Hunter and prey (M/M) +complete second season

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Hunter and prey (M/M) +complete second season

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Hi. I'm posting this story here because it will get sexual in further chapters. I'm hoping to post the next one really soon.


Sgt. Rickson, or Mark (he’s always been a friendly dude), was waiting in his car, in front of the old warehouse. His watch had ended two hours ago, and he really shouldn’t have to do this, but none of his men had gotten any closer to this thug than him.

He had put Alan Bates behind bars five years ago, when he wasn’t a sergeant yet. Bates would still be there if he hadn’t escaped last week, and the man didn’t waste any time. Some assaults following his MO had occurred recently and it was Rickson who had to track him down once again. It took him almost a year to catch Bates the first time, but he got to know him quite well and was very optimistic about arresting him much faster now. There was something fishy about all this, though. It was his MO, but why would he do the exact same things five years later?

The lead had taken him there, but there was no sign of the criminal. Mark decided to go take a look and see what he could find. He was very careful and spotted a light in the second floor. Taking the emergency stairs, he spied through the window and was very surprised with what he found. There he was, Bates, with his large and muscled body, tied to a chair. He was wearing a white wifebeater that framed his bulging biceps. He seemed tired, probably due to a long time being restrained, maybe even tortured. His arms were bent behind the back of the chair, his booted feet were taped to each leg of the furniture and an X of rope held his torso as well. He wasn’t gagged, so he could have been submitted to a recent interrogatory.

Since there was nobody around, Mark decided to go inside. He had always been the bold kind of cop, maybe too much for his own good. After calling for backups, he opened the window and signaled Bates to know if the area was clear. The thug doubted at first but responded positively. Smooth like a cat, Rickson approached the man and when he was close enough, asked him if he was OK.

-You’re the last person I was hoping to rescue me. Hmm, well, at least until you take me back to jail.

The guy was handsome and still young. He was twenty-nine, only a few months older than Mark. He had a sick sister that needed an expensive treatment. That was the reason why he committed those crimes, where nobody was hurt, by the way. All the stores belonged to his former employer, a man who wouldn’t blink twice to fire someone if that made him save some money. Bates said in his trial that he had proofs that Garrison and his family where involved in deep shit, that he would gladly send them to prison if his own penalty was reduced, but oddly, the prosecution didn’t take his offer and he received his full sentence. Mark kind of sympathized with the guy, but he had a duty.

-It’s our job to make you pay for your crimes and no one else’s. Who did this to you?

-Billy Garrison. Since his old man died, he took the family business and he doesn’t want any loose ends.

-So, he caught you when you escaped.

-I didn’t escape, I was kidnapped from prison.

-What? That doesn’t make any sense. If he wanted you dead, and he’s so powerful, why not just having you killed there?

-‘Cos he knows I have proofs against him, but he doesn’t know where I hid them. Like I said, he doesn’t want any loose ends.

A struck of understanding hit Rickson. That family was powerful indeed. It would explain why Bates’ evidence was never revised. They must have strong connections with the system as well.

The sound of some steps behind got him out of his thoughts. He reacted just fast enough to avoid being hit in the head with a tube. He took his gun but the assailant kicked it out of his hand. With a circle kick, Mark put the man down and jumped to him. Both were wrestling for some time and Rickson finally won by using a sleeper hold. He handcuffed the man with his hands behind a pole and got back to Bates. He started to untie him.

-So, what’s it gonna be now?- asked the thug when he was out of the ropes.

-We’ll wait for my backups.

-They’ll send me back to prison.

-Where you belong.

-Garrison will get me back again, and probably won’t take any chances this time.

-We can protect you. Give us the proofs and we’ll get Garrison.

-We both know that is not gonna work.

As soon as he finished that sentence he quickly grabbed the gun from Mark’s hand, but the cop could throw it away from Bates with a hit. They entangled themselves in fight. Both were equally strong and fit. Alan had practiced martial arts for a good part of his life, so he also knew a trick or two. The cop was still tired from his recent match.

With one hand, Bates grabbed the rope that had been used to bind him and tried to tie Mark’s right hand, but the cop fought back. The thug could only wrap it around a couple of times, but he still held the end of it. They started punching each other with their free hands. A couple of kicks and some more elbow hits. Suddenly, Bates pulled the rope and brought Mark closer. He grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him in a quick move. Mark kicked him in the shin, making Bates lose some strength, but he wouldn’t let his arm go. Next, he tried to hit him with his free elbow, but Bates took this chance and ducked just to raise up again really fast. Now both of Mark’s arms were behind his back, stuck there by Bates’ arm. The thug throwed him to the ground and began circling the cop’s wrists together with the rope. Rickson thrashed around, but it was no use. His hands were now tightly bound.

Bates laid on top of Mark and used his full weight to pin him down. Both were exhausted and heavily panting. The cop thought for a second that Alan was sniffing him, but it was probably just his imagination. Though, the thug did smell good. That combination of cologne and fresh sweat.

-You must let me go, Rickson. They’ll kill me if they get me.

-I cannot do that.

-I don’t think you have a choice. You’ve got your hands tied up- said Bates close to Mark’s ear.

Rickson just fully realized of that. He had never been tied up before. The feeling was strange, not only physically, with his wrists constrained by the rope, but the sense of being at someone’s mercy, being a prisoner. The idea made him thrash again, more to test that point, confirm that he was captive indeed. Bates’ bodyweight kept him on the floor and his hands didn’t separate an inch. He WAS Bates’ captive.

-C’mon, Rickson. Don’t fight me. You know that is true, they’ll kill me and probably Meg too.

The mention of Alan’s sister made the cop stop fighting. He became quite fond of the girl during the trial and the first months after Bates’ imprisonment. Not a romantic thing, he just wanted to help a poor nice girl who’s only caring person left was now in jail.

-Are you going to take her with you?

After doubting if that was giving too much information or not, he finally said yes.

-I can’t let you get me before I get to her, you realize that- Bates started tying Mark’s feet with some cord he found on the floor.

-What are planning to do with me?

-I haven’t thought of that yet. I’ve never had a prisoner before and I wasn’t expecting to start with you.

The half-a-grin on Bates’ face let Mark know that he was enjoying the situation. Somehow, Rickson wasn’t worried about his life or any major damage. He knew Alan wasn’t a vicious sociopath. But being in someone’s hands was still new to him.

-If I let you here, you’ll probably turn me in when your friends arrive. You’re such a boy scout.

-Are you taking me with you?- asked Rickson, surprising himself of how calm he was with it.

-I think so.

He approached to Mark with the tape that had been used to tie his legs. Fortunately, the cop had just unwrapped it when he set him free.

-Hey, you don’t need to gag me. I won’t give you any problems.

-Probably, but I kinda wanna know how you look with this on your mouth, all helpless.

This comment took both by surprise. Bates started to apply the tape slowly and Rickson didn’t do a thing to stop him. The tape circled his head three or four times. It was tight, but Mark didn’t find it uncomfortable.

-Now I’m gonna put you in a hogtie. You know what that is?

Mark nodded.

-Just to make sure you won’t be a problem.

He joined Mark’s wrists and feet until they almost touched, with some minor resistance from the cop.
He took a step back to admire his work, while Rickson made some tugs, testing his bindings. The big strong cop surely looked fine all trussed up like that, and his masculine beauty highlighted more in his current vulnerable state.

Bates lifted Mark in his arms and took him out the back door, to a car that belonged to the guy that was now handcuffed to a pole in the warehouse, and that was supposed to get information out of him. He carefully, almost caressingly, put Mark in the back seat and drove off. He had a lot to do and the odds were against him.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by LK3869 »

Interesting beginning, the plot's set effectively and it wastes no time.
You missed a golden opportunity for a trunk ride, though :D But hogtied on the backseat is good enough.

It's promising, keep it coming.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by squirrel »

Great beginning, very nice turns of events, and the description is really good!

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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


Alan had the sudden feeling that he was being followed. The grey car behind him came out of nowhere and had been stuck to him for the last mile. With great skill, he got to lose it and returned to his way. He was quite nervous. It could be a man of Garrison or it could be a cop. Either way, it meant deep troubles for him.

He was reminded that now he had added police kidnapping to his list of crimes. He probably should let the guy go, but he couldn’t risk being found before he got to Meg. He adjusted the rear mirror to look at his prisoner bound in the back seat. He seemed calm. His black tight shirt let him guess the forms underneath. The cop definitely used to hit the gym.

-I’m not stupid. I know you’re trying to reach the knots.

Mark froze. He had been unsuccessfully trying to free himself for the last twenty minutes. He wasn’t afraid of the situation. Actually, a not so small part of him was apparently enjoying it. It must be the rush, he thought. His body was constrained because of the hogtie he was put into and he could feel every muscle tensed out. There was some mixture of embarrassment and excitement about the whole thing. He was one of the hardest guys to beat in combat training in the academy and he had easily subdued many suspects in his career. So, the idea of having lost a match against the guy he had been chasing for so long and being restrained, undoubtedly at his mercy, was humiliating. Yet, for some reason, the feeling wasn’t completely disgusting. But being a hostage didn’t figure on his hobbies, and he still had a duty: to catch the bad guy. He had also been trying to determine who was exactly the bad guy.

Bates surprised himself checking the cop out. What was wrong with him?! Suddenly, he noticed a bulge in the, well, bulge area. But there was something odd about it. He decided to stop aside of the lone road.

-I think I know why that grey car was following us- said Bates as he opened the back door.

He pulled Rickson halfway out of the vehicle and grabbed the guy’s groin. The cop was trying to resist the invading move but there was nothing he could do about it.

-I should have checked you out for things like this.

Bates dug into the cop’s pants, feeling at the same time his abs, and pulled out a small cellphone. He couldn’t help to touch Mark’s dick and noticed a semi hard-on. Maybe the cop did it on purpose to conceal his phone. He unwrapped the gag.

-WTF are you doing?- asked Mark as soon as his mouth was free.

-Do you have anything else I have to worry about?

-Of course not!

Bates started undoing the buttons of Rickson’s shirt while the man kept struggling. Then, he pulled it off his shoulders and dug into the cop’s underarms, whose arms were tightly closed to his body. After that, he unbuckled the belt and was about to proceed with the guy’s pant when he heard a car in the distance, coming his way.

-Hey, take your hands off me.

-OK, you seem clean. But this is gonna take a deeper search, prison like search.

He tightened the knots that Mark had made a bit loose and shoved him back into the car. He drove off just as the other car passed him. He went slowly enough to put some distance between both of them, turned left and after a 10 minutes ride, got to an old shack in the middle of the forest. He took Rickson in his arms and into the place. Once inside, he put him on a dusty table that happened to be in front of a mirror and moved to one of the rooms.

Mark took a look at the place and finally laid his eyes on the mirror. He could barely recognize himself, hogtied and shirtless, with his hair messed up and a bit sweaty. He even had to move a little to confirm that it was him. Feeling embarrassed of his own reflection, he looked away. At least he wasn’t gagged anymore, although a part of him wondered how he looked like with the tape covering his mouth.

-Are you hungry?- asked Alan casually.

The truth is, Mark was starving. He never had anything to eat when he had to stand guard. He didn’t know what time it was exactly, but he could see the first rays of sunlight trough the window next to him. His stomach responded with some loud noises.

-So, this is your secret hideout- said the cop to avoid the question. He wouldn’t eat in his current condition. He didn’t want to deal with his own needs in such helpless state.

-This is probably the only thing you could never discover about me.

Was it admiration in his voice? Rickson had no time to meditate about this, because right away, Bates put his arm around his neck. He tensed out and for the first time he got afraid.

-The sleep hold you used on that guy gave me an idea.

-Why, what are you going to do to me?- Since there was no pressure yet, Mark could articulate his question.

-Your little phone almost sent me back to jail. I told you I’m going to make a better search on you.

Before Rickson could respond, the hold tightened and in no time, he was out cold.

When he came to, he noticed he was still bound, but now he was standing. His wrists were tied together to a hook in the ceiling, his ankles were tied to the extremes of a tube, which made him harder to keep balance, depending more of the binding on his wrists. The worst part came when he realized that he was not only shirtless but completely naked. Instinctively, he tried to bring his hands down to cover himself, but the rope wouldn’t let him.

-Give me back my clothes!- he demanded when he saw Alan coming into the room. He was shocked to see him also nude- Wha… what is this about?

-I thought that you could use a shower as well.

Mark hadn’t noticed that he was in the bathroom.

-You have nothing to be ashamed of- Bates mocked- Maybe I should leave you like this for your mates to find.
The thought of him being found naked and strung up made Mark instantly blush.

-Just imagine the police coming in to find their precious Sgt. Rickson bound in the buff.

Sgt. Rickson?- thought Mark.

-Oh yeah, I know you’re a sergeant now. Can’t blame me for being curious about the man who took away my freedom. My case was good for your career. And now you are here… my prisoner. The universe has a twisted sense of humor.

He approached to him and stopped just inches away. He grabbed a hose that was used for showering, quite modern for that crumbling place. He turned it on and started soaking the cop from head to toe. The water was cold, which was a nice contrast to Mark since he felt his body was so hot right now, surely because of the shame. Alan took the soap and started rubbing it on the cop’s torso and under his arms.

-I bet you never thought you would be in this situation.

-Tied naked with a perv washing my armpits? No, I didn’t see that coming.

-I’ll take a shower too if that makes you feel better- and so he repeated the process on himself, going further and soaping his private parts. This made Mark aware of what was coming.

Mark tensed up completely as he felt Bates’ hands on his penis and testicles. He knew there was no point in fighting it. He was completely defenseless and had never felt so vulnerable before. It was much worse when he saw the thug going to the back. He felt Alan’s hands slightly caressing his butt cheeks before spreading them out with one hand as he introduced the soap between them, rubbing the bar a couple of times before using a hand to finish the job. He could feel the fingers lightly rubbing his anus. This made his take a deep breath, that he contained until he felt his rear end clear of intruders. He knew it wasn’t over yet, because he saw Bates take the hose again to eliminate the soap. This time, it took longer in every part. Perhaps it was his imagination, but it felt like the guy was really enjoying it. He noticed that his member was also starting to grow. This took him by surprise and hoped Alan didn’t notice.

-Was that really necessary?

-For what I’m about to do, yes. Remember I told you I was gonna make a complete search?

-What?! I’m f*%#&ng naked and you took your time feeling me up, what else do you need?

- Well, it’s not complete without a good old cavity search.

-I’m not keeping a cellphone up my ass!!

-I have to make sure of that- said Alan, whispering to Mark’s ear.

Rickson was really struggling now, twisting and turning as much as his bindings permitted. Bates held him firmly with one hand, pulling him closer ‘till their bodies were touching.

-You put me in jail. Maybe you need to know a little of what’s it like.

He put his free hand between both cheeks and started getting closer to the center, fighting Mark’s resistance all the way, which was now more intense than ever. When he finally got to the anus, Rickson stopped. He was taking short breaths. For a couple of seconds, none of them moved an inch.

-Please, don’t do it- said the cop with a weak voice.

Bates came to himself as if waking from a dream. It was then when he realized of what he had almost done. He walked back until the wall stopped him. He was breathing heavily. He quickly untied Mark’s hands.

-I’m sorry, I’m sorry- Alan mumbled, stumbling out of the bathroom.

It took Mark some time to react. He felt tired and ashamed, even though Bates stopped just in time. He was losing his balance and that woke him up. He started to untie his feet. He began to shower again. He felt like he needed to remove something nasty off him.

When he finally got out of the bathroom, he was still naked. Alan was sitting to the table, giving his back to Mark.

-Hmm- the thug swallowed hard- there is a change of clothes on that chair.

Rickson rushed to him and put his arm around his neck, really tight.

-I… I…- Mark couldn’t finish the phrase. He noticed Alan was doing nothing to defend himself. He realized that he was free, that the thug had put himself in a very vulnerable position, not only by giving his back to him but by risking his own freedom and possibly his life and his sister’s. Mark let him go.

-I’m so terribly sorry- said Alan, choking a little- I got carried away.

-No, you think?!

There was a moment of silence.

-There’s a stream ‘bout half-a-mile from here, walking north. Follow it and you’ll get to Jonesville. It’s a 40 minutes walk- sheepishly spoke Bates, without daring to see Mark- There’s breakfast on the table, if you want it.

Bates walked out of the room, leaving a confused Mark behind. The police dressed up. He took the clothes that were on the chair. They were clean. How did he keep them clean? Once he was done, he conceded that he was hungry and had the meal. He was about to finish when he heard a car, but it didn’t sound like it was leaving. He hurried to the room where Alan was.

-Your cabin is not so secret anymore- he explained to the thug.

-Are you sure is not the police?

-It doesn’t sound like one of our patrols.

Bates hesitated for a second.

-Get the keys! We’re leaving.

In a blink of an eye, they were in the car. They could barely evade the occupants of the other vehicle, that had the place almost surrounded. No one saw Mark getting in and he stayed ducked the whole time.

-Are you sure they’re not cops?


Someone opened fire and a bullet shattered the rear shield, but nobody got injured.

-So, you do believe me?- Alan turned to Mark, amazed.

-Keep driving- was the cop’s only answer.

Bates knew the forest too well. He escaped from the police for a long time using those roads, so, it didn’t take him long to throw their chasers off. Mark was very quiet. He was sitting now and had too much to think of. Nobody knew he was in the car with him, not for sure. Why did he make that decision? If he found out that it was all Alan’s doing, he preferred to be near him in order to arrest him. If the thug was telling the truth, he would help him with Meg. Plus, if he was right about the department working for Garrison, he could become a target himself if the gangster suspected that he knew something too. It was way too easy to pretend that Bates had murdered him. Nothing was clear for the cop, but he was determined to solve this.
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Post by cj2125 »

Didn't notice this story before! Nice power play between the characters and nice overarching plot!
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


-The lights are on, that ain’t good – said Bates. The concern in his voice was palpable. They were in front of Meg’s place, watching from the car.

-Maybe she’s just worried about you and cannot sleep – replied Rickson, even though he smelled something fishy as well.

-No, she has the morning shift in her nurse job, so she wouldn’t stay up, and she doesn’t answer her phone. I’ll go for the back door.

-No, I’ll take the back door, you’ll knock on the front door, unsuspected. They don’t know I’m with you and they’ll focus there. I’ll just get them with their pants down.

-If they see you, you could be in serious trouble. As far as they know, you’re still my hostage -some genuine concern could be sensed in Alan’s tone.

-They could think that it is your partner.

-They… they don't know I have a partner- taken by surprise, Bates had confirmed Rickson’s suspicions.

-I always thought you had one, but I wasn’t sure until you invited me to your shack- he left his words linger for a moment before continuing -. I need you to give me all the evidence you have against Garrison.

-I already told you. I would be useless.

-I have a friend in the feds that can help us with this. You’re gonna have to trust me OK?

Bates silently nodded.

-We have no time to waste, let’s go get Meg- said Mark. -Oh, and by the way, I wouldn’t trust that partner of yours that much.

And so, after a couple of minutes, Alan knocked on the front door. He heard a commotion and then his sister shouted a warning. He heard a deaf sound and another one of something heavy falling to the ground. He could only imagine what was happening behind the door.

-Who are you? – someone said inside the house, and then a brawl unleashed.

He struggled with the door and he kicked it open. He found a masked man, whom he supposed was Mark, wrapped around a tall, blond, muscled guy. In no time, the big blond man went limp as Mark had put him to sleep.

-Is Meg OK? – asked Rickson, unwrapping himself hastily from the assailant.

-I’m fine -said Meg as she got herself up with some help from her brother. He had an ugly bruise in her right temple and was pretty shaky, so Alan took her to the sofa.

-Is there anyone else in the house? -asked Alan.

-There was another man. He was supposed to watch the back door.

-I took care of him -replied Mark, taking off his mask, that was actually a pantyhose he had found hanging with the other clothes in the backyard. Suddenly, he felt an arm around his neck, cutting the blood supply to his brain. He tried to fight back, but it was no use. Shortly after, it all became dark.

When Mark woke up, he found himself on the floor. His attempt of getting up made his aware that he was hogtied and naked. His wrists were tightly bound together, and his ankles were tied to a rope that circled the policeman’s chest and arms. He struggled against his bonds and was about to shout when he saw Bates coming into the room.

-You have to stop doing that. It’s no good for the brain, you know? -complained Mark, although his face was serene.

-Would you have preferred a sucker punch? -Alan asked with a smirk.

-I guess not. Why am I naked?

-Garrison’s men might have not seen your face, but they sure saw your clothing. Besides, your original clothes were scattered on the bathroom floor of my shack. It would be suspicious that I bothered to dress my hostage again… and, I didn’t want you to be hot while you wait to be rescued- now, a suggesting gaze was added to the smirk.

Rickson felt something move between his legs, so, he looked away. He trembled at the idea of being found like this by his workmates, nonetheless, he understood why Bates had to do it. In fact, he had even thought about suggesting it himself. Not that he had decided to let Alan go just like that, but moving his pieces would take a while and, in the meantime, the Bates needed to stay safe.

-I am serious about you giving me the evidence. I can help you with it.

-We were lucky, then. Meg said that those men had arrived not so long ago. They had had no time to check the house before we got here.

-So, she had the evidence all this time? -asked Rickson in disbelief.

-Yes, but I imagine that when Garrison doesn’t have an answer from his men, he will send more, and they’ll sure tear down the house looking for the proves. So, we must go immediately. Meg’s already in the car.

-What about the evidence?

-It’s all here -said Bates, showing a USB flash.

-Where are you leaving it?

-I don’t trust anyone but you at this point. I cannot risk them finding it.

-So, what are you gonna do with it? -Mark was puzzled.

-There’s only one place they will not search- the smirk appeared again, as he looks at the USB and back to the naked cop laying on the floor.

-My mouth? -asked Rickson hopefully.

-What if they ungag you first? No, it should go somewhere else.

-No. You’re not putting that inside of me! -argued Mark, despite his growing erection. What was wrong with Bates? or with himself? he kept wondering.

-It’s the only choice, I’m afraid, but I won’t force you to do this.

Mark struggled with the idea, until he saw Alan turn around to leave.

-OK! -he couldn’t believe what he was asking for.

-Don’t worry. I’ll wrap it in a condom to keep it clean and I have some lubricant to make it easier on you. -Bates was now kneeling next to Rickson with one gloved hand, caressing his back to calm him down with the other one.

They stared at each other for a moment and the air became so dense around them that it could be cut with a knife.

Alan moved to the back and slowly caressed Mark’s firm buttocks with his ungloved hand. The cop had closed his eyes, concentrating on what was about to happen behind him. The thug separated the cheeks and put the wrapped flash at the entrance. Mark shivered when he felt the tip and took a deep breath. Alan retook the caress of the buttocks and the lower back, effectively calming the trussed-up man.

Then, the device started its way in. With a careful motion, Alan pushed the flash inside the agent, coping with some resistance at first, but then, finding an easier way in as the cop elevated his hips a bit. Bates saw that Rickson’s member was fully erect by now and smiled, thinking that he was glad that the policeman didn’t know that he was enjoying himself too. He could hear a soft moan as well coming from Mark, while the flash went all the way in.

When the procedure was over, Bates stood up and took his glove off. He took a sock and knelt again in front of Mark, who opened his mouth as he made eye contact with the thug. Their sights remained intensely connected while Alan tightly wrapped Rickson’s head in duct tape. Alan gulped and stood up again.

-OK, time to take you with the others. You’ll be happy to know that you won’t be the only naked and bound man in that room, although you’ll be the best looking one -Alan said it in the most joyful tone he could find, but since his spirit wasn’t exactly for jokes, he didn’t dare to look at Mark.

Bates opened the door and lifted Mark in his arms, which was no easy task since the man was full of muscle, but being so strong himself, he could manage.

When Rickson was placed on top of the coffee table in the living room, he could see the other prisoners. The blond guy he had taken down was trussed up, gagged and nude, just like him, but placed next to the staircase, and a leash was attached to his neck, tying him to the stair railings. The other guy, an African-american, was the one he had dispatched before going into the house. He was hogtied, silenced and naked, like the others, and placed on top of the dinning table, that was cleared of all the chairs, so he wasn’t likely to try and come down on his own given his current state. All and all, Mark was given the best chances to escape and he was planning on using them.

Watching them, Rickson noticed that Alan was perhaps flattering him when he said he was the best looking one. Both men had nice, manly faces and sculpted bodies. The blond guy, who he latter new was called Bruce, was suspiciously staring at the floor. He noticed then that the guy seemed to have a boner and was maybe too embarrassed and trying not to call the attention on himself. “At least I’m not the only one” Mark dared to recognize.

When Bates left, Rickson started to frantically try to break free. It took him at least two hours, but he managed to escape. The others tried as well, though unsuccessfully. The first thing he did was calling the police. He did it just in time. When he was hanging up the phone to find something to wear, Garrison’s men showed up. They were quite surprised to find three men in the buff, two of them tightly tied up. Before they explained who they were and what they were doing there, Rickson introduced himself, forcing them to make up an excuse. This gained him some time until the police arrived.

He told his workmates that he had been held hostage all the time and that the other captives were probably accomplices that disagreed with Bates, making necessary to take them in custody. He said he couldn’t give any reliable information about the location of the fugitive, which wasn’t a lie. What he didn’t say was that he wished him the best luck.
Last edited by EzraMarubayashi 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cj2125 »

Loved this story! Mark's evolution from professional hositlity to respect and a hint of attraction towards Ben was enjoyable to read and I liked how you described their feelings and reactions towards the bondage. Good job! :)

Post by Gagman »

Very nice! I would love to see Rickson and Bates encounter each other again. Maybe embrace their enjoyment of bondage?
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


Sgt. Rickson was on his desk, working on Bates’ file again. It had been months since Alan took his sister with him, trying to escape from Garrison’s long arm. The info he had handed him was now with the feds, one in particular that Mark trusted completely. Confirming the evidence and building the case, however, was taking its time. In the meantime, he had worked on other cases, like the one that had filled the news lately about a psychiatrist who kidnapped people, checked them in as his patients, and used drugs to make them fulfill his own bondage fantasies.

-Quite a puzzle, isn’t it? -Agent Higgins, his assigned partner, asked when sat in front of him–Give it a rest, go home, this will be here in the morning.

Mark resented having to work with another agent, especially someone he was sure that worked for Garrison. After being kidnapped by Bates, he was forced to take a partner on that case.

-Yeah, you’re right. I’ll take a shower and go home. I have no hot water right now- Mark chuckled as he got up and headed to the locker room.

Rickson walked out of the showers with a towel around his waist, finding Higgins sitting on a bench, with a gym bag next to him.

-All yours -Mark announced.

-I just showered, but I forgot something.

-Well, I hope you found it because now I’m getting changed and I don’t want public.

-You have nothing I haven’t seen before- Higgins said, making clear he had no intentions of leaving.

Rickson opened his locker to get his clothes, kind of uncomfortable about having that guy around. If it were anyone else, he probably wouldn’t have a problem. His partner inspired him with anything but trust.

-Hey, I read your report on Finkelstein, what a nutcase.

-I know, right?

-Using meds to enroll other guys into your kinks.

Rickson only grunted as a response. That his partner had read that was a red flag, confirming he was being watched closely. He had taken his clothes and was decided to go change in the showers.

-I have a question for you, since he captured you and injected you with his special cocktail. How does it work, exactly? I read it on the file, but you weren’t very explicit about it. ‘Cause it’s still in you, isn’t it? It said that it takes the subject over a month to get rid of that thing, maybe more. So what, now you want other guys to tie you up or something? Or is it only wet dreams of you getting trussed up like a turkey? -Higgins chuckled.

-F*c# off, Higgins.

-Come on, it’s strictly professional -Higgins said as he got up and approached Rickson, who was still facing his locker-. As your partner, I want to know what you’re going through. I wouldn’t want to put you in a difficult position inadvertently.

-What difficult position can we find? -Mark turned to face his partner, already upset.

-I don’t know, but we’re talking about the man who kidnapped you and held you hostage for a couple of days. According to the minions that were captured, he kept you hogtied and naked. Maybe you fantasize about him doing that again. Maybe you would even ask him to do it.

-Get the f*c# outta here! -Rickson pushed his partner, though not very strong, giving him a chance to grab his right wrist.

-Maybe you play with your handcuffs at home, wishing there was someone else in charge -Higgins stared at the marks on Rickson’s wrist, before pushing him against the lockers, without letting go of the hand.

Mark was startled, looking at his partner in the eye and breathing heavily. Him not doing anything to retrieve his hand made Higgins grin.

-So, really, tell me how it works. Do you get excited when you’re being manhandled?

Higgins looked at the tenting towel of Sgt. Rickson, who started making some meek attempts to free himself. Mark tried to take a step forward, but was pushed back against the locker. This time, Higgins didn’t move his hand, leaving it open over the agent’s bare chest, pinning him where he was. Normally, Mark would find no trouble imposing himself over the smaller guy, only this time, he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

Mark looked at his partner from head to toe, quickly, before going back to his eyes. Ramsey Higgins was a young man, one year older than Rickson. His pleasant face, though stern, had some bad-boy charm to it. Mark had seen him in the showers many times, and the memory of his slim, toned body came to him so vividly that he could almost see it through the office clothes that now covered it.

-What would you do if I had ropes here to tie you up, uh? -Higgins finally let go of his partner.

Mark swallowed hard, following his partner with his eyes as he crouched to open his gym bag. He turned away shily from the lockers.

-What’s wrong with you? This is…

The sight of a bundle of rope in hands of his partner interrupted Rickson.

-Are you seriously gonna tie me up?

-Well, only if you let me do it. I mean, you’re stronger, you could stop me from doing this.

Higgins grabbed the right wrist again, meeting a weak opposition. Then he started wrapping it with the white cord.

-Since it’s pretty obvious that this is going to happen, what would you prefer? That I did it tenderly, like I was about to make love to you? -Higgins started caressing Mark’s handsome face.

-F*c# you.

-Perhaps you like it rough -Higgins swiftly twisted Mark’s right arm behind his back and pushed him one more time against the lockers, now facing them.

Rickson lightly pushed himself with his free arm, not really doing anything.

-I want you to tell me exactly what I’m doing to you, and what you think is going to happen next-the captor whispered into Mark’s ear.

Sgt. Rickson swallowed hard, closing his eyes for a second. He tensed his muscles, ready to break away, but he did nothing. He knew he was about to be trussed up, and yet he was powerless to stop it. It was like he was already a prisoner. He put up a fight to preserve what was left of his dignity. However, his mouth opened, and words started to come out.

-You have me pinned against the lockers, with my arm twisted behind me-Mark said, sheepishly.


-You tied a rope around my wrist.

-What’s going to happen now?

-You’re gonna take my other arm and tie my hands behind me.

-Well, if you want me to.

The agent seized the left arm, twisting it rather forcefully and tying both wrists together, cinching the ropes in the middle.

-Keep talking.

-Now you’re tying my hands. It’s tight. I don’t feel the knots with my fingers. I won’t be able to get out of it.

Higgins finished tying the wrists and took a step back to admire his new prisoner, letting him turn away from the lockers. Then, he grabbed the towel around Mark’s waist, without pulling from it just yet. Sgt. Rickson was now panting.

-What now?

-You’re gonna take the towel. You’re gonna leave me naked.

-If you ask nicely.

-Wha, what?

-Ask me to.

-Pull the towel, please. Leave me naked-Rickson said after he gulped.

Sgt. Rickson clenched his fists, as well as his eyes, when he felt the towel abandon him. He was fairly sure he was gonna be left like that for his colleagues to find. He was gonna have to fill a report, saying not only that he let his weaker partner overpower him, tie him up, and undress him, but that he had actually asked for it. It was gonna be utterly embarrassing, even arguing he was under the effects of those drugs, especially because he had now a full hardon.

-Get inside -Higgins ordered when he opened his own locker, which he had previously emptied to host the prisoner.

Mark tried hard to oppose. His steps were slow and short but unstoppable towards his new cell. He entered the locker sideways, working his way so he could fit in, and looked at his captor as if waiting for orders.

-This is where I keep my stuff, and you’re mine now.

Rickson’s eyes were on fire, and he was panting. He was angry at Higgins for what he was doing to him, but even more, since what he said was true, at least for the moment. The worst part was that he was angry at himself for loving it. He had been trying to tie himself up at home. However, nothing felt nearly as good as this. Then his partner crouched at his feet.

-Now you’re tying my feet-Mark added, panting.

-Do you think I’m done?


-What’s missing? What am I going to do next?

-You’re going to gag me.

-That’s right. Would you like to venture a suggestion? -Higgins asked, shaking two pieces of cloth with one hand, while the other was holding Mark’s jaw.

Rickson sighed deeply before responding.

-You’re stuffing my mouth with your dirty socks.

-Oh, but that wouldn’t do, now, would it? Is there anything missing?

Sgt. Rickson then looked at the roll of duct tape that was on top of the gym bag and closed his eyes for a second.

-You’re wrapping my mouth with duct tape, so I don’t spit your socks out.

-Good boy -Higgins patted his captive on the cheek-. Now, open wide.

Mark complied, feeling how his mouth was being filled with the nasty cloth. The gag was complete with the duct tape going around his mouth about five times. Letting him now truly defenseless. He was gonna stay like that for as long as Higgins wanted to. He wasn’t even able to sit, for he barely fitted inside the locker.

Rickson was sure he was now out of the Bates case. Higgins was going to say that he just wanted to prove that he wasn’t suitable to stay on the case, maybe not even in service, not until the drug wore off. He suspected his superior was also in hands of Garrison, so he would take his word and suspend him for a while, long enough for them to find Alan. Higgins ceremoniously closed the door, waving his hand as he did it, always with a huge grin. When Mark heard the lock being set, he lightly banged his head against the wall in front of him, just to lean on it, looking down in absolute defeat. Again, the worst part was that he would let Higgins do that over and over, for as long as the meds ran in his system.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


-Are you sure this is gonna work?–asked Corbin “Screwdriver” Keller, an informant Rickson had in prison.

When Alan left Mark to escape, he also left two of Garrison’s minions that were apprehended. Thanks to Garrison’s connections, they were untouchable in jail, but they had just been transferred to prison.

-It’s my only hope. I’m positive that Bates’ partner was working with Garrison, and Bruce knows where to find him. They got me out of the case, but they also gave me an idea.

-If this gets me in trouble, you’re gonna owe me big.

-This won’t be an issue, trust me. In fact, you might end up owing me a favor-Rickson replied with a smirk.

-He’s in Springtown, in an apartment building that’s next to the old cemetery-Bruce said in a faltering voice. The henchman was naked and tied to his bed, spread-eagled, facing down.

Bruce swallowed hard when his fellow inmate, a tall man with a cut body covered in tattoos, crouched next to him. “Screwdriver” Keller was an intimidating man, more because of his penetrating green eyes that were now staring at him. It was hard to believe with a face that was almost too pretty for a place like that. Only the goatee and the piercing on the left eyebrow roughened it up.

-How do I know you’re telling me the truth?–asked Corbin.

-I am, I swear.

Keller then crawled on top of the bed and the bound man. He let his captive feel his bulge against his a$$, before lowering his head to whisper into his ear.

-You better be, for your own good. Otherwise, I’m gonna make you my b&tc#.


-Maybe I should change my threat in your case-Corbin said, as he raised an eyebrow at the rather welcoming tone of his captive.

With the information Corbin gave him, finding Bates’ partner was a simple task, just as much as making him talk. What worried Mark was that Alan was in danger. The day before, he and his sister had split just in time, for they captured him that same night. The only thing that saved him, that had been keeping him alive so far, was that Garrison’s daughter was obsessed with him. She wanted a baby and was decided that Bates should be the father. They were gonna take him to a small farm on the outskirts. Rickson had to hurry.

Mark watched as a bound Bates was taken to a barn by two men. Besides them, there was only the driver in the place. If he made his moves correctly, it shouldn’t be a problem. He had contacted Jay Foley, his FBI friend, who promised to send help, but he couldn’t wait for them to arrive. Once again, he had to go on his own. As he approached the driver from behind, he wondered if he had some sort of self-destructive instinct. Fortunately, this time, everything worked perfectly, and Garrison’s henchmen were soon neutralized.

Despite having gotten rid of the threat, Rickson entered the barn carefully. He was pleasantly surprised when he found Alan, not only safe and sound but also naked, strapped to a device that kept him on all fours, with his legs rather separate, and sporting a large muzzle. Next to the captive was some kind of dildo hanging from cables. Attached to Bates’ privates was what Mark understood to be a pump.

Since Alan was facing the other way, he did not see his friend enter the place, so he shivered when he heard someone approaching.

-I hope I made it on time-Mark said, kneeling next to the captive. He removed the muzzle, expecting confirmation.

-I’m so happy to see you! One more minute and they would be milking me like a f*c#ing cow.

-A little excessive, don’t you think? Couldn’t they just give you a cup and a magazine?

-Garrison was willing to spare my life on his daughter’s wish, but he wasn’t gonna make it easy for me.

-Is Meg ok?

-Yes. My sister’s in Canada with some friends of hers. Besides, I’m the one Garrison wanted.

-Did they hurt you?

-They weren’t exactly gentle when they captured me, but I’m fine. Hum, Rickson, I can’t help to notice you’re not releasing me.

-Yes, we’ve done that before, remember? I ended strung up naked in your bathroom.

Bates got red all over and looked down when he was reminded of his deeds.

-This time, we’re waiting for the backups -Rickson added.

-Sure, I get it -Alan said, sheepishly. The idea of more people seeing him like that wasn’t flattering at all, but he couldn’t argue with Mark.

-As a matter of fact, I should put the muzzle back on, so that the FBI can see the whole thing, you know? Take a few pictures for evidence.

-I guess I deserve it.

-Maybe with the whole thing working. This was supposed to go in here, right? -Mark teased Alan’s exposed anus with the dildo.

-Hey, you’re the good guy, remember? -Alan claimed, trying to recoil.

-I was just kidding -Mark chuckled as he picked up a feather from the ground. Next, he ran it quickly between Alan’s butt cheeks, making him jolt.

-WTF was that?

-Oh, you’re ticklish.

-C’mon -Bates complained, struggling in vain.

-And I thought waiting for the backups was gonna be boring -Mark knelt next to the fugitive, and used the feather on the vulnerable armpits -. Are you ticklish here?

-Of course I am! -Alan cried between laughter. He was fighting with all might against the device that incarcerated him, to no avail.

-Well, the FBI should be here any minute, so I better put this back on-Mark said as he put the muzzle on the captive, who was too busy still laughing to shut his mouth before it went in.

When he was done with the muzzle, Rickson sat and brushed the nipples with the feather, getting muffled laughs from Bates. The bound guy turned out to be very sensitive, so every target resulted tremendously amusing for the tormentor, as was confirmed when the quill went inside the belly button. Mark was having a blast while Alan was begging him to stop under his muzzle.

Next, Rickson moved behind his captive and started working on the soles, ecstatic from the effect tickling had on the tough criminal. Then he used the tip of the feather under the testicles and alternated it with the quill around the anus. Alan was at his limit, so Mark gave him a brief break, removing the muzzle so he could breathe better.

-Please, please, no more -Bates pleaded, panting heavily.

Mark was grinning widely when he simply dug his fingers in Alan’s armpits, making him yell, and laugh, and struggle again.

-Pleaaase! I’d rather you f*c# me with that thing -Bates said, pointing with his head at the hanging dildo.

-That’s an interesting proposal -Mark chuckled-, but I have another. What do you think of the witness protection program?

-I’ve told you before, I don’t really trust the system.

-How about me? Do you trust me?

-It’s hard to tell when you’re tickling my a$$.

Bates noticed Rickson’s earnest expression.

-Yeah, I think I do.

-Well, why don’t you come live with me while the case against Garrison is being processed?

-With you, like a roomie?

-More like a prisoner that’s under my protection.

-Like a prisoner, uh? Your prisoner? -Weird as it was for someone who enjoyed doing things his own way, he was actually interested.

-Yes, I mean, you wouldn’t be able to leave the apartment at any moment.

-I lived with my sister, hiding in a warehouse for weeks. This sounds better. You’re not taking this, are you? -Alan chuckled, staring at the device where he was tied down.

-I don’t know. You’d make a nice centerpiece–Rickson slapped his captive’s bare butt.

-Ouch! ok, I will -Alan was sporting both a frown and a smile.

Mark finally untied Alan, just when the FBI was arriving. Jay and his team found the henchmen conveniently hogtied and Bates handcuffed. Rickson explained his plan and Jay agreed to leave Alan in his custody, knowing how far Garrison was involved in the justice system.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »


-How’s everything with your new roomie?- Jay asked.

-Bates is fine. He spends most of the time tied up when I’m home, so he’s not a threat.

-Great, ‘cos I was worried that… you know. With Finkelstein’s cocktail still in your system.

-Yeah, Bates is not aware of that.

Suddenly, Jay twisted Mark’s arm behind his back and pushed him against the wall, putting a handcuff on the wrist.

-Is it still working?- Foley asked, with concern, curiosity, and amusement in equal proportions.

-It sure is- Mark conceded.

Jay finished handcuffing his friend, facing no resistance whatsoever.

-You’re really enjoying it, aren’t you?- Mark asked.

-Not as much as you.

Rickson could not deny it. At least he trusted Foley. They had been together in the academy before Jay went to college and then enrolled in the FBI. He could always kick Foley’s a$$, something that fueled his friend’s lighthearted vendettas.

-What did Crapner say when he found out that Bates was now in federal custody?

Foley’s smile vanished. It was a tricky situation. His neck was on the line. He had to move fast to close the case against Garrison and bring down everyone who collaborated with him. There was no room for mistakes, yet he had allowed a cop on leave to look after the key witness, unofficially, of course. Instead of answering, he produced some black tape and gagged Mark with a single strip, carefully flattening and smoothening the surface with his hands, while ignoring the burning gaze of Rickson.

-That’s better- Jay grinned briefly-. Crapner, he wasn’t happy. You can’t mess this up, Mark. We must stay in touch constantly. I’ll finish my meals and then I’ll take you to your place. You don’t mind riding in the trunk, do you?

Rickson just snorted and looked down, trying not to make it too obvious that he would love it. He sat next to Jay and waited patiently for his friend to eat. The FBI agent kept looking at his friend sideways with a grin. He found Mark’s attempts to hide his excitement both hilarious and somehow cute.

These meetings continued until one day when Mark fought back. Jay’s concerns about the case being compromised were now gone. Also, that day it was Foley who ended up handcuffed and gagged, just as a little comeuppance.

Whenever Rickson was out, Bates would stay at home, his right ankle shackled to the wall, with nothing near to free himself. The chain was real and quite resistant, but the main purpose was for the former fugitive to remember he was in custody, and so he understood it. As uncomfortable as it could be, he felt safe there.

-How’s everything going?- Alan asked.

-The case is moving forward. It shouldn’t be too long before Garrison and his henchmen are in prison- Mark, then, looked at the chain around the ankle, noticing a couple of scratches-. Were you trying to pick on the lock?

-I’m just tired of this thing. Can’t you just put an ankle bracelet on me like a normal person?

-This is more effective. If you don’t like it, though, I can ask for that thing they used on you on the farm- Rickson chuckled.

-Ok, I’ll behave- Alan’s naughty boy smile made something wake up in Mark. He was so glad the drug wasn’t working anymore.

That night, Bates was still clad with just a towel around his waist after taking a shower and watched as Rickson was getting ready to bind him to the bed. Usually, he’d sleep spread-eagled. He decided to push a bit forward, considering these were the only minutes of the day when he was completely untied. When Mark asked him for his wrist to cuff, Alan refused, simply staring at him challengingly.

-You know how this works. Give it up- Mark insisted.

Bates took a step back and put his hands behind him, his eyes still fixed on Rickson’s.

-Why do you have to do everything the hard way?

Bates grinned in response and kept avoiding Rickson’s still polite attempts to get his wrist. The policeman was getting more annoyed by the minute.

-How about we trade places for the night? -Bates suggested.

A couple of days before, that phrase would have had a devastating effect on Mark. However, he was now ready to face the challenge. The recall of their previous encounter when he ended up hogtied, in hands of the thug, didn’t make him hesitate but rather fueled his decision to bind his prisoner.

-You will be chained to that bed, and I may not be very nice this time- Even though Mark sounded authoritarian, his grin softened his words.

-I wouldn’t be so sure, officer. I think we should put it to the test.

With no further notice, both hunks got entangled in a wrestling match that would have ended on the floor, if Rickson hadn’t pushed his prisoner to the bed first. Alan fought fiercely, trying to bring Mark under. The agent, though, was just as determined. The towel didn’t last in the brawl, leaving a very naked thug struggling face to face with Rickson.

Mark managed to get hold of Alan’s right wrist and locked it in the closest corner. The thug, now severely handicapped, doubled his efforts to stay free, pushing the agent to the opposite end of the bed. Mark dodged the kicks and grabbed the left ankle, cuffing it where he saw fit. Alan was stretched diagonally, facing down. Before he could react, the agent took his right leg to the other corner and shackled it there.

As imminent a defeat as it was, Alan wasn’t ready to give up and kept fighting until his left wrist was bound to the remaining corner. He was officially fastened to the bed. Both guys were panting heavily, with Mark laying next to his captive, beaming. He hadn’t noticed the big boner he now sported.

-You tied me naked to a bed, all spread out and facing down. What are your plans for me, exactly?

-The naked part is your fault. Who starts a brawl wearing only a towel? And facing down was just how things worked out. It’s not like I could choose a better way.

The eye contact never broke. As each guy breathed in deeply, they could smell the scent of the other one, deodorant, and fresh sweat.

-So? -Alan asked.


Bates licked his lips unthinkingly. -What happens now?

Rickson gulped, with his gaze quickly running over the captive’s body, before returning to his eyes.

-I guess I can f**k you all night long, huh? -Mark chuckled, but only with his lower face. His eyes told a different story.

There was a moment of silence so deep they could hear their own heartbeats. It was Alan who swallowed hard this time before speaking.

-Dude, I would make the first move, but you got me tied down.

Mark didn’t second guess himself when he grabbed Alan by the hair and leaned toward him for a passionate kiss. Both guys smiled, fire burning in their eyes. Suddenly, a shadow crossed the agent’s face. He clenched his eyes and turned away. It took a second for Alan to know what was happening.

-Tape it, damned! No jury will ever believe I’m not on board with this.

The agent knew it wasn’t the answer to his problem. However, he actually trusted this guy. He was about to ignore the suggestion, but the captive insisted, even making a quick disclaimer.

-Have you done this before? I mean, with another guy? -Rickson asked once he was back on the bed.

Bates looked down and timidly shook his head. Rickson felt relieved and scared at the same time. It was new ground for both of them. The agent wished he had lubricant or something like that. He remembered having Vaseline because of his boxing practices, so he went to get it.

-I think you’re gonna need this -Mark announced as he took a ball gag out of a drawer.

Alan cooperated fully as he was being gagged. He moaned when he felt his partner’s hands firmly caressing his back, all the way to his buttocks. He closed his eyes when he felt them being spread out and a finger smearing something around his hole.

-You sure about this?

The bound guy nodded, and Mark started to circle an index around the anus before pushing slightly with the tip. The moaning served as a signal it was welcome, so he slowly pushed deeper, in and out, rhythmically, until his whole finger was inside. He continued with a second finger while grabbing his ass. The moaning ever increasing, until it stopped, and became grunting with violent head motions from the captive.

Rickson panicked and struggled to unbuckle the gag with a single hand.

-Are you ok?

-Yes, yes, everything’s fine. Actually, more than fine. You… you hit the right spot, and I was about to cum -Alan’s blush made Mark melt.

Both guys giggled.

-Are you ready to…?

-To take your dick? -Alan chuckled-. Yes, I think I am. Just, you…

-I’ll be gentle.

Alan blushed and giggled again, same as Mark. Then, the latter looked for a condom, but there was none on his night table, so he ran to the bathroom, where he kept his reserves. There, as he washed his hands, he looked at the mirror, thinking of what he was about to do. He smiled and shook his head before sprinting back into the bedroom.

-Oh, great, I thought you were having cold feet -Alan claimed, visibly relieved.

-No, I was looking for these.

Alan’s eyes widened at the sight of a whole bunch of condoms rolling down before him.


-We, it’s not, I’m just using this one, now -Mark babbled as he grabbed the first one and opened it, letting the rest fall on the floor.

-It’s good to know you’re ready. I wouldn’t like to cool off between takes -Alan hurried to add, chuckling, and burying his head on the pillow-. Hey, can I have one too? I still have to sleep here when we’re done.

Once they were ready, Mark started by caressing his partner’s behind and lower back. Little by little, he positioned himself as he laid over Alan’s body, kissing his way up the back of his neck. His member was at the entrance and was now pushing gently as he moved his hips. The tip made it in, with a slight grunt from Alan, that quickly softened, pacing his moaning with Mark’s.

As their bodies synchronized, Mark kissed the back of Alan’s neck, occasionally biting lightly on his earlobe. The pace was going faster and stronger, with both guys grunting as the climax approached. Alan was the first one, followed by Mark shortly after. Tension accumulated along the time they had been living together made them last longer than ever before, leaving two exhausted hunks laying next to each other.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

This story is a lot of fun – a hot cop and a sympathetic criminal, both nominally straight, some creative bondage scenes (loved the locker scene), and a bit of a burgeoning relationship – that felt very natural. You have a talent for writing light, easy, enjoyable, (and hot) stories. Looks like you started this one a while ago. Glad to see the recent entries. I'm figuring there will be another chapter as the situation with Garrison gets resolved and Mark and Alan settle into a mutually satisfying arrangement!
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Thanks for the feedback, [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention], I'm glad that you enjoyed the story so far. I am indeed going to write more chapters, only after a little pause, so please be patient ;)
Best regards
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