The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

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Post by privateandrews »

I am so very excited how this story is developing , the romance is strange and highly erotic. more more more please.
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Post by george_bound »

Hmmmm... I love the old lady setup and the mention of sinful marijuana, haha! What a lovely romance although I'm hoping Diesel doesn't try to take advantage of the Doctor's guard being down... after all, I completely agree with [mention]Volobond[/mention] that Diesel needs to be present for the Convention, preferably on full display as a how-to workshop of sorts ;) And I share [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]'s concern that Murderteon might try to sabotage the Doctor's plans!
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Post by spies »

;) This is turning to become so hot. Just hope that Diesel won't give in so early to temptation. The harder he gets, the hotter it is. :lol:
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 9 – The Villains’ Convention

I awoke clinging to Diesel’s naked body. He was still collared and masked, but was tied spreadeagle to my bed with silk cords. I thought he’d appreciate the softness and how good they’d feel against his skin. He was already awake and had been watching me sleep with a satisfied smile on his face. “Good morning,” he said, glowing.

I rubbed his chest. “It is,” I said, “but it was a better night.”

Diesel looked proud of himself for a moment, but then got serious. “So what happens now?” he asked.

“That…” I said, “is uncertain. We have our own lives to lead and our own paths to follow. Outside of this room, we are enemies after all.”

He didn’t like hearing that, but it was the truth.

“Still…” I said, mulling some ideas over in my head, “that doesn’t mean that our relationship can’t continue. I have some thoughts about that. Do you trust me?”

“Absolutely not,” Diesel laughed.

“Maybe you’re smarter than I thought,” I joked. “You’re right. You shouldn’t. But in this, at least, I am not trying to deceive you. I have some plans cooking up that will make all this work out. But it requires a certain degree of cooperation on your part. You in?”

“If it means I get to play with that ass some more, I’m interested,” Diesel winked, playfully jiggling his tied wrists and ankles. “You sure are a master with knots! Hahaha. I'm in. But nothing evil. I’m a hero and I will not give that up. Even for you…” that last part sounded a bit sad.

“Don’t worry, you big meathead,” I said, twisting his nipples. “Nothing like that. Now I have to put on a dreadfully boring show tonight and you will have your own role to play. Most heroes would not be pleased with what is going to follow, but somehow, I think, you will still enjoy yourself.”

“Sounds interesting,” Diesel said, a wry smile forming on his lips.

“Now whatever happens,” I warned, “just remember it’s all part of the Grand Game. I think we can win it together, but you have to play the way I tell you.”

Diesel nodded in agreement. I wrapped the Calamity Robe around myself and called in Number 1.

“Number 1,” I said, “I will oversee the preparations for tonight. I need you to get Mr. Diesel prepared for the festivities. His supersuit is in a ball on the floor somewhere. Check under the bed. His trunks are hanging from the ceiling fan, by the way.” As I dressed, Number 1 collected Diesel’s garb from the various places around the room it had been thrown last night. He undid the silk cords that held Diesel to the bed.

“OK, big boy,” Number 1 said. “Up and at ‘em.” Diesel hopped out of bed and fell into step behind Number 1, but stopped at the doorway.

“Um,” he stammered. “I was wondering if…” He sheepishly held one of the silk cords out in front of him.

I grinned. “Of course, my sweet,” I said. I took the cord from him and slowly and tantalizingly bound his hands behind his back with it. I watched him twist his wrists, savoring the feeling of the soft silk confining him. I leaned in and whispered in his hear “Can’t have prisoners just wandering around loose, can we?” He smiled, twisted his head to face mine and kissed me. With a wink he hurried off after Number 1.


Queer Eye arrived fashionably late and got to work immediately. I had to keep the mohitos flowing to keep him happy, but that was a small price to pay for genius. When he was done, the place looked like a dream. I went with a red-and-black motif because it contrasted nicely with the polished chrome silver of the place, but he kept it classy and tasteful. “This could have turned into a gaudy Hot Topic nightmare,” he quipped, “but I’m reasonably pleased with the end result.”

That was gushing praise from him. I gave him a big hug in gratitude. “When you want something done right, you call in the best,” I said. “As always, I am in awe of your genius.” Queer Eye smiled and patted my hand. “Tonight you’ll sit at my table and you’ll have first pick of the henchboys afterwards,” I said.

“You’re too good to me,” he said. “Now, forgive me but I must be going. The Sea Hag and I have plans to get sloshed and savage the hell out of everyone’s outfits. I’ll catch up with you when the shindig is in full swing.” We air-kissed and he drifted off to get ready for tonight.

The villains started to arrive a few hours later. Murdertron was first, which meant I had to make small talk with him until other guests arrived (blech!) and I could dump him on them. He materialized on my doorstep at the exact second on the invite. Robots are so damn punctual! It’s rather irritating.

I came out to greet him and shook his… hand? …appendage? Not sure what to call it. Normally I’d hug my guests, but that’s not easy when they’re 9 feet tall and covered in spikes like some kind of Rob Liefeld fever dream. I had told him repeatedly that look went out in the 90’s, but he always just said, “I care not for the aesthetic tastes of organic lifeforms. Each of these spikes is functional.” What a bore! As always, he wore no clothing (“metallic life forms have no need for human contrivances such as those”), except for a black bowtie that was tightly cinched around his neck by some unlucky henchman who probably now needed a tetanus shot. Well, the invite did say “black tie.” I shrugged and led him inside.

As we walked, I gave him the nickel tour and showed off the new upgrades. He scanned the place with those creepy lifeless LED eyes of his and said, “Adequate.” Internally, I was singing. That was practically a rave from him. Luckily our time together was short as the other guests started arriving in drips.

I played the gracious host, welcoming everyone and schmoozing with the best of them. People kept asking me what the large object covered with a drape in the cocktail room was, but I just smiled and said, “All shall be revealed. Just be patient.” When everyone had finally arrived (Contessa di Sangui was always notoriously late for social events… but I guess vampires operate on their own schedule), I gathered them all around the mysterious object.

“Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted None-of-the-Aboves,” I said, raising a glass to Murdertron. “Welcome to the annual Villain’s Convention. I am overjoyed to have you all in my humble lair for the evening.”

Queen Kong, already on her fifth glass of wine, scoffed. “Big talk from you,” she bellowed. “After your recent bungling of that whole mayor thing I’m surprised you had the balls to show your face. Beaten by a rookie!” She chuckled, which was echoed by a few others in the room. I took note of who they were.

“Ah, my dear,” I said. “That was indeed a humbling moment, but I assure you it was all part of my greater plan. I understand multi-layered plots aren’t really your thing, but the world needs grunting and randomly breaking things, too, I guess. Do try to follow along. If you need the finer points explained I’ll have a Muppet brought in to explain it in terms small enough for you to understand.”

That shut her up real fast. “I do appreciate the segue, though,” I said, strutting around. “Good of you to mention fair Diesel because it is now time to unveil the entertainment for the evening!” I pulled a cord and the drape fell away. Underneath was a pedestal that held a giant block of ice. Trapped in the ice, collared and posed in a heroic battle stance, was Diesel.

The crowd applauded and Queer Eye gave me the thumbs up from the back of the crowd. “Small victories always give heroes swelled heads, so I was overjoyed when he showed up unnanounced yesterday to finish our business,” I said, petting the ice. “A quick blast of knockout spray and we have quite a conversation piece, don’t we? But I have more in store for him.”

I walked over to Dark Hellfire, who was standing off to one side with The Mad Ronin. “If you would be so kind,” I said, indicating the block of ice. Dark Hellfire nodded and fired an eldritch flame that melted the ice. The runoff was caught by the pedestal (no way I’m letting the floor get wet) and Diesel collapsed to his knees “…never get away with this!” he sputtered, eliciting giggles from the crowd.

“Such dedication!” I chuckled. “But he’s really quite pliable of you know the correct leverage.” I flicked a switch and an electric charge pulsed through Diesel’s collar, sending him falling from the pedestal and writhing on the floor. I let him twitch for a few seconds and then switched it off. I had some henchman pick him up and lift him to his feet. The henchmen held him tightly as I walked over and placed a small circlet on his head. “You may release him, men,” I said.

They let him go and Diesel stood at attention, a confused look on his face. “The Slave Crown is still a prototype, but it is damned effective. He has full conscious thought and awareness, but his body will not obey him. Only my commands. Watch.”

I signaled to the henchman sitting at the Command Terminal nearby. He dimmed the lights and a beat-heavy song started to play over the com. “Diesel, dance! Entertain my guests. And show us that beautiful body of yours.”

I stepped back and Diesel started to gyrate his hips. His face was a mix of fury, confusion, and shame as his own body disobeyed him and moved of its own accord. As the music continued, Diesel started performing a raunchy striptease, shedding pieces of his supersuit as he bumped and grinded for my guests’ amusement. “Honored guests, you can touch all you like,” I said. “But leave the mask alone. That honor is for me and ONLY me. I’ve earned it, I think. And be reasonably gentle. No marks on him. He has a lot of work to do tonight.”

As Diesel gyrated around the room, shedding clothing, he was groped and fondled by hands, claws, tentacles, you name it. The whole thing punctuated by cruel taunts and catcalls, and all the while the delicious look of humiliation never left his face. As the song reached its crescendo, Diesel was clad only in his mask, boots, and jockstrap. He lept back up on the pedestal, did a few quick bumps, and tore his jockstrap off as the music ended. The crowd erupted in applause at his impressive anatomy, now fully on display.

“Thank you, thank you,” I said, bowing. “Diesel, come down here.” He instantly obeyed. I snapped my fingers and the henchman applied heavy chains to his wrists and ankles, giving him only about a foot of slack apiece. I tied a French maid’s apron around his waist that barely covered his genitals and finished off with the matching bonnet. Number 1 handed him a tray.

“Cocktail hour is now open,” I announced. “Please feel free to give your drink orders to Diesel here as he will be serving you all this evening. For those interested, I am open to discussing renting him out. Feel free to approach me at any point after dinner.” I clapped my hands and Diesel shambled over to the crowd of villains, taking drink orders as the guests mingled.

When dinner was served (which was a bitch-and-a-half considering my guests’ varying dietary requirements), I displayed Diesel in various forms of restraint for my guests’ amusement. Sometimes I wrapped him in energy bands and suspended him upside-down over a shark tank, slowly lowering him towards the water. Other times I had spider-bots web him up into a sticky cocoon and affix him to the wall. Whatever struck my fancy. And I had quite the imagination. Then I started taking requests from the guests…

After dinner, I gave Diesel a break and unstrapped him from the sawhorse he had been tied to face-down. We were using his broad back as a condiment station for a while and I could see he was getting tired. He had a long day and would be an unnecessary distraction during the summit portion of the evening. He didn’t need to hear all of us discussing territory and arranging future crime sprees so they didn’t overlap with each other. Well, it wouldn’t do to have villains working at cross-purposes! But I still decided to give my guests a nice visual for when they departed.

While the preliminaries were being discussed, I positioned Diesel in the foyer. I backed him up against a column and manacled his hands together around the back of it. I made sure the bonds were restrictive enough to make him strain and stretch, accentuating his musculature. From there I added a cascade of ropes, chains, straps, bands, cuffs, and shackles. When I was done, Diesel was a squirming mass of restraints from head to toe. I made sure certain key points of his anatomy were fully visible, however, if you know what I mean. To complete the picture, I applied a combination leather headpiece and plug gag, complete with a D-ring over the mouth that I chained to his waist and pulled tight, forcing into an even more uncomfortable position and making him bow his head in debasement. As a finishing touch, I clipped a weight to each nipple and another around his balls. He shuddered and groaned at the sensation, but the movement in his loins belied his enjoyment.

“No, this will not do!” I whispered so only he could hear me. “Can’t have them seeing how much you like this. Otherwise everything tonight was for nothing.” I looked Diesel square in the eyes. “Soft!” I said. The Slave Crown obeyed, returning his cock to its flaccid state. Diesel grunted in maddened frustration as his mental arousal was not echoed by his flesh. The frustration only excited him more, but to no avail. “Don’t worry, my pet,” I said, patting him on the chest and giving one of the nipple weights a gentle tug. “This will all be over in a few hours. Try to hang on till then.” I turned and left for the summit.

Now when I say it was boring, I mean BOOOOOOOORRRRRRRIINNGGGGGG with several capital B’s. One after another, villains droned on and on about their upcoming plans and schemes. I had the whole thing recorded to pour over later as I could barely keep my eyes open. At least my application to become Diesel’s archnemesis was approved. Several remarked that there was little point to it, considering I could destroy him with a thought, but they went along anyway. After the show I put on, they’d better! It was a relief when Guild Prime banged the gavel and everyone started saying their goodbyes.

“Best convention in years!” Sgt. Menace said, firmly shaking my hand as we filed past Diesel.

I saluted in jest. “Thank you, SER-GEANT!” I said. “It was a pleasure. And I’m sure Diesel would like to say how much fun he had, but… you know…” I clamped my hand over my own mouth and wriggled as I jokingly mmpppggghhed. The sergeant guffawed and slapped me in the back.

“Can’t wait to see The Thing From Beyond Space try to top this shindig next year,” he said, putting on his flak jacket and helmet. He handed me his card. “If you ever want to team up for a job,” he said, “give me a call. With your tech and my military hardware, I think we’d make a good team.”

“You know,” I said, “I just might do that. I have a scheme cooking and you could really help out a lot. I’ll keep in touch.” I thanked him again and escorted him out. When all of the trucks, limos, aircraft, motorcycles, and assorted eldritch monstrosities had vacated the grounds I sighed in relief and returned to Diesel.

“You performed spectacularly, my pet,” I said, pressing a button that freed him from the cacophony of restraints.

He stepped out and unbuckled the gag headpiece, but it didn’t escape my notice that he left the weights on. “You sure laid it on thick,” he said, giving me a quick kiss. “Was the striptease really necessary?”

“Of course not!” I said. “That’s what made it fun! Oh, and Queen Kong was quite impressed with your performance. She offered me several million for a night with you.”

“Even after you roasted her so hard?” he said, shocked. “It’s all anyone talked about all through cocktails. Wow, she must really like the goods.” He double bicep flexed and kissed his muscles. I practically melted right there. “But I hope you turned her down!” he said.

“I told her I’d think about it,” I said. “She’s more of a mantis than a gorilla when it comes to rutting, I’m told. And I said I wanted you back in one piece. She said she couldn’t make any promises.”

Diesel chuckled. “Thanks,” he said, finally removing the weights from his nipples and balls. “So now that all this is over, what’s Phase 2 of the Master Plan?”

“Oh, I’ve got that all worked out,” I said with a laugh. “And you’re going to love what happens next.”

Coming Soon: Part 10 – Murdertron
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Gosh...where to begin?

First, Kudos [mention]wataru14[/mention]

The story is sexy, funny, teasing, and erotic. You push all my buttons when it comes to tying up, gagging, and restraining. 🙇🏻‍♂️👍👍

As usual, I love the quirky touches -- Calamity Robe and Queer Eye (he's a hoot!) 🤣

I'm glad Diesel honors the superhero code. Dr. Calamity cannot turn him into a villain. 🙌

But Dr. Calamity's plan is working out so neatly. I cannot believe that not one Super Villain suspects something might be awry between the good Doctor and his newly minted Arch Nemesis. 😉
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Post by Charmides »

So glad I finally got caught up. Why couldn't this have been an animated TV show when I was a kid? (Quick, someone make a Kickstarter.)

Fantastic as always, [mention]wataru14[/mention]! The comedy just makes the sensual bits all the more exciting, and Diesel is definitely one of the best frequent-captives I've read about on here in a while. As I'm sure you're aware by now, you've got a runaway hit on your hands, and well-deserved, too. (Also, Calamity Robe? Oh my god, I love this story.)

I've gotta say, the good doctor's schemes have mostly gone off without a hitch so far -- it's always exciting to watch Calamity pull something off, but I have a feeling that sometime soon, he might get into some real trouble, especially if anyone finds out about his relationship with Diesel. Either way, very excited to see what's next!
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Post by wataru14 »

There are some hurdles coming up for Dr. Calamity, don't you worry. Guild Prime is quite an observant fellow...
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Post by Volobond »

Oh my, wish I could've scored an invite to this convention! Diesel and the Doctor are adorable, and I love all the naughty torments he was put through. If this was Phase 1, I can't wait for Phase 2!

So much yay! I'm going crazy with how much I love this story! :D

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Post by george_bound »

Oh you're a clever one, [mention]wataru14[/mention]!

First off, that's way more fun than should be allowed at a Villian's Convention... and the Doctor and Diesel were the rightful stars of the show! Loved all the ways Diesel was restrained, particularly the final one in the foyer ;) And Diesel dancing around had me swooning just like Queen Kong.

To be completely honest, I'm going to miss the genuine antagonistic peril inflicted on Diesel by the Doctor but think this new dynamic will be different yet equally as entertaining...using your arch-nemisis to take out your competition (if that indeed is what will happen) is a pretty clever scheme :twisted: And I am hoping the Mayor will be ensnared again... just because (and maybe it'd provide a bit of tension in the relationship) :P
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Post by george_bound »

Hey [mention]Volobond[/mention], I guess [mention]wataru14[/mention] has started to provide the groundwork for how two arch-nemisises (nimesi?) can work together, haha :lol: ;)
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]george_bound[/mention], perhaps we two rogues can band together and take a hero or two prisoner - and perhaps a cute Sam Page- looking mayor? I'm sure we'd both welcome the chance to be like our dear Doctor! ;)

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Post by george_bound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago @george_bound, perhaps we two rogues can band together and take a hero or two prisoner - and perhaps a cute Sam Page- looking mayor? I'm sure we'd both welcome the chance to be like our dear Doctor! ;)
Yes I believe so [mention]Volobond[/mention] ... and I'd even let you be the Doctor while I'm Diesel... I know you'd enjoy that ;) As long as we both get the play with our captives in tandem :twisted:
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Post by Volobond »

george_bound wrote: 3 years ago Yes I believe so [mention]Volobond[/mention] ... and I'd even let you be the Doctor while I'm Diesel... I know you'd enjoy that ;) As long as we both get the play with our captives in tandem :twisted:
Wonderful! Sounds great to me!

[mention]george_bound[/mention], I think this is going to be the start of a beautifully evil partnership...

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Post by wataru14 »

Part 10 – Murdertron

The following morning I had Diesel walk around the place doing his slave thing for the benefit of the few guests I allowed to spend the night (mostly because they were too drunk to get home on their own). He wore the Slave Crown, but I didn’t turn it on. Didn’t have to – he was playing the part beautifully on his own. After he served breakfast and endured being groped and taunted for a while, I decided to have him put on a show and had him battle the Mecha-Python for our amusement.

I moved the guests to the Calamity Arena and had Diesel stand in the center. When everyone was happily chomping on their croissants, I opened the gate. Mecha-Python was around 30 feet long with fangs that would pierce through titanium. We took turns passing the snake’s remote control device around and battling Diesel like some kind of gladiatorial co-op video game. After a while, I thought it was time for everyone to GTFO so I took back over the control.

Diesel was getting tired (something my robots never did) and his punches were getting wild and sloppy. I had the snake dodge one haymaker and then zip around him with lightning speed. It caught Diesel by the ankle with its tail, tripped him, and dragged him over on his belly as he clawed the dirt. As it pulled, it spiraled around and wrapped its coils around him. Again and again and again. After a few seconds, the hero was ensnared from boot to shoulder. Wrapped up like a Christmas present. He fought valiantly and strained and struggled with all his remaining might, but he was too weary to build up enough strength to burst out. The snake constricted tighter and tighter, wrapping up Diesel so tight that I thought his eyes would pop out. Then it lowered its head even with his, opened its jaws, and hissed. Diesel winced, but the snake did not strike. Instead it fired a puff of green gas in Diesel’s face. The hero breathed it in and went limp.

The guests murmured approval. I had the snake hold Diesel stationary in a drug-induced slumber while I escorted everyone to the door. They all gave the usual pleasantries as they left, but Queer Eye hung back, his giant pupil fixed on me.

“You want to tell me what that dog and pony show was all about?” he said after everyone else was gone.

I did a take, unable to stop myself. “Dammit!” I thought. “Sloppy! Sloppy!”

“Why, whatever do you mean?” I said innocently.

“Don’t bullshit me,” he said. “I don’t have much in the powers department but nothing escapes my eye. That battle was staged. And so was last night.”

I was trapped. “Well, I guess there’s no sense in lying to you,” I said.

“Nope,” he smugly replied. “I notice everything. I will say that you’re good, though. You have surprisingly few tells, but no minutiae escape me. You’re plotting something and I want in.”

“I think it best if I don’t say,” I said. “Plausible deniability and all that. Just know that whatever it is I’ve got cooking, it will not be against you or your interests in any way. And you might even reap some of the benefits when I’m done. When you have a real friend, you don’t screw them over.”

He seemed satisfied, but decided to be dramatic for kicks. “Fine,” he harrumphed, bringing the back of his hand to his forehead like a silent movie star and speaking in an exaggerated melodramatic tone. “Leave me in the dark. I’ll probably figure it out on my own anyway. For now I’ll just sit at home with popcorn... Bitch.” He gave me an elaborate hug and exited the Compound like Norma Desmond going down the staircase to greet the reporters.


Murdertron sat in his lair recharging his batteries from the previous night. I always hated coming here, but we had some plans to discuss about an upcoming assault on a government research facility and he didn’t want to take the schematics outside of his lair for security reasons.

The place smelled like an abattoir. It was all rusted iron and hooks and steam and ichor stains. Corpses hanging from chains in the hallways. For someone who always said that ostentatious displays of villainy were pointless, his lair looked like something out of a Freddy Kreuger film. Did he want to get bugs? Because that is how you get bugs.

I inserted my olfactory inhibitors before I got out of the Calamity Copter. Number 2 was piloting, but this place gave him the creeps, so he was going to say on the rooftop helipad while I went inside. “Dammit,” I said as I opened the side hatch. “Why can’t we just do this on Zoom like respectable people?”

Diesel hopped out onto the roof and held his arms out like a litter. He had the Slave Crown on, but this time I had activated it. Didn’t want to take any chances around Murdertron. Diesel was clad in his boots and mask, as well as a black leather jockstrap with a big white “C” over the cup and a leather chest harness. A little Mad Max, I thought, but he had picked it out and gave me these adorable puppydog eyes. How could I say no?

I leaned out of the hatch, sat in Diesel’s outstretched arms, and had him carry me inside. I read in a history book that some ancient god-kings always had slaves carry them around like this as it was blasphemy for their feet to touch the ground. Considering that the floor of this place had probably never EVER been washed I thought it wise to adopt that pretension.

When we entered the Command Center, Murderton greeted me with his usual coldness. “Was bringing your dog necessary?” he inquired. “Slave Crown or not, I am not comfortable with him hearing our plans.”

“Don’t worry your pretty little spiked head about it,” I said after Diesel put me down in the chair Murdertron had set aside for me. “I assume you have a cage around here somewhere?”

“Affirmative,” he beeped and indicated an animal cage against the far wall. It was black iron and measured about 2’ x 2’ x 4’. He extracted the fetid remains of whatever was last in there and tossed them aside.

“Perfect,” I said, biting my tongue, and ordered Diesel to get on his hands and knees and crawl backwards inside. It was not big enough for him to stand or even stretch out. He could only lay down with his head against the floor and his knees bunched under him, arms folded under his chin. He’d have to take a bath in sanitizer when we got back to my lair, but at least it would get Murdertron off my back for a bit. When he was fully inside I sent a small propeller drone over and made him raise his head. A nozzle came out and it sprayed Diesel’s face with the same nanite goo that the wetsuit from the other day was made of. His head was completely encased in a tight black hood. “There,” I said. “I set the nanites to block all audio and visual stimuli. He can’t see or hear anything.”

“Acceptable,” Murdertron said, closing the cage door and locking it with a heavy padlock. “Now we begin.”

“Might as well,” I said and swiveled the chair to face the table. “That’s strange,” I thought. “There’s no files for me to read and the vidscreens are off… SHIT!”

Before I could react, steel cables lashed out from the sides of the chair, lassoing me before I could leap away. They tightly grabbed my wrists and ankles and yanked me back down. Then more cable snaked out and crisscrossed in front of my chest, forming a tight netting that kept me pressed against the chair. With my hands secured I was unable to reach the controls for any of my gadgets.

I was by no means strong, so there was no way I was going to be able to get loose on my own. My only hope was Diesel, but he was blind, deaf, caged, and Slave Crowned. He had no idea what was going on out here! I glanced over and watched him lying there, unawares. This was bad. VERY bad.

Murdertron advanced on me. “You thought you were so clever,” he droned. “But your weak flesh always betrays you. I sensed your elevated heart rate and brain activity whenever the fleshbeing known as Diesel was present. The readings are consistent with the responses to the human emotion called love. Your loyalty to the Guild is in question and your motives now suspect.”

My face turned red with fury. Murdertron was right about humans in one regard: when emotions got high it was hard to disguise them. How could I be so dense? I had forgotten he had biorhythmic sensors. He was built using mostly my tech, so I should have known he would detect that! Sloppy! And now it looked like I was going to pay the price. Well, hubris always was my favorite tragic flaw.

“Guild Prime was right to suspect you,” Murdertron said. “He will be quite pleased with your capture and elimination. Shame. You had such potential, but flesh is flesh. Weak. But I could improve you if you want. Upload your genius mind into a metal body like mine. Accentuate your strengths while eliminating the pointless emotions. It is a shame to waste your marvelous intellect when it could be placed in a PERFECT form completely loyal to Guild Prime.”

“Well, you make a compelling argument,” I said. “But you can go fuck yourself up the ass with one of those garish spikes. You have no right to do this. An unprovoked attack by a Guild Councilmember against another is expressly forbidden by the Code. Guild Prime knows that. He helped me write it, after all. Even if he ordered my termination, it has no legal weight without a Council Resolution, and no such resolution was made.”

“True,” Murdertron said. “But in this case it WAS a provoked attack. You, against any semblance of logic or protocol, brought your pet to the meeting. But was it just a human vanity? No. There is a 96.7% chance you intended to betray me by deactivating the crown and releasing him. Your misguided assault would fail, sadly, as I am fully aware of your intentions and have planned accordingly.”

Shit! I thought. He figured it out! Still, I hadn’t actually DONE anything yet, and you can’t be punished for intentions. Half the Guild Council would be dead if we crossed that line. But Murdertron would no doubt stage things to look like I attacked him. It would be his word against mine and if I was dead, I couldn’t really make a compelling case for my innocence, could I? The Guild would accept his cock-and-bull story. Guild Prime and Queen Kong would sweep it all under the rug and get away with it. No one would question Murdertron’s account of the events, especially when the Guild leader secretly supported him.

With heavy clanking footsteps, Murdertron approached me, a panel in his arm opening. I didn’t struggle. There was no point and I wasn’t going to give the soulless hunk of tin the satisfaction of seeing me squirm. Murdertron extended a wicked-looking electric prod and jabbed me right in the ribs with it. I quickly passed out. I didn’t see any alternative.

Coming Soon: Part 11 – The Power of Love
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Post by Volobond »

Ahhhhhhh! Cliffhanger of the highest order! Murdertron has both Doctor Calamity and Diesel! :shock: How will our heroes - or rather, our villain/hero duo - escape? WILL they escape? Perhaps Queer Eye will save them?

I adore Diesel's new outfit, and I think it's all the more hot that he picked it out himself! And of course the hot hunky hero under control is always pushing the right buttons for me. ;) I'm so excited for this story! It's the bondage-centric superhero story I've always wanted! Can't wait to see what happens next, and what kind of kinky shenanigans are in store!

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Post by privateandrews »

Oh my the twists and turns this story takes is just great, proper cliff hanger end.. cant wait to read more.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Whoa, Nellie! What a cliffhanger! Well done, [mention]wataru14 [/mention]

Will QueerEye save the day? :?:

Stay tuned for the next episode... :o

Same Calamity Time...🦹🏻‍♂️

Same Calamity Channel!🦹🏻‍♂️📺
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Post by wataru14 »

I'm glad Queer Eye is becoming a dark horse favorite character. I was a little worried about how he'd be received. I've got more in store for him in coming chapters, never fear.

And thanks for the feedback from everyone! I read every response and have adjusted the story more than once based on the suggestions (for the better). Keep 'em coming!
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Post by george_bound »

Hmmm... do I really have to wait patiently for the next installment... sooooo amazing!

Yes, like most everyone else I love the Queer Eye character, you've nailed his persona!

Well, it seems the Doctor's humanity got the best of him and it could be read by everyone around... perhaps he should have stuck to being the purely evil man he was destined to be...

Now for our dynamic duo... I'm really really hoping they're placed in a bind that's worthy of the two lovebirds they are... perhaps tied tightly together in a perilless predicament whereby one's actions has a direct and diabolically "unpleasant" impact on the other :twisted:

(Finally, it'd be really fun if Murdertron had recently "acquired" the Mayor and has him locked away with the lovebirds too or better yet uses him as collateral to get his way with the duo ;))

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I didn't see this twist coming at all (probably because I was distracted by Diesel in a jockstrap and a hood).

I must say, how memorable and interesting the side characters are really makes this story stand-out. Murdertron is genuinely creepy and I share the same fondness over Queer Eye with the other readers. Dr. Calamity's internal complaints about how dirty the lair is also made me nearly laugh out loud.

Can't wait to read what happens after this cliffhanger.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by george_bound »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago I must say, how memorable and interesting the side characters are really makes this story stand-out.
I completely agree... this tale's supporting actor line-up would dominate Emmy nominations in the category :P
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 11: The Power of Love

When I awoke I was fully bound and secured to the wall. My body was wrapped top to bottom in microfilaments that were barely perceptible by the naked eye. But I felt them. My hands, chest, knees, and ankles were wrapped in the infinitesimal threads. I dared not move even a hair. Based on the tightness of the binding, if I moved even a little, the wires would cut through my flesh, completely severing my hands and feet and causing me to bleed out. This was Murdertron’s favorite restraint tactic. Forcing the victim to lie motionless while he went to work doing unspeakable things. Most took the (relatively) quick way out rather than face the tortures his sick robot imagination dreamed up. He wasn’t called Murdertron for nothing.

I had protested mightily when Guild Prime constructed Murdertron. He had been commissioning me to create various robot parts for a while at that point, but I thought nothing of it at the time. Many villains hired me to create robot minions. I was the best, after all! It wasn’t until I found out what programming additions Guild Prime was adding that I came out against the project. There was no need for… this. Villainy was an art and him reducing it to a slasher film turned my stomach. I had taken out a few serial killers as side jobs during my tenure and wanted no part in creating one. I got into this business to shake up the complacent and bring low what was high, not leave a pile of corpses!

Diesel was suspended from his ankles by a chain attached to the second-story ceiling. The nanite mask was removed, but the Slave Crown was still on. He was fully aware of what was going on, but was completely paralyzed – unable to move a muscle. Beneath him was a series of whirling blades and he was slowly being lowered towards it head-first, link by link. Several feet away from me, a sawblade about ten feet in diameter was inching its way towards me via a groove in the floor. We could see each other clearly from where we were restrained. That was intentional.

Murdertron stood on the second-story balcony, leaning against the wrought-iron railing. “You are so sentimental about deathtraps,” he droned, “I thought you might appreciate one of mine. Soon you will both be eviscerated. Painfully. The first one to go will watch the other go before him. But I won’t tell you which one that will be. Maybe you will watch your lover torn to pieces in front of your eyes, or maybe you will be sawed in half and die seeing his anguish as you expire. Either way it will provide me maximum entertainment.”

I craned my neck to glare at Murdertron, feeling the shallow cuts forming on my upper arms and chest from even the slight movement. The lights on Murdertron’s chest panel flickered rapidly as the small flow of blood seeped through my white labcoat. Diesel’s eyes were afire with desperation, but there was no hope. If I could switch off the Slave Crown, Diesel could attempt some kind of assault, but the controls were on my watch, which I noticed Murdertron had removed. I saw the crushed remnants under his metallic heal. Son of a bitch! That was a genuine Rolex!

Diesel’s chain dropped a link lower. Was this really how it was going to end? Beaten by a machine? There was a certain irony in that, but that gave me no comfort. My mind raced as the blade drew closer and closer…

Tears began to well up in Diesel’s eyes as he dipped lower. All his might and he was powerless to save me. All my intellect and I was powerless to save him. I lowered my head in despair. Resigned to my fate, I looked up at him and mouthed the words “I love you.”

Just then, there was a rumbling. Diesel’s face scrunched and the Slave Crown shattered. There was a blinding flash and Diesel started rising in the air of his own accord. Lightning crackled in his eyes as he righted himself, hovering above the blades.

“All right, you sonnafabitch!” he shouted at Murdertron, snapping the chain around his ankles with a quick tug of his powerful muscles. Boy, am I glad he didn’t skip Leg Day! “Let’s dance!”

Diesel blasted off like a jet engine and slammed into Murdertron with both fists. The robot flew backwards from the force, his chest dented from the blow. Diesel was far exceeding his previously recorded strength limits! Murdertron’s casing was made of the same Ridiculum that I used for my supercells. If Diesel could damage it with his fists, he would be a match for even Superion! My mind raced with the possibilities.

Diesel hovered in mid-air, crackling with energy. Murdertron extended several bladed appendages from all over his body and dove at him. I wish you could have seen their battle! It was truly one for the ages. I’m talking center-spread splash-page material. Half the Command Center was trashed as they punched and parried, dodged and blocked. It was like a ballet... only not mind-numbingly boring. Murdertron’s death lasers were firing willy-nilly, several nearly striking me. Instinctively I winced, causing the microfilaments to cut me deeper.

Murdertron nailed Diesel square in the chest with a hydraulic jackhammer punch that sent the hero flying backwards. He fired five U-shaped spikes from his wrist gauntlets, and soon Diesel was pinned against the filthy stone wall in an X-position. A metal bar held each wrist and ankle separately against the wall, and a fifth pinned Diesel’s neck. The prongs were buried deep in the stone and the unmistakable hum of a magnetic field kept them in place.

His wicked blades spinning and whirling, Murdertron advanced on Diesel, swiveling his head to face me without moving his body. It was quite unnerving. “Now, Doctor, I will do what you seem to be unable to and eviscerate this upstart hero.”

“Hey asshole,” Diesel said. Murderton swiveled his head back. There were five sets of holes in the wall behind Diesel and a pile of iron spikes on the floor at his feet. “Made ya look!” Diesel said, smashing Murdertron with a megaton haymaker. The robot sailed off the floor and flew backwards through the air directly toward me. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, but it never came. I heard a horrible grinding noise and felt sparks and heat. When I opened my eyes, Murdertron had landed on top of the sawblade (now only a few feet from me) and was being torn in half.

His light panel flashed wildly as the blade sawed through his circuits. When the circuit controlling the microfilaments was cut, they unraveled from me and fell to the floor. I quickly stood up from the chair as Diesel swooped down. He grabbed me in his arms and kissed me.

“You’re hurt,” Diesel said, seeing the blood soaked through my coat.

“Bah!” I said. “Just superficial. I’ll be fine. Him, on the other hand…” I pointed at the twitching husk of Murdertron. The robot hissed and beeped as servo fluid leaked on the floor and the sawblade stopped. The lights on his chest display panel and his LED eyes all flashed wildly.

“Ah ah ah!” I said, pressing a button on my belt and throwing up an energy field over the compound to block his transmission. “No calling for reinforcements and no squealing to the Guild. I hate tattletales.” I attached a small device from my bag to his chest panel.

“Stupid fleshbag!” Murdertron sputtered, his LED eyes glowing Hellish red. “What are you doing?”

“You have adequate processing power available to figure it out. Hell, half of the junk inside you was designed by me. Assembled by Guild Prime against my wishes. He and I will have to discuss that, by the way. And several other things.”

I got in real close. “You were going to kill my boyfriend. And there’s no way I’m going to let THAT slide.”

I raised the Disintegrator Ray. “I know what you’re going to say and I don’t give a shit,” I said, my tone full of ice. “I’ve got plans for this meathead. Big plans. And you have a part to play in those plans, as well, but I don’t think you’ll like the role you’ve been cast in.”

If a robot’s face could show fear, Murdertron’s definitely would.

“I had something more elegant in mind for you, but since you REALLY pissed me off I’m going to improvise. Humans are good at that. Goodbye, Murdertron,” I said and fired the ray. Murdertron’s body disintegrated into fine dust. His robotic head clattered across the floor.

After checking to see that Murdertron’s central code had successfully downloaded to my external drive (I had to keep him talking long enough for the data to process), I ran to Diesel.

“What the fuck happened back there?” I asked.

“I think I just got a power upgrade,” Diesel said, levitating slightly.

“Well this didn’t go according to plan,” I said, “but the end result is the same.” I handed Diesel his supersuit from my bag. “Now, listen carefully,” after you get dressed and Number 2 and I are long gone, call the League and give them that.” I pointed to Murdertron’s head. “Tell them I escaped during the battle.”

Diesel nodded as he dressed.

“Taking out an A-Lister like him on your own will skyrocket you up in the hero ranks,” I said. “You’ll make the Varsity Squad for sure. Oh, and make sure to rub it in Superion’s stupid face. And tell me all the details.”

“Gladly,” he smiled. “And what will you be doing?”

“I have to run damage control with the Guild,” I said. “They’ll tear me a new one for bringing you here in the first place, but nothing will come of it. Murdertron was high-ranked but extremely unpopular.” I kicked his head. “I wonder why? He was always so warm and friendly! Hmph, they’ll be secretly glad to be rid of him. It’s a win for everyone. Guild Prime will have a canary over this, but I can work with that.”

Diesel picked up the head. “Understood,” he said.

“You just keep doing that voodoo that you do so well,” I said. “After an appropriate amount of time has passed, I’ll come after you to ‘get revenge for my fallen comrade.’ I’ll kidnap you and we can get some alone time.” I kissed him again. “While you’re in my clutches, I’ll tell you about the next hit.”

“Can’t wait,” Diesel said, adjusting his codpiece, before clicking his tongue (complete with finger guns) and running out the door.

Now that I had the place to myself, I figured I’d start downloading Murdertron’s hard drive for possible future business opportunities. I hooked my device up to the mainframe and let it process. That would take a while, so I decided to take a look around the place.

The Grand Guignol motif was everywhere in the compound. I wished I could drop a few Disintegrator Bombs and wipe the whole place off the map forever, but that would tip the Guild that I had a hand in Murdertron’s downfall. Better to let them send a cleanup crew and repurpose it for an upstart villain to use. I just hope they bring in an exorcist.

I was pulled from my musings by the sound of heavy boots rapidly approaching. “Murdertron’s henchmen,” I said to myself. “Of course.” Getting ready for an Oscar-worthy performance, I dove to the floor and started groaning.

Several alarmed henchmen tore into the room, guns out. I rubbed my head and sat up.

“What happened in here?” the lead henchman said.

I pretended to be in shock. “Is he gone?” I said, diving at the henchman and gripping his legs. “Diesel? Is he gone?”

The henchmen looked around at the debris. “I… think so. I don’t see him,” the leader said.

“He destroyed Murdertron!” I sputtered, pointing at the pool of oil and stray circuitboards that had fallen out of the robot before I vaporized him. “I tried to stop him but I was no match for his strength. I barely escaped with my life!”

The leader picked up some wires and looked at them. “He… he’s really dead!” he said, a relieved smile coming over his face. With a name like Murdertron, you could tell how well he treated his employees. And as it just so happened, I had a few immediate openings available on my payroll.

“Yes, I said,” slowly getting up. “It’s very tragic. We’ll pour one out for our dead homie later.” I clutched my ribs and moaned, careful not to overdo it. Several of the ex-henchmen ran to support me. “Thank you, gentlemen. Now, I know this is a difficult time for all of you, what with the loss of your employer and all, but I have a little business proposition for you.”

The henchmen helped me to a seat. I checked it for more capture cables. “With Murdertron gone, the Guild has to be notified so they can restructure his organization. Diesel destroyed the computer during the fight, so MT’s files are sadly lost (tee hee). But that does leave the question of what happens to you guys. Under Guild regulations, henchmen whose employer dies are shuffled back into the pool and reassigned to other villains. I would take you all onto my team, but I don’t have any official openings. Buuuuuuut, that doesn’t mean we can’t all come to a mutually beneficial financial arrangement.”

“What I’m proposing is that you all do a little covert work for me,” I continued. “You will secretly be on my payroll, with full benefits and employee perks that my regulars get, AND you’ll collect whatever pay your official bosses give you. Double-dipping, if you will. Of course, some quid pro quo in the form of information would be required, but I think you’ll be able to manage that. You know quite well how good I am to my staff.”

“Really?” one of the ex-henchmen said, blinking his eyes in disbelief.

“Mad scientist’s honor,” I said, holding up two fingers. “You’ll be my double-agents. Full pay, profit-sharing, stock options, matched 401(k) contributions up to 10% of your salary, the whole nine. And the best part is, I don’t decapitate henchmen who displease me! A happy staff is an employer’s greatest resource.”

I held out my hand and was nearly knocked over by the speed of the platoon of henchmen coming over to shake it. “Welcome to Calamity Enterprises,” I said with a smile.

Coming Soon: Part 12 – Kid Calamity
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

The first one to go will watch the other go before him.
“He… he’s really dead!” he said, a relieved smile coming over his face.
I suspect I know the inspiration for these lines! :lol:
After checking to see that Murdertron’s central code had successfully downloaded to my external drive
The contemporary version of the broomstick! ;)

Loved it. Diesel has the power of love.

Congrats on another great chapter, [mention]wataru14[/mention]
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Awwwww! A beautiful chapter, definitely worthy of the center spread splash page! I'm glad our two lovebirds succeeded, and I can't wait to see the next nefarious restraint! Amazing!

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Post by george_bound »

First off [mention]wataru14[/mention], thanks to this chapter's title, I now have Celine Dion singing in my head so thank you for that 😱

Well that was a perilless scene I can fully get behind... two captives in peril forced to watch each other's pending doom is at the top of my books! And the way the Doctor covers everything up and even negotiated with Mudertron's henchmen to his benefit was superb. Same high quailty tongue-and-cheek humour and fun we've come to expect.

And as icing on the cake, the Doctor's plan to re-"kidnap" Diesel, can't wait to see how that goes down and who's next on the hit list. Hopefully the Doctor and Diesel learn from their naïvete that led to their captivity... silly me, no I hope they've learned nothing ;)

Now I must return to my own perilless situation... i.e. Celine Dion in my head :?

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