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Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:26 am
by roper890
It has been a minute since I posted a story, so my apologies!
With that said, this story is based on a true event, with some minor altered details, so enjoy!
Her name was Alexis (not really, but obviously, I ain't gonna put her real name out there). The first time we met was at a college Christmas party at my friend's place. She lived in a small house with a couple roommates. The party itself wasn't anything special, and I think there were maybe a dozen or so people there, not including me and Alexis. She caught my eye when I walked in. I'm not sure why she did. First glance was a slightly taller than average young woman, wearing a light, cow patterned jacket, and was easily the skinniest girl I had ever seen. Seriously, she made twigs look obese. Her hair was light brown, pulled into a pony-tail, and she had on wire-rimmed glasses.
She was cute, though my first few attempts to talk to her were awkward and strained, due to her not really wanting to socialize much. I think her roommates had dragged her to the party.
Well, a few people started saying we should play a game. The others agreed, as did I, and we chose Murder in the Dark. For those of you who don't know this game, it's simple. Each player is given a card. If you receive the Joker, you are the 'killer'. All the lights are turned off, and the murderer goes around 'killing' people.
Think Mafia, but more physical. The way we determined to kill people was by sliding a finger across the target's throat.
With that said, it is low key encouraged for the victims to be dramatic with their deaths, often screaming and flopping to the floor. It's rather fun, in a somewhat morbid sort of way.
Anyway, fate willed that I should be the first killer. The lights went off, plunging the group into near total darkness. I moved so that I was beside a bedroom door, ready to pounce on my first victim. And after waiting a minute or two, I got my first victim.
She just so happened to be Alexis. Now, when I play this game, I don't just simply slide my finger against my target's throat. I seized Alexis, my left hand clapping down on her mouth, my right hand sliding across her throat, 'killing' her. She let out a muffled cry of panic, which was lost due to people talking and making noise, trying their best to make sure they wouldn't be my victim.
And then she went limp in my arms, and I dragged her into the room, setting her down at the foot of the bed.
"Nice job," she said, giving me a small smile. "Hiding my body is a good call." I smiled back, relieved to see that she had taken her 'murder' so well.
"Sorry for being rough," I told her softly. "I gotta be honest, murdering really isn't my thing." Alexis gave me a playful punch on the shoulder.
"Being murdered isn't mine either," she said casually. "I more of a kidnapped kind of gal."
My kinky alarm went off, but I merely continued to grin before saying, "Good to know." I got caught not long after that, and the next round, I wasn't the killer. However, I found myself hanging out with Alexis in a corner while we waited for the next victim to be found. While we waited, I winked at her, which looking back now was probably lost in the dark.
"So you're a kidnapped kinda gal, huh?" Alexis grinned as she nodded.
"Yep! Tie me up in a trunk, that's more my speed." Doing my best to keep casual, I asked, "Does that mean you get kidnapped often? Sounds terrible!" Alexis laughed as she undid her pony-tail, letting her hair fall freely around her rather elfish face.
"I've probably been tied up a bit more than most," she told me. "Usually at the hands of some fiendish kidnapper wanting a ransom." She gave me a knowing look, and I had the feeling she wasn't fooled by my innocent question.
"Why do I get the feeling that you are more of a kidnapper?" she asked. Before I could answer, a victim was found, and the lights were turned on. I didn't really get a chance to talk to Alexis again that night, though I noticed her watching me from time to time, and she seemed to be talking to my few friends at the party a bit more than before the game.
Fast forward a day or two.
I won't lie, I'd been thinking about Alexis more than a bit. But like the moron I was, I hadn't gotten her number. So I had to be content with happy memories from that night.
Until I get a call from an unknown number. I have a very wicked sense of humor, especially when it comes to spam callers. So I always answer.
"Hello?" A voice, one that I recognize immediately despite her trying to mask it, answered.
"I understand you have a talent for kidnappings." I grinned in delight as I answered Alexis, making my tone gruff and cold.
"Possibly. Who wants to know?"
"I have a target for you."
"I see. Who is she and where can I find her?" I could hear her stifling giggles before she managed to respond.
"Her name is Alexis Samson. Look for her at the trainyard at 6:30 tonight."
"Roger that. What do you want me to do to her?" Alexis gave me an address, which I would later learn was her place. Her roommates had apparently gone home for the Christmas holidays.
"Once there, you are free to do what you wish. But she must be alive for the ransom payment."
At 6:25 at the old trainyard
I pulled up to the derelict station, knowing that no one would be here except for Alexis. I was dressed for the part, a black leather coat, a ski-mask, and an airsoft pistol I'd borrowed from a cousin. I could see light from a flashlight from inside the wrecked and graffitied office building, and I ran as fast as I could over to it, the bag of ropes and duct tape on my back. I peeked inside, and I could see Alexis examining a map on the wall. She wore a light blue vest and a turtleneck sweater, and jeans adorned her legs, making her butt look rather pleasant. Her hair was down, and she wore a light gray beanie.
I snuck inside, making as little noise as possible. I managed to get right behind her without her noticing me, and then, like back at the party, I pounced. Alexis's scream was cut short as my gloved hand clamped down over her lips once more, and my other arm wrapped around her middle, pinning her arms to her sides and pulling her tight against my chest. She struggled against my grip, rubbing against my body with hers, and groaning and moaning into my glove.
My package became tight against my own jeans.
"Scream again, and it'll be the last thing you ever do!" Alexis ceased her struggles, breathing heavily through her nose.
"You and me are going for a ride," I said, pulling her head back just a bit so that I could speak directly into her ear. "Be a good girl, and you won't get hurt." Slowly, Alexis managed to nod, her eyes wide behind her glasses, though I could see a spark of pleasure there. I released her, and as she turned to face me, I held the airsoft pistol in my left hand, my right grabbing a wash-rag from my back pocket and a strip of cloth from a pillowcase.
"Gag yourself, and then turn around, hands behind your back." With trembling hands that were obviously a show, Alexis did as I instructed. The rag, while not huge, did have some decent mass when balled up, but Alexis was able to fit the whole wad into her mouth without much apparent difficulty. The cloth she pulled between her lips and up behind her head, making it tight before tying it off. That done, she turned once more, placing her wrists behind her back.
I got to work. Deciding I wanted to impress this girl, I tied her hands, not down by her waist, but up so that they formed an X, just below her shoulder blades. I used more ropes to secure her arms in place, with lots going around her rather small, yet firm tits. As my hands traveled her body in her binding, I also discovered that this girl was not wearing a bra, her nipples hard and pleasant. She did her best to keep her expression fearful, but every few seconds, I would see her gagged lips twitch in a suppressed smile.
The next bit of bondage was a crotch rope. As I pulled the bindings between her legs tight, her whole body shivered, and she let out a muffled grunt of excitement.
"Keep quiet you," I said, pointing the fake gun at her. She nodded, plastering a terrified look on her face again, but it was obvious she was definitely enjoying herself. As anyone knows, when tying a crotch rope, you always give yourself a leash to hold on to. With her bound to my satisfaction, I gave the rope a hefty tug.
"MMMMPPHH!" Alexis stumbled forward, and I couldn't help but grin at the delight on her face.
At the location in her living room
Alexis rubbed her wrists once I had undid her bonds, though the gag was still firmly in place.
"I'm told to keep you here until the ransom is paid," I told her, removing my ski mask and coat, keeping my 'pistol' trained on her. "Take your clothes off." Alexis gave me a theatric, fearful look as she started to undress, doing it slowly and alluring. First came off her sweater, revealing her extremely slender torso and chest, her skin pale and smooth. Next off were her pants and black silk panties, revealing her clit to be smooth and hairless.
Despite being skinny as a pencil, this girl was gorgeous. She stood before me, naked, gagged, waiting my next move. I slowly circled her, ropes in hand, and as I passed by her ass, I gave it a little flick with the end of the rope. Alexis flinched, but made no move to shield herself. I glanced around the room, noticing that the hallway entrance had a pull up bar installed. Taking her by the back of her neck, I marched her over to the spot, and then ordered her to put up her hands. It wasn't hard or long to get her wrists secured to the metal rod, forcing her up on her tip-toes. I bound her ankles together, and then took a step back to admire her.
But something had changed with Alexis. Don't get me wrong, she was still obviously enjoying herself. But the play-acting fear was gone. Instead, there was a rebellious gleam in her eyes, and she was keeping my gaze steadily, as if challenging me. I snarled as I removed my shirt, eager to accept the challenge.
"Where should I go first," I said, undoing my belt and letting my pants and boxers fall away. Her eyes darted down to my long stiff package, which was very eager to be released from my pants.
"Front...?" My hand slid into her clit, rubbing around and in it gently. Alexis shivered, not pulling away but instead keeping her eyes fixed on me. I grinned, and then moved behind her, my hand gripping her ass tight, making her grunt.
"Or in the back?" From her gagged mouth, I heard Alexis finally speak.
"Emmph shmmpht!" My hand went to her throat, squeezing just hard enough to remind her who was in control. My other hand began massaging her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
"I guess," I whispered into her ear, letting the tip of my cock tickle her asshole. "I'll take the back entrance." Her body whole body was quivering as if she was being shocked as I entered her.
Several hours later
"Sure I can't just keep you?" I asked, pulling my boxers and pants back on. Alexis smiled, looking rather cheerful, if not a little tired.
"Sorry Eoghan, I ain't for keeps just yet." She glanced over her shoulder and then back at me, her smile now a bit more wicked.
"Keep tying me up like this, however, and I might not have a choice." She lay on her kitchen table, bound with every bit of rope I could use. Her arms were in a box shape behind her back, with ropes around her breasts that both held them in place, and kept her bound feet just inches away from the back of her head. She was still utterly naked, not to mention now wet due to having washed her in the shower (still bound of course).
"I have to take pride in my work," I told her with a grin, running my hand along her back and exposed ass. Both were still extremely red from the numerous poundings she had taken from the flogging and paddles.
Alexis had challenged me the whole six hours she'd been tied up. The few times I had taken out her gag, her words had goaded me on, fighting me, pushing me to new heights. She gave a whole new meaning to masochism.
"Well, you did great," she said, flexing against her bonds and moving a bit to let her crotch rope dig a bit more into her pussy. "And while you might not be the biggest," she gave me a wink. "You are definitely one of the more creative people who have kidnapped me."
"I'll take the compliment," I replied, giving her ass a fond smack. "Are you sure you want to be left like this?" Alexis nodded, resting her head on the hard wood after doing so.
"Kathrine will be here soon," she told me. "I told her to come check on me at midnight or one, just to make sure I wasn't dead." I frowned at this. I knew Kathrine, we were decent friends, and I also new she was bi.
"You're not worried she's gonna take advantage of you?" I asked. The Kathrine I knew, while a very sweet and fun girl, was also rather dominating and fierce.
"I'm counting on it," Alexis replied, giving me a playful smile. "She's been dying to see me naked for sometime now."
"And you won't let me stay for that?" Her smile became a faux scowl.
"I have no intention of being apart of three-way," she said. "Not yet anyway." I shrugged before fetching the black-ball gag from the kitchen counter.
"Suit yourself."
"Oh, that's going to feel amazing after the number of panties you stuffed in my mouth," Alexis said with a grateful sigh. "Not to mention the other things you p-uuggghmmph!"
"Stop complaining," I said as I buckled the gag tightly in place. "I'll see you later." I kissed her on top of her head, and as I turned, the front door opened, and a short and rather sturdy girl entered.
"Hey Eoghan! And-" She froze, looking at Alexis, her face going slack.
"Hey Kathy," I said, not bothering to hide my grin. "She's all yours!" Alexis let out a grunt as I slapped her ass one more time before walking for the door. As I pulled it closed, I heard Katherine manage to speak.
"Oh fuck yes!"

So the kidnapping bit? That didn't really happen, though Alexis had expressed she does enjoy role-playing kidnappings. Me and Alexis did meet as described, though I didn't get to tie her up for a couple weeks.
But we both agreed that the moment we first started talking, we realized the other was extremely kinky.
We did lots of things that night, though I didn't start with anal. We worked our way through her holes though ;)
As for Kathrine, she's actually a lesbian. Alexis is bi, though she does prefer men over women. I made Kathrine bi so if I decide to a sequel to this story, we can have some extra characters!

Re: Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:23 pm
by GreyLord
Nice story, @roper890. Interesting characters.

If I may make a suggestion, please insert an empty line between your paragraphs. That will make your stories much easier to read. And I am looking forward to reading more from you.

Re: Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:25 pm
by FabianStr2016
What a story! Really hot and creative! I’d love to hear some other stories of you two ;)

Re: Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:25 pm
by tiedtarzan
nice story!

Re: Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:21 pm
by gaggedrock29

Re: Kidnapping instead of murder ;) (M/F)

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:55 am
by AlexUSA3
Hot story indeed. It needs some spacing between paragraphs, but it's a cohesive tale that helped turn up the temperature in the room.

Good job :)