Shut Up! Give Me Your Hands and Feet! (m/m)

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Shut Up! Give Me Your Hands and Feet! (m/m)

Post by Tiedinjordans »

Shut Up! Give Me Your Hands and Feet!

I met this guy, Aaron, at a mutual friend's house a few weeks ago, and we hit it off right away. Towards the end of the night, he mentioned an Eminem concert he had tickets to and offered me his spare. I accepted without hesitation.

I was packing the cooler when Aaron showed up on the night of the concert. I called out to him to come on in, and brought the cooler out to the garage to load it up. Some coils of rope caught my attention on the way past my tool bench.

Gears turned in my head. Aaron mentioned on the night we met that he was "basically Houdini" and could escape anything. I grabbed the few lengths of rope and a roll of duct tape and threw them in the cooler with the beer.

"You ready, Joey? I don't wanna be late," Aaron said when he found me in the garage. He was looking fresh in new black and white Yeezy Zebras with a matching sweatshirt and pants.


"Almost, I've got all the stuff packed," I answered. "Just need to grab shoes and socks."

Aaron followed me upstairs to my room, checking out my house. "Dope place," he complimented as he looked over the balcony to the floor below. When we got to my room, he looked through my video games and DVD's. While he was distracted, I swooped a pair of handcuffs out of my closet and pocketed them. I grabbed my hat and slipped on my black cement Jordan 3's.


"Just got 'em," I said when I caught Aaron looking at my kicks.

"They're sick," Aaron nodded. "I might have to steal them."

"You wish!" I laughed.

Aaron smiled. "We'll see. You hoop? I'll win 'em off you."

"Not gonna be risking these on a basketball game," I answered. "But good try. Let's get going, you're the one worried about being late."

We got to the show and I picked a secluded spot on the back of the lawn. It wasn't completely private, but there were enough bushes around up here that most people couldn't see us. We set up the blanket, cracked open a couple beers, and waited for the show to start.

About a half hour later, Eminem was on stage. The crowd was going crazy. With him on the huge T.V.'s over the stage, I could see Em was wearing Jordan 3's. I handed Aaron a beer and thought about the rope in the cooler. I made a comment to Aaron about how Eminem was wearing the same shoes as me, just the True Blue colorway. He said that would make them more memorable once he got his hands on them.


"You really want a chance at my kicks?" I asked. "I'd be willing to back up what I said last week. Would you?"

Aaron looked confused. "Back up what?"

"When someone brought up Houdini, and you said you can escape anything," I said. I grabbed a coil of rope out of the cooler. "I wasn't joking when I called bullshit. Here's our chance to settle it. Winner takes the loser's kicks."

Aaron looked at my Jordans, then around at the crowd. "Here? Are you crazy?"

I put the rope back in the cooler. "It's getting dark, but if you don't want them that bad, that's okay. Not like you would win, anyway."

"Wait, wait." Aaron looked around. Everyone nearby was watching Eminem and no one was behind us. "Fuck it, you're on." We shook on it.

I started the roping with his hands, slowly wrapping them in front of him about five times and going through the middle so it was like a pair of cuffs. I cinched it tight with the knot on the wrong side for his fingers to reach, and left some rope hanging. Aaron was paying close attention, but didn't seem worried. Maybe he thought he'd be able to get at the knot with his teeth.

"Well wait, how much rope do you have, Joey?" He asked when I pulled out another piece.

"Plenty," I answered. "Why? You did say you could escape anything, right? I could use my handcuffs, count yourself lucky that I'm not."

I tied his ankles the same way as his wrists. I wasn't tying it so tight that he would lose circulation quickly, but I definitely wasn't leaving slack in the ropes anywhere. I forced Aaron to hug his legs and tied his elbows to each other, under his knees.

I ran the extra rope on his wrists through the rope at his ankles, and the ankle ropes through his wrists. I pulled tight before cinching a knot at the back of his ankles. His hands were stuck right at his feet.

When I tied his wrist and ankle ropes off at his elbows, Aaron started swearing. "Jesus fucking Christ, don't you think this is a bit overkill? Are you done? Can I fucking get out now?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I said. "I could do something like wrap all the knots in duct tape, but I really don't think I need to. Better enjoy those Yeezys while you still can."

Now that Aaron was good to go, I grabbed another beer and watched Eminem. I sat a little bit behind Aaron so I could watch him at the same time. He realized quickly that trying to reach a knot was wasting his time. There weren't any close to his fingers or his mouth, no matter how he stretched. He tried to force a hand free, using all his strength to pull against the ropes. He spent a few minutes doing that, probably thinking he would find slack somewhere or that he would stretch the rope eventually. But I used high quality hemp rope, it had basically no elasticity and did not yield.

Aaron was heating up from his efforts, his face turning red as he tugged on the rope with all his might. I think he was beginning to realize he might be fucked, and started struggling a bit frantically. That didn't help his cause at all, and he stopped quickly when it tightened the ropes around his wrists.

"Okay, you really don't fuck around," Aaron said breathlessly.

"I couldn't with these on the line," I nodded at my shoes. "You still have hours before the show ends, though. Keep trying, maybe you'll get lucky."

Aaron gave my Jordans a greedy look, then resumed his struggles. I was still confident that I would be winning, and watched happily as Aaron tried to get at a knot again. He knew he wouldn't be untying the knot for his wrists unless he got it untied from his elbows first. He looked hilarious as he tried to reach his elbow with his teeth. When he lunged, he was still inches away from reaching the knot, but he didn't quit.

Aaron took breaks to catch his breath and watch the concert, but for the most part he kept trying to escape the entire time. I threw out taunts here and there, talking about how he would never get a shot at my Jordans again, or how I was excited to get my first pair of Yeezys. He would reply in kind, telling me not to get attached to them yet and that he was starting to get somewhere.

But the concert was more than halfway over now, and he hadn't touched a knot. His ropework looked pretty much the same as when he started. I finished another beer, and it topped off my bladder.

"I have to go piss." I told Aaron. "Do you want me to untie you before I do?"

"Well, who would win?" He asked.

"If you need me to untie you, then I win obviously," I stated.

"Fuck that," Aaron said. "I still have almost half an hour left. Those Jordans are fucking mine."

I told him I would make it quick and threw the blanket over his legs. Aaron was working on the ropes again as I walked away.

There was a line for the bathroom somehow, but it was moving quickly and I didn't have to hold it for long. I was rock hard when I got to the urinal, but softened up as I started pissing. I let out a sigh of relief as my bladder drained. As I was washing my hands, my dick started growing again, thinking about Aaron being stuck in my ropes.

I was trying to think of a way to get him to suggest a rematch on my way back from the bathroom. A few well timed jokes at his expense, and making more fun of his escapology skills that he was proud of. If I taunted him enough with my Jordans that he wanted so bad, I was pretty sure he would want to try again. That train of thought was interrupted when I came around a bush and saw that Aaron had company.

Aaron didn't see me, so I crouched down to watch for a minute. Two guys were kneeling on either side of him. I couldn't see them very well in the dark, but they had gagged Aaron with the duct tape. They were tickling the crap out of him, and I could hear his gagged laughter.

"Holy shit dude," I heard one of the guys say. "Look, he's totally hard right now!"

"Don't start playing with his willy now," the other one laughed. "We should leave before his buddy comes back." He pulled the duct tape off Aaron's face.

Aaron spat a large ball out of his mouth and instantly started begging. "Please guys, untie at least my wrists so I can win my bet. I'll get a pair of Jordans if I escape before the concert's over, please help me out."

"Ain't that some shit," one of the guys said. "Trying to cheat your friend. Some people."

"Yeah," the other one chimed in. "We're not gonna help you cheat, dude. Good luck."

I walked up when they left. I plopped back down next to Aaron and asked, "You get anywhere with those ropes?"

"No, everything just gets tighter when I pull," he replied without mentioning the two guys that had just tickled the shit out of him while I was gone.

I really did know what I was doing when I bound him up. "Almost sounds like you're ready to give up, but I'm sure you want these kicks worse than that." I smirked at him and added, "I wouldn't have counted it as cheating if they helped you, by the way. We never said how you could escape."

Aaron rolled his eyes. "Were you watching the whole time, then?" He asked.

"Just the last few minutes," I said. "I would have stopped them if they weren't just tickling you, but it gave you your best shot at winning anyway. Without someone's help, you're boned. This is probably the last song, now."

The show ended minutes later and people started leaving. I quickly covered Aaron up with the blanket; people were filing past us now.

"Alright, it's official then. You lost," I told Aaron. "I'll untie you when there's not so many people around."

"Fuck," Aaron said. "I want those Jordans so bad, man. I can't believe I blew it."

"If your escaping game was as good as you thought, they'd be your's right now," I goaded him. "But you didn't even get close."

I drank another beer as we waited for the crowd to thin, Aaron still sitting next to me, bundled up tightly. Once most of the people were gone, I took the blanket off to start untying him. Before I started on the first knot, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Holy shit!" Aaron gasped, looking over my shoulder.

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I turned around and my mouth dropped. Eminem stood there, looking down at Aaron. "What the Hell is going on here?" Em asked.

I stammered out something about Aaron losing a bet, but Eminem interrupted, "No, I'm not buying it. It looks to me like you guys were having a little fun over here." I was speechless, and Eminem took that as confirmation. He tackled me to the ground out of nowhere. I was scared shitless. Given Eminem's reputation, I thought he was about to beat the shit out of me and Aaron.

Eminem forced my hands behind me and the next thing I knew, I felt the cold steel of my own handcuffs and heard them clicking shut. I was hard as a rock despite the fear.

"Keep fucking quiet." Eminem said in my ear.

I nodded and Eminem helped me up to my feet. He clipped the chain of the cuffs to something on his belt so he could tow me along, then bent down and picked Aaron up, making it look effortless. He started walking toward the stage with me trailing along behind him. This gave me the chance to check him out from closer than I thought I would ever be. He was just as hot in real life, with a sheen of sweat after his performance and his muscles bulging as he carried Aaron.

Em took us backstage to his dressing room. He used his key to get in, then looked back at me and patted my pockets, finding my keys. He smirked when he found both my handcuff keys on the keyring, and slid them off.

Eminem opened the door to his dressing room and carried Aaron in, with me forced to follow. He went to a door in the back of the room and opened it to reveal his closet. It had some clothes in it, but it was mostly full of shoes. From air max to Jordans to air force ones, there must have been every shoe Nike made in that closet. I could feel myself turn green with envy and get hard as Hell at the same time.

Em set Aaron on the floor in the closet and said it didn't look like he had to worry about him getting away. He unclipped my cuffs from his belt and pulled them up to an eye hook on the ceiling. After he secured me to it, he said he was going to get our stuff from the lawn before someone noticed it and shut the door. I spent the next couple minutes ogling Eminem's shoes and almost cumming in my pants. I heard Em get back to his room and open the closet door.

"So, are you two fucking ready, or what?" Em said with a smile. He detached my handcuffs from the ceiling and pushed me towards the back wall of the closet. There was a section of the wall on hinges and he slid it open to reveal a secret room. Em pushed me into the room and my eyes began to adjust to the dark.

The hidden room did not look like a dungeon, but it had most of the equipment of one. It looked like a living room or master bedroom with the fireplace and a four post bed, but there was a rack on the wall holding a bunch of gags and handcuffs. There was a pretty large oak chest, a large Jacuzzi tub, and a couple stools sitting at a bar. I wondered what was in the chest.

"So which one?" Eminem asked me. I must have been completely lost in my thoughts.

"Huh?" Such an intelligent response.

Em looked at me with a smirk and repeated himself. "Tied to the bed, to a stool, or a hogtie. I'm leaving it up to you, but just this once."

I thought about it for a second, but it was easy to choose my all time favorite. "Hogtie. Definitely hogtie." Em went over to the rack of gags. He picked out a rather large bright green ball gag and walked back to me and strapped it into my waiting mouth. He tightened and secured it and I tested it out. It worked.

Eminem chuckled at my moans and went to the chest in the corner and took some rope out. When he came back, I noticed the rope was green and wondered if he matched my gag on purpose.

Em pushed me on the ground and began with my feet. I couldn't see him, but I could feel that he was crossing the rope and doing a very good job. When he cinched the knot, I felt the rope tighten considerably, and my pants along with it. Then he uncuffed my hands, and wrapped my wrists in the green rope, using a combination of criss-crosses and going in between like a pair of handcuffs. I felt him cinch that knot, too.

I expected him to connect my hands to my feet next, but he went up to my elbows. He wrapped them together so they were stuck pretty close to each other and also wrapped the rope over my shoulder and through my pits, so it couldn't slip down. Then he connected my hands and feet. I started to feel for knots out of instinct and couldn't find any. Em put me on the bed and took out four more pieces of rope. He tied one to each corner of the bed and then to my knees and shoulders so I couldn't roll around.

Eminem turned to Aaron and said, "Now for your turn. But I'm picking your position." On his way past me, he smacked my ass.

Eminem approached Aaron and before Aaron could react, Em stuffed a blue ball gag in his mouth. Then Eminem brought one of the stools over and put it next to Aaron. He untied some of Aaron's ropes until he only had his hands and ankles tied and went over to the chest. He came back with some blue rope. He tied one of Aaron's ankles to a stool leg then untied his ankles from each other and tied his other ankle to the other stool leg. He forced Aaron to bend over and attached his wrists to the remaining stool legs.

"Okay that should be enough to hold you." Eminem said on his way back to the chest. He walked back with something in his hands and pulled Aaron's pants down to his Yeezy's. Aaron's face was priceless, shocked and excited. When Eminem lubed up the dildo and started slowly working it in his ass, Aaron started moaning into his gag.

Lucky bastard, I thought to myself. When the dildo was practically all the way in, Eminem flicked a switch and it started vibrating. After a couple minutes of moving it around, Eminem took the vibrator out. He whipped out his dick and started to fuck Aaron while I lay there watching in complete jealousy. I caught Eminem's eye and he gave me a smirk.

"Don't worry fucker, you'll get your turn," he said. A few minutes later, Eminem started thrusting harder then pulled out when he was done cumming. He pulled his pants up, then Aaron's. Aaron looked disappointed; I think he was expecting Em to let him cum. But Eminem just walked out of the room without saying a word. I couldn't help thinking, I didn't get my turn.

About a half hour later, Eminem still hadn't returned. I had been working on my ropes, but getting nowhere. And it looked like Aaron gave up on trying to get out. I couldn't blame him, he had been trying to escape ropes all night.

When Eminem came back, he wasn't alone. Those two guys that were tickling Aaron earlier were with him. Em went over to Aaron and unbuckled his ball gag. He held up a paper cup with a straw so Aaron could drink some water. Eminem asked him his name and Aaron told him.

Eminem nodded towards me and said, "What's his name? I'm not taking his gag out." Aaron smiled and told him it was Joey.

"This is Brandon and Mark." Eminem said "They were watching you guys, and wanted to join in."



Em walked over to Mark and Brandon and gave Brandon the ball-gag and told them something. They smiled and started towards Aaron while Eminem turned around and walked over to me. My dick hurt, it was pushing into the bed so hard. Em smiled and told me my position wasn't going to work anymore. He untied me from the bed and left me in a hogtie as he went to get something from his rack. I was distracted by watching Mark and Brandon tying Aaron to the large chest, face up, by using sturdy rings they noticed going around the edge. Aaron's bulge was incredibly noticeable and vulnerable looking. Then I felt metal on my wrists and heard the click of handcuffs.

Eminem replaced all my rope with handcuffs and anklecuffs that put me spread-eagle on the bed, face down. He had taken off my pants in the process and my shoes had come off leaving me in my boxers and low-cut black socks. Em jumped on the bed and teased my ass through my boxers. In my position, all I could see was Aaron getting his dick worked over by Brandon while Mark tickled his feet. As Aaron erupted in Brandon's hand, Eminem told me he didn't think he was going to let me cum like that for a while. He took my gag out just long enough to stick a large ring gag in. Then he walked in front of me and whipped his dick out. I didn't have much choice (like it would have mattered) when he shoved it in my mouth. Em came faster than I expected him to, and forced me to swallow.

Eminem told Brandon and Mark to keep me and Aaron busy and walked out of the room. Brandon and Mark smirked at each other and Brandon started untying Aaron, while Mark came over to me with a handcuff key.

"We can't pass this up," Brandon explained. "The four of us can get that mother fucker, easy."

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Post by Sockbound1234 »

Nice Interesting story To read
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Post by Socksbound »

Sweet story dude.... interesting. Can’t wait to see where you take it. The kicks are hot
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Thanks guys :)
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By the time we heard Eminem returning, we were ready. Em walked in carrying a straight-jacket, and me and Brandon tackled him to the ground. Aaron and Mark dropped the cuffs they were going to use, to force Eminem into the straight-jacket. After a lot of struggling and muffled curses, Em's arms were in the sleeves and the jacket started getting strapped up. Brandon and I kept Eminem pinned to the ground as Mark and Aaron ran straps through Eminem's crotch and behind his back and pulled them tight.

I picked up some of the green rope and started tying Em's feet together. He was struggling and kicking too much, so Brandon pinned his Jordans to the floor and I finished securing his feet.

I went back to the dressing room and looked around. I saw a few duffle bags, and took one to the rack of handcuffs and grabbed a bunch of rope, the rigid cuffs, the regular cuffs, the ankle cuffs, and every gag that was there. Multiple colors and sizes of ball gags, the ring gags, a bit gag, and a head harness. There was a leather whip, and I took that, too.

Then I took the other bags to the closet and started filling one with shoes. Jordans, other Nikes, more Jordans, and even a couple pairs of Adidas. I threw some of Em's clothes in another bag, and returned to the hidden room.

I handed Brandon a ball gag and he stuffed it in Eminem's mouth, cutting off the string of swears and threats. Em was yelling behind the gag and struggling with all his might. He had a lot more rope on him, including a very intricate looking crotch tie. It was attached to the rope wrapped around his shoes, so he couldn't stretch his legs without tightening the rope on his package painfully.

Aaron and Mark went to get their cars while me and Brandon watched Em. I found a black undershirt and made my way to Eminem. I got behind him and tied the undershirt around his eyes. I found some black duct tape and wrapped it around the undershirt, being careful of hairs but getting the tape on his forehead and cheeks to make the blindfold effective. I put a few strips of tape over the big black ball gag to try to muffle any noise, but Eminem was already drooling so much it didn't stick on the bottom very well. Brandon was stroking his dick through his shorts, watching me secure Em's knots with the duct tape.

Aaron and Mark walked back in to see Brandon groping Eminem and me playing with his Jordans.

"Alright, Joey." Aaron told me. "Let's get him loaded up and you can fuck with his shoes all you want."

It wasn't a far walk from the dressing room to the car, and Mark stood lookout while Aaron, Brandon and I carried a struggling Eminem into Aaron's car. It was an SUV and had more room than Mark's. We got Em into the back and Aaron and Brandon stayed with him while I loaded the shoes, clothes and other gear into Mark's car. I went back and wiped everything down that might have our fingerprints and grabbed my blanket and cooler, and a couple ropes that were laying around.

I got back to the car and used the ropes to tie Eminem's crotch ropes to the metal rods under the back seat. He was on the floor and if he tried to move around, it would pull on his crotch. It was decided we would take Em to my house, since Brandon and Mark both lived with their parents. We all jumped in a car and drove off.

I reached back and tickled Em's sides while Aaron was driving. Eminem yelled into his gag; the tickling kept making him pull against the ropes, and tightening the crotch tie. We pulled up to my house and Aaron backed into the garage. Brandon and Mark pulled into the driveway and when they got in the garage, I closed the door and we started getting Em out of the car. I untied Em from the seats and everyone helped carry him into the living room.

"So what are we gonna do with him?" Brandon asked. I told him I didn't exactly have a dungeon, but the attic would work. We made our way up there, and I went and grabbed my inflatable bed. We put Em on the bed, and I said I was starving and had to eat before bed. We decided to order a pizza. While we waited for the pizza, we entertained ourselves by tickling the hell out of Eminem. I took off his blindfold so he could take in his predicament. Brandon was teasing Em's raging hard on when we heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it." I said. "Keep him quiet, and don't let him cum."

I went down and opened the door to an incredibly cute guy in a domino's uniform holding my pizza. I smiled at him and he gave me my total. As I was handing him the money, with a very gracious tip included, I heard a muffled, but audible shriek from upstairs. I looked at the delivery boy and he raised his eyebrow. "Got someone tied up and gagged in there?" he asked.

"Maybe" I stammered, caught completely off guard. He laughed and started digging around for change. I told him to keep it and he thanked me and told me to have a great night.

I took the pizza upstairs and we all started eating. After I had a couple pieces, I asked Eminem if I could take his gag off to feed him without him making a ruckus. He nodded his head, and I unbuckled the gag. The duct tape fell off long ago. He worked his jaw and said, "That feels a lot better." Then after a pause, "You guys sure have some fucking balls. Shit, everyone's too scared to do this shit to me. Pretty fucking hot."

We finished eating and cleaned up. I untied all the ropes on Em so we could help him to the bathroom, then we got ready to go to sleep. I set up the air mattress, and put Em in the middle of it, still in his straight-jacket. Mark and Brandon wanted to sleep with Em, and Aaron and I would sleep in my bed.

"I'll get him ready for the night." I said as I picked up a piece of rope. When I was done, Em started bitching about not wanting to sleep in such an uncomfortable position. His ankles were roped to his thighs.

"You're pretty used to being in charge, aren't you?" Aaron said as he picked up the big black ball gag. "But if you don't want to sleep sucking on your gag here, you'll shut the fuck up."

Em kept quiet, but he looked pissed. He seethed for a minute, until he felt me slipping one of his Jordans off. He looked back at me and tried to pull his foot away, but he couldn't stop me from getting that shoe. I was lost in a trance as I put my nose in the warm shoe and sniffed. I rubbed my dick as I pulled off Em's other shoe and stood in front of him.

"Mother fucker." Eminem muttered as he watched me put his shoes on. They were warm and a little bit damp with his sweat. I almost came right then, having dreamed of Eminem and his shoes since I was young. Before I knew it, I was rolling Em onto his back and helping him onto his knees. We made eye contact as I unbuttoned my pants and pulled out my hard cock. With Aaron, Brandon, and Mark watching, I forced my dick into Em's mouth. He gagged a lot, it seemed like this was something he didn't do all the time. While he didn't look very happy, he didn't resist, and it wasn't long at all before I came. He didn't swallow, and my cum dribbled down his chin onto the straight jacket. I wiped it off with the undershirt that had blindfolded him, pushed him onto the air mattress on his back, and walked out the door.

Aaron followed me and we heard Eminem laughing as we got to my room. Aaron was still horny, but I was exhausted and said he should save it for Em in the morning. He grunted and smiled at that, and I fell asleep instantly.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Man, the kidnapping of Eminem was so hot. Straitjacket, ballgag, brutal ropework... all the better because it turns out he's into this! Great stuff.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Thanks Deeper. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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My phone woke me up in the morning. I was too excited about Eminem to consider going back to sleep, and I shook Aaron awake. His eyes popped open, and he smiled and sat up. We had been so tired, neither of us changed for bed. Aaron didn't have any clothes here, and I was in a rush to get back to the attic.

We went up the stairs quietly. It was still early, and we figured the guys in the attic might be sleeping. Eminem and Mark were asleep; Brandon looked over and smiled when he heard the door creak. The three of them were laying on their right sides, Em in the middle. I pulled out my phone and took some pictures.

Em started groaning, and I mimed to Aaron that he should start recording a video with his phone. He found a good angle from the door, where Em probably wouldn't see him.

Eminem tugged on the ropes binding his ankles to his thighs. His eyes popped open and he craned his neck to look up at me. He lowered his eyes and stared at his Jordans on my feet as he talked.

"Alright did you get your fill?" Em started. "I won't hold last night against you guys, I was basically asking for it, but you have to let me go. My people are going to be looking for me already."

Mark woke up when Eminem was talking and turned over to look at him. "What are you gonna tell everyone?" He asked Em.

"I'll tell them the truth. That some kinky shit happened. Couldn't reach my phone. It won't be the first time." Em smirked. "I'll leave out that it was four dudes that tied me up, and they'll just assume I was with a chick."

I smiled at Aaron, glad that he was recording everything. "We'll figure something out, but you're high if you think I'm letting your ass go already." Eminem tilted his head to look at me as I talked. "You might have some fun too, though. We won't go too hard on you, and I might even let you cum at some point. But you better stop giving me that look, before you change my mind."

Em lowered his eyes and stared at his shoes again. He was breathing hard, pissed off. But he didn't say anything. I motioned to Brandon and Mark and they got off the mattress. I got Em onto his back, pushing him over with my foot. I gently ground the toe of his Jordan into his crotch. He groaned and spread his knees as much as he could.

Em looked at his dick, hard and tenting his loose white pants, and huffed. "Could you at least untie my feet? I need to stretch my fuckin legs."

"Me too." Aaron walked in the room, still recording with his phone. "We should go for a walk."

Em's eyes went wide when he saw he was being filmed, but he didn't have the strong reaction I was hoping for. He still looked mad, but he didn't start yelling and struggling like I expected.

"Can we trust you if we free your legs for a walk?" Aaron asked Eminem. "Or do we have to leave you here?"

"Get my fuckin feet free." Em growled without a pause. "I'll cooperate."

I bent down and started untying one of the ropes around his ankle. Brandon excused himself to use the bathroom, and asked if I had any mouthwash he could use.

"I have some new toothbrushes for guests." I told Brandon and Mark. "They're in the top drawer in the bathroom, help yourselves."

I finished untying Em's left leg, and he stretched it out with a big sigh. "God damn." He said, satisfied. He looked at his foot. "I'm gonna need my kicks back for the walk."

"Mm." I smirked. "Maybe."

I left Eminem's right leg tied up, waiting for Brandon and Mark. Aaron was still busy filming, and I didn't want to take any chances. I put my hand on Em's knee and started moving it up his thigh. He tried to jerk away, shooting a nervous glance at the camera in Aaron's hand. When I got to his crotch and started massaging, he bucked my hand off and tried to kick me with his free foot.

I moved over and sat on Em's free leg, pinning it down. I went back to rubbing his dick through his pants. He was already hard again. After a couple minutes, Em closed his eyes and his struggling started to match the rhythm of my hand. He started breathing hard, and when I got off his leg, he didn't try to kick or struggle anymore.

I heard Brandon and Mark walk back in, and let go of Em's dick. His eyes shot open when I gave it a couple hard slaps.

"Fuck." Em said as he rolled over. When he got on his stomach and started grinding his crotch into the air matress, I intervened and pushed him onto his side.

"We don't have time for that now, we have to get ready for the walk," I said.

I freed Em's other leg and helped him stand up. "Cooperate like you said you would, or I'll tie you into a ball, painfully cramped, and we'll leave you like that while we go on the walk. Put these on," I held up a pair of handcuffs, "and you'll get to come with us."

Em nodded, and we started letting him out of the straight jacket. He snatched the cuffs out of my hand angrily when he was free, but didn't hesitate before putting them on. I stopped him before he cuffed his second wrist and told him to do it behind his back. He glared at me, but put his hands behind him. His dick was tenting his pants obscenely as he ratcheted the cuff around his other wrist.

"We wouldn't want you to get caught masterbating in public." I told Em. "I know you wouldn't be able to resist if your hands were in front."

Brandon clapped his hands together. "Alright, are we ready?" He asked.

We all started walking out of the room, except for Em. "Wait," he stopped us. "I need my fucking shoes back, Joey. I can't go in just socks."

"I hate to break it to you, man. But these aren't your shoes anymore." I said. "I'll let you wear them for the walk, but they're mine now."

Em scowled, but didn't say anything and I took the Jordans off and put mine back on. He stepped into them, then followed us downstairs, bitching the whole way down. He complained about being cuffed behind his back, the position he had to sleep in, and not being able to do anything about his hard dick.

I locked the door when we got outside, and we started down the long driveway. I was confident no one would pay us much attention, I live on a street with very little traffic, but we had Em walk in the middle. Mark draped his arm over Em's shoulder and started tweaking his nipple.

Aaron started talking to the camera. "I'll start recording again if anything interesting happens, but I'm gonna save my battery for now." He stopped the video and put the phone back in his pocket.

"What are you gonna do with that video?" Em asked.

"We won't show anyone if you keep obeying orders." Aaron answered. "Well, I'm totally gonna show some people, but we won't let it end up on the internet."

We didn't go far. The end of my street is a little under a mile from my house, and we stopped when we got there. I turned to Em, and fished his phone out of his pocket. Pointing it at his face unlocked it for me and I opened his contacts.

"Alright, have your story ready?" I asked him. "Who should I dial?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Dial Paul." Em told me. I did, and put the phone on speaker. Eminem told Paul that he wasn't gonna be at the meeting today. Paul didn't ask any questions, he just said he would let everyone know.

"I'll see you at the airport tomorrow, then." Paul said at the end of the call.

"Yeah, see you then." Eminem said, and I hung up. I smiled and put the phone back in Em's pocket.

"So you won't be missed til tomorrow." I rubbed his dick as I talked. "We can make that work. When does your plane board?"

"Eight in the morning." Em answered.

"Damn that's early." Brandon said.

"It's okay, we'll get him there on time," I said. I pulled my hand away from his crotch. "Let's get back to my house. I'm horny, and Em has a long day ahead of him."

Aaron started recording again when we got back to my house. As I unlocked the door, Em asked when we were eating. I told him I would get breakfast started once I was done roping him back up. He argued that he needed a break and told me to uncuff him.

"Tie your buddy there up again," Em said. "You can watch me fuck the shit out of him."

I looked at Aaron and smirked. "Maybe next time," I said. "But as far as I'm concerned, the walk we just took was your break. You're gonna be stuck in some kind of bondage until you're at the airport."

"Next time?" Em arched an eyebrow. "What makes you think there'll be a next time?"

I laughed as I led Em to a chair in my kitchen and had him sit down. "Oh we're gonna end up being good friends, the five of us. I'll be right back."

I went and grabbed the bag with Em's bondage equipment. I pulled out a ball gag when I got back to the kitchen, and shoved it into Eminem's mouth. He groaned as I strapped it in nice and tight. The bright red ball looked huge in his mouth, and it didn't budge when he tried to push it out. Using some rope from the backpack, I tied Eminem's feet to the legs of the chair.

I told Brandon, Aaron, and Mark they could have a seat. Aaron took the seat across from Em, still recording him as he struggled with the ballgag.

"Everyone like omelettes?" I asked. When no one objected, I pulled out a pan and kept talking. "So Em, here's the deal. Don't be pissed, but we're gonna make you come back here if you want to keep the videos off the internet. I know, it's not fair. But that's how it is."

Em started yelling into the ballgag; I could make out a lot of swear words. I let him blow off steam for a while as I cooked. He calmed down after a minute.

"When you come back in a month," I continued, "you'll be in charge." Em's eyebrows rose at that. "Whatever you say will go, except you can't try to make us delete the videos, of course."

Eminem was nodding now, but when I told him we would take turns being in control each time he came over, his eyes went wide. The last omelette was cooking, and I went over to Em and took his phone from his pocket. When I pointed the camera at his face, it wouldn't unlock.

"Probably have to take the gag out." Mark said helpfully. I unstrapped the ballgag. The phone opened for me, and I looked through it as I returned to the omelette. I found Em's number and put it in my phone, then put mine in his under Joey.

"This is fucking bullshit," Em said.

"Oh please," I laughed. "You're harder than ever right now. You'll learn to love it." I gave everyone their omelettes, and sat down with my own.

"Thanks man," Brandon said. I nodded with my mouth already full. Aaron and Mark thanked me, too. For a second all you could hear was the clinking of our forks.

"Hello?" Eminem blurted out sarcastically. He caught my eye and nodded toward his plate.

I shrugged. "Figure it out." I kept eating and smirked at Em. It took him a minute of staring at his plate, but his hunger won out and he bent over and started eating. Aaron was still recording and looked like a kid in a candy store. He didn't eat much before he stood up and got different angles of Em digging in. When Brandon and Mark finished, I got their phone numbers and gave them mine.

"Those are awesome Yeezys, man," Mark told Aaron as we waited on Em. "I've always wanted a pair, but could never get my hands on them."

"They're not his anymore," I said before Aaron could respond. "He lost them to me last night, I'm just nice enough to let him wear them for now."

Mark sniggered and said, "Well Joey, maybe I can win them off you?"

"Nope," Aaron warned. "You'll just end up losing your Air Forces. Trust me."

Mark looked down at his kicks, and shrugged. "I'd take the chance," he said.

When Em was done eating, I walked over and picked up the ballgag. "Wait, wait, wait," Em said as the gag got near his lips. I paused for a second to let him talk. "You've gotta fuckin let me cum." I rolled my eyes and put the gag down. I pulled his dick out of his shorts and started stroking it. He smiled and started fucking my hand, leaking precum already. "Hell yeah," he groaned. "Almost there, keep going."

A few strokes later, I could tell Em was ready. He lost his mind when I let go of his dick. He kept humping the air, desperate to get off. I cut his roar off with the ballgag, strapping it in tight. He was still yelling, but it was muffled and the curses lost their impact with his mouth full.

"Let's go to the pole barn," I suggested as I started untying Em's ankle. Aaron lit up, nodded and helped untie Em's other ankle. Brandon grabbed the backpack. Em was still making as much noise as he could behind the gag as we led him out the back door.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's an interesting touch that the four accomplices have limited time to spend with their captive, which is still defiant even after the edging and blackmail.

I loved the multiple re-ties and gags. Looking forward to the next chapter.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Addictedtoropes »

Amazing story. Hope there are more chapters 😍
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

The pole barn is old, but it's what sold me on this house. It's massive enough to serve all my needs, and came equipped with two hydraulic lifts that make working on cars a breeze. Fortunately, one of the lifts was empty. I finished up the ropework securing Eminem to the empty lift, and stood back to judge the quality. It looked good, the black ropes standing out against Em's bare skin. And more importantly, it looked effective. I started with a hogtie that would have been enough to fuck him over. His ankles were tied to his wrists and then his elbows, and his wrists were knotted off at his elbows, too. There were no knots he could untie, and not enough slack to slip out of anything.

Em's hogtied body was put on the hydraulic lift, after I ungagged him. His shoulders were tied to the swing arms on one side, and his knees to the other side. When I hit the button to engage the hydraulics, Eminem was lifted in the air, his hard dick exposed and pointing at the floor. When he struggled, all he could manage was a slight up and down of his pelvis. I took the lift up until I could walk under Em.

"I told you I can't, even if it was double time." Mark said into his phone. He paused, then yelled, "You can't do that!" The call ended abruptly after that, and Mark looked pissed. He was swearing at his boss and I asked him what was wrong. His boss had told him that he had to come in or he would be fired. Mark looked at Eminem as he grumbled to himself.

"Are you gonna call an Uber, then?" Brandon asked.

"You're not gonna give me a ride?" Mark sounded even more pissed now.

Brandon gestured at Em. "You can't expect me to want to miss out on this, too." He started saying.

Aaron jumped in before it got too heated. He offered to give Mark a ride to and from work. "There's only one condition," Aaron smirked at Mark. "You have to wear what I say in the car."

Mark barely paused before he agreed. They had to leave right way; my house was nowhere near Mark's work. Aaron grabbed a pair of handcuffs and a ball gag out of the backpack, smiled at Mark, and tossed him both. He told Mark to make sure he locked the ballgag before he cuffed himself.

Brandon and I smiled at each other as Aaron and Mark left. I looked over at Em, who was being very quiet. He was trying to reach one of the knots securing his shoulders with his teeth, but wasn't getting close. I walked over and stood under Em, his dick at the perfect level. It was starting to get soft until I softly scratched some circles right on the tip.

"Come 'ere," I called to Brandon. He approached and I motioned to Em's dick. I backed off and watched as Brandon grabbed it then pulled out my phone and propped it on a table to record. "Slow down a little, he's already close." I told Brandon.

"Ahh it's just so hot." Brandon said, but he slowed down. He started rubbing himself with his free hand. After a minute he closed his eyes and sighed. "Man, I'm practically ready to cum, too."

Em was looking close to cumming now. I swooped up a pair of handcuffs from the backpack, and intervened quickly. Brandon was easy to get cuffed before he snapped out of his haze. He started protesting, but I cut him off.

"You were about to let him cum, dude! I can't just let you do that!" I scolded Brandon. "Now shut up and cooperate, or I'll give you the same treatment Em gets."

I used some bright white rope that looked really good on Brandon's black skin. I left his hands cuffed behind him and tied his elbows together, then made him sit down and tied his elbows to the column on the lift. I double locked the cuffs on his wrists so they wouldn't tighten, then pulled his pants and underwear down. His hard cock sprang up, and I didn't waste any time before I started sucking it. He was looking up, with his eyes travelling across Eminem's body above him.

I worked Brandon's cock slowly, never moving fast enough to get him to the edge. Before long, his feet were planted firmly on the ground and he started really fucking my mouth. I let him for a minute, until he got close to cumming. When I backed off, Brandon thought I wasn't going to let him finish and started freaking.

"Not so fun when it's happening to you, huh?" Eminem taunted Brandon. He was watching from up on the lift, still hard as Hell.

"He'll get to cum in a few minutes, though." I told Em as I reached up and stroked his cock a few times. "You're gonna wish you had it as easy as him."

Brandon grinned when I kneeled back down infront of him. I teased his dick for a minute before I started sucking it again. This time, I didn't hold anything back and Brandon was ready to cum soon. I looked up at him and smiled as I took over with my hand. He was watching me nervously, hoping I wouldn't stop at the last second again. But my hand kept moving, his head rolled back and he made eye contact with Em.

"You're gonna be my fucking bitch, Eminem." Brandon said at almost a whisper, then his dick started shooting. I kept stroking as ropes of cum went everywhere. When he was finally done, it took Brandon a second to realize my hand was still going. At first, he tried to get away from my hand and told me to stop. I didn't listen, and eventually his yelling turned back into moaning. Within a few minutes, he was cumming again.

I grabbed a nearby rag to clean Brandon up a bit. He lifted his ass off the ground so I could pull his pants back up. I walked away and chuckled when Brandon called after me.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "Untie me already."

I came back with a couple coils of white rope. "I'm not gonna just untie you." I said calmly. "Why would I, right? But I'll give you some time with Em when I'm done. He'll still be fresh, I'm not gonna let him cum."

"I'll get to tie you up, too?" Brandon asked, eyes bright.

I laughed. "No, definitely not." I told Brandon as I tied his ankles and knees together. "I barely know you, and I have trust issues."

"Come on man," Brandon started. "What do you think I'd do? Your buddy will be back soon, anyway."

"Keep begging and I'll just keep you tied up." I told Brandon as I grabbed Em's dick.

Brandon shut up and watched me work on Em. I alternated between stroking his cock and tickling his sides, thighs, and armpits. He went wild when I attacked his pits and begged me to stop, which just made me focus there more. I lost track of time for a minute, completely focused on Em's struggling body. His yelling and laughter turned into coughing, and I backed off to let him catch his breath.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Em gasped after a bit. "Enough with the tickling! And let me cum. Get me the fuck down - AAHHH! OWW! What the fuck! Fucking stop!"

I had started using the whip from the backpack, hitting his stomach and sides with sharp reports. It didn't take many strikes before Em's abs were bright red, and the whip kept going. Em was yelling loudly and angrily, but his dick was leaking precum. I kept going with the whip in one hand, as the other hand grabbed his cock. I had to quickly let go, he was almost cumming already.

"Mother fucker!" Em was pissed now. I gave him one last lash with the whip, as hard as I could. He roared, mouth wide, and I jammed in a ball gag. He struggled hard and tried to push it out, but I got it buckled in and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Brandon called out as I reached the door. I ignored him and left the pole-barn, barely able to keep my hands out of my pants.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The way Eminem was Suspended was great. I really enjoyed how Joey took advantage of Brandon's daze and trussed him up too.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

I was feeling much better after I ate something and took a shower. My dick was hard the whole time, but I planned on letting Em handle that for me. I heard Aaron's car pull into the driveway as I was getting dressed, and called him up to my room from the window.

"Where's Brandon?" Aaron asked when he got upstairs.

"He's keeping an eye on Eminem for me," I told him. "He's not happy, though."

"Why not?" Aaron scoffed. "I can't wait to get my hands on Em."

"Well, he almost let Em cum," I said. "The idiot. I didn't think I could trust him after that, so he's tied up. It would really fuck with my plans if Em snuck an orgasm in."

Aaron laughed. "What are your plans, anyway? I know we kind of have Em over a barrel with all the videos we have, but how far do you think we can really push this?"

"However far we want. You think he would ever risk that shit going public?" I answered. "God, can you even imagine? Besides, he may be pissed, but his dick is loving every second of what we've put him through. Other than what we're doing already, there is one thing I have planned before Em leaves. Lemme show you."

Aaron followed me to my closet and peeked over my shoulder when I opened the door. "You don't have any dogs," he chuckled. "So I can guess what you use those for. Is that the big plan?"

"The cages?" I asked. "No, I mean, we can use them, but this is what I was talking about."

Aaron gasped. "A chastity cage? Holy shit!" He grinned.

"Yup." I was grinning, too. "He's gonna be locked up til we decide otherwise." I put the cage back and we went downstairs. Aaron had doubts that we could lock up Em's dick and expect him to roll with it. I told him it wouldn't matter if he rolls with it or not, and not to worry.

"This is our chance with Eminem, dude." I explained to Aaron as I put my shoes back on. "Think about it. Eminem. If we play our cards right, we can keep this going for a long time. The chastity cage is a big part of the plan, as is giving him control every other visit. The carrot and the stick, I guess."

Aaron was quiet as we made our way to the pole-barn. My imagination was running as I let him think, and I was hard again when we got there. Aaron reached out and stopped me before I opened the door.

"I'm gonna follow your lead on this, Joey. I can't resist." He said. "But as much as you may think you have everything under control, just don't fuck up and land us in jail."

I laughed and pushed the door open. "Don't worry, jail isn't on the table. You have my word. Besides, that ship sailed when we first jumped Em."

Eminem and Brandon both looked over when they heard the door open, Brandon mumbled impatiently about how long I was gone and Em growled behind his gag. Aaron gave me a hand untying the ropes holding Brandon and held him in a headlock while I lowered the lift, entertaining himself by pinching Brandon's nipples and tickling him. The lift brought Eminem down far enough for me to start untying him.

"Where are we taking them?" Aaron asked me. "The guest room?"

"We've already gotta go get Mark from work soon, I figure we can take them with us." I answered. "Give us a chance to use the cages."

Aaron lit up at the idea, but Brandon started kicking and yelling about how I said I would untie him. I grabbed a pair of leg cuffs out of the backpack and knelt down to look Brandon in the eyes. "I said I would give you time with Em, not that I would untie you for it," I told him. I grabbed his ankle and locked the cuff on, then grabbed his other ankle as he tried to kick me and locked that one, too. "Now, keep bitching and fighting, and I'll make you more uncomfortable for the ride."

"This isn't fucking-" Brandon was cut off. "AAAAHHHHH!!" He screamed, angry about the ball gag strapped in his mouth. Aaron tightened his grip on Brandon's neck enough to make a point, and Brandon stopped struggling as much.

As I went back to untying Em, Aaron pulled Brandon to the backpack and started rooting through it. He pulled out some more cuffs and used a pair to attach Brandon's ankle to the lift, then came over to give me a hand with Eminem.

Em put up a fight when the ropes came off his wrists, but Aaron had already put leg cuffs on him, and he was still tied to the lift at his shoulders. In no time, Em was cuffed behind his back and released from the lift. Aaron held him in a headlock and I pulled up his pants.

I unlocked the cuff that was chaining Brandon to the lift, leaving it locked around his ankle. He winced when I pulled on the cuff, and stopped fighting. I led him to Em and chained the two of them together.

"I'll grab all this stuff," I told Aaron, indicating the ropes. "Go ahead and bring them to the driveway. I'll be there with everything we need in a few minutes."

"Come on boys," Aaron said. "You heard him." He pulled Eminem by his neck out the pole barn, with Brandon forced to follow.

I wrapped up the ropes and put them in the backpack, closed up the polebarn on my way out, and headed for my house. I got a bunch of stuff ready; cages to transfer Em and Brandon, food for all of us, all my camping gear, and all of Em's stuff. When I opened the garage door, the guys were standing there in the driveway.

"Fuck yeah," Aaron said. "These cages are fucking awesome." They were heavy duty; thick metal bars welded together, not the cheap shit you can kick your way out of. I unlocked the legcuffs holding Em and Brandon together, and manhandled Brandon into one of the cages. He was pissed, and screaming into his gag and trying to resist, but with his hands cuffed behind him, he really couldn't avoid the inevitable. I locked the cage with a padlock once he was stuffed inside.

Aaron had put Em in his cage as I dealt with Brandon, so I locked that cage, too. Em was sitting on his ass with the soles of his Jordans pushing against the cage door, but Brandon was on his knees with his face on the ground. There wasn't enough room in the cage for him to reposition himself.

"Here, help me with him," I told Aaron and unlocked Brandon's cage. "He'll get hurt if we drive around with him like that." We pulled Brandon's legs out of the cage and flipped him over, then pushed him back inside and relocked it. "Cool, let's get them loaded up and get going."

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Post by blackbound »

Eminem I can take or leave, but Brandon is right in my wheelhouse. Hoping he's not going to get away that quickly!

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

We were on the road quickly, en route to pick Mark up from work. Em and Brandon were in the cages in the bed of the truck. The cages were strapped down with ratchet straps and covered with a tarp. Their occupants would be safe in them, and not visible to passing cars. Aaron rolled down his window.

"I know you're not about to light that shit in here," I scolded him.

Aaron flashed me a grin as he flicked his lighter. "You know you wanna hit it."

"Not while I'm driving down the road with Eminem in a cage in the bed of my truck," I said. "Wait til we get to the campsite, seriously."

Aaron frowned, but put the joint away. He rolled his window back up. "So we're actually going camping?"

"Yeah, I know a place. Good spot to get some more footage of Em, and now Brandon and Mark, too." I saw Aaron grin when I said that. "Why, don't you like camping?"

Aaron shrugged. "Well no one's told me it involves handcuffs and cages before."

We laughed and Aaron turned the radio on. I made sure I didn't exceed the speed limit and drove very safe, and before long we were close to Mark's work. Aaron showed me where to park, and pulled a pair of cuffs and a ball gag out of his pockets as we waited for Mark. It wasn't long before we saw him walking toward the truck.

There wasn't much room in the backseat, but Mark squeezed in and smiled. "Thanks for picking me up."

"Don't thank us yet." Aaron said, deadpan. He handed the cuffs and gag to Mark without another word. He turned the radio back on, and I hit the road. I saw Mark put the ball gag on in the rearview mirror and smiled at the sound of the handcuffs clicking shut. Mark still seemed happy enough, unperturbed by the cuffs or the gag he was wearing.

When I stopped for gas, Aaron offered to pump for me and hopped out. Mark started mumbling something, and I reached back and unstrapped the gag for him. "Where are Brandon and Em?" He asked. I chuckled mischievously and told him they're right behind him. Comprehension dawned on his face when he looked over his shoulder out the window and realized they were under the tarp. "Of course you nabbed Brandon, too." Mark said. "Keep Em all to yourselves."

"It wasn't my plan at first," I said. "Brandon just got carried away with Em and had to be held back." Aaron was done with the gas and checking on the cargo in the back. "But don't worry," I was saying as Aaron got back in the truck, "tonight won't be nearly as rough for you and Brandon as it will be for Em."

Eminem came on the radio and Aaron laughed and turned it up. I smiled and pulled back onto the road. With Em's lyrics in my ears, I thought about what had happened and what was coming. I had absolutely no reservations about blackmailing Eminem to keep this from ending in the morning. I couldn't even fathom letting an opportunity like this go. I imagined Em trying to get comfortable in the cage feet away, and shuddered. I had to stop myself from speeding, and tried to keep a clear head for the rest of the drive.

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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Getting to the campsite seemed to take no time at all, but it was dark when we pulled in. I looked at Mark in the rearview mirror. "We're gonna take your cuffs off so you can help pitch the tents and get everyone comfortable. But first, lean forward." I told him.

I grabbed him behind his neck and pulled him closer, and clicked a small padlock onto the ball gag that was back in his mouth. Aaron uncuffed him, and we got out of the car. I told Mark to start with the tents and gave him a flashlight, and went with Aaron to the bed of the truck. When we pulled the tarp off the cages, Em and Brandon gave us angry looks and grumbled into their gags. Em started banging the soles of his Jordans into the cage door, doing nothing other than making a racket. I ignored him as Aaron and I unloaded Brandon's cage.

"Here's the deal, mate." I looked Brandon in the eye after we set his cage on the ground, with Aaron shining a light on him. "I'm going to untie you." Brandon's eyes lit up. "But," I continued, "it is very important that Eminem doesn't cum. If you fuck that up, you will not be happy. Got it?"

Brandon nodded vigorously, and I grabbed the keys to the cuffs from Aaron. Brandon crawled out of the cage when his legs were free, and groaned when he stood up. When his hands were out of the cuffs, he immediately reached behind his head and undid the ballgag.

"Shit man," Brandon said as he was stretching. "It won't happen again, don't worry."

"I believe you." I said. I told him to go help Mark, and me and Aaron turned our attention back to Em. He seemed like he was gonna put up a fight, so Aaron suggested we leave Em in the cage until we had the camp set up and all four of us could focus on restraining him. We took the cage out of the bed of the truck and carried it to a spot near the campfire, which Mark was already starting on.

"You got this shit set up fast, you camp a lot?" I asked Mark. He mumbled and nodded. I walked up behind him and unlocked his ball gag. He took the gag out with a wet sucking noise and thanked me.

"Yeah I go camping all the time," Mark answered. The fire was already built and he started lighting it. Brandon came back with an armload of wood and dropped it near the fire. Me, Aaron, and Brandon watched as Mark got a roaring fire going in minutes.

There were logs around the fire pit, and the four of us grabbed a seat. We talked for a bit, starting with Mark's day at work, which led to what we all do for work. Aaron got quiet first, staring into the fire. Soon we were all watching the fire, the only thing you could hear was the crackling of the flames and Em's cuffs rattling here and there.

The moment was broken when Em got impatient and started banging on the cage again. I looked over at him, with his knees cramped up near his face, and chuckled. "I guess we should get him out of there," I said. "Gimme a hand guys."

With the four of us surrounding the cage, I wasn't too worried and took the padlock off the door. Em seemed to have calmed down a bit, and jumped at the chance to stretch out, sticking his legs out of the cage with visible relief. Aaron and Mark manhandled him out of the cage, and stood him up between them.

My cock was getting hard again as I looked at Eminem, hands stuck behind his back and ankles cuffed together. "Well," I said, "it seems obvious to me that he should sleep on a tree. But how should we stick him to it? I'll need access to his dick."

"Do we want him to be comfortable?" Aaron asked.

"Sure," I answered. "He's got a long enough night ahead of him."

"Then let's use this tree." Aaron pointed at a tree. It was still rooted, but had been pushed over to an extreme angle. "He'll practically be laying down, and it's sturdy. And definitely big enough." He was right, it was a huge tree.

We were all in agreement and set to work. With Aaron and Mark holding Em, Brandon and I got his hands uncuffed and tied together behind the tree. I made sure Em wouldn't be reaching any knots, and left it at that. He grumbled into his gag when we all walked back to the fire.

"Poker, anyone?" I asked as we sat back down, pulling a deck of cards out of my pocket.

Brandon and Mark were both game, but Aaron smiled. "Strip poker?" He asked. "Or what about rope poker?"

"What's that?" Brandon asked nervously.

"Winner of each hand gets to add one rope to someone, and remove one rope from someone else." Aaron explained. "Once you're wearing four ropes, you lose, and you're spending the night like Em."

"Sounds fun," Mark said. "And we have enough rope." He looked at Brandon. "Come on man, don't be scared, we can get them."

Brandon didn't look convinced, but he nodded so I started shuffling the cards. Aaron grabbed the bag with the rope in it and dropped it near the fire. Mark whispered something to Brandon, but I couldn't hear him. I started dealing out the cards.

"Alright, five card draw." I said as I dealt. "No wilds or anything, just make the best hand you can. We'll go around and trade in cards once, you can trade in three cards. Easy peasy."

I dealt myself a crap first hand, and realized there wasn't going to be a chance to bluff when there aren't chips to bet with, and no reason to fold. It would basically be pure luck, no skill. When it was my turn, I traded in three cards and still didn't have anything. We all showed our hands, and Aaron won with a pair of kings. I thought for sure I'd be getting the first rope, but Aaron smiled at Mark and told him to give him his hands. He wrapped his wrists securely with the rope, and tied the knot out of reach.

Mark wasn't bothered by having his hands stuck together, he just smiled and asked for the cards so he could deal. He had a hard time shuffling, but he managed it without help. He dealt out the hand and Aaron smiled when he looked at his cards. He was lucky we weren't betting normally, he has a terrible poker face.

Mark groaned when it was Aaron's turn and he didn't exchange any cards. I traded in three cards, then Mark did, too. We all showed our hands.

"Beat a flush, mother fuckers!" Aaron was getting cocky. But no one could beat a flush, so he grabbed another rope and went straight for Mark. I expected him to use the rope on Mark's ankles, but he went for his knees instead. Mark was lifting his hands to keep them out of the way, but Aaron pulled them down and tied them to his knees.

Aaron looked satisfied and returned to his spot, while Mark tested the new rope. He could reach the rope with his teeth when he bent down, but none of the knots. "You're good at this, dude," he said. "I think I already wouldn't be able to get out."

"Thanks," Aaron smiled. "But just wait til I win this thing and I can use as many ropes as I want."

Brandon finished shuffling, and had to stand up to let Mark cut, since he couldn't reach. I watched Mark as Brandon dealt. He was still working on the ropes, but I could tell there weren't any weak points. Aaron did know what he was doing.

When Brandon was done with dealing duties and everyone had finished trading cards, he grabbed my smoking box I had pointed out earlier. "Better roll this shit while someone still can, huh?" He chuckled, looking at Mark.

"Good call," I said. "Roll a few if you don't mind, please."

We showed our hands, and Aaron's streak was finally stopped. He had a weak pair that was beaten by Brandon's pair of Jacks. I had gotten another shit hand, but flying under the radar seemed to be working for me. Brandon used his rope on Aaron, the guy that was winning and being loud about it. He copied Aaron's first rope on Mark, but it was clear he didn't tie people up often. It would work, though, since it didn't matter if Aaron could escape.

"Gonna take a rope off Mark?" I asked as Brandon sat back down.

"Fuck no." Brandon answered immediately. When Mark started saying something, Brandon cut him off. "No man, I gotta make damn sure I don't spend the night tied up. Period. Be thankful I didn't add a rope to you and try to finish this shit faster, cuz you best believe I thought about it. Now let's go, win some fuckin hands and get your own self untied."

Mark looked shocked, but I couldn't deny Brandon's logic. And after the day he had, I would do anything to win, too. He was probably still cramped up from the trip in that small cage. I looked over at Em, thinking he must be over being tied up. He's not used to being the one in the ropes, and hadn't been out of them for more than 24 hours. But he wasn't trying to get off the tree, he was trying to reach his dick, hard as a rock again. I could see the tent in his loose pants clearly in the glow from the fire.

I nodded toward Eminem as Brandon was passing Aaron the cards. They looked over, and Mark's eye was drawn that way, too. We sat and watched as Eminem stretched his hand as far as he could. He wasn't even close to reaching his dick, but it didn't stop him from trying. After a minute, he sensed the quiet and looked over at us watching him. He grunted something into the ballgag, but stopped trying to reach his cock.

"Quick break, guys," I said as I stood up. I walked over to Em, and pulled his white pants down enough to free his dick. He started nodding and encouraging me on.

"Mmmm hmmm," Eminem yelled out when I leaned over and started sucking his swollen dick. "Yes! More!" He said into the gag. When I used a little teeth going up his shaft, he shuddered, and I stood up. It hadn't taken even a minute, and he had almost cum.

I left his cock out and laughed as Em yelled at me behind the ball gag. He was still yelling when I went back to the fire, and we all went back to ignoring him as we played the game.

Aaron was not as dexterous as Mark, and couldn't manage to shuffle with his hands tied together, so I did it for him since Brandon was still rolling joints. "Maybe we should've started with the ankles," I said as I let Brandon cut the deck. "What will we do when no one can shuffle and deal?"

"Well it looks like it's gonna be just me and Mark getting ropes until one of us loses, anyway," Aaron said. "So come on, man. Win a hand or two so I don't have to do this alone."

"I'm trying to, trust me. I'll win one eventually, I'm sure." I said. I dealt the last card, and I was first to trade cards since I was dealing for Aaron. The three new cards did nothing to improve my hand, and when everything was said and done, Brandon had won again. His two pair had beaten Mark's pair of nines.

I shrugged at Aaron. "I'll win the next one, okay?" I shuffled again as Brandon added Aaron's second rope. He used it on Aaron's ankles, wrapping it around his feet, too, tying his Yeezy's together. When he sat back down, he smirked at Mark.

"At least I'm giving you a fighting chance, right? Now you two are tied." Brandon said to Mark. "Tied in the game I mean, not just the ropes." I laughed with Brandon, and dealt the new hand. I was happy to see a pair of sevens. This was the first hand I didn't start with garbage. When it was my turn to trade cards, I got rid of everything except the sevens, and got one more.

"Yes!" Aaron shouted when we showed our cards. My three of a kind had won. "Good hand, dude," he said to me as I walked over to him. "Get my wrists, please, so I can hit that joint when it comes to me." When he stuck his hands out for me to untie them, I looped rope between them. "What the fuck are you doing?" Aaron yelled.

I tied the rope off and started running it around Aaron's waist, giving him a belt that held his hands to his midriff. "I don't know why you assumed I wouldn't do this," I said. "You're the one I wanna see in the ropes again, and this is fair game."

"You mother fucker," Aaron said through his teeth. "That's how it is?"

"Calm down," I said as I sat back down. "It's a game, and it's not even over yet." I caught a smirk on Aaron's face, and figured he was excited about another chance at escaping my ropes. But I knew his competitive streak would drive him to a win no matter what, and I had to stay focused.

Mark looked at me hopefully. "You gonna untie anyone's rope?"

"No," I laughed.

Mark still managed to shuffle and deal, we just had to stand up to grab the cards from him. Aaron had a little more trouble getting them than me and Brandon, but he managed without asking for help. When he sat down with a huff and looked at his cards, his grin said it all. After we all traded in cards, Aaron won the hand with two pair.

"Get one of these fucking ropes off my hands," He ordered happily. When he could get his hands away from his waist again, he hopped over to the ropes and picked one up. When he turned toward me, Mark let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't easy for Aaron to get my hands tied up with his own still stuck together, but he did a good job of it and made it very tight. "You're gonna regret it, bitch," he whispered before he hopped away and sat back down.

Brandon took a second to light a joint before he shuffled and dealt. Aaron having shifted off Mark and gunning for me had me a little nervous. I was wearing less rope than both of them, and hoped Mark and Brandon would keep going for Aaron. But if Aaron won the next hand, I would have more ropes than him, making me a better target for Mark and Brandon to add ropes to.

The joint was still going around when the hand finished. Aaron was pissed when Brandon won and replaced the rope that kept his hands pinned to his waist.

"Isn't Joey the one that kept you tied up all day?" Aaron asked Brandon accusingly.

"I'm over that shit, I don't hold grudges" Brandon said with a smile. "Besides, you're the one that thought of the game."

Aaron didn't like that response. "Fucking deal for me, shit head," he said with a scowl.

"Careful, Aaron," I taunted as Brandon dealt. "You probably have to win this hand or you lose the game."

"Yeah, I fucking know that thank you, Joey." Aaron looked at the hand he was dealt with a sour face. He was the last one to trade in cards, and when he did, he perked up a bit. He licked his lips and looked around at us.

"Well, I don't have shit." I said as I showed my cards. Brandon didn't either and laid his down, too.

"I have a pair," Aaron told Mark.

"I do, too." Mark replied.

Aaron showed his pair of nines, and we all held our breath, looking at Mark. Brandon and I cheered when Mark showed everyone his pair of queens, and Aaron hung his head.

"I'll add a rope to Aaron, then," Mark said to make it official.

"Game over then, right?" I asked before I started working on the rope at my wrists. It took me a minute, Aaron was very skilled with a rope, but I was able to get my teeth in play on the knot.

"Hey, I need a hand here, Brandon," Mark said as I was untying my hands.

Brandon looked at Mark. "I don't remember the rules saying I had to untie anyone when the game was done." Then he walked off into the trees, saying he had to piss.

Mark laughed. "Fine then," he said. "I'll take the rope off my knees for the last hand, and get free from there myself."

"Oh, the game's over," Brandon called back from the woods. "You should have dealt with that before you counted Aaron's last rope."

"Well then how am I even gonna give Aaron his last rope?" Mark asked.

I looked at Aaron. "Oh I can help you out with that," I told Mark.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I really liked this rope poker that the guys are playing and how they made Eminem watch them while edged. Great stuff.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Mark was still trying to escape his ropes when me and Brandon finished with Aaron. "Okay seriously guys, I can't get out," Mark complained when we sat back down by the fire.

"I don't think you're trying hard enough," Brandon said as he lit another joint. "I don't know, maybe I should give you the full treatment. Really tie your ass up. Gag that whinny mouth."

Mark's mouth opened, and he looked over at me. "Don't look at me," I said. "This is between the two of you."

Mark looked back at Brandon, but didn't say anything. He took the joint when I passed it to him and leaned over to get a hit. He gave the joint to Brandon, then started working on the ropes again. Instead of trying to reach a knot with his teeth, he started pulling his wrists as hard as he could away from his knees. He didn't get either hand out, and tightened the ropes, turning his wrists red. But tightening the ropes did give his hands a little room away from his knees. Mark got excited and started going at the ropes again, but he was still pretty secured.

"You wanna fuck with Em for a while before bed?" I asked Brandon. "I'll fuck with Aaron, he'll hate it."

"Hell yeah," Brandon answered. He looked at Eminem and stood up. I grabbed a ball gag from the bag by the fire and followed Brandon, and Mark hobbled over, too. Brandon was getting Eminem hard again, and I made my way to the tree that Aaron was on.

Aaron's tree wasn't at an angle like Eminem's, so he was standing up straight. But there was enough rope holding him to the tree, that it was easy to stay on his feet. His wrists were securely tied together in front of him, then belted to his waist, with the rope finished by going around the tree a few times before the final knot. There were many ropes pinning Aaron's upper body to the tree, wrapped tight. This time, I didn't leave Aaron a chance, and wrapped all the knots with duct tape. His lower body was free, with his legs planted firmly on the ground. When I approached him with the ballgag, he tried to kick me. I caught his leg easily, and grabbed his kneecap. He burst into laughter and started apologizing.

"Okay, okay. I'll be good, just be nice." Aaron was gasping when I stopped tickling and let his leg go. He rolled his eyes when I held up the ballgag, but opened his mouth. I strapped the gag in, and put my arm over Aaron's shoulder as we watched Brandon with Em by the light of the fire.

Brandon must have had some pent up anger from his hard day. He was being much more rough with Em than he was before, but Em's cock was still hard, and twitched every time Brandon used the whip. When Brandon went back to working his cock, Em's grunts of pain went back to begging moans.

Mark had stopped trying to get out of his ropes, and stood there hunched over, staring at Brandon and Eminem. He got closer, still able to walk fine with his knees tied together, and stood next to Brandon. Mark clearly wanted to have some fun with Em too, but couldn't reach much with his hands, and even his tongue couldn't reach Em's dick. He made do with what he could get to. Em's Jordans were basically right in his face, and when he stepped up on the tree a little bit, he was able to reach the shoes with his hands. He grabbed Em's frosty Jordan 3 and started squeezing with the shoe still on Em's foot. Mark gave Em a long foot rub before he took one of the Jordans off. The first thing he did was stick his nose in the shoe, but I knew from when I was wearing them that they were as new as they look. Mark didn't look disappointed when he took a second deep breath before putting the shoe down, and started rubbing Em's socked foot.

Brandon switched a few times between pleasure and pain, hitting Em with the whip or working on his cock. He pulled his own dick out of his shorts, and started stroking himself while whipping Eminem. He started hitting harder as his hand got faster. When he got close to cumming, Brandon climbed up the tree and straddled Em's chest and unstrapped the ball gag in his mouth. Before Em could say a word, he was choking on Brandon's dick, being face fucked hard. It didn't take long for Brandon to cum with his shaft pushed down Em's throat. Brandon kept his dick in Em's mouth til he was done, making him swallow everything.

Aaron was completely focused on the scene in front of him, and thanked me through his gag when I started stroking his hard dick in his sweatpants. He kept his eyes on Em, and watched as Brandon got down and put his cock away. Mark hadn't stopped rubbing Em's foot, but he grinned and started tickling it. Em's feet were not very restrained, only cuffed together, and he started kicking, trying to hit Mark.

"Stop, mother fucker!" Eminem yelled between laughter. He was trying to kick Mark hard with the foot still wearing a Jordan, but he couldn't get enough force behind it to do any damage.

Mark laughed and dropped Em's foot, backing away carefully. He picked Em's shoe up and returned it to his foot when he calmed down. As Mark made his way over to me and Aaron, and Brandon walked back to the campfire, Em was shouting to be let go.

"Don't you fucking dare just leave me here! This is fucking bullshit!" Em yelled at no one in particular.

Aaron was definitely close to cumming. He saw Eminem thrashing around, trying to get off the tree. With Em's angry shouts the only thing he could hear, he was lost in his lust. I still had my left arm around his shoulder, reaching over for his dick with my right. When I paused in my stroking, he looked over in a panic. But I only stopped long enough to pull his pants down and continued. He came a few strokes later, pumping out big loads that landed just shy of Mark.

Aaron leaned his head on my shoulder. "Thank you so much," he mumbled into the ballgag. I patted him on the shoulder and pulled his pants back up.

Mark looked up at the two of us, still forced to be bent over. "Please Joey, let me out of these ropes," he begged. He looked pitiful, hunched over with big puppy dog eyes.

"Brandon," I yelled over. "I'm gonna untie your boy. Gonna be goin to bed soon." Brandon said he was fine with it, so I untied the two knots that were trapping Mark.

Mark stood up straight and stretched his back. He thanked me profusely and went back over to Em, who was still yelling and swearing. Mark was obviously a tickle feind, now with his hands free, Em couldn't stop him. Laughter erupted again as Mark found all of Eminem's ticklish spots.

I watched for a minute, but then a yawn escaped my lips. "Alright," I told Aaron. "I'm gonna go lay down. Try to get some sleep, but don't worry, there's only a few hours before we have to get back on the road."

Aaron mumbled something, but his eyes were glued to Em and Mark. I gave Eminem's hard cock a couple pumps on my way to the tent. He was already on the edge, and I told Mark to be careful not to let him cum.

"Don't worry," Mark said. "I know better. Goodnight."

Brandon got up from the fire and followed me into the tent. He looked dead on his feet, and plopped down onto a sleeping bag. "Thank you for untying me when we got here," he said. "I didn't think you were going to."

I told him I was a man of my word, and I had said he would get his time with Em. Brandon smiled as I laid down on a sleeping bag. I kicked my Jordans off, but I was too tired to contemplate changing clothes.

"I just started having doubts when you put me in that damn cage is all." Brandon kicked his Jordans off too, and I got a whiff of the faint smell of his kicks. "That thing fucking sucked by the way, I'm still aching."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I know."

Brandon raised his eyebrows. "You've been in it?"

"Of course," I said. "I like being tied up as much as I like doing the tying. And I wouldn't buy something if I don't want it used on me, that would be stupid."

"Good to know you won't mind when I get my revenge," Brandon said with a grin.

"Ha! Be careful," I said. "Keep talkin like that, and you'll wake up to a surprise."

Brandon opened his eyes wide and made a show of keeping his lips sealed. I laughed and said goodnight to him.

"Goodnight, sir." Brandon said cheekily.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Brandon and Joey's interactions in this chapter were really sweet. :)
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Thanks Deeper, glad you're still reading :)
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I woke up in the morning to my alarm. I shut it off quickly, before it woke Brandon or Mark. They were both in their sleeping bags and looked too comfortable to disturb. I figured I would get us ready to get on the road, then get them up when I had to. I put my Jordans on and walked out into the cold morning.

The Sun was just starting to rise, and shed enough light on the woods that I could see without the campfire. Aaron and Eminem were both wide awake. Em just scowled at me, but Aaron was happy to see me.

"Good morning," Aaron beamed at me. "You can let me out now, right?" He was still fully secured to the tree, and had a huge tent in his sweatpants again.

"Mornin'," I smiled back at him. "Yeah, I'm gonna need your help securing Eminem to get him ready for his flight."

I started working on the knots holding Aaron's ropes, dealing with the duct tape first. I got the ones pinning him to the tree, and he took a few steps to get away from it.

"Thanks man." Aaron sounded tired as I undid the rope around his waist. I freed his wrists, and he rubbed them.

"Alright, let's get Em good to go first," I told Aaron. "Then we can get Mark and Brandon up and be on our way."

I riffled through the bag of bondage supplies and held out some rope to Aaron. I told him we would need Em's feet well secured for the next step, so he couldn't kick us. Em struggled as much as he could when Aaron went at him, trying to keep his ankle out of the rope. But Aaron got the rope looped around Em's right ankle, and took it behind and around the tree. When Aaron got Em's other ankle with the rope, and started pulling the slack out, Em's feet were slowly forced closer together behind the tree, until the chain on the leg cuffs was tight. With the leg cuffs going around the front of the tree, and the ropes around the back, Em was unable to get his feet in play. I passed Aaron my phone, having recorded him securing Em's legs, and went back to the bondage bag.

When I walked over holding the metal cock cage, Em's eyes went wide. He renewed his struggles and started banging against the tree. "You mother fucker," he growled. "Don't get fucking near me with that thing."

I ignored his threats, pulled his sweats down, and grabbed his dick. He tried to buck me off, but with his feet almost touching behind the tree, he couldn't get any leverage at all. With Aaron recording carefully, I started stuffing Em's cock into the cage. It wasn't easy, since he was getting half hard, but it fit and I clicked the lock shut on it.

"Don't worry," I told Em. "I'm not making you keep this on for very long." Em didn't seem reassured, and huffed at me. "Remember," I continued. "Next month you're in charge. Just focus on that."

"You're gonna pay big time, Joey." Em's eyes were bright again.

"Promise?" I replied with a smile.

Aaron and I didn't take long to load everything up, including Eminem. He hadn't cooperated, but it didn't matter. We kept his ankles stuck to the tree and uncuffed his wrists, and with the two of us, it was easy to get Em back in the straightjacket. Now he was in the truck, buckled up in the middle of the backseat. Aaron had done some ropework to replace the leg cuffs, and Em's ankles were lashed to either side of the center console in front of him.

"Alright, I'll go get Mark and Brandon up so we can get on the road," I told Aaron.

Brandon was easy to wake up, but Mark took a minute. "Where's Em at?" Brandon asked when he walked out of the tent and saw the bare tree.

"He's in the truck," I told him. "Let's get the sleeping bags and tent packed up and we can get him to the airport in time."

When I hopped in to start the truck, Em's foot was tied right next to me. I laid my arm on his leg like it was my armrest, and gave his Jordan 3 a squeeze. "Get the fuck off my shoe," he growled as he jerked his foot.

I caught his eye in the rearview mirror. "You think you're pissed now?" I asked. "Just wait til your cock's been locked up for a few days and you still haven't cum. Now behave, or I'll leave you at the airport wearing handcuffs."

Em kept struggling with the straightjacket, but he kept his mouth shut. Aaron got in the truck, in the front seat, and grinned at me as he used Em's right leg as an armrest. Mark and Brandon finished with the tent and made sure the cages were well covered. They laughed at Em when they opened the back doors.

"Haha, fuck you too." Em told them. When Brandon put his arm around him, Em looked like he was about to headbutt him. But he took a deep breath, and said, "Just remember, I'm in charge next time. The four of you are fucked already, and just making it worse."

"He doesn't get to tie us all up, does he?" Brandon was looking a bit nervous.

"Hell yeah he does," I said immediately. "That was the deal we made, he runs the show next time. We can't make you show up, but you better if you want to join in the month after."

Brandon scoffed. "I'm not scared, it would be fun as shit. But what's to stop him from forcing us to get rid of the videos, if he has all of us tied up?"

"Oh, it's simple," I said. "I'll have all the videos set to go out in emails on a timer. A day after he's supposed to let us go, all the news outlets will be watching them if I haven't deactivated the emails. He would never know how many email accounts I made, if he started trying torture. Besides, it won't come to that. Have you ever seen anyone as horny as he's been this whole time? He's just reached his limit is all, and I can't blame him." I squeezed Em's foot again as I drove, and he didn't jerk away.

Em sighed. "I'll admit I'm fucking having fun, but take the God damn cage off before I get on the fucking plane!"

"Cage?" Mark raised an eyebrow.

Em shut his mouth, getting a little red in the face. I told Mark that I gave Em something to take with him and to check in his pants. When Mark pulled the waistband on Eminem's sweats down and saw the cage, his eyes went wide. "Holy shit!" He whistled. "You're leaving that on him? Til when?"

"I told him it will only be a few days if he follows my directions," I told Mark. "I'll mail him the key once he's earned it."

"Damn dude," Brandon said. "That's brutal."

"Fucking tell me about it," Em muttered.

I shrugged. "Could be a lot worse, it's a few days instead of a few weeks."

I took Em's Jordan off and put it in my lap, and entertained myself tickling his foot as I kept driving. It wasn't a very long drive to the airport, but Eminem probably thought it took forever, with Aaron tickling his feet, and Mark playing with his cock in it's cage. Brandon had fallen back asleep, his head resting on Em's shoulder. I don't know how he could sleep with Em laughing and struggling so violently.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This exchange gives me life:
"You're gonna pay big time, Joey." Em's eyes were bright again.

"Promise?" I replied with a smile.
Joey is such a cocky guy. The way he and his buddies want to be tied up by Eminem and still control him into submission is a really interesting dynnamic. I''m looking forward seeing what they'll force him to do if he wants that key. :D
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

What an Epic story!

Starting with Aron bound at the concert this was not what I saw in their future! But oh my am I happy.

And cant wait for that meetup next month. Em's gonna get those guys good!
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Merry Christmas Y'all!
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