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Robbing a chubby German couple in the woods M/FM

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:09 pm
by robleligoteur
I stood hidden among the trees, my heart pounding in my chest. Desperation had driven me to this point, and as I watched the middle-aged couple, pull over at the remote wooded rest stop, they seemed like the perfect, unsuspecting targets.

The guy, later I knew his name was Heinz, stepped out of the car first, stretching his arms, and with his bermuda shorts and casual red shirt, he looked completely in his own world. His wife, Helga followed, wearing a shirt-blouse dress with chest pockets, her eyes scanning the peaceful surroundings. They appeared harmless and completely oblivious to the danger lurking nearby.
As they strolled along the forest path, hand in hand, exchanging laughter and stories, I knew it was now or never. My trembling hands gripped the gun tightly as I stepped out from behind a tree, adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Hands up!" I demanded, my voice shaky.
Heinz and Helga froze in their tracks, their expressions filled with fear. Heinz raised his hands slowly, his face a mixture of panic and disbelief. "Please, don't hurt us. We have nothing of value," he stammered.
Helga's eyes welled up with tears as she too complied, her hands trembling. "We're just here for a peaceful afternoon. You don't have to do this."
Their pleas tugged at my conscience for a moment, but the weight of desperation pushed me forward. I gestured for them to empty their pockets, my mind racing with regret.
As they handed over the little money they had, Heinz tried to reason with me, his voice soft and pleading. "Listen, we're just a middle-aged couple trying to enjoy a day out in the woods. There's no need for violence. We'll give you whatever we have, but please, spare us."
My gaze flickered between their terrified faces, and for a moment, I considered letting them go. But I couldn't back down now. I needed what they had.I made them go in front of me, with their hands raised up until we reached the place where they had parked their caravan. I gestured for them to lie down on the ground, face down.
The couple obeyed, fear and resignation evident in their eyes. I felt a pang of guilt as I searched their caravan and found some rope. The reality of my actions hit me hard as I tied their hands and feet securely. They were chubby, completely inoffensive, and now completely at my mercy.
After taking what little money they had, I slipped back into the forest, leaving Heinz and Helga bound and helpless on the ground. I couldn't bear to look at them as I disappeared, their terrified voices fading into the distance.

As I retreated into the cover of the woods, frustration gnawed at me. The paltry sum of cash I had taken from Heinz and Helga was far from enough to ease my desperation. I couldn't let them go without securing more. I returned to where they lay on the ground, still bound and terrified. My voice trembled with anger as I demanded, "You must have more than this! Give me everything you've got!"
Heinz and Helga exchanged anxious glances, their faces drained of color. Heinz stammered, "We... We don't have much more cash, but we have credit cards in the chest pockets of our blouses." I felt a spark of hope as I frisked them, my hands trembling, and found the bulging chest pockets. Their hearts must have been pounding as I unbuttoned the pockets and extracted their credit cards.
Helga's voice quivered as she spoke, "Please, don't hurt us. Just take the cards and go. We won't report anything to the police."
I nodded, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. With their credit cards in hand, I finally had something that might help me escape the pit of despair I had fallen into. But I also realized the depths I had sunk to, violating the privacy of this innocent couple who had only sought a peaceful day in the woods.
As I backed away from Heinz and Helga, their eyes filled with fear and resignation, I knew that my actions had forever marred their memory of what was meant to be a tranquil getaway.

As I retreated into the shadows of the forest, clutching Heinz and Helga's credit cards, a sinking feeling settled in my stomach. I knew that without their PINs, these cards were essentially worthless to me. Desperation gnawed at me once again, pushing me to make a drastic decision.
I returned to where the couple lay, still bound and terrified. This time, however, I had a new objective in mind. My voice quivered as I spoke, "I need your PINs for these cards. Don't lie to me, or things will get even worse."
Heinz and Helga exchanged fearful glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They reluctantly nodded, tears welling up in their eyes. I untied the gags that had silenced them and allowed them to speak.
"We'll give you the PINs, but promise not to hurt us anymore," Heinz implored, his voice shaking.
Tears streamed down Helga's face as she said, "Please, we just want to go home safe."
I nodded, my own remorse weighing heavily on my conscience. I knew that what I had done was unforgivable, and I needed their cooperation to salvage any chance of escape from my dire circumstances.

Once they had shared their PINs with me, I had to make sure, they wouldn't be able to escape until I was sure they had given me the right PINs. Best would be to tie them up to their car seats I started with Heinz, I grabbed him from the ground and ordered him to sit in the driver's seat.I cut his wrists bonds only to retrieve a length of rope from my bag and ordered Heinz to extend his arms behind his back. He complied, and I went to work, binding his wrists together with secure knots. The rough texture of the rope against his skin would make any escape attempts futile.
Turning my attention to Helga, I could see her apprehension. She followed my instructions after having put her on the passenger seat next to Heinz, extending her arms behind her back, and I carefully bound her wrists as well. The feeling of their helplessness fueled a strange mix of emotions in me—guilt, desperation, and determination. Once their wrists were securely bound, I moved on to their ankles. Heinz was first, and I made sure the knots were tight, making it impossible for him to use his legs. Helga, watching with growing dread, shared the same fate. Her ankles were bound just as securely, ensuring they both stayed immobile.
With their wrists and ankles firmly secured, I admired my handiwork. They were utterly immobilized, and there was no way they could free themselves. It was a surreal sight, and a pang of guilt tugged at my conscience as I realized the depth of their helplessness. I cut off his wrists bonds only to extend his arms behind the seatback. Then I got on my motorbike which I had parked not far away from the rest area where the caravan stood and made me way to the next ATM.

With Heinz and Helga securely bound and gagged in their caravan, I was well aware of the potential windfall that lay ahead. Their credit cards had provided access to a bank account with substantial funds, and the realization that they were wealthy only fueled my desperation further.
As I navigated the unfamiliar process of using their PINs to withdraw money, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The ATM screen confirmed the account balance, and I knew I had to be cautious to avoid arousing suspicion. The daily withdrawal limit was an obstacle, but it was also an opportunity. I withdrew the maximum amount allowed for the day, my fingers trembling as I counted the crisp bills. It was a substantial sum, but it was only a fraction of what was available in their account. Leaving the ATM, I knew I had to make a difficult decision. I needed to return to Heinz and Helga, but not just for the PINs. I needed them as my captives for a little longer, so I could come back to the ATM and make additional withdrawals on subsequent days. I was acutely aware that time was on my side. Heinz and Helga, being German tourists on a road trip, were unlikely to be missed for several days. The remoteness of our location only played in my favor.

With their smartphones in my possession, I knew I could send messages to their friends and family, assuring them that everything was fine, should anyone become suspicious. It was a sinister plan, but one that I believed was necessary to ensure my escape from the dire circumstances that had led me down this dark path.
Returning to the caravan where Heinz and Helga were still bound and gagged, I couldn't help but feel a sense of power and control. Their desperate situation was at my mercy, and I knew it was time to reveal my plan, albeit with a hint of taunting cruelty.
With a wicked smile, I leaned in closer to them, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty. I couldn't resist a taunting tone as I spoke,

"Well, Heinz and Helga, it seems like your vacation has taken an unexpected turn. You're in the land of the Old West now, and I suppose you should have expected a little adventure, even if it's one of... bondage."

Their muffled protests and panicked expressions only fueled my cruel satisfaction. I continued, "You see, I can't just take all your money at once, that would be too suspicious. So, my dear captives, you'll be having an exciting vacation in... how shall I put it? Bondage. Literal captivity."
Their eyes widened, and I could see the mix of anger and terror in their faces as they struggled against their bonds. I couldn't deny the thrill of control, even as I recognized the moral abyss I had descended into.
"As the days go by, I'll be coming back to this lovely spot to make some withdrawals from your account," I explained, my tone dripping with sinister amusement. "But don't worry, I'll send messages to your friends and family, assuring them that everything is just fine."
Heinz and Helga's helplessness and fear were palpable. I knew that the days ahead would be a living nightmare for them, and I couldn't deny the cruel satisfaction I derived from their predicament.

As I had to spend some time with them, I decided to have some fun. It seemed they were really rather submissive, no much risk that chubby Heinz would dare to play the hero, so I could treat them as my servants or even slaves. I got an idea.

With a cautious demeanor, I addressed the couple.
"Listen carefully," I said, keeping my voice steady. "I need to make sure you won't cause any trouble while I'm here. If you cooperate, things will go smoothly for all of us."
Heinz and Helga nodded, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resignation. They understood that any resistance would only lead to further trouble.
"First," I continued, "I want you both to sit at the table in this caravan. You'll prepare dinner for me. You have access to the kitchen, and I expect a decent meal."
Heinz and Helga complied, slowly moving to the small kitchen area and beginning to prepare a meal under my watchful eye. They were clearly uncomfortable, but they understood the necessity of keeping me satisfied for the time being.
As they worked, I remained vigilant, ensuring they didn't attempt any sudden moves. The tension in the caravan was palpable, but I knew I had to stay in control of the situation to achieve my objectives.
Once dinner was ready, I allowed Heinz and Helga to serve me. They served me reluctantly, their hands trembling as they handed over the food. I made sure to eat calmly, emphasizing that cooperation would be in their best interest.
After dinner, I made a decision. "You both are going to spend the night in your cozy bed area in the upper part of the caravan," I told them. "I'll stay downstairs to ensure there are no escape attempts."

Then, under my watchful eye, I ordered Heinz and Helga to change into their button-down silk pajamas, which happened to be a soft shade of pink for Helga and a calming blue for Heinz. I enjoyed it to see them strip down completely naked and then dress up in their for sure expensive night wear.

Helga, always meticulous in her appearance, carefully buttoned up her pink pajamas. The fabric was soft against her skin, and the color complemented her fair complexion. She looked weary but maintained a dignified grace despite the circumstances. Her blonde hair framed her face, and even in this challenging moment, she retained an air of quiet strength.
Heinz, on the other hand, fumbled slightly with the buttons of his blue pajamas. His expression was a mix of anxiety and vulnerability, and he wore his discomfort plainly. The pajamas hung loosely on his frame, a little too large for him, emphasizing his somewhat timid demeanor. Despite his apprehension, he still managed to offer a supportive smile to Helga, providing her with a reassuring touch in this unsettling situation.
Together, in their contrasting pajamas, they were a snapshot of a couple navigating a troubling and unexpected adventure. Despite their vulnerability, they clung to a sense of unity, determined to endure their ordeal together and find a way back to the peace and security they had set out to find on their vacation.

With a subtle but taunting tone, I addressed the couple:
"Well, look at you two," I remarked, my voice laced with a hint of mockery. "All dressed up in your cozy pajamas. It's almost like a little bedtime story, isn't it?"
Heinz and Helga exchanged uneasy glances, their discomfort evident. They were clearly unnerved by the situation, and my taunts only added to their anxiety.
"You know," I continued, "this is quite the adventure you've stumbled into. Perhaps you should have expected the unexpected on your American road trip. Life can be full of surprises."
My words hung in the air, a reminder of their vulnerability and the unpredictable turn their vacation had taken. Heinz and Helga had no choice but to endure the situation, hoping for a chance to escape and return to the peace and security they had initially sought on their journey.

With a stern demeanor, I ordered Heinz and Helga to climb up the ladder to the upper part of the caravan where the sleeping area was located. They exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a mixture of fear and resignation, and obediently complied with my command.
As they ascended the ladder, I emphasized the importance of not attempting any escape. "Remember," I warned, "I'll be keeping a watchful eye downstairs, so don't even think about trying anything foolish. It won't end well for you."
Heinz and Helga, their voices trembling, assured me that they had no intention of trying to escape. They pleaded with me, their words filled with desperation, "Please, just let us be. We won't cause any trouble. We're at your complete mercy."

As I sat downstairs in the caravan, my captives confined to the sleeping area upstairs, a complex mix of emotions churned within me. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I thought about Heinz and Helga, weak and inoffensive as they were, yet having each other and a seemingly cozy life as a couple. They had enough money and the promise of a peaceful vacation before our paths had crossed.
In contrast, I was a lonesome criminal, driven to desperate measures by my own troubles and uncertainties. The harsh reality of my situation weighed heavily on me, and I couldn't deny the envy I felt for the stability and companionship that Heinz and Helga shared.
But I knew I couldn't dwell on these thoughts for long. My plan for the next day was crucial. I needed to ensure our safety and avoid arousing suspicion. I decided to move the caravan to a different location within the National Park, one that was even more remote and less likely to be frequented by park rangers or other visitors.
With my captives unaware of my intentions, I formulated a plan to have Heinz and Helga travel to this new location, while I hid in the back part of the caravan to remain concealed. It was a risky maneuver, but it seemed necessary to maintain our anonymity and continue my pursuit of the funds I needed.

In the morning, as a new day dawned, I couldn't help but contemplate how I would spend the next few days with Heinz and Helga. My plan was to keep them under my control while continuing to withdraw funds from their account, all while ensuring our safety in this remote location within the National Park.
As I went through their luggage, I came across outfits in a cowboy style—Heinz's red shirt with chest pockets, blue denims, cowboy boots, and a blue bandanna, as well as Helga's matching red blouse with chest pockets, a blue denim skirt, cowgirl boots, and a light blue bandanna. The idea of dressing them in these outfits seemed fitting for our current situation, deep within the wilderness of the Old West.
With a firm tone, I instructed Heinz and Helga to dress in these cowboy-style outfits and prepare breakfast for me. "Get dressed," I said, "and remember, any attempts to escape or alert anyone will only make things worse for you. Cooperation is in your best interest."
Heinz and Helga exchanged resigned glances, realizing they had little choice but to comply with my demands. As they donned their cowboy attire and began to prepare breakfast, the irony of the situation was not lost on any of us—two tourists, dressed as if they were in the Old West, serving their captor. It was a stark reminder of the unusual and dangerous turn their vacation had taken.

After breakfast, I instructed Heinz and Helga to get into the driver and passenger seats of the caravan. My plan was to move to a more remote area of the national park where we would be less likely to encounter other visitors or park rangers.
With a watchful eye, I made sure they followed my orders without any attempts to escape. Heinz took the driver's seat, his hands trembling as he started the engine, while Helga sat beside him, her expression a mix of anxiety and uncertainty.
As we began the journey to the more remote area of the park, the tension in the caravan was palpable. I knew that our situation was precarious, and I had to stay vigilant to ensure our safety and anonymity.

We arrived at the remote area, nestled in the woods near a serene lake and I was quite satisfied. The isolation of this spot offered a temporary sanctuary from prying eyes, and I saw an opportunity to make my next withdrawal from the couple's account at an ATM machine in a nearby tourist resort.

But first, I had to tie up and to gag Helga and Heinz once more to make sure they wouldn't escape. And I had really fun in tying them up and gag them. Dressed in their cowboy outfits, the couple had an appearance that was both striking and incongruous given their predicament. Heinz's red shirt and blue denims hung loosely on him, while Helga's red blouse and denim skirt clung to her frame. I made them sit back to back, and then I secured them tightly with coils of rope around their chests, upper arms, and bellies. Their faces were flushed with a mix of fear and resignation.
Before I gagged them, they pleaded with me, their voices trembling. Heinz spoke first, his eyes filled with desperation. "Please, let us go. We won't cause any trouble. We just want to go back to our peaceful vacation."
Helga, her voice quivering, joined in. "We won't say anything to anyone. Just untie us, and we'll leave this place. You won't have to worry about us."
"Just shut up, I said. Spare me your sissy talk"
And then I proceeded to gag them, muffling their voices and ensuring they couldn't communicate or attempt any escape while I continued my efforts to secure the funds I needed..
Once I was satisfied that they were securely restrained, I made my way to the nearest town, utilizing the bikes they had rented with the caravan. The journey was long and arduous, but it was a necessary step to secure the funds I needed.
Hours passed, and the sun began to dip below the horizon as I returned to the remote spot, weary but hopeful that the withdrawal had been successful. As I approached the caravan I already has some ideas with my two captives, who were to experience an Old West adventure they should never forget in their lifetime.