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Post by bondagefreak »


Hey there, folks! I wanna tell you about an amazing bondage session I had a short while ago, but since I'm a little short on time today, I'll have to skip the boring details and get right to the good stuff.

My name's Jason. I'm eighteen, a bit on the skinny side but with a rather serious fetish for bondage and footwear. More specifically, men's footwear.

I joined up a bondage meetup site a few months ago and came into contact with another guy my age.
He didn't live far away and we ended up hitting it off almost instantly.
Unfortunately though, both of us were still living at home. So as you can imagine, meetups were rare and pretty far apart.

Kenneth was just a few months older than I was. He stood a little taller as well, but not by much.
Aside from being into bondage, he was your average eighteen-year-old guy.

His home life was a bit different from mine though.
He was living at home with his dad and his four brothers.
Yeah, you heard me. FOUR!

I loved my sister and I adored my mum, but deep down inside, I actually envied my friend for living in a guys-only house.

Anyways, to make a long story short, my eighteen-year-old friend texted me during the middle of the week to let me know he'd have the house to himself all day Saturday and part of Sunday as well.

Having no plans of my own, I immediately accepted his invitation to come over and spent the next few days getting my bondage equipment ready and planning out my upcoming session with him.

We talked and talked, texting back and forth for hours on end.

We'd mummified each other in duct tape twice already and Kenneth was adamant that it would be my turn being the victim this time.

We both loved bondage a great deal. But as far as kinky stuff went, our similarities stopped there.

Kenneth wasn't into the whole "socks and sneakers" thing, and even though I'd managed to get him to read several horny stories from, my bondage buddy never developed an interest for dirty sockgags or forced sneaker sniffing.

He thought it was funny, but much to my chagrin, it didn't do anything for him.

After a few months, I stopped trying to push my kinks onto him and accepted the fact that he just wasn't into it.

When Saturday morning finally arrived, I made it to his place and couldn't help but notice all the shoes lying around next to the doorway.

Yeah, this was definitely a guys-only house, I thought to myself.


Some of them looked pretty damn worn-out too, which made sense considering all of Kenneth's brothers were between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two.

Kenneth and I talked for a bit, after which I ended up striping to my boxers and getting ready for the much-anticipated bondage session.

It took my handsome friend the better part of an hour to get me fully wrapped up.

The pallet wrap was hard to work with, but once that was done, the duct tape started slowly swallowing me up.

Kenneth took his time.
He was getting really good at this.

We had a LOT of duct tape at our disposal, and he wasn't sparing any of it either.

"Man, this is really fuckin' tight." I laughed, causing the blond-haired kid to smirk with pride.

"Yeah, just the way you wanted it..." he answered, wrapping the jumbo roll of duct tape around my chest and arms tighter and tighter.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, I was wrapped up from head to toe, lying face up on my friend's bed, with only my face left free of tape.

We talked for a bit.

Then he placed two of his pillows underneath my partially duct-taped head and made sure I was nice and comfy.

I felt his hand rubbing my tightly cocooned boner and moaned in desperation at the prospect of being edged like this for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

This was like being in heaven and hell at the same time.

Kenneth then proceeded to duct tape the rest of my face up.
He spared my eyes, but wrapped the wide silvery adhesive real tight around my forehead, my chin and the bridge of my nose as well.

Finally, the only thing left for him to tape up was my mouth.

Anticipating what was to come next, I closed my lips together waited for the final strip of tape to be applied.
But the gag never least, not in the form I was expecting.

"Don't go anywhere." Kenneth told me, before quickly slipping off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.

I spent about five minutes testing the effectiveness of my duct tape prison and eventually resigned to just looking up at the ceiling.

My friend had really outdone himself.
This was WAY tighter than ANYTHING I'd experienced before, and he'd used quite a bit more tape and pallet wrap than was necessary.

There was no chance in HELL of me ever getting out of this alone, I knew.
But I guess that was my own fault.

For the past few weeks, I'd been constantly stressing out how much I wanted him to go over-the-top with me the next time we fooled around.

If he wasn't gonna reward me with socks and stuff, then he could at least take care of fulfilling my other major fantasy, which involved being gagged and mummified with loads and loads of extra sticky duct tape.

My eyes suddenly went wide in surprise when I finally saw my friend walk back into the room, this time with a pair of very foul-looking ankle socks in his hand.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think these are Mike's." he said, speaking about his oldest brother.

Kenneth put the socks down on the mattress and climbed back up onto the bed, before straddling my hopelessly cocooned form and sitting himself on my chest.


Whoever's socks those were...they were absolutely PUNGENT!
I could smell them from almost a meter away and couldn't help but crinkle my nose up a little and make a face.

I watched as the young man picked up the first sock and watched as he brought it up over my face and dangled it down over my mouth and nose.

"This stinky enough for ya?" he asked, the neutral look on his face telling me how little he understood my fascination for used footwear.

For an ankle sock, the thing was HUGE!
It was real wide and thick too.

Whoever was wearing it must've had really BIG feet, I thought to myself.

Kenneth lowered his brother's sock down to my nose, and I took my first whiff.


"Ugghh, god!" I cried out, suddenly grimacing in disgust and pushing the back of my head down inside my friend's lofty pillows.

Kenneth just smile and laughed at my reaction.
I'd been nagging him about smelly socks for so long that he probably thought I was faking it.

I wasn't!
The sock was HORRIBLE!

But yeah, I guess that was also my fault.
I'd spent so much time chatting with guys on much time teasing notorious Doms like Sock_Gagged and Bondagefreak, telling them how much I'd love chewing on their worn socks and stuff.
It never really occurred to me that although the thought of being gagged with another guy's sock turned me on, actually doing it in real life would gross me out.

That's when I suddenly realised I was in over my head.

Apart from occasionally sniffing my dad's socks after he put them in the hamper, I'd never really been exposed to strong male foot odour.

At least, nothing quite as strong as what my buddy was making me sniff!

Kenneth crumpled the putrid sock up in his hand and teasingly rubbed it all over my face.

I closed my mouth tight, moaned and struggled.
Unfortunately for me, my friend had no way of knowing my protests were genuine.

"Any last words before the gag goes in?" he asked, pulling the sock away from my face so that I might speak.

"No! Wait." *Sniff* "Uggh! Dude, I don't want that THING in my mouth!" I cried out, struggling as much as my incredibly tight duct tape prison would permit.

The blond teen just rolled his eyes as though he thought I was putting up an act.
"Nice try, fucker. Now it's time to open your mouth." he instructed, bunching the giant ankle sock up over my lips and pinching my nostrils shut with his other hand.

I fought and struggled to get him off me, but as soon as I parted my lips to draw some air, the cheesy, festering wad was thrust in.

I coughed and gagged on the smell at first, but the taste was so strong and so overpowering that I ended up just lying there and allowing Kenneth to burry his older brother's putrid sock all the way in.

I was speechless, no pun intended.

The sock was so big and so revolting that I was suddenly forced to question whether or not I actually had a worn sock fetish.

I wanted to puke. I wanted to be sick.
And yet my cock was absolutely rock-hard and throbbing under the layers of pallet wrap and duct tape.

Unphased by my silence or by the fact that my mouth was now pretty well stuffed, my accommodating friend grabbed the second sock and announced that it too would find residence inside my oral orifice.

"Like we agreed, you're gonna stay mummified for at least eight hours and I'm gonna make sure you stay really nice and quiet. Now open up and make some room in there. " Kenneth instructed, grabbing my stuffed cheeks with one hand and forcefully stuffing his brother's second soiled sock in with the other.

My lips and my cheeks bulged to accommodate the incredibly fat stuffing and I practically went cross-eyed from the potency of the smell that was oozing out of the material.

Whoever the socks belonged to, the wearer obviously had a very SERIOUS foot odour problem...not to mention some bad personal hygiene.

After an entire minute of forcefully cramming the second putrid ankle sock in there, my lips and cheeks were left full to bursting with cheesy, squishy, bacteria-infested cotton.

"Try to speak." Kenneth ordered, putting his hands on his thighs and looking down at me as I attempted to mouth off through his big brother Mike's filthy wadding.

"Mmmggghh...uugghmm...mmmhhmmmg" I cried out, unable to get even the shortest of protests out from underneath the giant ball of socks.

I ended up coughing a few times, but my temporary bondage-Dom took little notice of it and merely interpreted it as being part of my show.

"Perfect! Good luck calling for help through those cheesy fuckers." he laughed, picking up the jumbo roll of tape up from off the bed and ripping the end loose.

"Now close your lips together." he ordered, holding the heavy-duty duct tape over my mouth and at the ready.

I tried to do as I was told, but the fat bundle of socks in my mouth made it impossible for me to comply.

"Mgghmm...mmmmhg...uggghm." I ended up protesting.

I wanted to obey, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get my lips around his brother's oversized socks.

"Alright, lemme help you with that." Kenneth spoke, reaching down towards my mouth and using his index and middle fingers to stuff the stubborn socks back in where they belonged.

As soon as I managed to get my lips together, Kenneth slapped the tape over my mouth and started wrapping it around the back of my head, real nice and slow...again and again, and again.

He spent at least five minutes wrapping my entire head up; left and right, top to bottom, going under my jaw and back up over the crown of my head almost a dozen times.

When I finally thought he was done, more tape was slapped over my mouth and my eyes were finally covered with sticky adhesive as well.

I was now fully cocooned.


I had no way to track the passage of time, but I spent what must've been the better part of two hours dozing on and off after that.

Kenneth was sitting on the floor and gaming on his console the whole time. But every now and then, he'd actually jump up next to me and sit himself down on the bed to wake me up and fool around with my exposed nostrils.

"Trying to escape, are we? Haha! You're not going anywhere, bitch." he teased, cutting my air off and causing me to squirm and cry out inside my giant, muffling gag.

I wasn't a big fan of breathplay, but my buddy apparently was.
He spent the next half hour or so playing with my breathing and taunting me about the fact that I wasn't able to move or even call for help.

"How do those socks taste?" he finally asked, after giving me a few minutes to catch my breath and calm down.

"Mgghmm...mmmmggh. Mmggg...Uggghmm." I tried to tell him, seriously on the verge of wanting to puke my guts out.

"Yeah, I know you love 'em. Haha. Pervert." he laughed, tapping my hard-on a few times and climbing off the bed to resume his gaming.

"One hour done, seven to go!" he suddenly announced, speaking loud enough so that I'd be able to hear him through all the layer of pallet wrap and tape.

Upon hearing his words, I instantly broke out into a series of heavily muffled protests and starting spewing curses under my giant, uncompromising sockgag.

Only one hour!? What the fuck!?
How could that be?! Why was time going by so slowly!?

Kenneth continued playing video games for a while, and I eventually ended up dosing off and falling asleep.

I only woke up when he crawled back to the bed and started peeling the tape up off my eyes.

"Rise and shine, mummy-boi. You still alive in there?" he asked, grinning down at me from his seated position next to my head.

I squinted my eyes and slowly adjusted to the light, moaning in sheer desperation when my friend alerted me to the fact that I'd now been mummified for only three short hours.

I watched as he got up and watched as he opened up his closet and took out his Russian GP-5 military gasmask from out of its storage bag.

We'd played with it several times before and I was secretly hoping it would also make an appearance this time around.


The rubber mask was expertly stretched open and made to swallow my already heavily encased head.

Kenneth adjusted the goggles over my eyes and slid the mask on until he was satisfied it was an air-tight seal.

"Can you breathe okay?" he asked, looking down at me through the circular eye slots and speaking louder than usual so that I could hear his question.

I could hear was he was saying alright, but his voice sounded as though he was speaking to me through a glass bottle or something.

I felt very enclosed and very isolated from the outside world.
It was absolutely wonderful.

I nodded my head yes and flared my nostrils open.

A low hissing sound echoed across the room each time I inhaled or exhaled.
For a while there, I actually understood what it would actually feel like to be Darth Vader in Star Wars.

Kenneth then amateurishly tried to torment me by fetching one of my own running shoes and slipping it over the gasmask filter.

I shook my head in defiance, not because I was grossed out, but simply 'cause it wasn't very much a turn on for me. Quite the opposite in fact.

The young Dom just chuckled and left the shoe there for a while.
I breathed in and out many times, but when the supposed "torture" failed to elicit much of a reaction from me, the young man finally caught on.

This wasn't working.

"Humm...your shoes don't smell too much." he commented, lifting my sneaker up off the inhaler and giving it a tentative whiff.

When Kenneth left the room, I thought he was simply gonna toss my shoe back near the entrance carpet where I'd taken them off.

Imagine my surprise when the handsome eighteen-year-old left my line of sight, only to come back a minute later with yet another pair of shoes in his hands.

He didn't tell me who's they were, not at first anyhow.
But I knew they couldn't be his.
They were too big. Like, way...WAY too big.



Climbing back up on top of me and straddling my chest, Kenneth picked up one of the giant Osiris shoes and got to work on undoing the laces up a bit.

"Uggh...Mmggg...Uggghmm." I suddenly cried out, coughing and gagging as an incredibly strong stench began filling up the inside of my mask and filtering into my defenceless nostrils.

"Yeah, now THESE bad boys are gonna make you squirm!" the blond kid laughed, opening up the shoe as much as he could and giving me an insider's view of the Osiris monster's gaping maw.

The giant shoe looked absolutely worn-out and rotten!
Yet I could still make out the number 14 that was printed out on the bottom of its heavily sweat-stained inner sole.

I screamed, cried out and called for help.

But it was no use.
Kenneth merely chuckled in delight and grabbed the gasmask's large breathing filter before angling the shoe on top of it and burying the entire breathing apparatus deep inside the rotting sneaker.

In an instant, my whole world was turned upside down and I felt as though I was actually breathing through the inside of a stink bomb.

Words cannot BEGIN to express how genuinely revolted I was.
Yet, thanks to hours and hours of nagging, Kenneth was convinced that I was just faking it and putting on a good show.

I coughed, gagged, screamed and shook my head to dislodge the extremely putrid size 14 shoe.
But Kenneth just laughed and laced the Osiris trainer real tight around my breathing filter.

I tried to tell him that it was too much. Tried to tell him that it wasn't funny anymore. But my blond friend couldn't possibly understand a thing I was saying, and once again left me alone to resume his gaming.

"By the way, in case you're wondering. Those are Kyle's." he spoke, finally letting me know whose shoe I was sniffing.

Kyle. The name certainly rang a bell.

It took me a few seconds to recall since I'd never actually met any of his brothers, but Kyle was his second oldest brother and apparently the meanest and smelliest of them as well.

From what Kenneth had told me, there was a lot of squabbling when his dad wasn't around.
And although Mike was not to be toyed with, big-bad Kyle was the one to watch out for.
He was the one who bullied his younger brothers the most, and he was the one always farting in their faces or tormenting them in other sick ways.

And so, I spent the remainder of the afternoon and pretty much the entire evening, gagging on Mike's fuckin' giant, raunchy ankle socks and sniffing Kyle's extremely putrid size 14 Osiris shoe.

I came three times inside my cocoon.
Each time without my friend touching me, and each time after having taken a particularly big whiff of Kyle's shoe.

I was released from my prison at a bit past 9 PM and spent about fifteen minutes in the shower while Kenneth took care of putting a frozen pizza in the oven.

I got dressed, we ate and we spoke for a bit.

Kenneth was hugely apologetic when he learned that I wanted to throw up pretty much the whole time.
He said he was convinced I was doing it on purpose, and I told him that all was forgiven and that it was my fault for having pushed him into it.

We started a movie on Netflix after that, and eventually fell asleep spooning each other on the large leather couch.

I left his house early on Sunday morning and thanked him for the awesome time we had.
We promised each other we'd stay in touch, and we did.

Over the course of the coming week, Kenneth actually revealed to me that he'd jerked off and creamed himself twice while watching me sniff his big brother's shoe that Saturday.

I texted him back and told him not to worry, stating how thrilled I was that he actually enjoyed it.

"Dude. Can I ask you a serious question?" I suddenly asked, pausing for an instant before pressing "send".

"Yeah. Of course, bud. What is it?" came Kenneth's instant reply.

I breathed in and out, closed my eyes and thought about it long and hard before typing in what I had to say.

"Can we do it again?" I wrote, pressing the send button and fixing my screen intently in anticipation of his reply.

There was a pause in our exchange and for a minute there, I thought Kenneth would decline and back out.
But then, just as I was about to slip my phone back in my pocket, a new message popped up.

I opened the messaging app and looked at the message he wrote.
It contained no words. Only two symbols.

It read " : ) "

Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by Xtc »

There is much to be said for the "get in - do it - get out" school of writing.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

I liked your other two short stories but this is by far my favorite.

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Post by MaxRoper »

Another fabulous tale. I'm loving your recent spate of standalone short stories. The monster tales are great because we get to know all the characters so well but I really enjoy the get-to-the-point style you're currently exploring.

As usual, the piece is painstakingly edited and the short paragraphs make it easy on the eyes.

You consistently find ways to improve your game, my friend.
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Post by GoBucks »

Loved it! Glad Kenneth got into the spirit of using dirty socks and shoes! And I always enjoy when you bring the gas mask into play.

Perhaps we can sometime get a sequel where smelly big brother Kyle catches them in the act? ;)
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Post by socjuc »

I agree with @Gobucks I would love to see them get caught in the act, and it would be great to see the brothers take over the ceremony :) And those

@Bondagefreak, this story was great! Awesome and clever way to referencing yourself and others and this site. A very creative way to weave it into the story.

Liked also how Kenneth divulged his apparent pleasure in acting this out. Great to see him get converted :)
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Sockbound1234 »

I love all your stories I think this one and a few others are my favourite
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Post by Ossassin »

Now that is a fun one, I am loving the mummification and I'll admit I have had a similar experience with a sock gag of finding it different to what I imagined. Perhaps next time I'll enjoy it, perhaps not but regardless this captured the oh crap of the moment pretty well.
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Post by NotRowan »

Love this story, it’s amazing. Can’t say I haven’t wished to be in the exact same scenario Jason found himself in.

Hoping from the title that there’s more great duct tape bondage to tell with these two characters
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Post by TiedNW »

Really great story BF! Seems Jason had a really great experience and Kenneth got to know his new kinky side. I’m feeling quite a bit jealous right now.
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Post by Jason07 »

I always enjoy reading your stories good sir and this one is no different!!! I look forward to seeing more of this wonderful beginning of a series.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

That's really nice, this story is amazing. It's so similar to the experiences most guys probably have... they're bragging about what dirty gags they can handle and then, when it's actually happening, it's too much. But still, I must agree that it sounds so hot. This is also one of the few stories that features a bondage session that lasts for 8 hours. It's quite humiliating to spend 8 hours gagging on a dude's socks and several hours sniffing yet another dude's putrid sneakers while you're taped up and there's no way to escape.
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Post by harveygasson »

Loved it really great story as always @bondagefreak
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Post by Manlyducttape »

Have I found my favorite short story of yours? Yes, yes I think I have. I knew from the title that I was going to be in for a treat, and I wasn't disappointed. You had all my favorite things - lots of duct tape, smelly socks and shoes, and a house full of men. What's not to love? I'm very jealous of this Jason character. Wish I were in his shoes...
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Post by Bondwriter »

An enjoyable short story, thanks!
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Mhmmm I like this especially as well.
And I got an experience connected to this story now, I won‘t forget so soon.

Thank you Sir - for the small hints as well as the hot story in general. I wish I was Jason...
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

sniffingyoursocks wrote: 4 years ago And I got an experience connected to this story now, I won‘t forget so soon.
Gruetzi, mein Freund!

I’m hoping you’ll write a story about it sometime! It seems that you have really evolved as a sub since the times that we were chatting frequently. It’s sad that your tumblr has gone, I really liked the photos there and I’m sure they were connected to the experiences you mentioned.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Glad you guys enjoyed this as much as your comments lead me to believe!
Jason was certainly in over his head in this one.

Even thought this was originally a one-off story, the number of comments left by you guys has secured the production of "THE DUCT TAPE CHRONICLES II"

I'll be tagging all of you as soon as the second phase of this project is released.

Deleted User 1255

Post by Deleted User 1255 »

Wow. Just wow! Gotta say, this has become one of my all time favourite stories. I love just about every single thing in this story. The mummification is outstanding, I love how you mention how excessive the wrapping was.
The wanted turned unwanted sock gag is outstanding, and I love how from that point forward all the struggling is legitimate, and the shoe smelling torture is the icing on the cake!
This checks basically all of my boxes, love the detail, love the pictures and can’t wait for chapter 2!
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Post by NeedControl »

So hot! So so hot!!!

Stinky shoes and putrid socks are 100% *not* my thing, but his helplessness here is absolutely amazing, and I am so turned on!!

The photo you added helped a lot too.

Well done Sir 😎
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Post by Gagfan »

Very enjoyable read! I felt it depicted how a real session for a lot of first timers would go. Easy to talk a big game on how much you want your mouth stuffed with putrid socks and be smothered with filthy shoes, it is another matter entirely to experience it Im sure
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the outpouring of support, guys!
Much appreciated.
Gagfan wrote: 4 years ago Easy to talk a big game on how much you want your mouth stuffed with putrid socks and be smothered with filthy shoes, it is another matter entirely to experience it Im sure.
I've seen this happen in RL too many times not to write about it.
That, plus many sockgag enthusiasts on here are young, naive and inexperienced.

Still, I don't expect Jason's experience to deter anyone on this board. Quite the opposite.
The guys on here are probably even more eager than they were to seal their own demise and have pungent socks thrust and crammed inside their mouths ;)

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Post by Gagfan »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for the outpouring of support, guys!
Much appreciated.
Gagfan wrote: 4 years ago Easy to talk a big game on how much you want your mouth stuffed with putrid socks and be smothered with filthy shoes, it is another matter entirely to experience it Im sure.
I've seen this happen in RL too many times not to write about it.
That, plus many sockgag enthusiasts on here are young, naive and inexperienced.

Still, I don't expect Jason's experience to deter anyone on this board. Quite the opposite.
The guys on here are probably even more eager than they were to seal their own demise and have pungent socks thrust and crammed inside their mouths ;)
I’ve never been “properly” gagged before so I imagine the first time can be an overwhelming experience. I also imagine a lot of cases are like Jason’s where in the moment they are horrified but after it’s over with they crave more punishment.
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by Havok978 »

Gagfan wrote: 4 years ago
bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for the outpouring of support, guys!
Much appreciated.
Gagfan wrote: 4 years ago Easy to talk a big game on how much you want your mouth stuffed with putrid socks and be smothered with filthy shoes, it is another matter entirely to experience it Im sure.
I've seen this happen in RL too many times not to write about it.
That, plus many sockgag enthusiasts on here are young, naive and inexperienced.

Still, I don't expect Jason's experience to deter anyone on this board. Quite the opposite.
The guys on here are probably even more eager than they were to seal their own demise and have pungent socks thrust and crammed inside their mouths ;)
I’ve never been “properly” gagged before so I imagine the first time can be an overwhelming experience. I also imagine a lot of cases are like Jason’s where in the moment they are horrified but after it’s over with they crave more punishment.
I actually learned my lesson on this rather quickly when I started to explore all of this and I was talking to a dom buddy of mine who was telling me how he was playing with a guy who was into this, and I think he forced him to sniff his own sneaker and long story short, it was not a good time. I've made sure to be pretty clear since then that I'm personally fine with "uncomfortable" but not rank or putrid. I'll tell you from my experience, there is definitely an initial "oh god what is that?" factor, but eventually you end up far more distracted by other things going on lol.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Havok978 wrote: 4 years ago Was talking to a dom buddy of mine who was telling me how he was playing with a guy who was into this, and I think he forced him to sniff his own sneaker and long story short, it was not a good time.
Hey bud, long time no see!

Not sure I'm getting this right.
The guy he was playing with was grossed out from sniffing his own sneaker, or that of your dom buddy's?

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