Tie up Trifecta FF/ mff

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Tie up Trifecta FF/ mff

Post by WyattW5 »

Story based on Characters by Gaggednbarefoot

Outside on a warm summer day in Notting Hill UK, a young man stands outside the door of a nice house outside of the city. The young man’s name is David, brown hair which gave him a certain appeal to his lady friend.
Standing in shorts and a t-shirt David came had ridden his bike from his home in the city riding the bike up he noticed only one of the cars was in the driveway while a third SUV had been parked in front of it.
While this was not necessarily a cause of concern he was more then curious. Having knocked on the door it took a little longer for a reception then it’s normal occurrence, but David was more then slightly shocked to see a new face open the door
“hello?” her voice was warm and welcoming looking to him with a smile David struggled to find words as he visually scanned her, late forties early fifties with red long thick wavy blond hair she reminded David of his girlfriends mother Barbara smiling he looks to her

“I was looking for Dawn, is she here?” the woman smiles flicking a pointed finger with a look of recognition he tried to smile and not feel awkward about meeting a new person.

“oh you must be David we have heard so much, I am Barbara’s Cousin Pam we just drove in from Cambridge” welcoming David inside he looks around seeing nothing really disturbed in the entry way.

“Dawn has just went out for a little shopping she will be back soon, come inside please” David smiles looking around he felt a little uncomfortable with this stranger smiling the woman lead him into the kitchen
“I am sorry Pam, but uh where would I find Barbara?” Pam smiles
“why don’t you come this way and meet her” walking through the door David’s eyes grew wide as the sight of Barbara, curvy body was hugged in a tight fitting yoga shirt and pants. But this was not what caused alert, seeing her eyes large popped above a wide silver strip across her lower face.
She was set on her knees her arms pinned behind her back, her shoulders hunching forward.

“Mmpph!” she called through the tape, before David could react a weight was pushed onto his shoulders, followed by a force pushing his knees down
“what the” David tried before he was thrown to the ground
“leave her alone my god she has a poor back at least let her sit on a chair” his complaints were met with ignorance as Pam began to speak with another
“hold these arms, keep them tight” using zip ties his wrists were wrapped around with silver duct tape.

David tried to fight but the pair of hands were rough on him clamping his skin “ow it hurts can you at least ease off with your claws Pam” the other attacker spoke up “I am getting tired of hearing his whining shut him up” taking a wad of ripped cloth they stuffed it deep into his mouth planting five strips of tape over his mouth and jaw. Looking up to Barbara she began to whimper fighting her bonds she tried to talk to the captors plea for them to stop this. David had not given up his fight kicking he got to his knees before the other attacker lunges on top of him pushing him down she straddles his chest
“get his ankles and knees now she will be coming home soon” Pam grabbed duct tape and began to tape his ankles up.

Only once they finished taping his knees did David stop fighting long enough for them to roll him beside Barbara he looks up to her. Meeting her fearful gaze he mumbles comforting nothing into her pressing her head to his shoulder.
David looks up to their captors who were amused, the one he had not met yet stood a dirty blond with chunky features and wide cheeks.

David began to grunt angrily and loudly at them. Before the larger girls approaches pinching his nose shut he looks deep into her eyes not willing to surrender yet. She smiles
“just stay a good quiet little boy and this will be over soon” she let go and David had to release deep heavy breaths.
Before she nudges his chin with her fingers standing up Pam looks to her hushing her friend the two went into hiding.

David and Barbara listen intently as the door opens
“Mom, David where are you” walking around a corner Dawns face grew wide with fear
“oh my god” before she could get the final word a hand clasps her mouth shut as the younger woman wraps Dawn in her grasp. Dawn didn’t stand a chance against the solid younger woman.

David fought his bonds seeing them tackling her grunting angrily in his gag fighting to try and help her it was useless. The tape had was sealed. David looks to Pam who smiles pleasantly as they had taped up Dawn wore a small skirt with a black pair of pantyhose beautifully outlining her legs. , wearing a tight t-shirt above her swimsuit which was barely visible through the white t-shirt. As she was taped up like her mother two extra wraps of tape went around their chest above and below pushing out their already, gifted chests. Dawn’s straight blonde hair had been dishevelled in the altercation and was now a little stringy because they had to pull her hair to get her to open her mouth.

David looks to Dawns face apologetic moan escapes his gag as the kidnappers slide her to the opposite corner away from her mother and David the two kidnappers smiling looking to each other it was not until now David had noticed their kidnappers looked identically similar to Dawn and Barb.

“you keep looking, I will entertain” the other woman groaned

“you said I would be allowed to have some fun” Pam smiles patting her friend on the cheek.

“and you will as you can see we have an extra body to play with” Pam smiles winking at David as he grunts more. The other smiles approaching him placing a hand on his chin

“he is kind of cute, is that why you are head over heels” looking to Dawn, who angrily glaring at her mumbling like crazy.

“Mhphm yupmh uhmpn” the woman smiles turning to Pam

“have fun” Pam smiles looking to us her hands in her laps she takes a seat looking down on her captives

“you are probably all wondering why we are here we do not look like common thieves or burglars” David grunted thinking of a snide comment he wanted to speak out

“Because we aren’t we are conwomen, scammers and we have picked up a little too much heat so we are looking to move on greener pastures” Barbara began to muffle into her gag but Pam did not seem interested

“I know that doesn’t explain why I chose you and your daughter” the women went on about seeing Barb and Dawn out in the shopping mall and seen how they looked similar to them, Dawn was a little thinner then her partner but that was a detail. Pam began to walk over to Barb kneeling in front of her

“oh such a lovely middle aged women, you have taken great care of yourself haven’t you” groaning Barbara was surprised when Pam ripped the tape off her face and pulled the wadding out

“water.. Please” Barb croaked begging the packing had been put in her mouth was dry. Pam went into the next room grabbing a cold bottle of water placing it down beside Barb Pam sits down in a chair

“I know you and your daughter have passports we have been stealing your mail for a few weeks now where are they” Barbara’s eyes grew wide looking to Dawn and David.

“pass...por” coughing Pam nods seeing Barb had began to pull back in retreat not wanting to give it up. Pam stood up approaching David grabbing him by the hair making him grunt in pain at his gag

“tell me where the passports or I will take it out on them” Barbara looks to David whispering quietly

“I am sorry” after came a jolt to David sides making him fall forward as Pam began to go towards Dawn. Who looks from David to Pam her eyes wide with fear as Pam knelt down beside feeling around Dawns chest looking into Dawns fearful eyes. Her fingertips began to dig and toy around with Dawns stomach and ribs making her giggle.

Her vigorous tickles made Dawn collapse as she struggled to get away but was unable to. Pam looks up to Barbara who watches as her daughter is helplessly tickled until she chokes into her gag. Pam steps up to Barbara

“oh mom, why won’t you save us” Pam wraps her arms around her captives neck smiling she looks to Dawn who was catching her breath. Rubbing Barbara’s shoulders and neck
“oh so tense” Pam taunts feeling down around Barbara’s bare feet. Brushing a long the sole of her foot. Barbara let out a cute little giggle before Pam began to fidget quickly with her making Barbara giggle and chuckle fidgeting in her bonds shaking her arms trying to get her feet away from Pam’s attack.

Pam turns to David a warm smile
“do I detect someone is feeling left out” David shook his head looking to Pam before she looks to he bottom of his feet feeling around he struggles to keep his face straight and angered turning around he tries to face her but in his turn he had lost balance and fell belly first into the floor pelting his feet with deep fingernails into the soles of his feet.

Pam had left into the kitchen as the three captives look to each other trying to figure out how to escape David looks to Dawns face red as a tomato as she had finally caught her breath in the barrage of tickling. David tried to wiggle over to her before the larger girl kneels next to them

“ooh how cute your boyfriend coming to try and rescue you” Dawn looks to her begging through her gag. The woman turns to Barbara an evil smile on her plump cheeks.

Holding David in her arms she looks down on David as she rolls him to his back looking to his loose fitting shorts, a tell tale sign was between his legs
“something tells me he liking this” turning to a bright shade of red the woman throws David down on his back while Pam returned

“here give him one of these it will cool him off” the woman smiles

“good thinking” taking the front of his shirt the woman slid a small item down the front coming into contact with his chest. David let out a shriek as ice had been pressed to his warm skin. Applying another ice cube around his stomach he struggled to get it to move but the larger girl held him in place making him shriek angry curses through his gag

“I have a special present for you honey” Pam speaks walking to Barbara pulling two ice cubes out lifting the neck of Barbara’s shirt out a hint allowing the ice to slide down. Making her scream and cringe her shoulders shudder and spasms trying to direct the ice off her skin but the skin tight yoga suit would not let it.

Next Pam opened the back of Barbara’s yoga suit and allowed two cubes of ice to slide down making Barbara jump in her bonds falling on her bottom. The shock of the fall and the tingle of the ice made her jump again this time falling chest first onto the floor making her groan and whimper as the ice began to melt.

The younger lady went into the kitchen to grab a wooden spoon and a rolling pin Pam took a bag of ice she had grabbed and held Dawn by the shoulder tugging some of her blond hair
“this is the last chance before we get violent tell us where you hide the passports or little Dawn gets something that sparks” Barbara looks from her daughter to the serious look in the younger thief’s eyes and nods Pam smiles pulling the gag out Barbara croaks loudly trying to form the words

“passport fer my d” unable to form the words Pam slowly trickles water down her victims dry, parched mouth

“please release my daughter, or at least loosen her bonds a bit I can see her hands” Pam grabs Barbara by the chin looking impatiently upon her victim

“she is going to be even more uncomfortable if you don’t speak up” Barbara nods looking to her captor
“my passport is in the office I have it hiding my husbands old suitcase” Pamela looks to her daughter who walks away to the office. Five minutes later she emerges with the bag in hand and the passport in the other
“very good Barbara, now your daughters?” Barbara looks to her daughter

“loosen her bonds a bit and I will tell you the rest” Pamela turns to her daughter

“cut her knees and elbows” Barbara growls deeply looking to her daughter the removed binds did little to return colour in her hands

“my daughters passport is in the china cabinet inside the centre bowl” Pamela nods turning to her friend

“take the love birds upstairs tie em together” her partner nods picking David up assisting him in hopping towards the stairs she carried a bag of supplies up with them.

Entering the master bedroom, David looks around as his kidnapper threw him on the bed beginning to tie ropes to the head and foot board. Taking a little knife out she begins to cut the tape around his feet and knees. As she did David could not help but notice something that looks identical to a cell phone hidden in the strap of her bra hidden below the flannel shirt she wore.

Feeling impulsive she had cut his elbows as she cuts his wrists free. A daring charge he tackles her over shocking the girl because of the freshly renewed adrenalin in his veins he was swift to grab what he needed rushing off he flips the phone open with ease learning it was Barbara’s phone he opens the dial and calls 999. Before he could get further the girls drags him back by the waist throwing him onto the bed he quickly throws the phone below the pillow. As Pam had dragged Dawn up under her arms.

Pam rushes Dawn in throwing him onto the bed

“what happened Lora?” the woman named Lora had finished tying David’s hands behind his back as it was connected to the bed post. Tying Dawn in front of him David began to grunt vocally into the telephone. Dawns eyes narrowed as she watched him carefully. As Lora left the room with Pam David uses his nose to nudge the pillow prompting his head below it enough to lift the pillow revealing the cell phone open and still being dialled.

Dawns eyes brightened as she muffled and called into the phone as loud as she can
“we are sending officers to your location keep the phone active” David let his head down as the two captors carried Barbara and a chair into the room. Pam set the chair down as Lora began to tie Barbara’s legs to the cross support connection to the back legs. While her hands were tied with rope now to the front connection boards the chair. Pam smiles watching Barbara test her bond to the chair

“a final show for you to remember us by” Lora smiles as Barbara takes a rope and wraps it around David and Dawn waists bringing them closer together connecting slip knots between the tiny gap of their belly buttons

“let nature take it’s coarse” finding their groins were placed wretchedly across each other. If either of them struggled a little they would no doubt create a reaction from themself and each other.

Stepping back Lora looks to the three and smiles
“so which of the three do you think will get out first?” Pam looks to Lora with annoyance in her face crossing her arms
“I am guessing the mother she is only tied to the chair nothing to distract her” Pam looks to Lora curiously
“you?” she smiles
“I imagine the kids may wiggle out of it, seeing as how they are closer now then they have probably ever been before” tapping Barbara’s chin who looked down shamefully
“be happy tis about time your daughter has been close to a boy, you don’t want her becoming an old maid like you” Lora rudely blurts at Barbara. David began to grunt and curse at the girls Pam looks to Lora

“I want to hear what he has to say” approaching removing the tape from his lips pulling the stuffing Dawn began to fight pushing her away with a shoulder throwing Pam off. David quickly bites down on the pillow throwing the pillow towards their feet turning to talk into the phone

“I am at seven forty two Kensington park garden two intruders have come in and are trying to make off with a pair of passports, they are wearing a blue flannel jacket shirt and skinny jeans and a white sweater.

The two thieves look to each other shocked and stuttering before Lora rushes forward clapping the phone shut. Lora takes a wad of socks left in a landry hamper stuffing Davids mouth Pam quickly wraps the last bit of tape available, a roll of clear tape wrapping it repetitiously around his head

“you had to be smart didn’t you” giving his chest a pinch he gave a loud audible grunt. The two thieves made for the door leaving their captors to grunt and groan at each other, both Barbara and Dawn look to David with hope in their eyes as the sound of sirens grow closer a pounding on the door they heard an officer call out

“Police open up” before too long the door was kicked open and the officers rushed around the house finding some articles had been trampled and ruffled. Finding the trio in the bedroom they made quick work to untie them.

The two thieves had been arrested trying to get on a train to Canterbury the passports and all reported stolen items were found in possession. Once the fuss and bussle of the police and media was over. Dawn approaches David giving him a large hug. Holding him tight nuzzling into his neck he kisses the top of her head

“its over now” she nods holding close to his chest

“thank you so much” a warm feeling holding her so close

“but maybe we could do something about that reaction of yours” David’s cheeks began to blush before she gives him a powerful kiss.

The end.

Story request by Gaggednbarefoot.
Hope you like it.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1411
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by harveygasson »

Cool story, thanks for posting
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