Chris and Ed Get Taken Hostage MMM/mm

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Chris and Ed Get Taken Hostage MMM/mm

Post by Silkenvixen »

Chris and Ed Get Taken Hostage
(c) 2020 by Chris Yost

Ed and I struggled the best we could. Tied together as we were our movements were somewhat restricted. Our gags kept us muffled in the basement of wherever we were. Night was falling, we could tell through the filthy casement window as it slowly got darker outside. I cast my mind back to how this all started for us …..


Ed had driven us to the parking lot next to the store downtown where we wanted to go. Not store, boutique. The kind of shop that mostly women like to shop in. And since we were shopping for gifts for our ladies, well, hard to go wrong in a boutique, right?

We climbed out of the car, leaving our blazers behind and walked around the corner to the front of the shop. Hard to tell if they were busy by looking through the windows, being a Saturday you’d think they’d packed.

“So,” Ed asked, “Shop first or go eat first? I hear the turkey’s fresh at Bunch o’Grapes.

I pushed on the door. “Let’s get the gifts first,” I suggested. “Get that out of the way.”

We walked in and split up. And we seemed to be the only men in the store, and both of us wearing our trousers, white shirts and neckties, we stood out from the few women in the shop easily.

While Ed shopped for Lindsay I looked over the candles for Patty, picking out a couple I knew she’d like. We were all barely aware of the bell on the front door, no one ever notices when someone goes in or comes out, only this time the bell was followed by a click, the sound of the front door being locked. As one man turned the sign from Open to Closed and pulled the shade down, the other two produced pistols from beneath their jackets and moved quickly through the store from both sides. “Okay everyone, this is a hold-up! Everyone stay quiet and move to the back of the store. NOW!”

The third man moved up the middle gathering up the stragglers. Ed was grabbed and pushed and as I put down the candles I planned to buy, the man on my side dug his gun into my side and told me “Move it!” One women in the store screamed and was quickly quieted by a slap to the cheek.

“I told you to stay quiet!” This man pushed her forward to the wrapping desk were they gathered us. Seven of us joined the two women behind the counter. All of us vowed quietly to cooperate as we all stood with our hands in the air. I glanced over at Ed, Ed glanced at me, we knew we were in trouble.

“First,” the one in the middle barked at us, “Women, purses and jewelry on the counter. NOW! You two men, cell phones, wallets, and watches, then put your hands behind your backs. We’re going to deal with you two first.”

As we all complied Ed tried to calm them down. “Look, we won’t fight you,” he told them. Y-You can have it all, just don’t hurt the ladies. Take it all and go, okay?”

The guy on the far side of us grabbed Ed’s arms and wrenched him around, pulling his arms behind him and quickly zip-tying his wrists behind his back. “What does ‘stay quiet’ mean, fool?” Before I could react the bandit nearest me, pulled my hands behind my back and I could feel and hear the zip tie being pulled, and he pulled it tight! If Ed’s hands were bound as tightly as mine were ….

“Okay ladies,” the middle robber yelled, “As you can see your knights in shining armor aren’t going to rescue you. Everyone file into the back out of sight.” The women all chattered amongst themselves as they wondered what was going to happen to them. As we were ushered behind the group I could see one of them pressing a strip of duct tape over the mouth of one of the younger clerks. He pulled her in front of one cash register after another and ordered her to open each one.

“On the floor!” At gunpoint each of us got down and laid face-down on the concrete floor. For Ed and I it took a couple of moments longer with our hands bound behind our backs. Being men we were their biggest threats so they made sure we were taken down first.

The clerk from the front mewed a loud “Mmmffph!” as she was pulled by her arm and ushered into the office to open the safe. The other two took to binding us, starting at our end one man zip tied my ankles tightly and moved down to bind Ed’s, then the woman beside him, and down the line … while the other tore a strip of tape in front of each of us and taped our mouths shut. Everyone squirmed trying to get comfortable in their bonds and mmffph’d, realizing as Ed and I had that we’re not going to be able to free ourselves from these plastic ties.

“Safe’s emptied!” their leader yelled as he finished zip tying the young clerk to the chair in the office, her hands to the arms and her ankles crossed beneath the chair. Quickly they grabbed what they came for, the money and jewelry, our phones, and the jewelry for sale on the floor and made for the back door to the parking lot. That’s when one of them stopped and saw the flashing light on the alarm control panel.

“Silent alarm!” one of them yelled. That’s when their leader grabbed his bag of loot and told him, “Take hostages! At least two!”

As they loaded the van the robber ran back and looked all of us over. It was obvious he was enjoying the sight of us bound and gagged in front of him, then quickly snapping out of his reverie he grabbed Ed’s arm. “UP!”

“Nwwwph!” Ed told him as he pulled him up.

“Nwww, lfff hmmm l’nn!” This came from me, and it caught our captor’s attention. “Okay, you too. On your feet!” Leaving Ed he pulled me up with both arms and then grabbed us both, by the arm, him in the middle, and forced us to hop to the door amidst the screaming women, silenced and muffled by their gags. We wanted to fight him, pull him off balance, but tied up it wasn’t easy and he had us out the door as we heard sirens in the distance. With one hard push each we were dragged inside their van and the door slammed as they drove away, escaping the oncoming police by a minute or less.

Ed and I rolled on the steel floor of the van as the driver took the corner quickly, then slowed down and rolled easily into traffic. We could feel our hearts sink as the sound of the police sirens faded off. The women would be rescued, but Ed and me ………

One crook looked down at us. “I hope you guys didn’t have any plans.” And sat beside us, watching us. The other two in the front seat relaxed, they got away and they knew it. Laying on the floor Ed looked at me, and I turned to look at him. We were theirs, and there was nothing we could do about it.


“Whrrr yww gnnn dww wfph uph?” I couldn’t remember which one of us asked it. It didn’t matter, as long as we didn’t scream for help they ignored us. All we were good for was to make sure that if they got caught that we’d be their ticket to get away.

“Rrrr ywww kyph?” I asked. Ed nodded. “Ywph?” I nodded too. We squirmed, twisting our hands behind us, which only made the zip tie dig in harder.

“What’re we going to do with these two?” the wheelman asked.

“Dump them somewhere. Just drive, keep your eyes open for cops.” And that’s what they did, while we quietly tested our bonds to no avail.

Neither of us knew how long we were driving before the guy up front told the driver, “In there,” and he turned into a driveway. Through the windows on the doors we could at least see up, and we could see trees and wild bushes that covered part of the driveway. When the engine stopped everyone got out and the side door was pushed open. “Okay you two, let’s go. Out!”

“Mrrwwffmph!” We grunted together as we were pulled out feet first. Now we had our first good look at the outside of their hideout. It was probably a very nice house once, but nature had taken over as the house had fallen into disrepair from being abandoned for several years.

One of the men shouldered open the door to the basement while the other reminded us that they were the ones armed and in charge, poking us with the barrels of their guns. “Not a sound or it’ll be your last. Inside, move it.”

Hop by hop Ed and I moved to the door and ducked out heads as we went inside. The basement stunk from years of disuse and whatever was growing in it.

“Get the rope,” the leader told the one who drove us out and motioned to the other to cut us loose. As he did he leaned between us. “Like I said, hope your boys had nothing to do today.” With four cuts we were free, but neither Ed nor I dared reach for our gags.

“Look how smart they are,” he told his boss as the other returned with a gym bag. “They know not to peel their gags off.” That made his leader laugh, he reached up and ripped the tape from Ed’s mouth first, then from mine.

Moistening my mouth I asked it again, “What are you going to do with us?”

As the one unzipped the bag the leader pointed to each of us with his gun. “First, have some fun,” he said with an evil smile. “Both of you, strip, get out of those clothes.”

“You can’t be serious!” Ed exclaimed.

That’s when he pointed the gun straight at me while looking at Ed. “You want to see how serious I am?? I-said-STRIP! All of it! Both of you, move it now!”

The humiliation we both felt as we obeyed is hard to describe. When we undid our neckties he collected those from us. As each piece of clothing came off they took them away from us, smirking and commenting and grinning as we undressed. In a minute Ed and I were covering ourselves, completely nude, and red-faced as anything.

The one who cut us loose ran his gloved hand over our arms. “See, boys? No need to feel uneasy, you’re good enough looking.” His taunting kept us from answering him back, if what he was hinting at was what they really had in mind ……..

The third man brought over a length of rope and handed it to him while walking behind me with a piece of his own. Together they crossed our wrists and tied our wrists as tightly as they could. We each yelped quietly, the ropes were seriously tight.

“Y-you won’t get away with this,” I warned them.

Two snerked at that and the one tying Ed laughed out loud. When I felt the knot tied I tugged my hands. We weren’t just tied, we were bound. With more rope they bound our elbows, as close together as they could get them on each of us, followed by another around our waists and between our tied wrists, keeping our hands against our lower backs.

“Looking good,” their leader said and fished our wallets out of the bag, rifling through it he took out our money and credit cards, looked at our debit cards and took out a pen. He walked up to Ed. “PIN.”

Ed swallowed. Then, nervously told him, “6-1-1-8.”

He wrote it on the signature line on the back. Then to me, “PIN.”

I wanted to lie so badly! But, “7-1-1-4.”

Rolling up our neckties he shoved one into my mouth then one into Ed’s. “Mrrfllph.” Then to his men, “Get the tape and shut them up.” He walked a few steps away and dialed the numbers on the backs of our cards to test the PINs, making sure we gave them the right ones.

The one who came out with the bag went back to it and got out a roll of duct tape, the one he’d used to gag all of us at the boutique. Peeling the end away he pressed the tape over Ed’s mouth, I watched helplessly as he wound the tape around Ed’s gagged protesting mouth, after the sixth or seventh wrap every sound he made got quieter and quieter.

I was next. I instinctively began to pull away when the other one poked his gun into my back. “Behave!” I did, and I watched and felt as the tape was wound around my head and over my mouth as many times as Ed. “Pwfff stfff, nnnwww mmrrrr...mmmm mmmfffph….” And that was it for me, like Ed I not only wasn’t talking but nobody would probably be able to hear us.

Working together they tied our lower thighs tightly, then ordered us, “On the floor you two, face each other.” That was almost impossible, but leaning against each other and with their help we found ourselves on our knees, pushed together, chest to chest, and a new 100-foot skein of rope was opened and the entire length wound and pulled and wound and pulled until it was knotted and we were face to face.

Our eyes showed each other how scared for our lives we were. We weren’t getting out of this without help, we both knew it.

“Okay, the number are legit,” the leader said. “Hurry and finish tying these guys up, we gotta split.”

“Mmmwwffph nwww mmmrrr?!?!” They were going to leave us here! Well there were no sirens, no sounds outside, they’d made a clean getaway and didn’t need us anymore. Our ankles were crossed over each other and expertly tied, it hurt as much as all of the other ropes binding Ed and me.

One came at us with more rope still, while the other took one of my shoes and unthreaded the shoelace.

“What the hell do you want that for?” he asked.

“Watch,” he told him. “Keep them from struggling too hard.

As the other two robbers watched, he looked us in the eyes and knelt slowly down, running his fingertips down our backs, making us shudder. Now kneeling beside us he reached between us and touched each of us, first me then Ed, then back again, teasing us. We mewed and squirmed as much as we were able as he did. I found myself forcibly being aroused, I couldn’t help it. Secretly I love being tied up but this, not this, not now……..”Mrrfph … “ He tied one end of the shoelace around the base of my erection, and that’s when I found he’d managed to make Ed hard as well. Holding our erect members together he wrapped the shoelace around our shafts, from my base to Ed’s, and tied it off there. He signaled his compatriot to come over and tie our bound thighs together.

Their leader laughed. “Clever! Bet they don’t struggle now!”

Ed and I turned to look up at the three of them, pleading with our eyes. “Pwff lph uff gww,” Ed tried to tell them. The man who tied us together down there gave us each a simultaneous spank on our bare backsides and they all bid us goodbye. “Enjoy yourselves!” they called to us.

The swollen door was pulled closed and we heard the van start up. That’s when we started too.


We must have screamed into our gags for fifteen minutes before giving up. Dusk was falling outside and darkening the dank basement. How in the world would anyone ever find us??

And that shoelace, only one way I knew of to lose that ….. As we struggled the feel of each others’ rubbing against each others’ added to the feelings the ropes were giving us … and thinking of baseball wasn’t easy at this point ...


During the night our limited struggles made us fall onto the floor, our gags stifled our yells as we fell silent. Ed and I looked at each other, with our erections tied together it made our work even harder and the bonds kept us both erect. We stretched our legs out and tried to roll ourselves … that’s when we heard the door being forced open. In the dark we couldn’t see much of anything but we heard it.

“See? There’s nobody here!”

A male voice. Then a girl’s voice. “Are you sure? I saw a van come up here.”

“They’re long gone! C’mon baby, this place is empty!”

We leaned our heads up. “Hlph?” I said weekly.

Two stopped. “What was that!” she asked nervously.

He waved it off. “Oh nothing, hon! C’mere now … “


I joined in with Ed on that one. “Hlfph uff!”

“HLPH! HLLLFPH UF PWFFPH!!” We yelled together, this was probably our one and only chance!


Then a flashlight from a cell phone shone in. Ed and I struggled harder, craning our heads to see the young high school boyfriend and girlfriend. “HLFPH PWFF!!” as we struggled harder still, desperately!

“Omigawd!” she screamed!

“These must be those two guys taken hostage in that robbery!” They ran to us and tried picking at the tape wrapped around our mouths, then he said to her, “Untie their hands instead, we’ll get their gags off later.”

Both of us inwardly freaked at what they’d think when they saw how we were tied together down there …. but we were being rescued and didn’t think any more of it.
Last edited by Silkenvixen 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wataru14 »

Awesome story! I love the "taken hostage by robbers genre." One of my absolute faves! And this one pushed all my right buttons. Well done!

One small note is you should probably gendertag the title before a mod takes notice.
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Post by cj2125 »

Great story! Really enjoyed the helplessness and humilliation of both men at being forced to strip down and ted up like that! Really enjoyed reading it!
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Post by Silkenvixen »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago Awesome story! I love the "taken hostage by robbers genre." One of my absolute faves! And this one pushed all my right buttons. Well done!

One small note is you should probably gendertag the title before a mod takes notice.
Thank you! It's my favorite too, I went with the robbery idea ever since my first ever self-tie-up!

I always forget about the gender tag thing. Thanks for the advice!
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Post by Silkenvixen »

cj2125 wrote: 2 years ago Great story! Really enjoyed the helplessness and humilliation of both men at being forced to strip down and ted up like that! Really enjoyed reading it!

Now time to be the bad guy here. Please gendertag your story
Thank you! And already did!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Great story! Well written and edited, and with a good plot.

I'm another who enjoys the 'robbery hostage' genre. Not a big fan of zip ties, so while I understand they'd be a good choice for any hostage-taker in a hurry, I was pleased to see them replaced with rope. Stripping the lads and tying them together in such an intimate manner was also quite hot.

An all-round good read. Thanks for posting!
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Post by george_bound »

An absolutely fun story, mate! And like the others, I really love the robbery hostage-taking plot 8-)

I hope you grace us with more equally fun stories in the future!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Allow me to join the growing chorus...what a fantastic story...right up my alley. It was exciting, suspenseful, and erotic!

Well done, I look forward to reading more of your stories, [mention]Silkenvixen[/mention]
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Post by 1960gerson »

An idea. I really appreciated the story. I do however have a wee suggestion. The bandits should have kidnapped the boys. Then hold them for ransom.
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Post by Silkenvixen »

1960gerson wrote: 2 years ago An idea. I really appreciated the story. I do however have a wee suggestion. The bandits should have kidnapped the boys. Then hold them for ransom.
That will be another story! :)
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