The gagged diet (m/ff)

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Hooded Hazel
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The gagged diet (m/ff)

Post by Hooded Hazel »

This story is completely fictional and might not be everyone's cup of tea. It includes 20 year old Steve, his 19 year old girlfriend Amy and his 43 year old Mom. I have loved being tied up and gagged since I was very young, It's always been a fetish of mine.

This is my first story, let me know what you think..

Hey, my name is Steve, I am 20 years old, I love fitness and healthy eating and I have a kink for bound and gagged women. I LOVE to gag my girlfriend, I have quite the bondage collection. This is the story about the time I saved my Moms life through bondage (yes, you read that correctly). This happened 2 years ago. My Mom praises me for saving her life and we now have the best relationship.

My Mom has really struggled being a single Mother, its always just been the two of us. In more recent years, she stopped looking after herself and her weight ballooned. She was glued to the couch with Dominoes on speed dial, pizza was her weakness. I was 18 and in my last year of high school when I'd had enough. I had tried everything to get her to eat healthier and move more but she didn't care. I am a really athletic and clean eater, I weigh 165lbs and just wanted my Mom to be healthy. I don't know exactly how much she did weigh but she was certainly over 500lbs. It killed me to see her like this.

My girlfriend Amy came over on Friday night and we had one of our bondage sessions. She stripped naked, I tied her wrists and elbows together with rope, cinching it tight each time. I decided to tape her hands into little silver balls so she definitely could not escape. After that, I laid her on the bed and cuffed her ankles into a spreader bar, making her legs spread nice and wide ready for my already throbbing cock, it turned me on so much seeing her like that! Finally the gag (my favourite part), I shoved her panties and socks in her mouth forcing them past her teeth and wrapped the tape around her head 10 or so times, extra tight and secure just how I like it. She was SILENCED! I wasted no time after gagging her, I shoved my cock inside her and we both finished at the same time. It was glorious.

After our session, I undid the ropes and the spreader bar but kept the tape on her hands and gag on! we cuddled under the covers for a few minutes before I removed the gag, she loved being gagged, I always kept her gag on for a bit afterwards. Still keeping her hands taped into fists, we started talking about things, I mentioned my moms weight and how concerned I was. Amy suggested that I should give her no choice in the matter by gagging her until it was time to eat and controlling her portion sizes. My moms weight was a major health risk, so I agreed that it was the only option. I didn't want my mom to be in pain or uncomfortable whilst gagged so I decided to test gags out on my girlfriend. Keeping her hands taped, I went to get my gag collection, I had a large red silicone ball gag, a harness panel gag, a 3inch penis gag and several rolls of duct tape. I decided to start with the ball gag, I buckled it tightly behind her teeth, there was no way she was getting the ball out! I put a timer on for 20 minutes and after I asked Amy if it was comfortable or starting to hurt. Amy, quite annoyed, said all this was unnecessary because she already knew the answer (having worn each gag plenty of times before) but I just loved to shut her up! Next I inserted the penis gag, buckled it tightly and locked it in place. I decided to undo the tape on her hands and keep her gagged till morning, it was bliss!

After 'experimenting', we decided that the penis gag was the most comfortable and best option. Although, it took some convincing from Amy for me to agree to gag my mother with a rubber penis! It felt wrong but alas it was the only option. I decided to implement the plan on Sunday at 1pm, my mom was in her usual attire, a crewneck sweatshirt and joggers, about to tuck into a 24'' meat feast pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni. I waited for her to have a slice before sneaking up behind her and shoving the gag into her already gaped mouth, tightly securing and locking it in place. Then, I turned to face my mother and explained how frustrated I was with her, how I felt that this was the only option. Her eyes widened as I told her that she was going to be gagged until meal times and was going to eat the meal I prepare for her, until I could trust that she was making healthier choices. She was moaning and squirming though the gag and trying to get it off but it was no use as I had locked it in place. Lastly, I sternly warned her that if she continued to try to take the gag off that I would tape her hands behind her. She nodded and I went to the store, to buy some healthier options. When I got back, I walked in on my mum trying to remove the gag with scissors. I got mad and went upstairs to get the tape, she had been warned!

I grabbed her arms and forcefully put them behind her. I taped her hands, wrists and elbows together, so tight that her fat bulged out, she looked like a wrapped ham. I looked directly at her and said 'you will be tied like this until I feel as though I can trust you again, do you understand?' She nodded and whimpered. I said that's a good girl, weirdly getting turned on by my seeing my mother bound and helpless. She continued watching TV, at 7pm I told her it was dinner time, I had made a vegetable stir fry and told my mom if she refused to eat it then she would go without and the gag would go straight back on until breakfast time. Once I took the gag off, she started hailing abuse at me and said she wouldn't be eating anything that I make for her. I decided she needed to be punished for this, she needed to learn to obey, I was doing it for her own good. I took her thick white cotton socks off her feet and balled them up, she was screaming 'don't you dare, you hori-' but I quickly stuffed her mouth before she could say anymore, I packed her mouth to the brim, then I took the big red silicone ball gag and forced it behind her teeth, buckling it nice and snug, she could barely make a sound, it was music to my ears. Lastly, I taped her hands into little balls and undid the tape that was binding her arms. I got some white nylon rope and began by binding her wrists (it was easy to get the upper hand and tie her down because she was so overweight and lazy) and elbows before wrapping the rope a few times around her waist. After her arms were secure, I started on her ankles, then her knees and thighs. I cinched them snug each time. After that I put her in a restrictive hogtie. Punishment had begun.

Picture this: a glazed roasted hog with a big apple in its mouth, that is what my mom looked like. The fat bitch. I admired my work and said 'I will keep you like this for 24 hours, this is to teach you a lesson, punishments are meant to be cruel' her eyes widened as she whimpered though the gag. That's when I realised 'Ah, I forgot one more thing' I got the duct tape, tore a strip off and blindfolded her with it. Doing all this made me tired so I decided to go to bed, I kissed my mom softly on her cheek and whispered 'good night sweetheart' then went upstairs. When I woke up it was Monday, I got dressed for school and headed downstairs to check on her. She hadn't moved a muscle since I last saw her, I carefully peeled the blindfold off and took her gag out to give her some water (I wasn't evil, she was my mother and I cared about her), I asked her if she had learnt her lesson and she told me to 'go f**k myself', I quickly re-stuffed her mouth and used the duct tape, wrapping it round her head 20 or so times, I felt she needed to be more comfortable (and quieter!) whilst I was out of the house. I decided not to blindfold her as she would be home alone and I didn't want her to get scared and have a heart attack! Which could have easily happened due to her morbid obesity!

I went to the gym after school, it was 6pm by the time I was home. I untied my mother, keeping the gag on and her hands balled up. I took her into the kitchen, strapped her arms and waist to a dining chair with tape. I undid the gag, she apologised and told me she had learnt her lesson and was ready to start the new diet plan, we made a deal that if I can trust her for one day without being gagged then I wouldn't gag her anymore and trust would be gained. What she didn't know, was that I had cameras set up in the living room and kitchen, watching her to make sure she abided by the rules. It was lunchtime the next day, I was headed to the school cafeteria when I decided to check up on my mother, to my horror, she was tucking in to a HUGE slice of meat feast pizza, I also noticed McDonald's cheeseburger wrappers and an empty tub of cookie dough ice cream next to her, I was ANGRY! I trusted her and she betrayed it! Quickly changed my mind and decided to go home for lunch, what a nice surprise it would be for her, NOT! I quietly tiptoed through the door and snook up behind her with the penis gag in hand, I quickly and securely gagged her, locking it in place, then turned to face her and said 'chew on that you traitor, I trusted you and you betrayed that trust, from now on you will be gagged until meal times and as punishment I will be taping your arms behind your back' . After I tidied her mess, I'd lost my appetite completely and screamed 'NO DINNER FOR PORKY PIGGIES' as I left the house to go back to school. I really thought she had learnt her lesson, I was beginning to think she liked being tied and gagged!

Later on that day, in last period, I was sat next to my girlfriend, Amy. I told her what had happened and how furious I was! Amy managed to calm me down and said that this was never going to be an easy task. That was an understatement! When I got home, I decided to have an honest and open conversation with my mom, I told her how ashamed and disgusted I was that she had done this to herself, I even went as far as to say 'you make the Michelin man look skinny' she gasped, started to cry and explained to me how much she hated herself and that she was grossly addicted to food. In that moment, it struck me that I'd never considered her feelings or that it was an addiction. I apologised, told her that I only want the best for her and asked if she would like to be untied. To my utter shock and disbelief, my mom said she wanted to stay tied for the night and asked me to mummify her with tape then tape her to her bed! I gasped and jokingly said Susan you naughty girl! she blushed and told me she loved to be tied up and gagged she was just too nervous to admit it before. I told her its not something to be ashamed of and that I love tying up women so it was a win-win situation, we both giggled and I untied her so she could get ready for bed.

I got 4 unused rolls of duct tape and began by taping her ankles, she was only wearing silky thin PJ bottoms and a matching silk tank top, I had warned her it may hurt to take off and she claimed it 'adds to the thrill', I finished taping her legs making it super tight and secure, now came the difficult part, with her weighing over 500lbs it was going to be hard to wrap tape around her stomach and arms! Eventually, I decided to sit her up and start from her shoulders so that she could hold the tape whilst I repositioned myself, it took almost an hour to get the top half of her wrapped up! Oh how I loved the sound of tape being peeled off the roll, I was in heaven! She said she didn't want stuffing if I decided to gag her but I did it anyways because I knew she was loving it! I taped the socks in securely and taped her down to the bed. Ironically, she looked even more like the Michelin man all taped up like that with rolls of fat trying to escape. I took one final glance at my handiwork, smiled and left the room.

The next morning, I removed her gag and we agreed that she needed to be gagged until mealtimes as she had no self control, she said that she LOVES the penis gag because she can suck and chew on it. I untied my mother and got ready for school, we ate breakfast together (2 Weetabix and a banana) but before I gagged her I dipped the penis part of the gag into some low fat strawberry yogurt so it tasted better for her, she really appreciated this and it became something I did every time I used that gag on her. With the gag buckled on tight, I locked it in place. I felt reassured that my mom was going to change her ways and she did! She followed the meal plan and after 6 months she started coming to the gym with me and I could trust that she no longer needed to be gagged.

Two years on, my mother is a slender 145lbs. I can not put into words how beautiful it is that she has gotten healthy and started living life to the fullest, I love seeing her happy and I'm proud to say that I saved my moms life! She often lets me tie her up and gag her whenever I feel like it, I love the bond we have.

Thankyou for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!