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The Lurking Nightmare (Other/M)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 5:54 pm
by bigsmile21
During all Hallows’ Eve,
Oscar wished for reprieve.
Decorations were up, lights were on,
Yet his mind wandered, kept his thoughts drawn.

Last night he woke all drenched in sweat,
The Nightmare present, heavyset.
He’d dreamed of a monster, dark and gangling,
It’s body bent, long arms meant for mangling.

It grunted and howled as it chased his dream body,
With him running haggard, his legs and lungs shoddy.
Before it pounced and crushed his torso,
The alarm clock blared, jumped, and bellowed.

The creature persisted, chasing each night,
And last night he feared it’d get in a bite.
His energy low, all sleep was deprived,
Tonight would be worse, small chance he’d survive.

“Coffee!” he said, “and sugar and candy”,
Halloween being close came in handy.
The night was a blur, with waves of costumes,
Heroes, princesses, and witches on brooms.

At once he swore and startled a child,
Near the end of his yard, the Nightmare smiled.
He dropped all the candy and slammed the door shut,
Kids yelled in delight, while fear twisted his gut.

Footsteps of children leaving were heard,
Then leaves crunched as something else near stirred.
A growl arose from behind his door,
The Nightmare was here, his outlook: poor.

He opened his phone and called the police,
Wishing, praying that this bad dream would cease.
The door behind banged and shook at the frame,
The beast again growled, then whispered his name.

“Oscar”, it grumbled, voice seething with venom,
“Oscar”, it chuckled, and he pissed his denim.
Shadows crept under the door and reached out,
Oscar leaped back and then let out a shout.

The darkness pooled in, then towering it stood,
The Nightmare was inside, claws raking hardwood.
Oscar ran back but knew it too late,
The Nightmare grabbed him, sealing his fate.

Those large arms then pulled him in towards the beast,
Jaw dropping, tongue lapping, ready to feast.
Instead of eating poor Oscar whole,
It flipped him over and sniffed his sole.

One breath, two, it inhaled deeply,
Oscar meanwhile struggled feebly.
Whiskers and fur brushed against his bare feet,
Arms gripped him tightly, wrapped up like a treat.

A long tongue licked from toes to heel,
Scratching, tickling like a pinwheel.
Oscar could hold back laughing no longer,
Mirthful, bolstered, the Nightmare gripped stronger.

It pulled him in closer, arms growing, spreading,
Cocooning him in dark tendrils and webbing.
He pulled, tugged with what room he had,
More hairs tickling, driving him mad.

Something furry pressed against his mouth,
Muzzling his laughter, covering his shouts.
The tickling ramped up with a fervor,
Pushing him over the edge further.

The Nightmare moved, leaving Oscar’s house,
Slinking away, a snake with it’s mouse.
It crept through shadows this All Hallows’ night,
Others oblivious to Oscar’s plight.

His laughter would feed it for the next year,
Enough time to grow another one’s fear.
The Nightmare withdrew to wherever it came from,
We now leave Oscar to his tragic outcome.