Eddie Takes A Hike M/M

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Eddie Takes A Hike M/M

Post by MaxRoper »

I often enjoy solo hiking and this had been a perfect day. Now it was time to find a campsite. I passed a small pond. Being late summer, the stream that fed it was dried up and the still water meant too many mosquitos. I kept going.

A half mile further I spotted an old Ford Ranger parked in front of an older travel trailer. The trailer was set up on jacks with a small porch. The fellow sitting on the porch was older than the truck and the trailer.

“Howdy,” he said. “Don’t get a lot of walk-in trade out here. You backpacking?”

“Yep, looking for a place to set up camp. This private property?”

“Sure is,” he said. “But knock yourself out. There’s a nice flat spot just in there.”

He pointed toward what indeed looked like an excellent spot.

“You get set up, The outhouse is through there, and there’s a shower stall behind the trailer if you wanna wash up. I’ll make us… what? Coffee? Maybe a wee dram? You want some supper? I got a bit left.”

He raised his considerable eyebrows at me. I was liking this guy.

“I ate my supper a few miles back,” I said. “But the coffee sounds delightful. And I have a flask of single malt in my pack.”


I got my camp squared away and took advantage of his offer of a shower. I returned to the trailer as he came out with two coffee mugs. He handed one to me and put a couple small glasses on the table by the porch. I poured us each a snort.

He sat on the top step and stretched his legs. They were slender, but with some nice definition. The guy obviously worked out. He caught me looking and smiled. His smile was delightful, too. Might as well dive in.

“You don’t mind me saying, you have great legs.”

The smile got bigger.

“Why thank you, kind stranger. I must admit to thinking the same thing about you. Your shorts are a bit less revealing than mine but there’s no hiding the fact that you’re a rather exceptional fellow.”

“Different kinda thing,” I said. “You have some muscle on you, but lean, like a dancer maybe, or a runner. Me on the other hand, I’m…”

“… built like a brick shit-house,” he said.

“Yeah, well… thanks, I suppose. So, what do you do out here in the woods in your little trailer?”

He pointed to the guitar case beside him.

“I practice, maybe work on some new tunes. Also, I read, write a bit, take photos of… various things, go for walks around the area. Best part is the solitude. I don’t even get cell reception here. Probably you don’t either.”

I checked my phone. He was right.

“No one to talk with, All by myself…” he sang.

“Seems like a good idea,” I said. “Most of us are way too tied to our phones.”

“Tied to a phone wouldn’t be my choice,” he said.

“Your choice?” I said, perking up as I do when such things are mentioned.

“Tied to a phone. Not sure how that would work.” he said.”Certainly wouldn’t keep a person restrained.”

He laughed, but he was looking at me, wondering. Sometimes it seems we can tell when we meet a fellow enthusiast.

“No, I don’t suppose it would,” I said, intrigued with the direction of the conversation, interested in where he’d take it.

“Seems to me if you wanted to tie someone to something, there’s lotsa things better than a phone.”

“You’re a funny man,” I said. “But seriously, do you have some experience along those lines?”

“You mean tying someone to something?” he asked.”Yeah, some. You?”

I laughed. “Actually, yes. Quite a bit, in fact.”

“You tie people up? Because it seems it would take a lot to tie you up effectively.”

“You’re right,” I said. “No one ties me up. Least not for long. On the other hand, I’m pretty good on the other side of the ropes.”

“How’s that?”

“There’s people who like that sort of thing,” I said. “Sometimes I help ‘em out.”

“Ah, very interesting,” he said. “You’re a… professional?”

“At times. I’m one of those rare fellows who finds he can be paid handsomely for doing something he’s always enjoyed.”

He looked at me for a few moments, considering, smiling slightly.

“So you tie people up? And they pay you?”

“Not always,’ I said. “Sometimes I meet someone, we hit it off, I find out they’re into what I do, and we play. You one of those people who enjoys a bit of restraint?”

“Well, as a matter of fact… under the right conditions, of course.”

“Of course,” I said, looking him over.

The idea of binding this delightful old fellow caused a stirring in my shorts. There seemed to be a bit of a bulge in his, too.

“Anything around here you might like to have me tie you to? Under the right conditions?” I asked.

His eyebrows went up again, and the smile returned.

“Not a good idea,” he said, shaking his head. “Letting a complete stranger tie me up out here in the middle of nowhere, no one for miles. No, not at all a good idea.”

The smile never went away.

“Yeah, well, a big brick shit-house kinda guy like me could undoubtedly take you down and tie you up whether you let me or not,” I observed.

“Excellent point,” he said. “And I’m sure a fellow like you would be an understanding, fair, and empathetic partner in any endeavor. Would you like to use my rope?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” I said.

“C’mon in,” he said.

The old trailer creaked as we stepped inside. His MacBook sat open on the little table.

“Are some of the photos you take of ’various things’ in there?” I asked.

“Sure are. You don’t miss much, do you? Wanna see?”

Of course I wanted to see. Turns out the old guy is a self bondage maven. He had dozens of photos showing off his skills. He pointed out a few where he’d had help, but the majority were by his own hand. Some of them, it was hard to believe they were DIY.

His photos showed a variety of chair ties, hogties, and frogties. There were also several intriguing outdoors shots featuring him tied to trees.

“These are great. Don’t know if my meager rigging skills would be up to your standards,” I lied. “Still, you won’t have a quick release, which changes the game considerably. That your rope stash?” I asked, pointing at a black duffle with a few coils of cotton clothesline peeking out the top.

“Yeah, that and the other one.”

The other one was twice as big. It contained more clothesline, a bag of 8mm hemp, various gagging materials, tape, and shears. He had plenty of stuff.

“Any special requests?” I asked.

“Don’t hurt me,” he said. “Don’t play with my breathing. And don’t penetrate me in any way. Okay?”

“Sounds fair. Any problems if I get a bit… personal?”

He grinned. “No, I’ve got no problem with that. Be disappointed if you didn’t.”

“How bout I do you up for an hour the first time. I have some things I could try. Then we stop and talk about it.”

“An hour? Um, yeah. Perfect.”

I had him stand in front of me while I tied his wrists behind his back. My usual six turns and a cinch, snug but not uncomfortable. A long rope round his upper arms and chest, another at his waist holding his wrists against his spine, no cinching on either one. I wanted this to be as enjoyable as possible for him and went out of my way to keep things comfortable rather than making it totally escape-proof. I did his legs at the ankles and above the knees, then helped him to the floor.

Oh, yum. Something about a slender older guy in bondage gets me hot every time. Him too, apparently.

“Looks like you’re ready for this,” I said, looking pointedly at the bulge in his shorts.

“Been ready for this since before you were born,” he replied.

“Yeah, good, but I don’t recall giving you permission to speak,” I said, rolling up a sock. “You know what that means?”

He nodded happily, opening up for the wad of cloth. I inserted it gently and held it in place with a longer sock tied at the back of his neck.

He ‘mmphed’ a bit, trying it out.

I knelt on the floor behind him and reached around, stroking, rubbing, leaning in and biting his neck, getting him going. He didn’t disappoint. There was considerable thrashing as I played with his chest and occasionally gave his crotch some attention.

He had a full length mirror on the wall which I moved in front of him. We both enjoyed the show as I worked him up to the edge. When it seemed as if he was close to orgasm I backed off for a bit. While he slowed down, I picked out another rope, got him onto his stomach, pulled his ankles back, and attached them to his wrists, putting him in a hogtie. It was snug, but he’s a flexible guy and it didn’t seem overly taxing. I sat back on my heels to watch as he squirmed around, getting himself a good look at the mirror.

He began slowly humping the floor. I let him go at it for a while but when he seemed to be getting a rhythm going I rolled him onto his side.

“I’m sure you have plenty of experience getting yourself off,” I said. “But that won’t do today. Today you get an orgasm only if and when I say so.”

He nodded, but then did a few air thrusts and moaned into his gag before finally subsiding.

When he’d calmed down I allowed him to roll back onto his front and then went at him once more. I played with his arms and legs enough to get him squirming and moaning.

I reached up the leg of his tiny cutoffs and worked his ass for a while before slipping my hand underneath. His briefs had a few wet spots and I did what I could to encourage more of them.

When I finally backed off he was sweating and begging, laughing and crying. It had been more than the agreed hour, so I mostly untied him.

“I know you got some serious blue balls,” I said. “But don’t you even think about touching that thing. Got it?”

He nodded. I removed the gag and undid his wrists.

“How was it?”

“Oh, man,” he said.”Unbelievable. I’ve never needed an orgasm the way I do right now. And it feels fantastic. My groin - my entire body - is tingling. You ever gonna let me come?”

“You be a good boy, you’ll get to come, and I expect it’ll be a dandy. But only when I say so. If I say so.”

He gave me that smile again. “Wherever have you been all my life?”

My turn to smile. “Learning the ropes, it seems,” I said

“Well I’m sure glad you came this way. I’ve often considered myself a fortunate man, but this is beyond good fortune. A chance like this seldom arises.”

“Yeah, I do agree about grabbing the chance when it arises. Speaking of which, are we gonna yammer all night, or are you ready to see if we can get that chance to arise again?”

“I’ve never been so ready for anything,” he said. “How do you want me?”

“Thoroughly trussed up,” I said. “But let’s get those shorts off first.”

He’d been wearing tight black boxer briefs under the cutoffs. I’d planned to remove everything, but he looked so yummy in his open shirt and tight briefs I left things just as they were.

I wanted to see him in a lot of rope. I began with his arms and wrists tight behind his back, did his legs with six ropes, and used several more round his torso.

Once he was trussed up I went at him anew with fingers and mouth, biting, tickling, teasing, and kneading, taking those big bare feet into my mouth. He moaned into his gag, thrashing around while I teased him mercilessly.

I’d planned on leaving him in the pose for a half hour or so. That seemed a long time to keep a mature fellow done up that strict, but he didn’t make any ‘lemme go’ noises, so I didn’t. Instead, I kept at him, teasing, stroking, doing whatever was required to keep him squirming.

I took him up to the edge several times and just as we reached the forty five minute mark I let him go over.

I took a couple photos while he got his breath back but made no move to untie him.

“Hmmpf?” he said.

“We could end it here if you want,” I said. “Or we could see what else comes up.”

He hesitated a moment, shrugged and nodded, but looked longingly at his fridge.

“Something cold and liquid, perhaps?” I asked.

He nodded gratefully. I took out his gag and got us each a glass of ice water.

“Another round?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “The gag feels and looks great, but it gives me serious dry mouth. Maybe no gag? Unless I talk?”

“Fine,” I said. “Except you just talked. You’ll definitely be going into my scrapbook and photos just don’t look right without a gag. But I’ll make it gentler and give you drink breaks. Fair enough?”

“Perfect,” he said.

I gave him another sip of water and chose to go without stuffing for this round. Just an over-the-mouth gag. It does nothing to silence a prisoner but looks dandy and is much more comfortable. I thought this would be our final pose for the night so I chose a chair tie. An hour seemed to be a good time limit and by now I was sure he could handle it. I positioned him in front of the mirror so we could both watch.

He put his arms over the back and clamped his knees together, letting me know exactly what he expected. While I often like to give a person what he wants, I usually have my own ideas. In this case our desires paralleled nicely. I tied him up just as he was.

I made sure none of the ropes were within reach of his cock. Didn’t want him rubbing one out without permission. Once he was secured I went to work on him once more.

I started as before, stroking his arms, legs, torso, reacquainting myself with his hot spots. When I had him squirming and thrusting, I reached in under the ropes and grabbed him, stroking slowly, getting him right up against an orgasm before I stopped.

This is where you find out how well secured he is. He did some serious thrashing, but nothing came loose. I waited for him to slow down for a few moments before I moved in for another go.

After another edging session I sat back on my heels and watched him twist and squirm. His eyes were half closed, flicking between me and the mirror.

He rubbed his ass against the chair seat and wriggled his legs as much as the ropes allowed, seeing what sort of friction he could develop. I didn’t think he’d be able to get himself off so soon after his last eruption, but I let him do his best. He carried on for a while and seemed to be enjoying himself, but was unable or unwilling to reach another orgasm.

I was also enjoying myself. I had a mature man, fit and attractive, trussed up and squirming happily, all for me. I was made for moments like this. Deciding it was time for the final act. I took off my shorts and knelt in front of him. He looked puzzled as I put some lube on my cock, and smeared some on the inside of his calves, just below his knees.

Grasping his thighs, I slowly slid in between his bound legs, held for a few seconds, and withdrew until just the head was between the tops of his calves.

“No penetration, right?”

He caught on immediately and got right into it, moving his legs around, trying to milk me. I took a deep breath. Another slow trip in and out. Self-edging takes a lot of self-control, especially after hours of play, but it’s definitely worth it.

I got myself right to the brink, stretching things out as long as possible; a task made problematic by his insistent assistance, and by all the time I’d spent getting myself all agitated from playing with him.

After several more slow trips in and out, I stopped and toyed with his cock for a bit, walking the fine line between keeping him aroused while avoiding eruption. He responded admirably, pushing against me as much as his restraints allowed.

In due course I decided the time to hesitate was through. I wrapped one hand round his cock, held on to his thigh with the other, and began some serious thrusting, which he returned in kind. I lasted longer than he did, but only by a few strokes.

After I untied him we had a nightcap and chatted on the porch for a bit before retiring to our respective beds. In the morning we exchanged contact info and I continued on my way. He says he spends a lot of time up there in the summer.

I will definitely be hiking in the area more often.
Last edited by MaxRoper 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Volobond »

I love how fortunate Eddie seems to be when it comes to Providence sending him good men to tie! Another wonderful tale full of rich erotic description!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Guardianbound »

Look at Eddie getting lucky again. Hope to see more from him. This was a hot read.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just love how Eddie and the old man crossed paths!

What I love about your stories, [mention]MaxRoper[/mention], is the civilized banter between the characters. It's as if they are traveling or dining companions...or two strangers on a train passing the time.

Thank you.
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Post by TightropesEU »

Thank you for this one. My kind of story. Hope I come across Eddie one day
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Post by MaxRoper »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] Yeah, Eddie does seem to be rather lucky in finding compatible playmates. Of course he's out there, trying, which should be a hint to those of us without such luck. And of course I only write about his successes. Also, he's fictional which helps.

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] (See above regarding Eddie's good luck). There are still many unpublished Eddie stories, but I've noticed they seem to all have a similar plot which, while fun to write about, could start to become a bit stale. Still, it's what I like (duh) so you can expect to see more of our hero.

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] I've always been a fan of well-done dialogue in stories and have made an effort to work on it in my own, so your comment is especially appreciated.

[mention]TightropesEU[/mention] You're not the only one who wants to meet Eddie! Although I have a feeling he'd be WAY intense in real life.

Thanks for taking the time to comment! You guys are the best.
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