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Post by ropeladygags »

DISCLAIMER: This story is more in the horror genre, just an FYI. No murder or gore, just scary images.

This was supposed to be a fun night of games and good food. It was a typical Friday night get together designed to help all of us escape from the hell that was work. My best friend and I did not sign up for what had transpired.

Our coworker, Shannon, had invited us to her home for dinner and games. Maria, Theresa, and Sandra also joined us. We had made these get togethers a regular thing over the last year or so and they always ended up being a blast. With all of us being in our mid to late thirties, the getting filthy wasted scenario was never an issue. We were all too old for that shit anyway.

“Oh come on, Marie. It will be fun. We both know that you and I love tie up games.” I sat on the comfortable couch of Shannon’s living room, a mimosa in my hand and a suspicious look on my face. Paige, my best friend, and I had just been challenged to a tie up challenge. Our coworkers wanted to see how fast we could escape if we let them tie us up and gag us. The idea did sound appealing, and I was planning to oblige. However, I was surprised to hear my coworkers were also into it as well. You never really know someone, do you?

After looking back and forth between the pleading eyes of Paige and my coworkers, I finally relented. Standing from the couch, I set my mimosa on the side table and put my hands in the pockets of my jeans. With a shrug I said,
“Why not?”
“There’s the naughty bitch we all know and love!” Paige said jokingly.

“Wonderful, follow me, ladies.” Shannon led us to her kitchen where she opened the door to the basement and gestured for us to go ahead down the stairs. The narrow staircase led us into a half-finished basement that had been prepared ahead of time for this game. In the middle of the floor, two chairs sat back to back. A table against the far wall was littered with several tools needed to tie up and gag someone.

I moved to the table first, curious about what they had in their arsenal. There were over 20 bundles of rope, about six different types of tape, including microfoam, vet wrap, duct tape, PVC tape and mailing tape. Leather straps of differing lengths sat between the tape and a pile of scarves and rags. At the end of the table I saw three different ball gags and what appeared to be a two wands with the power cords wrapped around their handles. These people didn’t mess around.

“I think we may regret saying yes to this, Paige.” I said, my voice laced with worry. She playfully slapped me on the arm,
“Oh, come on, have a little fun for once.” Rolling my eyes, I turned my attention back to the two chairs. It was then that I noticed a strange drawing on the floor beneath them, made in black chalk. Several lines, circles and squiggles joined together in an intricate design. Theresa was an artist, so I assumed she was just bored during one visit and decided to be decorative. Oh, how naive I was.

“Come and sit, ladies.” Sandra playfully tapped the seats of both chairs which she had moved side by side and about three paces apart. Paige and I gave each other one last look, smirked and then walked over to the chairs. After sitting down, Maria stated the rules of the game,

“You will be tied up and gagged by the four women in your company,” she began, “we reserve the right to do this in any way we wish, so long as it does not harm you. Is this agreed?” Sandra checked with both me and Paige until she got our verbal consent. “You will have up to thirty minutes to try to escape. If you escape in the thirty minutes, each of you will be granted permission to tie up and gag one of us however you wish.”

I nodded and then inquired, “And if we don’t?”

Shannon shrugged,
“We would just untie you and you get to sit out the next round.”

“How many rounds are we planning to do?” Paige asked.

“I guess as many as it takes for us to get bored.” Maria said.

“Are we ready, ladies?”
Paige and I both nodded and the other four ladies went straight to work. They all walked over to the table and we could see what tools they were taking to tie us up. It was both nerve wracking and exhilarating at the same time, knowing how I was going to be bound and gagged a little at the time. Maria and Theresa approached me with several items in their hands. Shannon and Sandra took care of Paige.

My wrists were pulled behind me, through the slats of the chair and I could feel the rope being looped around them several times horizontally and vertically. While Theresa worked on my hands, Maria was securing my ankles with rope. Theresa shoved a knotted scarf into my mouth and I made a sound of surprise. She remained silent while she secured it tightly a the nape of my neck. As soon as that was completed, I glanced over at Paige, only to see that she too had been gagged in a similar manner. We met eyes and she gave me a look of excitement.

My attention went back to my legs as I saw Maria looping rope around them just below my knees. Another rope, this one about an inch thick and black, came into my view from behind and was pulled tightly around my torso, just below my breasts. I felt myself being forced against the chair as if the rope were hugging me.

Theresa was doing a good job of creating an intricate web of ropes around my torso, lacing it around my arms behind the chair, under my armpits, back across my chest, crisscrossing my breasts and then secured tightly behind me. I was very well bound to the chair, and testing my bonds proved that I could barely move.

“Thith ish thlight. Nicsh shjob.” I tried to say through my cleave gag. Theresa let out a quiet chuckle and the tightness of the scarf was released from behind my head.

“Thanks. But,” I had very little time to relax as she shoved a rubber ball into my mouth, “you are able to talk too easily with that gag. Let’s try this one.” I felt her securing the buckle behind my head and I protested slightly,

“Whhhhht urrrrr ymmimph dooooonph???!” She giggled but disregarded my protest. I could not see what she was doing, but I could hear her shuffling behind me.

Maria was now working on my binding my thighs. The same thick rope that was around my torso was now wrapping around the chair seat and my legs, pinning me down. In the time that Theresa had spent securing my upper body, I had not noticed how much rope was now encircling my legs. Maria had effectively wrapped rope around my ankles and above and below my knees as well. The rope she was using now was on top of my already bound thighs.

I glanced at Paige. Her facial expression had changed dramatically since we had agreed to this. She too had been removed of her scarf and was now ball- gagged. Her brow furrowed in both frustration and nervousness. Maybe we shouldn’t had said yes to this.

Suddenly I felt my ankles being pulled below the chair. I looked down and could see that Maria had taken another longer length of rope and wrapped it vertically around the loops at my ankles. Theresa stood behind me and grabbed the other end of that rope, and was now pulling it under the chair. The back of my knees pulled uncomfortably against the edge of the chair and I winced. Then Theresa began to loop this rope around my wrist bindings. She pulled it nice and tight, causing me to groan uncomfortably into my thick gag.

"What, you don't like it?" she whispered mischievously into my left ear. I moved away from the abrasive comment and grunted angrily.

All four women then stood before us, their arms folded in front of them. They seemed to be examining their handy work and assessing how they had done. Paige and I looked at each other and started to panic. We pulled forcefully at our bonds and continued to protest.

“Lllnnnnnt uffffffffs gffffffff!” I tried to shout. Saliva began to drip out between my lips and the ball.

“Yfffffffs!” Paige answered.

"Uh oh, ladies. I think they can still talk too well, what do you think?" Shannon chimed in.
The four women looked at each other and nodded. They all went back to the table and look at their tools. Paige and I just continued to work on our bonds. The ropes were very tight and the knots tied well out of our reach. I did not know how Paige and I were going to escape from this, but I had a strong feeling that the game had been abandoned a while ago.

Theresa and Maria returned to my chair, but I couldn’t see what they had in their hands. That’s when I felt Theresa working at the buckle behind my head. A feeling of relief washed over me as the gag was removed and I was able to wet my mouth again. Paige was removed of her gag as well and that’s when I spoke up,

“Okay, I think we have had our fun, it’s time to be done, ladies. This is way more extreme then you all made it seem before we started playing.”

Maria knelt down in front of me and got her face close to mine. She snickered,

"But you both agreed that we could tie you up and gag you however we wanted, right?" she said.

"Yeah but we di...mmmmmmmmph!"

Maria shoved what felt like a sponge ball in my mouth, cutting off my complaint. Theresa’s hands came over my head and I could see she had started pulling some microfoam tape off the roll. I tried to protest, biting down hard on the sponge and covering it with my lips. But Theresa pulled the tape back forcefully against my mouth causing me to flinch and shut my eyes tightly. I groaned loudly as the revolutions continued around the back of my head and across my mouth again. She did this five times before securing the tape to my face.

When I heard Paige groaning in the same way, I turned toward her, seeing Shannon wrapping her mouth in the same exact manner. Her gag was so tightly secured that I could see the faint outline of her lips under the microfoam tape. I looked angrily at Maria and shouted expletives at her through my secure gag. To my horror, however, Theresa wasn’t done. Maria smirked again as a roll of black duct tape was now brought in front of my face, the end pulled off the roll.

Were these women insane? How did they expect anyone to actually escape from something like this?

The duct tape was pulled over the already tight microfoam gag. My ears were plagued with the sound of the tape pulling from the roll as it wrapped around my head five times. My jaw was in a vice and the skin of my cheeks bulged over the edges of the tape. Any sounds I made after that came out as barely audible grunts. I was caught by surprise then as a scarf went over my eyes and was tied behind my head.

Hearing sounds around me, but being unable to see what was transpiring made me even more frightened. If they weren’t scared to go this far with me and Paige, what else would they do? After some shuffling of feet and whispered words out of earshot, Paige and I were moved until our chairs were sitting back to back. The grunts and protests we made into our effective wrap gags were completely ignored by our captors.

It was impossible to know what sounds I was hearing after that. Suddenly I felt pressure around my chest. As mine and Paige’s chairs were pulled closer together, I inferred it to be a leather strap binding us and our chairs at the back. Two more straps went around us. One went around each of our waists and was secured with a buckle at our sides. Then I felt someone feeding another strap under my arms on either side and my shoulders were pulled slightly back as it was secured somewhere on Paige’s side. I heard her groan uncomfortably into her gag.

About ten minutes went by with no sounds around us other than the scraping of feet on the concrete floor. I could only conjure upsetting images in my mind of what they were going to do to us. It was clear that they had other, possibly more sinister, intentions for me and Paige. Why else would they have tied us up and gagged us so heavily? I tried to figure out how the hell we were going to escape this nightmare, as the ropes and straps would be impossible for us to cut free. We were truly trapped.

A loud humming sound reached my ears. What the hell was that? The sound got very loud in my right ear and I cowered away from it. Paige groaned as the sound moved closer to her. Then, without warning, I felt a strong vibration in my crotch and my entire body went tense. I moaned loudly into my gag, but it game out as a muffled sound.
Whoever was doing this pulled it away for a moment. It was then that I felt the ropes around my thighs being loosened and removed. I felt relieved and sighed into my gag.

But the horror was not over yet. I felt something being shoved in between my thighs and pushed forcefully against my crotch. Then the ropes were wrapped around my thighs again, securing this device in place. I felt more rope pulling my legs down against the chair and they felt even tighter than before. The object between my legs felt hard and mechanical. Then I realized what was about to happen.

The buzzing sound emerged again and I was overwhelmed with a strong tingling sensation in my crotch area that traveled through my body. It was both unsettling and pleasurable at the same time. But, since I was so heavily bound and gagged, I could not move away from it or protest that I didn’t want it.

“Now for some real fun.” I heard Shannon say next to me. That’s when the vibrator roared to full power and I could barely contain myself. I was moaning loud enough that they could kind of hear me through the gag. Paige chimed in from behind along with the accompanying sound of another wand. All four women began to laugh and I could only feel absolute hatred for them.

My breathing was loud as I inhaled and exhaled heavily through my nose. I tried to pace myself because I didn’t want to pass out from lack of air. The gag was so tight that it seriously hindered my ability to breath deeply.

“PLLLLZZZZZZ STMMMMMMMMMMP!!!” I yelled, but was ignored.

The buzzing of the vibrator continued for what felt like an eternity. I could not focus on anything else happening around me. The feeling of the wand between my legs was getting to be uncomfortable as I pulled unsuccessfully at the ropes around my wrists and torso.

After about ten more minutes of the torture, the blindfold was removed from my eyes and the vibrations stopped. What I saw around me was straight out of a horror movie. The four ladies surrounded us, holding hands. With their eyes closed, they began to chant in a language that I did not recognize. The overhead lights had been turned off and replaced with candles that flickered around us. I looked at the floor and could see that the candles had been placed at specific parts of Theresa’s drawing. Each candle was surrounded by several elements of nature like pinecones and stones. I took another look at the four women and could see they were each wearing crowns made of tree branches.

Oh shit. This was a seance of some kind. I began to thrash violently at my bonds, but it was all futile. We were too well tied up. To my horror, as Shannon opened her eyes, they were completely black. It was then that I noticed a dark mist gathering behind her. It began to take the shape of a human and that’s when I screamed as loudly as I could through the gag. It was useless. No one would hear me. I turned my head toward Paige and said,
“I’m sorry.”

Even though I know she couldn’t understand me, I had to say something. The dark form had finished manifesting behind Shannon. The women let go of each other’s hands and moved away from the circle, revealing this dark figure before me. It moved at superhuman strength toward me. I heard my screams in my head and then everything went black.
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Post by GreyLord »

Well, this is a fine kettle of fish that Marie and her friend Paige have gotten themselves into. I will be fascinated to read what happens next. Good work.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Fandango »

I can't tell if this story is intended to be continued or if that was the Cut to Black ending...but it's very well done.

It was enthralling and original and very well written. If it does continue, I'm excited to see what comes next.

Adding Bondage Seance to my bucket list now.
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

Yes a dark ending and probably no part two, but excellent tying and gagging, and a scenario different from captured secretary or school girl detectives.
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