The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

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Post by privateandrews »

Fantastic episode. i say episode because when i read this story i feel like i am watching a cliff hanger serial on tv.
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 12: Kid Calamity

After the Murdertron business I was bumped down a few seats on the Guild Council rankings, but (as I predicted) that was all that came of it. My hench-moles got placed in the employ of key rivals and started getting me juicy tidbits almost immediately. And the money from the mayor kept rolling in. Life was good.

I had to take a more hands-off approach with Diesel in the weeks that followed. If I just happened to be present every time a high-up villain got bagged, it would be pretty obvious I was involved. So I fed him the info acquired from my moles on his targets’ movements and let him do the rest. After their bosses were safely in prison, the moles got reassigned and the whole thing started again. It was a beautiful system, even if we didn’t get to see each other in person much.

The problem is, I was bored. VERY bored. Things were kind of on auto-pilot at the moment and you can only take Monstro on so many walks before getting stir-crazy. So I decided to go out into the city, among the people, and do a little street-level villainy. Just for kicks. It had been too long since I’d done anything on my own, without robots or henchmen.

Firing up the Image Inducer, I took the Calamity Cycle out into the bowels of Metro City. It was just after sundown, and you know what they say: “the freaks come out at night.” I deposited the Cycle in a parking garage and took to the streets. Taking in the smells from the kebab carts and the flashing lights from the XXX theaters. With no particular destination in mind, I walked down a side street until I passed a gas station convenience mart.

I smirked. Should I? I haven’t done a job like this in like a million years. It was totally beneath me. Should I???? Oh, hell, of course I should! Bubbling with schoolgirl glee I grabbed the Disintegrator Ray from my pocket, switched off the Image Inducer, and strutted in to the convenience mart like I owned the place.

“Commence your trembling, peons!” I exclaimed, brandishing the Disintegrator Ray. “For you are being robbed by the most fearsome villain in Metro City! Dr. Calamity!!!!”

I surveyed the room. Three people were in the store: the clerk (whose face had a look of complete bewilderment that his small establishment was getting held up by a famous superscientist), a businessman on line holding a cup of coffee (who had just clearly finished a long day at the office and wanted nothing more than to be on the train home), and a young skater punk at the counter (who had clearly been denied purchase of age-controlled products).

It’s always interesting to read people’s faces and body language in circumstances like these. The clerk was obviously not a stranger to these situations and started following the “So You’re Getting Robbed” training video instructions with a bored look on his face. The businessman was white with terror. The coffee slipped out of his hand and he dove for the floor, covering his head with his hands like it was a nuclear fallout drill in elementary school. But the punk’s reaction is what intrigued me. He had a rapturous look on his face. He let out an “OH, FUCK YEAH!!!!” and started recording me on his phone.

I walked up to him, mugging for the camera. “So, you’re not afraid of Dr. Calamity?” I asked.

“No!” he said. “You’re the greatest! That shit with the mayor was awesome! And that art museum heist!!!! I still have the Discovery Channel special about that saved on my DVR!”

“Well,” I said, posing for the camera. “Always pleased to meet a fan.”

“Not just a fan,” he said. “A prospect! I wanna be a supervillain, too!”

“Really?” I said, amused.

“Shit yeah!” he said. “Taking whatever you want, terrorizing rich assholes… it’s everything I ever wanted.”

“Is it now?” I said. “Well then, let’s just call me the Fairy Godmother because I’m about to make your wish come true.” I reached into my labcoat and handed him a black mask, like the kind my henchmen wore. His face lit up.

“Are you shitting me?” he gasped.

“No way, dude!” I said mockingly, but he didn’t pick up on it. “For tonight we’ll just call you ‘Kid Calamity.’ You’re going to get a firsthand view of what being a villain is all about.” He snatched the mask from my hands and eagerly put it on.

“Now,” I said. “There’s a roll of duct tape on the rack in aisle 2. Grab it and deal with Mr. 1% on the floor over there while I have a heart-to-heart with Mr. Cashier.”

My new sidekick gave an evil sneer and ran to the rack. I leaned on the counter and watched as he descended on the hapless executive lying prone on the floor. “Hands behind your back, you bourgeois scumbag!” Kid Calamity yelled. The terrified hostage immediately complied and my new sidekick started amateurishly wrapping tape around his wrists.

I shot an exasperated look at the cashier and said, “Amateurs, amirite?” He just shrugged and said “I’ve seen better.”

“Wait! Stop!” I said to Kid Calamity, walking over. There was no danger in leaving the clerk unattended. He was clearly a veteran of this situation and wasn’t going to do anything stupid that would escalate things. “You’re doing it all wrong.” I knelt down and grabbed the hostage’s hand. “Look at this watch. Worth a couple grand, at least. And you were about to tape over it.” I slipped the watch off his wrist and onto my own. It would be a suitable replacement for the one Murdertron broke. “And your tape work is all over the place. THIS is how you do it right.”

I snatched the tape and proceeded to give my new sidekick a Master Class in duct tape restraint. “Make sure it’s on the skin, not over the clothes,” I said, rolling up the victim's shirt and jacket sleeves slightly. “Otherwise it gives too much wiggle room." I crossed his wrists over each other and placed the end of the tape on the executive's wrist, demonstrating my preferred method. With a pleasing squelch sound, the tape unraveled as I circled his wrists with it about seven or eight times. I overlapped, but made the tape band slightly wider with each pass "Do multiple layers. Go for wide coverage as well as thick. More surface area makes it harder to snap.” I leaned down to the hostage. “How does that feel?”

“Pretty… um… tight, sir,” he stammered. “Very thorough.”

“Good man,” I said, patting him on the back. I turned back to Kid Calamity. “If you're concerned about escape, you can encase his hands, too. I doubt we need to worry about this one, but I'll show you anyway. You! Gordon Gecko. Make fists, por favor." The executive complied and I used more tape to encase his hands in duct tape balls. "You can be less thorough with the ankles, but otherwise it's the same idea." I finished the job by taping his ankles together.

"Since we're going to be leaving soon it's not really necessary in this case, but if they were being held longer-term, you'd need a gag," I said. "Since this is a training class, however, we'll do it. Normally you use stuffing, but we can skimp a little right now." I slapped the end of the tape over the executive's lips and started wrapping. "Never just do a single small piece like on TV. It's completely ineffective. Go around the head a few times and widen the surface area, like with the hands." I demonstrated.

When I was done I told the executive to shout for help. All he could do was feebly grunt. "Viola!" I said, handing Calamity Kid the tape roll. "I’ll let you practice what you’ve learned on the cashier. Speaking of which…”

I got up and walked back to the clerk, hopping over the counter. He stood aside as I raided the register and used my Sonic Lockpick to crack the safe. I grabbed a carton of the cigarettes and a box of the rolling papers that Kid Calamity was trying to buy when I walked in and stuffed them in the loot bag. What can I say? I felt a little bad for him. Then I marched the cashier over to the taped-up suit and made him lay on the floor.

“OK, show me what you’ve got on Mr. Cashier.” My sidekick went to work with the tape and did a pretty decent job for a first-timer. I was impressed. “Looks like you may have a future in this business.” I handed him the loot bag and we danced out the door into the night.

We hit several other small shops over the next few hours and I started letting him take the lead after a while. That’s when things started to get… unpleasant. He came on too strong. He was forceful enough, sure, but there was no style. No pizzaz. And he was escalating things too fast. Not taking anything seriously. The key to supervillainy is putting your victims at ease at first. Yes, they’re being robbed, but there is a certain style that you had to exude. He was treating it more like Grand Theft Auto. All shouting and warning shots into the ceiling. Too loud. Too all-over-the-place. He was living out some kind of cowboy outlaw fantasy and I was NOT pleased. At all. When we hit an all-night cell phone store later around midnight he nearly injured someone and that was it. I needed to teach him a rather brutal lesson.

Once we ducked down the alley I grabbed him by the collar. I pinned him against the wall and got right in his face. “Listen, you little shit,” I said. “Cut out the Jesse James bullshit before you hurt someone. That’s not how I operate. If you want to have a future as my sidekick, you better start getting with the fucking program before someone gets killed.” Now, I had no intention of taking him on as a full-time apprentice. I already had Number 2 for that and while this kid was eager, he was dangerous. He needed one more harsh lesson, and if he didn’t pass that test I would vaporize him myself.

“So?” he said, brushing my hands off his lapels. “These people are just stupid plebes. We’re supervillains. This world is ours to do with as we please. So what if a few nobodies get zapped?”

“Is that how you see it?” I said. “Interesting. Murdertron thought like that and look where it got him.” I was about to continue the lecture when I heard footsteps approaching. I shhhed my erstwhile apprentice and receded down the alley with him as a young rookie cop, no older than 19 by the looks of him, stepped into the alley to grab a quick smoke away from the public. While he leaned against the wall, his radio blared on.

“Attention all units,” it droned. “Rash of shop robberies in the downtown area seemingly committed by Dr. Calamity and unknown accomplice. All officers on alert. Engage and capture on sight.”

“Nice!” Kid Calamity whispered.

“Oh, you think so?” I said. “You stay here. I’m going to have a little fun with Johnny Lawman over there. Sit tight and you’ll find this a very valuable learning experience.” I saw him hide behind a dumpster as I slinked into position.

The officer looked nervous as he finished his cigarette. Like he could sense someone was nearby. He put his hand on his gun and said, “Who’s there? Come out where I can see you.”

I dropped the cloaking field and loomed before him. “Why, there’s nobody here but us chickens,” I said.

“Oh, fuck!” the cop said.

“Tempting,” I said. “And you are DEFINITELY my type. But I have other plans for you. Now be a dear and hand over that gun, please.” Without hesitation, the trembling rookie presented his weapon and put his hands up. “Good, now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to take out your cuffs and put them on yourself, hands behind. And I’ll be counting the clicks, so make sure they’re tight.”

The cop slowly complied, a look of terror on his face. When his hands were secured behind his back with his own cuffs I took out a spray cannister and coated his mouth with adhesive. It would break down in about an hour or so, but it would keep his lips sealed for the time being. I took him by the shoulder and paraded him down the alley. “You can come out now,” I said to Kid Calamity.

“Fucking awesome!” he said, emerging from the shadows. I lowered the cop to his knees on the pavement in front of him. “So now what? We take him back to the lair and use him as a hostage to extort the city?” The cop grunted and squirmed in a show of macho defiance that fooled nobody. I flicked his hat off his head and told him to simmer down.

“No no no!” I said, taking out the cop’s confiscated gun and placing it in Kid Calamity’s hand. “Nothing elegant like that! Although I do admire your creativity. You’re going to kill him.”

“W…what?” he stammered, looking at the gun in his hands. The cop started thrashing wildly and grunting through his sealed lips. I pinched the cop’s neck in just the right place and his body went rigid. And who says Reiki is a pseudoscience?

“I apologize for the interruption. But I don’t understand. You were so eager before,” I taunted. “Why the sudden hesitation?”

“I… uh… this is different.”

“Is it? A minute ago you were talking about ‘zapping plebes’ and now you’re pussying out?” I said.

“But, but…” The cop was sweating like mad, pathetic whimpers coming from his sealed lips.

“You said you wanted to be a supervillain,” I said, raising my voice. “You think it’s all capes and masks and campy one-liners? Well this is the real face of it, buddy-boy! It’s brutal. It’s violent. EVIL ISN’T A FUCKING VIDEO GAME!!!!”

Tears started dripping down his face. “I… I can’t! Please, don’t make me do this!” He tossed the gun away and collapsed to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

I used my Sonic Lockpick to remove the cop’s handcuffs and tore the mask of my ex-apprentice’s face. “You don’t want this life, kid,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder as the cop collected his hat from the ground. “You don’t want to be like me. Sure, you have wealth and fame and power, but is that enough? Is it ever?” Images of Diesel flashed through my mind. “Someday you’ll find what you really want and you won’t be able to get it because the black mask gets in your way. This life is more of a prison than any place people like this cop could put you. Ultimately, it will destroy you and what will you have to show for it when you’re gone?”

By now the cop had retrieved his gun and was nervously pointing it at me. It was shaking like Shakira’s hips. I gave him an “are you fucking serious right now?” look and he lowered it. Then I sprayed his mouth with solvent to remove the adhesive. “I took this boy hostage and forced him to commit all those crimes,” I said to the cop, making sure he read between the lines. “He is not to be punished in any way beyond what he already has endured. Let him go home and evaluate his life choices.” The cop slowly nodded as I handed him the bag full of cash. “And here’s all the recovered loot. All of it. Well, except this.” I showed him the executive’s watch. “This is mine. I trust that is agreeable to you?”

“Y…yes,” the cop stammered, still visibly shaken. I put my hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry,” I said sympathetically, “you were in no real danger. I just wanted to prove a point. The alley was covered in an inertial field. The gun wouldn’t have fired. Shoot the wall if you don’t believe me.” The cop pointed his gun at the wall and pulled the trigger. It wouldn’t budge. I patted him on the back. “Enjoy your promotion,” I said as I slunk off down the alley and into the street before turning on the cloaking field. “You deserve it.”

Coming Soon: Part 13 – Mayor, Mayor, on the Wall
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Post by Volobond »

Awwww, seeing Dr. Calamity help the troubled youth reconsider his life choices was a beautiful moment. I'd love to get a master class in the art of evil from such a supervillain. I was kind of hoping for the young cop to get taken hostage, but I don't mind the way it turned out. You, my friend, are still churning out incredible chapter after incredible chapter, and I love coming onto this site and seeing that a new part has been posted.

Thank you so much for this story!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice class in Super-Villainy 101, [mention]wataru14[/mention]

I maybe wrong, but methinks Dr. Calamity is experiencing the Diesel Effect! 😍
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Post by wataru14 »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] Don't worry about hostage taking. Chapter 14 has a mass kidnapping and there's still more fun with the mayor coming up.

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] You know what they say, couples do rub off on each other...

I've scripted the story to its end (don't worry, there are many more chapters on the way), but if readers have any suggestions, keep 'em coming. Always willing to alter the script if there's something people want to see.
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Post by george_bound »

Well that was a chapter worthy to be a public service announcement during Saturday cartoons :)
wataru14 wrote: 3 years ago @Volobond Don't worry about hostage taking. Chapter 14 has a mass kidnapping and there's still more fun with the mayor coming up.
I'm really liking the title of the next chapter... Mayor, Mayor on the Wall... yummmmmy!... And the chapter after that has a mass kidnapping?!?! ... yikes... I'm ready to hack your computer right here and now cuz I don't think I can wait :P

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I love how Dr. Calamity first tried to train the baby super villain and then set him straight (hehe) when he proved himself to be not mature enough.

Plus, it was nice to see some street-level action.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by wataru14 »

Part 13 – Mayor, Mayor, on the Wall

I laid on my stomach on the bed, crossing and uncrossing my legs like a schoolgirl. Covering the wall across from me was a sea of photos, newspaper clippings, and posters of Diesel. Just look at some of the headlines.

- “Junior Hero Defeats Murdertron!”
- “Metro City’s New Rising Star!”
- “OCDemon and Scorpion Boy Fall to Diesel!”
- “No Villain is Safe from This Diesel Train!”
- “Hero Cop Saves Calamity Hostage on Forced Crime Spree!”

Diesel himself was lying next to me. He was masked, but otherwise completely naked. I had taken extra care in binding him up full shibari style. I had been taking rope lessons with The Mad Ronin in the weeks since Murdertron’s “defeat” and they had really been paying off. The ropes crossed Diesel’s torso and arms in a beautiful symmetrical pattern and his arms were behind his back in an ornate tie. His chest was covered in a sea of rope diamonds and his legs were tied separately, his knees bent back and his ankles secured to his thighs. Completing the setup was a triple-layer cloth gag, but the stuffing was Diesel’s own underwear.

He still wore his mask around me. He said he would reveal his secret identity to me when the time was right. I still hadn’t told him I already knew. I figured my behavior at the bank would have tipped him off. And if not that, surely the bartender thing at the Villain’s Convention would, but, as I’ve often said, too much brains he wasn’t blessed with.

“Oh,” I said, giving his ass a firm pat. “I nearly forgot something.” I hopped up from the bed and ran into the closet. I came out with a box hidden behind my back.

“Right off the assembly line,” I said, and produced a brand-new factory-sealed Diesel Action Figure. “Over 40 points of articulation! Look at that detail!”

Diesel beamed with pride, making cooing sounds through his gag. “I got the first two off the line. Serial numbers 1 and 2. And since I’m so generous, you can have #1. But you have to sign mine first. Makes it more valuable as a collector’s item.” He chuckled. I jumped back on the bed and started rubbing his back, but our happy time was interrupted by his Hero Communicator beeping.

“Always at the worst time!” I said. I switched on the Image Inducer and transformed into a perfect copy of Diesel before answering the call. “Diesel reporting!”

Superion’s face appeared on the com screen, Omega Woman behind him. “Diesel,” he said. “We believe the mayor has been compromised.” I feigned a look of surprise but seethed internally. Apparently that doofus couldn’t adequately cover his tracks. “Large amounts of money have gone missing from the city ledgers and the data trail leads to the mayor’s office. We have to go into space and deal with a possible Celestriad invasion, so we’re asking you to handle the mayor. Get to the bottom of this and take him into custody if need be.”

“Got it!” I said in Diesel’s voice. “Over and out!”

I shut off the communicator. “Well would you look at that!” I said. Diesel started squirming in a “let me out so I can do some hero shit” kind of way. “Oh, that’s cute. Sorry, my boy, but you’re going to sit this one out. I want to have a little talk with the mayor anyway.”

Diesel started to thrash insistently. He rolled over on his side and grunted. “Oh, don’t give me that look,” I said. “You know full well the ropes negate your powers.” I opened the nightstand and took out a cylindrical tube. Holding Diesel steady, I slipped the tube over his erect cock. “You just lay back and enjoy yourself while I handle the mayor situation on your behalf.”

Once I switched the device on, Diesel’s grunted protests melted into delirious moans. His eyes rolled back in his head as his mind blanked, focusing only on the waves of pleasure rippling through him. The Image Inducer copied his supersuit exactly, so I didn’t need to dig it out of the pile of discarded clothing on the floor. “Up, up, and away,” I grinned to myself as I hurried out the door.


The mayor sat in his office, alone with his computer terminal. Today’s bank transfer was nearly complete, although he didn’t know it. In his mind, he saw himself winning his 35th straight game of Minesweeper. His concentration was broken by the sound of a commotion out in the hall.

“…can’t see the mayor without an appointment!” The mayor looked up as Diesel opened the door and strode in like he owned the place.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Mayor,” the receptionist said. “I told him you were busy but he wouldn’t listen.”

“Nonsense, Gretchen!” the mayor said, getting up out of his chair. “I always have time for the city’s Number One Celebrity.”

“Thank you, Mayor,” Diesel said. “And I’m sorry, Miss Gretchen. I didn’t mean any disrespect. My business with the mayor is both urgent and private and I couldn’t wait for an appointment.” Diesel flashed her that famous smile of his and Gretchen got weak in the knees.

“Um, that’s OK,” she stammered. “I’ll just… uh… leave you two alone.” She hurried out of the office, blushing.

“Now,” the mayor said, “what can I do for you?”

“Oh, you’ve been doing quite enough,” Diesel said. “And a piss-poor job of it, too!” Diesel shoved the mayor back into his chair.

“What the hell?”

“Oh, do shut up,” Diesel said. He reached into his utility belt and took out a small remote control. When he pressed the switch, the mayor was flung backwards out of his chair and held against the wall by an unseen force.

The mayor gasped. The unseen force brought the mayor’s legs together and his wrists together against the wall over his head. Diesel threw three small orbs, the size of golf balls, at the mayor. They unraveled in the air, two of them forming flexible steel cords. The cords lashed around the mayor’s wrists and ankles, winding around and around of their own accord (ha!) until they had the mayor completely restrained. The third orb was made of a rubbery substance and flew into the mayor’s open mouth. Once inside it started expanding, filling his mouth and forcing his jaws apart.

At this point I decided it was time to end the charade and deactivated the Image Inducer. The mayor’s eyes grew wide and he started struggling as I approached him and slapped a strip of super adhesive surgical tape over his mouth.

“You’ve been a bad boy, Mr. Mayor,” I said, patting him on the chest. “I was nice and allowed you to operate unknowingly. Funding me while keeping your hands relatively clean. But you couldn’t even manage that. Your subconscious mind is apparently just as dumb as your conscious one. No encryption? No security measures? Not even a VPN? I suppose this is as much my fault for trusting you not to be a complete idiot!”

The mayor buckled at the abuse and feebly grunted as I sat down at his computer. “I’ll have to do this myself,” I said, hooking a device up to the hard drive. “But first, you need to be punished.” I took out a small audio player and pressed the “play” button. The fast 16th notes of the Marriage of Figaro started to play.

Instantly, a tent formed in the mayor’s pants. His eyes flashed a mixture of confusion and arousal as he frantically tried to figure out what was going on. As the music played, he started to writhe as his arousal increased. Almost instinctively, he tried to bring his hands down to his waist so he could relieve himself…

His wild screams as he realized the steel cords and the repulsor field prevented him from moving his hands made me giddy with excitement. He pumped his hips in frustration and strained with all his might to move his hands, but nothing would work. On and on the music played. His breathing became heavy and rapid. Sweat beaded up on his forehead and ran down his face in rivulets. The veins in his neck bulged in desperation.

The mayor’s screams became grunts. The grunts became moans. The moans became whimpers. The whimpers became sobbing. Awash in the glow of the mayor’s exquisite denial torture, I watched the progress bar on the computer terminal. The Murdertron program was almost done uploading. Since the mayor couldn’t handle the job I decided to put my own “man” on the inside. After I downloaded Murdertron a few weeks ago, I had gone to work digging though his source code. A few tweaks here and there: lowering his homicide drive to manageable levels and ramping his obedience program up to 11. He was now my ghost in the machine. A completely loyal digital henchman who had access to the entire city’s mainframe and databases in his own cyber world. I had him dig through the security system and was surprised to find that it was intact. The Hero League had not intercepted any transmissions and the funds transfers had been all undetected. So how did they find out about it? Hmmmmm……

“Aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!” the mayor screamed, snapping me back to reality. I could almost see his balls glowing blue through his pants. Satisfied he had enough, I turned the music off. The mayor’s tent immediately softened and he collapsed against the wall, panting and whimpering.

“Now here’s how it’s going to be,” I said. “I can’t use you as a sleeper agent because you’re a complete moron. So I am overseeing matters more or less personally now. By now even YOU must realize that I made some alterations to your mind with the Hypnotron.”

The mayor glared at me with a burning hatred as I went on. “You will let my program do what it needs to without interference,” I said. “It’s now buried itself in every piece of hardware in the city’s infrastructure. I require no other actions from you except your silent compliance. You will not interfere or tell anyone of its presence. And just so you know, it’s always listening. No matter where you are, it can hear you. You so much as hint that something is amiss and that song plays from any and all nearby devices. I’d love to see the papers the next day when the mayor is caught fondling himself on the floor of the City Council.”

The mayor dropped his head. He knew he was trapped. Ah, that delicious look of defeat. The high brought low by my genius! How I lived for it!

“And one more thing,” I said, “Diesel had nothing to do with this. I merely borrowed his image as a means of getting in here. If you so much as dream of implicating him I will personally see to it that the rest of your pathetic life is nasty, brutish, and VERY short. You got it?”

The mayor limply nodded.

“Good,” I said, patting his cheek again. I took a scalpel and made a tiny nick in the skin behind his ear. He yelped as I walked over and disconnected the hacking device before bringing the Image Inducer back up. Diesel tore the tape off the mayor’s mouth and grinned as his captive winced in pain. He recalled the cords and ball and switched off the repulsor field, causing the mayor to collapse to the floor like a plate of Jell-o.

Helping the mayor up, Diesel took some microchips from his utility belt before firing up the Hero Com.

“Superion!” Diesel said. The golden-haired leader of the Hero League appeared on the com.

“Diesel!” he replied. “I see the mayor is with you. Report!”

“The mayor is OK,” Diesel said. “Dr. Calamity implanted some kind of control chip in him during his captivity.” Diesel held up the chip so Superion could see it before he crushed it between his fingers. “He forced the mayor to implant another one in his computer to steal the money.” He then crushed the other one. Diesel then turned the mayor’s head sideways so show the cut. “I removed it myself when I realized something was wrong.”

“Are you all right, mayor?” Superion said.

“Y…yes,” the mayor feebly replied. “Just a little weak. If Diesel hadn’t arrived when he did, who knows what else that madman could have made me do?”

“Diesel,” Superion said. “Based on what you’ve told me, are you sure that Calamity hasn’t implanted anything inside you? That would certainly explain… things.”

I was floored. 'Based on what you TOLD ME????' Keeping my composure I said, “Positive, sir. You can have me checked out when I return to HQ if you like.”

“No, that’s not necessary,” Superion said, turning his attention to the mayor. “That’s twice now that Diesel saved you from Dr. Calamity,” Superion said, an unreadable expression on his face. “You owe him a great deal.”

“That’s… certainly true,” the mayor said. “I hope I can… make it up to him somehow.”

“You don’t need to do anything, mayor,” Diesel said. “A hero needs no thanks. Now, just to be safe…” Diesel punched the mayor’s computer, shattering it into a million pieces (I had Murdertron do that from inside – the Image Inducer copied Diesel’s appearance, but not his strength). “Who knows if there was some other chip in there I didn’t see? Can’t risk it.”

“Good call,” Superion said. “And good work! Superion out!” The com switched off.

“Now that the evidence is a fine powder on the floor,” Diesel said. “No one will be the wiser. And my new program is a lot better at hiding itself than you are. Watch it with the innuendos, bub. Leave that shit to the experts. I picked up on what you meant by ‘make it up to him’ and if that golden-haired twit on the other end of the com did as well, you’ll be paying for it.” I walked to the door. “Pleasure doing business with you, Mayor. I’ll drop by if I need you again. And I’d avoid the Metro City Opera from now on, if I were you.” I strutted out the door, leaving the mayor to wallow in his impotence and defeat.

Coming Soon: Part 14 – Coup Coup Kachoo
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Post by Volobond »

Another hot chapter! Watching the Mayor writhe and whimper must have been an even greater symphony than the sound of the Marriage of Figaro! I have to get me some of those orbs...

And leaving Diesel in pleasure and pretty bondage? Yay!

Again, hitting all the right buttons for me, my friend! Thanks for this awesome new installment! I hope the Doctor isn't too careless and doesn't end up giving himself away again...

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Yes, another exciting chapter, [mention] wataru14[/mention]
He still wore his mask around me. He said he would reveal his secret identity to me when the time was right. I still hadn’t told him I already knew. I figured my behavior at the bank would have tipped him off. And if not that, surely the bartender thing at the Villain’s Convention would, but, as I’ve often said, too much brains he wasn’t blessed with.
Or is Diesel simply playing dumb and allowing Dr. Calamity to think he has the upper hand? 🤔

And is the Mayor a descendant of Salieri? Mozart is having his revenge!!! 😖
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Post by george_bound »

Hehehe... I think I was expecting the Mayor to be kidnapped again but this is just as fun... so the Hypnotron did work after all (see Gag Fiend) and activated by the Marriage of Figaro... he'd better cancel his season tickets to the Metro City Opera!

Hmmm... what do Superion and the other heroes know exactly?? I foresee a battle royale a brewing!

And why oh why can't I be tied up and nonchalantly have "a tube" strapped on me to keep me occupied :(

Keep up the amazing tale mate!!

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Post by wataru14 »

Part 14 – Coup Coup Kachoo

The Villains’ Guild Council Meeting Room was at half capacity, which was actually the main point behind the meeting. Thanks to Diesel, about half of the Inner Circle was behind bars. I had moved up several seats in recent weeks and was now sitting in Murdertron’s old position of Number Two. Bump me down all you want, but if I keep taking out the people above me, I still rise in the ranks, I still hadn’t confronted Diesel about squealing his feelings for me to Superion, though. I was waiting on a few more bits of information first.

“Diesel has been absolutely humiliating us!” shouted Queen Kong. “With the arrest of Dark Hellfire, he’s taken out four council members in less than a month! Who is he and how is he pulling this off?” There was a general murmur of assent from the rest of the Council, then all eyes turned on me. “He’s YOUR Archfoe,” Queen Kong pointed. “You’re certainly doing a shit job of handling him!”

“The simple fact that I’m here and not in prison says otherwise,” I said, “especially after what happened to Murdertron. I have repelled three assaults on my lair and taken him captive all three times. But he’s a wily one and keeps escaping. He might have an unrecorded luck power or something. He also seems to have gotten an upgrade recently.”

“Something like that,” Guild Prime said cryptically from beneath his hood. “But we can discuss him later. We have other business.” I never liked Guild Prime, even though we went waaaaay back and had a long history together. Years ago, he used to be called “The Ubermensch.” A sort-of wannabe Nazi vibe. I managed to convince him that kind of alter-ego wouldn’t fly in today’s world, not even as a villain, and helped him go with the “Mysterious Shrouded Figure” thing he was doing now. And how did he thank me? A middling position on the Council (that was my idea to establish to begin with)!

I always held a grudge over that. Even after the Council was formed, he always treated me like the little kid bother that mom forced him to bring along when he went out with his friends. What did Queen Kong have that I didn’t? He still came crawling to me when things hit the fan or he needed some supertech doodad or other. He had landed Superion as his Archfoe, but they never seemed to battle each other. Two peas in a pod, they were. Both aloof managers who did nothing. Taking credit for their underlings’ successes and blaming them for their own failures. The creation of Murdertron against my wishes was the icing on the cake, though.

“With the Council at its current levels, we are in danger of dipping below quorum level. Before anyone else is taken down we need to replenish our numbers. The results of yesterday’s general Council elections were certified last night and are ready to announce.”

Guild Prime stood up. “Joining Dr. Calamity, Queen Kong, Thing From Beyond Space, Contessa di Sangui, Black Dynamite, and myself will be…” He opened the sealed envelope and read the winners’ names. “Sgt. Malice, Sea Hag, Killer Klown, Sonic Scrambler, and… Queer Eye?”

There was a surprised murmur of shock from the assembled villains. Other than Sgt. Malice, this crop was C-list at best. How did THEY get seats on the Council? Glad you asked! Credit that to me, of course! I rigged the election hardcore. I had Murdertron doctor the votes from inside the terminals (come on, you didn’t think I wouldn’t upload him into the Guild mainframe also???). So now five seats on the Council were filled with my closest friends, leaving me with clean hands as the head of a bloc that constituted a voting majority. That leader seat was within my grasp and I had Diesel to thank for it.

Guild Prime gave me a long, hard look. His crystal blue eyes boring into my black, shriveled soul. I wasn’t going to institute a no-confidence vote on him right away, but it was coming and he knew it. I just needed him to screw up something major and that gavel was mine. “Change of plans,” Guild Prime said. “We will settle the Diesel problem immediately.”

I narrowed my eyes as Guild Prime spoke. “He has become far too dangerous to our interests to be allowed to continue living. I move that Dr. Calamity be removed as his Archfoe due to incompetence and that he become Prime Target for all villains. Elimination, not capture. Second?” Queen Kong quickly raised her hand.

“This is bullshit!” I said. “You can’t just strip me of my rights. The bylaws clearly state…”

“You’ve had your chance,” Guild Prime said. “You’ve had him in your grasp at least four times and failed to dispose of him. Perhaps your judgment is clouded because you two have been fucking behind closed doors!”

There was chaos. Shouting. People rising from their seats. Wild accusations from both sides. I stood up and quieted them. “I have tasted his flesh while he was my prisoner, yes, but who among us has NOT done the same thing at one time or another?” I said. The Contessa smiled broadly, licking her fangs. “But go ahead, have your vote.”

The Contessa voted with me, the other four against. Guild Prime laughed and was about to lower his gavel, but Queer Eye stood up and stopped him. “Illustrious Leader,” he said obsequiously. “I’m afraid you cannot make your ruling as it is invalid. You only got four votes.”

“I can count, Queer Eye. Four out of six is a majority,” Guild Prime said. “Not just a majority, it’s a 2/3 mandate.”

“Oh, but it isn’t,” Queer Eye said. “Because it’s four out of ELEVEN. You announced the new Guild Seats before the vote. We were all sworn this morning after the vote was certified.” I whistled and looked around innocently. “So we’re official and that vote is invalid because we were not included.” Queer Eye took his seat at the Council table and put his feet up, followed closely behind by the other four. “You wanna hold the vote again or just call it a day?”

Again there was a tumult, but he was right and there was nothing Guild Prime could do about it. I outplayed him, and boy, was he PISSED!

“Very well,” Guild Prime said, ice in his voice. “But be warned, Dr. Calamity,” he said. “If you don’t decisively deal with Diesel immediately your days on this Council are numbered. Not to mention your days on this earth!” My hand was now forced. If I didn’t finish things with Diesel then I would probably meet some kind of “unfortunate accident.” Queen Kong was itching to get her fists on me and I’m sure she would have Guild Prime’s blessing. It’s not like he didn’t already try it once already.

Guild Prime swooped out of the Council Chamber in a huff. Queer Eye watched him intently as he left, then came up to me and whispered in my ear before heading out himself. I grinned from ear to ear. “Got you now, you sonnafa bitch!”


The entire Metro City Cosmopolitans baseball team stood bound and gagged before me in my Command Center. They had been on their way to an away game against the San Pedro Sandsharks when their tour buses simultaneously blew all their tires thanks to my Calamity Caltrops. It was an easy matter after that to catch the buses in a magnetic field and transport them back to my lair. Once inside, my henchmen descended on the shocked ballplayers, binding their hands behind their backs with Calamity Cuffs. Each, in turn was then gagged with cloth stuffing and my commemorative tape. To really drive the point home, I had them leashed together with ropes around their throats and led to me in two straight lines.

“I bet you’re all wondering what you’re doing here,” I said, walking back and forth between the rows of hostage ballplayers while my henchmen enforced obedience with threatening cattle prods. “I assure you, it’s absolutely nothing personal. I have a lot of respect for you guys. Made a bundle betting on you this year.”

There was some obligatory squirming and mmpppggghing, but no one dared move. “You are simply here to be bait for my real target,” I said. “As long as you all do what I say, no harm will come to you. In fact, I think you might even have yourselves a nice time. But I’m getting ahead of myself.”

Making sure everything was ready, I had the henchmen switch out their cattle prods for Disintegrator Guns. Once they had made all the captive ballplayers kneel, I turned on the vidscreen.

“Diiiiiiieeeeeeeesel… Oh, Diiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeseeeeeeellllllll…” I taunted to the cameras and tapped some empty bottles together. “Come out to play-ee-ay! Greetings once more, citizens of Metro City! I, the diabolical Dr. Calamity, have kidnapped the entire Cosmopolitans team and I will not hesitate to disintegrate the lot of them. But I’m not an unreasonable man. I have as much civic pride in my city as all of you do. I will release them all unharmed if Diesel surrenders himself to me, no questions asked. And no involvement by any other heroes. That’s cheating, and I hate cheaters. Comply, and these guys continue their race for the pennant. Refuse, or try to screw me, and there’ll be a lot of AAA players getting their shot at the Big Leagues, if you catch my drift. You have 24 hours!”

I switched off the vidscreen. “Good!” I said. “Now that all that is over, it’s time to make you boys comfy for the evening.” I clapped my hands and a bevy of my most seductive henchwomen sauntered over in their skintight catsuits. “Ladies, take the team to the Champagne Room and show them a good time. And fellas, these henchwomen were hand-picked because they’re all huge fans of yours. If you play your cards right, some of you might even get lucky.”

Number 38 seductively licked the Shortstop’s earlobe for emphasis.

“Now,” I continued. “There’s plenty of booze and pizza waiting for you, but I do have one rule. I have a Zero Tolerance limit for consent violations. If the ladies are willing, go get ‘em. If they say ‘hands off,’ then that is exactly what will happen to you if you don’t respect their wishes. Am I clear?” I held up a laser scalpel for emphasis.

There was a series of excited nods and “mmhmmms” from the team through their gags. The ladies lifted the players to their feet and escorted them en masse, still cuffed, gagged, and leashed, to the special party room I had whipped up for this occasion.

Diesel called almost immediately.

“What are you doing?” he said on my private vidscreen channel, an amused smile on his face.

“Showing the team a good time,” I said innocently. “Why do you ask?” He shot me an exasperated look. “Oh that! Yes. I have some important matters to discuss concerning our business arrangement. The Guild has been up my ass about you (and not in a good way). I have to do something showy to shut them up.”

“Something big is going on,” Diesel said. “Superion came in earlier and I’ve never seen him so mad. He won’t tell me what it is, but he is NOT happy. You’d think ‘The Perfect Man from the Future’ would be better at controlling his temper.”

“Yeah,” I said. “He’s on the agenda, believe me. The whole League is. It’s a pretty big deal. Now, what time will you be surrendering? It has to be somewhere public.”

“I’ll meet you at the natural history museum at noon tomorrow,” he said. “Right at the statue on the front stairs.”

I smiled. “The place we went on our second date,” I smiled. “When we fired up two Image Inducers and became John and Joe Tourist for the day.”

“That’s the one,” Diesel smiled. “Try not to cause too much property damage, OK.” He blew me a kiss. “See ya tomorrow!”

I blushed and shut off the vidscreen. My evening now free, I decided to check on the hostages. Heading down to the room where they were confined, I opened the door and was greeted by dim lights and pumping club music. The players were uncuffed (well, most were… the ladies were having a lot of fun teasing some by keeping them that way) and enjoying themselves immensely. Most were in various states of undress and more than one was getting a lap dance.

All the merriment stopped when I entered the room. Dead silence.

“Oh, don’t stop on my account,” I said. “In fact, let’s keep this party going!” I pressed a button and several full kegs emerged from compartments in the walls. The players’ initial confusion melted away and a raucous cheer filled the room as I grabbed a red Solo cup. “Now who do I have to vaporize to get a kegstand assist around here?”


I woke up on the floor behind the couch next to the naked and hogtied Third Baseman (he certainly hit a Grand Slam last night, though). Holding my head, I popped a few Calamity Anti-Hangover pills and collected my clothing. Wading through the sea of debauchery aftermath I managed to find a sleeping Number 38 spooning with the Shortstop on a couch in the corner. I shook her awake, gently, and told her how pleased I was with her and the other ladies and hoped that everything was on the up-and-up.

“Oh yes, boss,” she said. “They were all perfect gentlemen… except when we didn’t want them to be.” We both chuckled.

“Let them sleep it off a little longer,” I said. “Then let everyone get showered and ready to get back on the road. I’ll have bots clean their clothes and fix the buses.”

“Sure thing,” she said, rubbing the sleeping Shortstop’s bare chest. “I kinda want to keep this one, though” she pouted. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and strutted out of the room.


I came to the museum in the Calamity Copter just after noon. A crowd had gathered, as well as most of the city’s reporters, but they were being held back by police behind barricades. Diesel stood on the stairs, his arms folded across his chest.

We touched down on the street in front of the museum and I hopped out with three or four armed henchmen. “All right, Dr. Calamity,” Diesel snarled. “I’m here. Show me the team is all right.”

I projected a holographic image of the compound’s garage. The tour buses were prepped to leave, the players cuffed and gagged in the seats, dramatically struggling and mppgghhing with henchman patrolling the aisles. I had an acting coach on staff for videos like this and had his give the team a few pointers before transmission. “They are safe,” I said. “For now. As soon as I have you secured and we’re away I will signal Number 1 to release them.”

“And how do I know you’ll keep your promise, villain?” Diesel challenged. It was all for the cameras, and they were eating it up.

“You’ll just have to trust me,” I smiled. “You know as well as I that I’ve never harmed a hostage after getting what I want. Why would I start now?”

Diesel frowned. “Fine then,” he said. “To save their lives, I surrender.” He placed his hands behind his head, fingers interlocked. I snapped my fingers and trained my Disintegrator Ray at the crowd.

“Everyone stay back or it’s annihilation time,” I threatened. “No one interferes!” The henchman descended on Diesel and affixed the dampening collar. Making a big show of it, they restrained him in the gauntlets-and-chains number they used when they first nabbed him in the gas room a few months back. Diesel always said he enjoyed it and I hadn’t had the opportunity to dust it off again, so I figured I’d surprise him. When he was completely fettered and the bit gag was buckled behind his head, Diesel was marched at raygun-point into the waiting Calamity Copter while the crowd stood open-mouthed and silent.

“Gwahahaha!” I cackled. “He is mine!” I ran to the Copter and hopped in the side hatch, dropping one of my “Disintegrator Bombs” on the stairs near the crowd. “Everyone behave themselves, now,” I said. “No one move for five minutes or blah blah blah…” I continued maniacally laughing as the copter lifted up and the cloaking field went up.

“Release the buses,” I said into the com, then leaned in and gave Diesel a big sloppy kiss over his gag. “I missed you, my love. And I’ve got a bunch of new toys to try out when we get home.”

Coming Soon: Part 15 – Origin Stories
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I must say, the power politics of the villains are a blast to read. How Dr. Calamity manipulates everyone around him to rise at the ranks is brilliant.

Also, I really liked the parallels between him and his henchwomen. Both of them have a taste for jocks in bondage (who have no problem with their predicament).

I'm looking forward to 'Origin Stories'!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Ah! [mention]wataru14[/mention]

Bravo! From Dr. Calamity's coup d'état at the Guild Council Meeting to the Coup de Grâce in Diesel's submission, you had me on the edge of my seat. :D

The best part was the abduction of the Cosmopolitans. You far surpassed a scene I remember when watching Batman in reruns on weekday afternoons after school. In "Rats Like Cheese," Batman is up against Mr. Freeze. Mr. Freeze abducts Paul Diamante the star pitcher and Batman offers to exchange himself for the purloined pitcher. Mr. Freeze's henchmen drop the bound & gagged Diamante off at a park from a helicopter and then bundle Batman away in it.

Dr. Calamity's abduction of an entire team is worthy of a Calamity Emmy award! :P

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Post by Volobond »

YAAAAY! *fireworks and celebrations*

Another amazing chapter!

First off, the baseball team getting kidnapped knocked it out of the park! ;) I sure wouldn't have minded getting to party with one or two of them myself like Number 38, heh heh. I can't wait to see how the Doctor plans to outmaneuver Guild Prime and Queen Kong!

Also, Diesel and the Doctor are so adorable! Getting to be John and Joe Tourist! Gag kisses! This story has all my happy things :D

Oof, this just makes me so happy. Thank you again for this amazing piece.

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Post by george_bound »

Hmmm... an abducted baseball team... my dream... I would have attached "tubes" to each stud to pleasure him but I guess the Doctor's methods are just as acceptable hehe :) Well that was quite a coup at the villian's council, I'm certain they're whipping up some retribution for the Doctor (and Diesel)... and speaking of Diesel, how will he be restrained in the Doctor's quarters?

Keep up the amazing work, [mention]wataru14[/mention]!

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Part 15 – Origin Stories

Breakfast the next morning was awkward, but it was all on my end. Diesel picked up on it right away. “There’s something bothering you,” he said, chomping down on the wad of bacon I fed him. He was seated in a heavy wooden armchair. Thick straps, like seatbelts, secured him to the arms and legs of the chair at his wrists, elbows, biceps, ankles, and knees, and several straps around his torso and abdomen kept him seated. I had long since given up on the power-dampening collar (it was totally unnecessary at this point), but he wore a single chain around his neck with a padlock pendant. “Come on, you can tell me.”

“We moved too fast,” I said, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin. “Taking down big-name villains right off the bat. Should have started small and worked our way up after Murdertron. At first it was mostly just a revenge move against the people who laughed at me during the convention when Queen Kong ran her mouth, but we stepped on some rather large toes.”

“Wasn’t that the point?” Diesel asked.

“Well, yes and no,” I replied with a shrug. “The goal was to shake up the Council and pave the way for my takeover. Which is juuuuuuust about to happen. And to get you the recognition in the hero community that you deserved…”

Diesel frowned and interrupted. “…And to take down the biggest threats to the city. I never wanted recognition… or to play politics. Just the chance to do the most good. Everything else was your idea.”

“True,” I said, patting his cheek, “but as long as you’re doing one, why not get the rewards of the other?”

“That’s villain talk,” Diesel smiled. He was just so… infuriatingly pure. How long before he started feeling a tug at his moral code and turned against me? Would he? Better not to think about such things.

“I think we were too sloppy and too obvious,” I said. “Guild Prime already knows there’s something between us. Flat-out accused me at the last meeting.”

“Yeah,” Diesel said. “Superion has made some snarky side comments, too.” I bit my tongue.

“He’s trying to outmaneuver me,” I said, my mood changing. “People seem to forget how smart he is since he’s been out of active villainy for a long time. But I remember him from back when he was the Ubermensch and top dog in the Underworld.”

“Wait,” Diesel said, puzzled. He shifted his weight in the chair to get comfortable. “Lady Liberty took down Ubermensch back in the 40s. How could you possibly ‘remember’ that? You mean you read about it in the Guild Files, right?”

“I…” I stopped. Was I really going to tell him? The only one who knew this story was Number 1 and we’d been working together for decades. “I remember because I was there. I’m 155 years old. Or at least I will be in November.”

“Stop,” Diesel said, chuckling. “Can you be serious for a second?”

“I am,” I said. “My father was a Civil War veteran. He was wounded in battle and was sent home in 1864. I was born shortly after the war ended.”

Diesel’s eyes grew wide. “How in the hell…”

I put my finger to his lips. “If you don’t keep quiet I’m going to have to gag you,” I said. Seeing the sparkle in his eyes when I said that, I continued with “on second thought, I’ll do it anyway!” I stuffed his mouth with his cloth napkin and cleave gagged him with mine. When he was silenced and adorably grinning, I went on.

“I turned to villainy after my parents both died in the Great Factory Fire of 1884,” I said. “I targeted the rich and powerful as a way to punish the bourgeois factory owners who were responsible for their deaths. I called myself ‘Dr. Vengeance’ back then. History books have whole chapters dedicated to me as ‘The First True Supervillain.’

“When my body finally wore out,” I continued, “I grew myself another one and transferred my consciousness into it. Then I moved to a new city, took a new name, and started over. This body is my 8th ‘regeneration.’”

Diesel was dumbfounded. “I met Number 1 back in the late 70s when I was ‘Dr. Funkadelic’ (not my best alter-ego, I’ll admit) and he’s been my head man ever since. He’s been with me for three bodies counting this one.”

I put my hand on Diesel’s and he grabbed and squeezed it lovingly. He grunted for me to remove his gag and after I did he rubbed his face against his shoulder, dislodging his mask. “Mah name’s Jeremiah Dwight Dawson, but everyone calls me ‘JD,’” he said in his real accent as the mask fluttered to the floor. “But you already knew that. Back from the bank heist, I think.”

“The bowling alley, actually,” I joked as walked behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

“So we’ve both been keeping secrets,” he said. “By now you must know I talked to Superion about my feelings for you. I thought he would understand. Be supportive, even. But…”

“Don’t worry about that,” I said, clutching Diesel’s hand. “He would have figured it out anyway. Guild Prime did.”

Diesel smiled, his face shining with relief. “Anyway, I was born in Texas…”

“No shit,” I said sarcastically.

“…and I was the scrawniest kid in town. I’m talking 100 pounds soaking wet. The other kids used to bully me hardcore. For years. Like, strip-him-to-his-boxers-and-tape-him-to-the-goalposts-overnight-type bullying.”

“The day I got my powers I was a junior in high school. I remember leaving football practice (I was the gosh-dang waterboy!) and walking home. I was going through Potter’s Field when I saw a big pickup truck barreling after me with three guys from the team in the back. They chased me down and jumped out on top of me. They ripped my clothes off me down to my boxers. They held me down, took out ropes from the truck bed, and hogtied me. Tight. They gagged me with dirty bandanas and threw me in the back of the truck.”

“Now this happened pretty often, mind you. Texas boys’ idea of a prank. Usually they’d write nasty things on my skin and leave me in a public place, covered in dirt and chew spit, for people to laugh at before someone freed me, but this time they drove me out to the quarry. I hollered something fierce, but they weren’t listening. Just threw a dirty blanket over me while I was hogtied, bumping around whenever the truck hit a pothole. Then they lifted me out, dumped me in the gravel, and left me there to struggle in the cold night air. That’s when I found the meteor.”

“I rolled over and it jabbed me in the back. I thought it was just a sharp rock, so I grabbed it and used it to cut the ropes. Took a while, but I’d gotten pretty good at doing that. Had enough practice! Once I freed myself I took a look at the meteor and right away I knew it was special. It was white and gold and looked like it was glowing from inside. That’s when I heard the voice.”

“‘You, who are pure of heart, has found me,’ it said. I remember exactly like it was Gospel. ‘You bear no hatred to those who torment you and your soul is righteous. You seek neither glory nor vengeance, but to improve the world and help the weak. Accept my gift and you will be a light in dark times. You will have the power to help those in need, but will bear a heavy burden. Choose now.’”

“I said ‘yes,’ and I got zapped by a white light from the rock. When the light stopped, the meteor was gone. I bulked up into this.” He flexed as best he could being strapped to the chair, bouncing his bare pecs as well. I gave him a playful slap on the back of the head. “Then I changed back to normal and I realized I could turn it on and off at will.”

“When I got to school the next day, everyone started treating me different. I didn’t look any different, but suddenly people were drawn to me. I started to become popular. Even the good ole boys apologized for what they’d been doing and started taking me fishin’ and muddin’ with them. Started hitting the weights and after a few months I looked like I do now. Senior year I was on the football team as a starter and even won Homecoming King.”

“I bet you looked sexy as hell in a tux,” I said.

“Sure did!” Diesel laughed before continuing his story. “After graduation the tornado hit. I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing! I made a mask and suit and ran out to help. I stopped a bridge collapse and saved people from the tornado wreckage. That’s when Diesel was born. I was all over the papers in Texas. I operated freelance for two years until Superion and Omega Woman showed up and recruited me. I spent a over a year at Hero Academy and I was on duty for only two weeks when we met,” he chuckled.

I smiled and sat back down facing him, but looked sadly into his eyes. “The way I see it, there are three ways this can end,” I said. “Option 1 is you give up the League and join us. But I know that could never happen. It’s just not who you are. Put that right out of your mind. Option 2 is I give up the Guild and join you. But that can’t happen either. The League would never accept me. They’d throw me in superprison for all the evil I’ve done in the past and the villains I’ve stepped on over the years to get where I am would make sure I didn’t survive my first night.”

“And what’s the third way?” Diesel asked.

“It’s a longshot,” I said. “Million-to-one chance. I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I’m going to try. Fuck the Guild! That bunch of sanctimonious assholes are no better than heroes! (no offense). But the less you know about my plan, the better (again, no offense).”

“I don’t like the sound of that,” JD said.

“There are going to be a lot of (figurative) bodies hitting the floor,” I said, putting his gag back in. Diesel rolled his eyes. “I said FIGURATIVE!” and ruffled his hair. “Including the mayor. And Guild Prime. And probably Superion.”

Diesel looked up at me angrily. “The mayor is dirty,” I said. “Even without my influence it was only a matter of time before he got busted for corruption or sexual misconduct. Don’t waste a thought on him. And as for Superion… well, let’s just say that he might not be the shining bastion of righteousness you think. When I’m done, you’ll be itching to take him in yourself.”

Diesel shrugged and mmppggghed what vaguely sounded like “I trust you.” I got a little teary eyed.

“Now daddy has some villain business to attend to and I need you out of the way for a while,” I extended the wheels on his chair and started pushing him down the hall. “We’ll just go to Chamber 3 and get you tucked in and then I can get to work.”

When we got to Chamber 3, I released Diesel and gave him a tight leather suit to put on. It covered his whole body like a second skin except for his head and arms (I did so love staring at his bare arms). It creaked as he moved in the most alluring way.

I took several lengths of course rope and some faded red bandanas out of my bag. “In honor of your humble origins, I think we’ll do this Texas-style!” I swung the rope like a lasso and encircled his arms and chest, pulling him to the ground (of course he let me). Within minutes he was helplessly hogtied like a prize steer. I watched him buck and squirm before using the bandanas to tightly triple-cleave gag him. For the final touch I held up a Texas Flag bandana and folded it into a thick band that I used to cover his smiling eyes.

Diesel moaned and writhed in ecstasy as the blindfold sealed his sight. I gave his crotch a quick cupping and said, “Y’all just sit tight now, y’hear” before leaving the Chamber and locking the door behind me.

Coming Soon: Part 16 – Revenge is a Dish Best Served Pink
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I definitely wasn't expecting these background stories. They are so creative and put a lot of things into retrospective. It speaks volumes about how much Dr. Calamity and JD trust each other when they talked about it.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I took several lengths of course rope and some faded red bandanas out of my bag. “In honor of your humble origins, I think we’ll do this Texas-style!” I swung the rope like a lasso and encircled his arms and chest, pulling him to the ground (of course he let me). Within minutes he was helplessly hogtied like a prize steer. I watched him buck and squirm before using the bandanas to tightly triple-cleave gag him. For the final touch I held up a Texas Flag bandana and folded it into a thick band that I used to cover his smiling eyes.
As my moniker might suggest, I liked this part the best! ;)
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Post by Volobond »

I adored these origin stories! It's nice to see JD has been well-acquainted with bondage all his life! And of course, I'd love to be in the Doctor's place, feeding and binding this huge hunky sweetheart. I can't wait to see how the Doctor's plan proceeds! And of course, the end bondage with those big arms out and the big gag! YAAAAY!

Absolutely this story is one of my all time favorites!

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Post by wataru14 »

Part 16 – Revenge is a Dish Best Served Pink

I sat down at my computer and cracked my knuckles. It was time to bust out the big guns. I hovered over the file labeled “Grandma’s Recipes” and hesitated. “Do I really want to do this?” I thought. I always knew I’d need to do this SOMEDAY but I never thought it would be for a cause that could be construed as so disgustingly honorable. Maybe Diesel was rubbing off on me. Meh.

“Fuck it!” I said, “You only live once. Well, not ME, but mostly. Anyway…” I double-clicked the file and entered my ingenious password (no, I’m not going to tell you what it was. Sheesh!) My detailed files on all the heroes of Metro City cascaded across the screen. Superion, Omega Woman, Seraphina, Captain Cosmos, all of them. Detailed readouts of their power levels and weaknesses that only I knew. Not even the Guild Files were so in-depth. I plugged in a backup copy of Murdertron and booted him up.

“OK, tin man,” I said. “Here’s a metric shit-ton of data. I need your killer instincts to develop a plan. Your assignment is to calculate the quickest way to take each of them out. My style is too theatrical and you are nothing if not direct. I need quick and dirty. Get going!”

Murdertron’s code flashed across the screen. I had turned his Lethality Protocols down to 0 for this assignment. I was looking for capture here, not a massacre. For what I had planned I needed an audience. And this gaggle of spandex-clad cretins would fit the bill perfectly. But I would need help for this. I needed time to upgrade my gadgets to fit MT’s specifications, but there was a certain elected official that needed tending to as part of my plan. Looks like I needed to do a little subcontracting.

I fired up the vidscreen. “QE? Are you there? Come in QE.”

Queer Eye walked into frame. “This better be good,” he said. “Hallmark Channel is running a Golden Girls marathon and you know I get when I’m denied of my biddies.”

“Oh, I think you’ll like this,” I said, chuckling. “How do you fancy some field work?”


A pink Cadillac pulled up to the Mayor’s Mansion and the driver got out without a care in the world. The guard at the gate, of course, ran out to intercept when the vehicle arrived. When he approached the driver to ask for identification, he stared straight into a single giant pupil and suddenly forgot what he was doing. He shuffled along obediently as the driver led him back to his guard booth and sat him down on the floor. Within a minute his hands were restrained behind his back and his ankles were cinched together with cable ties. The guard’s necktie was stuffed in his mouth as well, but it was just a formality. After another hard look into the big beautiful eye and he didn’t seem to feel much like yelling anyway. All he wanted to do was count the zillions of butterflies he saw flitting around his booth. They weren’t really there, of course, but that certainly wasn’t going to stop him!

As Queer Eye strode into the foyer he looked around at the furnishings. Not bad for a retro 18th Century vibe, he thought. A little Disney Hall of Presidents, but he’d give it an overall thumbs up. The place was deserted, except for telltale sounds coming from upstairs: a rhythmic creaking of bedsprings and some occasional moaning. Concentrating on the sound, Queer Eye analyzed it. There were two voices, a male voice that was having a great time, and a female voice that was doing an admirable job of faking having a great time.

Tiptoeing up the stairs, he approached the bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. Inside he saw the mayor’s back with a pair of shapely legs draped over his shoulders. Waiting for the perfect moment, Queer Eye opened the door and waltzed in like he owned the place.

“Good evening, Mr. Mayor!” he said. “Sorry to catch you with your pants down. Is this not a good time?”

The mayor turned in mid-thrust and gasped. He then dove under the bed, leaving his confused lady friend completely exposed. The yutz didn’t even leave her a blanket to cover herself with. Figures.

“And greetings to you, too, Mrs. Mayor!” Queer Eye said. “My you look different than you do in the papers. Wait! I’m sorry! Forgive me. You’re not Mrs. Mayor. She’s in Cleveland right now visiting relatives. My bad!” The woman screamed and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

“And I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation as to why you were naked in bed with someone who ISN’T your wife,” Queer Eye cajoled. “Lemme guess, she came over to do a presentation on saving the whales and all your clothes accidentally fell off.”

“God damn you!” the mayor bellowed from his hiding spot under the bed. “Who the hell are you?”

“You don’t remember me?” Queer Eye said. “I’m hurt. We go way back, you and I.” He charged up his optic blast and obliterated the bed. The mayor shrieked like a little girl and ran to the bathroom for safety, but found the door locked from the inside. He kicked the door and furiously jiggled the handle, but all that happened was a loud “screw you, creep!” being shouted through the door from inside.

“Oh, are the facilities occupied?” I said. “Serves you right for leaving her while you hid, you sanctimonious scumbag!”

The mayor turned and squinted. “Wait,” he said. “I know that voice… Luther?”

Now Queer Eye was pissed. EXTREMELY pissed. “You used my Deadname,” he said. “Normally I make people who use my Deadname very very dead.” The corona around his eye started charging up again.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” the mayor said, now in a panic. Queer Eye powered down.

“Yes, you are sorry,” he said. “And based on how lackluster her reactions were to your little tryst, I’m sure Miss Sidepiece agrees. But then again, I know EXACTLY how sorry you are in bed, don’t I?”

Queer Eye took a step forward and the mayor pressed his back up against the door, looking frantically for an escape route. “I remember all through high school, before I became… this… when you pretended to be my friend, sticking up for me when others made fun, inviting me to parties… oh yes, I was very appreciative. I remember how you were so kind and warm in private. How you got me to lower my guard with your honeyed voice and soothing words.” He advanced again, flaring up the corona around his eye. The mayor was white with terror.

“A confused and vulnerable gay boy looking for acceptance was exactly what you were looking for, wasn’t it?” Queer Eye said wrathfully. “You’d take me to the abandoned house on Oak Street. You’d say ‘it’s only a little harmless messing around…’ Funny how I always had to go first and you would suddenly have an emergency and have to leave before it was your turn. And I never caught on. Maybe that’s why I can see through lies now. Because you fed me enough of them then!”

“I thought what we had was beautiful, but it was all a game to you,” Queer Eye continued. “A ruse. After a few hookups, out came the camera. You told me it was just for you to watch in private, but then the pics and video showed up all over school. And no one laughed louder than you! Remember what happened after that? The flagpole incident? The gym showers? I remember it very well. LOOK AT ME!!!”

The mayor instinctively snapped his face towards Queer Eye and gazed into the depths of his giant pupil. His mind was awash with images of torment and shame. “I could make you relive all of it,” Queer Eye said. “Over and over and over as I have. But I’m not that cruel. Not like you. Dr. Calamity has a use for you and has asked me for a favor. So we have a date to meet with that sloppy old queen. Time to get you ready.”

The mayor drooled slightly as his mind reeled from the onslaught of images and emotions. He shambled away from the door and stood limply as Queer Eye fished around in his manpurse. He took out an iron spreader bar and attacked it to the mayor’s ankles with buckled leather cuffs, shackling them tightly two feet apart. Then he withdrew a sleek iron yoke. His bag was Dr. Calamity’s design, using the latest in “Mary Poppins” technology to exponentially increase its internal space.

He locked the yoke around the mayor’s neck and placed his wrists in the dangling cuffs, buckling them shut and securing them with heavy padlocks, making the mayor look like a naked scarecrow on a fence. Then he strapped a thick red ballgag in the mayor’s mouth and buckled it behind his head. Once he was satisfied at the mayor’s restraint, he dropped the hypnosis. Shocked at the sudden presence of the iron and leather restraints, the mayor shook and howled, but he couldn’t summon up enough strength to move.

“My hypnosis can have a numbing effect on the body when I want it to,” Queer Eye gloated. “You’ll be fine in a few minutes. Too bad it requires uninterrupted eye contact to activate or I could really go places. Sigh. Cest la vie. But there is one more finishing touch.” He produced a steel chastity device from the bag. “Since you seem to be led around by your dick in most things, I think we need to keep that stifled for a while.” Queer Eye attached the cage around the mayor’s genitals and locked it shut. “There, much better. You don’t need the distraction. And you’d best behave yourself. The good doctor told me of you ‘musical tastes’ and I’m a big Mozart fan, if you catch my meaning.”

The mayor glared impotently as Queer Eye took out a three-foot chain leash. He attached the clip to a ring at the tip of the chastity device and gave a small tug. The mayor moaned. “Oh, and there is one more thing,” he said. Taking out his phone he floated up beside the mayor and kissed him on the cheek, catching a picture of the mayor in mid-moan. “Love to see what the papers do with this. ‘Family Values’ mayor caught with his pants down with notorious homosexual villain! Say goodbye to your political career, sweetcheeks.”

Queer Eye grabbed the end of the leash and gave a tug. “Come along know,” he said. “You’re late for a doctor’s appointment and we have a lot of very public places to drive through.”


Back at the compound I rose from my throne and gave Queer Eye a huge hug when he arrived with the captive mayor. The boy had style, I have to admit. “We drove through lots of high-visibility places on the way here,” he said. “With the Image Inducer set to your appearance. Just like you suggested. By now more people have seen him naked than Linda Lovelace.”

“Good,” I said. “That will get the heroes’ notice. “As always, I am in awe of your talent. If you like, you can take Number 27 home for the night. He’s pretty sweet on you.”

“You’re too good to me,” Queer Eye said, patting my hand. “I think I’ll do that and leave you to your machinations. See you tomorrow for the big shindig. Au revior!”

Queer Eye left with Number 27 and I handed the Mayor off to Number 1. I gave instructions to chain him up in the usual way and put him in his old cell. I also told them to keep the temperature at a lovely 45 degrees. “He needs something to cool that raging libido down,” I joked, giving the chastity device a quick flick with my fingers. Number 1 acknowledged and picked up the end of the leash, the mayor feebly struggling and howling as he was led to the prison wing.

I switched on the news and eagerly watched the report of the mayor’s abduction. A statement from Superion made up the tail end of the report, stating that the League would be sending their best to assault my compound, rescue the mayor, and bring me to justice once and for all. “Dr. Calamity’s reign of terror has gone on too long!” he said.

“Bring it on, bitch!” I shouted.

It took about 30 seconds after that for the first energy blast to hit the roof. Number 2 asked if the staff should take defensive action with the Disintegrator Canons, but I told him I would handle things personally and to hold off until further notice. Grabbing my bag of tricks, I mounted the Calamity Glider and shot out into the night sky.

Captain Cosmos was already there. Hmmm. Teleporter. Figures. High-level telekinetic as well. I scanned Murdertron’s databanks for a counter-strategy, dodging projectiles the good Captain flung at me with his powers. He was shouting some heroic nonsense or other, but I wasn’t really listening. I’ve heard it all before, believe me.

We did an aerial ballet for a while, blasting and dodging. I let him think he had me on the ropes. Needed to get him in close. I hit a button and smoke started to spew from one of the glider’s engines. The engine was perfectly fine, but it looked like it was heavily damaged and was about to go down. I just hoped Captain Cosmos took the bait.

“Looks like your flight plan is getting cancelled, Doctor!” the Captain said as he flew towards me at top speed, building up a telekinetic punch that would clean my clock if it connected. Bingo! He bought it! As he approached, I took out a portable Sonic Inducer and turned it on full blast.

Captain Cosmos grabbed his ears and fell out of the sky, slamming into the ground below and knocking himself unconscious. I had tweaked the device to affect more than just sleeping patterns. In this case, it affected all rear brain functions. If the Captain couldn’t concentrate, he couldn’t use his powers. I called for Number 2 to bring a collection team to restrain the fallen Captain. As they dragged his cuffed, collared, and unconscious form away to the super-cells, I saw the unmistakable aura of Solar Flare approaching in the distance.

“Well, it looks like the next sap is coming to get their ass handed to them,” I gloated. “You ready, Murdertron?”

“Affirmative,” my com blared.

“Good,” I said, taking to the air again. “Let’s show that windbag who’s REALLY in charge around here!”

Coming Soon: Part 17 – The Arena
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Mayor somehow turned out to be an even biger douche than I expected but Queer Eye got his revenge in the best way possible. Man, he's cool. And now I realize how fitting his powers are gor bondage scenarios. Something tells me that he and Number 27 make good use of them when having some good time, haha.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, [mention]wataru14[/mention]...

For all of us who were at some time picked on or humiliated by some jerk, because we were gay or somehow vulnerable.

Queer Eye Kicks Major Butt! 8-)
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Post by george_bound »

Hmmm... I'm liking the idea of a gaggle of superheroes captive in an arena as a game... yum! One neutralized, several more to follow, hahaha! Looking forward to the next chapter... hoping maybe some of their powers might become part of their bondage predicament and might cause "discomfort" to their fellow heroes if they try to use them ;)

And the Mayor is getting what's coming to him, and it will be as delicious as the superheroes' treatment I'm sure ;) And finally, Queer Eye, such a quality character you've created here, mate... ever though he is a villian haha.
Last edited by george_bound 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Glad that Queer Eye got to punish the mayor and got a reward in Number 27! Hope they have some fun bondage love together. And of course, the Doctor is as stylish as ever in his plots! Capturing all the heroes? Very excited!

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