Noah's dirty little secret (M/M)

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Noah's dirty little secret (M/M)

Post by seminarfantasy »

Noah opened his eyes slowly, greeted by the sunlight pouring through his windowpane. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and birds were chirping melodically outside. As Noah was waking up, he noticed that he was holding himself tightly, in a rather sad position. He was spending three weeks away from home at a youth seminar, and it made him feel homesick. On top of that, Noah was bashful and had trouble making friends. Noah was smart, but he wasn’t particularly sociable and felt a great deal of social anxiety when interacting with other teenagers. Noah was seventeen and stood about six feet tall with dark, brown curly hair.

Noah had a recurring fantasy involving bondage, where he would be tied up by another boy his age using duct tape. He felt a strong sexual urge to be tied up and gagged while being stripped away from his control. He had desires about his bondage fantasy for a long time, and it was building up to the point where he would need to act on it soon. He often wondered if anyone around him had similar urges and fantasies, but he never brought it up in conversation.

Noah had developed an affinity for his roommate at the youth seminar, a teenager named Jonas. Jonas was 16 years old with blond hair and was a bit shorter than Noah. They slept in the same room together, and Noah had difficulty keeping his eyes off him. Although Noah was socially awkward, Jonas was open-minded and received Noah for who he was. This made Noah feel comfortable around him and put his mind at ease.

Noah got out of bed and went down to the main room of the seminar, wondering what kind of activities they would be getting into that day. As the various staff members were taking attendance of all of the teenagers, Noah quietly walked over to his group. As the room buzzed with conversation, Noah sat quietly by himself, until he heard his name being called out for attendance. Noah responded politely and followed along with his group as he was led through the different activities of the day. His groups participated in a number of activities, such as meditation and music hour. Some of these activities were meant to symbolize certain social justice movements, some of which felt overly virtuous to Noah. He felt silly as he was led along throughout these activities but chose to participate because he wanted to push himself socially.

In the middle of the afternoon, all of the kids broke off into their various assigned groups. They were going to go into the city in two days and were deciding on what to do there. He sat down with them but wasn’t paying too much attention. Then he noticed out of the corner of his eye that a notebook was lying on the ground. It said: “Tape over our mouths.”

Noah’s eyes opened wide as he read through the journal with excitement. He wondered to himself if this was one of the activities he would be participating in. He couldn’t believe that the kids would decide on something that seemed so sexual and naughty to him. He had to remind himself that in an everyday context, being taped was maybe a little on the strange side, but it certainly wasn’t intended as sexual. But to Noah, it was like something taken straight out of one of his dreams, and he couldn’t believe what he was reading. Noah wondered silently if any other kids at the seminar engaged in such fantasies in their young minds. The boys were called for attendance once again, and Noah followed the group.

Noah spent the rest of the day thinking about his discovery and whether he and his group would be participating in it. Even though it made him feel nervous, deep down, he was hoping his group would participate in the activity. As the day concluded, Noah found himself wishing that he could share his discovery with Jonas. Noah laid back on his bed, and Jonas was settling in for the night. The two teenagers fell asleep after a long day at the seminar as the sun set quietly on the horizon.
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Post by seminarfantasy »

The next day, Noah found himself once again being led throughout the seminar as he and his group completed different activities. The staff members told them they were meant to be getting in touch with their spirituality during their time here. Noah was certainly getting in touch with himself, but not in a spiritual sense. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he read in that notebook and all of the sexual baggage that came along with it. In the middle of the day, all the groups gathered together and participated in a spiritual workshop. Some of the participants participated in freeform dancing while others made art. The staff members told them to paint what was in their imaginations to express themselves. Noah chose to make something up instead of painting what was truly happening inside his head. As he participated in the workshop, Noah went into a dream-like state. He was now consumed by his primal need to engage in bondage, and he could barely handle the mixed feelings of anxiety and excitement rushing through his torso.

As Noah continued his mental masturbation in a dream-like state, Jonas gently approached him and elbowed him in the ribs. Jonas cracked a joke saying that Noah looked like he was in another universe. He was in another universe, though, one that included extreme bondage that he wanted to share with his friend. Noah was so consumed that he even thought about tying up Jonas right there in front of everyone. Instead, he played along and smiled with Jonas as the two made simple conversation. At the end of the day, the kids returned to their separate groups, and Noah fully learned what they would do the next day. Much to Noah’s excitement, he was informed that he and his group would be traveling to the city to peacefully protest in front of the seawall.

They would be covering their mouths with tape and doing it to symbolize a social justice movement that took place in the city many years ago. Noah’s eyes opened wide, and his jaw practically dropped to the floor now that he realized it was going to be happening. As Noah lay in bed that night, he fantasized about it repeatedly. The dream felt so real to Noah, and his heart raced as he fell deep into the depths of his twisted bondage fantasy. Unfortunately, Jonas was not in Noah’s group and would not be participating in it himself.

Noah woke up the next day, and his heart was already pounding. Underneath his warm blankets, he could feel an erection bulging. Today was the day they would be traveling to the city, and Noah’s emotions were getting the best of him. Again the pendulum began swinging back and forth between nervousness and excitement. Noah’s breath intensified as he continued thinking about the activity he would be participating in that day. This was the big day, the first time that he would be acting out his fantasy in an absolute sense. It was almost like his dream encouraged him to do it for real like he needed to finally experience the rush in real life. The dreams, the fantasies, and the thoughts were no longer enough for Noah. He needed to experience this for real, and he found himself unable to control his erection as his thoughts raced through his mind like bullets. The thought of being duct taped in front of strangers made his stomach feel uneasy, and the humiliation that would come along with that would be hard to take. However, it was such a turn-on for him, thinking that he would be getting off in front of other people without them having any idea. It was as if years of pent up sexual energy was on the verge of being purged from his young body, and he could barely hold it in any longer. Through sheer will, he decided that he would go forward and participate in the activity that day.

It was another bright, sunny day, and Noah loved the sensation of the sunlight caressing his exposed skin. He got ready for the day and dressed up in his favorite outfit, consisting of a blue striped shirt and a pair of gray plaid shorts.
Noah finished getting ready for the day and met up with his group. During the morning attendance, Noah began wondering about the details of the activity. He wondered what type of tape they would use to cover themselves. He figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if they used normal scotch tape. Scotch tape was thin, not too conspicuous, and didn’t have that strong of a hold. A transparent type of tape would be even better. Deep down, he wondered if they would actually be using duct tape–his favourite kind of gag. It was almost as if he were bargaining with himself, trying to tame the fantasy brewing inside him for so long.

The seminar’s participants were gathered together and led onto a big, yellow school bus. Noah sat by himself and, deep down, found himself wishing that Jonas was there with him during that day. The school buzz zoomed through the city traffic, and Noah grew more nervous with every minute that counted down on the clock. They finally arrived at the seawall, and the staff members took attendance once all of the participants were gathered around. As they were preparing to engage in the various activities, Noah found himself wishing that Jonas was there by his side. If anyone was taping his mouth, he secretly wished it would be his friend Jonas. The staff members put the participants into different groups and explained that they would be expressing themselves in different ways to symbolize a peace movement that occurred there many years ago. Some in Noah’s group began doing an improvisational dance routine as strangers walked by and watched. Noah felt embarrassed at doing something so ridiculous. Of course, what would happen later would be far worse. They did a few more things, as Noah was on edge the whole time.
Soon, he and his group were led over to the seawall. Noah’s heart dropped, feeling a strong sense of vulnerability. “Here it comes,” he thought. There was no turning back.

The participants were lined up against the wall, and Noah was dreading the reveal of the tape. He kept wondering to himself what kind of tape it would be, and his heart rate began speeding up with every moment. Then he saw it. It was, indeed, a simple roll of silver duct tape, like Noah loved to use on himself. After all, that is the strongest kind of tape and what people tend to associate with being gagged. Noah’s heart dropped when he realized they would use such a heavy-duty, visible material to cover their mouths. He saw one girl already had tape on her mouth and handed the roll to the next kid in line. Noah’s heart was thumping.

The roll of duct tape was passed down the line of participants as each of them ripped off a piece and taped it to their mouths. The roll was finally passed off to Noah, and his heart was practically beating out of his chest as he handled the tape. He noticed that it felt heavy in his hands, and the shiny silver color reflected the sunlight into his eyes. He hesitated for about five seconds, breathing deeply. Then he stretched out the roll of tape, making that unmistakable sound he loved, and tore off a single strip. Then he handed the roll to the boy next to him, and a few seconds later, Noah taped his mouth shut.

Noah instantly went into a dreamy daze. He felt the tape being sticky and holding a strong grip against his mouth. Noah wondered what it looked like from the outsiders’ perspective. He had put tape over his mouth before, but he couldn't imagine someone else seeing it. He thought he probably looked dehumanized, and felt like he was being taken advantage of. He couldn’t believe this was finally happening, and none of the other participants, the staff members, or the pedestrians walking by had any idea how excited Noah felt in this vulnerable moment.
Some participants began to strike a meditative pose while others continued dancing. Noah felt a sense of shame and embarrassment as strangers strolled by observing the participants. They stood there for some time, and Noah couldn’t help but feel incredibly turned on by the experience. His eyes darted back and forth at the other kids, and he wondered how none of them felt the same way that he did. To them, having tape over the mouth wasn’t a sexual sensation, but to him, it was absolutely rocking his world. Noah felt perverted for fetishizing the experience and almost felt guilty for taking part in it. But the thrill was strong enough to overcome any of the negativity that he was feeling. Once the activity was finally concluded, the participants took their tape off, to Noah’s disappointment. Noah made sure to do it last–and the little moment of him being the only one gagged gave him one last thrill.

Noah went over the events in his mind, still trying to calm down his heart rate and pace of breathing that had exploded from the sheer thrill. Once he had some time to relax, he almost felt remorseful for engaging in such behaviour, but he was relieved that it was finally over. At least it was just a little bit of duct tape over the mouth, and it didn’t escalate beyond that point. It’s not like they were forced to tie each other up or anything. Noah felt relieved that it was finally over and relaxed as the bus drove his group back to the youth seminar. He knew that nobody knew of his fetish, and it would be nothing but his private memory— unless he told someone someday. A girlfriend or boyfriend, most likely, but nobody here. But Noah thought about it anyway. He thought back to Jonas. And then...

That night, Noah found the duct tape the group used and sneaked it back to his room. He had a plan and grinned as he felt the silver roll in his hands.
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Wecome tlo the League of TuGs Writers.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by seminarfantasy »

When Jonas showed up, he asked Noah about his experience in the city. Noah noticed that Jonas was wearing his blue shorts and gray sweater and thought he looked really cute. Being in his presence made him feel relaxed after such an intense experience, and Noah felt comfortable being honest with him. “Being in front of so many people and being forced to put duct tape over my mouth was such a humiliating experience,” Noah said regretfully. “I’m kind of an introvert, to be honest. I’m not very talkative and I feel a lot of pressure in social situations. Having duct tape covering my mouth and preventing me from speaking just made it worse,” Noah said. As he continued to explain his experience to Jonas, he almost let it slip that there was a strong sexual element involved as well. Jonas sat on his bed patiently as he listened to Noah vent about the day’s events. Noah was glad he got his attention.

Noah made a little lie about the duct tape he brought back into the room. “I got some just so I could try putting it over my mouth again, this time in private. Maybe this time I would feel better since it would be safe and private,” Noah told him. “It wasn’t the same–like, it was a lot milder than when we were in the city. But it just reminded me of how bad I felt.” Jonas kept listening. “I just really felt silly the whole time and I was embarrassed, to be honest,” Noah said sadly. Noah continued explaining how embarrassed he was, and Jonas was becoming visibly upset, almost as if he felt bad for Noah.

“I’m sure you didn’t look as ridiculous as you think. It sounds to me like you are overthinking it, Noah. You were just doing what everyone else was doing,” Jonas said. This consoled Noah’s spirit and made him feel like he could bring Jonas deeper into his world. Noah continued explaining that he felt so embarrassed. Then he made a little statement. “I wish someone I trusted was with me, and we could have experienced it together. Then I wouldn’t have felt so bad,” he said gently. Noah played his cards well because he came off as innocent and sensitive, almost as if his experience hurt him. In reality, Noah was secretly trying to involve Jonas in his fantasy. As the two continued talking, Noah fantasized deeply about tricking Jonas into putting duct tape over his mouth and seeing his gagged face. The thought of manipulating him into sharing the fantasy was so cunning and such a turn-on for Noah. He thought he was so clever, and it gave him a little sense of power.

“You know what, Noah, if it makes you feel any better, I can just do it right now to make you feel less alone,” Jonas said supportively. Noah smiled and nodded at Jonas. Noah was now beaming with excitement and felt butterflies rushing through his chest. He felt so proud of himself that he was able to convince his friend to participate in his fantasy without him actually knowing the true, sexual nature of it.

“Hand me the duct tape,” Jonas told Noah, and he did. He took the roll of duct tape and tore off a piece. Noah was desperately trying to hide how much of a turn-on it was because he was practically drowning in the ecstasy of the experience. Noah could no longer conceal his excitement and was now sporting a big bulge. Just as Jonas was about to put the tape over his mouth, he looked down and noticed the tent in Noah’s shorts. Jonas looked Noah right in the eyes and was confused. Noah finally broke down and told him the full, honest truth. “I’m sorry, Jonas, I’m so embarrassed right now. I’ve never told anyone, but I have a sexual bondage fantasy! The other kids just would never understand,” Noah said nervously. Jonas was immediately taken aback by this and shocked by what Noah had just told him. He stood there momentarily, and Noah waited nervously to see what he would do next. “This was all a plan for me? To get me to be a part of your sexual fantasy?” Jonas frowned. “This is extremely inappropriate, Noah. How could you?”
“I’m sorry… really,” Noah said, hugging himself. “Am I going to get in trouble for this?”

“Well, I guess it gives me the perfect excuse to do this then,” Jonas said menacingly. Noah’s heart dropped as Jonas approached him aggressively and forced him to submit to him. It was like his greatest fantasy was coming to life after all, and this time it wasn’t a dream. Jonas ripped off the tape and forcefully pressed it against Noah’s mouth, gagging him in the process. It made Noah feel like he was being taken advantage of, and his erection was so hard it was practically tearing his shorts open. “You are going to be punished for trying to deceive me with your words, you little gag slut,” Jonas said. “Mmmmm”, Noah replied.
Jonas ripped off the tape. “Was that it?” Noah wondered. “I remember watching some YouTube video about this. In the movies, kidnappers just put a single strip of tape over someone’s mouth, but that doesn’t work in real life. You can get that off very easily.” “What do you mean?” Noah asked. “I think they said your mouth would have to be stuffed with something, and–you shut up, Noah or your punishment will be worse.” Noah shut his mouth immediately. Jonas then took off one of his socks and stuffed it in Noah’s mouth. Then he took the tape again and roughly stretched it all around Noah’s lower face. That strip of tape he had on earlier was now nothing. Noah knew at this moment he was totally, truly gagged, as much as he could be.

“Choke on that, you little gag slut. Now submit to me, Noah.” Jonas said. Noah attempted to mumble some words, but it was pointless, he was now fully being taken control of, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He was nervous while submitting to Jonas, but deep down, he was thrilled and enjoying it. Noah felt humiliated, but the shame brought him a great deal of sexual gratification that sent tingles through his entire chest. Jonas grabbed Noah by the wrists and bound his hands together behind his back so that he could not escape his punishment. Jonas grabbed Noah’s face and humiliated him as Noah tried to speak clearly, but the gag forced him to mumble his words. Noah’s cheeks were bulging, and he sat there taking his punishment. He couldn’t believe that he was now being taken advantage of by someone he thought was his good friend. Jonas ripped off strips of duct tape and proceeded to bind up Noah’s entire body. He taped his arms behind his back, making sure to get him multiple times around the wrists, starting with his legs and arms. Noah was now tied up, gagged, and unable to escape for the first time in his life.
He imagined he would wait for instructions like the little gag slut that he was made out to be by his friend. But instead, Jonas just sat and watched him. Noah sat there on the bed, completely bound and unable to move. He sat there like that for two hours.

Two hours passed with Noah bound and gagged. Jonas turned to Noah and said, “All right, Noah,” I think you’ve learned your lesson.” Jonas began to take off the tape from Noah’s mouth and removed the gag. Noah was surprised to see a tear coming from his eye. “I’m so sorry, Noah! I don’t know what got hold of me. I’ve never experienced anything like that before,” he said apologetically. Noah felt relieved to finally be free of his punishment, and he felt a bit of anger beginning to form inside his chest because of how aggressively Jonas treated him. “Did that hurt?”
“Yes,” Noah said.
“Well then, tell you what. Tomorrow night, you can have your fun with me.” Noah smiled.
“But I won’t free you entirely until morning.” So Noah was forced to spend his whole night bound and helpless. He got a lot of relief the following day when Jonas finally removed all the tape from his body.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

it sounds like Jonas may be coming to grips with his own "strange thoughts and desires".
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Post by seminarfantasy »

That night, the two boys were happy and excited. “Well, then it’s time for me to get my revenge, Jonas,” Noah said with a devilish look. He proceeded to tie up Jonas’s wrists this time, bringing the roll of duct tape around in circles as Jonas helplessly moved his arms up and down as if he was trying to escape. Of course, he did not.

“You won’t get free,” Noah said. He then pushed Jonas onto the bed, forced him onto his stomach, and bound his elbows together. Loud sounds of the duct tape being stripped off echoed through the room, and it was loud enough for the other boys to hear in the hallway.

Noah then got a sock from his suitcase–this time, an unworn, clean one. He placed it in Jonas’s mouth. Then he ripped off a strip of tape and gently pressed it over Jonas’s mouth, just like he was waiting for. It was only a single strip, but Noah loved the sight anyway, for Jonas really was gagged and helpless. He wasn’t done, however, and placed a few more strips of tape over his mouth. Noah slapped Jonas in the face, causing his cheeks to turn rosy red from the handprints. Noah’s bulge was forming again, and he was drowning in the rush of ecstasy coursing throughout his body. Jonas attempted to say something to him. Instead, he made a pathetic muffled sound — the unmistakable “mmmmph” Noah loved to hear. It echoed through the room, and he loved it. “That’s right. You mmmmph for me. Try to escape.” Noah’s heart pounded from excitement, watching Jonas struggling and mmmmphing as if he were kidnapped. For the first time, Noah had bound and gagged a real person.

Suddenly, one of the staff members knocked on the door and yelled at the boys, “what’s all of that ruckus going on inside there?” Noah’s heart dropped, thinking that he would be caught and his secret would be exposed to everyone there. He quickly tore the duct tape off of Jonas’s wrists and turned him back around before removing the gag from his mouth. He threw all the torn-up duct tape and the sock underneath the bed, and the two boys rushed to cover themselves with the bed sheets just as the staff member entered their room. “Alright boys, just keep it down. We are going to bed,” said the staff member. Noah and Jonas looked at one another with wide eyes, getting off on the thrill of almost having been caught and having their new secret fantasy exposed to the outer world. The two boys laid there underneath the warm covers with their legs rubbing against one another. They agreed that they would have to do this in a more secretive place next time without getting caught. They decided that next time they would meet up in the woods. As they settled in for the night, Noah laid there on the bed in disbelief that he had taken his fantasy from zero to a hundred in just a single day. His heart was still racing, and he couldn’t wait to explore his urges further with his new friend. As he dozed off to sleep, his mind no longer forced him into a dream state because his desires were now satisfied. He couldn’t wake up and do it all over again.
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