When Markus met Peter (M+/M+)(New Chapter 07/18/24)

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Post by blackbound »

I, too, had to vote for Peter in the end, although it was a difficult decision. I do know it'll annoy Markus no end, though :P
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Post by gag1195 »

@Donbrown Thank you friend! I had a suspicion that Connor's brand of hand-gagged couple's therapy would be well received! As for Santiago's punishment, its important to remember that Kyle is quite agile and dexterous. What he lacks in raw strength or size he more than makes up for in speed. And like you said, ultimately it seems like Santiago wanted to lose his little brawl with Kyle. As for Eddie and Hunter, there are still some plans for them in future chapters...

@DeeperThanRed Markus and Peter's stubbornness was doing them no favors, it's true. Thank goodness for well meaning schemes from friends! Glad you appreciated the extra bits of backstory as well! And of course, lots of you seem to love Santiago in bondage, so I had to deliver! Thank you for your kind words!

@Guardianbound My goodness, buttering me up with those compliments! I'm definitely blushing! Thank you, friend! Kyle finding any excuse to get big, buff, submissive Santiago under control? What a crazy notion! I'm sure Kyle would tell you that it was a completely appropriate and called for reaction and Santiago was accordingly punished!

@blackbound As with Moral Quandaries, the breakdown of these votes is also quite interesting! I appreciate your efforts to annoy Markus, though! He certainly would be quite bothered if Peter got free and took him, still bound and gagged, and stayed in control!

Thanks for the incredibly kind comments everyone! And thanks to everyone who's voted so far! I appreciate you! I've still got a decent chunk of updates planned for this story. We're winding down on this part of the tale, but I've one more smaller arc to wrap things up after the remaining events of Markus and Peter's night!
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Post by Volobond »

I had to vote Markus, seeing as Peter was the one in charge the last time with that very public walk home.

I loved the couples therapy session, and oh boy, I just wanna give Markus a big ol hug and protect him! And also I feel so happy to see Santiago constantly getting tied up! He's so cute muzzled and mitted - he should be like that more often. :twisted:

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Post by gag1195 »

@Volobond what a surprise that you'd vote for Markus to be in charge! :lol: Glad you enjoyed the chapter, friend! I agree with you! Markus deserves all the hugs! Thank goodness Peter and Connor are there to hug him! And again, I agree with you: Santiago is at his best when he is bound and gagged, and there is something so wonderfully endearing picturing him sighing into that muzzle and halfheartedly pawing at his restraints!
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Post by _zin_ »

I'm a little late getting to this last chapter - I thoroughly enjoyed it! Kudos to Conner and Kyle and Santiago. What a great way to get Peter and Markus to communicate! I missed the poll but Markus is who I would have voted for. Glad to see the majority agreed. It just seems appropriate for Markus to be in control of Peter right now.
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Post by gag1195 »

Welcome to end of Markus and Peter's first night as an official couple! This is not the end of the story, however! I've got a smaller part planned, that will pick up a month or two after this night! So there is still more fun to be had with this Weekendverse Prequel! Hope you all enjoy this update and what's to come!

Part 20: Shadow Dancing


Despite keeping his calm demeanor throughout Connor’s bizarre counseling session, Peter was fuming. He was beyond pissed. He wanted to punch Connor, first in the gut and then in the face, for tricking him and keeping him tied up for the better part of the last 24 hours. It was the least the trainer deserved for seemingly orchestrating this therapy session. He also wanted to kick the crap out of Kyle for going along with this plan and tying up Markus. He also wanted to throw hands with Santiago for groping the helpless teacher. But more than anything, he wanted to hurt the people that had caused so much pain for Markus growing up. Peter had had some pretty thick skin, a supportive family and a team of football players to help him get through the worst that high school had to offer. Markus hadn’t been that lucky.

But as his anger subsided, Peter wanted nothing more than to wrap his strong arms around Markus. He wanted to protect him, keep him safe. To love him… It really was love, wasn’t it? Or at the very least, it was growing into love. Infuriatingly so, Peter couldn’t stop himself from falling in love with the teacher sitting in front of him. And they were stuck, trapped, and silenced. There was nothing he could do to express these feelings.


The muffled cry cut through the quiet of the room and pulled Peter from his thoughts. Markus was waving at him, flailing his bound wrists around as much as he could. The bearded hunk was hunched forward, slowly shifting his chair in Peter’s direction, slowly inching forward.

Peter nodded, determination settling on his face. Markus had the right idea. They needed to get out of here. They needed to escape. He joined Markus in inching his way towards his fellow prisoner.

It was slow going. Each of Markus’ limbs were attached to the arms and legs of the chair, greatly limiting his movement. Peter was more fortunate in that regard. Though his ankles and legs had been bound together, they hadn’t been secured to the chair. Peter’s legs received quite the workout from pulling his chairbound self closer and closer to Markus.

The pair huffed from the exertion of simply moving closer to each other. But that was only step one. Unfortunately. Markus’ hands were bound to the armrests, in front of him. Peter’s hands were roped together… behind him. If they were going to get anywhere, more awkward shuffling was needed.

Peter sighed and gritted his teeth behind his gag, and began shuffling. Then he paused and looked back towards Markus. He studied the teacher. Considered their situation and their predicament.

A growing realization passed between the pair. Peter saw Markus puzzling out the same outcome. Whoever is freed first, gets to decide what happens to the other. When, or even if, to free the other prisoner. The first freed has control.

Peter stopped. Stared. Glared at Markus as the pair silently held eye contact. Peter considered his options. Markus was no doubt doing the same. Peter had been tied up all fucking day. Connor had been thorough. Peter was still pissed. Markus had only been tied up for a couple of hours. Wasn’t it fair that Peter should be the one to go free, the one in charge?

Peter tested his own bonds. Secure. Sturdy. Knots out of his reach. Markus’ bonds, likewise. Either one of them could easily reach the other’s wrist restraints. That seemed like the logical place to focus. Peter could angle his bound feet up towards Markus’ hands, but that wouldn’t free either of them from the chair. They’d still be trapped. No, they needed to focus on the hands.

But who’s hands?

Peter growled, then groaned. FINE! Markus better appreciate it!

Peter huffed again and then continued turning himself around and shuffling backwards towards Markus. Kicking off with his feet made the work easier, but he was still strained in his breathing when he finally settled next to his bound beau.

He felt Markus’ fingers brush up against his own, guiding him where to go. He reached, stretched, seeking the knots that kept Markus attached to the armrest. Almost, almost… There! His fingers grazed the lump of rope. Peter quickly grabbed it, holding firm so as not to lose it, risk his chance as he adjusted himself.

He picked at the knot, fingers moving as deftly as they could from this awkward, blind angle. These weren’t Connor’s knots, strong and sturdy as Peter’s own restraints. These must be Kyle’s. More give. The bartender was quick in his work, but apparently, at least a little sloppy.

Finally, the rope began to cooperate. It loosened, responding to Peter’s prodding, until it finally came completely undone and markus slipped his hand free of the restraint!

“MMMMMMMSSSSSS!” Markus cheered, quickly squeezing Peter’s shoulder before getting to work in freeing himself from the rest of the ropes.

Peter couldn’t see Markus, but heard his grunting in his efforts to free himself from Kyle’s ropes. He heard the chair scrape back and suddenly Markus’ arms were wrapped around Peter’s shoulders and he could feel the gagged face of Markus nuzzling against his.

Markus moved around to face Peter, keeping their gags together in a tantalizing gag-kiss. Their tape mashed together and they moaned into each other. Markus caressed Peter’s cheek before breaking away and slowly, carefully removing his own gag. He yanked the tape off him and tossed the bandanas aside, massaging his bearded jaw before turning his full attention to the bound model sitting in front of him.

“Peter!” Markus commenced kissing him once more. “I’m so sorry about all of this shit. If I’d just been more honest from the beginning, we wouldn’t be here right now.” He kissed Peter again, for longer. “And, I really did mean what I said earlier. I know I fucked everything up for us. But my feelings are the same… Should we give this one more try?”

Peter nodded immediately. I hate and love what you do to me, Markus. Fuck you and fuck me.

“We can talk more later, but for now…” He began undoing the chest ropes keeping Peter attached to the chair. “What do you say we get out of here? Enjoy the rest of our night?”

Again, Peter nodded enthusiastically. He wanted to be Markus’. To be his. Completely. He wanted Markus to keep him bound and gagged and use him all night. He’d have his chance to take control later. But he’d made his peace that tonight, and for hopefully many nights to come, he belonged to Markus. Peter nodded again and practically fell into Markus’ arms when the teacher pulled him up.

“Patience, Peter!” Markus laughed. “Let me get your legs first!”

“Mmmmmmmmmhhhhmmmmmm!” Peter grumbled playfully. While he could have easily manhandled and lifted Markus, carrying him off for a night of fun, Markus was not strong enough to return the favor. Peter would have to be content with being led, bound and gagged, by his boyfriend. I guess we are officially boyfriends now… again? Markus is right, we still have a lot to talk about…

Markus made quick work of freeing Peter’s legs and ankles, and Peter noted that Markus held onto the rope. Markus place a gentle hand on Peter’s shoulder and offered a reassuring squeeze before marching him through the door and down the hallway.

They paused for a moment when they heard the muffled protests from Santiago in the office. Peter eyed Markus and winked. Markus laughed and tentatively tried the handle…

It jiggled. But it didn’t open. Locked. Damn. That could have been fun…

“Mmmm?” Santiago called out at the sound of the handle’s movement.

“Sorry, Santiago!” Markus called out. “Looks like they’ve got you locked up tight, and we don’t have the key! Will you let Kyle and Connor know that Peter and I have left? Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your night!”

“MMMMMM HMMMMM MMMMM!” Santiago cried out, unhappy with being left behind, but it couldn’t be helped.

Peter smiled at the idea of Santiago joining them at some point, but pushed that thought down. He wanted to focus on just Markus now.

He rolled his eyes, but didn’t fight, when Markus popped the trunk of his SUV and ordered Peter inside. Peter allowed his ankles to be retied before the trunk closed on him. It was only fair, after all, given the events of their last date.

It wasn’t until the car started and Markus began driving away, and the radio was turned up, that Peter began to struggle and strain against Connor’s and Markus’ ropes.

Blaring through the car, matched in volume with Markus’ tone-deaf singing, was yet another god awful disco song. Peter thought he recognized it as a song from the Bee Gees. but it was hard to tell between Markus’ caterwauling and Peter’s own muffled screams.

“Give me more…drag me across the floor…Shadow Dancing, all this and more…!” Markus belted out as they raced through the city.

“MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMKKKSSSSSSS MMMMMMMMRRRFFFFMMMMKRRRR!” Peter yelled, his anguish lost in the noise of the torturous disco droning.


Markus pushed Peter onto the bed, hunger in his eyes. He’d driven them back to his house to continue their night. Peter’s ankles were freed and he was ushered through the house and back to the bedroom as swiftly as Markus could shove him down the hallway.

Peter watched as Markus stripped off his jacket and shirt, exposing his beautifully toned arms and torso, the dark chest hair a nice contrast against his lighter skin. Markus fell onto Peter and began pulling at the button on Peter’s leather pants, yanking them off in a fluid motion. Peter growled into his gag, enamored with Markus’ desire.

“Commando? And standing at attention?” Markus leaned down to inhale the sweat and musk from Peter’s crotch and the blonde bucked his hips to meet him. “You spoil me, Peter…” Markus lightly kissed the erect member, eliciting a whine from Peter.

Markus smirked but left Peter’s hard on alone. Peter knew that his captor wasn’t finished with him yet. And indeed, the bearded master wasn’t. He free Peter from the ropes around his wrists and helped him remove his mesh shirt. Peter stood, naked and gagged, waiting.

He could tackle Markus right now, overpower him and take control. Part of him wanted to. Wanted to ravage the teacher and rope him up. But he hesitated. He restrained himself. Tonight was Markus’. He’d be in control another time.

He watched as Markus finally removed his own jeans and underwear. He held up the undergarments and handed them to Peter. “Remove your gag, and stuff these inside. I want you to taste me.”

Peter did as he was told, freeing himself from Connor’s gag and eager shoving Markus’ underwear in his mouth. Markus produced a roll of duct tape and also handed it to Peter. “Tape it up. 5 rotations should be enough!”

Once again, Peter followed orders, winding the tape around his mouth while Markus disappeared into his closet, returning moments later with an open plastic bin full of rope and other supplies.

“Lay down.” A simple command, but one full of lust, and Peter practically melted.

Markus looped rope around Peter’s left wrist and knotted it off before attaching the ends to the left corner of the bed. He repeated the same process with the right wrist. Peter expected a similar treatment with his ankles, but Markus surprised him by roping his ankles together. Peter looked down the length of his body at Markus, admiring his Y-shaped captive.

“God, you look amazing…” Markus whispered. He once again descended on his prisoner, hands and mouth working overtime to touch and taste every inch of Peter’s bound form. A pinch here, a bite there, a flick of the tongue, a firm kneading, a loving kiss.

Peter was in heaven as Markus worked, savoring his body. Peter moaned at every touch, desperate for more of Markus’ worship, enjoying the attention his impressive physique was receiving. It was clear that Markus was desperate for it too. He pumped Peter’s cock, not enough to end their fun, but more than enough to keep Peter a weak and moaning mess.

That is until Markus grabbed a final piece of rope and attached it to the ankle restraints. He pulled Peter’s legs up and connected the rope to the headboard. Now Peter’s ass was fully exposed.

Markus took full advantage. The pinching and biting caused Peter to yelp, but he craved more. Peter grunted when Markus began massaging his gluts. Then the lube. Cold at first, but warming and exciting as Markus continued to massage it into and around his hole. The sound of a condom unwrapping.

The anticipation. The waiting. Mere moments, but an eternity for Peter. Bracing himself for Markus. He’d had him before, on their hiking date, but this was different. Markus was fully in control. And Peter couldn’t wait any longer.

“FFFFMMMMMMMMMM!” Peter exhaled when Markus finally entered. Slowly, carefully, reassuringly, as was Markus’ way. Making sure Peter was comfortable, wanted more. He waited for Peter to cry out and nod again before continuing.

Thrusting. Slowly removing himself. Entering again. Thrusting. Thrusting. Markus gripped Peter’s upstretched legs for leverage, wrapping a surprisingly impressive arm around his calves. Markus’ other hand continued to play with Peter’s ass, kneading and pinching it, occasionally reaching around to keep Peter fully erect.

The bearded hunk continued to thrust, impaling Peter on his member, grunting each time. Markus’ grunting was bringing Peter closer and closer, the pent up rage and lust and desire mixing altogether. Markus must have felt the same. Moments later, he climaxed, exploding in Peter.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH PETER! FUCK….Fuck…” He was breathing heavily, most of his energy spent. He collapsed onto the bed and peppered Peter with kisses. “That was so good.”

“Wmmmmm mmmmbmmmmm mmmmmhhhh?” Peter whined. Markus had gotten off, but Peter was still sporting a raging hard on. “Mmmmkkkssss….”

“Oh, right, I’ve still got some work to do…” Markus whispered, his breath warm and heavy against Peter’s ear. Peter shuddered and nodded.

“Mmmmmm!” He gasped when Markus gripped his member and began slowly pumping, deliberately drawing out Peter’s pleasure and turning it into a torture. “Plmmmmmmmmm….. Mmmmkssss……” Peter whined and attempted to hump Markus’ hand, the motion greatly diminished with his legs still bound in the air.

HMMMM… HMMM… HMMMMM….” Peter huffed, growing closer and closer, begging Markus to allow him to finish. Finally, Markus did not stay his hand. “HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM!” Peter finally released, and given the angle Markus had forced him in, shot straight into his face. Cum covered his tape gag and nose and Markus couldn’t stop himself from laughing. He rubbed it into the gag, tracing the outline of Peter’s lips with his own fluid before grabbing a tissue and cleaning up the gag and kissing his prisoner.

“That was… perfect… my perfect Peter…” He nuzzled close to his captive. And probably would have remained that way the rest of the night, had it not been for Peter’s stomach rumbling.

It had been such a bizarre night, that Peter had forgotten his hunger, and the fact that his last meal had been lunch with Connor, almost half a day earlier.

“My beautiful boyfriend is hungry?” Markus playfully asked and Peter sheepishly nodded, enjoying the B word from Markus. “I’m starving too. There’s a great burger place that’s still open nearby. I’ll order us something. And we can continue our fun until it gets here! I think I’ve got an appetizer you can enjoy until the burgers arrive!” He teased, replacing the used condom with a bright orange one and undoing the gag. As Peter got to work savoring his boyfriend’s orange tanged dick, Markus typed away on his phone.

“Should be here in about thirty minutes… all the fun we can have until then…” Markus playfully thrust into Peter’s mouth.

We can talk tomorrow. Peter promised himself. Tonight I am Markus’. And I couldn’t be happier.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

A great conclusion to an interesting evening. I am a little disappointed that Connor didn't get that punch in the face, but knowing the future payback with Liam at thr gym will have to do.
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Post by Guardianbound »

That was a wonderfully sexy chapter. I believe we haven't seen Markus bottom for Peter yet, although Peter being a muscle bottom is so cute, we need to make it happen!

How we do it? Get ST, Kyle, Connor and Markus all bound and gagged by Peter for revenge!! That'll be a lovely scene.

Can't wait to see what you have planned to wrap up this prequel :D
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Post by Socksbound »

That was beautiful, intimate and utterly perfect. I feel like I’ve been given the ultimate privilege to know the exact moment the relationship was born.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Wedgieboy69 I guess it's a good thing that Markus was untied instead of Peter, or else he might have strolled right up to Connor and Kyle and decked them, all while Markus remained tied up in the storage room! You're right though, Peter's delayed payback was sweet!

@Guardianbound You're right, chronologically speaking, Markus has not bottomed for Peter yet... and Hmm... Peter kidnapping all these hunks for the night... a tempting ask, though I have a feeling that Connor and/or Markus could outsmart him...

@Socksbound Thank you friend! It's always gratifying writing these moments because it is such a pivotal moment for Markus and Peter. Glad y'all enjoyed it!

Thanks so much for the kind comments everyone! I cannot wait to dive into the last little arc of this story and share it with you all!
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Post by blackbound »

Wow, I completely missed that there was a new chapter. Everything seems to be coming together... don't screw it up now, guys!
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Post by Volobond »

Awwwwww! My heart tingles with joy at happy endings like this!

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Post by gag1195 »

Apologies for the delay, everyone! I'd hoped to have this update out at the beginning of the week, but the fates conspired against me! Never late than never, at least! Hope you all enjoy the beginning of this next little arc of When Markus Met Peter!

Part 21: Shake, Rattle, and Roll


“Chocolate chips or blueberries?” Markus asked as he gathered all the ingredients for pancakes. He insisted, still feeling guilty over everything that happened between him and Peter. And partly as thanks Peter being a good sport last night and allowing him to take charge.

Peter sat at the kitchen table, lounging back, clearly enjoying the view of Markus, only in his boxers, bending and rooting through the refrigerator. “Blueberries, please!” He happily ordered, bringing his hands up behind his head and sighing contentedly.

“Coming right up!” Markus quickly whisked together the batter and spooned it onto the griddle. He turned to face Peter while he waited for the pancakes to be ready to flip. “Should we talk now… or wait until after breakfast?”

Peter sat up straight, giving his full attention to Markus. “Now. rip the band-aid off, and then enjoy the food.” Markus nodded in response.

“We said a lot last night, but I guess, my question still is, what do you want out of all this?” Markus turned to flip the pancakes, happy for an excuse not to look at Peter.

“We seemed pretty sure about what we wanted last night. It’s still what I want. I want a relationship with you, Markus.Boyfriends, dates, fucking, fighting, all of it. I can’t explain it, but you do something to me.”

Markus relaxed his shoulders. “I want that too. I’d like that. And, I’m sorry for everything with Eddie, and leading you on, and…”

Peter’s gentle touch pulled Markus’ chin, where he was greeted with beautiful, welcoming lips. Peter pushed their mouths together in a deep, silencing kiss. “Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much, Teach?” Peter whispered when they finally separated.

“They have!” Markus laughed. “But you are much better at getting me to shut up…”

“Play your cards right, and I’ll happily shut you up all afternoon. Though your beard may not like how I do it!” He playfully pulled at some of the hairs on Markus’ jaw.

He is annoyingly perfect. I don’t deserve him…

Peter moved out of the way so Markus could finish making breakfast, letting his hand brush against the small of the teacher’s back. Markus shivered at his boyfriend’s touch.


Breakfast was delicious, if Markus said so himself. Peter wholeheartedly agreed. They talked about everything and nothing. It was… easy, natural. Markus couldn’t stop smiling as he watched Peter wipe syrup and whipped cream from his lips.

Peter was about to say something when his phone rang. He shook his head, but answered the tiny, screaming device. “Yo, Hunter. What’s up?”

Hunter was practically screaming, so Markus could hear every word, even though Peter hadn’t put it on speaker. “What’s up!? What’s up?!? What do you mean? Where are you? You’ve been gone for three days!”

“First of all, it was barely two days.” Peter responded matter-of-factly. “Second, I was on a date, remember?”

“For two whole days!!!”

Peter smiled. “That means the date went well, Hunty. Maybe one day you’ll experience that too.”

“Peter, I’ve been worried sick! I was about to call the police and file a missing person’s report! You’ve really been on your date with Connor this whole weekend?”

“Yes and no. Markus and I are officially back!” Peter winked at Markus.

“MARKUS! YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” Uh oh, sounds like Hunter doesn’t like me…

Peter’s cool demeanor changed. He was growing frustrated. “Yes, Markus. We talked everything out this weekend and we are giving things another go. And if these pancakes he made me, and the night of passionate lovemaking, are any indication, I think he might be the one!”


“Talk later, Hunty!” Peter promptly hung up. “Sorry about that, Hunter is a bit…”

“Overdramatic, overprotective?” Markus ventured, unsure how he was supposed to feel about Peter’s roommate.

“...obsessed. He’s had a crush on me for a while, so I doubt he’ll roll out the welcome wagon for you.”

“Oh, well that’s fine. I guess.” Markus really wasn’t sure what to say. So, Hunter likes Peter. Can’t exactly blame him, but certainly makes things awkward.

“Can’t wait to move out!” Peter smiled again, and wiggled his eyebrows at Markus.

Oh! OH! “Right. Um… do you mind if we take things a little slow?” Peter paused in his playful seduction. “No, no!” Markus quickly stammered. “We’re good! I just don't want to mess things up for us, and I’m worried about rushing into things. Moving in together is a big step. I already started things off poorly, so don’t want to ruin this.”

Peter reached across the table to grab Markus’ hand. “Hey, hey. I get it. That’s just fine with me, Markus. We take this as slow as you want. As long as we are building to those big steps.” Markus nodded. “And we still get to have mind blowing sex and tie each other up!”

“Peter!” Markus pulled his hand away, slapping Peter’s instead. “Way to ruin the moment!”

“Don’t know about you, but I’m still plenty in the mood…” Peter stood and confidently strode over to Markus, grabbing both of Markus’ wrists and holding them together. He pulled Markus up and kissed him again, biting the bearded hunk’s lower lip. “But, I think I’ll be on top this time.”

Markus could barely think, let alone respond, as Peter led them back towards the bedroom, their breakfast plates forgotten on the table.


The next month was a dream that Markus never wanted to wake up from. He and Peter texted every day, and Peter had even surprised Markus with a delivery of romantic flowers (his students teased him endlessly about it, but Markus happily smiled and inhaled the sweet scent). Most evenings were spent at one of their places, in various states of undress and restraint.

Peter was a fantastically, and infuriatingly, quick study. His roping skills improved each time he was in control. And he was quite eager, wanting to try out every position imaginable, both as the captor and the captive. Markus was more than happy to oblige.

Lauren was ecstatic when Markus told her the news, followed by a swift reminder of “Don’t fuck this up!” And Markus didn’t intend to. When he showed Peter that text from Lauren, the blonde model laughed and pulled out his phone, showing a very similar message from his friend, Liam.

The only person who wasn’t thrilled with the relationship was Hunter. Markus had tried to start things off on the right foot, and even brought some freshly baked cookies the first time he came over to Peter’s apartment. Peter had also warned him that Hunter was quite nerdy, so he was hoping to bond over potential shared interests.

No dice. Hunter basically refused to acknowledge Markus’ existence beyond a very curt hello. Every attempt at conversation was shut down. Whether because of his crush on Peter, or how he felt about the beginning of Markus’ and Peter’s relationship, Hunter seemingly wanted nothing to do with the bearded teacher.

That was fine with Peter, because it meant his roommate spent more time in his room anytime Markus was around, but it didn’t sit right with Markus. Maybe he just needs time. It can’t be easy seeing his crush with someone else. He’ll warm up to me and the relationship eventually. Right?


It had been a particularly rough day at school. All of Markus’ classes had been difficult, and there had been a surprise visit from the big wigs from the district. No less than four separate angry parent emails. Traffic all the way home.

And worst of all, no Peter to help him with his frustrations, or even to cuddle with. His incredibly attractive, perfect model boyfriend had an extremely early modeling gig the following morning. A second Untamable cologne ad that would involve Peter and the other models dressed as different Halloween monsters, not just werewolves this time, breaking free from chains and cages or escaping mobs of villagers. As Peter had explained to him, that meant lots of makeup and prosthetic work, hence the early start.

They texted while Markus was making dinner and complaining about his day.

Markus: I swear, if I get one more parent complaining about a student’s grade, while I sit there and look at all the assignments they haven’t turned in, I’m going to commit arson!

Markus: Just… Flames! On the side of my face!
Followed by a gif of Madeline Kahn’s iconic line.

Peter: Definitely supposed to be a reference, but I’m afraid it’s lost on me. Also, don’t commit arson! I don’t want my boyfriend to go to jail!

Markus: You’re kidding right? It’s Madeline Kahn in Clue! Wait, have you never seen Clue?

Peter: You mean like the board game?

Markus: How! What? We must fix this mistake immediately!

Peter: There’s no way a board game movie can be this good. This is a prank right?

Markus: I’m about to break up with you. I don’t think I can be with someone who would say such things about Clue!

Markus: It’s the perfect campy movie, with an amazing cast, and is so much more than just a board game movie! Just trust me, you’re going to love it! We are watching it this weekend, no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

Peter: You wouldn’t really dump me over a movie, though… right?

Markus: This movie, yes. When you see it, you’ll understand. Ask Liam, I bet you he’s seen it and will agree with me about how iconic it is. Go ahead, ask him. I’ll wait.

An hour passed before Peter responded. But when Markus opened his phone, it was just a nude picture of his sexy boyfriend.

Markus: What did Liam say?

Another picture, a flex of Peter’s impressive muscles.

Markus: Yes, yes, you look amazing. What did Liam say?

A third picture, Peter’s erect member cupped in his hand.

Markus: I’ll take this sexy silence as you admitting defeat.


After a nice dinner at a nearby upscale restaurant, at Peter’s insistence, the pair were cozied up on Peter’s couch. The restaurant was close to Peter’s apartment, and Hunter would be out all night at some coding networking event and convention.

Intending to stay in for the rest of the night, both Markus and Peter were dressed down in comfortable clothes; Peter, shirtless in gray sweatpants, Markus in a black t-shirt and red plaid pajama bottoms. Markus happily leaned against the wall of muscle that was Peter’s chest, the blonde’s arm wrapped lazily around the teacher.

“Are you ready?” Markus tilted his head to look at his boyfriend who shrugged, but smiled. “I only wish I were in your shoes, experiencing this masterpiece for the first time!”

As the movie started and the credits began, Peter chuckled. “And exactly how many times have you seen this masterpiece?”

“At least a hundred, but that’s a modest number. Now, Shhhhhh, it’s starting.”

Peter kissed Markus’ head and sighed into the couch, wrapping his arms around Markus, pulling his boyfriend in closer.

As the butler entered the house, Markus’ no talking rule was almost immediately broken. “You know, all these sets were bought and used by the show Dynasty? All except for the ballroom, which was part of the actual house from the exterior shots.”

Again, Peter laughed. “Why would I know that? I didn’t even know this was a movie until a few days ago.”

“Ssshhhhhh!” Markus repeated. And again, immediately broke his own rule. “Oh, and see that? The cook has the McCarthy Hearing on the TV!”

This continued into the scene in the dining room, with Markus quoting the entirety of Mrs. Peacock’s little monologue, as well as other lines from most of the characters.

Markus was about to open his mouth again when one of Peter’s hands suddenly clamped down, silencing him. Peter’s other arm snapped around Markus, pinning the teacher’s arms to his side, and keeping him firmly held by the much stronger model.

“Nope, nope. I can’t do a whole movie of this.”

“PMMMMMRRRR!” Markus growled into his boyfriend’s hand. “LMMMMM GMMMMMMOOOO!”

“I don’t think so. I’m happy to watch your favorite movie, but I need to make sure you don’t interrupt my viewing experience! Now, let’s get you settled!”


“Don’t worry, I’ll restart it from the beginning!” He hoisted Markus up and dragged him towards his bedroom, and the ever-growing supply of bondage equipment waiting under the bed.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Sexting is not a way to win an argument, but I'd thank Peter for trying. Nice to see their relationship blossoming. This Hunter situation though, I sense something there...
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Post by Volobond »

Yessssssss! I am pumping the air with my fists because yessss! Clueeeeeeeee!

And also Markus! You should know to save the tidbits for a second viewing at least! Give the man a chance to absorb! No wonder Peter had to leap in there.

"Ya like Kipling, Miss Scarlet?"
"Sure, I'll eat anything."

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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Idk, there's a certain level of tactical distraction involved in trying to win an argument with sex! It's simply that Markus couldn't be distracted in this specific battle! It's nice to see Markus and Peter enjoying some well deserved drama-free romance... for now!

@Volobond I knew you'd enjoy this chapter, lol! It was only a matter of time before Clue made an appearance in one of my stories, just had to wait for the right moment! You're right of course, the Clue trivia really should be saved for a repeat viewing, but I can't exactly blame Markus. He's just very excited to share his favorite movie with his boyfriend! However, I also don't blame Peter for needing and wanting Markus to shut up during the movie... and doing something about it!

Thanks for the comments friends! I appreciate your support!
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Didn't mean to, but read this whole story in one go! Don't know how you keep doing it, @gag1195, creating these charming, funny, devilish characters, and just filling them with so much life and energy! They're just really human, I can imagine them being a neighbor or colleague (I wish, no one that handsome anywhere near me, haha), and because of that so likable!

I definitely have my favorites, I have a soft spot for Markus, no doubt because I'm historically trained as well, and I just love both his sense of responsibility and his ability to play. But the top couple spot has been taken up by Liam and Connor, haha! Definitely hope to see that relationship blossom more too! ;)
But even the other characters are great! Poor puppy Hunter, hope he'll find someone who likes his enthusiasm soon.

Again, awesome story, really vivid scenes and storytelling, I could really see it happen in my mind! Really looking forward to whatever you come up with next, I'm a fan!
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Post by blackbound »

A great conclusion to this story! I wonder if he has the branching path version of Clue that shows a random ending, but I'm sure he'd tell us all about it... if he could.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just catching up with this delightful tale.

It's charming with its mix of flirtatiousness, mischievousness and cheekiness.

And Peter tying Markus up and gagging him whilst they watch "Clue," that's like Professor Plum kidnapping Colonel Mustard and leaving him bound and gagged in the conservatory (or is it the library...or the lounge...or the ballroom...or the hall...or the study...or the billiard room...or the dining room...or the kitchen)???? :D :D :D
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Post by gag1195 »

@LockedCheeseBird My goodness! Thank you, friend! Glad you enjoyed this story as much as you did! You're compliments were wonderful to wake up to, and I really appreciate them. I'm also happy to see Connor and Liam getting some well deserved love from the fans! I need to write more for them in the future...

@blackbound Worry not, friend! This story is not quite over! I still have a few more chapters (and some twists/turns) planned before this prequel ends! And of course, you know Markus is showing Peter all the endings! It'd be a crime for Peter not to see the "Flames... On the side of my face..." Ending! He just won't be able to point out that its the only improvised line in the film!

@KidnappedCowboy Glad you enjoyed it, friend! Happy that Markus and Peter's story continues to be a hit with folks! Though I think you might have the characters mixed up! Markus is definitely more of a Professor Plum type and Peter better fits Mustard's general goofiness and underlying smarts! As for the location... whichever room is the closest to Peter's apartment living room... so I guess Lounge?

Thanks for the kind comments and continued support everyone! I'm working on the next chapter of Moral Quandaries right now, but I hope to have the next Markus and Peter out by the end of next week!
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Post by gag1195 »

Hey, everyone! Long time no post! Apologies! Took a small break with writing around the holidays, and when the creative juices started flowing again, they all flowed into Moral Quandaries. Finishing that story consumed all my creativity. And while I am extremely happy with how that story turned out, it regrettably meant that I ended up ignoring this tale. March brought an increase in work stress, but now I am able to dive back into my bread and butter, my favorite couple and universe! Hope there's still fans and an audience for this series! I've got a few more updates planned for Markus and Peter before we wrap up this prequel tale, and then some ideas for my next story after that! To those still invested, thank you, and I hope you enjoy this small update! I promise it won't be half a year before the next chapter comes out!

Part 22: Sh Boom


Peter pulled Markus into his bedroom, the pair collapsing onto the mattress with a thump. Peter quickly rolled them over, pinning Markus underneath his impressive and muscular frame. He kept his arm firmly wrapped around Markus’ torso, trapping the teacher’s own arms, but had to release the handgag in order to fish the necessary supplies from his growing bondage collection.

Markus took full advantage of his regained speech. “Peter, don’t you fucking dare! You can’t do this! This is my favorite movie!” When those words didn’t sway his determined boyfriend, Markus resorted to cursing and name calling. “Bastard! Uncultured douche! Cruel, evil dickhead!”

Peter didn’t respond, but continually smirked and chuckled at Markus’ vitriol. Meanwhile, he had successfully retrieved the items he’d need to restrain and silence his adorably angered boyfriend. He tossed most of his bounty onto the bed, but held onto the pair of handcuffs. Not the more comfortable leather cuffs. Markus was being bratty and didn’t deserve the kinder restraints. No soft cotton rope either.

Besides, Peter didn’t have the time necessary to properly restrain Markus. Not with his boyfriend actively fighting him. Peter had learned, the hard way, that it was actually quite difficult to restrain someone against their will. Movies, and porn, made it look so easy and simple. But when someone is actively fighting against a captor, trying with all their power to remain free, there isn’t time or energy for unstringing rope and tying knots that are tight enough, secure enough, or unreachable enough. Especially if the victim is screaming and calling for help.without an extra pair of hands, a weapon, or an unconscious or very distracted victim, a proper tie up would have to wait.

He’d fix Markus up properly soon, but for now, with his big lug of a boyfriend fighting him, even with the model’s impressive strength, Peter had to rely on the handcuffs. It was easy enough for wrench Markus’ hands behind his back and hear the satisfying click of the cuffs around his wrists. He already looks better this way… Peter playfully pinched the plaid buns before him

And now he could focus on the actual goal of all this, shutting Markus up so they could enjoy the movie in peace. Or, more accurately, so Peter could enjoy the movie in peace. Peter had no doubt that Markus could continue to thrash, struggle, and complain at this turn of events. Oh well, he brought it on himself!

“Any last words, Babe? Any final movie quotes or facts you want to throw my way?” Peter teased as he dangled the black ball gag in front of Markus’ face.

His boyfriend’s anger faded, replaced with remorse. “Peter, please! You don’t need to gag me! I’ll be quiet, I promise! Let’s just go back and watch the movie!”

Peter playfully ruffled Markus’ hair. “I know you’ll be quiet, Babe, but I don’t trust you not to talk during the movie. So, I need to make sure you keep that ‘no talking’ promise…” Peter slowly moved the gag closer and closer to his boyfriend’s mouth.

Anger swiftly returned. “Peter, if you do this, I’m breaking up with y-UUUUGGGG!”

Peter paid no attention to the hollow threat, happily buckling the gag behind Markus’ head. He quickly roped up Markus’ ankles, then stood him up and hopped him back to the living room and the couch. Peter pushed Markus down, following his bound boyfriend and happily cuddling his captive. “Now, are we ready for the movie?”

“FFffuuuugggg hmmmmu, Pmmmmrrrrggg!” Markus growled attempting to headbutt his smug boyfriend.

“Oh, not ready at all, I see.” Peter shook his head. “And, I can still perfectly understand you! Gotta fix that too!”

Peter slapped Markus’ thigh, then left his bound boyfriend to struggle as he went to gather up yet more supplies. His eyes immediately gravitated to the bondage tape. The shiny black tape, a recent purchase on Kit’s recommendation, would securely silence Markus and keep his glorious beard safe.

The bundles of rope also caught Peter’s eye. He’d had an idea. One he’d been ruminating on since his “date” with Connor last month. Something he hadn’t yet replicated with Markus, or had Markus replicate with him. Not in the same way at least. They’d tied each other to the bed plenty of times, spreadeagle had become one of their favorite positions. But Connor trapping Peter in the armchair, using the chair itself as a restraint, intrigued him. Peter wanted to test his skills.

But first, he needed to silence his boyfriend.

He emerged from the bedroom tossing the roll of tape up and down, drawing Markus’ attention, and proving enough distraction for Peter to drop the bundles of rope off to the side. The unspooling of the tape came next, holding it firmly over Markus’ ball gagged mouth made more difficult with the teacher’s insistence on fighting him. Wrapping around, around, around, swallowing more and more of Markus’ lower face, until finally, Peter tore off the end and smoothed everything down.

“Fmmmm gmmmmmu…” Markus complained, now barely more than a muffled whisper.

Peter placed a long, drawn out kiss on Markus’ ball gagged and tape gagged lips. “Ah, now that’s what I want to hear!” He grabbed a bundle of rope. “Now I can finish my work in peace!”

And he did, despite Markus’ muffled protests and attempts to fight his stronger boyfriend.

Peter pushed Markus down to the floor, pulling his bound feet to stretch out in front of him. The model then looped one end of the rope tightly around Markus’ left wrist. Keeping Markus centered in front of the couch, Peter yanked the rope behind his unwilling captive, crossing to Markus’ right, and tying the other end of the rope off on the couch leg to Markus’ right. The imprisoned teacher, leaning to the right, glared at Peter and complained at this new predicament.

Peter looped another rope around Markus’ left wrist, repeating the process with the other couch leg. Only then did he release Markus from the handcuffs, adjusting the tightness of the ropes to ensure that Markus’ arms were securely pulled in opposite directions and his hands were too far apart to work on any knots. Markus pulled, of course, but his arms were successfully crossed behind his back in a strained X, his hands and fingers stretched to opposite ends of the couch.

Peter knelt in front of Markus, admiring his work, and basking in his well executed idea. But he wasn’t finished yet. Another bundle of rope, wound tightly around Markus’ chest to prevent the teacher from struggling too much, rope fed under the armpits to secure the restraints. A final set up ropes winding around Markus’ thighs and calves. Peter even adjusted the ankle ropes to attach to the legs of the coffee table.

He planted another kiss on Markus’ hidden lips. “Mwa! You look perfect, Markus! Now I think we’re ready to watch the movie!”

“Fmmmk hmmmu!” Markus shot back, powerless to do anything else as Peter settled back on the couch and happily propped his feet on Markus’ shoulders.

“Be thankful I showered before our date, or these puppies would be unbearable!” Peter laughed as he pressed play. Markus is going to kill me later… Peter reasoned. But who says later can’t be tomorrow… or even the next day…


“Because it’s all too shocking!” Mr. Green exclaimed before the door opened, revealing the clandestine couplings happening in the Study.

Peter gasped, then laughed as Sh Boom began playing in the background of the scene. “You’re right, Teach, this movie is great! Still don’t get why they aren’t wearing the right colors, though…”

Markus grumbled more unintelligible complaints, which he’d been doing throughout the movie, but Peter paid him no mind and instead playfully slapped his beleaguered boyfriend’s cheeks with his feet.

Markus groaned as Peter began swaying along with the music. Life could be a dream, sweetheart…

Both tensed, however, when they heard the jingling of keys at the door and a moment later watched Hunter enter the apartment, close the door, and freeze at the scene he just walked in on.

“Uh…” the confused coder managed to say.

“Welcome home!” Peter laughed, sitting up and finally freeing Markus from the torment of his feet. “Care to join us? Markus is introducing me to Clue!”

“Pmmmmtmmmmr!” Markus moaned into his gag, trying to struggle free, refusing to look up at Hunter.

“Ummm, I think I’m good… I’m just going to hide in my room for the rest of the night and pretend I didn’t see any of this and that I don’t know what’s going on out here… at all…”

Peter continued to laugh, oblivious to the stolen looks his roommate kept casting at the couple. Peter just shrugged. “Well, you know where to find us when you change your mind!” Not that he expected Hunter to actually sit down and watch the movie with them, regardless of whether or not Markus was bound and gagged. Hunter clearly didn’t like Markus or their relationship, but Peter didn’t care.

Markus wanted to take things slow in terms of their relationship milestones. That included moving in together. So Peter simply had to wait for his boyfriend to extend an official invitation. Until then, he needed Hunter solely for rent money. They didn’t need to be anything more than simple roommates. If that meant he saw Hunter less and less, all the better.

“Pmmmmttttrrrr!” Markus began banging his head backwards against the sofa, trying to get his boyfriend’s attention.

“Oh, right. Sorry, Markus, got a little lost in thought there!” He quickly rewound the movie to just before Hunter interrupted them. But, taking pity, Peter kept his feet away. Instead, Peter shifted his position to sit right behind Markus. Peter was sure Markus could feel the heat of his thighs on his face. He smiled as he began playfully petting and stroking Markus’ face, massaging his shoulders, and allowing his feet to occasionally play with Markus’ member.

All to glorious, groaning results from the bound boyfriend.

Peter leaned down and whispered into his captive’s ear. “I’ve really enjoyed this movie. Thank you for introducing it to me. But, I think I’m going to enjoy what comes after the credits even more. I’m so happy neither of us has plans tomorrow…” Poor Hunter. He’s going to get an earful…
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Post by Volobond »

Absolutely adorable! And life certainly does seem like a dream, sweetheart, with these adorable lovebirds. I can't even really be mad at Peter for rubbing it in Hunter's face since it seems more like Peter is just giving Hunter not-so-subtle hints to back off - or maybe I'm just starved for my favorite couple!

As for Markus, since he's indisposed, I'll point out the trivia bit for him to correct Peter. Plum wears a purple vest, Mustard a yellow tie. White has white coat lining but primarily wears all black. Similarly Peacock wears orange (complimentary to blue) and Scarlett wears green (complimentary to red), and Green wears no green, and his wardrobe is not complementary to Green.

This does foreshadow certain events of the endings, if you think about it. ;)
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...Sorry. anyways, I love Markus and Peter, but even I can admit you save the trivia for the second or third rewatch and let the newbie experience it on his own! So for once... good on ya, Peter!

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

100% worth the wait. I can't wait for more!

I get the burnout from pushing to get a story done. Hopefully the creativity starts flowing again because your future plans sound entertaining.
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Post by Guardianbound »

So happy you're back writing again! This chapter was so cute, love Markus trying to talk his way out of being restrained. The threat to break up... who would believe that obvious lie! Now with all that unwanted noise coming from the other room, I'd say it's time for Hunter to shut both Peter and Markus up! The twink strikes back!
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Guardianbound wrote: 3 months ago Now with all that unwanted noise coming from the other room, I'd say it's time for Hunter to shut both Peter and Markus up! The twink strikes back!
Or fail miserably trying and join him bound and gagged. Either way, we need more hunter.
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