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Something Evil part three:M/F dark

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:57 pm
by SubDudeWithrope
He walk purposely down the dark corridor of Castle Dunham’s lower most chambers. Morning had come and Baron Fessel was eager to acquaint himself with his prisoner. “Make no mistake Ms Devlin. You are my prisoner” he told himself. Fessel turned the corner and the huge doorway loomed in front of him. He keyed the lock and swung the door open with a grinding noise that made Elvira wince.

“It’s time.” He said with no emotion to betray his intentions. She swung her feet to the damp gritty floor, bound as they were, and stared at him expectantly. “Ughhh” was all she could utter through her saliva soaked gag straining to free her hands. Her shoulders ached and Elvira twisted in frustration and partly to fend off the pain. The corset around her svelt waist dug in and the motion made her breasts stand out more than usual. Blood began rushing back to her arms and hands again making her fingers tingle from the long hours in such an uncomfortable position. Involuntarily her nipples hardened, further outlining her feminine charms, despite the danger.

Baron Fessel knelt beside her cot and untied her sore ankles. “If you consider escaping please know that the upper floors of this castle are guarded by attack dogs. You would never make it past the stairs. They only answer to me. Do you understand?” She looked at his eyes and realized he was quite sincere. She nodded curtly but not submissively. Her face flushed red with anger. “I’m taking you to another chamber and you will do exactly as I say.” He need not say anything else. Elvira Devlin understood implicitly what the price would be.

He all but drug her into the hallway, her hands still bound but he had placed a steel collar around her slender neck. It was two inches wide and thick. The collar fit her neck tightly as though it’d been made for her. The forward motion made her bite down on the gag and drool squirted from under the leather thong covering her mouth and chin. She felt a gag reflex but managed to suppress it lest she choke to death on her own vomit. Four feet of filthy iron chain links separated her from the Baron. He strode up the corridor tugging suddenly and insistently on the chain to urge Elvira along behind him. After a short trip down a narrow hallway, barely lit by a torch halfway between the junction and the door, he stopped. Another door caked with dust and dirt loomed out of the inky darkness. He opened it and shoved her in roughly.

“Oommph!” Came her indignant response. Landing on her shoulder she rolled over and glared at him. The baron turned and bolted the door with a loud metallic clank. He lit an oil lamp beside the entrance. It slowly came to life as the flame flickered and illuminated the room only partially. Shadows seemed alive and began to retreat as even the smallest clumps of dirt and rat feces on the floor were silhouetted by the dancing flame. Elvira looked around the room that was sparsely populated with various fetters and restraints from ancient times. Things that she could only guess at their purpose. In the middle of the room against the wall she noticed a tall coffin-like box with a grate covered window. It was large enough to accommodate one person. On one side was a formidable looking iron crank handle covered with dust and cobwebs. The handle was connected to some large rusty looking gears. It gave her chills and the distinct impression that it was the reason they were here.

To be continued…