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Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 7 Added)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:47 am
by gag1195
cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago YEAHHH! Another update! I really had fun reading this! You have a knack for writting extremely cute or sexy situation with a healthy dose of humor. I laughed when Markus shoved the soap in Peter's mouth.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I also really enjoyed the soap gag! When I initially wrote this part I left Peter ungagged, but it didn't seem right, so I wracked my brain for a few hours trying to come up with a unique temporary gag for the shower scene! Lo and behold, the soap gag made an appearance!

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago I'm practically crying from how adorable they are! Markus' shower teasing was both playful and sexy and he's just super hot to imagine. Can't wait to get Peter back in a gag!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago I think I need to have a cold shower myself after reading that! A fun and sexy chapter. I really do enjoy the way these two characters interact and the whole story is so well written. Can't wait for the next chapter.
MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago I really enjoyed that.

The development of Markus and Peter is at a good pace. I feel like Markus is way more mature and Peter is a little more impulsive? I mean, I might be wrong but this is the feeling I get from reading them... :)

The fact that I deduce this from what you produce, speaks volumes of your writing capability!
Im glad everyone is still enjoying Markus and Peter's escapades! So happy their interactions are connecting well!

@MountainMan_91 You definitely picked up my idea. My intention was definitely for Markus to be the more mature one, with Peter a bit more immature/purposefully playful. Hopefully that comes through in the upcoming parts!

TightsBound wrote: 3 years ago Really glad I read this one! That initial bet was realistic and entirely plausible and pretty damn hot, I might have to use that next time I make a bondage bet. Looking forward to the rest of this Bondage Weekend!
Happy you found and are enjoying the story so far! You'll have to let me know if you get the chance to try out that bondage bet :D

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 6 Added)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:52 am
by gag1195
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Also... I am very intrigued by Luke - gonna have myself some fantasies about the hunky construction worker ;)
Also, while working on the next part, I managed to find my picture inspiration for Luke the hunky host! Thought I'd share it with everyone! Enjoy! ;) ;)

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 7 Added)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:55 am
by Msueta@2
That is a HOT picture of Luke the host

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 7 Added)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:31 pm
by szlm1515
Awesome story😍😍😍😍

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 7 Added)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:24 pm
by gag1195
Hey Everyone, a shorter update this time. Also, sadly less bondage in this one. This part is a bit fluffier, a bit more domestic, but I felt inspired to write it! I promise there is plenty more bondage in upcoming parts!

Part 8: Servitude
Peter surveyed the array of gags laid out on the bed, while Markus patiently waited for his boyfriend to make his choice. Peter took his time, weighing each option.

He picked up the roll of duct tape in one hand, and the roll of bondage tape in another. He imagined Markus wrapping the tape around Peter’s head, tight enough to see the impression of his lips. But then he considered what might get stuffed in prior to his lips being sealed. Peter didn’t want to have the lingering taste of socks or underwear right before he ate lunch.

He set the rolls of tape down and instead grabbed the bit gag. He remembered his time in it the night before and slightly shook his head, projecting blame for losing the competition on the poor leather biter. He passed over the assortment of bandanas, once again fearing what might be stuffed between his lips. Peter paused at a length of rope, which had been twisted and coiled around itself to form a rope bit. He ran his fingers over the cotton ridges. It would certainly feel more comfortable than some of the other gags, but Peter ultimately decided on the nearby ball gag.

He picked up the classic red rubber gag and held it confidently in his hand. He faced Markus and nodded, holding up his choice. Peter expected his boyfriend to take it, spin him around and shove the gag into his mouth, but Markus simply folded his arms and watched with a determined gaze. Peter smiled and raised the ball gag to his mouth, willingly pushing it past his lips. He pulled the straps behind his head, and with some difficulty, secured the gag into place.

“Pphhhmmmmah!” Peter tested it out, winking at his stoic boyfriend. Markus extended a finger and beckoned Peter to him, and the gagged model practically jumped up to him. Markus hooked his finger under Peter’s chin, forcing him to keep his head straight and level. Markus then leaned in and lightly kissed his boyfriend, lips opening around the protruding gag. At the same time, Markus grabbed the buckled straps of the gag and tightened it another notch, eliciting a startled moan from his captive.

“I was hoping you’d choose this one.” Markus whispered into Peter’s ear before stepping over to the dresser. He fished around in the drawer for a moment before tossing a pair of bright red boxers, a matching hue to the ball gag, at Peter’s face. “Put those on.” Peter let the towel drop to his ankles and quickly donned the red boxers, as Markus put on another jockstrap, this one a royal blue, before putting on his sweatpants from the night before.

Markus gathered up a few coils of black rope, before returning to his boyfriend. He placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder and pushed him towards the door and out into the hallway. Though not currently bound, Peter felt compelled to follow Markus’ tactile instructions, allowing himself to be guided to the kitchen. His captor gently shoved him towards the counter before setting the rope in the middle of the table. He took his seat at the table and settled in to watch his boyfriend work.

“Rogue’s choice. Nothing too heavy, wouldn’t want you to get too sleepy before doing your chores.” Markus instructed, leaning back with his hands behind his head.

“Mmmf phhr!” Peter saluted as he marched towards the refrigerator. He took stock of what he had at his disposal, making sure to lean low so Markus had a good view of his perfect ass. Hmmm… Eggs? No. Ham or turkey? No. Leftover pasta? No. Peter shook his head as he grunted out a series of muffled no's and crossed off the different options. Bacon?. ..Maybe. Then he saw the ripe tomatoes and the head of lettuce in the drawer. I’ve got it. The perfect BLT. Simple enough, but it should do the trick.

He gathered up his ingredients, then grabbed a pan and set it on the burner. As it warmed up, Peter took a glass from the cabinet and held it up to Markus. “Hmmm phmm mm?” He pointed at the empty glass.

Markus stroked his beard in thought before answering, “Just a water should do.” Peter nodded and began filling two glasses with ice water. He set them on the table, bowing slightly as if he were a fancy waiter.

When the pan had warmed up, he dropped a few strips of bacon in, and quickly stepped back as they began to pop and sizzle in the heat. Keeping one eye on the burner, Peter turned his attention to slicing the tomato and peeling the lettuce. He grabbed the loaf of bread and dropped the slices into the toaster. Markus watched his silent, yet efficient boyfriend move about the kitchen. Even with only the ballgag, the underwear-clad Peter looked undeniably sexy. The captor felt his erection begin to tent his sweatpants.

The bacon finished cooking just as the bread popped up. Peter quickly slathered some mayo onto the toast before he assembled two beautiful BLT sandwiches. He paired his entree with handfuls of BBQ chips, Markus’ favorite. He set the plates down on the table and was about to walk over to his seat when Markus reached out and pulled him back closer. He half sat up to undo the gag, which Peter had almost forgotten about. He pulled the gag from his captive’s mouth and rubbed the gathering drool onto Peter’s red boxers before setting it in the middle of the table, nestled right next to the coil of rope.

Released from his boyfriend’s grip, Peter settled in and gestured to the sandwiches. “Bon Appetit!”

Markus happily picked up his BLT and took a huge bite. “Mmmm, delicious babe! My boyfriend, the 5 star chef” Markus exclaimed. Peter beamed with pride at the teasing praise and dug in as well. Peter nodded happily in agreement; It was delicious!

Their conversation was light for most of the meal, with Peter having a chance to vent and complain about his coworkers and the upcoming shoots he and Liam might be modeling in.

“How is Liam doing? He’s not still seeing that jerk is he?” Markus inquired. Peter was such good friends with his cubicle-mate it was easy to forget that his best friend and boyfriend hadn’t had a lot of chances to grow as close.

“NO! He broke up with Douchey Devon a few months ago. Thank God. I was this close to beating his ass for how poorly he treated Liam.” Peter instinctively closed his hand into a fist, still angry about his best friend’s ex.

Markus nodded. “Poor Liam. It can really mess with you when your first real boyfriend ends up being an emotionally manipulative jerk. I’d offer to try and set him up with someone, but all my coworkers are married, or women.”

Peter smiled at that. “I’m just hoping he gets back out there soon. He’s a great guy who deserves someone equally as great.” Peter paused and looked at Markus, blushing. “Like what we’ve got.” Markus laid his hand over Peter’s still closed fist, which easily opened to allow the couple to interlock their fingers.

They spent the rest of their lunchtime like that, holding hands and lost in each other’s gaze. They talked for a bit longer, occasionally brainstorming a new guy Liam might be interested in. Peter had almost forgotten about his impending predicament until Markus sighed and let go of his hand. He reached for the rope and ball gag.

“Any last words my dashing rogue?” Markus asked as he dangled the red ball in front of Peter’s face, slipping back into the role of captor.

“I love you… oh and that when I get out of this I’m going to fuckin-mmmfffphm!” He threatened, cut off by the ball gag being shoved back into his mouth and painfully tightened behind his head.

“Tsk, Tsk, my naïve captive. You are mine for the weekend.” Markus gripped Peter’s hair in his fist. “You would be wise to remember that.”

He stood Peter up and positioned his hands in front of him, not touching, put pulled apart so they were about even with his pecs. He uncoiled the black rope and began wrapping one end around Peter’s left wrist. He looped it a few times before cinching a knot tight against his inner wrist. He pulled the rope over to the other wrist, mimicking the wrapping and knot on that one as well.

Peter looked down at his bonds and noticed that there was still a good length of the rope hanging free from the knot on his right wrist. But not for long he discovered, as Markus took the dangling amount of rope and began coiling it around the length connecting Peter’s wrists. He felt another knot tighten before being tucked into the loops wrapping around his left wrist. He was now bound in what was essentially a pair of long rope cuffs, connected by a tube of tightly coiled and knotted rope.

“There. That should keep you secured, but still afford you enough movement to complete your jobs!” Markus explained, lightly patting Peter’s cheek. “Now my roguish servant, it’s time to put you to work!”

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 8 Added)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:37 am
by Volobond
The domesticity of these two is supremely cute and hot! I love how sweet they are and how kinky! Definitely a good model for a healthy TUGS-laden relationship! I have to say with each new installment, these two become closer to being my favorite literary couple. Not to mention that Peter just being gagged while serving Markus is intensely exciting and hot!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 8 Added)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:42 am
by gag1195
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago The domesticity of these two is supremely cute and hot! I love how sweet they are and how kinky! Definitely a good model for a healthy TUGS-laden relationship! I have to say with each new installment, these two become closer to being my favorite literary couple. Not to mention that Peter just being gagged while serving Markus is intensely exciting and hot!
Thank you for the continued kind words! (also sorry I didn't respond sooner, Ive been lost in writing the past couple of days! But that just means another update is ready!)

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 8 Added)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:59 am
by gag1195
Part 9: Hard Labor

Markus grabbed Peter’s rope and pulled his captive into the kitchen. He left his boyfriend standing in the middle of the room, and walked over to the fridge, specifically to the mini whiteboard mounted onto the door. Usually a place to leave notes for each other or write a grocery list, Markus had other ideas. Wiping it clean and grabbed the attached marker, he scratched his chin for a moment before beginning to write.

Peter stood where Markus left him, but craned his neck, leaning to try and see what his boyfriend was writing. He shot back to attention when Markus glanced back, staring at his captive and deep in thought. Peter’s went a bit wide when he saw his boyfriend almost unconsciously lick his lips before he turned back to the board.

He stepped away a moment later, allowing Peter to see. “Mmm phmm mp?” Peter questioned as he read his boyfriend’s message. Markus had made three categories: Chore, Reward, and Punishment.

DishesNipple playNipple Clamps
LaundryBandana StuffingBoxer Stuffing
VacuumVibrator WandSensory Dep.
“So, my dashing rogue, here is your set of tasks. You have the entire afternoon to complete them. By dinnertime, say 5:30, I’ll assess how well you’ve accomplished each chore. Depending on how well you do, after dinner, you’ll receive the corresponding reward or punishment. Understand?” Markus explained as Peter studied the board.

“Mmff ffr!” Peter saluted again, intently focused on the reward column.

Markus stepped up to his captive and tightly grabbed Peter’s balls. “Good. It’s 12:30 now, so you’ve got just about 5 hours to get everything finished.” Markus released his grip and left Peter alone in the kitchen.

Peter contemplated his list of chores for another moment, as well their consequences. He figured that he could handle any of the punishments except maybe the nipple clamps, especially after last night. Hoping to avoid that fate, Peter immediately started work on the dirty dishes piling up in the sink.

He began soaking the pasta pot from last night’s dinner, then started scrubbing some of the caked on food off the stack of plates. He heard the tv go on in the other room, and he scowled. He could hear the deep, slightly southern accented voice of Luke explaining his plans for a client’s new living room. Looks like his celebrity crush’s marathon was still going.

He pushed his thoughts about Luke and Markus in bondage away, focusing on his current task. He loaded the plates and glasses into the dishwasher, one item at a time to avoid potentially dropping or breaking anything with his hands bound.

He picked up the sponge and scrubbed the pesto residue from the pot, briefly letting his mind picture Markus getting forcefully gagged with the sponge… Then he suddenly felt his boyfriend’s beard tickle against his neck. Markus had stepped up behind him while Peter was once again lost in a daydream.

Markus ran his fingers down his captive’s back, letting them rest on his hips for a moment, before he reached into the red boxers and began stroking Peter’s shaft. “Sorry to interrupt babe, but I realized I forgot something.”

“MMM FFMMPHR!” Peter exclaimed when he felt the familiar snugness of the cock ring slide back down his cock. Instantly, a pulse of vibration made him brace himself against the sink rim.

Markus whispered, “You look so hot right now. Maybe I should keep you like this all the time.” He lightly nibbled on Peter’s earlobe before once again leaving him to his chores.

He’s pure evil. That’s the only explanation. I’m dating a supervillain. Peter thought as he continued loading the dishwasher. Carefully riding the pulses, His mind wandered again as he completed the remaining dishes on autopilot.

Strapped to the lab table in the middle of the lair of his nemesis, Peter fruitlessly struggled against his bonds. His skin tight red super suit was ripped and torn, exposing his chest and crotch. He groaned into the thick muzzle inhibiting his speech. His struggling increased when his captor stepped into view. The dark haired and beard leather clad villain approached the table and began running a gloved hand across the ribbed fabric on the chest of the captured hero…

Peter shook his head. Damnit, I need to be more careful. He couldn’t get so distracted with his imagination. He hadn’t even finished one chore yet. Luckily, he had managed to finish loading the dishwasher, so he dropped a cleaning pod in and started it up.

He walked over to the whiteboard on the fridge and crossed out the first chore on his list, smiling wide around his ball gag. Looking at his remaining list, he knew doing the laundry would take the longest time to fully finish. He looked at the clock. 12:58. Enough time for wash and dry cycles for the lights and darks.

Another vibration reminded him that Markus was determined to distract him. Shuffling back to the table, Peter grabbed the bandana and jockstrap from his gag last night. He briskly walked through the living room, trying to ignore his shirtless boyfriend lounging on the couch, casually stroking his dick which he’d pulled out of his sweatpants. Peter also did his best to ignore the glamor shot of Luke running on the beach in an extremely short bathing suit.

Peter paused at the door to their bedroom, leaning against the doorframe as another pulse hummed at the base of his own erection. “Mmmmmmpph mmm…” He groaned trying his best not to let Markus’ scheming win. He composed himself, then entered the bedroom to gather up his and Markus’ clothes carelessly thrown off the night before.

He dumped his armful of clothes into the hamper in the bathroom before retrieving the towels and dress socks from the floor and tossing them in as well. He then awkwardly dragged the hamper out into the laundry room, nestled between the office and bedroom. Peter did his best to keep his mind entirely focused on sorting their dirty clothes, hoping he wouldn’t get sucked into another fantasy.

Markus must have sensed his boyfriend’s determination, because Peter’s knees practically buckled from an extremely intense round of cock ring vibrations. Can’t let him break me again! Peter bit down into the red rubber of his gag, keeping his attention on the pile of clothes, grounding himself in the present.

When the pulsing eventually subsided, Peter quickly loaded the lights into the washer and started their cycle. He couldn’t cross laundry off the list yet, so he moved on to vacuuming. He grabbed the vacuum from the corner of the laundry room and began unwrapping the cord. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t get mildly tangled up in the cord and rope in the process. He blushed slightly, grateful that Markus hadn’t seen his near defeat at the hands of the vacuum cleaner.

Peter started in their bedroom, making quick work of the carpeted floor. He crossed the hall into the office and began his work there. It would have been fairly quick as well, since it was not a large room, but Peter accidentally pumped against the desk, knocking a few things over.

He sighed and paused in his vacuuming to fix his carelessness… when he noticed the bump had woken up Markus’ computer. Curiosity got the better of him, and he snuck a peek at the screen.

“Mmfffr ffffrmr!” Peter cursed as he stared at the microphone settings set to high sound sensitivity, which Markus had forgotten to readjust or exit out of the night before. That bastard had been playing dirty all weekend! Peter scowled at the screen. He couldn’t believe how competitive his boyfriend had been the previous night. Oh he is going to pay! Peter resolved, making a vow to escape before the weekend was up and teach his devious boyfriend a lesson. But for now, he would have to play along until he was able to strike back, and make sure Markus wouldn’t grow suspicious.

He quickly put the computer back to sleep and started up the vacuum again, pushing it back into the hall and out into the living room. There he began to take a small measure of revenge by slowing down to a snail’s pace, the loud whirring of the vacuum drowning out the tv and relative quiet of the room. He took his sweet time crossing back and forth in front of the tv, before spending as long as he could convincingly vacuum around Markus’s spot on the couch. Peter was coming for his boyfriend, maybe not tonight, but before the weekend was over.

He finished the vacuuming and returned it to the laundry room, then continued with the loads of laundry. He transferred the lights into the dryer and began that cycle, before doing the same for the darks in the washer.

His growing anger and plans for revenge kept his mind sharp and focused, and Peter was able to ride the handful of pulses that Markus sent his way. He went back to his chore list and crossed vacuuming off, and then moved on to general tidying up. He dug under the sink for cleaning wipes and cleaning spray, and began to scrub the counters and table. With his hands bound as they were, he was forced to use his whole body to lean in and out while wiping. The continual back and forth of that movement proved more exhausting than he realized, and by the time he finished in the kitchen, a healthy amount of sweat had developed on his brow.

He made his way back into the living room, and began wiping off the coffee table, once again using the lunging motion. Markus took full advantage, giving Peter’s ass a nice smack every time he pushed forward on the table. Peter grunted with each spank, adding more fuel to his revenge fire.

Markus lightly rubbed the now sensitive cheeks when Peter stood back up, before sending his captive back on his way. Peter bowed low, in mock gratitude to his boyfriend, then returned to their bedroom to finish cleaning in there.

He carefully returned the unused gags from his morning selection back into their supply box, along with the other unused coils of rope. He thought for a moment about which items he would be using soon to restrain his captor. He then purposefully hid their set of leather cuffs deeper in the box buried underneath a mountain of rope and gags.

He made their bed, an extremely annoying task to do with his hands trapped in their rope cuffs. He somehow managed to get the comforter straight, and even fluffed the pillows. In their bathroom he hung up a clean set of towels and wiped off the counter, putting away their toiletries. He checked the rope hanging in the showers, but it was still damp, so he left it there. No doubt Markus planned to use it on him tomorrow anyways. He heard his next load of laundry finish, but before he left the bathroom, he grabbed his bottle of face moisturizer and set it on his nightstand.

He started the colors that could be dried, and methodically hung up the articles that needed to air dry. He spent the rest of his time in the laundry room, folding the whites and waiting impatiently for the last dry cycle to end.

Another wave of pulses pulled his vengeance addled mind into another dream, where Markus was in his place folding their laundry, bound as he was and chewing on his own dirty jockstrap behind layers and layers of tape. He closed his eyes and began absentmindedly stroking his cock through his boxers.

“Ahem.” Peter’s eyes shot open to see an annoyed looking Markus standing in the doorway. “I wanted to check on you to make sure you were ok, and it seems like I did not a moment too soon.”

Peter reluctantly let go of his engorged member. Markus disappeared for a moment, reappearing with a small length of red rope. Shoe string actually, and Peter knew exactly where it was going.

“Ppmmmph mmm phmm mmm!” Peter pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Markus knelt down in front of his captive and swiftly pulled down the red boxers. Peter’s erect cock sprang free, which Markus grabbed and began tying with the shoe string. Peter groaned as he felt the string encircle his shaft and separate his balls, before being insultingly tied off and attached to the cock ring.

Markus then infuriatingly leaned in and kissed the twitching member before pulling the boxers back up. Peter could just feel the head poking out of the waistband. He glared defiantly at his boyfriend. “Snap for me babe. Let me know you’re ok.” Peter was pissed, he was gunning for revenge, but he snapped, loudly, to show he was ok to continue their weekend. After all, if he called it off now, he wouldn’t get to force Markus into his ropes.

The dryer buzzed and both turned in that direction. Markus nodded and smiled. “Go ahead and finish up here, then we’ll check the rest of your chores!”

Peter solemnly nodded and began folding the now dried clothes. He brought the folded laundry into the bedroom to put away and stole a glance at the clock. 5:27. Most of the day had come and gone, and Peter had hardly noticed with his mind singularly focused on his new goal.

When he shuffled back into the kitchen, Markus was there waiting for him. Peter saw that his boyfriend had taken the liberty of crossing out the rest of his chores, and had already circled something: bandana stuffing, the reward for satisfactorily completing the laundry.

“We’ll go through the rest of the chores and determine your punishment or reward for after dinner. Then we’ll eat!” Markus proudly explained again. “Now then, let’s see how well you did.”[/size]

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:13 am
by Volobond
FIrst of all, I love how the reward/punishment system is themed (something good or bad happens to the nipples; either getting overstimulated or having stimuli taken away; etc.)! Peter's imagination is as thrilling as ever (I love the idea of seeing them roleplay again haha) and the couple's cute rivalry makes me both aroused and squealing from the adorableness! I just want to hug them both and tell them how cute they are (and maybe play with them while they're tied up...)!

I just want to say right now that this is one of my favorite stories on this site and I will be adding it to my personal Hall of Fame to reread and marvel at its awesomeness for all time!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:39 pm
by cj2125
This is a great story! I loved reading Peter's tiny fantasies! Helps a lot breaking from the "monotomy" of their daily routine (even if they aren't that monotomous for a start). And I find their competiveness adorable, more reason to root for Peter, Markus really needs to get roped up!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:10 pm
by MountainMan_91
Another great chapter.

You are giving us such a great story. I enjoy every bit of it.

I am happy Markus is in control for this weekend, AND I can't wait for Peter to get his revenge in follow up weekends. :D

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:01 pm
by gag1195
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago FIrst of all, I love how the reward/punishment system is themed (something good or bad happens to the nipples; either getting overstimulated or having stimuli taken away; etc.)! Peter's imagination is as thrilling as ever (I love the idea of seeing them roleplay again haha) and the couple's cute rivalry makes me both aroused and squealing from the adorableness! I just want to hug them both and tell them how cute they are (and maybe play with them while they're tied up...)!

I just want to say right now that this is one of my favorite stories on this site and I will be adding it to my personal Hall of Fame to reread and marvel at its awesomeness for all time!
Glad you enjoyed my reward/punishment system. I went back and forth for awhile trying to decide on at least somewhat thematic consequences for each chore. And oh my gosh I am once again tearing up at all your kind words and support!

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago This is a great story! I loved reading Peter's tiny fantasies! Helps a lot breaking from the "monotomy" of their daily routine (even if they aren't that monotomous for a start). And I find their competiveness adorable, more reason to root for Peter, Markus really needs to get roped up!
I'm loving writing Peter's little fantasies myself, providing an extra layer of fun bondage not necessarily bound by Markus and Peter's "reality". As for Markus getting roped up... well, the weekend isn't over yet!

MountainMan_91 wrote: 3 years ago Another great chapter.

You are giving us such a great story. I enjoy every bit of it.

I am happy Markus is in control for this weekend, AND I can't wait for Peter to get his revenge in follow up weekends. :D
Again, all these kind words are almost overwhelming! Thank you for your continued readership!

I am hard at work on the next part, and again, thank you so much to all my wonderful readers! Part 10 should be up sometime tomorrow!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:04 am
by ohazut
i love this story! it written like a true story, the plot is fantastic! well done! in waitind for next parts!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:33 pm
by Pup Wingletang
I've been lax in my reading but I'm caught up again now. Definitely still enjoying it and really liking Peter and Markus as a couple. They're great role models for a consensual kinky relationship. I love how you mix in the more mundane aspects of their relationship along with the kink.

Loving the image of Peter in his ball gag and boxers working through his chores. You've somehow manged to make a chapter dedicated to house work entertaining and engaging. It's all the little details - Peter's mini fantasies, his plans for revenge, his passive aggressive vacuuming, Markus popping up to keep him in line. Brilliant! Can't wait to find out how Markus scores Peter on his tasks...

Also loving the developing picture of Liam, off-screen at the moment but hopefully to make an appearance at some point in the future.

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:24 pm
by gaggedfeety
Can't believe I missed this story!! I'm a huge fan of plenty of other stories on here, but this might be a new favorite because it's a great depiction of what I want :lol: :lol: But I love the consent and constant check-ins when something new is done or added, the banter between the two, etc.

Can't wait to see what's in store for the weekend!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:15 pm
by gag1195
ohazut wrote: 3 years ago i love this story! it written like a true story, the plot is fantastic! well done! in waitind for next parts!
gaggedfeety wrote: 3 years ago Can't believe I missed this story!! I'm a huge fan of plenty of other stories on here, but this might be a new favorite because it's a great depiction of what I want :lol: :lol: But I love the consent and constant check-ins when something new is done or added, the banter between the two, etc.

Can't wait to see what's in store for the weekend!
Welcome to the Bondage Weekend! Glad you are enjoying yourselves! And thank you for your kind words! My goal for this story was to be as close to reality as I could, so Im happy those elements are being enjoyed!

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago I've been lax in my reading but I'm caught up again now. Definitely still enjoying it and really liking Peter and Markus as a couple. They're great role models for a consensual kinky relationship. I love how you mix in the more mundane aspects of their relationship along with the kink.

Loving the image of Peter in his ball gag and boxers working through his chores. You've somehow manged to make a chapter dedicated to house work entertaining and engaging. It's all the little details - Peter's mini fantasies, his plans for revenge, his passive aggressive vacuuming, Markus popping up to keep him in line. Brilliant! Can't wait to find out how Markus scores Peter on his tasks...

Also loving the developing picture of Liam, off-screen at the moment but hopefully to make an appearance at some point in the future.
Welcome back! happy to see you still enjoying and commenting on this story! Like the previous discussions about bondage and dnd, I think chores could also be greatly enhanced with some bondage.

Im also really happy everyone seems to already love Liam despite him not even appearing in the story!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 9 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:20 pm
by gag1195
Part 10: Results

If Peter could, he would have stood confidently with his hands held proudly on his hips. Instead, he opted for as much of a confident smile as he could manage around his ball gag. Peter was sure he would earn each and every reward on the whiteboard. Markus had already circled the bandana stuffing reward for his work on the laundry. Peter silently thought back to the rest of his chores and felt good about his upcoming rewards. He stood up a bit straighter, a king among captives.

“We’ll start with the tidying/cleaning, and check the vacuuming on the way.” Markus explained, and began his inspection of the kitchen and dining area. Seemingly happy enough with the work, he then grabbed Peter’s ropes and forced the captive to follow. He led them into the living room, where he began casting his critical eye over the room. As Markus inspected the vacuuming, Peter had a sudden realization.

His work bag. His damned work bag that Markus tripped over and complained about the night before, was still sitting by the door… and Markus was about to see it. He had to do something. Thinking fast, Peter wrested his bonds free of his boyfriend’s grip. Markus wheeled around to confront his captive, but didn’t get a chance. Instead, Peter pounced, throwing his bound hands over his boyfriend’s head, letting them rest on Markus’ shoulders and the rope brush up against the back of his neck. Peter yanked, pulling Markus into a slightly more violent kiss than Peter had intended. Markus, recovering from the shock, began kissing around the ball gag, fighting against the red rubber to get at his boyfriend’s lips.

Peter saw Markus scrunch his eyes closed as his glasses were inadvertently pushed into them. Using the hot and heavy moment, Peter began steering his boyfriend closer to the hallway and away from his bag. Markus responded to the leading, and followed, blindly chasing his boyfriend’s lips. His dominant side kicked in once more, and he forced Peter against the hallway wall. Peter moaned into the gag as Markus began exploring his captive’s body with hungry hands. Peter, hands bound around his boyfriend’s neck, was content to run his fingers through the mess of dark hair. He felt Markus’ sweatpants clad erection push against his own string tied cock.

Markus sighed and reluctantly broke off their kiss, and released himself from Peter’s hold. “Someone is a bit eager for his reward, eh?” Markus cooed. He began walking down the hallway before turning back to Peter. “I need to finish my inspection. Wait here, since you can’t seem to keep your hands to yourself.” He commanded and once again, Peter threw his roped hands up in salute.

Peter watched his boyfriend walk down the hallway, shaking his head and adjusting his glasses. As soon as Markus turned into their bedroom, Peter sprinted over to his work bag. Gathering it up, he quickly stashed it behind the built-in home bar. There was very little chance Markus would find it there until well after giving out the punishments and rewards. He rushed back to his spot just as Markus reemerged.

He smiled at his captive rogue before moving into the office. Peter stood there, patiently waiting, and trying to slow his breathing. Markus returned to the hallway and quickly ducked his head into the guest bedroom. Shit. Peter thought. He hadn’t done any cleaning in there.

“Nothing done in the guest room?” Markus chided as he returned to his boyfriend. Peter’s face fell. That was the vacuuming and the tidying now failed. Markus grabbed Peter’s chin and forced him to look back up. “Now, we can’t let that go without punishment… Hmm. Considering the rest of your work, I think it only fair that I meet you halfway.” Peter’s eyes lit up. “There wasn’t much to tidy up in that room, so I suppose you can still receive that reward. Which means you’re getting the vacuuming punishment. Deal?”

Peter thought for a moment, remembering the punishments on the board. He would much rather deal with a sensory deprivation than his boyfriend’s tickling attacks. “Phhmm!” He nodded. Now all that remained was the inspection of his squeaky clean dishes.

He followed Markus back into the kitchen where he watched his boyfriend circle sensory deprivation and massage. Markus then turned his attention to the dishwasher. He opened it and shook his head. “Hhhmmph?” Peter questioned.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Everyone knows that the dishes aren’t done until they are put away. So I’m afraid you’ve earned another punishment.” Markus said.

“Mmmph mmm fffmmmp!” Peter begged, shaking his head as he watched Markus circle nipple clamps. But it was no use, his captor could not be swayed. Peter would have to remember his boyfriend’s ruthlessness when the tables were turned.

“An even 50/50 split, babe.” Markus said as he stepped back up to his bound boyfriend. “So still plenty to look forward to after dinner. Speaking of…” His voice trailed off, and Peter sighed in understanding. Markus pecked Peter’s cheek. “Excellent. Once again, I’ll let you choose. Off you go, my dashing rogue!” He smacked Peter’s ass before once again settling into his chair at the table.

Peter returned to the fridge, the door now mocking him with his list of his upcoming punishments. He did his best to ignore that, and instead grabbed something simple to prepare. He settled on chicken and rice, pulling the frozen breasts out of the freezer. He began running warm water to thaw the chicken, and got to work on preparing the rice. He poured the rice and some light seasoning into the pot. Playing the waiting game, he stole a glance at his boyfriend, who was alternating between intently watching his captive and stroking himself through his sweats, and occasionally checking his phone.

Markus continued to watch his dashing captive prepare the rice and cook the chicken with his hands still bound in front of him. Peter could feel his boyfriend’s eyes all over his body, especially his abs and his cock still uncomfortably poking out from his boxers.

When the meal was finished cooking, he watched Peter struggle to plate the food, but offered no help until he set everything down on the table. Only then did he reach up to undo the ball gag, which Peter had been wearing for most of the day. Again he wiped the drool covered rubber on Peter’s boxers, taking great pleasure in rubbing it against the captured cock, before setting it back on the table.

“Mmmm-AAAAAHH!” Peter cried out, stretching his sore jaw. “That feels so much better!” he sat down and awkwardly began cutting his chicken with his roped up wrists.

Markus smiled at his boyfriend. “Don’t worry, your next gag will be much more comfortable!” He promised between bites. “How are you feeling right now, honestly?”

Peter nodded. “You are a devious bastard and your rules are annoyingly arbitrary, but I’m doing fine. I promise. Just… go easy with the nipple clamps, will ya? I think I can still feel them from last night.” He pleaded.

Markus chuckled. “Ok fine, I promise. I won’t keep them on for long.”

Most of their dinner conversation picked up where they left off at lunch, particularly their discussion about Liam’s potential romantic prospects. “Isn’t there anyone in your office he could be interested in?” Markus questioned.

“You mean besides me?” Peter teased. He winked at Markus’ scowl.

“Be serious for a minute, Ass.” Markus groaned.

“Ok, ok. Let me see…” the bound model thought for a moment. “There’s not really anyone else in the accounting or sales department. Really the only halfway attractive guy is Hoyt, and he’s married and expecting his third kid in a couple months. And we don’t really spend enough time in the other departments to know anyone else’s deal.” He continued. “Besides, Liam is so shy when it comes to dating, I’m sure the future Mr. Right will have to make the first move.”

“How can a supermodel be shy about anything?” Markus sighed and scratched his chin. “Well, what about your modeling agency? You and Liam must know plenty of attractive single guys in that world.”

“I mean, sure, all of those guys are super hot, but I can’t imagine dating another model. Even I can admit that sometimes we can be a bit high maintenance.” Peter ignored the smirk from his boyfriend.

“We could try the gym. Lots of eye candy there most weeks.” Markus suggested.

Peter opened his mouth to comment, then considered. “Not a bad Idea actually. I’ll do some preliminary scouting next time Liam and I go, see if his eye gets drawn anywhere in particular.” He leaned over and kissed Markus’ cheek. “It’s sweet that you care so much about Liam’s love life.”

Markus blushed. “Well, he’s your best friend! He’s very important to you, so I want to make sure he is happy!” He jokingly pushed Peter away. “Besides I’m tired of hearing you complain about how single he is!”

After dinner, Markus took the dishes and quickly washed them in the sink, allowing Peter a break from the chores. That job finished, he collected his boyfriend and led him to the living room. “I’ll be right back with some more supplies.” Markus teased, leaving Peter standing in the middle of the room. Left alone with only Luke’s abs on the screen to keep him company, Peter couldn’t help but think that this had to count as another torture. But whether Luke’s marathon was a reward or a punishment, the captive couldn’t be sure.

Markus returned a few minutes later, hands full of supplies. Coils of soft white cotton rope, three bandanas in black, grey, and blue and the roll of duct tape. He had also collected their leather blindfold and some noise cancelling headphones, and of course, the dreaded nipple clamps. He set everything down on the coffee table, and gathered up the coils of rope.

He took Peter’s shoulders and positioned his boyfriend in the middle of the room, then knelt down to start tying his ankles. “Time to get you ready for your punishments.” He said, finishing the knots on the ankle cuffs.

“And my rewards, right babe?” Peter asked meekly, growing slightly concerned that Markus omitted that part of his sentence. “...right?”

Sorry to tease you with the rewards/punishments. When I wrote this part of their weekend, it ended up being quite long, so I had to split it into two parts. Don't worry though, the next part is going to deliver Peter's rewards and punishments!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:40 pm
by Msueta@2
This is such a hot story .

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:12 am
by gaggedfeety
Another great chapter! They really are so adorable, and I'm so excited to see what Markus has planned for Peter ;) ;)

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:04 am
by MaxRoper
Just found this and I'm truly impressed. I always enjoy tales of happy bondage couples, and these guys are (as so may have said) totally adorable.

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:05 am
by cj2125
Another great part! Markus can be evil sometimes haha! I can't wait to see the punishment round!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:41 am
by Volobond
cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Another great part! Markus can be evil sometimes haha! I can't wait to see the punishment round!
And Rewards! Mustn't forget the rewards... unless he's spectacularly evil... or finds that work bag... :twisted:

[mention]gag1195[/mention] I just have to say again I LOVE THIS COUPLE! The sexy kiss distraction? All day gags? Loving and kinky? Playful teasing, in every sense of both words? I just love 'em so much!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:25 am
by gag1195
Msueta@2 wrote: 3 years ago This is such a hot story .
gaggedfeety wrote: 3 years ago Another great chapter! They really are so adorable, and I'm so excited to see what Markus has planned for Peter ;) ;)
Thanks for the kind words!

MaxRoper wrote: 3 years ago Just found this and I'm truly impressed. I always enjoy tales of happy bondage couples, and these guys are (as so may have said) totally adorable.
Oh my gosh thank you! I've loved your stories for a long time! Glad you are enjoying Markus and Peter's Weekend!

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Another great part! Markus can be evil sometimes haha! I can't wait to see the punishment round!
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago And Rewards! Mustn't forget the rewards... unless he's spectacularly evil... or finds that work bag... :twisted:

@gag1195 I just have to say again I LOVE THIS COUPLE! The sexy kiss distraction? All day gags? Loving and kinky? Playful teasing, in every sense of both words? I just love 'em so much!
Don't worry! Markus has plenty in store for poor Peter. As for rewards... :twisted: :twisted:
@Volobond Your love for Markus and Peter always makes me smile when I read your comments!

I'm working on finishing the next part, but have a busy few days, so Part 11 may not be posted for a bit! We'll just have to wait to see Peter endure his punishment/reward round!

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:24 am
by swimmerboy2
Very nice...Im enjoying this story alot.

Re: Bondage Weekend (M/M) (Part 10 Added)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:32 pm
by gag1195
Sorry for the wait everyone! I hope enjoy the beginning of Peter's punishments!

Part 11: Punishment and Reward

Markus didn’t respond, but instead tightened the knots locking Peter’s ankles together. He stood and grabbed hold of Peter’s bound wrists. He slowly began unknotting and uncoiling the tube of rope holding his boyfriends hands apart. Markus let the long black rope fall to the floor and allowed his captive a moment to stretch his arms and rub his wrists.

“No, but really, the rewards too, right?” Peter commented, massaging his wrists.

Markus rolled his eyes and collected the bandanas and tape from the table. He balled the blue and gray bandanas together and shoved them into his boyfriend’s slightly agape mouth. He crammed the cloth in with his fingers until all of it had been pushed past Peter’s lips. Before his prisoner could protest, Markus quickly knotted the black bandana and also crammed it into Peter’s already gagged mouth. Without breaking eye contact, Markus reached behind Peter’s head and tied the bandana ends together, tightly. Peter whimpered slightly with the force at which his boyfriend had gagged him.

Markus then pulled the end of the duct tape off the roll, and began wrapping it around and around. Peter didn’t put up a fight, even after the fifteenth rotation. Markus ripped the tape, and smoothed the end down against Peter’s cheek. He ran his fingers over the thorough tape gag, pushing it smooth and tight against Peter’s face and head. His thumbs lingered over his boyfriend’s sealed mouth, rubbing slow circles where Peter’s lips should be.

“There. That’s one reward taken care of.” Markus ruffled Peter’s hair. “Happy?” Peter nodded. “Good, now I can finish getting you set up and enjoy the peace and quiet.”

“Mmmph mm!” Peter jokingly cursed as he instinctively pulled his hands behind his back. He expected his boyfriend to turn him around and begin looping rope around his waiting wrists, But Markus shook his head.

“Hands together in front of you, my dashing rogue.” He commanded, then quickly added, “But I appreciate the initiative.”

Peter followed his orders, bringing his hands together and holding them out in front, pointing at Markus. He made quick work of locking the wrists into another pair of tight rope cuffs. Peter watched, with some confusion, as his boyfriend then gathered up the long black rope that just a few minutes ago was the coiled tube locking his hands. Markus began looping the black rope around the wrist cuffs, cinching it but without knotting it together.

Markus then picked up the rest of the black rope, dangling away from Peter’s wrists, and with some effort, hefted it up towards the ceiling. Peter understood now what his boyfriend was trying to do. He watched Markus try and fail two more times to get the length of rope over the rafter running just below the ceiling.

Mmm mm phmm hhmm hmm!” Peter taunted his boyfriend’s awkward failures. Though Markus had nice looking arms, that was the result of a standard workout, and not from practical sporting experience requiring aim or skill. Peter gloated in his head, confident he would have made it over the beam on his first try.

The mental gloating was short lived when, on the fourth try, a now frustrated Markus finally managed to toss the rope over the rafter, and the couple watched the rope slowly fall back on the other side. Markus took the now hanging rope in both hands, and yanked hard.

“PPPHHHHMMMM!” Peter cried as his wrists shot up against their will, pulled high above his head.

“I can only guess what you were trying to say, babe, but I think you deserved that.” Markus vented, allowing some slack in his grip.

Peter grumbled into the cloth pushing his tongue down, but didn’t try to speak up again. He silently watched Markus adjust the rope, and therefore Peter’s arms and body, so that Peter was forced to stand up straight. Markus had pulled the rope just so, enough that Peter could still stand completely flat-footed, but he knew another pull would raise him up to standing on his toes.

Markus secured his end of the rope to the column a few feet away. Satisfied with his ropework, he gave it one more quick yank to remind Peter of his predicament, forcing his captive to snap up on his toes briefly before the tension released and allowed him to fall back on his heels.

“I’ve had you running round the house cleaning all day”, Markus said as he made his way back into Peter’s vision, “So I thought it only fair I give you a break from all that moving around. I think this will accomplish that goal.” He stepped up and gently ran his hands down Peter’s saide, feeling the muscles pulled taut against the ropes suspending him. “Besides, I like having your body on display. My dashing rogue, you might just be my favorite piece of art.”

“Mmm phmmm mm…” Peter moaned at the compliment, blushing slightly behind the tape.

“Now, unfortunately for you, we must move on to the punishments.” Markus explained, his voice full of mock sorrow. He took the nipple clamps from the coffee table and held them up to Peter once again. “I promised that I wouldn’t keep these on for very long, so I thought it best we start here.”

Peter nodded. The sooner the clamps were on, the sooner they would come off. “MMMMmmm!” He bit down on the knotted bandana as his devious boyfriend attached the clamps to his firm pecs.

He groaned as Markus stepped back to watch his boyfriend struggle against his bonds and the pain. Peter looked up at his wrist restraints and pulled, testing the strength and give, but found that Markus’ knots and ropework was holding secure. He noticed similar strength with the minor amount of wiggling he was able to do at his ankles.

Markus now held the last two items he had brought from their supply box: the blindfold and headphones. With little preamble, he pulled the leather blindfold over Peter’s head, adjusting it so that it sat comfortably on Peter’s face.

Peter’s world fell into darkness. The snug leather pushed firmly around his eyes, and after shaking his head a few times, felt the blindfold straps hold tight. Blind and silenced, Peter anxiously listened for his boyfriend’s next movements. He heard the low volume of the tv, and his cock twitched as he focused in, for just a moment, on the sweetly deep voice of the sexy Luke.

He felt a shiver run up his spine as his boyfriend’s finger’s lightly caressed Peter’s back. The rogue turned his head to his left, hearing more than feeling Markus’ breath at his shoulder. He once again felt the sensation of his boyfriend’s beard tickling his bare skin. Markus was taking his sweet sweet time finishing this punishment. He was making Peter wait, drawing out the anticipation.

Blinded, Peter had no idea how much time had passed. He knew it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, but knowing his boyfriend, he knew it could drag on. That’s what he wants. He knows I’m expecting it, but he’s making me wait. He wants me to beg for my own punishment. Peter shook his head again, determined to stay strong.

Markus stepped away from Peter, leaving a slight chill on that newly exposed shoulder. Peter heard the tv switch off, and now he couldn’t rely on the background noise to track the time. The couple settled into a silent game of chicken. Neither wanting to crack and show weakness to the other.

Peter stood his ground, literally. He felt that at least five more minutes had passed. Wherever Markus was, Peter couldn’t be sure. He jumped to his left when he felt fingers graze across his right side. “Mpphh!” He jerked his head in that direction, listening intently for any footsteps, any movement of his captor.

Another minute or two passed before Peter felt a familiar sensation, that of his boyfriend pressing his lips against the smooth tape sealing his own. “Ok, fine, I can’t wait any longer.” Markus whispered in between kisses.

He pulled on the chain connected to the clamps, forcing another cry from Peter. Peter threw his head back in response to the pain, and Markus took the opportunity to fit the headphones over his prisoner’s ears. Peter righted himself, and attempted to shake them off.

He was now blinded, silenced, and deafened, completely at the whims and mercy of his boyfriend turned captor. Markus held his head still, and Peter nodded meekly into his boyfriend’s hands. The message was clear: the headphones stay on. Markus released his hold, leaving Peter adrift in his senselessness.

Peter had no idea how long he would have to endure his deprivation, but he sighed, knowing that it wouldn’t be forever. Markus was evil and devious, but he wouldn’t keep him like this all night. Massage. The idea popped into his head. The last reward, the final part of this challenge. Peter smiled behind the tap gag. He could look forward to his boyfriend’s eager hands worshipping his bound form.

Peter felt those eager hands finally reach out. They rested against his chest, open palms just above the nipple clamps. They began kneading slightly, pressing down against the model’s muscular form.

“Mmmpphff…” Peter moaned, finally feeling his boyfriend’s loving touch. The hands traveled upwards, lightly brushing against Peter’s exposed armpits, almost a tickle, before continuing further up his arms. Again he felt his boyfriend prodding and massaging the strong arms made useless by the ropes stringing him up.

The fingers fell away, once again leaving Peter alone in that silent, dark world. He waited, trying to anticipate where Markus might move to, where his hands would explore next. “Mmmp?” hands gripping his thigh startled Peter for a moment, before he relaxed again and pushed into the touch.

Markus’ hand caressed the thigh, kneading it as it had Peter’s chest, before the hand moved upwards yet again. Through the fabric of his red boxers, Peter felt his boyfriend’s hand rubbing against his erect and still tightly bound cock. He stroked it slowly, almost lazily, but it was more than enough. Peter could feel precum starting to leak from his already overstimulated member.

“MMMmmph! Mm phmmm!” Peter moaned, although it sounded faint, distant through the headphones. He breathed heavily when the hand let go.

Peter groaned at te torture his boyfriend was subjecting him to. The massage was exciting, but the accompanying edging was not. He once again waited in that sensory void, unsure where to next expect his boyfriend’s touch.

“MMMMM HMM HMMMM MMM PHMMM MMMFFFFFF!” Peter howled, wrenching his head backwards as evil fingers suddenly dug into his naked armpits. “MMMMMMPPPH!” Even through the headphones, Peter could hear himself screaming in laughter.

He shook his head violent, releasing the headphones from their hold over his ears. What little sound there was in the room came rushing back to him. He heard his own labored breathing, his boyfriend's own panting laughter, the slight creak of the floor under his struggling.

The tickling stopped and he heard the headphones being retrieved. “I found the bag, my dashing rogue. Not as stealthy as you thought you were…” Markus said as he began fitting the headphones back in place.