(M/F) The Sentinals: Buried Treasure (complete)

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(M/F) The Sentinals: Buried Treasure (complete)

Post by chaos846 »

Author's Note: This is the Pilot episode of a new series that i'm starting up in this section. It has elements of fantasy, magic, castles, kings, tyrants, and of course my own sense of humor. this might be a little flimsy, but hopefully future instalments will be better. this is my first time attempting this with no real reference points, as I kinda have to make most of it up.

Part 1: In this part, we are introduced to some new heroes who have a plan of action.

Prologue: Three Boys who were orphaned as children. Taken in by a wise, and powerful sorcerer. Together they grew as friends, and almost brothers. Each learning from the tutelage of their foster father in different ways. His love and care for them allowing his powerful aura to embrace them as well. (Remember this part.)

An attack on his tower. He told his charges to flee. As they fled, he was cut down by the mysterious invader. All they could do was look back in horror as the tower they once call home burned. They were now on their own with no Guide or Guardian. They would not be held back however. They would find the monster responsible, and that monster would face justice. THEIR JUSTICE.

All deeds performed would be done in remembrance of their foster father. No one else should suffer the fate that happened to them. The aura of their foster father surged with each deed they performed. Using everything they were taught, they would carve a name for themselves: The Sentinels.

----present day----

It was twilight, and three men were seated around a camp fire along a deep forest trail. Wolf howls could be heard in the distance, but that was of no concern to these three. They have dealt with far worse.

The closest one to the fire was Dale Panther. A somewhat short man with messy hair. He was gifted with an aptitude for stealth. Then there was the big guy: Theon Maverick. All three possess great strength beyond that of any other human, but Theon's is greater still. He can give as well as he can take. Finally there was Jade Hawkins. A calculating man with dark shoulder length hair. He was the Mastermind of the three.

All three were dressed in a similar fashion with

Tough Boots.
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b3/bf/fd/b3bf ... 41bd09.jpg
dark trousers(Dale: Blueish, Jade: Black ,Theon: Greenish)
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f6/60/aa/f660 ... ostume.jpg
black shirts (Theon usually goes without)
https://img0.etsystatic.com/164/1/90700 ... 6_9s0q.jpg
And one distinct feature that made them stand out. All three wore identical leather cuirasses. All three are endowed with powerful magic suited to each man personally.
https://cdn6.bigcommerce.com/s-y881p/pr ... 00.jpg?c=2

“I still don't like it,” Theon said, finally breaking the silence. His voice was deep. He was looking at Jade.

“Something on your mind?” Jade asked him.

“I don't like the fact that we're out here on what could be just a wild goose chase on information that I can only called flimsy at best,” Theon pointed out to him. Jade sighed.

“Look, Greshera keeps pushing and pushing as it is, and I'm not taking chances,” Jade responded. Theon growled at the mention of that name. Greshera was the neighboring land ruled by tyrants who were jealous of Vylora's prosperity. These Tyrants long to see Vylora under their heels. So far, The Sentinels have been a thorn Gresheram's side, but they seek to be the final nail in the coffin.

“Besides, I know what I heard him say,” Dale finally spoke. “He clearly said that the keep was under Gresheran Banners.”

“Besides, even if this doesn't pan out, we still might find something,” Jade said, trying to instill some optimism. Theon grumbled to himself.

“After months of nothing, I hope you're right,” He groaned.

“Look lets face this in the morning with clears eyes, and clear heads, okay?” Jade then suggested.

“I think he's right,” Dale agreed. Theon sighed.

“Yes, fine,” He finally said himself. With that, Theon took the first watch as they slept through the night.

* * * *

The night was uneventful, and at the crack of Dawn the trio was waking up. They had to restart the fire in order to eat breakfast. Once they had their fill, they packed everything up onto Henry, their Horse, and continued down the trail.

After about an hour, the woods parted a bit to reveal a small castle keep on a hillside. The three kept to the cover of the trees, and scanned the keep. There was no mistaking the Red and black Gresheran Banners that now waved in the wind. Gresheran Banners on Vyloran soil.

“Well, it would seem that he was right,” Jade pointed out.

“I'm sorry I doubted you,” Theon said, in a regretful tone.

“Trust me Theon, I like you because you question things that don't make sense, and to an extent, sometimes I don't. But it's always better to take a look just in case,” Jade told him.

“And to think those idiots blew him off, and told him that he was just traumatized by some horrific battle,” Dale then said.

“Dale, you think you can pop inside there, and get us some details?” Jade then asked. Dale smirked.

“I'll give it a try,” He said, and then made his way towards the keep. Once Dale disappeared from view, Theon smirked at Jade.

“How many do you think?” He asked him. Jade returned the smirk.

“I'd say about two,” He answered. They both shared a chuckle, and continued to wait. Sure it's boring, but charging in blindly is never a good idea.

An hour later...

“I thought he'd be done by now,” Theon pointed out. “Do you think...maybe?”

“Possible, but highly unlikely,” Jade responded. He had confidence in his brother at arms, but no possibility should ever be ruled out. They then heard a sound nearby. The sound of leaves. Then another sound. A voice.

“Relax, it's me,” The voice of Dale spoke, as he then came into view.

“You were gone for quite a while there partner,” Theon scolded.

“There was a lot to be found,” Dale told him.

“Like what?” Jade asked him.

“Nothing of the money variety that I could see, but there are quite a few things in there that can be sold,” He stated.

“What kind of numbers are we looking at?” Jade asked.

“About forty to sixty, something like that,” Dale told him.

“That's not very many,” Theon then pointed out.

“Never the less, where there's troops, there's a payroll,” Jade stated. “Any civilians?” He then asked.

“No, this is strictly military,” Dale responded. Jade then nodded in confirmation. No matter how cruel the rulers are, civilians were always off limits to them. With no chance of innocent casualties, this meant that plan A was good to go.

“Anything else?” Jade asked.

“Yeah, I couldn't get into the basement,” Dale told them. Jade blinked at him expectantly. “I asked the guard standing at the door what was down there, and he told me: That's where the His Lordship keeps his buried treasure.”

“I like the sound of that,” Theon said, now looking a bit less grumpy.

“Alright then, Dale, you resume your role, and grab what you can. Theon, you start the distraction, and have your fun at the expense of the Gresheran Military. I'll see what I can do about getting into that basement,” Jade laid out.

“I think we're ready,” Dale said.

“Let's do this,” Theon Grumbled.
Last edited by chaos846 5 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Steak in a Tree
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

As an avid Game of Thrones fan, I hate Theon. Not your Theon, GoT Theon. Do I have a slight bias? Perhaps. :P

While I don't technically want misfortune to fall on him, I'm certainly not rooting for him 100% of the time either heh. But in all seriousness, interesting start, it's cool to see you branching out like this. Eagerly looking forward to seeing where you take this.
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Post by chaos846 »

Steak in a Tree wrote: 5 years ago As an avid Game of Thrones fan, I hate Theon. Not your Theon, GoT Theon. Do I have a slight bias? Perhaps. :P

While I don't technically want misfortune to fall on him, I'm certainly not rooting for him 100% of the time either heh. But in all seriousness, interesting start, it's cool to see you branching out like this. Eagerly looking forward to seeing where you take this.
Truth be told, I actually picked Theon based on the fact that one of the security guys in the store that I work at is named Theon, so I based his name more off of that...Plus it was better than what I had originally picked. You'll likely notice that some things don't make a lot of sense, but rest assured, all will be revealed in the next part. (In more than one sense I might add.)
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: In this part, The Aura of the Sorcerer reveals manifestations, as the crew cleans house.

Dale was the first to part with the group again. Theon, and Jade soon followed a few minutes after. They both scouted the gate to the keep. They knew the guards would be blind to Dale's trickery. With enough time Jade and Theon could sneak their way in, but that would take too long. It was time for Theon to do what he does best.

Theon took in a deep breath, and something strange whirled around him briefly before fading. With his crossbow slung on his back, He then made his way to the Castle Gate. He stoically walked his way up, as the Guard on top took notice.

“Halt! Who goes there?!” He called down to Theon. Theon took no notice of The Guard's demand, and just kept walking. “Answer me!” The Guard demanded. By now Theon had reached the portcullis, and The Guard behind it was ready with a spear drawn.

“What's your business here!” He shouted. Theon stopped in front of the gate. The guards were so distracted with Theon that they didn't notice that Jade had hugged the wall the entire time, and was waiting for his que.

“I want entry to the keep,” Theon requested in a monotone voice. The Guard spit on him.

“Get lost!” He barked. Theon grinned at him. He then grabbed hold of the portcullis. With a feat of strength no man should have, he ripped a gaping hole in it that was big enough for him, and Jade to enter through. The man standing guard was too shocked at what he had just seen to react. Theon pulled his crossbow from his back, and put a bolt right between the guard's eyes.

The other guards outside knew something was wrong when they saw the guard at the entry had fallen. They rushed in to defeat their attacker, but it was of no use. With a few clicks of a mechanism in the crossbow, a new bolt had knocked itself, and the string was pulled back ready for the next shot. Theon belted another would-be attacker across the field with one swing of his fist, and shot another one from a safe distance.

One guard managed to close the distance, and took a mighty swing at Theon's face with his sword. A blow that surely would have cleaved a man's skull in two left a huge bloody scar on Theon. A scar that was beginning to fade. Within a few seconds, no sign of a wound remained. The Titan's Aspect was strong with Theon, and he punched the guard straight into a small wood building. His onslaught then continued.

While all of this was happening, Jade had managed to sneak his way through the dark halls of the keep. He didn't have Theon's insane strength or endurance, but he did have something else that made him a top tier threat to any guard who was unlucky enough to spot him. He crept his way through the castle trying to find his way to the basement.

Every so often he needed to duck behind a dark wall as men would pass him. Likely drawn to the commotion outside. He then continued his way down the hall where he was at a dead end with a door, and a guard standing in front of it. A guard that took instant notice of him.

“Who are you?!” He shouted. Jade shrugged.

“Just a passerby as they say,” He mocked while slowly closing the distance. The guard held his spear firm. He was ready to stab the intruder if he got too close.

“You broke into the wrong castle! His Lordship will decide what to do with you!” The Guard basked.

“And where is His Lordship?” Jade asked politely.

“Right now he's down there with his treasure,” The guard told him. So this is the door leading to the basement. Excellent. Now all he had to do was get passed this moron. “Perhaps, I'll save him the trouble,” The guard then suggested aloud. “Perhaps i'll just run you through right now!” He snapped, and then lunged his spear at Jade.

It all happened so fast. One second the guard thrust his spear, the next he was down. Whether he was still alive or not mattered little to Jade. Right now all he wanted was to know what was down here that was so valuable. The guard didn't have a key on him which did make some relative sense. It would seem only The Master of the Castle had the key. It looked like Jade would have to resort to a different key, or rather...set of keys.

Jade pulled two small thin objects from a pocket on his person. He then inserted them into the lock, and began fiddling with it.

“Come on,” He urged a bit, and within a minute or two, the lock snapped open, and the door swung free. He then made his way down a flight of stairs to the basement.

The stairs seemed to hug the wall as a room opened up. He kept hidden as best he could. He made his way just far enough that he could see into the room, but still remain out of sight. This room had what looked like a desk in the middle, and a few torture devices over at the far end. The near end however proved much more interesting.

A man wearing some very expensive looking clothes was standing over a large, and comfortable looking bed.

“You are clever Girl, but not clever enough,” He stated. It was at this point Jade crept a bit further down, and saw a horrific sight. A naked woman was on the bed, and likely not by choice. As the man circled the bed to the other side, Jade got a look at her. From what he could tell her hands were bound behind her back. Her feet were bound together by a pair of shackles with a chain connecting them to the bed. She was also gagged with a piece of cloth covering her mouth.

“Your charms won't work anymore, for I am wise to them now,” The Captor then proudly claimed.

“Another one who's in love with his own ego,” Jade breathed to himself. The man paused, and then with no warning, gave her a firm slap across her face. The poor girl yelped into her gag, and paused herself. She then looked back at her captor. There was no mistaking the timid innocence in her eyes.

“Just once I'd like to see a look of pain on your face,” Her Captor growled. He then sat on top of her, and began to treat her like a toy. He began by fondling her breasts. He caressed them, and groped them. All she could do was lay there, and accept the indignity. She just closed her eyes, and tried to remain composed. She refused to break.

Jade had seen enough. With the grace of a cat, he fell from the stairs, and landed on the ground with barely a sound. A sound that The Nobleman might have noticed has he not been occupied. The man looked up from the woman. Anger was pulsing in his eyes. Jade paused briefly. He didn't want to alert the man to his presence. The woman thankfully was looking away, and didn't spot him either.

“Be as defiant as you want. It will be that much better when you finally break,” The man growled at his captive. She responded with a blink. He then got off of her, and grabbed a whip from a nearby table. “I'll try not to leave any marks,” He said, and then laughed at his own comment, as he slid the whip through his hand in an effort to frighten her.

The young woman now looked a bit more fearful, and The Nobleman saw it. He was smiling at his triumph. He knew he would soon get what he desired. In one last act of defiance, his prisoner looked away from him, and towards the staircase. She then froze. Her eyes locked on Jade who was sneaking up behind her captor. She almost let out a squeal when she saw him. The Captor saw the look in her eyes. He now knew something wasn't right.

With a swift turn, he swung the whip. Jade blinked for a moment. Just when the whip should have struck him time had slowed almost to a slow crawl for everyone, and everything....except Jade. Jade easily ducked under the whip, walked over to his attacker, gave him a few good hits to the gut, and then just as the time distortion effect wore off, he kicked him clear across the room, and into the wall.

The Man got to his feet. He was dazed, and confused about what had just happened. Jade saw he had short hair, and a large mustache as well. He quickly grabbed a nearby sword off one of the nearby tables. Jade smirked at the sight of this.

“Who are you to intrude upon the home of Lord Aromus?!” He declared. “Who do you think you are interrupting my pleasure time with my Slave?!”

“Someone you should be very afraid of,” Jade responded coldly. The word choice from his opponent made him even even more angry.

“Guards!” Lord Aromus called aloud.

“At this time, I don't think you have any left,” Jade pointed out. “Just you and me, Partner.”

“You'll pay for this, Peasant!” The Lord claimed.

“Right,” Jade responded. The Master of the Keep kept a safe distance. All he knew was he swung the whip at this man, and a split second later he was sent into the wall with no explanation on how it had happened. He tried a few fake swings, before attempting a real one, but Jade wasn't falling for it. He ducked under the swing, and aimed a kick at the man's head. He then belted him to the floor again.

The Woman's Captor was buckling now. Jade aimed an upward kick into his chest. The force was enough to stand him upright against the wall. With another blink, time had slowed again. Jade then unloaded on His Lordship with a barrage of punches. Time had resumed back to normal a bit faster this time, but the damage was already done. He grabbed the now beaten man by the shoulder, and punched him into the bedside table against the wall.

Satisfied, Jade turned his attention to the woman on the bed. She had just seen this man maul her captor with strength and speed that no ordinary man has. At least, not without magical assistance. Now his eyes were on her. She was completely naked, and helpless as well. She was at the mercy of this stranger now. Jade could clearly see the timid apprehension in her eyes, as he approached. He reached out a hand to her, and she flinched. Her hair had then shifted just enough to reveal a big secret: pointed ears.

Jade was looking at an Elvish Lady with fair skin, and long, flowing, dark hair that had a slightly red highlight to it. She had a body that men could only dream of with a perfect pair of breasts to go with it. She looked not a day over eighteen years of age, but knowing Elves, she could be eighteen centuries old. Buried Treasure indeed. How such a beauty came to be captive to that Brute was anyone's guess. What he did next eased her tension.

“Easy, easy, I'm not going hurt you,” He said, in a reassuring tone. He did not speak the common tongue however, but Elvish. The Elf Lass relaxed a bit at hearing her native tongue. She looked back at the stranger. “I'm going to take that off now,” He then told her, using common again. At hearing this, she nodded yes. Jade then reached under her hair to where her gag was tied behind her head, and began untying it. It took some effort, but the cloth soon released, and she was able to spit out the second cloth that had been stuffed inside.

“I don't know who you are, but I am deeply grateful for your timely intervention,” She told him. Her voice was naturally clear and soothing with an accent that would make any ordinary man melt. Jade's attention was on something else though. He looked at where her hands were bound, and saw another pair of shackles holding them behind her back.

“Where's the key for these?” He asked her. She shook her head.

“I don't know, if it's not on him, then it might be upstairs in his chambers,” She answered. Jade searched The Master, and found nothing.

“Okay, plan B,” He said, as he got behind her again, and pulled out his trusty picks.

“You're not going to get these open by picking them,” She insisted.

“Maybe you can't,” Jade pointed out. The Lady let out a sigh, and waited. She was quite surprised however when she heard a click a minute or so later. She then brought her right hand around in front of her. Another click later, and her left hand was free. Jade then went back around in front of her to free her lovely feet as well.

“At last,” She said, with relief. She stood up for what was likely the first time in a while, and stretched herself out. She stood at about five and a half feet tall which was about a head under Jade. Give or take an inch or so.

“Do you have something to cover yourself?” Jade asked her. She nodded yes.

“I will in a bit,” She answered. She then started waving her hands around briefly, and spoke a couple strange words. Her voice was melodic, and for a moment, it sounded as though she was singing. Energy began to surround the woman, and it soon materialized into a simple, but elegant light blue dress
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2b/d2/0b/2bd2 ... 20378c.jpg
And a lovely silver cloak (hood down)
https://img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/54290 ... 196999.jpg

The same spell also put her flowing hair into a half up half down braided hairstyle. Her hair was tucked behind her pointed ears as well, now putting her elvish heritage on full display.

“A Sorceress,” Jade commented. If she was a wizard, she would have had to look through a spell book, and prepare such magic, but she did not require either. This meant that her power was innate.

“That's right,” She confirmed, with a perky smile. “Who are you?” she then asked. Her face now had a playful charm to it as well.

“I'm Jade Hawkins,” Jade introduced. “And you are?”

“My name is Holly Gold-Wing,” The Elven Lass greeted.

Author's Note: "Not all treature is silver and gold, Mate." - Captain Jack Sparrow.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: In this part, we learn more about our 4 heroes.

“Nice to meet you Holly,” Jade greeted back. His attention then turned to the Man he pounded earlier. He walked over to him, knelt down, and started pilfering small yet expensive looking items.

“How did you sneak passed all the soldiers here?” Holly asked him. Jade snorted.

“I didn't do it alone. I have one partner outside who's wrecking the place, and another one inside who's looting it dry,” Jade explained.

“I must speak to the King. He needs to know about this,” Holly then urged.

“I'm assuming this was an outpost of sorts,” Jade said. “What do you know that I don't?”

“They've been tracking Vyloran trade routes,” Holly told him.

“Trying to find a pattern, and cut um off. Very clever,” Jade guessed. Holly nodded to confirm this. He stood back up, now that his looting of the body was done.

“Okay, we can leave now,” He stated.

Jade and Holly walked back upstairs. Jade raised a hand to indicate they needed to stop. He checked around the corners to make sure the hall was clear, before they moved on. As they made their way through the castle again, it was eerily quiet. The sure sign that the fight was likely over. They continued until one soldier came running around the corner.

Jade raised his fists ready for a fight. Holly tensed up as well. She was ready to start using magic if she had to. The soldier never drew his weapon. Instead he pointed two fingers at his eyes for some strange reason. Even stranger still was the fact that Jade nodded, and stood down.

“He's with me,” Jade then explained.

“I'm sorry?” Holly questioned.

“Holly Gold-wing, meet Dale Panther,” He said. The soldier smiled at her, and walked towards them. As he did a shimmering watery sound surrounded him. The form of the Soldier quickly faded to reveal the form of the Dale Panther in his usual attire as well. He was a Shape Shifter.

“How do ya do?” Dale greeted. Holly blinked at him.

“Um, nice to meet you too,” She told him, as she relaxed herself. Dale smiled, and nodded. He then looked at his partner.

“Where'd you find her?” He asked Jade.

“Buried Treasure,” Jade answered.

“Oh...I see,” He said, quickly putting two and two together.

“How much did you get?” Jade asked him. Dale looked down at his “brother”.

“With the Titan on his rampage, I got us quite a haul of goodies,” Dale told him.

“The Titan?” Holly questioned.

“He means Theon,” Jade explained. With Dale and Jade reunited the trio continued on there way out of the castle. The exit was soon in sight. Jade made it to the opening when one more body of a soldier went flying into the wall on the other side.

“Guess he's not done yet,” Dale stated. The group rounded the corner out into the open air to find a grim sight. Dozens of soldiers on the ground. Only one man was left standing. He was covered in new scars. Some were small, but others were huge, and yet he looked completely unphased by this. He was just leaning against a wall that once held up a stable not too long ago.

“That was fun!” He shouted over at his friends. Dale just shrugged.

“I don't see that many on the ground,” Dale said.

“The rest ran,” Theon told him.

“That was to be expected,” Jade said, as all members met up. Theon then took notice of the newest member.

“Who's she?” He asked.

“My name is Holly Gold-Wing,” She introduced.

“Theon Maverick, good to know ya,” He greeted back.

“And on this note, I think we need to get going, before the Gresheran Army finds out what happened here,” Jade stated.

“Why the rush?” theon asked.

“We need head to Hemmsworth, and speak to King Edward as soon as we can. He needs to know about what all has happened here,” Holly told them.

“The trade routes going over the mountains have been compromised,” Jade then added.

“Uh, that's not good.” Dale pointed out. Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

“There's one thing I think we should do first though,” Theon stated, and pointed up to the Gresheran flags waving at the upper parts of the keep. Jade gave him a nod, and the two of them went threw the keep once more, ripped down the Gresheran flags, and burned them. Once that little task was completed, all four of them were away from that horrid keep, and on the road to the King's city of Hemmsworth.

* * * *

Naturally the group was walking, as they only had one horse for holding most of their equipment. Any other horses held within the keep had fled once the fight had started. Every so often Jade would cast a look over at Holly. She seemed to be a little dejected now.

“You okay?” Jade asked her, noticing her mood change. She look over to him, and smiled.

“I'm fine, it's just...It will take me a bit of time to get over this last week,” She told him. Jade nodded.

“If you don't mind me asking, what brings an elf out this way?” Theon then asked her.

“Well, I spent much of my time in between other studies reading books on Human Culture, and I wanted to experience it first hand,” She explained.

“Where do you come from?” Jade then asked.

“Springwood Hills,” Holly answered.

“Uh huh,” Dale responded. Springwood Hills was well known Elvish territory that few humans have dared to tread. The elves do however have a good relationship with the people of Vylora however. Holly then continued. “Well, Yurick Balastar, was a Vyloran Ambassador, and he was visiting at the time,” She stated.

“Was?” Jade questioned, noticing that little detail.

“I'll get to that,” She said, in a rather grim tone. “Anyways, he was doing some business with the elder council. After that I was to accompany him back to Hemmsworth to observe human culture first hand, and compare it to what we had in our books,” She then explained.

“That's quite commendable,” Jade told her.

“I'm a healer by trade, and Jade knows that i'm also a sorceress, so I knew I could offer some services in return as well,” She then stated. “We weren't out half the day before we were ambushed by a Gresheran military attack from that outpost. I was the only survivor.”

“Oh no,” Theon moaned.

“Yes. The only reason I was kept alive was because Lord Aromus found me exotic, and wanted to keep me as a...as a...pet,” She finally spat out. “I had to endure his torment for three straight days. You know the rest from there.”

“I'm sorry for what happened to you,” Jade said. The other two nodded with his statement.

“I'm just glad you three showed up when you did,” She said, now smiling again, and looking back at them. “How are you able to do what you do?” She asked, filled with fascination. Now it was their turn for story telling.

“We were orphaned when we were very young, and were raised by the sorcerer, Cyan,” Theon started. “Ever hear of him?”

“Not personally. I know he was very powerful, but also very distant. He must have seen something in you three if he raised you,” Holly pointed out.

“We still don't know what had happened, but the longer we stayed around him, the more his aura of magic embraced us, and it gifted us with abilities beyond any normal human,” Jade then explained.

“I saw Dale, he's a shapeshifter. I saw you do something very fast, but I can't determine what it is, and Theon I don't know at all,” Holly summarized.

“Well, all three of us have physical strength beyond even the greatest fighters as you saw with me,” Jade started. “Dale is able to change into anyone he touches. Theon is able to enhance his strength, endurance, and healing rate massively for a short while.”

“And you?” Holly asked, preemptively.

“With the blink of an eye I can slow time for a short while,” Jade explained. “Together, we've been hiring out as mercenaries to serve justice where the law refuses to do so,” He then stated. Holly smiled again.

“I'm sure Cyan would be very proud of you three,” She told them.

“I'd like to think so too,” Jade said back.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: In this part, the party arrives at their destination, and Holly meets an old enemy


It was midday on the third day of travel, and the group had finally found Hemmsworth. The center of power within the Vyloran Kingdom. It was a grand city built in the middle of a large valley that had many farmlands surrounding it.

“Welcome to Hemmsworth, Friends,” Holly told them.

“You've been here before?” Jade asked her.

“A few times. My Father and I would visit on business from time to time,” She stated.

The inside of the city was bustling with activity. People moving in and about the streets. Many people peddling goods, and wares to passersby. Holly decided to shed her cloak for now. With a simple word, it dissipated. She then casually clasped her hands behind her back, as the group strolled down the street.

“If you don't mind me asking, Holly,” Jade started, breaking the silence. “What sort of business does your Father do her?”

“He's an ambassador for our people much like Yurick was to yours. He's a healer by trade as well, and taught me every thing I know about it,” She answered.

“You seem to have had quite a lot of contact with humans as it is, why did you chose to come out here?” Theon then asked.

“Seeing them occasionally isn't the same as living among them. I wanted to observe their culture and crafts for an extended period of time,” She stated.

“I'm sorry your trip out hasn't been so pleasant,” Jade then said. Holly just smiled at him.

“Every society has bad people, but also good people,” She pointed out.

“True,” Jade agreed.

The group continued on until they reached the gates to the King's Castle itself. One of the front guards at the door stepped forward.

“Please state your business with the court,” He requested. Holly stepped forward to meet him

“I must speak with the king about his trade routes over the mountains. I also have grave news concerning Ambassador Yurick,” She stated firmly. The guard nodded.

“What has become of Ambassador Yurick?” The Guard asked, with a look of concern on his face.

“We were ambushed on the road, and he did not survive the attack. I was taken prisoner myself, and these three rescued me,” Holly explained.

“The King must know of this at once. Please proceed,” He announced, and motioned for the other two guards to open the doors, and allow them inside.

The group walked down the hall, and into a grand chamber where a simple yet decorated throne was placed at the end. There were quite a few people hustling about. All of them were dressed in a very fancy manner suggesting they made up the majority of the nobility or Vylora. One of them took a look at Holly, and scowled at her. She noticed, and scowled back. This did not go unnoticed by Jade.

“I take it you don't like each other?” He muttered into her ear.

“He's Lord Crevan. He holds prejudice against elves after the war of the wood,” Holly explained.

“What was the war of the Wood?” Jade asked. Holly shook her head.

“Not here, maybe later,” She told him. Jade nodded in acknowledgment, and with that they approached the throne. The King was seated on the throne, with the Queen by his side. There were a few around him as well. Holly motioned for the group to stand by, and then approached the King.

“Hail Edward, Son of Erik, King of Vylora,” She greeted with a bow. The King smiled.

“Welcome back to Hemmsworth Holly Gold-Wing. I trust your trip was good,” He told her.

“Sadly no, Your Grace,” She responded. The King's smile was replaced with a grim look, along with everyone else at the throne.

“What happened, and where is Ambassador Yurick?” One man, beside the King had asked. Given how he was dressed, he was likely a Prince. Holly took in a deep breath.

“Prince Rowan, I regret to inform you all that Ambassador Yurick is dead,” She announced. All chatter within the hall had stopped upon hearing that. The Prince had now stood up.

“What happened?” He asked. Before Holly could answer, someone else decided to answer for her.

“Isn't it obvious? The witch killed him, as I said she would!” All eyes turned to the source of the voice. It belonged to Lord Crevan. Holly gave him a dirty look. The Three men gave him similar treatment.

“Thank you for your assessment Lord Crevan,” The King stated, and in a somewhat sarcastic tone. “Holly, please continue.”

“We were ambushed on the road about six hours into our journey here. The only reason I survived was because Lord Aromus wanted to keep me as a prize,” Holly told them.

“Lord Aromus?” Prince Rowan asked.

“He had taken up residence in an abandoned fort near the mountains, and was using it as an outpost to track the Vyloran Trade Routes over the mountains. The only reason I escaped was because of my three friends here,” She said, and then gestured to the three men. Lord Crevan wasn't believing her though.

“Your Grace, you're not seriously going to believe this are you?” He stated, sounding quite upset. “She's the only survivor, and a known sorceress. The Gresherans would be fools to set up such an outpost on our territory. I tell you she's lying.”

“How would you know, Lord Crevan?” holly snapped at him, finally losing her temper with him.

“Cause I know your kind!” He shouted.

“Enough!” Prince Rowan shouted in turn, before things got out of hand. He then looked to the three. “Who speaks for you?” He then asked. Jade stepped forward.

“I do. Name's Jade Hawkens Your Grace,” He stated.

“Jade, can you confirm what she says is true?” The Prince asked. Jade looked at Holly briefly. He and She both knew all too well what had happened at the keep. He took in a deep breath, and gave his answer.

“What happened with Her, and the Ambassador I cannot say, as we weren't there at the time,” He said, and he was truthful as well.

“Ah-Ha! You see?!” Lord Crevan interrupted, with a look of triumph on his face.

“Shut it you Fop! I wasn't Finished!” Jade snarled at him. The look of triumph now fading. “My two friends and I had a tip off that the keep to the north east had been taken by Gresheran troops. We set off to the keep to raid it for what we could find. Not only did we see Gresheran Flags flying from the keep, but we found her inside being held prisoner inside once we attacked it,” Jade explained. Holly smiled, knowing that they could truthfully confirm her story from that part.

“You three? Attack an entire keep? By yourselves? She's brainwashed you too,” Lord Crevan claimed.

“You haven't seen what they can do,” Holly told him. Jade sighed, and walked over to him.

“What the hell is your problem?” Jade asked him, now deciding to get straight to the point. Lord Crevan straightened himself up, and tried to look intimidating.

“It was her kin that came out from their woods, and slaughtered my Father, and Grand Father,” Lord Crevan stated. It would seem that his prejudice towards the elves may have some merit.

“It was your Grand Father who drew first blood, and started the War of the Wood in the first place,” King Edward pointed out. His merit just ran out.

“The Village where I grew up was one of the first ones he burned down. My family and I barely escaped with our lives,” holly added on.

“The elves were intruding on our territory,” Lord Crevan insisted.

“No, He was intruding on theirs, and he didn't like them telling him. His pride and ego was wounded, and he deemed it enough to start a war that killed many men, and elves for no reason,” Prince Rowan informed to the court. “It took us years to repair our relationship with them.”

“Enough of this! I will not be made a fool in front of the court!” Lord Crevan shouted.

“You started it. Seems to be a running theme in your family,” Jade then pointed out. Lord Crevan knew that the facts were against him, and he had no answer. He took in a deep breath, and glared hard at Holly, and then at Jade.

“This isn't over,” He seethed, and then stormed out of the Grand Hall. His entourage followed behind him. Jade just shook his head. Some people just can't let go.

“My apologies Holly. I hope the rest of your stay is more pleasant,” Prince Rowan said. She smiled at him.

“It's alright Your Grace. No offense taken,” Holly told him. Jade looked over at his two partners, and he could tell that they were all thinking the same thing.

“Well, we have a bunch of stuff to sell, and after that, we'll be on our way I guess,” He told them. Holly looked a bit dejected at this, and she wasn't alone.

“Hold on a minute,” King Edward interjected. The three stopped, and gave him their attention. “You Three conquered a full castle keep of troops, and exposed a grave threat to our survival,” He pointed out. “I'd like to offer you a proposition.”

“I'm listening,” Jade stated.

“There are many evils in this world that we can't face alone. There are always those who will escape justice. I'd like to appoint you three as a Special Operations Team to take jobs that our armed forces cannot,” The King proposed.

“I hate to say this, but I kinda have to: What do we get in return?” Jade asked. Thankfully the King nodded, as if he was expecting this.

“Each job will be duly rewarded. You will also have room, and board as well,” King Edward answered. “Well Gentlemen, what say you?”

“I need to consult my colleagues first,” Jade stated.

“Of course,” King Edward responded. Jade then turned to the other two.

“This could be a big break for us,” Dale stated.

“What better way to make a name for ourselves than with the King's influence,” Theon added.

“Agreed,” Jade said, and then turned back to The King. “Lords and Ladies of Vylora!” Jade announced. “If you seek justice where there is none, you may hire...The Sentinals!” He claimed.


Author's Note: I realize that there wasn't a whole lot of tying up in this one, but it was the best way I could think to introduce the characters, and kinda get things rolling. I plan on having more tying up later on. Especially with the lovely Elven Lass, Holly.
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