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Blindsiding Jackson, Surprising Monique. Kidnapping Silvestri. F/M M/F MMM/MF MF/M

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 4:44 pm
by WyattW5
Request from [mention]PilotDrew[/mention] double betrayal request.

Golden chandeliers hang over the beautiful ceiling painted with cupids in the clouds. Cascading down the golden painted trim work. The flat canvas protray’s beautiful art depicting Grecian fables and the beauty of nature.

While on the gleaming hardwood floor. Gentlemen dressed in their sharpest suits, and ladies in their most elegant balls strut about the place. Looking for old friends and looking for new ones.

The Elite of the continent and the executives of England, America’s and Asia have gathered at the castle beside Lac-Intunecat. Among the list of A-list guest, two American DSS agents attending under the assumed identities of fake criminals.

Veteran Agent Monique Albany, forty two years aged, blond hair bound in a tight braid pinned close to the back of her neck. Dressed in a beautiful Indigo blue dress. Glimmering under the chandelier light. A dark shawl draped over her shoulders tucked between her elbows enveloping her shoulders like a jacket.

Dark nylon conceal the flesh of long legs extended by half inch heels. Putting her well over the height of most men in this ball room. A black choker with a Sapphire centre stone.

Standing equal with a General from Georgia and a business man from Albania. Translating between the two men she got to hear some juicy tidbit Bulgaria was arming a revolt. Being armed by the mysterious organization the Dark Company.

The other Agent dressed in a Sharp black and white tuxedo. Speaking in impeccably perfect Russian he addresses a Russian General and a Ukrainian business man.

Short brown hair combed forward his hand rubbing the golden watch bob on the inside of his waistcoat. His blue eyes scan the room before saluting the general and making a line for the bar.

Jackson Sanders asks the bartender for a vodka on ice and the bartender obliged. turning his gaze upon the red-headed woman at his side. The twenty eight year old easily broached conversation with the younger woman.

His gaze constantly scan the room looking for someone of interest until his gaze crosses Monique. The older woman was happily laughing, Jackson smiles and nods with the woman.

They had been briefed together. They were here to steal a list of people who have stolen state secrets in the past. The list is nearly priceless as it is believed to hold congressmen, Senator’s even white house officials.

DSS wanted a copy of that list and sent in their two ‘brightest’ Monique with twenty plus years of intelligence gathering, to Jackson Mastery of language and Dialect.

However between the two agents they did not work well together. While Jackson had a tendency to be flamboyant with his coercion, Monique preferred to play a mysterious and close to the chest style. Drawing the target closer to herself before throwing them off guard and knocking them down.

It did not matter Jackson told himself a dozen times, they were on the same team and they would get the intel and both fo onto their different operations once this shindig was over.

A tall man with long flowy blond hair came down the stairs two men at his sides. Jackson turns his gaze to Monique whose gaze flickers at him before nodding imperceptably and she excuses herself from her conversatiion the gleam in her eye caused some concern and Jackson decided he ought to cover her.

Ascending the stairs of the servants corridor he walks through the hall finding a half opened door, a glow coming from the room, it appeared to be a very large office decorated with a overstuffed chair, a couch all before a unlit fireplace, a large wooden desk with a computer and technical equipment where he finds Monique in her blue dress glowing before the luminous screen.

“Shouldn’t you be downstairs?” she growls from above the screen.

“I thought it be best for us to be up here, we can make an excuse should anyone find us”

“Oh and how would you do that?”

“Catch us in an compromising position, dress it up like we could have a little affair”

“God don’t try to be like James bond, you are not even close” Jackson gave a quiet chuckle to her comment but turns “what are you doing?”

“Decrypting this file...”

“Why are you doing that, our tech guys can handle it no problem”

“Yeah well I can’t and if I aim to use these names...” realizing what she had just said her gaze rose to find Jackson’s brows low and his face contorted in confusion. Realization came and Jackson charges her in an attempt to stop her.

Using the shawl of her back she throws it over his eyes temporarily blinding him. As he rips the cloth from his face he turns to a kick in the gut and her clutch shoved against his throat.

Knocking the wind out of him. Monique leaves the room to close the door. And barricade it with a pair of chairs. Before taking an antique overstuffed chair. Bringing It closer to the center of the room.

Placing Jackson on the over stuffed chair. She opens her clutch to produce a small length of rope. Binding his hands behind his back. She unwinds the tie around his neck and pulls the kerchief from his inside pocket and stuffs it into his mouth before using the tie to hold it in.

With him satisfactorily tied up and out of the way. Monique returns to the computer running the decrypting program. The wait was the hardest part.

After two minutes. Jackson began to stir coughing and choking the gag in his mouth causing him to choke even more. His eyes watered. Seeing Moniques backside hunched over as she watches the progress of the decryption software. He smiles at the curvature of her bottom.

Feeling his hands bound he began to lower his head ashamed he had been so easily taken down. Seeing the silver flat of his Eagle engraved belt buckle. His gaze lifts up to Monique’s back her hair beginning to pull apart as the effort in knocking him out had harried her appearance a little.

Noting his hand were tied behind the back of the chair but not entwined with the arms of the old chair Jackson bent his shoulders and adjusted himself to get his wriists over the back of the chair and lower them to his belt adjusting the leather to organize the belt buckle closer to reach.

“I would worry too much about escaping, I tied you pretty good” Monique said to the computer screem. Unknown to her Jackson presses the centre of his flat belt buckle producing a half inch blade with a Do ring in the shape of the belt buckles frame.

Wrapping his index finger through the ring and adjusting it so he could carve into the rope. The tiny blade cut easily through the rope and Jackson rose untying the tie from his mouth pulling out the stuffing he swallowed the groan he wanted to voice and came around wrapping his arm around her shoulder and throws the kerchief into her mouth. Giving a yakking sound Monique struggled against his strength as he throws her to the ground.

Using the satin neck tie he binds her hands behind her back and pulls one ankle up to connect her into a hogtie leaving only one leg free. Grumbling and carrying on trying to spit out the wad. Jackson produces the shawl she had used to blind him. Using it to wrap around first between her teeth, then around her mouth and third time around her mouth and nose.

“Your lucky for your opera gloves, satin has a bad habit of digging into skin” Jackson smiles.

“Sit tight Princess I will be with you in a minute, just as soon as I can figure out an escape plan” Jackson began examining the outside. Each agent had their own getaway plan and a backup in case things go bad. And this was one of those times.

“Alright lets cut this shit right now” pulling the thumb drive. Monique screams into the gag and wiggles violently on the floor.

Having been hogtied by this punk was definitely not what Monique was planning. Peering over her shoulder she was impressed by the strength of the satin. Leaning back she looks around wiggling trying to see anything but the fine specimen of the younger man before her.

Monique needed to think she needed to get out of this before Jackson had decided his escape plan. If he planned to take her with him. Tired and frustrated she yells cursing into her layered lips.

She was retiring from DSS and had plans to retire of blackmailing people who have stolen state secrets. It was not the first time anyone thought to do this, but no one with Monique’s exclusively high-ranking record has tried yet.

If Jackson got her out of this manor, on a chopper to an American Embassy she could consider herself SOL.

“Alright I think I got our escape set up unwinding the scarf from her ankle he stood her up and began to guide her to the door before it was burst open two lights blinding the two agents as two firearms aimed at them both. Monique rolls her eyes and Jackson froze.

“Two slippery little snakes have crawled under the wrong rock” the mans easter-european accent was thick as he barked a command. One soldier approaches Jackson who while holding Monique up. The soldier pistol whips Jackson down and the other soldier grabs Monique by her shoulders and haul her to a chair.

Throwing Jackson onto the overstuffed chair the guard quickly pulled out zipties when the blond haired man barked halting the soldiers movements. Removing his jacket and waist coat the blond haired man began to to rifle the pockets and the packets. Producing a thumb drive.

“What is this?”

“Porn” Jacksons smug response earned a slap across the face before his hands were cuffed in front.

“Park her on his lap, hand me her clutch” using a knife the soldier pulled the silk binding off her wrists and pulled her gag down.

“Thank god you came Silvestri I caught this scum trying to steal your data!”

“How would you know the data was mine?” Silvestri smiles knowing Monique had just done herself in. He smiles

“pull her dress off!” Moniques eyes widened as the soldier pulls the dress down revealing her black strapless bra and panties. Setting him onto her lap using Jacksons hands to pin her to his lap.

With heavy iron prison cuffs her hands were cuffed behind her back and her ankles were bound together. His ankles were bount with an long chain between two anklets. Replacing the quick-cuffs with professional steel cuffs.

“We knew some agents would be here tonight, we just didn’t know the who... now we do”

“Please Silvestri you don’t understand” the guard produced a red latex ball connected to leather belt it was quickly buckled around her mouth. The same was done to Jackson before Silvestri smiles turning to his two soldiers.

“Keep an eye on them, we will deal with them when the guests leave” the two men nod in unison before their host leaves the room.

The two men turn their gaze to the bound spies grumbling and gagging saliva pourng from their mouths. With every shift Monique felt her backside brush against something hard in his trousersand she groans tryinf get off of him only to pull harder on her bindings the satin gloves keeping the metal from digging into her skin.

“Cmm ymm lmm bmmm” Jackson began communicating and Monique was unsure what she heard when he repeats she moans and leans back against him. A sound of relief as she rests against his chest she screams and sits forward before the two soldiers look her over and start snickering.

Their accent and dialect were foreign to her and she had no idea what they were saying but by the fact they were giggling so much she knew what they were thinking. Perverted bastards.

“Lmm ymm hmm”

“Huh?” feeling her wrists being nudged by his chin Monique raises her wrists as high as she could manage and she felt the cuffs begin to grind and click as something was being inserted and click the cuff fell open. Facing Jackson he had one of her hair pins in the corner of his mouth between his tooth and the ball gag strap holding her hand open he shook his head.

“Umm prmmisphf tmm unpiy ymm!” nodding his assent he spit the pin out she leans down and unlocks his one cuff before they unlock her other wrist and his other wrist leaving the ball gags in.

The guards returned to find the two agents now standing and moving one tried to raise his guns but Jackson had launched an office chair at him. While the other had produced a stun gun Monique had used her handcuffs as a set of brass knuckles and drove the fist through his face.

With both guards down they quickly grab the guns from the guards side and aim at each other. Monique kneeling on the ground her gun aimed for Jackson’s gut while he had his firearm aimed for her shoulder. Both knew gunshots would erupt this place.

Holding one hand up Monique unbuckles her ball gag and Jackson does the same. Standing impasse the two agents breath deeply trying to decide the best move forward.

“Can I suggest a bargain?” Monique quietly asks focussing her gun sight knowing he was doing the same.

“What do you have in mind?”

“You ignore what you saw here and we can both ignore the fact that we have been both captured, our records will be unblemished and we can get out of here if not as friends, as acquaintances”

“One problem, I want Silvestri’s head on a platter!” Jackson ground out and Monique smiles “sounds fair he has the lists anyway” Jackson smiles lowering his gun and Monique steadily drops hers before he produces a small flask.

Popping the bottom off her eyes widen as he produces two thumbdrive. Tossing one at her. She catches it and recognises it as hers.

“Then what was the drive he got?”

“I told him Porn, and a handy little virus software that takes five minutes to load into a computer disabling the system” shaking her head she gets up and walks over to her dress gratified thet hadn’t torn it up.

“How do you suggest we get Silvestri from the premises?” Monique slips her dress back up and Jackson began to don his waistcoat.

“I have a plan” Monique smiles from ear to ear and the two work out the details.

Monique enters the ball room. Blending with a crowd of European society women while Jackson dressed in one of the soldiers uniforms slipping around the edge of the crowd until they both saw Silvestri talking with a guest a warm smile on his face.

Monique moved in first approaching Silvestri’s side thanking him openly for the invitation the man nearly fainted when he seen her, then Jackon grabbedhis wrist and clamped on tight. Realizing he was trapped he obeyed.

Leading to a van in the back parking lot. A bag over his head tape over his lips and hands cuffed behind his back. Jackson hurled him inside. Turning to Monique satifaction edged in his features.

“We good?”

“We are good” shaking hands Jackson got into the van while Monique went for the car she had brought. Relieved and surprised with Jackson willingness to ignore her curiosity and forgive the transgression. No doubt he would have one helluva sore throat in the morning.

Re: Blindsiding Jackson, Surprising Monique. Kidnapping Silvestri. F/M M/F MMM/MF MF/M

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:59 am
by PilotDrew
A great interpretation, thanks Wyatt!