The Masked Intruders MM/MMFF

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The Masked Intruders MM/MMFF

Post by Markymark790 »


Charlie Gardner and Andy Latcham, two seniors at Umbrich High were leaving the soccer field after one of the hottest, muggiest practices of the season. Charlie had taken his now grass stained shirt off and walked with his teammate Andy towards his Jeep Wrangler.

"Dude, there's Kristina and Jessica, I think they're filming us?" Andy pointed to the two girls from their senior class sitting in a SUV in the parking lot.

Andy pulled his shirt off as well, giving the two girls a show treating them to his lean, muscular, tanned, and toned body.

"Charlie, man, you gotta work out with me sometime. Your scrawny ass is making me look bad standing next to me." Andy laughed as he playfully pushed Charlie making him stumble.

"Fuck you man, least my balls ain't shrunk from all the steroids you take!" Charlie shot back at his friend pushing him back.

"Fuck you!" Andy laughed back at him.

The two boys walked over to the girls and leaned against both sides of the car.

"Sup ladies?" Andy looked at Jess in the driver seat giving her a provocative look.

Charlie crossed his arms on the passenger side open window frame and said "Hey Kristina"

"You two pervs filming us over there?" Andy laughingly said.

"As if, fuckin' wannabe thirst trap." Jessica said making everyone laugh.

Charlie leaned in and asked "What are you guys doing tonight? My parents are still in Salt Lake for their anniversary and I've got the whole place to myself. I've got a cousin that can get us some beer or whatever if you girls want and there is swimming also, so-"

Andy butted in, saying "So bring your birthday suits, because there are no swimsuits allowed."

"That sounds like fun Charlie, text me your address a little later, and get me some coconut rum or something girlie. I'm not really a beer kinda girl." Kristina said smiling at Charlie.

"Sure, so I guess I'll see you later then?" Charlie happily grinned at Kristina.

"Maybe, bye Charlie." Kristina said coyly.

"I'll be seeing you Jess." Andy blew the girl a kiss, while Jessica looked back and snickered.

The girls pulled away as the two boys watched.

"Dude, Jessica wants it so bad." Andy laughed as Charlie looked back at his friend shaking his head. "Hey can I just shower at your place? I brought a change of clothes in my bag so I don't really need to run home for anything."

"Yeah, that's cool." Charlie replied as the two young men hopped in Charlie's Jeep to go pick up the booze from his cousin.

After meeting up with Charlie's cousin the two pulled up to his house driving the Jeep into the garage but leaving the garage door open for the girls to find the place later. The two walked inside and Andy started ripping all his clothes off and ran stark naked to the pool and jumped in.

"Dude, I thought you were gonna take a shower, you greasy, stinky asshole!" Charlie yelled at his excited friend, upset at the grass and dirt tracked into his pool.

"Whatever man, just go with it, in a few hours we'll both be getting laid, so just chill." Andy playfully said back at Charlie spitting pool water at him.

Charlie went upstairs to his bedroom and ripped his shirt off while texting Kristina: Hey Kris I got some coconut rum and some wine coolers for you guys , me and Andy just got here so head over when you want. My address is 202 Roseworth Drive. :)

Charlie tossed his phone on the bed and cracked open a beer and chugged it.

"Charlie!! Where are the towels at?!! Andy yelled for his friend from downstairs.

"Check my parents bathroom! Look in the cabinet!" Charlie screamed back at his friend.

As Charlie finished his beer he cracked open another and began going through Kristina's TikTok videos, when he heard a crash and something break dowstairs.

"What the absolute fuck Andy!! You're not even drunk and already breaking shit!!" Charlie angrily shouted. "What was that?!!"

No reply.

"Andy?!!" Charlie yelled as he got off his chair and raced downstairs. "Andy? Where you at, man?"

Charlie walked around the downstairs and found no sign of Andy anywhere. He walked toward his parents room and saw a glass vase broken on the floor.

"Aww man what the hell! You've got to be more careful." Charlie opened his parent's bedroom door and was alarmed to see his half naked friend handgagged by some masked man holding a gun to his head.

"What the fuck, who are you? Get out of my house! You can't be in he-" Charlie yelled at the masked intruder.

"Shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you!" the intruder barked back at Charlie, tightening his grip on Andy's mouth and now pointing the gun at Charlie.

Charlie took a step back with his hand raised and submitted.

After five seconds of silence, Andy's towel fell to the ground.


The intruder let go of Andy and held the gun pointing it at the the two young men. The masked man pulled a fresh roll of gray duct tape from the pocket in his leather jacket and tore away at the palstic with his teeth. Once the tape was opened, he tossed the roll at Charlie.

"All right, this is how it's gonna go down. You are gonna wrap your friend's hands behind his back... Go on." The intruder shook the gun at Charlie commanding the boy to tie up his friend.

Charlie fidgeted with the tape looking for the end.

"I'm sorry man." Charlie apologized to Andy before winding the tape around his wrists two times behind the young man's back.

The intruder moved closer with the gun pointing it at Charlie's head " I said wrap his hands not stick it to his hands, wrap at least fifteen times, them tape his fingers too.

Andy, who was thoroughly naked turned his head to the intruder with a pleading look of mercy.

Charlie unravelled the duct tape and tightly wrapped Andy's wrists another thirteen times, taking the tape down covering his fingers and thumbs.

The intruder instructed Charlie to step back as he pressed on the tape on Andy's hands to insure the tightness.

"Good job boy. Now, you, sit in that computer chair." He held the gun on Andy directing him to the high back leather chair by his friend's parent's computer.

Andy walked slowly over to the chair, while looking at Charlie who was behind the masked man, signaling Andy to make a break for it. Charlie pushed the man over and he and Andy sprinted down the hallway for the front door. Charlie, in front of the bound Andy, made to right in front of the foyer when a second masked man walked from behind a wall clotheslining Charlie to the ground.

The masked gunman caught up to the two escapees and his partner out of breath and outraged.

"That was a very stupid thing to do boy" pointing the gun at Charlie who was disoriented on the ground. " Where the hell were you Mick? We were almost fucked there" yelling at the new masked intruder who's name was discovered as Mick.

"Doing like you told me, find anyone in the house and tie them up. Now calm down, it looks like the job is half way done anyway." The giant looked over at Andy who appeared shamed and terrified.

"Um why is this guy naked? I thought we were robbing the place not having fun." Mick eyed the young man up and down.

"Oh just shut up and pick the skinny one up off the floor." barked the armed man.

Mick picked Charlie up by his arm and his hair and followed behind his partner directing Andy back to the master bedroom .

The gunman handed the weapon to Mick and picked up the duct tape from the floor.

"Now sit down!" the man barked at Andy who was shaking in fear and cold from being nude.

Andy hesitantly sat in the chair and the intruder began winding duct tape around Andy's ankles and up to his calves.

"I wasn't gonna be so brutal with the tape, but your friend there kinda sealed your fate." the man muttered into Andy's ears.

Once Andy's legs were taped together, the man wrapped the tape tightly around Andy's pecs and the back of the chair, then around his stomach.

"There, now we are about halfway done." The man turned to the hamper and grabbed a pair of Charlie's father's briefs out of the hamper and walked them towards the taped teen's face.

Andy reluctantly pulled his head away from the man who was trying to cram the underwear into his mouth. He kept pulling away and fighting it, when the masked man grabbed Andy's nostrils causing Andy to yell. Without hesitation the man choked the young man by pushing all of the fabric into his mouth.

"There we are, now I will give you one last chance to scream for help. You better take it because it will be the last." the masked man told a confused Andy who took the advantage and screamed into the underwear gag.

"HEEEEEMPPPPHHHHHH!!" Andy's muffled screams were muffled even more as the man wrapped the duct tape around Andy's head and between his lips cleavegagging the young man, then wrapping the tape over his lips and around his head at least twenty times. The man cut the tape and tore two six inch pieces of tape from the roll and placed one under the heavily gagged man's chin.

Andy's distorted and reddened face stared back at Charlie who was mortified after witnessing such an assault on his friend.

"What the fuck do you guys want? huh, just take what you want and fucking leave!!" Charlie exclaimed in anger at the two men who were clearly having too much fun tying up the two teenagers.

"Oh don't worry we will, now it's time to get you situated also. Mick take him upstairs, I'll finish with this one."

Mick shoved Charlie to the stairs while the other man picked up the tape he tore earlier and placed it on Andy's eyes.

"Night night sweet prince." The man turned out the light and closed the boy in the room, leaving to join his partner upstairs.


Once upstairs Mick pushed Charlie into his bedroom and waited for his partner in crime to arrive.

"Please sir, just take it easy, I can get my parents to pay you whatever, just let me and my friend go." Charlie begged the huge man, which did absolutely no good.

"We'll get what we want, just gotta get you two out of the way first." the man replied.

The partner arrived upstairs with his roll of duct tape, a new roll of wide black electrical tape and a roll of saran wrap from the kitchen.

"All right now you thought what I did to your little friend down there was brutal, but after that little stunt you pulled, I think you deserve a little extra."
Charlie looked at both men terrified and begged for forgiveness.

"Turn around and put your palms on the opposite arm's elbows."

Charlie turned slowly and folded his arms behind his back, and the masked man took immediately to taping the teens fingers, hands and arms to each other until there was nothing but a silver bar from his elbow to elbow.

Just then, Charlie's phone alerted a text. He had totally forgotten that the girls were on their way, they will notice something's up and call the police.

"Looks like you got a text." The man picked up the boy's phone and read that Kristina and Jessica were on the way.

"Fuck" the man showed the phone to his partner "looks like we are gonna have more company in about twenty minutes. Let's get this little shit wrapped up before they get here. We may have to take care of the girlfriends too."

Charlie turned to the man pleading him to leave them alone.

"Sorry, we got a job to do here and more people means more problems." the man said picking up a soiled soccer sock up off of the floor. "Now say AHH."

Charlie tried to avoid the smelly practice sock from being forced in his mouth. He kicked at he men and fell over his bed onto the floor. Mick pinned Charlie's body face up keeping his legs from kicking himself and his partner.

Charlie howled at the top of his lungs "HEEEELLLLLLMMMMPPPHHHH!!!"

The sock was already past the boy's teeth before he could get the full word out.

The man pulled the electrical tape between Charlie's lips and wound around his head five times creating a tight, tape cleave gag on the boy.

"Hand me that duct tape Mick fast."

Mick handed him the tape and the partner wound the tape around the bottom half of Charlie's face fifteen times.

"Nothing like good old fashioned silence ey, boy?" The man on his chest crushing his arms behind him jokingly smacked Charlie on his silver cheek.

Mick picked Charlie up off the ground and awaited his partner to finish the young man's bondage. His partner taped Charlie's ankles together and began picking at the plastic wrap to find the edge. Once he stretched the wrap from the roll the man started at Charlie's neck wrapping fast all the way down to the young man's calves.

"Man, you like overkill don't you boss?" Mick said to the man now duct taping over the plastic wrap.

"Damn right, usually these little punks have it coming anyway, take em' down a notch." the boss laughed as he was almost done wrapping the young man completely.

"I think we can take this one down to the basement and wrap him to that pole I saw down there. He'll be out of the way for the rest of the night, and once his girlfriend get's here we'll give him some company."

Charlie moaned and yelled as much as he could in his excessively tight gag.

"Quick let's get him down there, his friends will be here any minute."

Mick hauled Charlie up like a big silver worm and carried him down to his basement. Mick placed him against the metal pole and the other intruder wrapped duct tape around Charlie's mouth and the pole, his chest and the pole, and his thighs to the pole.

"Fuckin' finally. Alright let's go get ready for some more guests for our little party."
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Great stuff love the whole concept
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice start! :evil:
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Post by Markymark790 »


"Will you hurry up in there?! You look fine. The more you stress out about how you look the more anxious you'll be." Jess yelled at Kristina through the bathroom door.

Kristina threw open the door after thirty minutes.

"How do I look? You think Charlie will like?" Kris asked Jess modeling herself looking great in a white sleveless shirt of Jim Morrison and black skinny jeans.

Jess who was dressed in a black lace top and skinny blue jeans looked at her frustrated " Uggh YES, you looked fine half an hour ago."

"It's easy for you Jess when you already know Andy wants it. Charlie's different though, he's just so cute and I want him to see me in a different way tonight."

Jess looked at her with an eyebrow raised, " Seriously? Andy would fuck any girl as long as they let him act like the asshole he is. Charlie isn't any different from his friend."

Kristina looked aggravated at her friend "Whatever. I know he'll like it"

"Did you text them?" Jess asked

"Yeah I told him we'd be there in like twenty or so. But he didn't text me back, they're probably pre-gaming or swimming or something." Kris replied.

"OK cool. We got plenty of time to roll us a few joints for tonight." Jess pulled out a bag of the pungent weed and began rolling five joints for the teens to enjoy through the night.

Kris could smell the weed from across the room.

"Whew, where did you get that? It smells like gasoline?!"

Jess smirked up at Kris while breaking up the herb. "That's how you know it's good shit. You gonna smoke some tonight? I bet Charlie will."

Kris was paying attention to her eyelashes, adding mascara. "Maybe, I've never done it before, I may hit it once or twice though."
As Jess ground and rolled the weed Kris peaked out from the bathroom and asked "You think Charlie has condoms at his place or should we stop and get some?"

Jess was sealing the last joint, "Crap, yeah we probably need to go grab some. Knowing Andy he might have one or two, but who knows? May as well grab some on the way."

Jess put the joints in her purse and walked to Kris grabbing her wrist and pulled her out from in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Oh my God you look HOT! Now let's go! Please!" Jess yelled at her girlfriend before flipping the bathroom light off.

"OK. OK." Kristina grabbed her overnight bag which had her and Jess's swimsuits and a change of clothes and followed her friend out the door.

The two girls were singing songs and getting pumped on the drive for their night with two of the hottest boys in their senior class. Jess, who was driving looked at her friends phone at the address they were headed.

"Damn Charlie's parents must be loaded. I knew a guy from that neighborhood and his parents owned half of this town. What does his dad do again?" Jess questioned Kris.

"I think he's like a investment banker or something like that, yeah they definitely have the money." Kris said as she thought how much hotter that made Charlie to her.

"There's a pharmacy like a block away, I'll run in and grab the rubbers." Jess added.

Once the girls were done at the pharmacy they pulled up to their destination.

Kris looked up at the huge house. "The lights are off, I'm gonna text Charlie."

Hey we're here. turn on some lights its creepy. ; )

Kris waited a minute and got a reply.

Come in through the garage door, i got a surprise for you guys.

Kris showed Jess the text. "That's weird."

Jess just shrugged and said " Let's go, I wanna get my drink on."

Kris looked at the text still feeling odd about the situation, but eventually got out of the car and walked with Jess to the garage door.

The two girls opened the door and yelled for the two boys that were expecting them.

"Charlie!! Andy!!" Both girls yelled out.

The two girls could here a strange moaning sound coming from the dark room they had just entered.

"Where the hell is the light switch?" Jess huffed.

"I think I've got it." Kris found the switch on the wall and flipped it.

Both girls were fully shocked at the sight that was before them when the room lit up.

"OH MY GOD!" Both girls said in unison as they witnessed Andy sitting in a computer chair stark naked and wrapped tightly with duct tape from his ankles to his eyes.

Jess started laughing at the boys predicament.

"Charlie's surprise turned out to be a good one looks like." Jess threw her purse on the counter and walked over to Andy's tightly bound body rubbing her fingers across his pecs and shoulders. Andy began pulling at the tape holding him in the chair, trying his best to communicate to the girls that there were masked men in the house.

Kris, still curious about what was happening, began yelling out for Charlie who was nowhere to be seen.

"Jess, something doesn't sit right with me here."

Jess, standing behind Andy taped in the chair, looked up at her friend and replied

"Nonsense, I'm sure this one was being annoying and Charlie just found himself a solution."

Andy shook his head no at Kris, while Jess pinched both of the naked boys nipples making him scream into his huge gag and thrash as best he could taped up in the chair.

Kris, now getting frustrated with Jess, asked "Where the fuck is Charlie then?!"

" I don't know, I'll stay here with him and you go look for Charlie."

Kris walked further into the house turning lamps on as she passed them.

"Charlie? We're here!" Kris walked past the living room and noticed lights downstairs from the basement.
"Charlie?! You down there?"

Jess knelt down in front of Andy and ripped the tape from his eyes. Andy's yelled from behind his gag and scrunched his eyes closed from the pain and opened them to Jess lighting up a joint and straddling his lap.

"Charlie really did a number on you, what did you do to piss him off so much?"

Andy struggled and moaned in his gag trying to warn the girl but Jess was having too much fun with the power she had over him.

"I guess I won't be getting a clear answer huh? Doesn't matter....I think I like you this way anyway."

Jess took a big drag off of the joint and blew the smoke into Andy's face making him cough and moan. She then started kissing the bound boy's neck and ear and then began passionately kissing his tape gagged mouth. Jess laughed at how much Andy was struggling under her and she pinched his nipple again making him squirm and scream. As Jess leaned back to take another hit off the joint, Andy noticed the huge masked man sneak up behind her.

"MMMMPPPPHHHHHHH" Andy tried his hardest to warn the girl but was unsuccessful when the man threw his hand over the girl's mouth and held a knife to her throat.

"Don't make a sound girly or your friends catch a bullet, got it?" The masked man threatened her while pulling her off Andy's lap.

Andy just pulled and screamed at the tape while Jess looked back at him teary eyed and frozen from fear.

Meanwhile Kris was still making her way down the basement stairs still looking for Charlie. With each step Kris was getting more and more paranoid, she finally reached the bottom of the stairs and the other masked intruder was sitting and waiting for her with gun pointed right at her.

"Welcome, we've been waiting for you girls." the man said eerily.

Kris was alarmed and almost ran up the stairs.

"Don't move or I shoot your boyfriend." The man said pointing his gun behind the wall next to the stairs.

Kris turned the corner to finally find her crush totally mummified in gray duct tape to a pole.

"Please don't hurt him, we'll do whatever it is you want." Kris begged the man scared for her life and her friends.

"I won't hurt any of you so long as you do what you're told. " The man directed Kris to the chair he had been sitting in and instructed her to sit down.
The man backed away from her once she sat down and yelled for his partner to come downstairs.

"Mick! Go ahead and bring her down here."

Jess appeared in the doorway crying looking at the other masked man who held the gun on her. The masked man pulled another chair behind Kris and made her sit with her back to back with her friend.

"Mick grab the duct tape and tape these girls together while I go grab jungle boy from upstairs."

As the gun toating man disappeared, the other man took no time in taping the girls hands and fingers in front of them. He wound the tape around the two girl's stomachs and shoulders, keeping them together in the chairs.

"Please sir, we haven't even seen your faces, just let us go and we won't tell anyone I swear it." Kris pleaded with the man who ignored her and ripped off a piece of tape and plastered it across her mouth.

He ripped off two more pieces and put one just under her nose and another under her chin. He then did the same with Jess gagging her with three pieces of tape. Once the girls were gagged he wound the tape around their legs from below the knees all the way to the ankles.

"You girls should be grateful. I don't like being too harsh on women when I tie them up." He smirked looking up at Charlie who was taped up within an inch of his life.

The man walked over to Charlie who was breathing hard behind his massive tapegag and hanging his head down in defeat.

Andy appeared downstairs, his legs were free but still had tape wrapped around his chest, arms, and stomach. The intruder had also found Andy's underwear and pulled them up on him, giving back the boy a shred of dignity. He led Andy over to the pole where Charlie was and made him stand back to back with Charlie.

"Here wrap him up" The man had grabbed the saran wrap from upstairs and instructed Mick to wrap him up like Charlie was.
As Mick wrapped Andy neck to toe in plastic, he then began mummifying the teenager in duct tape just like his friend was. Once Andy was fully wrapped up, Mick wrapped Charlie and Andy's body together to the pole at the chest, stomach, thighs , calves, and ankles. The two boys struggled, moving their heads side to side looking down at their silver bodies trying to find some give in the tape to maybe make an escape later.
Mick stretched the tape about a yard long and tightly wound the tape around both boy's mouths, fusing their heads to the pole.

The masked man sat down in front of the taped up girls and propped his feet up.

"All right. Now, you all stay here while my buddy and I load up the valuables in this heap. Don't you dare try anything stupid and we won't have to take one or two of you with us when we leave."

All four taped up teens began moaning behind their gags, when learning that they might be taken with them.

The two men shut the lights off in the basement and closed the door as they headed up the stairs.

As they reached upstairs Mick turned to his partner and said "C'mon Keith we came here to rob these rich assholes, you didn't say anything about kidnapping a bunch of teenagers."

Keith ripped his mask off and huffed, "We came here to rob Jackson Gardner, he's the one that got us thrown in the pen remember? If that means we gotta ransom his kid off then we'll improvise, trust me."

Mick took off his mask and said "Fine, but if shit hits the fan I'm outta here."

The two men then began packing up all the valuables they could find and loaded them up in their van.
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Post by 1960gerson »

I see it now. Our villians kidnap Charlie and hold him for ransom. They leave the other 3 at the house.
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