Thirteen Cents (M/F), parts 1-39

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Post by SLC »

I really like the emotional rollercoasters in this story. Looking forward to seeing if Mike finds her.
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the comments!
I really like the emotional rollercoasters in this story.

Poor Courtney - she's been through a lot already, and her day isn't over yet.
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Post by iliketights »

Thirteen Cents, part 20

I can’t believe this! My rescuer was so close, but now he’s searching in the wrong direction, and getting farther away by the second. I was so over being tied up. Never again. NEVER AGAIN.

I could only wait and hope Mike would come back. The temperature was dropping. What if Mike didn’t find me before nightfall? Did he think to bring a flashlight with him? I don’t know if I would survive the night like this. It was a warm day for the season, but it was getting colder and I was not dressed for spending the night outside. I couldn’t even curl up for warmth. I felt like crying, but I was determined not to.

I was so exhausted and miserable that I think I blacked out for a short time. I awoke to the sound of Mike’s voice.

“So, there you are! Trying to hide from me, were you?”

Am I hallucinating, or is it really him?

“Would you like to go for a ride?”

I nodded and whimpered weakly through my gag.

He made no immediate moves to release me. “Wow, he really did a good job here! He found two trees just the right distance apart. I’m impressed! Did you like it?”

I shook my head and rattled the lock behind my back.

“Oh, before I forget, the whole reason for kidnapping you was to ask you “the question”, remember? It was your suggestion to do the “answer with your toes” thing. Are you ready?”

I nodded impatiently. He went to the other side of the little tree, got down on the ground and put his hands on my stocking feet.

“Oh, your feet are cold! Did you know that?”

Attempted talking through gag: Yes! Just get on with it!

“Let me rub your feet and warm them up a bit,” he said. It felt good, but I was ready to be released.

“OK, let’s try this again. Last time we tried, you didn’t give the right answer. If you don’t give me the right answer this time, I’ll have to leave you like this, and I’ll come back for you in the morning. Now, wiggle these toes,” he said while wiggling the toes of my right foot, “if the answer is yes. Wiggle these toes,” he said while wiggling the toes of my left foot,” if the answer is no. If you’re ready, wiggle your ‘yes’ toes.” I did.

“Very good. Here goes. Courtney, would you like to go out with me on a real date?”

I wiggled the toes of my right foot. He covered my feet in kisses, and then came over to me and kissed me on the forehead. “Oh Courtney, you’ve made me so happy! Thank you! Do you want to be released now?”

I nodded vigorously. He stood up and looked around. He continued to look around on the ground near me.

“He said he would leave the keys next to you. They must be around here somewhere.”

Attempted talking through gag: They’re in my shoe.

He continued to search the ground in widening circles. “Where are the damn keys?”

Attempted talking through gag: The keys are in my shoe!

He must have caught the word ‘shoe’ at least. “Yes, sorry, I was going to bring your other shoe but I forgot. You’ll get it back soon.”

Attempted talking through gag: No! This shoe! This shoe!

“Sorry, I have to find the keys first. Then I’ll put your shoe on. I don’t see what good wearing one shoe will do for you though.”

Attempted talking through gag: No! The keys are in this shoe!

“I just don’t see them anywhere. I’ll just call him and ask where he put them,” he said as he pulled out his phone. Yes! My ‘kidnapper’ will tell him that the keys are in my shoe. I nearly wept with relief.

“I’m not getting any service here,” he said. “I’ll walk to the road and see if I can pick up a signal there.”
I felt a little bit of panic watching him walk away, but this would soon be over.

He came back in a few minutes. “I’m sorry, my phone’s not working up here. I’m going to have to drive back into town. I think he must have forgotten to leave the keys. The idiot probably still has them in his pocket.”

I started to panic.

“Look, I’ll come back as soon as I can. I figure a half-hour there, and a half-hour back. Hang in there for only one more hour, and you’ll be freed, I promise.”

I was truly hysterical now. Take out my gag! Take out my gag!

He kissed me on the forehead again. “Calm down and relax. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Attempted talk through gag: The keys are in my shoe, next to me!

“What?” he said, placing his ear next to my mouth.

Attempted talk through gag: THE … KEYS … ARE … IN … MY … SHOE

“The keys are in your shoe?”

Yes! I nodded vigorously.

“But that hardly does us any good! He took the shoe with him!”

He stood up and began walking down the hill. "I'm sorry about this, Courtney. I'll hurry as much as I can," he said over his shoulder.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and then trickled down my cheek. I could feel a panic attack starting.

It sucks to be me right now.

To be continued ...
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Post by Tom Ford »

I love this story! Love it, love it, love it! It's incredibly fun, and exciting! And to see her think she's cured, only to come crawling back for more!

I do hope that Courtney will again get the duct tape around her head treatment with stuffing. That's my favorite kind!

Ha, ha, I love the gag talk! That's one benefit of the gag. One is that the victim is silent. And the other? That she's unintelligible. She can't be understood, no matter what!
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks so much for your comments, Tom Ford!
I do hope that Courtney will again get the duct tape around her head treatment with stuffing. That's my favorite kind!
I'm sure that can be arranged!
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Post by Tom Ford »

iliketights wrote: 6 years ago Thanks so much for your comments, Tom Ford!
I do hope that Courtney will again get the duct tape around her head treatment with stuffing. That's my favorite kind!
I'm sure that can be arranged!
Thanks! But if I could suggest something, how about combining all three gags at the same time? Stuffing, then the cleave gag with knot, then tape around the head? Then at the same time, wrap her fingers with tape and socks like her first time?
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Post by iliketights »

Wow - triple gag and even her fingers immobilized! Poor girl!

Consider it done!
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Post by SLC »

Another really good chapter. Already looking forward to the next one. Yeah, Courtney has been through a lot, but that is part of the experience, innit?

Very good idea of a triple gag, Mr. Tom Ford.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

So she will go out with him, even after he farms out her kidnapping. Mike must really do something for her!
(Mistoffelees says as he feverishly copies down ideas to steal for his own stories)...
Welcome to Snowden! Enter at your own risk!
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks SLC and MisterMistoffelees!

Yeah, Courtney has been through a lot, but that is part of the experience, innit?
You've got a point there!

So she will go out with him, even after he farms out her kidnapping. Mike must really do something for her!
Yeah, I think she's got the hots for Mike. She's willing to put up with a lot just to be around him. Or, did she just 'say' (with her toes) that she would go out with him because he told her what the consequence would be if she said no?
(Mistoffelees says as he feverishly copies down ideas to steal for his own stories)...
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Post by iliketights »

Thirteen Cents, part 21

Mike continued down the hill. I was beside myself with panic. He was leaving me like this in a futile attempt to find the keys that were keeping me prisoner, when the keys were right beside me! I could not stand the thought of another hour like this.

He suddenly stopped, turned around, and came back. “You don’t mean the keys are in THIS shoe, by any chance?” he asked while pointing to the shoe that was beside my leg. I nodded my head, and fresh tears flowed, but this time they were tears of relief.

He picked up the shoe, removed the blindfold that had been stuffed in it, and pulled out the keyring with the six keys. I’ve never been so happy to see a keyring before.

He knelt beside me. “I have a confession to make,” he said. “I knew exactly where the keys were. He told me he put them in the shoe. I was just having a little fun with you, pretending I couldn’t find them.” He gave me a big grin as he twirled the keys on his finger.

My tears of despair, which had then become tears of relief, had now become tears of rage. I let him know just what I thought of his little joke. I called him every name I could think of. My gag must have made my tirade appear amusing, or perhaps my words were completely unintelligible, because he did not seem apologetic. He laughed so hard he almost fell over.

I continued to berate him, telling him that there was nothing funny about the way I had been treated today. My anger only made him laugh all the more. He eventually got himself under control, and asked me if he could release me. “You’ll have to calm down a little first. I’m going to remove your gag. If you express anything except gratitude, I’ll be forced to gag you again and come back later after you’ve had a chance to calm down. Do you promise to be nice?”

I nodded as meekly as I could. My gag was untied. “Thank you,” I said, and I meant it. I couldn’t stay mad at Mike for very long.

He went behind me and tried to find the correct key to the lock keeping my wrists together behind the tree. “You know, it would be a good idea if you labeled the keys and locks,” I said as he was unsuccessful three times.
“What fun is that? I like the randomness of it – that it’s possible to not have it work until the sixth try,” he said.
I rolled my eyes but didn’t comment. On the fourth attempt, it was the correct key. My hands were free! He then unlocked the key holding my feet together on the opposite side of the sapling. I was now completely free! It felt so good. I still had four cuffs locked around wrists and ankles, but I was no longer restrained. Mike started to unlock my cuffs, but I asked him to take me to the van first. “And turn on the heater, please!” I called to him as he went to bring the van closer. Once the van was as close as possible, he came back to get me. He carried me to the van, which sped up the process since I was stocking footed, placed me in the front passenger seat, and went back to get the sleeping bag and my shoe. I stuck my feet under the heating vent and sighed with relief. As soon as he returned, he unlocked and removed the wrist and ankle cuffs. Finally, free of all restraints! I threw my arms around him and we held each other tightly. “Thank you for rescuing me!”

“So,” I said as we drove back to town. “Who kidnapped me, and why didn’t you do it yourself?”

“That was Lance. You remember I mentioned that I share the rent on a house with three other guys? He’s one of them. I thought it would be exciting and closer to being authentic for you if you were kidnapped by a stranger. Did you like it?”

“Yes, it was kind of exciting. It was certainly unexpected.”

“Lance has no experience with tying people up. That’s why I had him use the wrist and ankle cuffs and locks instead of rope. I figured they would be foolproof. What did you think of them?”

“They were pretty nice and comfortable. Escape-proof too.”

It soon became apparent that we weren’t going directly to the dorms. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“We’re going to stop at my house first, if you don’t mind. I live on this side of town, but the dorms are further. I thought you might need to use the restroom, have a hot drink, and meet Lance your kidnapper before I take you home. Unless you prefer to go straight there?”

“No, you’re right. I really need to use a bathroom. I was about to suggest stopping at a convenience store, but I would feel funny going in with only one shoe”, I said, wiggling my toes under the heating vent.

We pulled up at a house on the outskirts of town and pulled into the garage. The garage door closed behind us. Mike came around and carried me into the house. The door from the garage entered into the basement of the house. He continued to carry me up the stairs, and placed me on my feet next to the bathroom. When I came out, he led me to the kitchen. While Mike was heating the water for tea, Lance, my kidnapper, came in.

“Oh, Courtney, this is Lance. You remember him from when he kidnapped you? Lance, this is Courtney.”

“Yes, I remember!” Lance said, shaking my hand. “I hope there are no hard feelings about me kidnapping you.”

“Oh, no. I had a great time! Your crazy friend pretended he couldn’t find the keys, but at least you were a perfect gentleman,” I responded.

“He’s more than just my crazy friend,” Lance said. “He’s also my crazy brother.”

“Brother? Oh, yes, I should have noticed the family resemblance. Is kidnapping college girls a family hobby?”

“No,” Lance said with a laugh. “You’re my first victim.”

I had an enjoyable time with my handsome kidnappers. I sat at the kitchen table savoring the tea, while Mike put my feet on his lap and massaged them to warm them up. Lance asked if I were hungry, and I definitely was. He warmed up some soup for me, which I ate hungrily.

“You two are going to spoil me,” I said, thoroughly enjoying the hot meal, hot drink, and foot massage.

“It’s the least we can do, after what we put you through,” Lance said.

After a bit of pleasant conversation, I put down my napkin and said I should get going. “Could one of you please give me a ride back to my dorm?”

“Sure,” Mike said. “I’ll be right back, and then we can hit the road.”

He came back a couple of minutes later carrying a plastic grocery bag. He plopped it on the kitchen table, and I groaned when I saw it was full of coils of rope, among other things.

“Let’s get our cargo secured for transport, Lance,” he said.

To be continued ...
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Excellent job :D I wonder how far in the family does it go...
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Post by SLC »

Yet again another nice chapter. I like the way Mike kkew where the keys were, but pretended not to know it just to wind her up. Didn't expect Lance to be his brother.
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Post by Tom Ford »

Oh Mike! He's such a devious fellow! I bet he deliberately feigned being unable to find her in the first place just to aggravate her!

I wonder how he's going to react to Courtney's latest being "cured" of being tied-up? I bet he could easily get her to be bound bound and gagged again with his so persuasive attitude!

And how will they bring her to her room from their vehicle without getting attention? I bet Mike has this all planned out.

Thanks for this chapter!!
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Post by Radames0674 »

Nice chapter! I like the was this Story goes! And Lance being Mikes Brother? Very good!
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the comments, everyone! The next chapter is almost ready.
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Post by iliketights »

Thirteen Cents, part 22

Cargo. Was I just referred to as cargo that needed to be secured?

“Oh no. Please don’t tie me up again,” I begged.

“Mike, what are you doing?” Lance asked. “She’s had enough. We had our fun, but enough is enough.”

“I believe she and I came to an agreement that she would be tied up for no more than five hours today,” Mike said.

“Yeah, and five hours ago I was being chained up,” I protested.

“Surely you’re not trying to count the last half-hour in which you were not restrained in any way,” Mike said. “No, you’ve spent only four and a half hours tied up, and you agreed to at most five. So, I’m within my rights to tie you up again.”

“This is ridiculous,” Lance said. “Come on, Courtney. I’ll take you home. At least I won’t tie you up.”

“Actually, you will,” Mike said.

“What?” Lance said in surprise.

“I was going to let you do the tying. You need the practice. You told me that you’ve never tied up a girl before. This will be an excellent opportunity for me to teach you,” Mike replied as calmly as if he were offering to help someone do their algebra homework.

“You don’t know when to quit, Mike. She’s a woman, not cargo. And she’s had enough of your weird kidnapping fantasies for one day.”

Mike was remaining calm, so far, but I could tell Lance’s temper was rising. I didn’t want to be the cause of a fight between two brothers.

“Lance,” I said, putting my hand on his arm. “Mike’s right. I did agree to be tied up for up to five hours. I didn’t think he would be such a stickler about keeping me tied for the absolute maximum time …” I said while giving Mike a cold stare, “but he’s right. Really, I’m OK with this. Please, tie me up.”

Lance shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what I was saying. “Well, I guess you two are perfect for each other. OK, I’ll tie you up. Since you insist,” he said with a smile.

“I only ask one thing. Could you use the wrist and ankle cuffs again, instead of rope? They’re much more comfortable than rope.”

“Sure …” Lance began to say, but he was interrupted by Mike.

“I’m sorry, but a kidnap victim does not get to decide the method of her restraint. You’re going to be tied up with rope. Lots of rope. Did you not hear me say that Lance needs practice with rope?”

“Oh, sorry,” I said.

“Gosh Mike,” Lance said. “You need to lighten up.” He turned to me. “I guess at this point, I’m supposed to tell you to turn around and put your hands behind your back?”

“Ordinarily, yes,” Mike said. “But since this is your first time, we don’t want her to exploit any weaknesses in your rope-work. I have to make sure her fingers are unable to pick apart any knots. Give me one of your hands, Courtney.”

I now had a sock being pulled over my hand, just like he had done the first time he tied me. Unlike the ankle sock that was used the first time, this time it was a knee sock. He had me make a fist and pulled the sock all the way to my elbow. A roll of duct tape appeared, and soon the end of my arm was not a hand, but what looked like a ball of tape. He then immobilized my other hand in a similar way. Both of my hands were now useless.

“Holy crap,” Lance exclaimed. “She’s a girl, not a comic book villain being prepped for transportation to the asylum!”

“Oh, she’s a crafty one. We have to make sure she has no hope of freeing herself so that her days of being a menace to society are over. We’re just getting started,” Mike said as he handed Lance the first coil of rope.
And thus began Lance’s introduction to tying up a girl. Mike was a very good tutor and Lance was an excellent pupil. I even chimed in at one point, “you should tighten that up a little.”

The process took longer than if Mike was doing the tying by himself. “You know,” I said, “you two are using up the half-hour just getting me tied. In a few minutes, it will be time to start untying me.”

“Don’t you know that the tying and untying times don’t count? The clock starts again when we’re finished. Besides, the agreement was that you would not be tied up for more than five consecutive hours. Now that you’ve had a bathroom and meal break, we don’t have to worry too much if you go beyond five total hours. Now, quiet down. You’re ruining Lance’s concentration.”

“Sorry,” I said. “Please continue.”

Gradually, my upper body became roped into utter immobility. My wrists had been placed together and bound and cinched securely. My elbows had then been tied together tightly. Lance balked at his, but I assured him that I was not in too much discomfort from having my elbows touch behind my back. More rope secured my arms tightly to my back. I had sacrificed my freedom just to keep the peace between two brothers. They were definitely working well together now! I believe I said earlier that I had two men in my life (Mike and Jason) who had lately taken great pleasure in tying me up. Now I have a third man in my life who likes to tie me up. Lance, in spite of his original reluctance, was clearly enjoying binding me securely. I suppose this is what happens when word gets out that you’re a girl who likes being tied up.

Mike and Lance helped me sit on the kitchen chair again. It was evidently time to tie my legs and feet.

“You said that you share this house with three guys. Are the other two your brothers too? Are they going to come home any minute and join in the ‘Let’s tie up Courtney’ game?” I asked.

“Well, first of all, the other two guys are friends, not family. I only have one brother and one sister,” Mike said. “And second, they’re gay, so I don’t think they would have much interest in tying you up.”

“No,” Lance said. “I would be more worried that this would give them ideas, and they would tie us up. Mike and I wouldn’t stand a chance – they’re bigger than us.”

“Yeah, they spend hours each day lifting weights,” Mike added.

The thought of Mike and Lance being overpowered and tied up by two buff gay guys made me giggle. “I really need to meet them. Maybe the three of us could form an alliance, and you two would be tied up just like I am now. I would have my revenge at last.”

“Me being tied up by my own ropes, huh?” Mike asked in amusement.

“That reminds me of the expression ‘hoisted by your own petard’,” I laughed. “It would serve you right.” Actually, the thought of Mike all tied with rope turned me on.

Lance bound my legs together, with Mike’s verbal help, with ropes around my ankles and both above and below my knees.

When the last knot had been tied, they stood back and looked at me. Mike slapped his brother on the back and said, “Excellent job! I think that next time you can try it without any help from me. You’re a quick learner.”

Lance beamed with pride, but I said, “Next time? There won’t be any next time, at least not with me. This is the last time I’m ever going to be tied up.”

They both ignored my comment. “We need to clean up before we take her home. What would mom say if she saw us leaving dirty dishes behind? She taught us better than that,” Mike said. “Oh, Courtney, while we’re cleaning up, please struggle and let us know if anything needs to be tightened.”

“You know, it would have been better if you had cleaned up BEFORE tying me up,” I retorted.

Lance winked at me. Funny how he had been angry with Mike for wanting me to be tied up again, but now he seemed amused that I was spending even more time tightly roped.

“Don’t worry,” Lance said to me as if reading my mind. “It’s only a twenty-minute ride to the dorm parking lot, and then you’ll be untied.”

“Well,” said Mike. “Add a few additional minutes to that. We’re not going to untie her until after we get her to her room.”

“What?” I cried. “How on earth do you intend to do that? You can’t just carry a tied-up person around in public.”

“Maybe we could drop you off in the parking lot, and you could hop to your dorm? I’m sure some nice person would hold the main door open for you, and push the button on the elevator for you,” Mike said.

“No, please …” I started to say, horrified at the idea.

“Mike, that’s crazy …” Lance interrupted.

“Relax, you two,” Mike said. “We’re not going to make her hop. How mean do you think I am? Oh, what’s your dorm number?”

“Building C, room 315, but …”

“And where is the key to your dorm room?”

“In my front right pocket, but …”

Mike helped me to stand up on my bound-together feet, pulled the key out of my pocket, and sat me down again.
“No, please! My roommate might be there! I don’t want her to see me like this!”

“She’s going to have to find out about our hobby sooner or later,” Mike answered. “Now, we’re going to clean up the kitchen. Don’t lift a finger, we can handle it!”

Very funny, I thought to myself. I literally can't lift even one finger.

To be continued ...
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Post by Tom Ford »

Haha, somehow, I can't believe Lance is sincere in protesting, and only did so in order to make Courtney to get herself tied up! :lol:

Five Consecutive hours! Oh my! I think the word consecutive would give much leeway and loophole to Mike. That literally could mean that instead of the balance of the day, she would be tied up for the next five hours straight!

I hope so.

And I'm sure has the problem of bringing her to her dorm room all figured out. But her roommate is a problem. Even if she's fine with it, she might interfere and you know, untie Courtney before the five hours is up.

But I'm sure he'll figure something out. Either he knows the room mate won't go home, or he has a way to keep her away from the room, or he'll coax the roommate to join Courtney into being tied up, or the room mate might even have contacted Mike for his 'Mr Bond' services! :lol: :lol: Who knows?

And the next part is the gag! I can't wait! Looking forward to more on this wonderful story, iliketights! :D
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks [mention]Tom Ford[/mention]! I think Mike is telling a lie. He promised a maximum of five hours, but I don't think he really ever said five consecutive hours. At least I couldn't find it when I looked back at previous chapters. What a jerk he's turning out to be! By adding that one word now, he could justify keeping her tied up for five hours, give her a five minute bathroom break, tie her up again for five hours, repeat, repeat, repeat. Surely he can't be that mean!
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Post by Tom Ford »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago Thanks @Tom Ford! I think Mike is telling a lie. He promised a maximum of five hours, but I don't think he really ever said five consecutive hours. At least I couldn't find it when I looked back at previous chapters. What a jerk he's turning out to be! By adding that one word now, he could justify keeping her tied up for five hours, give her a five minute bathroom break, tie her up again for five hours, repeat, repeat, repeat. Surely he can't be that mean!
Nope, he didn't mention consecutive before, looking back at previous chapters. So he invented it just to get to tie her up again. And he could say that he did not say that he could only tie her up for a grand total of five hours in a single day. He could only say 'five hours' which could mean a lot of things.

It could mean that it's a total of five hours for a single day. For example, if he tied her up from six to eleven in the morning, does that mean he can't tie her up from five to ten later in the evening?

Or it could mean consecutive, which means after a break, he could tie her up again for five more hours.

And right now, it looks like he's interpreting it as 'five hours' at any given time, consecutively.

I think he wants to keep that word ambiguous for now and keep Courtney guessing what it really means.

He could untie Courtney after two or three hours and claim that he's so kind for freeing her before time's up.

Of course, Mike's not that mean! He probably knows how much Courtney can endure, and right now, despite Courtney's protestations, he guessed that she still wants to be tied up more because she easily gave in when Lance and Mike made that show of fighting. Maybe Courtney's just looking for an excuse to be tied up again?
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Post by Thatworm »

Omg, I am in love with this story. I see you even added my fun little torture method, tickling 😊. Thank you so much!
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Post by iliketights »

Thirteen Cents, part 23

I could only sit and wait while my two handsome captors washed and put away the dishes. I really couldn’t complain, since they had fixed dinner for me. After they finished, they asked if I was ready to go home. I said that I was. I wondered again how they were going to get me to my dorm room while I was still tied up. The only thing I could think of was the sleeping bag I had been placed on when I was chained to the two trees. But surely, it would be obvious that a person was being carried inside the sleeping bag, and it would look very suspicious and attract attention. I predicted that I would soon be gagged, and sure enough …

Mike pulled out a white cable-knit knee sock from the bag. It was exactly like the two socks that were currently covering my hands and arms up to my elbows. I naturally assumed that he was going to pull the sock between my teeth and tie the ends behind my head. I obediently opened my mouth, but a cleave gag was not what he had in mind. He stuffed the sock, all of it, into my mouth! When he had stuffed my mouth with a sock a few days ago, he had used an ankle sock. It had been bad enough, but this time it was a knee sock! Just when I thought my mouth couldn’t possibly take any more, he continued to push more of the sock in. As soon as the knee sock was entirely in my mouth, he reached into the bag again and pulled out its mate. I shook my head frantically. There’s no way a second sock can fit in my mouth! I tried to push the first sock out of my mouth with my tongue, but it was crammed in so tight it wouldn’t budge! Evidently, Mike wanted to make sure it wouldn’t budge. He tied a knot in the middle of the other sock and placed it over my mouth, went behind me, and pulled the ends of the sock back until they wouldn’t stretch any further. This was to be the cleave gag I had been expecting the first time. The knot suddenly popped into place behind my teeth, and he tied the ends behind my head. Now there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to spit out the first sock. I shrieked in protest, but the double gag was very effective. No one more than a few feet away could hear my screams. But Mike was not yet satisfied. No. He pulled out a roll of duct tape from the bag. I again shook my head and pleaded with my eyes, but he had no intention of stopping. Tape was plastered over my mouth, on top of the cleave gag, and the tape went completely around my head. And around my head, and again, and again …

This time I remembered to count. Seven. Seven times around my head. The tape exerted pressure on the knot of the cleave gag, sinking it further back into my mouth, which in turn compressed the stuffed-in sock even more. The tape was so incredibly tight. I couldn’t move my jaw at all anymore. He tore off the end of the tape and smoothed it down firmly.

“Holy crap, Mike!” Lance exclaimed. “A triple gag? Was that really necessary? She wasn’t complaining. She wasn’t even talking!”

“Oh yes, it was necessary. We have to make sure that our pretty captive is utterly incapable of making even the tiniest sound,” Mike said as he put his hand over my mouth, pressing down the tape. I was now hand gagged as well. I guess you could say I was quadruple-gagged at that point. Mike removed his hand and stepped away from me as if I wanted to get a good look at me.

“OK, Courtney. Let’s see how well we did. Try to escape your bonds and scream for help,” Mike said.
I tried to struggle, but I was too securely tied to move much. I tried screaming, but my triple gag was extremely effective.

“Let’s really put the effectiveness of her bonds to the test,” Mike said as he knelt down in front of me and picked up my bound-together feet. He started to tickle the soles of my stocking feet. The cruel bastard! I was laughing uncontrollably and bucking and squirming as much as the ropes would allow – which was hardly at all. I was in agony. Please stop – please stop – oh please stop. The tickle torture continued unabated for what felt like hours, but in reality was probably twenty seconds.

“That’s enough!” Lance yelled. “We get it, she’s tied up and gagged really well. She can’t escape. You can stop now.”

Fortunately, Mike stopped. I felt totally exhausted. I sat in the chair panting through my nose (of course, I couldn’t breathe through my mouth).

Please untie me … please … please …

To be continued ...
Tom Ford
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Post by Tom Ford »

Thanks, iliketights! Needless to say, this chapter made me very happy!

That gag is tight! And absolutely effective and inescapable. And her speech would be utterly unintelligible to anyone! Let's see her cope with being gagged like that for a while.

So now, the question is how to transport her to her dorm room? I have no idea. Perhaps they could use the trick of Cleopatra, by being rolled into a rugged and carried in a carpet?

And of course, there's the problem with her dorm mate. Wonder what's going to happen? Would Mike leave her to be discovered by the dorm mate?

Looking forward to more!
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]Tom Ford[/mention] I was hoping you would like the triple gag. Thanks for suggesting it!

As for transporting her to her dorm room, it turns out that Mike owns a CTC. I'll supply more information about that soon!
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Post by iliketights »

Thirteen Cents, part 24

“Gosh Mike, look at the poor girl!” Lance said. “I think we went way overboard with the ropes and gags. Don’t you think we should remove some …”

Mike interrupted. “She’s fine the way she is. Didn’t I tell you that she loves to play the damsel in distress? She’s loving this! Besides, she’ll be completely free in about a half-hour. Twenty minutes to get there and park, and another five minutes or so to get from the parking lot to the dorm room. I’ll be right back. I need to go get the CTC.”

“What the heck is the CTC?” Lance asked.

“It’s the Captive Transport Container,” Mike said, as if everyone should have already heard of one.

“Oh, right, the CTC,” Lance said while looking at me, rolling his eyes, and making the ‘he’s crazy’ gesture. I would have laughed if I had been able to.

After Mike left the room, Lance said “Wow, Courtney! You’re pretty tough for such a cute little thing. Mike told me that no matter how much he restrains you, you keep coming back for more. You really like having this kind of thing done to you?”

I shook my head. While it’s true I get off on being tied up, I wasn’t really enjoying myself at the moment. I wanted to be untied!

At that moment Mike returned. He held up a suitcase. A suitcase with wheels and an extendable handle. A relatively small suitcase, I might add. When you buy a luggage set, the kind where you get three nested suitcases, this one would be the one in the middle. Not the smallest one that would qualify as an airplane carry-on, and not the large one either. I would soon rue the fact that Mike did not own a larger suitcase.

I shook my head and frantically tried to beg through my gag when it sank in what was about to happen to me.

“You can’t be serious!” Lance exclaimed. “You can put her in there! It’s way too small, and she could suffocate!”

“Relax, you two. It’s not as bad as it sounds. First of all, I’m not going to put her in the CTC until we arrive at the dorm parking lot. She’s going to spend the travel time sitting comfortably on a seat in the van, just like when you kidnapped her. She’ll be in the CTC all of four or five minutes, or however long it takes to go from the van to her dorm room. Second, I’m not going to zip it closed all the way around. I’ll leave part of the top unzipped so that she can get air. How mean did you think I was? And third, she’s pretty small. Of course she’ll fit inside! She might not have very much wiggle room, but she’ll be nice and cozy inside. Now come on, let’s get going. The sooner we leave, the sooner she gets untied. I’ll carry her to the van. You bring the CTC.”

“OK, but I’m not calling it the CTC. It’s a suitcase!” Lance insisted.

Mike picked me up in his strong arms, carried me downstairs and to the garage, and placed me on the seat I had been placed on at 1:00 this afternoon (it seemed like ages ago). The lap and shoulder seat belt clicked into the buckle. The two guys got in the van.

It was then that fate dealt me another cruel blow. The van refused to start. Mike and Lance got out, of course leaving me bound, gagged, and seat belted in place, and began to inspect the engine. I could hear arguing and Mike blaming Lance for neglecting the upkeep on his vehicle. The minutes dragged on, and I had no idea if the two of them knew what they were doing. I wished that they would untie me and let me have a look. My dad loved tinkering with cars, and I spent a lot of time helping him when I was younger. I knew my way around an engine reasonably well, probably better than these two inept kidnappers did. But no one ever asks the bound and gagged girl for engine advice. They had probably forgotten about me. The minutes dragged on and it was getting cold in the van. Lance got back in the van and tried to start it again, but it refused to turn over. He glanced back at me.
“I’m sorry Courtney. Oh no! You’re shivering! Mike!” he called out as he went back out to look under the hood again. “Please take Courtney inside, untie her, and let her warm up. She’s shivering. I’ll work on this for a little longer. If we can’t get this running soon, we’ll have to take your car.”

Mike got in the van, unbuckled my seatbelt, and carried me back into the house. He brought me to the couch and placed me so that I was lying on my side. He took a blanket and covered me with it and tucked it around me.
“I’m sorry you got cold. This should warm you up. Hopefully we will get the van running soon,” he said as he got up to leave.

“No!” I cried. “Lance said to untie me! Please untie me!” But, I was severely gagged, so it merely sounded like a series of soft moans.

He must have guessed why I was upset. “I know that Lance told me to untie you, but there’s a chance he’ll get the van running again any minute now, and then I would have to go to all the trouble of tying you up again. Besides, he’s my younger brother. I don’t take orders from him.”

He went back outside. This cannot be happening! I was so uncomfortable. If you’ve ever had your arms bound as securely as mine were, you know that there’s no way you can find a comfortable position. The ropes and gags were so tight. At least I was getting warm again. I was grateful for the blanket. I could see a clock from where I was lying. The minutes passed so slowly. If only Lance would come in and see me in my still bound and gagged state. He would help me. The twenty-five minute mark, at which point Mike had said I would be in my dorm room and completely free, came and went. An additional half-hour came and went, and I was still no closer to my dorm room and freedom.

Mike finally came back inside, carrying the suitcase. “I’m sorry, Courtney. We never got the van to run. We’re going to have to take my car instead.”

I wish you had decided to do that an hour ago.

“I’ve got one more piece of bad news.”

More bad news? Oh, I can hardly wait.

“I was going to put you in the CTC before we got out of the van at the dorm parking lot. But since we’ll be in a car, we can’t really do all of that without being seen.”

Is he saying that I will be untied and that I wouldn’t be put in the suitcase? That sounds like good news to me!

“So, I’ll have to put you in the CTC now, instead of when we get there.”

No!!! No!!! I shook my head and frantically tried to beg through my massively gagged mouth.

“I’m truly sorry. This isn’t what I intended, but I have no choice.”

No choice? No choice? Of course you have a choice! You can simply untie me now and let me ride in your car like a person, instead of bound, gagged, and stuffed in a suitcase!

He unzipped and opened the suitcase and pulled off my blanket. I squirmed and struggled as he picked me up, but I was no match for him. I soon found myself curled up tightly inside the suitcase. He dropped my shoes in the suitcase with me. Darkness enveloped me as he closed the suitcase and began to zip it closed. I screamed and tried to struggle, but I was in such cramped quarters I could barely move a muscle. True to his word, he left part unzipped, enough for air to get in. I could hear and feel the handle being extended. The handle end of the suitcase lifted up at about a forty-five degree angle, and the suitcase, with me in it, began rolling toward the door. I could feel the colder air as we went outside. Lance must have been waiting near the car, because I could hear him say, “What? You put her in the suitcase? You said you were going to wait until we got to the parking lot.”

“Am I the only one who can think straight around here?” Mike retorted. “We could have done that in your van, if you had properly maintained it. But how do you put a tied-up girl in a suitcase when you’re in a car in a busy parking lot, without having bystanders freaking out about it? And to remind you again, it’s not a suitcase. It’s my high-tech Captive Transport Container.”

“You at least untied her for a while, like I asked, didn’t you?” Lance asked. There was no audible reply from Mike. “You left her tied up all this time? You’re such a jerk. Don’t worry, Courtney. You’ll be untied soon.”

My suitcase prison was lifted up and placed horizontally on the back seat. I fervently prayed that the car would start. Mercifully it did, but I wondered what other ill-fortune would befall me before I would finally, if ever, be released.

To be continued ...
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