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Lucy For Sale [F/F]

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:59 am
by Foxies
A story written by my partner - Angela Fox

As she entered the room, I could see the fear in her eyes from the mirror on the far wall as they flashed towards the table with its unusual items prominently displayed. She was tiny compared to me with no hope of overpowering me but in any case, I was blocking her exit in case her anxiety overwhelmed her and she foolishly tried to escape.
She was a pretty thing, small and petite, with long smooth brown hair that descended in a smooth flow past her shoulder blades. Her eyes, currently dilated with fear, were brown and almond shaped, wide above her fairly long thin nose and perfectly sized red lip-glossed lips. She was wearing a thin white blouse with quarter sleeves and a pleated tartan skirt as though she had just come home from school. The white ankle length socks neatly turned over with their cute little cuffs and her patent black May-Jane’s with their dainty ankle straps and their three-inch heels added to her little Miss innocent look. I wasn’t fooled.
“Be so good as to hand me that coil of rope on the table there and put your hands together behind your back, palms facing outwards,” I said, as matter-of-factly and as pleasantly as possible. I didn’t think she would panic but there was no sense in frightening her … yet.
With my hand on her shoulder and her back towards me, I felt her stiffen but she didn’t move to hand me the rope. I carefully reached my hand around her watching in case she made any sudden moves but she remained motionless although quivering as though she were a rabbit getting ready to bolt.
I sighed and said, conversationally, “It is all right to be a little nervous, but nothing really bad is going to happen. Work with me here. Try to relax and put your wrists behind your back.”
The rope was simple polyester with its inner core removed, already divided into two and with practised hands, I held it at the loop and pushed the other ends through it to make a slip loop that I draped over her wrists as she reluctantly put them behind her. It was at the very moment that the loop snagged over both her wrists she became my complete prisoner. There were far more restraints to come of course but the instant that first loop of doubled rope closed against her delicate skin, she was mine.
I now wound the rope around her wrists, five coils working in the direction from her wrists in the direction towards her elbows. I kept the loops snug but not restrictive and then wound four cinches between her wrists tying the knot high away from her fingers.
Without skipping a beat, I picked up another coil of the same rope and knelt down and using the same technique I looped the double strands around her ankles with five turns and four cinches before tying it off in a nice neat knot.
I rested my hands on her shoulders and started to twist her so she could face me. She had to hop to prevent herself from losing her balance.
“I thought you were just going to photograph me in these clothes. That’s what the lady on the phone said.”
She was becoming more scared by the second and wasn’t too far from panic. Fortunately, it didn’t matter now. In fact, I was rather looking forwards to it. I decided to increase the pressure.
“Yes, I suppose I did say that. But that camera there has a dead battery and besides, we don’t really need it. We are not going to advertise you online; instead, we will auction you. Trust me, you will do well.”
If it was possible her eyes opened even wider and I knew she was so scared that she was becoming too confused to even formulate a question. I smiled in a rather weak attempt to reassure her and started unbuttoning her shirt. She jerked immediately, trying to pull back shaking her head, “No … please … please don’t do that … I …”
In a way, I was torn. In the cruellest way, I wanted to hear her terror, I wanted to literally hear how she fell over the abyss from believing she was in control to the certain knowledge that she was in fact doomed. The problem was the house was not sound proofed and this room was not some deep dark dungeon. Regretfully I squeezed right up to her to force to her hop with her back to and right up against the table, where I reached into the drawer and pulled out the ball with its mass of black leather straps that she hadn’t yet seen. I then placed my other hand on the back of her head and holding the ball, I forced it into her mouth just as she was about to scream.
She, of course, tried to pull out from me but she was lost even before it happened. I had done this many times before and I knew what to expect. I had seen the terror on countless occasions and thus I was ready for anything. As my had came up with the bright red ball, she screamed and I pushed it in past her teeth. It wasn’t a large ball gag, I had bigger ones but it filled her mouth and I suppose it was fortunate that her fear had produced a dry mouth or I may have been squirted with drool.
She tried to push it out with her tongue as she tried to bend out of my grasp, but I merely held it in with one hand as I reached for the strap with my other and quickly buckled it tight pulling at the corners of her mouth. Two straps on either side of her mouth formed a loop that I pulled under her chin and two others, meeting above her nose joined into a single strap that I buckled to its mate on the back of the head.
This particular gag came with a two-inch thick black leather posture collar which I buckled in place making it very snug so she could feel the constant pressure on her throat. A strap from the chin loop attached to the collar as did the strap coming over the top of the head. Once it was all buckled up tight I retrieved the small padlocks off the table and snapped them onto the buckles. They were all keyed the same but just to needle her I said,
“I think these locks are all keyed differently but I don’t have the keys anyway. Not that it matters. The gag will stay in place till you have been purchased off the auction block and then it will be your new owner's problem.”
I would have died laughing seeing her eyes if I hadn’t seen such fear laden eyes before. I really began to wonder at how much wider she could make them. I grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her into me. I couldn’t resist; she looked so cute with the ball protruding past her lips. I kissed her right on the ball and extended my tongue out as far as I could, collecting some of her drool that had formed around the ball and then slurping that same drool with my tongue I spread it up the right side of her nose and across her right eye that she blinked shut. I then went back for more of her drool and did the same to her left side of the nose and her other eye.
It is interesting to see utter terror and disgust at the same time but I’d had my little bit of fun and I didn’t stop to gawk anymore, there was so much to do. I undid the last of her buttons on her shirt, pulled its tail from out of the waist of her skirt and then taking the trauma scissors off the table I cut the sleeves and tossed the now useless garment to the waste bin by the side of the table. She had worn a simple but cute white bra with a pink ribbon where the cups met but the trauma scissors made quick work of the straps and it joined the shirt in the bin.
The skirt was next but before I took care of that I decided to test my captive and placed my left hand behind her back and with the trauma sheers in my other hand, I traced some gentle circles with the pointed ends around her areolas. She tried to move back against my hand and the table that was still behind her but it was obvious that there was something else going on behind those eyes besides fear since her nipples immediately went to attention.
Grinning I put the scissors down and undid the belt at her hips and slid the skirt to the floor. The plain white cotton panties were a disappointment. I was hoping for silk or even lace so I reached for the trauma scissors again and made short work of turning them into rags.
She was shaved in all the right places, and so I used the back of the scissors once more for a purpose I am sure the maker never intended. I traced them up her thigh and approached her love hole. She tried to stand on tiptoes as the cold metal traced a pattern around her labia and I used them to spread her lips and touched her clit with the point. He was already tiptoed out so now she moaned and looking at her face I saw her eyes roll up. I looked at the scissors tips and somehow wasn’t surprised to see they were coated in her thick viscous juices. So much for the prim little schoolgirl! I dipped my tongue in there and spread her juices all around hearing her moan into her gag. I wanted to linger but knew I needed to get moving.
I sighed in regret and while I kneeling at her side I grabbed some more rope, placing coils and cinches above and below her knees and then I stood up, turned her around and used more rope to wrap her arms just above her elbows which came together so easily I had a brief regret that I hadn’t done a reverse prayer on her. Instead, I satisfied myself with making them touch and then used another rope to create my own breast harness. I started at the cinch where I had tied her elbows off, went over her left shoulder then diagonally under her right breast which I carefully pulled and wrapped two loops tightly around making her breast stand out like pointed wax pear. I then took the rope around her neck and down to her left breast making it a duplicate of the other. I continued winding the rope around her chest making a breast harness and her breasts were large enough to restrict some of the circulation to make them go a nice shade of red. Finally, I made sure her elbow tie was hooked into this harness pulling her arms close into her back.
With yet another piece of rope, I halved it, threading the two free ends through around her waist just once and through the loop to make a sort of double thickness rope belt around her waist. I tied a knot close to her belly button to make sure it wouldn’t come loose then threaded a hard red rubber ball the size of a grapefruit which had been previously drilled down the centre op the two free ends of the rope. I then knelt down again before her and using both hands I spread the lips of her sex and inserted a special bullet vibrator. She tried to pull away, to resist me but she had her back up against the table and there was nowhere to go. She obviously didn’t like me sliding something into her love tunnel but it was too bad for her. From my point of view, it had been inevitable as soon as that first loop of rope had slipped over her wrists.
I now slid the ball up the two ends of the rope and after spreading her labia I seated it at the vaginal entrance and pulled the two rope ends between her thighs. I knew she wouldn’t like this next bit so I didn’t waste much time.
I stood up, grabbed her with both hands and used my right leg to sweep her legs from under her. She squealed in unhappy surprise but the ball in her mouth did a good muffling job and before she knew it she was prone on the floor. I took yet another short length of rope from the table and quickly passed it around her wrists and then pulled her legs up behind her and completed a hog tie around her ankles.
The last part was easy. I yanked on her crotch rope hard hearing a “mppmh” through her gag as the rubber ball pressed into her love hole and then passed it under her arms and elbows pulling it clear above her elbow tie. Then it was a simple matter of pulling her head hard back and tying the rope off to the “D” ring on the back of her head harness.
I am sure it must have hurt the little darling to have her neck arched so steeply back and I could see she tried to relieve the strain by pulling her head forward which had the effect of driving the ball in her mouth more firmly between her teeth and the ball at her vagina more firmly into the entrance.
“I’m sorry my dear but I must attend to your transportation needs so I am going to have to leave you alone for a short while. You are going to need your strength for your journey so I suggest you try and relax and stay calm.”
I left the room and went into the lounge where I turned the television on. I was pleased to see that the camera on the tripod in the room I had left her was working just fine. She was framed fully in view with her head towards the camera that she assumed wasn’t working, hot tied with her back arched and her head pulled high by her harness and crotch rope. Already she was starting to pump her neck forward pulling the ball ever tighter into her mouth and the crotch ball into her love tunnel. It was time to exercise my little prisoner some more.
I picked up the funny looking box that was sitting next to the TV remote. It had several buttons as well as a twist dial that had gradations from zero to ten. I pressed a button and turned the dial to five as I looked at the television. Immediately my little prisoner stopped moving. The look on her face was priceless. She had no idea that the object I had pushed into her vagina was a vibrator, a smart one at that. I pushed another button. Nothing happened at first, then suddenly she started pumping with her head again. The switch had put the vibrator into a random mode and it was obvious it had just turned off. In this setting, the dial changed from power to affecting how much time the vibrator ran and how much time it stayed off. I was pretty sure that the number five setting would merely drive her insane with a short burst of intense stimulation never quite lasting long enough.
And as I watched her it was obvious her little innocent school girl façade was coming apart. Just watching her on the monitor was a study in the inner workings of a woman’s erotic drives. As the vibrator randomly alternated through periods of intense stimulation to being utterly silent and every other strength in between, so the female body, despite (or perhaps in part because) of its bondage went through all the emotions of incredible excitement, utter disappointment, desperation, frantic pleading, and sheer despondency. Her body would rock back and forth in determination, pulling on her head restraint almost to the point where one might think the rope to her crotch, or even jerking neck would break. The exercise was phenomenal requiring her lungs to suck in great quantities of air as her nostrils flared and bubbles frothed as some of the air tried to burst from around the ball corners of her mouth.
Then her shoulders would sag in defeat as the vibrator lapsed into silence and she ran out of steam. Interestingly, though, as the minutes dragged past the half hour mark, the one hour mark and finally the two-hour mark, the terror had left her eyes. Instead, it was alternately replaced with periods of hopeful fulfilment and fearful disappointment until final resignation that she was too exhausted to ever achieve the release she needed.
It was time. I flicked off the TV, and carrying the remote with me I went back to the room where she lay. I slipped off my shoes, skirt and blouse, removed my bra and panties and got down onto the carpet next to her. She saw me of course and I thought I detected the hint of a smile.
She was lying on her belly because of the hogtie and presumably she hadn’t wanted to go onto her side since she wanted to use the floor to press the crotch ball where it would do the most good. I didn’t care. I pushed her roughly and she fell onto her left side and I squirmed up close so our breasts were touching. Her head was still pulled back by her harness and crotch rope but I thrust my tongue onto the ball in her mouth and kissed. This time she didn’t even try to pull away. Instead, there was the look of pleading, as though she were too exhausted to even have any fear. I began to kiss her, first all over her face, then while one hand squeezed her left nipple I sucked on her skin and down her neck to latch onto her right nipple where I suckled on it using my teeth to nip it. She responded with more moans into her gag and she tried to push her crotch ball into my thigh. But she wasn’t driving; I was. I put my hand down to push her crotch away and continued teasing her nipple. Slowly gradually, my mouth left her nipple working my tongue down her body, lingering briefly around her belly button but continuing to knead and play with her bound and protruding breasts.
Eventually, my tongue found her rubber crotch ball and I greedily sucked on her juices that covered it. Her sweet smell was overpowering sending me to new heights of arousal. Suddenly my left hand snaked up behind her and in one snap pull, I freed the quick release knot at the back of her head harness. At the same instant, my right hand flashed to the vibrator remote and I hit the switch for max power. Instantly her head flexed to normal position but more importantly, her crotch ball fell free. My tongue eagerly pushed it aside and then I thrust my oral finger deep between her love lips and found her clit. Despite the hogtie her body convulsed and the orgasm she had so long been denied flashed through her body. I pushed my right arm under her and wrapped my left on top and rode her with my mouth feeling the vibrator through my tongue and jaw as wave, after wave of orgasmic pleasure, flooded her soul.
I have no idea how long her shudders lasted. Possibly three, possibly ten minutes. Her moans into her gag were loud and initially low pitched but as it went on they became higher and higher until she was almost screaming through her nose. But even someone so fit as the woman next to me has limits. Eventually, her shudders came to a halt and I finally allowed myself to come up for air. I used my left arm to release the hogtie rope between her ankles and wrists and I had to manually straighten her legs because they were so weak.
I eased myself upright and fished the keys off the table and unlocked and unbuckled her gag and watched how she worked her jaw back and forth.
I grinned. “For that performance, I think I should get ten thousand pounds from your auction! Of course, I think I earned it.”
“Christ Angela,” she said. “What the hell did you put in my Vagina? And that head/crotch tie?”
I smiled, “A new smart Vibe and the tie was just something I read about on the ‘TUG Website’”.
She grinned, “Really? If that’s the case I must find something for you next week. Same time my house next Friday?”
“Can we do an hour later? I have a hair appointment in the morning.”
“Sure, but are you sure you will want to risk me messing your hair up?”
“It won’t matter much, I’m just getting the split ends taken off. But by the way, what do you want me to wear?”
Lucy laughed, “Well considering you cut my school uniform and underwear to shreds, maybe you can wear some expensive leather?”
“Oh yes, that shirt, cheap bra and panties you got at the charity shop; bet they cost you at least a pound! I assume you brought something decent in your bag that you left in the hallway to walk back across the street in? So, this week let me run out and buy some expensive leather so you can cut it off next week!”
I finished untying her and led her into the kitchen where she flicked through the recording, I had made of her on the floor. I made us a fresh cup of tea while she got dressed. Thirty minutes later I watched as she crossed the street to her own house thinking how lucky I was to have a bondage playmate like Lucy living just across the street.

Re: Lucy For Sale [F/F]

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:11 am
by ellieh
Oh how much do I like this stroy. I live the charaters. The way they're built up. The way the stroy flows so well. I hope this is the first of many glowing comments you recieve :D

Re: Lucy For Sale [F/F]

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:24 pm
by Mouthless
This story was on the old site.

Re: Lucy For Sale [F/F]

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:06 am
by Foxies
Indeed you are right; the story was on the old site. My partner writes quite a few stories, though very few are specifically tie-up games. This one happened to be a tie-up game and since I couldn't find it on this new site I thought I would re-post it. I liked the story and thought a few others might appreciate reading it. I shall post others she has written in due course.