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Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:54 pm
by dl68
thanks - much appreciated.

More to come ... although we are nearing the end of the story, but how will it end?

Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:56 pm
by dl68
Day 1 of the Treatment

The day started with another full beaker of the foul tasting green liquid which was served by the Nurse in his room. As there was no toilet and he was bursting he asked to get washed and go to the toilet.

The Nurse looked at him; ‘clients do not ask for anything during the Treatment regime. Everything will be done at the correct time.’ Mike wanted to say that he really needed the toilet but somehow what the Nurse said seemed to make perfect sense.

He allowed himself to be led out of his room, down one floor and into another room.

His slightly foggy brain found it difficult to process what he saw. The room was a giant Nursery. All the furniture was adult sized as were the games strewn around the floor. There were large soft toys around the room as well.

A large woman in a full length blue outfit was sitting in a rocking chair; ‘come in Michael, so good of you to join me’. The door clicked closed behind him but he didn’t notice.

His bladder reminded him of the need to go to the toilet so he asked and she scolded him; ‘Nanny decides when babies can sleep, play, eat and pee.’
‘But I need to go to the toilet now’, he repeated and she looked angry as she got up. She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the chair and then pulled him face down over her knees once she was seated.

She pushed the diaper down his legs and she brought the palm of her hand down on his bare buttocks 20 times.

Mike cried out with the pain but she laughed; ‘you will learn the hard way to obey me Michael’, she said pulling the towelling material up over his red buttocks.

‘First it’s time for your milk’, she said as she walked over to a kitchen area and returned with a large beaker full of white liquid. She made Mike sit on a small chair and drink the contents.

By the time he had finished he found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what she was saying and equally his arms and legs didn’t seem to co-ordinate. He slipped off the chair onto the floor and found it impossible to get up.

The woman pushed some toys over to him but he didn’t want to play however he couldn’t focus on what he did want.

The woman helped him up and seated him in the Adult sized high chair. ‘You are a naughty baby’, she said as his head lolled forward; ‘I think I will have to strap you in.’

In no time Mike was secured to the high chair with thick rope which was odd in a nursery but that fact didn’t register with Mike at the time. What did register was his need to go to the toilet but there was nothing he could do other than let go.

Nanny tutted as she saw the towelling getting wet and his face gaining a red hue of embarrassment. Liquid trickled down his legs and formed a puddle on the floor.

‘I didn’t give you permission’, she scolded him. She released the ropes and pulled him out of the chair onto a changing mat. When she unpinned the towelling diaper his penis was fully erect. The Viagra in the milk was working she thought as she cleaned his groin.

After applying lots of cream and talc she taped a disposable diaper tightly around his waist and then added two more to increase the bulk.

‘You need to sleep’, she said pulling him over to the cot. Once inside she secured his wrists and ankles to the bars with thick coarse rope and then forced a large dummy into his mouth and tied it in place with the attached ribbons.

As he lay in the cot she leaned over and said softly; ‘being restrained is not wrong; it’s simply a way of giving over control to others. Good things happen when you do that.’ Her hand rested on the bulky diapers and gently caressed his erect cock through the layers as she repeated the mantra until he cried out with pleasure as he climaxed.

Soon he was fast asleep; the drugs finally taking over. She placed a pair of headphones over his ears and whilst he slept a voice spoke to him in a monotonous tone repeating the mantra.

Day 2 of the Treatment

Mike awoke with a thumping headache. As he looked around he took in his surroundings; he was naked apart from a bulky diaper and tied with rope to the bars of a cot. The ropes seemed perfectly normal but he couldn’t understand why.

He had no idea of the time or indeed what day it was as there were no clocks in the room.

The woman dressed in a blue uniform who seemed familiar looked down on him; ‘you’ve been a very naughty baby’, she said her voice adopting a severe tone.

He wanted to ask what he had done but his mouth was full of the latex dummy. She untied his wrists and told him to sit up. After removing the dummy she handed him a trainer cup full of milk which he drank without comment. It helped lubricate his dry mouth but seemed to make his headache worse.

After untying his ankles she led him across the Nursery and strapped a harness around his chest and between his legs. Mike wasn’t sure what was going on until the woman reach up and clipped two ropes to rings on each shoulder.

A grinding sound came from the corner and a winch lifted him into the air so that his feet were off the floor. The woman pushed his shoulders down and the ropes turned out to be elastic as he began bouncing.

His weight was taken on the crotch straps which compressed the diaper. As he bounced she took his wrists and bound them together behind his back with rope. ‘Remember submitting to any form of restraint is a good thing’, she said rubbing his groin.

‘Please go faster’, Mike heard himself say and she smiled; ‘tell me why being restrained is a good thing’, she asked and he replied; ‘because good things happen’, and she nodded and continued the rubbing until she felt him climax.

Mike continued bouncing for a while until his head dropped and the drugs took hold.

The woman pressed a buzzer and two male nurses entered.

‘He’s ready for Stage 2’, she said and they nodded. Mike was quickly released and his diaper removed. The men carried his naked limp body down the corridor to the next room.

This room was set out like a school room with old fashioned tip up desks. The men dressed Mike in a white shirt with a navy tie, baggy shorts and white socks. They sat him at one of the desks. His ankles were tied to the legs with rope and his wrists were tied behind his back. The rope they used was the same coarse construction as before so it would leave marks on his skin when it was removed.

When Mike regained consciousness he was clearly in a different room and he couldn’t move an inch. ‘Nice of you to wake up Michael’, a woman’s voice said and he looked around and saw a school teacher standing with a cane in her hands.

Once again he had no idea how long he had been asleep or what time it was. He knew he didn’t feel very refreshed.

‘Falling asleep in class again!’ she said smacking the cane on her free hand. ‘How many times does that make it Michael?’ He had no idea what she was talking about.’ Cat got your tongue?’ she said bringing the cane down sharply on the desk.

She untied his wrists and placed a pad of paper on the desk; ‘you will write out you times tables 100 times’, she said, ‘any mistakes will be punished.’

Mike tried to concentrate on the task but as the numbers got larger his brain just didn’t seem to want to make the connections. By the time he finished even he knew there were mistakes.

‘Not very good Michael’, the teacher said looking at the paper. ‘Bend over the desk’. This wasn’t easy as his ankles were still tied to the chair but he managed it. She tied his wrists to the other side of the desk with the rope and whispered in his ear; ‘being restrained is not wrong; it’s simply a way of giving over control to others.’

She then stood back and the cane flicked and landed on his buttocks with a “crack”. Mike cried out in pain and she said sternly; ’the whole school doesn’t want to hear you!’ Mike tried not to cry out when the next stroke landed but he couldn’t prevent himself.

‘What should we do about your noise?’ she asked and Mike sobbed; ‘you should gag me.’ She smiled, this was progress. She walked to a cupboard and returned with a cloth used to clean the blackboard. She rolled it up and used to gag him and then delivered the rest of the strokes with her cane.

When she released him she handed him a beaker of green liquid and he drank it without comment. It didn’t take long before his eyes closed and his head rested on the desk.

Whilst he slept he was stripped and dressed in new clothes and carried back to his bedroom. He was tied to the bed using hooks concealed under the bed. After being given an injection of some different drugs headphones were placed over his ears. The mantra was played to him for the next few hours. They would be removed before he woke but he would remain tied to the bed.

Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:06 pm
by dl68
Day 3 of the Treatment - M/M

Eventually Mike awoke. His mouth was dry and he realised he couldn’t move. He saw that his wrists and ankles were tightly bound to the bed. He tried to call out but his voice was a croak.

A few minutes later his door opened and the two men came in and released the ropes. His wrists were quite badly marked by the rope but he decided not to say anything because his brain told him that good things happened when you submitted – although he didn’t know why!

He noticed he had a very firm and quite painful erection which wasn’t normal in the morning; if indeed it was morning!. At the same time he took in what he was wearing, although he had no recollection of getting dressed.

He was given the by now usual large beaker of green juice which he drank without comment and then the men told him to follow them. Once more they went down the stairs and into a room on the corridor below.

This room was a conservatory that opened out onto an enclosed garden. In the garden was a bright yellow tent which seemed at odds with the garden he thought.

Waiting in the room was a man he hadn’t seen before. He was dressed in a khaki top and light brown cargo trousers with a leather belt. He had a scarf round his neck that Mike realised matched the one he was wearing. His own outfit seemed to match as well although he was wearing shorts.

‘So Michael’, the man said’, this is your first day at Scout camp.’ Mike shook his head wondering what he was talking about but the man continued; ‘as you are new there are a few things we need to discuss and it’s probably best to do it in the tent away from prying ears.’

Mike watched him walk out into the garden and it seemed sensible to follow.

When he entered the tent the man was sitting in a camping chair, he motioned Mike to stand in front of him. ‘The thing about Scouts is that to get the most out of it you have to give over control to others, and good things happen when you do that.’

Mike had heard those words a lot recently and they seemed to make sense – at least to his befuddled brain.

As the man spoke he placed the palm of his hand on Mike’s shorts and felt his erection – a result of the injection earlier although Mike didn’t know that!

Mike tried to back away but the man reiterated the mantra and Mike stopped moving. The zip on his shorts was pulled down and his erection sprung free; it seemed he had dressed without wearing pants.

The man leant forward and took the penis in his mouth and sucked it gently and Mike let out a moan of pleasure.

As he continued to suck the man’s fingers reached up and undid the buttons on Mike’s shirt. It was soon pulled it off and the fingers then undid his shorts and they dropped to the floor.

Suddenly the man stood up; ‘being restrained is not wrong; it’s simply a way of giving over control to others. Good things happen when you do that’, he said as he moved to the side of the tent and picked up a coil of rope.

He pulled Mike’s arms behind his back and skilfully wrapped the coarse rope tightly around his wrists and then between to create a figure of eight. When he knotted the ends together Mike wrists were firmly bound.

The man slid his own trousers off followed by his pants revealing a thick erection sprouting from a bushy groin. He pulled Mike down onto the floor of the tent and kissed him whilst playing with his nipples. Soon they were painfully hard and the man nibbled them before switching his attention down to Mike’s groin again.

“This must be the good thing that happens when you give up control” Mike thought as the man’s index finger pushed gently into Mike’s anus. It didn’t take long before three fingers probed him.

Mike was so distracted he didn’t feel the man’s free hand gently pull the woggle from the scarf around his neck but he soon realised when the scarf was wound between his teeth and knotted, effectively gagging him.

He was rolled onto his side and the man lay on the ground behind him and then pushed his own penis into Mike’s relaxed anus. Mike’s cry was muffled by the gag.

As he pumped his cock into Mike he whispered; ‘remember being restrained is not wrong; it’s simply a way of giving over control to others. Good things happen when you do that.’

As he said the last word he climaxed. Once he was done he stood up and pulled his trousers on.

He untied the scarf and pulled it around Mike’s neck and secured it with the woggle. After untying the rope he said; ‘get dressed and follow me.’
Mike hurriedly got dressed and followed him into the conservatory. A beaker of green juice was waiting for him and without being told he drank its contents.

The man looked at Mike; ‘remember good things happen when you give up control.’ Mike nodded and the man continued; ‘would you like a good thing to happen?’

Mike said he would without being sure what that was but the man seemed to know. He glanced innocently over to a pile of rope but said nothing. Mike followed his gaze and without thinking said; ‘please tie me up’ and the man smiled; ‘then take your clothes off’, he said.

In no time Mike was naked and the man picked up the rope. It took him only a few minutes to wrap coils of rope around Mike’s elbows and wrists securing his arms behind his back. Mike’s legs got a similar treatment.

The man picked Mike up and laid him on the floor and a rope between his ankle and wrist bonds created a strict hog-tie. Only at this point did Mike protest as his position had become quite painful.

‘Remember you give up control and good things happen’, he was reminded. Mike didn’t know why but he blurted out; ’then please gag me’, and again the man smiled.

He collected Mike’s scarf and forced it into his mouth and used his own to hold it in place.

‘Now you have given up control’, he said, ‘good things happen.’

He applied his hands and tongue to Mike’s penis and over the next 30 minutes kept him on the brink of a climax. When he finally ejaculated the stream of sperm seemed to go on forever.

Mike was so tired all of a sudden that almost immediately he fell asleep despite his bound position.

Clare Harding walked in to the room as Mike slept; ‘I think we can safely say our work is done’, she said and the man nodded. She took out her mobile and rang Ruth to give her the news.

Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:28 am
by dl68
Return Home

When he woke he was in his bedroom, although he had no recollection of how he got there. He could feel he was naked under the duvet but he could also see that his own clothes were on the chair at the end of the bed.

Standing next to the chair was the Doctor, he didn’t know her name. Clare smiled at him; ‘Michael I am pleased to say you have been a model patient. The techniques we have used over the period you have been here have worked. You seem to sleep better and each of my colleagues reports positive progress as a result of the sessions.’

Mike was pleased although he wasn’t sure what they had actually done as his memory seemed somewhat hazy. But she was right he had slept well.
‘I will send all the results to Doctor Ruth; any questions you have later please don’t hesitate to contact her. In the meantime my colleagues will drive you home once you have dressed.’ She turned and left leaving him to get dressed.

The return in the minibus mirrored the original journey; he was made to wear the sleep mask and headphones.

Once he was dropped off at home and after Mike had watched the minibus disappear he went inside. His laptop was where he had left it as was his phone. He checked the messages and there were several from Wendy. He realised he hadn’t told her that he would be away.

He checked his emails, amazed his laptop had remained logged in all the time he was away, and then called Wendy to apologise. She didn’t ask where he had been but instead said the reason she had called him was to ask whether he wanted to go out to a party later that evening.

Normally he would say “no” to such an event, but something about the way she phrased the invite led him to say ‘OK’ this time.

Wendy said she would come round about 8pm.

He ate his first meal consisting of solid food for several days and contemplated whether the time at the clinic had been well spent. Apart from sleeping he couldn’t say he felt much better, in fact his brain still seemed somewhat confused, but he put that down to the liquid diet.

Wendy arrived at the agreed time carrying two carrier bags. When Mike asked what was in them she said; ‘I realised you wouldn’t have time to get a costume for tonight so I brought some things for both of us.’

Mike hadn’t realised this was a fancy dress party and that meant he was even more unsure about going but Wendy kissed him and said it would be fun. ‘Consider it a way of giving up control’, she said brightly, adding ‘good things happen when you do that.’

After a quick drink Mike opened the bag containing “his” clothes and he coloured with embarrassment as he pulled out a cowboy outfit; check shirt, leather shorts, boots, hat and yellow bandana. He shook his head at the memory these clothes invoked but nevertheless he got changed. Wendy changed into her outfit which was a school girl uniform; grey pinafore, white shirt and white tights.

Wendy had booked an über to take them to the venue for the party and although they arrived at 9pm it seemed like the party was already in full swing.

Given that he still wasn’t thinking clearly Mike decided not to drink alcohol but before he could say anything Wendy returned with some drinks. He drank the vodka cocktail not wanting to upset her.

They danced for a while and then she went off to the toilet. After a while, when she didn’t return, Mike went looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

He checked the rooms at the back of the property, most were empty but in one he was greeted by three women all probably in their late 30’s. ‘Come in and join us Cowboy’, one of them said raising a glass of some brightly coloured drink and the others laughed. Mike shook his head; ‘just looking for someone’, he said and turned to go.

He was grabbed from behind and dragged into the room and the door slammed shut. ‘That’s very rude’, a voice said spinning him around.
‘I think’, said one of the others; ‘our Cowboy visitor should be tied up and taught a lesson; don’t you ladies?’

The other two agreed but as Mike tried to back out of the room one of them said; ‘being restrained is not wrong you know; it’s simply a way of giving over control to others. Good things happen when you do that!’

The logic seemed perfectly reasonable to Mike, although he didn’t know why. ‘After all looking at the rope marks around your wrists it seems that you are no stranger to submitting to a bit of bondage!’ she remarked.

He allowed himself to be pulled over to the bed they had been sitting on. Up to that point he hadn’t really noticed that they were all wearing matching uniforms; Girl Guide uniforms at that and like his own clothes that stirred memories of Tina Beckett.

Rather than bad memories though he thought that; “as being restrained isn’t wrong its simply giving control away and by doing that good things happen”, what Tina did all those years ago wasn’t wrong after all!

‘Good job we have some rope!’ one of them laughed as she produced a large coil of coarse white rope. Mike was made to lean over the end of the bed with his stomach on the mattress and the rope was used to tie his wrists up to the iron frame at the other end.

‘The Cowboy is roped into submission’, one of them said slapping his bottom. He felt hands around his waist and the shorts were pulled down along with his pants. His legs were spread and he gasped as a finger probed his anus.

‘Please don’t do that’, he said and they laughed. ‘You’re not really in a position to stop us’, someone said. He continued to protest and one of them whispered something and before he could resist his head was yanked up from the bed by his hair and his mouth was packed with three pairs of warm knickers.

As a hand remained clamped over his mouth he heard the tearing of duct tape and soon several layers were wrapped around his head sealing the material in his mouth. ‘That’s much quieter’, one of them said and the others laughed.

More probing of his anus followed and whilst that went on he couldn’t see that one of the women had buckled a harness around her waist.
She screwed a large phallus to it. The solid rubber penis was anatomically correct except that running around its length in a spiral were a series of deep grooves. The woman liberally lubricated it before positioning herself between his legs.

Mike felt the head of the phallus push inside and then as it entered the grooves rubbed the sensitive inside of his rectum. The woman pushed the phallus fully inside and then withdrew before driving in again. She kept this up for several minutes before she tired.

Mike was then untied and helped onto the bed and tied on his back to the four corners with the rope.

‘Being restrained is not wrong it’s simply a way of giving over control to others. Good things happen when you do that!’ one of the women said as she slipped the neckerchief from around her neck.

Whilst she spread it on his chest one of her other women took her necker, rolled it tightly and looped it around his testicles. Mike gasped when she tightened the loop and knotted it in place. His cock was now painfully erect.

The third woman pulled her necker off and wrapped it around his cock and then very gently teased him by rubbing it up and down the shaft. ‘Good things happen when you give away control’, she said as she kept up the gentle massage.

Mike tried to tell her he was desperate for the release but she ignored his muffled cries and carried on at her own pace.

Eventually though she took him over the edge and a large stream of sperm landed on the necker spread out on his chest.

As he lay back exhausted he was untied and the gag removed.

‘I think we’ve worn you out Cowboy. Perhaps one of us better take you home’, one of them said and he simply nodded; the alcohol was muddying his thoughts. One of the women pressed a glass to his lips. He drank the red liquid quickly, more to lubricate his mouth than anything, before he realised it contained alcohol.

The wet scarf was removed from his chest and before his could protest it was packed in his mouth and several turns of duct tape around this head ensured it was staying there. Almost immediately he could taste his own semen over the flavour of the drink he had just consumed.

They helped from the bed and although his tried to stop them his wrists were duct taped together. After his shorts were pulled up he was led out to a waiting car.

Instead of one of them driving him home the three of them got in the car. Later Mike wondered how they knew where he lived, but that thought didn’t occur to him at the time.

His key was in his pocket so the women led him inside and up to his bedroom.

He was pushed onto his bed and his shorts removed. One of the women removed his bandana; ‘good things happen when you give up control’, she said as she wrapped the cotton around his limp cock.

She ignored his whimpering through the cum soaked gag and carried on teasing him to an erection. Once he was firm she gently massaged it until finally she increased her speed and he cried out as he ejaculated into the bandana.

She wiped him dry and then pulled the duvet over him; ‘get some rest’, she said and he heard them leave. He was going to get up and free his wrists but tiredness took over and he was soon asleep. He didn’t know it but the red drink had concealed a crushed sleeping tablet.

It was very late the next morning when he woke. He felt better for the long sleep and it didn’t take long to find a knife and free himself. His thoughts also seemed much clearer. After dressing and eating breakfast he tried calling Wendy but a message said her mobile was turned off. He left a voicemail.

As he did most weekends he went online and checked his bank accounts and was astonished to find both the current account and his linked savings accounts were empty. The statement showed the money had been transferred whilst he was at the Clinic which was bizarre; and then he started to wonder about his laptop.

He rang Doctor Ruth and her phone went to voicemail. He got into his car and drove to her address and shook his head in disbelief as he found a “To Let” sign outside the door. The name plaque had also been removed.

He drove across town to Doctor Clare’s house and that too was deserted and also had a “To Let” sign outside. It started to dawn on him that he had been taken for a ride and in this case a very long ride and one that resulted in a very big financial loss for him.

Could he, or indeed should he contact the Police. He didn’t know what to do.


Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:30 am
by dl68
That's the end of the story.

I know many reader will have positive views of Therapists and I apologise to them for the story.

Some readers however like me might wonder what might happen if they opened up to their Therapist.

Re: The Hypnotherapist F/M

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:51 pm
by Boundcurious
Thank you for this story 😊 I somehow didn’t seethe ending coming!