What If... Adam and Eve, Betty and Veronica (MF/F)

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KP Presents
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What If... Adam and Eve, Betty and Veronica (MF/F)

Post by KP Presents »

Thanks to the great work of people like Dan de Carlo, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge have become icons of, to coin a phrase, Safe Good Girl Art. There have also been a lot of stories looking at the relationship between the two. So, what if Adam and Eve were to spend a weekend at the Lodge Lodge – and what might happen if the girls are kept together…

“Now remember, Veronica Cecilia Lodge – no parties, and no Archie Andrews around the house.”

“I promise daddy -I’ll be a good girl,” Veronica Lodge said as she sat on the recliner, her legs up and over the opposite arm from her head. She was wearing a blue vest top and a matching short leather skirt, her silver boots coming up to her knees.

Hiram Lodge looked at her as he heard his wife call out “we need to get going, Hiram – the cruise liner will not wait for us.”

“Coming, dearest,” he said as he looked again at his daughter. “Just because Beddows has the weekend off does not mean you can have all your friends round.”

“Go, Daddy,” Veronica said as she stood up and walked over, kissing him on the cheek as she escorted him out to the waiting car. He got in, their daughter waving as they drove off, and then she walked back into the house, closed the door, and took a deep breath.


She closed her eyes and laughed before she went and picked up the phone.

“Betty - we are on, girls weekend and n0 boys allowed. I’ll see you later.”

Putting the handset back down, she closed her eyes and fist pumped the air- and then her eyes shot wide open as a gloved hand covered her mouth, and a male voice said “good afternoon Miss Lodge…”

Betty cooper smiled as she drove in her VW beetle to the front of the Lodge Lodge, and parked, before getting out and removing her holdall from the trunk. The blonde had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and was wearing red jacket and short skirt with a white top under the jacket. The top had a yellow floral print on it, and her hair was held back by a red scrunchie. Finally, she was wearing a pair of tan Granny style boots, laced tightly up the front as they covered her ankles and the lower half of her legs.

The heels clicked on the flagstones as she walked to the front door of the mansion, opening them up and calling out as she went in “Hey V – ready for a fun weekend? I told my folks I would be away until Monday, so they won’t disturb us…”

She expected her friend to reply, but there was none.

“Veronica? Lost looking for the bathroom again?”

There was the sound of footsteps – and then Betty saw a woman she had not seen walk into the hallway. She had curly brown hair, and was wearing a yellow and black jumper with a green dress, black and white striped leggings, and knee length grey leather boots.

“Ah – you must be Betty,” she said with a smile as she reached behind herself.

“Yeah – who are you?”

“My name is Eve,” the woman aid with a smile – and then she produced a gun which she pointed at Betty. The blonde yelped and dropped her bag, raising her hands in the air as Eve said “very slowly – walk into the front room with your arms raised – your friend is waiting for you there.”

“My friend…”

“Please,” Eve said as she waved the gun, Betty raising her hands in the air and walking slowly in…


“Betty, I’m so sorry,” Veronica said as she struggled on the recliner. Her hands were bound together in front of her, the rope running down to secure her legs together below her knees and then her ankles. There was a young man standing there, wearing a V-necked sweater and grey slacks, and he smiled as he said “Welcome Miss Cooper – please, come and lie on this other recliner, and then put your hands together in prayer.”

“What’s going on, Veronica,” Betty said as she laid herself down, watching as the woman called Eve collected a length of rope from a bag, and started to bind her wrists tightly together.

“Don’t ask me – my folks go off, and then they surprise me after I call you,” Veronica said as she watched the woman bind her friend’s legs. “All know is he calls himself Adam.”

“Adam and Eve – seriously? If this is a robbery, then just take what you want and leave us…”

“Oh we will – in time,” Adam said as he looked at Veronica, “plenty of time for that. Right now, open your mouth.”

“Why – why would I open my mufffhhnnhhh,” Veronica said as he pushed a folded cloth in, filling the space as the edges sticked out from her lips. Betty watched, and then felt the cloth in her own mouth as Eve gagged her.

“Whtdhuuhwhnt,” she mumbled as she tried to move, the rope holding her legs and ankles together.

“All in good time,” Adam said with a smile. “eve – perhaps you could go and check the kitchen, and then prepare things for the next stage.

“Nhxstthj?” Betty and Veronica looked at each other, wondering what he was talking about as the red haired woman walked off…

“We’re ready.”

“Good,” Adam said as he untied Veronica’s legs, Eve doing the same to Betty before they were both made to stand and walk out of the room, across the marble floor and then up the large staircase to Veronica’s room. When they walked in, Adam said “put on the outfits that are on the bed – Eve will stay until you are ready,” both having their wrists untied before he left and closed the door.

Betty pulled the soaking wet cloth from her mouth, and coughed before she said “is your dad int rouble again V?”

“Not that I know of,” Veronica said as she looked to the bed, and the two pairs of boots that were on the floor. “But they seem to be in charge, so let’s just play along until we figure out what is going on.” She sat on the bed and pulled her boots off, Betty slowly sitting and unlacing her own as her friend removed her top and skirt, and then pulled on the black leggings that were there.

“Why won’t you tell us what you want,” Betty said as she removed her own clothes and then pulled on the faded blue jeans which were ripped at the knees. She then pulled over her head a black, white and yellow striped jumper, and fastened a brown belt round her waist as Veronica put on a grey tunic dress. They then both put on the jackets – a darker denim jacket for Betty which she left unfastened, and purple crop jacket which Veronica fastened on the bottom button.

“Now the boots, girls.”

Berry and Veronica looked at Eve before they both sat on the bed, Veronica pulling on a pair of heeled boots the same shade as her jacket, and Betty a pair of tan leather cowboy style boots.

“Okay, we got dressed – now what,” Betty said quietly.

“Now, stand face to face, and put your hands behind your back.”

“We’re going to be tied up again?”

“Looks that way,” Betty said as Eve walked behind her, and she felt the cords being pulled round her wrists to hold them together. “So – I don’t think they are robbing you, or they would have left us tied up downstairs.”

“Which does beg the question – why are they doing this,” Veronica said as she watched Eve use a longer length of rope to fix her friend’s arms against her sides. She then watched Eve as she walked over and felt her own wrists being secured together.

“That – is a good question, want to answer it,” Veronica said as Eve pulled the ropes tight round her body.

“As we said, all in good time,” Eve said quietly as she tied the ropes off, and then went to Veronica’s walk in wardrobe, coming back with two bandanas. Rolling each one into a band, she tied a knot in the middle, and then said “open wide…”

“ah good – take a seat ladies.”

Adam smiled as Betty and Veronica walked into the television room, and sat in the two recliner seats, watching as Eve started to bind Betty’s ankles together with rope, and Adam knelt by Veronica’s side. She looked down, the knotted bandana tied between her lips keeping her quiet as her ankles and legs were secured with lengths of rope.


“You will – eventually,” Adam said with a smile as he stood up and turned the television on. Betty and Veronica looked at each other, and then groaned as they heard their own music being played, a film of their concerts with the boys coming on the screen.


“To entertain you – when this is done, we have the Josie and the Pussy cats movie.”


“Later,” Eve said with a smile, “later…”

“At least you get good pizza delivery here,” Eve said as she bit into a slice of pepperoni.

“I suppose so,” Betty said quietly, “although it tastes better when you are free.” She and Veronica were still in the seats, but their arms had been released, the gags removed, and all four were tucking into the food delivery.

“So what’s going to happen next,” Veronica said.

“Well, you both need to get ready for bed,” Eve said, “and then we make sure you stay in the bed until the morning.”

“And you will be gone by then.”

“Wait and see…”

“You have to be joking – this is so old school!”

“I have to say though you do look cute in that,” Betty giggled as she saw Veronica in the yellow teddy nightdress, a sleeveless oner with a white lace collar and hem on the skirt, as well as white shorts. She had a white ribbon tied in her hair, while Betty had her hair in two bunches tied with red ribbons. The same shade of red as the pyjamas she was wearing.

“I guess so – if only we weren’t like this,” the other girl said as she looked at Betty. Both of them had their wrists bound together with rope, which had then been taken above their heads to secure them to the headboard of the large bed, while their ankles were also secured together and bound to the foot of the bed.

“Now, we keep you quiet, and you sleep.”

“But who is going to come to rescue us when you go in the night?”

“Who says we are going,” Eve replied with a smile as she pressed sticking plaster down over both their mouths, the two girls grunting as they were left alone, and the light turned off. Both of them tried to move, with little success, before the sleep came…

She looked at the blonde haired young woman lying next to her, her chest rising and falling as she slept, and leaned gently over, pressing her tape covered lips on those she could see. The blonde moaned and opened her eyes, looking at her before she returned the kiss as both women twisted round…

Veronica suddenly opened her eyes, her nasal breathing the only sound as she slowly turned her head and looked at Betty. Her eyes were open as well, as they looked at each other, and then turned their heads away…

“Well now – I trust you are both refreshed?”

“As much as we can be,” Betty said as she and Veronica came into the bedroom, bath robes wrapped round each of them. Eve had woken them, untied them, and let them go into the en-suite shower – but they had both noticed the V-necked sweater, blue denim shorts, black tights and black suede boots she was wearing. “So what’s going to happen now?”

“Oh we thought we might take a drive -but we need to get you both ready first. Please, dry yourselves off and put on your underwear.”

“And then?”

“And then, stand facing each other, hands on your head.”

“So this is not over,”£ Veronica said with a sigh.

“Oh we are only just beginning – do as I say, please.”

“this is weird, as if we are being kidnap[ed in your own house,” Betty said as she started to change. “It’s worse than that time in the basement of those creepy neighbours…”

“Or the time we were mummies in those sarcophagi?”

The two girls looked at each other and laughed before they stood, looking at each other with their hands on their heads.

“What do you think she is going to do?”

“no idea – except…” Betty saw the rope going round her waist as Eve knotted it under her belly button, and the ends dropping to the floor.

Her eyes followed her as she walked behind Veronica and tied a second rope round her waist, and then knelt down.

“Does this mean we are goingtobeohmygod…”

Veronica gasped as the rope was pulled back between her legs, and then knotted behind her.

“You… You don’t have to do that…”

“Yes we do,” Eve said as Betty felt the rope pressing on her between her legs as well, trying not to move as she bit her lower lip.

“And… And we’re going to go for a walk? Like this?”

Eve smiled at Veronica and nodded as she said “so, get dressed, and come down – Adam has prepared fresh orange juice, pastries and coffee.”


“No, but they are in charge,” Betty said as she slowly walked to the bed.

“Good morning ladies – please, sit, eat.”

“Why are you making us do this?”

“As we say, you will learn soon enough,” Adam said as Veronica and Betty slowly sat down. Betty had put on a pink sweater and tights, the green checked skirt hiding the rope there, and knee length baggy brown boots. Her friend was wearing a pair of denim knee length culottes and a matching waistcoat, a striped jumper under the waistcoat, yellow tights and her own baggy brown boots.

“But I don’t understand?”

“Did you sleep well,” Adam said as he poured some orange juice into two glasses, and some hot coffee, as Betty took a croissant. She glanced over at Veronica, who had her eyes closed, trying to think of the dream she had had as well.

“anyway, eat, drink, and then some fresh air.”

“Aren’t you worried we may see Archie, - heck, even Reggie – and call out ‘Hey guys – we’re being held hostage’?”

Eve sipped from a coffee mug, and said “oh we’ve considered that – and we have a plan.”

“Why does that not surprise me,” Veronica said as she shook her head.

“Oh don’t tell me you’re actually looking forward to this,” Betty laughed.

“I don’t know – it’s not how I thought we would spend the weekend, but still…”


“Nothing – let’s just see how they are going to stop us talking….”


Betty nodded as she looked at herself in the hallway mirror. She could barely see the clear ape that covered her mouth, keeping inside there the folded cloth that Adam had pushed in. It looked so natural, so normal…

Veronica nodded as she patted her hair. She had been gagged in the same way, but they had not tied the two girls up. “This is a walk in the park – why would we do anything to draw attention to you,” Eve had said, but they knew they were sill captives – both of them would be coming as well.

And there was the small matter of the rope rubbing on them just there…

“Shall we,” Adam said s they left by the rear door, and he opened the rear doors of his Daimler, both Betty and Veronica siting in and moaning softly as the couple got in the front.

“So – ready for an adventure?”

The two girls looked at each other, and then groaned as they set off…


“Dhtnhsk,” Betty said as she closed her eyes and let out a low moan. The group of four were walking along the path that lay beside Crystal Lake, looking as if they were talking to each other r- only it was only Adam and Eve who were doing the talking, Betty and Veronica looking round in the faint hope they would see a friend.

But for once, it was families with young children, older couples walking round and smiling at them as they walked past – none of their friends.

Veronica let out a low moan and looked at Betty, as she said “hwmsshhlhnghhrrr?”


“Well,” Adam said quietly as they all stopped and looked across the lake, “I think some lunch, and then a drive back.


“Oh yes – you must be hungry…”

It was an out of the way diner, one the two girls had never been in before, but the food was good - and they were both hungry.

“Did you know what having the rope there would do,” Betty whispered as she looked across the booth.

“Of course – but are you both saying it wasn’t – enjoyable?”

“I… I don’t really know,” Veronica whispered as she looked at Betty. “Last night, when I was sleeping, it was…”

“You had some vivid dreams as well?”

Veronica slowly nodded as Eve looked at them. “Well, we need to get you both ready for the journey home – come with me to the bathroom.”

A few minutes later, Adam stood at the rear door to the car as Eve brought the two girls out. She had replaced their gags – and as they stopped by the car, she used toe plastic zip ties to secure their wrists together behind their backs.

“Get in.”

They both sat in the back seats, Adam using more zip ties to secure their ankles together. Veronica closed her eyes as she tried to move her legs, the squeaking, the rope rubbing more…

Betty closed her eyes and looked at her friend, her chest forced out and her waistcoat opened to the sides as her chest rose and fell . She looked so different…

“no,” she thought to herself, “no, that is not right…”

“Oh that feels so…”

“much better?”

Betty looked at Eve as she removed the damp rope, and then at Veronica as she whispered “I’m not sure.”

“Would you be surprised if I said I’m not sure either?”

Betty shook her head as she said “V, how long have we known each other?”

“Most of our lives, why?”

“Do you ever think of anyone other than Archie?”

“In what way?” Veronica looked at Betty and blushed slightly. Well, maybe one or two others, but you know we’re going to fight over Archie most of our lives.”

“Yeah, but – have you ever being…”

“Al right, ladies,” Eve said as she came in, now wearing a one piece swimsuit, “Time for some relaxing by the pool.”

“Oh – in what way?”

“So glad you asked,” she said as she laid two bags and two boxes down on the bed. The two girls looked at each other, and then into the bags and boxes, before they both said “oh boy…”

When they walked out of the house and towards the pool, Eve behind them, Betty and Veronica were not sure what was going to happen. Both of them were wearing vintage bikinis – in Veronica’s case, a green top and shorts with a halter neck, and Betty was wearing a black one with silver trim. It was the fact both were also wearing knee length botts – purple ones for Veronica, and red ones with black and yellow bands at the top for Betty.

“Householder first,” Eve said as she picked up a long length of rope and made a lasso, before passing it over her head and pulling it tight so that her arms were forced against her sides. It went round her so that two bands then framed her chest, before she took it round both bands at the back, and then let it drop to the floor.

“Jhow do I look,” Veronica said to Betty as she twisted round.


“Open your mouth.”

As Veronica opened her mouth, she was surmised as Eve pushed a red ball into her mouth, and then fastened leather straps round her head to keep it into place.


Her reaction came as Eve came to her front and reached between her legs, then pulled the rope through and up before she wrapped it round the two bands between her breasts. Pulling it tight, she then took it up and around her neck, before tying the ends in the same place.


“”Hcchnthmhhf – hdhnnthnthtmhhff,” Veronica mumbled, a thin line of drool running down her chin as Eve took a second length of rope up, and bound Betty in the same way – a blue ball gag in her case.”

“Good – take a recliner each.”

Both girls walked slowly over and lay down, as Adam came over – wearing a pair of shorts – and took another length of rope. He then bound Betty’s ankles tightly together,. Took it up and secured her legs below her knees, and then crossed her wrists before tying them together – and then tying the ends round the crotch rope.

She turned her head and watched as he bound Veronica’s legs in the same way, looking at the way the ropes framed her breasts as the bikini top was stretched over them, and let a muffled sigh.


“Hmmm,” Betty said as Adam tied the last knot off, and she tried moving her wrists - feeling the rope rub on her between her legs, and moaning softly as she did so.

“I will get supper ready for later,” Adam said as he went back in, Eve putting on a pair of sunglasses as she lay on a third recliner.

Veronica looked up into the sky, and then she heard Betty moan.


“Nhtshr, bhththfhlslnhs.”

Veronica looked over to see Betty slowly moving her hands up and down, and she did the same – and then felt the tiny electric shocks start to run up and down her body as she did so.



She looked over at Betty, who was blushed, but she was still moving her wrists to and for.


“Shmthhmss, bhthnhtlhkths.”


Veronica looked over and wriggled round, feeling the ropes caress and tease her as Betty watched – and the sight made the blonde move round as well, both women groaning as a fire started to burn inside each of them. She could feel the droll running down her cheek, but it was keeping her from doing more than moan – but those moans were getting lower, more guttural as the fires increased inside her.

And as she looked over to Veronica, she wondered how she would react if she kissed her…


Both girls arched their backs at the same time, their eyes wide open as their bodies began to shake. Eve looked over and smiled, then lay back as the noises continued…

“You may decide for yourselves what you wish to wear to bed tonight – and then I will bind you,” Adam said as he escorted Veronica and Betty into the bedroom, both women walking slowly as the door closed.

“Oh god…”

“Do you feel as good as I do?”

Betty slowly nodded as Veronica went into the bathroom, the water running as Betty lay back. For a moment, she wondered what Veronica would say if she was to go in and ask to join her in the e shower – but something stopped her, so she lay back and closed her eyes.


She opened them to see her friend standing there, wearing a sleeveless nightdress with a red cheesecloth check, and a short skirt.

“You look mazing…”

“Thanks – you go and get ready; I get the feeling I will be waiting for you.”

Betty looked over as Adam came in, the ropes and tape in his hands, and nodded as she made her way to the bathroom, hearing Adam say “let’s do this first…”

The running water seemed to revive her, before she dried herself off and put on a pair of cream pyjamas with a pink check. When she came out, Veronica was lying on her side – bands of rope holding her ankles together, her legs below and above her knees, and around her body. White tape covered her mouth, but she could see the form of her lips underneath.

“My turn now?”

“In a minute – open your mouth first.”

“Why – oh…” She saw the folded panties in his hand, and recognised the ones Veronica had work this morning. “Do you…”

Veronica nodded and watched as Adam pushed her own panties into Betty’s mouth ,tasting heron the ones that had been used to gag herself. The white tape was then pressed own firmly over Betty’s jaw, before he took some rope and walked behind her. The blonde could feel her elbows being drawn together behind her back, but she was looking at Veronica as she wriggled on the bed, their eyes locked together.

She then felt her wrists being secured together, before the longer rope went round her upper body, forcing her arms against her sides as the buttons on her pyjama top opened – her arms being held together behind her back had already forced her chest out, but the additional tension from the binding meant the top was slipping open, and Veronica could see her friend’s breasts.


Betty blushed as the rope were tied off, and she was made to walk to the other side of the bed, sitting down and watching as Adam bound her ankles together…

Her legs below her knees…

Then above her knees…

As she lay on her side, Veronica rolled over and looked at her, her eyes wide open as Betty looked at her.

“Good night,” Adam said as he left the room, closing the door as Betty wriggled round, trying to get comfortable, trying not to blush too much…”


She stopped and looked at Veronica, as she said “whtthhsht?”

“Thddheee – dhdhthfhhlghdfhruhth?”

Betty looked at her for a moment, and then blushed as she slowly nodded.

“Mhttthh bht hnnhdthhskshmfhn.”


Veronica blushed as well, as she said “Hwhhntthkhssuh.”

Betty looked at her for a moment, before she said “hwwhntthkhssuhhswhll, vhhh.”

The two girls pushed themselves towards each other, and then their taped lips met as they rubbed them together.

“Dhseethsmnhhhnn - hhhh.”

Betty’s answer did not come as Veronica then kissed her on her chest, her taped lips rubbing on them as she felt the electric shocks start again.



Veronica nuzzled against Betty’s chest as she closed her eyes and moaned, rubbing her legs on Veronica’s as she felt the pressure on her breasts, and then the touch of Veronica’s lips on her nipples.

“Hmmhgghdddd.” She kissed the top of Veronica’s head, and then she nuzzled into her chest as well, gag kissing her as Veronica moaned.



“Why did you come this weekend? Why help us to learn what we have learned?”

“We’ll let you know later,” Adam said as they sat round the breakfast table, “but we may have to leave you a message with the reasons. Right now, we need to allow you both to spend the last time together before we go.”

Betty giggled as she looked over at Veronica. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a short sleeved black top that hugged her body, a very short, pleated fawn skirt, and tight knee length boots in the same shade. As for Veronica, the dark haired girl was wearing a red pinafore dress with a white long sleeved blouse under that, and fawn granny boots laced up the front.

“Can you make sure we have to stay together?”

“OF course – if you are ready?”

The two girls nodded as they walked into the main room, and then stood in front of each other, putting their arms round each other before they shared a passionate kiss. As thy did so, Adam and Eve took a length of cord – both of them were wearing denim tops and jeans with trainers – and crossed the wrists of each girl behind the other’s back before they bound them tightly together.

“So Miss Cooper – what do you think we should do now,” Veronica said with a smile as Adam passed rope round both of them, forcing their upper bodies together as their chests rubbed against each other.

“Well, it’s not as if we can go anywhere, Miss Lodge,” Betty said as she smiled, “so why don’t we kiss each other a little more?”

“What an excellent idea,” Veronica said as they kissed, opening their mouths to play with each other’s tongues as they crossed their legs round each other – not noticing as the two captors secured their ankles together, and then their legs below their knees as they embraced and moved together.

They were then helped to kneel and then lie on their sides, both of them feeling their legs being pulled back and their ankles secured to the other girl’s wrists as they ribbed against each other, the fire starting to burn inside them as they did so. IT was a magnificent feeling s they looked into each other’s eyes – and then allowed Eve to push a cloth into their mouths before they were taped over.

They then kissed each other. moving against each other bodies as they tried to arouse each other, both Adam and Eve watching before they left the room…


“Hfhnkshh,” Betty said as they wriggled together, and then kissed once more, enjoying the closeness, the feeling, the warmth, the shocks…

“Veronica? Betty? I had a phone call saying you wanted me to come round – where are you?”

Kevin Kilner walked into the hallway, looking round – and then he heard the muffled calls from the front room. He walked in, stopping for a moment as he saw Betty look at him, and then mumble “uhhmhstbhwhddhrhnwhtsghnnhn?”

“Somewhat – if I was to at least untie you and then make something for you to drink, are you going to tell me?”

Betty nodded as he left the room, rubbing the back of his head…

Two weeks later

It was a Fifties hop at Riverdale High, and Betty was dancing with archie, wearing a sleeveless white wrap top with a red poodle skirt, a wide brown belt round her waist, her hair pulled up on top of her head.

She saw Veronica come in, wearing a blue short sleeved dress with white polka dots and a wide white belt, her feet in a pair of pale blue heels, and danced over in her bowling shoes and white bobby sox.

“Hey – come to have some fun?”

“Oh yes,” Veronica said with a smile as she looked round, and then whispered “are you?”

“I am – perhaps we can explore later?”

Veronica nodded as she felt the rope between her legs bringing her on, the two girls starting to dance together…
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Post by Gaggedcowgirl »

Love the innocence of “why” when told to open their mouth
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Post by GreyLord »

This is very different from the stories that I usually read. But it is interesting and well written. Excellent descriptions.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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