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Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 16 posted 9/6/20

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:21 pm
by wataru14
Part 17 – The Arena

The Guild was surprised by my summons, but when I uploaded them a video of the line of captured Hero League bigwigs into the message (Superion included), all collared and confined in ornate restraints, there was no argument. It was all quite artistic, too, with each hero in a personalized method of bondage. Encased in amber with only his head exposed. Hogtied with steel-reinforced ropes and stored in a small cage. Strapped spreadeagle and upside-down to a giant X frame. Chained over a sawhorse. You name it. And each had a unique gag that complemented their restraints. Pity the heroes didn't seem to appreciate the great lengths I took for them.

I didn’t even bother to greet the Guild members when they sheepishly filed in to my lair. I just haughtily loomed in the foyer with a smug grin. Several tried to apologize for doubting my loyalty and competence, but I shushed them. “Now now,” I said condescendingly. “We all make mistakes and I forgive all of you. If there’s anyone who should be apologizing, it’s Guild Prime.”

The leader of the Guild made his way to me. “I have serious misgivings about this, Doctor,” he said. “I don’t trust you. I’ve known you too long and you’re up to something. If this goes off the way you say it will, only THEN will I apologize.”

“Fair enough,” I said. “And I promise you all it will be QUITE a show. But enough small talk, time for the main event! Everyone follow me to the arena, if you’d be so kind.” The crowd murmured with excitement as we went through the archway. I ushered Guild Prime to the Seat of Honor, usually reserved for my use. He nodded and quipped that I was finally showing him proper deference. I seethed, but bit my tongue.

Several giant opaque boxes were scattered around the edges of the arena. In the center of the ring, collared and chained to a post with his arms painfully stretched above his head like a Bronze Age sacrifice, was Diesel. When Queer Eye went out to fetch the mayor, I had Diesel collared and confined in a supercell. At first he thought it was all part of the game, but when he saw one hero after another being brought in by my collection teams, collared and chained, he began to get uneasy.

I had gone down to gloat over the last capture (Superion’s), but stopped at Diesel’s cell. He demanded to know what was going on. Flashing an evil smile I thanked him for all the fun we had, but said his services were no longer required. I had my prizes securely under lock and key, and he would be joining them at their public execution the following day. Of course he howled and rattled the bars of his cell, but I just shrugged it off. “What did you expect?” I said as I turned on my heels and left the cellblock. “I AM a bad guy, after all. Seems like you’d forgotten that.”

Once everyone had taken their seats and settled down, I addressed the crowd. “Recently there has been some nasty talk about me and my loyalty to the Guild,” I said. “People are saying that I have joined forces with this pathetic hero here. They’re saying that I’ve been fucking him behind closed doors! Well, that is true. He’s a remarkable power bottom.” There were chuckles from the crowd and Diesel turned bright red. “But our dalliance has sadly come to an end. And I’m going to prove where I stand once and for all.”

I clapped my hands and the boxes dematerialized. Contained within, encased in glass tubes, were the members of the Hero League. Around each of their necks was a power-dampening collar fitted with a mini Disintegrator Bomb. I clapped again, and the naked mayor was suspended from the ceiling, hanging upside-down by his ankles. He was gagged with a leather muzzle and bound in a secure rope harness.

“Now, Diesel,” I said. “I will explain the rules of this little contest. You are doing battle for not only your life, but all theirs as well.” I indicated the Heroes and the mayor. If you win, I deactivate the Disintegrator Bombs and your companions will be rocketed back to Hero League HQ where they can be freed from their various methods of bondage. Lose, and I disintegrate them all. Including you.”

Diesel snarled and spat into the dirt. “And as an added incentive,” I said. “I brought the mayor in to watch the fun. This is going to be a timed battle. If you can’t finish the fight quickly enough, the rope holding him up there will snap and he’ll fall face-first to his doom on the arena floor. I mean, he’s not really worth fussing over, but I know you heroes and your aversion to risking human life. Even one that deserves to end as much as his.”

“And who’s my opponent?” Diesel shouted. “Monstro? Mecha-Python? Just let me at ‘em, you psycho! I won’t lose!” He was so mad his accent was slipping.

I started chuckling and the crowd joined in. They were really getting off on this. Nothing like a good deathtrap to warm the old heart. “Looks like the honeymoon’s over. No no no, you dumb shit,” I said. “None of them. Your opponent is… ME!”

I lept into the air and mecha-armor unfolded from my laboat. It encased me in a wicked-looking armored suit. The crowd gasped in surprise, then cheered and hollered. I was not really known as being a direct hands-on villain and most had never seen the mecha-armor before. It had been far too long since I used it. When I was fully suited up, the chains holding Diesel to the post unlatched, as did his collar. He tore the power-dampening device from his throat and flew up at me with incredible speed, hatred etched into his face.

He came at me with full strength, devastated by my masterfully cruel betrayal. I could see it in his eyes as he rocketed towards me. I used the jetpack to surge backwards before his punch landed.

“How could you do this?” he shouted, barely holding back the tears. “All our plans!” He punched again and I dodged. “Everything we shared!” Again. “You’re throwing it all away… throwing ME away… for the Guild?????” And again.

“I’m sorry, my love” I said quietly. “It pains me, too. More than you could ever know. But there is no other way.” He could barely hold it together as he punched wildly again, but this time he left himself open. All this was entertaining the crowd, but we were getting nowhere. A quick flick of the wrist and I redirected Diesel’s momentum and sent him careening groundward. He rocketed over towards the tube holding Superion and smashed into it with titanic force. The glass shattered and huge shards messily tore through the captive head of the Hero League. I designed it for just that purpose. Restrained as he was, Superion couldn’t even protect himself from the lethal glass shards.

The crowd gasped in horror. Diesel screamed “NOOOOOOOOOO!” and dropped to his knees. There was a tense moment, and then confused murmuring. Diesel looked up and the despair on his face changed to confusion as he picked up the twitching and sparking robot from the ground.

“What?” he said. “Is this some kind of trick?”

“Huh????” I overdramatically gasped, placing my hands on my cheeks for dramatic emphasis. “A ROBOT??? But that’s supposed to be Superion! Wait, if THAT’s not Superion, then where is he? Oh wait! I know! THERE he is!”

I fired a laser at Guild Prime that activated an energy field around his seat. How’d you like the Seat of Honor now, motherfucker? The field became smaller and smaller until it was just a fraction of a centimeter from his body. He dared not move a hair or risk touching the sizzling energy barrier. The crowd was on its feet shouting for my head. But a few quick Disintegrator warning shots courtesy of my henchmen from their strategic posts around the arena walls calmed everyone down real quick.

“Settle down, everybody,” I said, powering off the mecha-armor. I also negated the stasis field on the heroes, but not their collars (I’m crazy but not stupid) so they could watch this with full facilities as well. “All shall be revealed. Now, the field around Guild Prime is made of tachyon energy.” I walked over and passed my hand casually though it. “Quite harmless. Unless you are time-displaced. Then it’s extremely deadly. Now, the man we know as Guild Prime claims to be Ubermensch. But, Ubermensch died in the 40s. I know because I was there.”

“Lies!” Guild Prime cried. “I order the Council to attack this traitor immediately!”

Contessa di Sangui stood up and spoke in her sultry Italian accent, “No no, my dear Guild Prime. The good Doctor has gone through all this trouble to give us a show and I wish to see it through to the end. Besides, if he’s lying as you say, then why can I smell your exquisite fear? You know how it intoxicates my kind so.” The rest of the Guild Council agreed.

“Grazi, bella,” I said, blowing her a kiss. “Now! I had wondered how these rumors about me and Diesel got started. The only ones who knew were my own henchmen, and I can say with 1,000% certainty that none of them would EVER betray my trust. And that got me thinking. It all clicked when Diesel told me he spilled the beans to Superion.”

“That made me think Superion was a mole in the Hero League working for us,” I said. “Wonderful. I was actually pretty impressed. But something still didn’t make sense. When the call came from Superion about the mayor’s little financial arrangement with me... Oh, shit! The mayor!” The rope holding the mayor snapped and he started careening face-first to the floor, screaming like mad through his gag. I nonchalantly pressed a button and a giant pillow emerged from the floor of the arena, safely breaking his fall. “Oops, almost screwed the pooch on that one! Anyway. Even the mayor himself didn’t know he was working for me. But Guild Prime did. As you know, he requires us to apprise him of any large financial schemes. He’s the only one I told.”

“There was no benefit to the Guild to remove the mayor. It would hurt us financially. So it had to be the same person with all the info. Not just a mole, but a double-agent!” I said. There were confused murmurs from both the Guild Council and the Hero League. I shot a quick look at Queer Eye, who nodded. “And that, ladies, gentlemen, and assorted none-of-the-aboves, is the confirmation I needed. None of you knew that the leader of both organizations was actually the same person. It helps to have a bestie who can literally see through any deception. Love ya, QE!”

I strutted over and grabbed Guild Prime’s hood through the field. “I haven’t demasked a ‘hero’ in quite some time,” I gloated. “I almost forgot how good it feels.” And I pulled the purple mask through the tachyon barrier.

Superion glared up at me with hatred on his face. “’The Perfect Man From the Future?’” I taunted. “Just couldn’t give up that Master Race bullshit, could you? Even when you dress it up in a sci-fi costume, eh, Ubermensch? When you got your sorry ass handed to you by Lady Liberty back in ’46 I saved your life by shunting you 25 years into the future. So we could form the Guild after everyone thought you were long dead.”

Uberguildsuperionmenschprime cursed at me in German, frothing at the mouth in fury. Both factions were in uproar. And for the same reason. But also the opposite one. If that makes any sense. “Shame on you,” I said. “Playing both sides against the middle for your own personal gain. Who DOES that?” I smirked. “What, were you trying to weaken both factions of supers so that no one would be strong enough to oppose you when you and Murdertron launched your assault?”

“How did you…?” Superion said, stammering.

“Diesel didn’t destroy MT’s computer, you ninny!” I shouted. “I downloaded it! It took me a while to crack the security protocols, but I got it done. I had Queer Eye do some aura reading on you at the meetings and he confirmed my suspicions. Did I say I loved ya, QE, because I REALLY do.” Queer Eye raised his martini glass from the stands.

“Heroes,” I said to the captive Hero League members, “didn’t you wonder why Superion didn’t send any of you to rescue the mayor when I first kidnapped him? Villains, ever wonder why the League always seemed to know where your bases and lairs were, no matter how tightly you kept the secret or how many times you moved? How a musclebound rookie like Diesel managed to get through MY outer defense systems in the first place?”

I turned back to Superion. “Pretty smart sending Diesel alone against me with inside information like you did,” I said. “You knew that he would fail, didn’t you? You knew I wouldn’t be able to resist him once I had him. You figured that I’d be too distracted with my new toy to notice your plans until it was too late.” I leaned in and whispered. “It’s funny how we both had the same plan but went at it in different ways. I was just better at playing the game.”

I stood with a look of smug satisfaction on my face, but it quickly faded as I suddenly felt it get warmer. A lot warmer. Superion was glowing with an unearthly radiance. The tachyon field burst apart and Superion rose into the air, wreathed in golden light. “Oh, shit,” I gulped.

“You think you’ve beaten me?” Superion shouted. “I am the UBERMENSCH! The ultimate expression of humanity’s potential! You are all worms beneath my feet. I assembled the Guild to keep my rivals close enough to destroy when they were of no more use to me. But now you and your musclebound pet have ruined everything! Now you all will die!”

Superion clapped his hands and colossal waves of energy rippled out in all directions. I had time to do only one thing in reaction before they hit. I slapped the button on my belt and teleported… all the henchmen to the safety of the Calamity Bunker. I had this coming. They didn’t. Pain like I’ve never experienced hit me like a truck and sent me flying off the dais onto the arena floor. Chunks of the ceiling fell all around, blocking the all exits. Rubble was strewn everywhere from the force of Superion’s blast.

Superion descended to the ground and strutted back and forth, taking in the destruction around him. Heroes and villains alike lay injured all around, some pinned under fallen support beams and pieces of the ceiling. He walked over to me and picked me up off the ground. I think my back was broken. “You thought you had it all figured out,” he gloated. “But with all your brain power you still couldn’t defeat me. In the end, I always win!” He raised his fist, ready to smash it into my broken face.

A blast of pink energy flew past Superion, causing him to drop me. “Vas?” he cried, looking around. Rising from the rubble stood Queer Eye, the corona of light from his optic blast flaring around his giant pupil.

“You would stand against me, schwul?” Superion laughed. “Pathetic. For all your bluster you couldn’t even hit me with your puny laser.”

“Oh no, honey lamb, you got it all wrong,” Queer Eye said, pointing across the arena. “What made you think I was aiming for you?”

Superion looked over his shoulder and saw Diesel rising into the air after Queer Eye’s blast had destroyed the debris that had fallen on him. Lightning crackled all around him. The buildup of charge was so great even Superion’s hair stood up.

“Yippee kai yay, bitch,” Queer Eye said.

Coming Soon: Part 18 – Endgame

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 17 posted 9/8/20

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:50 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
“Yippee kai yay, bitch,” Queer Eye said.
Only thing I can say about the first part of your conclusion and as a response to Queer Eye [mention]wataru14[/mention] is...

Whoa, Nellie!

Fasten Your seatbelts, It's going to be a bumpy night! ;)

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 17 posted 9/8/20

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:22 pm
by Volobond
This was an incredible and exciting new installment! First off, the idea of all the heroes in their own personal forms of bondage was so great, and Diesel's bondage was the icing on the cake! And of course, our naughty mayor naked, muzzled, and bound was super hot.

And of course, the insane awesomeness of the big reveal of Superion, and Queer Eye coming to the rescue!

I can't wait for the next part!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 17 posted 9/8/20

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:14 am
by george_bound
Awww QE is the bestest :D

So, I had to stop reading momentarily so I could fill out the fantasy in my mind of all those super heroes restrained and struggling in their own individualized predicaments...holy frick :twisted:

Then the unveiling of the opaque boxes, the glass tubes, Diesel bound tightly in the centre of the arena, the Mayor dangling overhead!! :P

Aaaaaand just when I thought the plot had been corrected:
I had gone down to gloat over the last capture (Superion’s), but stopped at Diesel’s cell. He demanded to know what was going on. Flashing an evil smile I thanked him for all the fun we had, but said his services were no longer required. I had my prizes securely under lock and key, and he would be joining them at their public execution the following day. Of course he howled and rattled the bars of his cell, but I just shrugged it off. “What did you expect?” I said as I turned on my heels and left the cellblock. “I AM a bad guy, after all. Seems like you’d forgotten that.”
... I know, I know I'm such an evil, callous sadist but apparently you are not [mention]wataru14[/mention]...curses, foiled again :evil:

Haha... no, it was so much fun reading the trickery of the Doctor and QE in unravelling Guild Prime/Superion's scheme... how will this impact good vs. evil and how will the heroes and villians react to their respective comrade's love interest being on the other side of the law now that the cat is fully out of the bag (although you could always literally stuff the Doctor and Diesel back in the bag... bound face-to-face, gagged, and dangling in perilous predicament with no hope of rescue as the rest go about fighting each other as before... just saying ;))... but first we have to get through the epic battle of Diesel vs Superion 8-)

I'm sad that "End Game" likely means we're near the end :cry: but I'm confident you've got a couple more tricks up your sleeve, mate!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 17 posted 9/8/20

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:07 pm
by wataru14
Part 18: Endgame

The two titans barreled straight at each other, shaking the room with punches, sonic booms, and energy blasts. I closed my eyes to shield them from the glare, but I could still see the light through my closed lids.

When I opened them, I saw that Superion had Diesel grabbed in a giant fist made of energy. Only his head and feet were visible, the rest of him caught in its grip that kept tightening and tightening. Deadly radiation emitted from the energy construct and only Diesel’s extreme durability managed to shield him from its effects.

From the center of the arena, the mayor had wriggled his way off the pillow and landed face-first in the dirt. With his hands and feet tied as they were, he couldn’t walk or even crawl. Instead he undulated like a worm as he slid across the rubble-strewn floor, looking for cover. Queer Eye was running back and forth, blasting rubble and aiding those trapped underneath, both hero and villain alike. When the Contessa was freed, she tried to fly over and assist Diesel, but ultraviolet light radiated by Superion kept her at bay.

I just laid on the ground on my back. Moving at all was sheer agony. Fighting the pain, I inched my fingers to my belt and pressed a button that summoned nanites to do a quick and dirty repair job on my spine. It wouldn’t last long, but it would give me enough strength to do something. Anything! As my nerves and bones were being knitted back together I saw Diesel power out of the hand’s grip. He flexed with all his might, bursting the energy construct, which then dissipated into harmless white light. But the effort took a lot out of him.

Diesel’s punches were becoming slower and more ragged, while Superion was barely breaking a sweat. I had to do something. My back wasn’t fully healed, but it would have to do. If I didn’t intervene, I wouldn’t live long enough for it to matter, anyway. The mayor inched past me on his belly and I used him as a stepping stone to rise to my feet. Then I fired the Disintegrator Ray at Superion.

The blast hit him hard in the chest and knocked him back, but he remained whole. Damn! He was just too powerful!

“Ah,” Superion said, “the schweinhund has decided to enter the fray! Perfect!” He pointed a finger at me and another at Diesel. A long cable of energy fired out of both and hurdled towards us. With my back injury and his fatigue, neither one was fast enough to evade the blast. The cable looped around my ankles and pulled them tightly together. Then it pulled away and I fell down hard on my back. The cable then started to wind around my body like the coils of a giant snake. Within seconds I was wrapped from neck to toes and being dragged towards Superion, my hands pressed uselessly against my sides and unable to reach any buttons. I looked over at Diesel and saw him in a similar plight.

We were lifted off the ground by our ankles, squirming and writhing. Superion tethered the ends of the cables to the ceiling and fired additional energy cables that secured Diesel to me. Then he flew down and grabbed the mayor, who had almost wriggled to safety behind a boulder. He flew back up and secured the mayor to us, leaving all three cocooned in energy and hanging upside-down high over the rubble-strewn floor back-to-back-to-back.

“Your journey began will the three of you together, did it not?” Superion gloated. “Fitting that it will end with you all together as well.” The nanites in my back shorted out. I was wracked with unimaginable pain and my limbs felt like putty.

That was it. It was over. No witty comebacks, no defiant posturing. Nothing. The only thing I could do was feebly slip my fingers through a chink in the energy bands and clutch Diesel’s hand. The mayor was hyperventilating and grunting like a madman but we paid him no mind. We were going to share our last moments together. As Superion powered up his laser blast, I closed my eyes and waited for the end.

Or at least that’s what I thought was going to happen. Instead I heard a barrage of laser fire from all around and the sounds of painful grunting from Superion. I opened my eyes and saw that the arena walls were swarming with henchmen, firing their Disintegrator Rifles at Superion in a coordinated barrage. They had left the safety of the Calamity Bunker and were risking their lives to save me. Number 2 and the guys from the bowling group, Delta Squad, the Femme Fatales and “Diane,” even Number 27 and the cocktail-and-massage henchboys were there! Number 1 stood over the dais, leading the assault.

“No one kills the boss!” he shouted, relentlessly firing at the golden-haired foe. When the cartridges were all spent and the ozone smoke lifted, Superion was on his hands and knees on the ground. Hurt and winded, but still alive.

“Not good enough, underlings,” he shouted, staggering to his feet. “You’ll have to do better than that!”

“Is that right, asshole?” Number 1 said. “How about this? SICK ‘EM BOY!”

A panel in the wall slid open and Monstro raced out on all fours, a look of murder on his face. He flew at Superion with a flurry of razor-sharp claw strikes and bites.

“But wait, folks at home! That’s not all!” Queer Eye stood next to Number 1 holding a remote control. He pressed a button and a swarm of pink-clad robo-ninjas lept in from the shadows. Behind them loomed the ponderous form of the Mecha-Python. As the mechanical constructs battered Superion from all sides, I saw an inky blackness forming underneath me. The Thing From Beyond Space emerged from the cloud and reached up with Its tentacles. When faced with the presence of Absolute Unreality against them, the energy bands holding me disappeared. I fell and landed in the squishy embrace of The Thing.

“We are sorry we ever doubted you,” It said from several mouths, making an eerie choir effect. Omega Woman was hovering nearby holding Diesel in her arms. Nobody was there to grab the mayor so he plunged headfirst towards the floor. Since they were made of normal matter and not positive energy as ours had been, his restraints remained in the presence of The Thing. An instant before he splatted against the ground, Queen Kong lept with all her gorilla strength and caught him in midair.

When she landed, she flipped him over to cradle him in her arms. She looked up and down over his naked body. “Say,” she grunted. “You’re kinda cute.” She flared her nostrils and snorted lustfully. The mayor’s eyes went wide and he screamed wildly through his gag as Queen Kong bounded away with him in her arms.

Diesel and I were lowered softly to our feet. Looking over, I saw Superion was on the ropes, but had demolished all the robo ninjas and damaged the Mecha-Python beyond its ability to function. Monstro was still in good shape, but his battery wouldn’t last much longer. I powered up the mecha armor, which I controlled mentally, allowing me to fight, even with my injuries.

“Together?” Diesel asked.

“Together!” I said. “Heel, boy!”

Monstro crept back as Diesel and I came at Superion from two sides at once. Our efforts were coordinated without either having to say a thing. He would punch and Superion would hurl backwards toward me, only to be hit by a Disintegrator Beam and fly forward again. Working in tandem, two souls united in one, we juggled Superion so relentlessly even Killer Klown would be impressed. After a minute or two of our tandem assault, he was a twitching wreck on the floor.

“Number 1,” I said, removing the helmet of the mecha armor. “Toss me a collar and some powercuffs. Time to tag and bag this Nazi fuckwad.”

Superion just laughed.

“Something funny, dickhead?” Diesel said, looming above him.

“Ja,” Superion said. “THIS!” There was a flash of light and Superion was gone. Vaporized by his own hand. He would rather destroy himself than face the possibility of capture, I guess. That’s when the nausea started.

Everyone felt it, even The Thing and the Contessa. But it was worse for me being so close. Where Superion once sat there was now only a dark green rock. Emitting lethal levels of radiation. And the output was increasing by the second. Even Diesel felt it. He doubled over, holding his head. Heroes and villains alike fell to their knees all around. There was only one thing I could do.

I pressed a button and the mecha armor converted to a dome, encasing me and the rock inside. The seal would keep the radiation in, preventing any more harm from befalling anyone else. I immediately started working on a chemical formula that would stabilize the element’s isotope and cause it to cease being radioactive so that it could be safely disposed of. The only problem was that by the time it finished, it would be too late for me. I could already feel the tumors growing.

Diesel pounded against the containment field with both fists, frantically shouting.

“What the hell are you doing???” he cried. “Get out of there!”

“I can’t,” I said, peering through the dome’s small window. “The radiation is at critical levels. I need to stabilize it. If I open the field now, everyone in the city will die.”

Diesel dropped to his knees in despair.

“Listen, my love,” I said. “I don’t have much time left. It always had to end this way. I knew when I first fell in love with you that our affair could only end with the destruction of one of us. And I was right. The world needs Diesel. It doesn’t need me.”

“I NEED YOU!” Diesel screamed.

“I’m tired,” I said. “I’ve lived too long. Done too much. It’s time for Dr. Calamity to make his final exit. You go and live. Be the hero you were always meant to be!”

Diesel grabbed the dome and wept as the radiation continued ravaging my body. But my chemical was working. In a few hours, the only things in this shell would be my corpse and a harmless chunk of rock. Queer Eye walked up behind him and put his hand on Diesel’s shoulder. “Come on, boy,” he said. “You don’t need to watch this. He wouldn’t want you to see it.” Weeping, Diesel kissed his fingers and pressed them against the glass. I gathered the little strength I had left and did the same. Then Diesel turned and walked away, leaning on Queer Eye for support.

“Ah, Oblivion,” I said. “I’ve been putting you off for too long. And you are a jealous bitch, aren’t you? But my dance card is free this evening and I do so love dancing. We danced on our first date, you know, he and I. Yes, I will walk with you for a while. Where are we going? Eternity? Sounds like fun.”

And then all was silent.

Coming Soon: Epilogue

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:18 pm
by Volobond
An absolutely epic addition to the story! Final battles, everyone coming together, and a heartrending ending of the chapter? Stellar work!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:03 pm
by DeeperThanRed
I'm still amazed by the sheer awesomeness of the epic fight between the ensemble cast and Superion.

Dr. Calamity's heroic sacrifice was as sad as it was a proof just how much of a "good guy" he can be. Now excuse me while I live in denial until the epilogue comes out. :, (

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:44 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
[mention] wataru14[/mention]...Epic tale, Well done, you! 🙌🙌🙌

I am going to be so sorry to see this tale end, but methinks that one character may live long and prosper still in the beefy and brawny arms of another! 😉

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:25 am
by george_bound
Awwww [mention]wataru14[/mention] let me put down my damp hankie so I can comment :cry:... I believe you've converted this self-proclaimed callous sadist with the Doctor's ultimate "power of love" (and yes Celine Dion has returned to torment my mind)...this is how an epic masterpiece would unfold and you've masterfully portrayed it in such vivid action and care while maintaining the same level of zany witticism from the Doctor. He was true to form to the very end and the following is likely why my hankie isn't completely drenched:
“Ah, Oblivion,” I said. “I’ve been putting you off for too long. And you are a jealous bitch, aren’t you? But my dance card is free this evening and I do so love dancing. We danced on our first date, you know, he and I. Yes, I will walk with you for a while. Where are we going? Eternity? Sounds like fun.”
That's classic Doctor Calamity! :P

I'd also like to believe the following back-to-back-to-back scene was included just for me, hehehe :twisted:
We were lifted off the ground by our ankles, squirming and writhing. Superion tethered the ends of the cables to the ceiling and fired additional energy cables that secured Diesel to me. Then he flew down and grabbed the mayor, who had almost wriggled to safety behind a boulder. He flew back up and secured the mayor to us, leaving all three cocooned in energy and hanging upside-down high over the rubble-strewn floor back-to-back-to-back.
This tale has most definitely been bookmarked and I will certainly reread it "all in one go" in the near future. Because I've suspended my callous sadicism (it's likely joined the suspended trio as I myself would like to be), I sincerely hope the epilogue brings another life for the Doctor (with Diesel) but for now I don't think we can call him "abominable" anymore!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:14 am
by wataru14
george_bound wrote: 3 years ago the following is likely why my hankie isn't completely drenched:
“Ah, Oblivion,” I said. “I’ve been putting you off for too long. And you are a jealous bitch, aren’t you? But my dance card is free this evening and I do so love dancing. We danced on our first date, you know, he and I. Yes, I will walk with you for a while. Where are we going? Eternity? Sounds like fun.”
I was crying when I wrote that.

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Part 18 posted 9/10/20

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:06 pm
by wataru14
Epilogue A – Eulogy for a Villain

The Villains’ Guild Chamber was solemn and the air was heavy as Queer Eye read Dr. Calamity’s will from his new seat at the Head of the Council Table. The henchmen were heartbroken. They had lost more than a boss, after all.

“Dearest Henchpeople,” Queer Eye read, his voice quivering. “I cannot thank you enough for all the years of loyal and dedicated service you have provided me. A supervillain is nothing without his staff and I would never have gotten where I am without each and every one of you. So, to every member of my organization, from my Inner Circle down to the lowest evil intern, I bequeath $2 million in cash. The Accountant of Doom will deposit it into each of your bank accounts by offshore transfer at the completion of this reading.”

“To Number 1. You had always talked about retiring after I finally hung up the labcoat, so I’m going to hold you to that. To you, in addition to a $10 million bonus above the standard $2 million, I bequeath Calamity Island. Take the wife and grandkids and spend your Golden Years in luxury. You’ve earned it, my friend.”

“To Number 2, I bequeath the Calamity Compound and the entirety of Calamity Enterprises. I also hereby promote you to the status of full villain and offer you Level 1 Guild Membership. Welcome to the club, Taskmaster. You’ll be great! I’m just sorry I won’t be around to see the wonderful things you’ll do. I assume the staff will stay on and serve you as well as they served me. It is, of course, their choice. But it is my wish that they sign on with your organization.”

There were some other platitudes and caveats as well, but nothing of vital importance. When it was over, Queer Eye gave Taskmaster his villain outfit and ushered him to his seat in the Council Gallery. He was now the lowest-ranked member, but with his new resources and previous training under the Doctor, he would soon rise up the ranks. Besides Number 1, every single henchman agreed to stay on – a testament to their love for their former boss. A statue in his honor was erected on the grounds of the Guild Compound and the Mad Science wing was renamed the “Dr. Calamity Memorial Laboratory.”

There was a tense mood in Metro City, as well. The Doctor apparently had quite a fan following, all things considered. The news reports covering his demise brought quite a surprising reaction from the populace.

- “He was criminal scum and I’m glad he’s dead.”
- “I was injured in a shootout with police against his henchmen and he was so shaken up by that, he paid all my medical bills and even paid off my mortgage!”
- “The city can sleep safer now that he’s gone.”
- “Calamity Enterprises has been a major silent donor to Children’s Hospitals and Animal Rescue organizations for years. Not to mention the Science In Inner City Schools Foundation. The man is more of a hero than Superion ever was!”

The Metro City Cosmopolitans wore black jerseys at their next game. Many of the local gangs had taken to spraypainting “Dr. Calamity LIVES!” on key locations around the city. T-shirts depicting the slogan, along with an image of the Disintegrator Ray, were flying off the shelves. In death, Dr. Calamity had achieved the highest honor imaginable. He had become a meme. Nothing would have pleased him more.

Epilogue B - Come On! Did You Really Think It Would End Like THAT?

Queer Eye looked out the window of the Council Chamber and, with his enhanced vision, saw two figures standing a mile away on a hill overlooking the Villains’ Guild compound. The larger one, dressed in jeans, a white ribbed tank top, and a cowboy hat, peered through some incredibly high-tech goggles at the collection of black roses that had been laid at the gate. The smaller one stood back a bit. He was dressed in a black “Dr. Calamity Is My Homeboy” T-shirt, but Queer Eye didn’t recognize his face.

“Is this really how you wanted it to go?” the larger one asked in a Texas twang, lowering the goggles.

“Mostly,” the smaller one said, walking up and putting his arm around the larger’s waist. Queer Eye smiled and closed the windowshades. “The news reports really got to me. It’s good to be loved. Even after all the… you know… evil. And you know me, anything worth doing is worth doing dramatically.”

The larger one chuckled. “I guess you were right. Like you always are. It always had to end this way,” he said.

“I said this would only end with one of our destructions, didn’t I?” the smaller quipped, “I knew it had to be mine. I couldn’t deprive the world of you, so the only other option was to destroy myself, in a manner of speaking. It’s funny. All the times I had you in my power and you never wondered why I never confined you in Chamber 4.”

“That’s where your backup body was,” Diesel said with a smile. “I figured that out after I got back to League HQ. You know, I should kick your ass for playing me like that. Everyone else I can understand, but ME? I really though you turned on me in the arena.”

“Had to be done,” I said. “Your reaction needed to be genuine. You’ve been pretty good up to now with acting, but I couldn’t take any chances. Too much was at stake. Queer Eye and Number 1 were the only ones who knew.”

“I guess. But why promote Number 2? The Guild is on the ropes. We could easily take ‘em down once and for all. With Taskmaster having all your tech, that puts us back to Square One.”

“That’s the point. Under Queer Eye’s leadership, the Guild will thrive. Good luck tricking him! And Taskmaster will rise up the ranks quickly. He’s always had moxie. That’s why I supported him so much. The world NEEDS villains, JD! HEROES need villains. Without villains to fight, ‘heroes’ will inevitably turn on the civilian populace. It always happens. Always. When you’ve got godlike powers and no real enemies, you need an outlet. I figure a few bank robberies and some insurable property damage is a small price to pay to avoid authoritarian superpowered overlords.”

“That’s not fair,” JD said. “I’d never…”

“I know YOU wouldn’t,” the smaller one said, lovingly rubbing JD’s broad back. “But you’re just one man. Omega Woman is a better leader than Superion was, but can you really say you can’t see her taking over the city because it’s in ‘the people’s best interest?’ I certainly can. How long do you think that lot would stay honest if all they had to oppose them were purse-snatchers and taggers? I know you. You’d speak up against her and get tossed out of the League. They’d say you were a ‘Villain Sleeper Agent’ acting under my posthumous control and ruin your legacy. I couldn’t let that happen to you. I couldn’t disappoint Ma and Pa Dawson that way.”

JD pulled the other one in close and gave him a heavy kiss. He smiled as he pulled away. “You always were the smart one,” he said.

“Damn right I am.”

JD reached up and touched my new face. I was handsome (well, I was ALWAYS handsome, but now it was in the traditional ‘sexy nerd’ way that’s so popular right now). He whistled.

“Woo-ee,” he said. “You’re even hotter than me now!”

“Don’t give me that,” I said, rolling my eyes and putting on my horn-rim glasses. “I’m itching to try out my new identity as ‘the hot but quirky and unconventional science teacher at Metro City University.’”

“Once a nerd, always a nerd,” JD said.

“But there’s more,” I winked. “Your vigilant watchdogging of the Hero League is too big a job for just one man.” I pressed a button on my belt and my clothes changed into a blue-and-gold supersuit with a white labcoat. My glasses changed into a superhero mask that looked exactly like Diesel’s, only white instead of red. “Say hello to the newest League member: Dr. Equilibrium!”

JD laughed. “You shitting me?”

“Not at all,” I said. “But I’m only a reserve member. Providing science and tech support. No field missions unless it’s a world-ending threat. But I can manufacture enough of those to keep everyone busy without anyone being the wiser. And this way our relationship can continue openly. No ‘conflicts of interest,’ as it were. Of course, we’ll have to ‘meet’ and ‘start dating’ so the peons don’t get suspicious.”

“You’ve got it all figured out, huh?” Diesel said.

“What kind of mad scientist would I be if I didn’t?” I laughed. “I still have to go through Hero Training, of course, but somehow I don’t think that will be a challenge for me. I’m especially interested in ‘Villain Capture and Restraint’ class.” I gave Diesel a wink.

“Well, waddaya say we do a little homework?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” I said, taking out a pair of power-dampening handcuffs. “Turn around, foul evildoer! You are under arrest in the name of the Hero League!”

Diesel sneered, “You’ll never get me, Dr. Dork!” He started to run, smiling from ear to ear. I fired a bola from my wrist launcher that flew after him and entangled his ankles, sending him crashing face-first to the ground, rippling with laughter. A sonic hum emitted from the bola balls made Diesel’s movements sluggish and feeble.

“The latest in humane capture technology,” I said, advancing on him with the power cuffs. “Not being able to use pain or brutality is quite a daunting task, but I do love a challenge.” I positioned his wrists behind his back and cinched the cuffs, feeling Diesel’s arousal growing with each ratcheting clink.

“Your puny cuffs will never hold me!” Diesel joked. “I’m Diesel the Destroyer! Gaze upon me and despair!”

“Good evil banter!” I joked. “Looks like I rubbed off on you a little after all. But it’s time for you to be quiet now.” I took out three ‘Dr. Calamity Lives!’ bandanas out of my medical bag (they were a big seller at Hot Topic) and triple gagged Diesel’s jokingly protesting mouth (being from Texas, bandana gags were his favorite, obviously).

He struggled and grunted adorably as I removed the bola from his ankles and raised him to his feet. I walked him over to where his Harley was parked and covered his torso and cuffed hands with his leather jacket before zipping it up and buckling the waist belt. I took off his cowboy hat and put a full face-covering helmet over his head.

“You know,” I said. “I think we’ll take the long way home. And as we ride through the city back to my new house, no one will know that the man on the bike next to them at the red light is cuffed and gagged under his riding gear. Deliciously naughty, don’t you think?” Diesel’s obvious arousal told me all I needed to know (helpful since his mouth was stuffed) as I sat him on the bike. I switched off my supersuit, put on my own jacket and helmet, and straddled the motorcycle in front of him.

“And now, villain,” I said. “Off to superjail for you!” I turned my head to face him, just able to see his smiling gagged face through the tinted glass of the helmet visor. “And I have made some improvements to the basement. It’s looking like quite the serviceable dungeon down there.”

Diesel pressed against me to show his happiness. The creaking of his leather jacket against mine was intoxicating. I kickstarted the bike and we rode off together into the setting sun.


Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:38 pm
by KidnappedCowboy
Omigod! Where do I start?

It's obvious where I should start...

Thank you, [mention]wataru14[/mention], for this incredible story of heroes, villains, hijinks, hijackings, kidnappings, ropes, chains, supernatural restraints, and gags of every conceivable imagination!

I'm going to miss the updates, but perhaps there's a sequel you'll one day write featuring Dr. Equilibrium and Diesel.

You've set a high bar to follow this story, [mention]wataru14[/mention], but I have no doubt you're up to the task. I look forward to your next tie up tale!

And I certainly have to up my game now! 8-)

Thank you, again! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:46 pm
by Volobond
Absolutely incredible! This has been a story for the ages, both erotic and exciting in equal measure! I have loved the gags and bondage and captivity, as well as the humor and romance!

Just wonderful. And of course, I'm so happy the Doctor and JD get to drive off into the sunset, the big hunk bound and gagged. Gives me the warm-and-fuzzies!

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story, [mention]wataru14[/mention]! Absolutely one for the TUGS Hall of Fame!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:15 pm
by DeeperThanRed
What a satisfying conclusion.

This has been a wild ride full of funny, tearjerking, heartwarming and genuinely hot moments. It's a little sad to let JD and Dr. Calamity go but I loved their ending together.

I have nothing but respect for this story. Kudos.

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:45 pm
by george_bound
Well thank you [mention]wataru14[/mention] for graciously gifting us with this amazing tale, it was truly a privilege to read!
DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years agoThis has been a wild ride full of funny, tearjerking, heartwarming and genuinely hot moments. It's a little sad to let JD and Dr. Calamity go but I loved their ending together.
A couldn't agree more with this as well as the other comments from our TUG mates. While perilled predicaments will always grab my attention, you wove so many other layers and dimensions into the story. And the character development of not only the Doctor (who never lost his form) but the whole ensemble cast was top notch!

I seriously think this masterpiece deserves to be made into a TV series, not just for my own selfish reasons of wanting to see Sam Page relentlessly tormented ultimately dangling head first in his birthday suit :lol:... but mainly because it would rival any of the Marvel series on the tube right now... plus you've already got the musical score for the closing credits ;)

I'm eager to reread this again and anticipate what you'll gift us with've taken us from a film student production piece to Viking period saga to a lightheartedly witty hero/villian tale so who knows where you'll send us next... that's half the fun of the suspense
:) :twisted: 8-)

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:42 am
by privateandrews
I have ideas in my head and you managed to get some of them into this wonderful story.. Loved the super hero /villain mix. Such a great read. I have to say you along with many others on this site who write deserve a medal for the effort and the enjoyment you bring. x

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:18 pm
by Fool
Hey, I know I'm late to party but i just finnished reading this and it has to be one of my favourite stories on this site!

Thank you [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] for recommending it to me!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:54 am
by Muscle-Flex
Holy heroic hunk in heat! Stumbled onto this story a few days ago. I’ve now read through Chapter 9. This is the best hero/villain story ever (well, as far as I’m concerned.) I see why some other reviewers have said it could be made into a movie. The combination of comedy, pop culture and genre references, snappy pitch-perfect dialogue, a hot dumb muscular boy-scout of a hero, and a peevish rascal-with-a-bit-of-heart villain, was already heading for a win. Throw in the titillating traps, creative challenges, and hilarious humiliation that big boy Diesel must endure (to his own surprising bonerization) and you had me cancelling plans so I could get home and read the next installment. It’s the superhero comic I always looked for but never found… until now!

Thanks for writing this story. Can’t wait to see what the next chapters hold for our bound-up stud and the villain who is taming him!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:29 am
by Muscle-Flex
Finished the second half. Again, what a great story. The second half really showed your talent for creating a fictional world and for adhering to the DC/Marvel/etc. comics/graphic novel format, with, of course, your added twists and improvements. The use of Murdertron’s core to sew the plotlines together was smart. The scene with Kid Calamity worked nicely to alert us to the shifts coming in Dr. Calamity’s storyline. The mayor provided comedic humor (and the satisfaction of seeing a politician get their comeuppance – a core element of many American superhero stories.) And, the final battle was wonderfully described and plotted. The ending felt both surprising and yet inevitable, which is hard to pull off! Bravo!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:16 am
by Straitjacketed
I've been a very infrequent visitor to the forum over this past year but wanted to say [mention]wataru14[/mention] that I truly loved this story. It's another of those tales where the sheer quality of the writing elevates it beyond turn-on fiction while absolutely maintaining a crackling erotic charge throughout. Comics - especially Batman and Spiderman - were possibly my very earliest exposure to tie-up scenes and as I grew older and discovered The X-Men, Mister Miracle etc, I appreciated that a massive vein of kink runs through the entire genre.

The Abominable Dr Calamity was joyous to read, the most pleasurable of romps, exactly the right balance of superhero camp and well-described bondage.

In this place, the reward for excellent writing is strangers pestering you for more and I'm no exception: I'd love another dive into this fun, sexy universe. More (please)!

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:02 pm
by wataru14
Thanks for the praise, everyone!

I've been working on a new story that has connections to this one (a major character will cross over into it soon), but I can definitely revisit this one in a future tale. That will be what I work on next.

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:26 pm
by Straitjacketed
*expires from happiness*

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:07 am
by george_bound
Happy to see this masterpiece back on the front page :)

Re: The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 3:22 pm
by bondagefreak


