her breasts bouncing.  

"Mmmmm nice little show, how do you feel?" Amy asks, with a bright smile.

"I don't know." Kate stands before Amy and takes her hand, placing it on her breast, "How do I feel?"

"I think you feel very good. But I would need to give you a thorough going over to be sure." Amy says, seductively licking her lips.

"I will let Steve know, that we will come up to the suite this afternoon. After all, I think I need to give you a thorough going over as well." Kate says, stroking the soft skin of her lover's stomach, then trailing her fingers between Amy's legs.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:43 am
by wolfman
"Pull over, we have been on the road for hours." Jackson orders over the radio.

The large vans pull into a quiet car park in the middle of a forest a little after ten AM. Jackson slaps his face a few times as he stands, staring up at the forests canopy. Wearily he pulls open the door of his vehicle and gazes at the medical team within, as they shakily get ready to stretch their legs.

The medical team were released from their restraints within a mile of leaving Medteqniq. Not one of the men on his team wanted their blood or the blood of the heavily bandaged patient on their hands. Jackson nods to himself, "This is the right thing to do. None of us signed up to be enforcers."

Berry approaches him with a flask of coffee and a spare cup, "Boss. Refuel."

"Good man. How are we looking?" Jackson readily accepts the cup and drinks deep of the lukewarm brew.

"I think circling Paris and keeping to back roads has helped.  No sign of tails, I think we are clear and we are close to drop off." Berry sets down the flask and pulls out a cereal bar, "Are you sure that this is a good idea."

"I said it was an idea, didn't say it was a good one." Jackson admits, "It is the best chance I can think of that we will all be safe."

Jackson breathes shallowly, expecting a rifle round through the windscreen at any moment. When they finally pull up near the entrance, he radios the other van and gives his driver a nod, "If I am not out in ten minutes, get out of here and don't look back."

He nervously gets out of the vehicle and removes his sidearm. Slowly he walks towards the large building and approaches the reception desk.

"Bonjour, je peux vous aider?" The pretty receptioninst says, before she looks up to see the terrible looking and smelling man in black fatigues before her.

"I need to speak to Sasha please." Jackson asks, realising that he does not know the white devils last name.

Sasha emerges from the suite, dressed in an all in one pure white body suit and white facemask covering her mouth and nose, she wears her hair loose around her shoulders, covering an ear piece. and takes a deep breath.

"Don't worry Sasha, Dani and I are with you and Lou is on standby. If you need help or advice, I am here." Steve says calmly in her ear.

"Thanks dad. Are you sure this is wise?" Sasha asks, stretching her legs and back.

"He asked for you by name and after last night, I know you are up to this. I believe in you." Steve assures her over the comms from a concealed position, watching Jackson through the telescopic sight of a sniper rifle.

"You have got this sis. Don't worry, we have your back." Dani says, as she stands in reception in the black security uniform of the facility with a black ski mask only showing her eyes and mouth.

"It's one thing to be terrifying with smoke and bright lights, but a different story in the light of day." She thinks to herself, preparing to meet Jackson, "Dani and dad will be covering me so I am safe." With a last breath she checks the tranquilliser gun is safe in its holster, tightens the straps on her stilts and begins her run.

Jackson looks around nervously, waiting for the woman who killed his boss. "Where is she? What is taking so long? This is beginning to feel like an ambush." A rapid ticking from above, causes him to look up and his eyes widen in terror.

Sasha launches herself from the balcony at the top of the stairs at twenty miles per hour and leaps high, somersaulting in mid air to land less than a foot in front of Jackson. As she lands, she bows her head and allows momentum to cover her face with her hair.

He drops to his knees, as the pure white woman slams down inches from him.  He whimpers softly, as a tiny trickle of urine dribbles down him leg. "Please, no." He cries out drawing the attention of returning guests, who gasp at Sasha's appearance.

Sasha stands tall on the stilts and throws her head back, letting her hair spill over her shoulders. She brings her hands together slowly in front of her rubbing her palms together. "Good morning Jackson. What brings you to my door this morning?" Her calm voice, at odds with her thundering heartbeat and inner joy at such a perfect landing.

He covers his head with his hands and whispers, pleadingly, "Please, I need your help."

"Interesting." She says, stroking her chin with her right hand, "Why do you think I would want to help you after you came here last night to kill my family and I?"

"Last night you wrecked the commander and could have killed all off us, but you didn't and you left Berry alive when you took him down. I figure that there is a chance of mercy with you." Jackson admits, still cowering.

"Your reasoning is enough for me to hear you out. What do you want?" Sasha says as calmly as she can, "Get off of the floor."

Jackson nervously stands. In the spring stilts, Sasha is a full head taller than his six foot frame and he is forced to look up at her, "First off, we didn't know anything about what they did to your brothers and sisters, until last night we were building security. I am so sorry for everything."

"He seems to be telling the truth." Dani says over the comms, soon followed by an "Appears to be.", from Steve.

"I appreciate your apology, but if what you say is true you have no reason to be sorry." Sasha says, keeping her voice soft, "That was the first thing."

"Er, yes. When we got back last night, I was promoted to head of security. I was then ordered to kill and dispose of everyone in the testing lab. That is not what, me or my team is about.  We smuggled them out of the building and brought them here." Jackson says, nervously, waiting to be silenced with a strike to the throat.

"Why on earth would I keep them safe?" Sasha says, with a cold edge to her voice.

"They were given samples and tested them, refining the stuff so the company could produce this wonder drug they are working on. Most of them have been locked in the lab for about nine months. They didn't know until last month, where the samples came from, or how they were obtained." He explains, daring to stand up a little straighter.

Sasha makes a show of scrutinising the man, as her mind races. "Shit dad, why put this on me? Why aren't you saying anything. I don't know."

She nods slowly, "Tell your men to leave their weapons in your vehicles and bring the medics in. You will have protection, but you will not have free reign to roam the grounds." Sasha says, managing to keep her voice even and calm. "You, your people and the medical team will be restrained by security, until we have confirmed your story."

His body seems to shrink as a wave of relief passes through him, "Thank you ma'am. There was a patient in the lab, we have brought them along too."

"We will have a medical team on standby." Sasha confirms.

"Perfect execution Devil. Accompany security outside and hang back, as they do their work.".

He pulls his radio from his belt and calls the rest of his team. "Everyone, leave your weapons and gear in the vans and get everyone out and on their feet. Nirvana security will be taking us into custody, but we will be safe."

Sasha escorts Jackson out to their vehicles and watches silently, whilst the medics and security team and taken into custody and the patient is attended by medics.

Steve maintains his vigil watching the exchange. He covers the team as they take everyone into custody. However, as the medics and Medteqniq security are lead inside, he lowers the rifle slightly, taking his eye away from the scope. With the wider field of view of his natural vision, he takes in more of the scene. "Sasha seems to have a handle on the use of fear.  Dani is blending flawlessly with the security team. They never cease to surprise me."

"Tighten up at the back, formation is breaking up. Slow down at the front, unit cohesion is threatened." Dani orders, examining the perimeter of security officers around the Medteqniq employees. "Keep them contained, safer for every one." She calls to the Nirvana team.   

The party moves away from the main doors and enters the building through a side entrance, taking them to one of the subterranean levels. 

"Isolate out guests for debrief, one Medteqniq employee per room, with two Nirvana security performing debrief. No solo interviews, no matter how harmless the employee seems." Dani barks, "Hill, can you please arrange four, three men teams to constantly sweep this floor?"

Security chief Hill, nods to himself, "Yes ma'am.", he confirms to Dani, before shouting to his men, "You heard the lady, get to it people. Mandy, Terry, Jim, Claire. Select your teams and begin patrols of this floor.

"Do we know who the patient is?" Sasha asks, the security chief.

"No ID as yet, the medics claim, that they would regularly get patients in with severe injuries and have to treat them with the latest formula, before feeding back on the results.  They never get a name just a number. This guy is patient 89, brought in last night. From what the head doctor says, he suffered horrendous injuries and has been in a coma for a few months. They dosed him up when he was brought in an a couple of hours later they left with the security guys."

"Patient 89? Doers that mean that there have been 88 others?" Dani asks, with a raised eyebrow.

"That appears to be the case. Somewhere in their systems it will probably have the details of the patients but it will be like finding a needle in a haystack." Hill shrugs. "We will need to wait for him to wake up to find out who he is."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:28 am
by Caesar73
Well, who may that mystery patient be? Surely our dear Dr. Lund did not expect this action of Jackson :)

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:07 pm
by slackywacky
The twists and turns in this story keep you on your toes. Great chapter again.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:09 pm
by wolfman
Dani and Sasha giggle as they return to the suite. "I think, if you landed like that in front of me, a little wee would have come out of me too."

Sasha laughs, "It wasn't that bad. Mind you, the way you barked orders and had everyone dancing to your tune down there was something else."

"You both did brilliantly." Steve calls out from the kitchen.

"Hi dad." The girls call back, flopping on the sofa.

"Hello ladies. I am seriously impressed with the way you handled yourselves this morning." Steve pauses, berating himself for the official sounding words coming out of his mouth, he relaxes his shoulders and nods in admiration, "I am so very proud of you."

Dani blushes and Sasha jumps up from the sofa to hug him. "Thanks dad."

"Lou is just ploughing through about half a million emails, dealing with the fall out from last night and Kate and Amy had a late night and are resting at the moment. They will be joining us later." Steve begins, "It has been a rough few days, there is nothing major on at the minute, so you can relax if you want."

"Cool. What are your plans?" Dani asks.

"I am going to hit the gym." Steve says, warmly. Sasha's eyes light up and she beams a smile at him.

Sasha lands on her back for the third time in the last five minutes, with a grunt. Steve looks down with kind eyes and extends a hand to help her up. "Very good." He nods.

"Good? I am on my ass again." Sasha says, as she takes his hand and pulls herself to her feet.

"Dani, how do you think it went?" Steve asks, with a smile.

"She is faster than you, but not as strong. You barely laid a hand on her, but when you did, you took her down." Dani offers, from the edge of the mat, trying to pull her hands free of the zip ties securing her wrists behind her back.

"I don't know how you keep winning, I blocked everything you threw at me." Sasha says slumping her shoulders.

"You dealt with my attacks well. You block every single blow." Steve says, reaching out and squeezing her shoulder, "And that, is the problem."

"That doesn't make sense." Dani shakes her head, breathing hard from her struggle for freedom.

"You deal with every single attack, in isolation. However, when I act, I do so in such a way, that it limits your options for countering. In that way, I control the flow of the fight and maneuver you around." Steve explains. "Launch an attack, I will attempt to block and counter, then we discuss. Oh and Dani, can you slide your hands under your bum?"

Sasha shrugs and throws a powerful right cross at Steve's chin. Steve's left arm sweeps up and catches the inside of her wrist turning the blow away hard. The momentum of the block makes her twist slightly, bringing her right shoulder forward. Steve quickly delivers a light but stinging jab to her left bicep.

Steve steps back, "What would you do next?" Steve answers, before she can answer. "Kick at my knee with your right leg." Seeing Dani settling with her hands now under her legs, he nods to her, "Now can you get you hands past your legs?"

Sasha nods open mouth, "How did you know?"

"You would still be slightly off balance from the block and your left arm is slightly numb. Your weight is on your left leg. Most viable option would be a low angled kick to buy time for your recovery." Steve explains, before continuing, "The problem is you would still be off balance and as soon as your foot lifts off of the ground, I would strike the underside of the foot with a toe kick which would make you stumble back. As I lower my foot after the strike, I use the momentum to step forward and place the palm of my hand on your chest and give a gentle shove, putting you on the mat."

"Damn." Dani says, shaking her head.

"Pull the zip tie as tight as you can, then slam your forearms into your hips a few times, till the tie snaps." Steve quickly instructs Dani.

"I can't beat you then." Sasha says, unable to look at her father.

"Yes you can." Steve says supportively, "First up, you are not doing anything wrong. But there are a couple of things you can do to get to the next level. Every fight has a rhythm. A flow of strikes, blows, dodges and counter strikes. Dani has taught you well and against most opponents, you will take them apart, because you have a fast and precise rhythm. Right now, you kick and punch to hit your opponent and block to stop your opponent. But, if you change your strategy a little, you can hit your opponent, with a view to influencing what they do next." As he explains, he points to different parts of his body, "Strike the face, it knocks the head back or turns the face to the side depending on the angle of impact. Strike the nose, it makes the eyes stream. Strike a nerve cluster, results in numbness. Kick to the knee, causes pain and makes it painful to put weight on it. Strike for effect, not just for impact."

"I hadn't thought about it like that." Dani says, thoughtfully, rubbing her now freed wrists, before looking at her zip tied ankles.

"Also don't forget, when you strike, your opponent will try to block, possibly leaving a part of themselves exposed for a follow up strike. You want to hit someone in the face, punch for the gut to force them to bring a hand down to protect themselves, reducing the protection of their face, for your follow up." Steve explains, moving his hands to underline what he is saying.

"I think, I can do that." Sasha nods, considering ways to apply the idea, "You said there were a couple of things."

"The other thing is Discord." Steve says, warming up. "Each fight has a rhythm. If you have an estalished back and forth with a foe and neither of you can land a blow, as you are so smoothly matching each others moves. But, a split second delay may be enough to break the flow and let you reset the tone. Same applies if you and your foe are trading body blows and you kick their leg. Manage the tempo, vary your strikes, keep your opponent guessing."

"So basically tricking someone to react to a blow that they expect, in order to land a blow that they don't." Sasha says, biting her lip and looking to her father for approval.

Steve gives a single sharp clap, "Precisely. If you can successfully manage that, you will have a much better time of controlling the flow of combat and influencing what they do to benefit you." He hugs her, warmly and keeps a supporting arm around her as they walk to the edge of the mat to see Dani.

Dani tightens the tie and then uses her hands to force her knees apart, snapping the tie and freeing herself. "Cool." She smiles.

"Well done. Can you remember that?" Steve asks, offering a hand to Dani to help her up.

"Definitely. That is handy to know." She says taking his hand.

"Hope you never have to use that." Steve smiles, "Would you mind sparring with Sasha, while I instruct?"

Dani grins and starts doing star jumps, "Sounds good, been sat down for too long."

Steve watches the back and forth between Dani and Sasha, nodding to himself, "They are both fast and fluid, it shows that they have both done physical training. Sasha is quick and incredibly flexible, Dani sharp and focused. They both soak up every word I say like a sponge. They are both varying tempo well and there is more strategy from both of them." 

Dani rolls forward recovering from a hip throw. She comes up in a crouch, narrowly avoiding a roundhouse kick to her head, by falling back. 

Sasha advances on her prone sister, who launches a low kick to her right shin. 

Sasha stumbles forward and Dani grabs her wrist and pulls her sharply forward. 

Dani rolls back, allowing her sister to fall.

Sasha plants her hands on the ground and somersaults towards her sister, instead of dropping to the floor.

Dani keeps low and stumbles back to avoid Sasha's landing, stepping off of the mat.

She looks down at her feet on the cold floor and then looks at Sasha, with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Let's call it a day there. Eight each. Well done." Steve says, clapping for them both. "Really great work."

Dani and Sasha are bent over panting and look into each others eyes nodding in silent agreement.

The girls giggle, as they rush at Steve. He shakes his head, with a gentle smile and rolls forward, rising to his feet in front of Sasha, before she can stop herself. He side steps and sticks his leg out tripping her and causing her to fall in Dani's path. Dani tries to skip over Sasha, as she rolls, but catches her foot on Sasha's hip. Sasha stops rolling just in time to feel Steve pin her under him. 

Dani lands hard on her front, knocking the wind out of her. She rolls onto her back laughing between coughs. "That went well."

"Absolutely perfect execution." Sasha laughs.

Steve, climbs off of Sasha and offers a hand to each of the girls to help them up. In unison they grab his hands and pull as hard, as they can.

Steve raises and eyebrow, "Get up you two. I weigh more than the two of you combined."

They relent and allow Steve to help them up. "Sorry, had to be done." Sasha giggles.

"I will give you points for that. Go an get yourselves cleaned up and  I will tidy up in here." Steve says, with a wide smile.

As they leave chattering, Steve smiles and checks the time, "Six hours. I have a feeling that they would do another six given half a chance. It's almost like they were made for this."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:48 pm
by wolfman
"Just be a sec." Kate smiles as she carries her Amy's bag through the suite to deposit it in her room. "Hi everyone." She calls over her shoulder.

Amy watches her from her chair, stunned by how well she glides across the room, given how badly she was hurt. Her reverie is broken when she hears Steve ask, "How are you feeling?"

"Much better thanks. Kate has been wonderful." She replies, with a knowing smile.

"Kate looks better too. Don't know how you do it. You must have healing hands." Steve says, with a nod of admiration.

"Even though I am not at my best, I was able to give her some intensive treatment last night." Amy says, as Kate returns.

"How is your back now? You are moving a lot better." Steve asks, once Kate has sat in a chair next to Amy.

"I can't explain it, the wound is almost healed. I am stiff and a little sore, but otherwise ok." Kate says almost with a look of disbelief.

"Sounds to me like Amy gave your hole some very intesive care, last night." Steve says,  with a gentle smile.

Amy and Kate turn scarlet and look at each other, before nervously looking back at Steve. "You know?" Kate dares to ask.

Steve nods, with a gentle smile, "I suspected. Long delay before coming up to the suite and you have a spring in your step. It is almost like you have had a massive weight lifted."

"It does feel like that to be fair." She nervously sips from a bottle of water, "Sorry I never told you that I was bi-sexual."

"You have nothing to apologise for. You are my sister and it doesn't change the love I have for you." Steve smiles warmly and rubs his chin. "If anything, I should apologise, that you didn't feel you could tell me."

"I knew I could, but it was never the right moment." Kate admits, with a sigh.

Dani and Sasha look up from setting up their newly acquired phones and smile at Amy and Kate. Sasha nudges Dani, and getting up from the sofa, asks Kate, "Would you like to swap, so you can sit together on the sofa?"

Amy nods and Kate says. "Thank you. That would be really nice." She takes Amy's hand and helps her up from her chair.

The girls take a seat in the chairs, allowing Kate and Amy settle on the sofa. Kate puts a nervous arm around Amy and pulls her close.

"You make a gorgeous couple." Dani says, taking a picture with her phone.

Kate and Amy look into each others eyes, "Yeah, we kind of do." Kate says, giving Amy a peck on the lips.

"Hi everyone, sorry I am late, been a hell of a day. There is a news crew downstairs." Louise says, rushing over to kiss Steve and flop on the sofa beside him. She gives a surprised smile, in response to the tender kiss Kate and Amy share on the other sofa.

Steve wraps his arms around her and they exchange, I love you's and kisses as if they have been months apart.

"Why is there a news crew here?" Sasha asks, wide eyed.

With a knowing smile, Steve turns on the news and they watch the day's headlines, "Following the anonymous supply of leaked company documents from rising Pharmaceutical company Medteqniq, authorities have issued arrest warrants for over twenty executives . The charges relate to illegal imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, the widespread use of illegal forced human trials, vivisections and experimentation on unwilling human victims." The first anchor begins.

"We have exclusive access to a group of former medical personel, who claim that they were saved from being executed, by the actions of a the new security chief and his team. We will be getting accounts first hand from the team forced to work under penalty of death and the security executive who extracted them. We will be, live and direct later this evening with a special report from the Chateau in northern France offering them protection." The second anchor, continues.

"Coming up, we have a full profile on Dr Hermann Lund. Former Clinical Director at Medteqniq and driving force behind, a culture of fear, corruption, murder and vice at the company who remains at large. We will be speaking to Interpol Inspector James Harper and asking the question, what drives a man of medicine to hold such low regard for human life?"

Steve answers his phone and heads to the kitchen in hushed tones, as the broadcast continues.

Louise mutes the tv and they all try to listen in.

"Moshi moshi......... Shimada-san, arigato gozaimashita..... Hai, so desu..... Iie chigaimasu, bakayaru ja nai.......Hai......Ja mata Shimada-san" Steve ends the call and re-enters the room and gives Louise a thumbs up.

He retakes his seat next to Louise and kisses her on the cheek, whispering "I love you."

All eyes stare questioningly at Steve as he smiles. "Sometimes the havoc you can do with a rocket launcher, pales in comparison to the damage you can unleash, with a few words to the right person." He begins. "They expected a war, but gathered their forces on the wrong front. Lou has taught me a lot about economic and information warfare." He pauses, "The friend that copied Medteqniq's database and acquired samples of PCS 20, made a second copy and turned it over to an old press contact, from his police days. I also have a friend in Japan, something of a life coach. He has a number of stock brokers on the Nikkei exchange and my friend tipped them off about this and they advised their left, right and centre to dump Medteqniq shares. The company is virtually worthless. Even if the authorities weren't sweeping in, they would be out of business within days."

"That bastard Lund is on the run, the police will never catch him." Sasha says bitterly.

"He has a yacht moored in Brittany. Collins has the Falcon on standby off site. Dani, you fancy coming?" Steve asks, turning to Sasha looking into her eyes, "I am sorry, but I need you to stay here. Kate is still recovering, Louise will need to deal with the press again shortly and I need a second shooter covering my back. You are the only person I can trust to keep this place safe, if something happens."

"You don't think I have what it takes to back you up." Sasha says, on the verge of tears.

Steve rushes to her seat and crouches in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. "I know you have what it takes to back me up. I also know that if Medteqniq decides to do a retaliation, you can handle it. I trust you to protect Lou, Kate, Amy and everyone else in my absence. I need you to step up for this."

"Really?" Sasha says, unable to believe her ears.

"You faced down against a corridor full of armed men with hostages, without hesitation and everyone lived apart from the leader of the hostiles and two guys with machine guns and no sense. I don't know anyone else who could do that in the way you did.  You have got what it takes, Sasha, just like Dani has." Steve says, gently.

Sasha nods slowly, "I wont let you down. I promise."

"I know you wont." He turns to Dani, "Are you up for this?"

"All the way, dad." She says, with a smile.

"Here you go, fresh barrel with intergral suppressor." Kate says, passing Dani the Desert Eagle and showing her how to draw it from the snatch holster, with a wince from a faint twinge in her back.

"Are you ok, Kate?" Amy asks concerned.

"Just a twinge, I am not a hundred percent, but I am a damn sight better than this time last night." Kate says, with a smile, "Thanks to you." They embrace lost in their own world.

Dani looks at Sasha and places a hand on her shoulder. "I wish you were coming with me."

"Me too. Although, I also wish you were staying here. If there is trouble I don't know if I can handle it." Sasha admits.

"You are not the girl I overpowered in the woods anymore.  You are stronger than you will ever know." Dani says looking at her sister, thoughtfully. "Although, you could be dressed better for the occasion."

As Sasha looks on questioningly, Dani rummages in the case containing the winter warfare gear, "You like white, right?" She asks, passing items to her sister, before she stands and nods. 

A few moments later Sasha has changed and despite her five feet and six inch height stands tall in white neoprene and kevlar interweave bodysuit, white body armour and blunt trauma shield and white steel capped boots. She adjusts the double shoulder holster, sporting a tranq pistol under each arm and looks at herself in the mirror. "Damn, that is a good look." She exclaims, "When all this is over, we totally need to go clothes shopping together."

"That would be nice. I would love to do something normal." Dani says, passing a set of steel, knuckle dusters. "Ready for anything."

As Kate and Amy help Dani and Sasha, select their equipment, Steve holds Louise tightly, "I love you so much." He whispers, "Are you sure you are ok with this?" He asks grimly.

"This is the right thing to do.  Go get him." Louise says, smiling softly.

"That's not what I mean." He says, stroking the small of her back.

"I know." She says, sadly, "There is no guarantee that he even has my eggs. Deal with what we know. He is a monster and needs to be put down. He claims to have my eggs, but offers no proof.  They should not count as leverage."

"But if there is a chance-" Steve begins before Louise cuts him off with a sharp tone, "Listen up soldier. You will find this man and do what you have to do. Anything else is a distraction, that could get you killed. Find him, deal with him, come back safe. Nothing else matters."

"You are so sexy, when you use the official voice." Steve thinks, whilst all he can say is, "I shall return safe my love. Make sure Sasha is safe and keep an eye on Kate."

"Why?" She asks confused.

"She was badly hurt and is, on the surface at least, now fine. She might be putting a brave face on and I would hate for her to get hurt, if she is not up to it." He explains.

"What about Sasha?" Louise asks, warmly.

"In fairness, when I said I trusted her to protect you all, I meant it. If trouble comes to the door, I don't rate its chances of coming in." Steve says, with a surety in his voice, that makes Louise wonder, what he has seen in his daughter.

A burble of noise from the corridor leaks into the treatment room, almost completely drowning out the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor.  The patient from the Medteqniq lab. Lays almost perfectly still save for the gentle rise and fall of his chest. His massive body is covered from head to toe in bandages and occupies most of the bed. As the noise of the Media frenzy builds outside, his eyes spring open, with a look of cruel satisfaction.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:10 pm
by Caesar73
Who may that patient be ..... somebody we know?

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:20 pm
by wolfman
The sound of distant voices echoes softly, as Steve and Dani walk purposefully towards the black SUV in the private subterranean car park, flanked by Sasha and Louise. 

"We will get to the helicopter in about twenty minutes.  It will take us about an hour to get to his yacht, then we will go radio silent." Steve summarises.

"We should be fine, Kate and Amy are in the clinic co-ordinating with the medical and security teams and I will be heading there to deal with the press shortly." Louise says, looking sharp in a tailored trouser suit and slik blouse.

Dani loads her gear into the vehicle, focused on the night ahead, picturing the layout of the yacht, surrounding area, possible forces that they will face and the details of local police and military response times.

"'What about you Sasha, what are your plans?" Steve asks, smiling at his daughter.

"I think I will head to the suite and monitor the security feeds from there." Sasha smiles back, nervously, "Is that ok?"

"Sounds good, fairly central location and it is always good having someone watching everything." Steve nods, loading a large back into the vehicle. "Everyone will have a headset on so if you need anything, just shout out."

They embrace and Dani nudges Sasha, "Good luck babe. See you on the other side."

Sasha beams back, "Let me know when you are on your way, I will get some bacon and mushroom sarnies ready." 

"That's what I am talking about." Dani says warmly, "Sounds like a plan."

The patient sits up on his bed and swings his legs off of the sides, he pulls the bandages from his face and he takes a deep breath. "Good to be alive again." He reflects, experimentally stretching his limbs.

He looks down at his bandage covered arms and raises his eyebrows, "They are a bit bigger.", he thinks, getting slowly to his feet. With growing confidence he walks over to the sink in the corner of the room. The water feels good on his face, cooling his warm skin. 

"What the hell?" He wonders, addressing his reflection. "My skin is almost pure white.", He moves closer to the mirror examining his face, with a look of malicious satisfaction. "I look twenty years younger."

He tears the bandages from his body and marvels at the transformation. "Well this is a good day. Back from the dead, twenty years younger and about fifty pounds of pure muscle heavier. I have never looked better."

A troubled look of concern plays over his features. He slips a hand, inside the waist band of his shorts and a vicious smile tugs ruthlessly at the corners of his mouth.

Louise puts her arm around Sasha's shoulder, as they wave goodbye to Steve and Dani, "They will be back soon."

"I know they will." She says, sadly.

"I know you wanted to be a part of it, but your dad is right, we need you here." Louise says, supportively hugging her.

"I know, I just wish I could be there for the end of this." Sasha says, softly.

"Look, you can come to the clinic with me if you want.  You don't need to stay on your own." Louise says,with a gentle warmth.

Sasha turns away slightly, "The scars have gone, but I still feel them. It feels like everyone sees them. I am not sure I am ready to handle a crowd, with cameras." She furtively, wipes away a tear and cannot meet Louise's gaze.

"Oh Sasha." Louise pulls the young woman close, "You have done so many amazing things, this past few days. I didn't realise, that it was still so raw for you. Your dad and I are here for you, even if you just want to talk and unload. Let us help you heal."

Sasha sniffs back tears, "Thank you Lou. I try to be hard and tough like dad and Dani, but I am not. My heart was racing, when I ran into that corridor and faced down against the Medteqniq men. I feel more confident with the moves dad and Dani showed me, but I still feel like an imposter. I am not a soldier like any of you, I am the odd one out, trying to fit in."

"I feel like an imposter every day." Lou says, "Less than a year ago I was a finance manager, now I am head of a corporation and a trained killer." She shakes her head with a tired look, "Still feels weird thinking of myself as either of those things. For what it is worth, you are better at brave facing it, than I am."

"I hadn't thought of it like that. You are so together." Sasha raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"Your dad's love gives me the strength, to get through each day and in fairness, each day is a little easier." Louise admits, with a smile, "Don't worry about being something that you are not, be true to yourself. You have a good heart, listen to it, it will tell you what path to take. We love you for who you are and not what you do. Be true to yourself, you are amazing as you are."

"Thanks Lou." Sasha says, "'You are amazing too."

"Give me a shout if you need me." Sasha says, to Lou as the lift door closes between them. 

She turns and looks at her reflection in the lift's rear wall. "I am no soldier, but, damn this is a good look."

"The neoprene hugs like a second skin and the bullet proof vest is just the right size to stop it looking too bulky." She thinks, as she exits the lift and walks towards the suite, each step bringing her closer to peace inside.

She clicks her next and sits on one of the sofas in the suite, watching the feed with the news in the background. "Lou is right. I need to be true to myself. I wish I knew what that meant."

She takes a sip of hot black coffee and thoughtfully takes a bit from a cereal bar. "When I charged down that corridor, it was exhilarating, I have never felt so alive. Everything was crystal clear. Every bullet, every smell, every face, the dust in the air. I have never felt so connected to myself. In that moment, the old me shed it's skin and I was born anew."

Sasha rises to her feet and retrieves a packet of cigarettes from the drawer under the television. She raises one to her lips and lights her first cigarette. "I have been looking at this all wrong." She thinks, drawing smoke deep into her lungs, "I am not a soldier, but, that is not a bad thing. I am something else."

She coughs harshly and stubs out the cigarette, "Well, I am not a smoker that is for sure." She settles back down on the sofa to watch the feeds and laughs to herself, "Twat."

Kate and Amy smile at one another, across the chaotic studio, set up in the reception of the clinic. Kate taps instructions into a tablet and passes it to Hill. "Good work. We have a secure cordon around the building and to all entrances to the clinic and the media is fed and watered. This is a good set up."

"Thanks Guv. All of the Medteqniq personel have been checked over and their identities verified. They are all relaxing in treatment rooms, until they are needed for the news cast." Hill explains.

Kate looks over towards the lift, where the cameras and lights are set up, "Bit different to the last time I was down here. Great work, keep me posted."

They shake hands warmly, and she works around the outside of the staging area until she is next to Amy. She taps her on the shoulder, "Miss Singer, may I have a moment of your time, for a private consultation?"

Amy smiles inwardly and finishes annotating the chart on the clipboard, for a Nirvana nurse who was injured when the Medteqniq team, stormed the panic room. She passes the chart to a doctor and looks at Kate, nodding towards a treatment room. Kate smiles and gently bites her lip. She takes Amy by the arm the world seems to fall away as she leads her lover into the treatment room.

They kiss as the door closes, lost in the moment, until an eerily smooth voice behind, them turns the blood in their veins to ice. "Hello Shaw. Good to see you again."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:34 pm
by Caesar73
Wow! What a Cliffhanger!!! Clearly someone from Kates Past. I so do hope, Kate is not in for a tough ride again. She has been shot, beaten up way too often lately, I pray for her - and Amy. Both deserve some happiness.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:24 pm
by wolfman
Sasha turns from the camera feeds, her attention drawn by a commotion on the TV screen. The studio was hastily set up in the reception of the subterranean clinic, due to the limited access and as protection from snipers. The stage is roughly forty feet across and surrounded on three sides by members of various press organisations. Louise smiles warmly and sits back on the sofa, as Louise takes a seat on the makeshift studio's sofa and smiles to camera. Sasha scrambles for the remote and presses record. "Lou's big moment." She thinks, before cheerily screaming at the screen, "Get 'em Lou."

She smiles with rapt excitement, watching the assembled medics and reporters crowd around behind the staging area. "There must be press from across the world here. Be cool Lou, the world is watching."

Her headset crackles to life, "Zeus to base camp, we are four minutes from target. Over."

"Devil to Zeus, roger that, happy hunting. Queen is on the news, am recording it for you. Over." Sasha says smiling.

"Thank you Devil. How are things there? Over." Steve asks, performing a final check on his weapons. He frowns at the static on the line and counts to ten, "Devil, come in, over."

Sasha hears the words, but is transfixed by panic on the TV screen following the sound of serval gunshots. Her breathing becomes shallow, watching the terrified crowd part. Her heart lurches at the sight of Kate and Amy bodily thrown on stage, their wrists bound and faces bloody. 
Frozen in place, she watches a six foot four man, easily over three hundred and fifty pounds of muscle, stride across the stage, wearing only boxer shorts and a gunbelt across his chest. But it is his face that disturbs her the most, "It can't be." She whispers, her lip quivering.

The man viciously grabs Louise by the throat, lifting her from the sofa and bringing her face level with his, without effort. "Hello love, we have unfinished business." He smoothly hisses, his honeyed voice dripping with venom. He turns to the camera, "If you stop recording, I will murder everyone. Bring me Steve Marks."

"Devil, come in damn it. We are two minutes from target." Steve says, over the comms, fearfully.

Sasha focuses and keys her headset. "Dad?" She says weakly.

Steve freezes at the tone of her voice, "Sasha, What's wrong?"

She stares at the screen, watching Louise being roughly handcuffed by the man who ruined her body, raped her and left her for dead, "I broke my promise. He is here and I didn't stop him" She says, heartbroken.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Steve says, tapping Collins on the shoulder and giving a hand signal for him to hold position.

"I promised to keep Louise, Kate and Amy safe." She speaks in a distant tone, as something in the ready room catches her eye.

"Sash, what's going on babe?" Dani asks in a soft and gentle tone, swallowing a creeping feeling of dread.

Sasha watches the last security officer spring from the crowd and shoot Price in the chest. Price barely reacts, as he pulls a handgun from the gunbelt across his chest and fires. The security officer slumps to the ground, just before the bullet wounds he made in Price's chest close. "He must have been the patient. He has got Kate, Lou and Amy. I let him hurt them. He heals so fast, bullets have no effect."

"Who is there Sasha?" Steve asks, gently, as he signals Collins to turn back.

"Price." Sasha says, entering the ready room and taking the object that drew her attention. "But looks younger, bigger and heals really fast. He has taken Kate's gun and killed the security men in the clinic. He wants you dad."

"It's ok Sasha, it can't be him. We are on our way back. We will be there soon. Stay where you are." Steve says, as the colour drains from his face.

"I broke my promise, dad." Sasha says, her voice heavy with sadness. "I let you down. The first thing you have really asked of me and I failed."

"We can fix this, Sasha." Steve says, cautiously. 

Sasha takes a slow breath hearing comforting words from Kate, steve, Dani and Lou, echoing in her mind, giving her solace. "It doesn't matter what they would do. I am the one here." She decides. With a slow nod to herself, she speaks with hard certainty, "No Dad. I failed. I need to fix this."

She doesn't hear his response, as she removes the headset. She feels a quiet power within her start to grow, "I am not a soldier. I am not a hard ass. I am the lucky dumbass, who does what she need to." She whispers to herself, rising to her feet. 

She closes her eyes and nods to herself, mapping out her stretegy and making peace with how much it will hurt. "This is a bad idea." Is all she can think, as she takes a full bottle of PCS twenty without breaking her stride, knowing exactly how the fight will go and what she must do. 

Steve doesn't stop trying to reason with Sasha, not realising that she has already gone.

Dani sits quietly, staring at her phone, "Dad." she says slowly, unable to tear her eyes away from the phone. "You need to see this."

He turns to Dani and looks at the phone, watching the news feed, in disbelief. "No. It is not possible. I killed him."

Dani puts her arm around her father and they watch in silence.

"Medteqniq, must have stolen his body and kept him alive artificially, then decided to bring him back when they had confirmaton of a working formula." Steve says,thinking out loud. "When the news broke, it must have scuppered their plans for him, so they tried to kill him. That could be useful."

He stops his musing when the screen shows Price turn to face the lift, as the doors open.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Price says, with smooth mockery, once he recognises the girl stepping from the lift. "You are looking a lot better than the last time I saw you."

"This was such a bad idea. He is a giant, next to me." Sasha broods, stepping slowly from the lift, her lip trembling. "I don't know if I can do this." She looks down at the unconscious bound forms of Amy, Kate and Lou and the pleading eyes of the terrified reporters, looking to her for salvation. Sasha looks back at the man who violated her in so many ways. She feels no anger, no fear, no rage, only purpose.

"You made me watch, when you murdered my parents. You cut and ripped every inch of my skin." Sasha says, holding back tears, "Then you raped me a left me for dead. You tortured and murdered, my grandparents, Lou's mother and sister and you have the gall to stand there preening yourself and making jokes about it."'

"I had a job to do. Nothing personal." Price smoothly says, waving his hand, dismissing her words.

"No, you were paid to torture and murder my by Medteqniq. But, forcing yourself on me, was your decision." Sasha fires back at him, slowly beginning to move right.

"You looked so perfect in your exquisite agony. Covered in your own blood. Begging me to end it." Price smiles darkly, at the memory and begins to circle to his right. "I have to say, you have tightened up that sweet little body of yours. Say the word and we can have a rematch, before daddy comes home."

"I dont think so." Sasha says, coldly.

"Come now, angry sex is the best and you look so angry. Come to papa." Price says, smooth as oil and twice as greasy.

"You are right. I am angry. I am angry that most of my brothers and sisters are dead, because we held more value as lab rats than we did as people. I am angry that you have no remorse for everything you have done to me. But mostly, I am angry because, when Medteqniq came in the night and took our baby. I was alone."

Around the world viewers hold their breath and feel their heart break just a little for the girl, standing tall in front of the man almost a foot taller than her and almost four times her weight, who says nothing.

"That's what I thought." Sasha says stepping forward slowly, "They took your son and you don't care enough to speak. You prey on the weak, satisfy your own base urges without regard and have no remorse. You are pathetic. I don't know why I was ever frightened of you. You are a scared little boy in a man's body." She looks at him in disgust.

"Whatever you say, child." Price scoffs, "I can do whatever I want and nothing hurts me. So as punishment for your insolence I will shoot Louise." He draws a pistol from the gunbelt and aims it at Louise head, with a look of malevolent arrogance.

"Wait, wait. Please." Sasha says raising her hands, "My transgression, punish me, not her."

"Why should I?" Price says, with smooth anger.

Sasha swallows and looks at the floor, "I will do anything you want, just please don't hurt her."

With an evil grin, he leers lustfully, "I have been dead a while.  I want to make sure everything works ok. Suck my cock and I will spare her for now."

Everyone watching has their own term to describe this man. All pray for the girl slowly shuffling towards him. But none of them know, that at that moment, she is thinking, "So far so good, This might actually work."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:28 am
by wolfman
Sasha approaches Price slowly. She sweeps her gaze across the faces of those present and thinks to herself, "Last time I was down here, I saved a mans life. Now the stakes are so much higher. This has to work."

He leers at her and smoothly says, "'No rush baby. All in your own time. I want to enjoy this."

Less than eight feet away, she closes her eyes and gives a subtle nod, inching closer to him. The look of sadness on her face is a lie, concealing the exhilaration she feels inside. She rubs her right hand across the top of her head and lets her fingers trail back through her hair.

Her eyes flash open, as her right hand whips forward from behind her shoulder. The double blast of the sawnoff shotgun is deafening in the clinic, shaking Louise and Kate back to consciousness. With effortless grace, Sasha sweeps her right arm across her body, discarding the spent shotgun and smoothly drawing the tranquiliser pistol under her left armpit in one motion and aims at Price. She fills her left hand with the gun's twin from the other holster, in less time than it takes for Price to fly backwards six feet and slam into the wall behind him, his stomach shredded.

Between the extreme close range and lack of recoil from the pistols, every dart hits the massive man before her, their grouping tight, in his chest. She drops the empty weapons and slips her hands into the pouches on the holsters, usually used for spare magazines and retrieving the steel knuckle dusters. She stalks left, away from the centre of the stage, watching him closely.

Price laughs, with a hint of anger in his otherwise smooth monotone voice. He swipes the empty darts out of his chest, as the gaping wound in his stomach begins to close. 

He fixes Sasha with a gaze of pure, malevolent fury and springs to his feet charging her, with a roar. She bobs right, slipping under his flailing arms and kicking his left leg, a split second before his foot hits the ground. He buckles and slams face first into the wall. Sasha swings her right fist hard, slamming into his back just above his kidneys. Too fast for the eye to follow, she follows up with a rain of blows, pummeling his kidneys and spine.

She backflips away, a split second before Price pushes away from the wall. He launches a spinning backfist harmlessly, through the space she occupied a moment ago. Sasha rolls forward while he is recovering from the spin and slams her fist into his ribs, under his extended left arm. He twists sharply from the blow before launching a hammer blow at her skull with his fist. She ducks back, punishing the bicep of the arm, with a devastating one-two combo which is rewarded with a crack of bone, followed by an upper cut to his chin. Price's head snaps back, with a dull thuds into the wall, putting spots before his eyes. 

Sasha slams the knuckle duster into his throat, cracking his adam's apple. Relentlessly, she continues, striking, weaving and bobbing around him. Each blow a repaying a cut he inflicted on her body, a thrust of his hips into her, a time she woke screaming, or a tear shed for her stolen baby. Giving no quarter, she presses her attack, on his constantly healing body.

"Fuck me. This is like fighting a ghost." Price thinks, sweating hard, as he launches a roundhouse kick at Sasha. She does the splits and as the strike passes harmlessly overhead, she slams the knuckleduster of her right hand between his legs and rolls backwards to her feet. He doubles over in agony, winded, vomiting bile on the stage. Before he can recover, the steel toe cap of Sasha's left boot, slams into his temple.

Price crashes to the ground, the world spinning around him. He tries to rise on shaky arms, however, his hands slip from under him, unable to gain purchase on the vomit slicked stage. Sasha stands ready, coiled like a cobra waiting for him to move. 

News of the confrontation has set social media ablaze. Millions tune in to the broadcast to watch the scared little girl, the victim, the wronged woman, as she punishes the man who caused her and so many other so much pain. Unknown to Sasha, the world is cheering her on.

The assembled reporters are pulling out mobile phones and all streaming their own footage of the battle to their offices. This quickly becomes the lead breaking news story of the night.

Louise and Kate both twist in their handcuffs, trying to pull their hands free. "I would need to sit on the stage to slide these under my bum." Louise says, frustrated.

"I know what you mean, he tightened mine a little too much too.  My hands are going numb." Kate responds, silently cursing herself for not slipping a handcuff key in her pocket.

"Is Amy ok?" Louise asks, concerned.

Kate looks down at her seated girlfriend and smiles, "She is ok. Although, I dont know how much longer Sasha can last."

Sasha watches dismayed, as Price continues to heal, as she catches her breath. "Why aren't the darts taking effect?" She whispers to herself.

He looks up at her, brushing a hand across his sweat-slicked brow.  "Certainly much more spirit than the last time we met. But as you can see, it doesn't matter how fast you hit me, I will just keep getting back up. Only a matter of time darling."

"Keep dreaming, you monster. You will never win." Sasha says, breathlessly.

"You are already getting tired." Price mocks, smoothly, "Why don't you just lay down and we finish, as we should have begun?"

"Come near me and I will rip your balls off." Sasha says, glowering at him, waiting for him to make a move. 

"No darling, I don't intend coming near you. I am going to cum in you." Price says slowly circling to his right and edging closer.

Sasha circles, wearily to her right and begins edging back thinking, "He is sweating hard and looks a little drained, but still he keeps coming. I don't know how much longer I can do this."

"Can't this thing go any bloody faster?" Steve shouts above the helicopters, screaming rotors.

"I am pushing as hard, as I can and the engines are at capacity. I am sorry mate, we are still at least twenty minutes away." Collins says, willing the aircraft to keep accelerating.

"Any word from the Chateau on a security intervention?", Steve asks, frowning.

"Hill and the top tier operators were in the clinic and are confirmed down. Second line a rallying to storm, but local law have sealed the building and are awaiting a tactical team from Paris. They wont get there before we do." Collins reports.

"Dad, I am really worried, she looks knackered." Dani says, unable to look away from the screen.

Steve sits with his daughter and wraps his arms around her. "I know she is." He kisses the top of her head and stares at the screen, "Hold on sweetheart, we are coming."

Sasha rolls forward and crouches, punching Price hard in the knee. He howls in pain and drops on his backside, clutching his temporarily ruined knee in pain. Sasha rolls to the side and slips in the bile. Price scrambles towards her on his hands and good knee.  She clumsily rolls back and loses her knuckle dusters in the process.

Price grabs a knuckle duster, hhulring it hard, as Sasha rises to her feet. The steel weapon, strikes her hard in the stomach and she folds at the waist. Price scrambles to his feet and leaps at her, rugby tackling her to the ground. She feels a rib crack as she lands hard and grunts in pain. "This will hurt." She thinks, bracing herself.

Price straddles her chest, and pins both of her hands together with one massive hand above her head. While he punches her with the other. "Gotcha now girly. Fuck me. You have led me a merry dance." He pants, short of breath. "Going to tenderise you a bit, before we party though love."

His fist pistons into her face and chest hard but with decreasing frequency as he slows. "I bet you wish those tranquilisers had worked now."

She spits a gob of blood from a cut in her mouth at him, earning her a back handed slap. "'You dumb bitch, even in the early days, it was established that if you have synthetic PCS in your system, sedatives, don't work." He says smoothly, shaking his head erratically and squinting. He searches with his free hand until he finds the 'duster, she threw. He smiles lazily, slipping his fingers into it and raising his hand above his head. "Shit, I feel odd." He thinks, swallowing a wave of nausea.

The crowd around the stage are rooted to the spot with fear watching Price rear up. All of them except for Louise and Kate, who exchange a glance, both knowing that they cannot stand by and do nothing. They charge at Price, with their wrists still cuffed behind their backs. He turns a split second too late, as they hit him and tumble to the ground in a tumble of limbs.

Price recovers slowly but still fast enough to catch the ankles of Louise and pull her sharply towards him. Kate scrambles to her feet and unleashes a flurry of kicks at his body and head, before a savage chop to her ankle, takes her feet from under her. Price pins both of them to the stage by their throats and pushes down hard.

"No you don't Price. You worm, get back here." Sasha says angrily, springing up from her back to her feet, reinvigorated, by the threat to her aunt and step-mum. She licks the cut on her lip and wipes the cut above her eye, before she activates the chameleon's bracelet and charges at her foe.

He howls as she rakes his back over and over, the ultra thin blade effortlessly slipping through his skin and muscles. Price rolls forward and twists, to slowly stand and face her. He hisses "Can't drug me, can't kill me, can't stop me. Everyone will die and there is nothing you can do."

Members of the crowd pull Louise and Kate from the stage and make sure them can recover their breath. Several reporters search the dead security men. Looking for handcuff keys to free the restrained women.

Sasha smiles darkly, "They weren't tranquiliser darts." She reaches into a pocket of her armour and pulls out a bottle, tossing it to him.

He fumbles the catch and bends slowly to pick it up, feeling dizzy. He squints, reading the label,  "PanaCeaeSterone version twenty, dosage 1000mg."

"To heal and to live, you need protein, fats, sugar and minerals. I shot you in the stomach to empty your tank so to speak." She says, circling him, "I used the knuckles to inflict tissue damage that your rapidly accelerated metabolism, would be forced to heal." She de-activates the bracelet and slips it back onto her wrist, then sweeps a knuckle duster from the stage floor, with her foot. "Your body is just about out of the energy reserves it needs to keep functioning, it is only a matter of time before you drop from a combination of Hypoglycemia and Ketoacidosis." She sets her stance and braces herself.

"If I am to go, I take you with me bitch." With his strength failing, he musters his last reserves to charge at Sasha, arms outstretched. Bracing herself and gritting her teeth, she catches his wrists, as she reaches for her. Despite his weakness, he is still a big man and they stand unyielding, eye to eye. "I will destroy you." He spits at the woman before him.

Sasha squeezes his wrists and pushes, as best she can, forcing him to stagger back, "No, not today. Today, no one else has to die." Her muscles burn and her whole body trembles from the effort, but she does not falter or yield driven by fear for those around her. His legs buckle under him, as the last of his strength fails and the unrelenting pressure on his arms prove too much for the former Royal Marine. With a body moving by willpower alone, Sasha forces Price onto his back. 

Price stares up at her, in agonised exhaustion, as she straddles him and pins him to the stage by his wrists. His muscles burn craving nutrients to rebuild. Even with the enhanced metabolism from the drugs in his system, he cannot regenerate the blood he has lost. Blood, he needs to clear the toxins from his muscles and pump oxygen around his body.

"Enjoy this view Price, because it is the closest you will get to having a woman like me ever again." Sasha says, watching his eyes flutter closed and feeling his body go limp.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:26 pm
by OldTUGger
Wow. Great buildup, and a wonderful twist at the end!

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:30 am
by Red86
[mention]wolfman[/mention] I just read this story for the 1st time today. With the length of the story, I initially only planned to read a few chapters at a time. However I enjoyed it so much, I ended up reading everything posted off & on through out the day. True to your word, I was able to keep reading even though I have not read Devastation as of yet. Definitely a slightly different story from what I am used to reading on here. I truly liked the action scenes as well. The whole story even with its slightly dark parts, has been a great read and I look forward to seeing it continue!!

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:57 am
by wolfman
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Wow! What a Cliffhanger!!! Clearly someone from Kates Past. I so do hope, Kate is not in for a tough ride again. She has been shot, beaten up way too often lately, I pray for her - and Amy. Both deserve some happiness.
Kate has had a rough ride in all these tales. She is a trooper and she will find happiness.
OldTUGger wrote: 3 years ago Wow. Great buildup, and a wonderful twist at the end!
Thank you OldTUGger, tried to keep it fresh and in keeping with Sasha's journey and the lessons she has learned and the person she is.
Red86 wrote: 3 years ago [mention]wolfman[/mention] I just read this story for the 1st time today. With the length of the story, I initially only planned to read a few chapters at a time. However I enjoyed it so much, I ended up reading everything posted off & on through out the day. True to your word, I was able to keep reading even though I have not read Devastation as of yet. Definitely a slightly different story from what I am used to reading on here. I truly liked the action scenes as well. The whole story even with its slightly dark parts, has been a great read and I look forward to seeing it continue!!
Welcome aboard red86, well done for tackling this tale in a day. I am really pleased that you have enjoyed it so far and hope you continue to do so. If you like this, you may also enjoy the others in the series, Deception, Devotion and Devastation.

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:50 pm
by wolfman
Steve cries tears of relief, watching Sasha stand so strong after all she had been through. "You good girl." Dani snuggles up next to him and smiles through her own tears of relief.

A ripple of cheers and applause rises in the clinic, a flows across the viewers of the broadcast, when Sasha rises victorious.  She shakily stands over Price's motionless body and stares down at him. She beckons to Louise and motions her to come closer.  She whispers in her ear and Louise looks at her with a look of shock.  With a look of peace on her face, she nods gently. Louise has a faraway look in her eyes and nods.

Stunned confusion reigns a moment later, as a medical team attends and loads Price onto a stretcher and administers oxygen under Sasha's watchful eye.

Sasha looks up as Kate begins to approach. She shakes her head gently and mouths the words, "Amy needs you."

A reporter bursts from the crowd with a microphone and shoves it in Sasha's face, "Who are you? Where are the doctors taking this man?"

Sasha turns to the reporter and takes a half step back. "I am a wronged woman, who seeks justice." She pauses, turning to point to Price with an open hand, "This is a disturbed man, who had an accident in service of his country and instead of behing helped, he was twisted into the worst version of himself he could be." Sasha, smiles weakly, "The team here will administer blood transfusions, nutrient infusions and provide care, until this man is in a fit enough state to be transfered to the authorities, to face justice for his crimes and get the rehabilitation he needs."

Louise steps between the reporter and Sasha and advises, "A full statement will be given in due course."

She puts a comforting arm around Sasha and whispers, "Thank you. You were amazing." She nods to Kate and guides Sasha over to her side. "Shall we get out of here?" She asks.

Kate nods and kisses Sasha's cheek and whispers, "Thank you Sasha."'

Steve and Dani land on the roof of the Chateau and quickly gather their parachutes, in silence.

Steve signals Dani to follow him and he sprints, keeping low, towards a solid stone tower. Offset from the centre of the Chateau's roof. Crouching low, he opens a concealed door and allows Dani to enter first.

A moment later they exit from the private lift in the suite and step out of their ready room.

"Steve! Thank God you are back." Louise says, relieved.

Steve throws his arms around her and whispers, "Oh Lou, I am so glad you are ok."

"Thanks to Sasha." She says, softly.

"Where is she?" Steve looks around the room, seeing Kate and Amy comforting each other, but sees no sign of his other daughter.

"She is having a shower and getting changed." Louise smiles, "She seems fine. A little battered but fine."

"Speaking of getting changed, I think I will do just that." Dani says heading for her and Sasha's room.

"What about Lund?" Steve asks.

"Sasha said, no one else has to die tonight. Doesn't seem right to go after him." Dani says, with a grim nod.

Steve nods, hugging Louise, "Yeah, enough blood hass been spilled for now. We will get him another day." He returns Dani's gentle smile, as she turns to the room she shares, "Dani?"

She pauses turning to face him, "She is going to need you. You are the strong one."

Dani enters the bedroom and pulls of the body armour, once the door is closed, She smiles to herself seeing Sasha's clothes pilled by the en-suite bathroom door. She smiles to herself and walks over to pick, them up stopping herself, hearing a sound from the bathroom, that is neither flushing, nor the running of the shower.

She knocks the door gently hearing the noise again.  Tentatively she opens the door to see her sister naked on the floor of the shower under the stream of water, hugging her knees and crying. 

Dani rushes to her side and wraps her arms around her, "Shhhhhhh, it's ok. You are not alone."

Sasha rocks herself back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably, "I promised to protect everyone and the security men died.  It is all my fault."

"There was no way you could have known he was in the building. You saved so many people and you spared him." Dani says softly.

"I wanted to kill him." Sasha cries.

"'That is why you are better than me.  I would have shot him in the face with the sawn off and ground his bones to dust with a sledge hammer." Dani admits, "And I would have been wrong. You did the right thing."

"What do you mean?" Sasha asks weakly.

"He was twisted.  It may be that he drove his own actions, but there is a chance he didn't. Either way, by sparing him, he is punished every day, by the knowledge that you took him apart. Besides, killing him on national television, tends to be bad for the image." Dani says, softly.

"I guess so. I just wish I could have stopped him before he hurt anyone." Sasha says, drained.

"Kate, Amy and Lou are ok. All the reporters and medics are safe. He was already here." Dani hugs her sister, "You did nothing wrong. Sometimes, things happen beyond out control. What matters is how we face them. It is tragic that some of the security team died, but you saved everyone else."

"I guess so." Sasha says with a faraway look in her eyes, "I really wanted to kill him, you know."

"I know you did. What stopped you?" Dani asks, wondering.

"I realised he was a parody of himself.  His worst traits had been magnified to cartoonish levels and he didn't act in a way that made sense. He was a soldier trained in guerilla warfare, why not just hide and attack when we least expected? Didn't make sense. I wondered if he was conditioned to do this, is it right to punish him." Sasha admits, "But, most of all, I am sick of all this death. I am not a soldier like you, a cop like Kate or a warrior like dad."

"Do you know what you are?" Dani asks, looking her sister in the eyes.

"Yeah." She pauses, giving a gentle smile, "I am a dumbass who gets lucky."  

"No babe. You are a guardian." Dani beams, back at her.

"How do you mean?" Sasha asks, rolling it round in her head.

"When those you care about are in danger you act. Lady Chameleon draws a gun on me, you throw a bottle of flammable liquid at her and use yourself as a human shield for Kate. You get Kate out of the clinic and go back for Garvey. Instead of running and hiding when you woke after taking PCS, you charged headlong through a hail of bullets to save the medics and, you chose not to kill all of the MTN people. Finally, seeing the architect ofso much of your pain hurt Lou, Kate and Amy and take a room full of hostages, you faced him. Not to kill, him or exact revenge, but to stop him and save lives."

Sasha sits stunned, nodding gently to herself. "I am a guardian." She says experimentally, trying out the phrase. "There is something else. But you need to promise you wont tell anyone." 

"I promise." Dani pledges.

"Before Kate went over to see Amy, she was having a nap on the sofa. I injected her with PCS." Sasha admits, blushing.

"Our secret, babe." Dani says with a smile, "Shall we get out of this shower?"

"Yeah. Might be an idea." Sasha chuckles. "Did you get Lund?"

"No we came back, after talking to you. We can get him another day." Dani says standing and offering a hand to her sister. "Enough blood has been shed today."

Sasha takes the offered hand and rises to her feet. "He will be the world's most wanted for a while. I don't think we will have any trouble from him, for a while."

"What a day." Louise reflects, as she waits for the kettle to boil.

Kate slips into the kitchen area and closes the door behind her. "Can I have a word?" She asks, biting her lip.

"Hey. How is Amy?" Louise says, brightly. 

"Bryce is removing a cage from her spine and she is about to have PCS to heal her arm, leg and spine, not that we have seen it repairs damaged bone and nerves." Kate says with a gentle smile.  She reaches into her dressing gown pocket and withdraws an envelope. "You need to read this."

Louise takes the envelope and scans its contents. She shakily moves to the kitchen table and slumps into a chair. "Kate, you can't resign. I need you."

Kate takes a seat next to her and lights a cigarette, leaving the pack on the counter, "Since I took the job, we have had assaults and incursions into the corporate headquarters. Even though it has worked out well, the board will raise issues with me, which will tie you up in knots, whilst you should be running the corporation. This way, you can say that you took action and dealt with me. It will make you look stronger and silence any detractors."

Louise takes and lights a cigarette, drawing deeply to steady her nerves. "I can deal with the flak, Kate. You don't need to fall on your sword for me."

"I know, but this way you wont have to." Kate says, gently. "Adam would be a good choice for my replacement. He is smart, capable and generally well thought of."

Louise runs her fingers through her hair and nods, resignedly, "What will you do?"

"I have no idea." Kate admits, with a shrug, "Amy and I might go travelling."

Louise stares into space, deep in thought. She sends a plume of smoke towards the ceiling and then turns back to Kate. "Alternatively, I could put you in charge of the Hertfordshire facility. We take it off line as a hotel and repurpose it as a training academy. You run training for security personel and  Amy runs a medical training centre. I think I can get Steve on board as a tactical and close combat coach."

"Are you serious?" Kate asks, mulling the idea over.

"The more I think of it, the better it sounds. We could even offer external security courses at a premium." Louise says deep in thought. "Could you imagine a security team, that can drive and shoot like you and fight and plan like Steve?"

"Now that is a scary thought. You could spin it that, I stepped back to take a less hands on roll and still push Adam forward." Kate smiles, warmly.

"Sounds like a plan" Louise says, with a grin. "Why do you care about Adam being pushed forward?" Louise says, breathing a plume of smoke out of the corner of her mouth.

"He is a good guy. He has been very helpful to me and is not too hung up on internal politics." Kate says, with  smile. "If you get him on side, he will back you to the hilt. Besides, he is seeing Jacqui and it will be a boost for her if she gets to see him more."

"Since when?" Louise asks, surprised.

"About a week after we took Harris down. Long days and nights of them working together and they just clicked." Kate reveals, with a smile.

"I have no idea, how I missed that." Louise says, shaking her head with a smile.

"It has been a bit crazy. I am not surprised." Kate says, stubbing out her cigarette.

"That is very true. So." Louise pauses, grinning at Kate, "You and Amy?"

Kate smiles, gently, "We got lost in the moment and found each other. It is early days, but, it feels real." Kate admits, "It has been a long time since I felt like this about someone. I spent so long in the police denying anything that could make me happy, for the sake of the job.", she taps her chest above her heart gently, "I feel her in here and don't want to deny myself any longer."

"I am so happy for you. It would be nice to see you settled down." Louise says, finishing her cigarette.

"Steady on. It is still early days." Kate says, holding up her hands, in mock surrender.

"I know, I just want to see you happy." Louise says, squeezing Kate's shoulder, "You have done so much for Steve and I. Sasha too. Just want to see you find someone, who makes you as happy as Steve makes me."

"Thanks Lou. I want that too." Kate smiles, "I feel bad that I haven't really spent much time with Dani. She saved my life and I will always remember that."

"She is quite sweet when you get to know her." Louise, says with a smile. "That said, I think if she had stayed and Sasha had gone with Steve, Price would be dead."

"Really? Do you think she is that good?" Kate says, lighting another cigarette.

"She fights as well as Sasha up close, but she is not gun shy." Louise says, with a shrug, "She has had it tough and that has made her hard in some ways. She has found some measure of peace here with us. I don't think there is a limit to what she would do, if one of us were hurt, or worse."

"So she is basically a young, female Steve." Kate Chuckles.

"Not really. She lacks the hard edge he has and that is no bad thing." Louise says with a smile. "I like having them both around and I am sure Steve does too."

"I can tell the difference in him. He seems calmer, like they have tamed the beast." Kate says, Smiling gently.

"I don't think he will ever truly be tamed. But he is more at peace." Louise says, wistfully.

"How much time have you and Steve had together since you got back from Japan?" Kate asks, with a sympathetic smile.

"Not as much as either of us would hope." Louise says, sadly, "But, I don't want to say anything, otherwise, I will come across as a massive bitch."

"Sasha will be knackered. I will be disappearing to spend time with Amy. Not sure what Dani will be up to though." Kate offers.

"We should probably head back in to be fair." Louise says, looking at the time, "They will be sending a search party."

"About time too." Dr Lund sneers, hunched over on the deck of the yacht.

The helicopter screams in low over the water, skimming the surf to stay off of the coastguard's radar. Emerging on the horizon, appearing to be a pair of brightly lit eyes of some creature of legend, sweeping across the waves towards the yacht.

"I am glad the captain, spotted that black helicopter stalking us earlier. It may have been nothing, but it is clear that I am an easy target here." Lund reflects, "I still have resources, independent of the company and a chance to begin again."

The Sikorsky bird lands on deck smoothly. Lund and one of his personal security detail, run across the helipad in a crouch. Lund loads his suitcases into the helicopter first and steps aside, as his body guard loads a chilled metal cylinder aboard and helps the older man aboard.

He settles back into his seat and gazes out of the window, deep in thought. "Well played Marks. You have won this round. But, I still have the PCS, the Patents and your wife's eggs. This is not over."

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:26 pm
by wolfman
"Another night of insomnia." Dani thinks, staring at the ceiling. She smiles to herself as she listens to the soft huff of Sasha's breathing, as she sleeps soundly.

"Why can't I sleep? The PCS should be out of my system and I feel knackered but I can't switch off." Dani thinks, rolling onto her side. "I actually feel settled for the first time in so long. I feel a part of something for the first time in so long. Maybe that is the problem, I am too much of a loner."

"Don't be daft girl. Your life is in turmoil and Lund is on the run, no wonder you can't sleep." She realises.

She rolls over again, to find herself looking at her sleeping sister, "I am so proud of you Sasha, you bossed it. If I had to choose a sister, it would be you, hands down. Every time."

She eases herself from the bed in silk shorts and a pyjama top and pulls Sasha's blanket up slightly and tucks it in. Sasha shuffles a little, snuggling down under the blanket and Dani, lightly touches her shoulder.

Dani silently slips into the living room area of the suite. She pours herself a large glass of Merlot and takes a large satisfied sip. "I don't fancy the gym tonight, still a little achy from earlier."

Hearing the dubious noises coming from her father's room and thinks better of disturbing them. Curious, she checks Kate's room. "Ah of course." She thinks seeing the empty bed. "She will be with Amy."

Drifting through the suite, loosely holding her glass, she enters the main bathroom. She turns on the water and adds bath salts and lights a candle.

She lowers her aching body slowly into the water, relishing the relief it delivers. "That feels good." She takes a sip of wine and relaxes, letting the water and steam penetrate her body and cleanse her soul.

Dani flicks the switch on the top of the bath and sighs as the bubbles begin to massage and caress her skin. "Like a full body massage." She sighs. Her brow furrows, slightly, "I am missing something. I just cannot put my finger on it."

She closes her eyes and lays her head back for a moment, resting on the bath pillow. She slowly moves her arms back and forth in the water enjoying the feel of the ripples and bubbles against her skin.

She relaxes and a tune starts looping in her mind. "What is that tune?" She frowns, her mind wandering as her body relaxes. The tune continues to echo maddeningly, "Lean on me, when you're not strong. And I'll be your friend."

After half an hour, she cannot shake the tune and sighs, feeling exhausted. She slowly rises from the water, and towels herself dry, her body fully relaxed, even if her mind still races.

She dons her shorts and pyjama top and slinks back into the room she shares, with her sister and settles back into her bed. Her last thought before sleep claims her, crawls lazily across her mind, "'Am I missing something?"

As the local church clock chimes five AM, Dani's eyes open slowly and she stretches her legs and arms under the covers. "You rest girl." she whispers, seeing the still sleeping form of her sister. She closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the bed. 

"Damn it." she thinks, feeling the press of her bladder. She rolls over and tries to ignore it, but eventually, she gives in and climbs out of the warm bed and heads to the bathroom. As she relieves herself, she sings under her breath "I'll help you carry on, For it wont be long, 'Til I'm gonna need somebody."

"Somebody? Some body?" Dani says quietly to herself. "Body?"

She flushes and washes her hands, with a thought, nagging just beyond her reach. She slips out of the bathroom and through the bedroom, into the living area of the suite. "I wonder." she snatches up a laptop from the dining table and grabs the Medteqniq hard drive plugging it in.

Her fingers dance over the keys, as she searches for donor profiles. "I have to know." She chokes back tears as she opens the file marked deceased donors and reads what Medteqniq did to all of her siblings. Seeing the images of the damage inflicted and the reports of trauma, making her feel her siblings pain as if it were her own. "How could a person do these things to another living human being?"

Dani imagines the terror that her brothers and sisters must have felt, in their final moment and she sets down the laptop and runs her hand over her scalp and through her hair, feeling sick. "This is inhuman."

She rises from the sofa and walks over to the balcony, quietly opening the doors and breathing fresh, cool morning air to purge herself. She places her hands on the low wall surrounding the balcony and looks out over the grounds. "I still hoped that maybe one had escaped, somehow, but they got them all, Michael, James, Matt, Simon, Carl, Amy and Helen."

Her brow furrows, "What about Nikita? She fell in the alps and her body was never recovered."

She races back to the laptop and begins to search frantically. "Please, please, please." She wills the search rto run faster. Only one folder comes up, marked Ambrosia. With shaking fingers she opens the files and begins to read.

Extraction location    Thyon resort - Switzerland

Date                             4th March 2020

Agent                           Lady Chameleon
Target                          Nikita Green

After failed attempt by Agent Price to acquire Sasha Turner, protocol changed to allow for donors to be acquired and taken to a remove location for testing, by covert agent. Agent assumed identity of the target's mother and lured target and targets father to North face of the Matterhorn. The agent snapped the fathers neck and subdued target with minimal resistance. Target remained restrained in a stolen vehicle, whilst agent deposited bodies in a ravine and set up climbing lines to indicate a climbing accident. Agent drove stolen vehicle out of the area. Approximately one hour after abduction, timed charge detonated to trigger an avalanche covering all trace of operation.

Target delivered to Basel facility three hours later.

Initial testing results Patient Nikita Green
Reporting physician  Dr Metzger
Date                             5th March 2020

First extraction of PCS following application of liquid nitrogen, has yielded significant results. Extraction through spinal fluid appears to produce high concentrations, with high risk to patient. Dr Lund confirms viability of samples acquired and has ordered that this patient be kept alive for cyclic harvesting once every two days. This will confirm long term viability of harvest potential and allow her to act as a control patient, benchmarking other results as they are acquired.

Protocol change         Nikita Green
Reporting physician  Dr Metzger
Date                              6th April 2020

Fifteenth cylic of extraction under blow torch yields same quality and quantity of PCS as first, proving stability of donor. Comparison shows that Patient produces highest levels of PCS of any donor to date. Dr Lund instructed extraction via blood filteration with patient under constant agitation. Objections raised regarding long term welfare of patient under constant duress. Dr Lund noted objections and scheduled review for 20th May.

Review                        Nikita Green
Reporting physician Dr Metzger
Date                            20th May 2020

Patient demostrates signs of extreme stress at all times. As with PCS recipients, sedatives do not counter symptoms. Dr Lund applied stem cells from Sasha Turner and Agent Price's child, to augment glands responsible for production. Constant harvest has been productive, however, due to low concentration in blood decision made to reduce body mass with removal of patients limbs to focus blood flow, within the body.

Review                        Nikita Green
Reporting physician Dr Metzger
Date                            12th June 2020

Production yield increase from limb removal shows promise in short term, however, due to high concentrations on PCS in patients system, limbs regenerate within five to seven days, requiring further excision. Surgery to take place every monday morning moving forward.

Review                        Nikita Green
Reporting physician Dr Metzger
Date                            30th June 2020

PCS from patient proven in treatment of non familial patients for heavy trauma injuries. Synthetic alternative non viable at this time due to massive production costs. Review of production of NPCS confirms excision program at seven day intervals, to allow patients reserves to rebuild.

Review                        Nikita Green
Reporting physician Dr Metzger
Date                            14th September 2020

Successful production of synthetic PCS at affordable cost confirmed. Testing to commence with human subjects.  Extraction to continue from patient, to augment stocks of synthetic PCS, until full production enabled and testing complete.

Review                        Nikita Green
Reporting physician Dr Metzger
Date                            1st October 2020

Production facility online in Nyambe, Central Africa. Once first patient has been successfully treated with the synthetic compound, nutrient feed will be withdrawn from patient.

"Oh shit, Lund said he would stop chasing us, as they had a successful test of the synthetic compound." Dani thinks to herself in the quiet room.

She sweeps into the kitchen and puts the coffee machine on. Whilst she waits she pulls out her phone, "Right, we are about three hours by car from Basel. Clock is ticking, if they have taken away her food and stopped harvesting, she could be full of PCS and it will cause her body to eat itself alive."

Dani makes two cups of strong coffee and returns to her room. "I am so sorry about this." Dani whispers to her sister, as she holds a cup of coffee under her nose, letting the smell slowly waft into her nostrils.

Sasha wakes with a start seeing the look of anguish on Dani's face. "Dani? What's going on?" She asks, taking the cup of coffee.

"I am so sorry about this. I need you. I want to do something really stupid and I can't do it alone." Dani says, keeping her voice calm, as she explains her plan.

Sasha listens open mouthed, before putting her head in her hands, "This is crazy." she says eventually. "We can't do this."

"It is possible, but we would need to get moving sharpish. It is three hours by car, we can gear up here, borrow one of the four by fours and drive hard. Fast moving sweep and clear. We can do this." Dani says, chewing her lip nervously.

Sasha stares at the wall, "We need to get dad involved in this."

"I know, but I wanted to sound you out first. To see if it adds up." Dani says, with a nod.

"What if he says 'No.'?" Sasha asks, sipping the coffee.

"I can't see him saying no to an armed invasion of an unscouted site in Switzerland on a hunch." Dani says with a smile. "Especially as it could be a trap and Lund is still on the run."

Steve listens unnoticed at the doorway, woken by the smell of freshly brewed coffee drifting through the suite. Rubbing a hand across his scalp he startles them, by asking, "Where are we invading?"

Re: Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:10 am
by Red86
Ah another twist and turn in the story, the possibility of a 3rd surviving sibling. I didn't see that one coming :D

[mention]wolfman[/mention] If Deception, Devotion and Devastation are anything like this tale, I am sure I will enjoy them as well! I'll probably start reading them soon. I'll let you know my thoughts when I do.