Costume Party, Part 1 (mm/m, m/mm)

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Costume Party, Part 1 (mm/m, m/mm)

Post by GMen »

I was going to take a break from the trio of Danny, Josh, and Todd (plus Mary) after I completed Misdirection. In fact, the next installment was going to be a follow-up to Misdirection but then [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] had to blab about one of his fantasies playing Robin from the original Batman television series and I found myself writing this.

So in the story, it alludes to parts of Misdirection but it also alludes to a story that has not been completed yet, one that involves only Danny & Todd. So just keep that in mind if you think you missed something and are lost. You're not. That installment will be posted...eventually. Just for some appearance context:

Josh: Early 30's, 5’9, brown hair that’s high and tight, brown eyes, and slim but not lanky, around 165lbs, and takes an 11.5 shoe
Todd: Early 30's, 6'1, blond hair that's progressively darker at the roots, blue eyes 170lbs, size 12 shoe.
Danny: Early 30's, He claims he's Zac Efron's doppelgänger. Need I say more?
Mary: Mid-20's, 5'6, curly brown hair, big innocent brown eyes, 135lbs, size 8 shoe.

Todd emitted a mischievous grin as he made the final preparations for the evening. Looking in the mirror, he donned his navy blue mask. “Heh, just like Adam West,” he said, grinning. Content at his appearance as Batman, circa 1966, he stretched out a bit, getting used to the tights that were more of a lavender shade before putting on the blue gloves and adjusting his utility belt.

His attire was not for Halloween, but rather a costume party his former college roommate was putting on for his birthday. Todd was only one part of a trio. Danny would be dressed as Robin, while Josh was slated to come as Henchmen #1.

It was still early yet, not even 5:30 in the evening, the party wasn’t set to commence for a few more hours. Even still, Todd wanted to be ready for when Danny and Josh arrived. After all, it made the most sense for them to come as a group rather than individually - made for a better entrance. This extra time would also allow for there to be plenty of time to exact revenge.

It had been a few months since his last interaction with Danny and while they had hung out since then, the opportunity never presented itself to get even. During one of those late night rap sessions, usually involving a decent amount of fermented beverages, Danny let it slip that he frequently fantasized about the perils the original Robin found himself in during the old episodes of Batman, Todd made a mental note and filed it away. In the intervening time, Danny never mentioned it again, probably forgetting he had ever said something in the first place. Naturally, when this costume party was announced, Todd immediately said he’d go as Adam West’s version of Batman. Needless to say, Danny enthusiastically came aboard, claiming the role of Robin. Josh contemplated going as one of the main villains but instead decided to dress as one of the many unnamed henchmen that often aided the villains in acquiring the Dynamic Duo.

In the days leading up to the evening, Todd attempted to bait Danny, seeing if he suspected any peril would befall him. Amazingly though, all Danny spoke about was how he was excited to see everyone at the party, presumably assuming the opportunity for bondage couldn’t happen at the party itself. As a result, Todd innocuously invited him to stop by ahead of time, utilizing the excuse of going together as a clever ruse. Danny fell for it.

And so the plotting began. Todd texted frequently with Josh to enlist his cooperation and two conspirators got to work. Josh arrived promptly at 5:30, already in costume: a black long-sleeve shirt, with the acronym G.O.O.N. displayed in white on the front, complete with black pants, black Converse, and a black skullcap.

“Hey Josh, great costume! I like the ‘GOON’; it’s a nice touch,” Todd said as Josh walked in.

“Thanks. Amazon for the win.”

The costume was not the only thing Josh had come with. Slung over his shoulder was his black Eastpak backpack.

“This has all the essentials. Plenty of nylon rope. Two brand new rolls of silver duct tape, unopened. A variety of paisley bandannas; your choice of black, red, blue, and green.”

Todd grinned ear-to-ear as Josh continued to read off the impressive inventory and displayed each item. “I picked this up at Home Depot the other day,” he said, producing what looked to be another length of coiled up rope. “Bird netting. It’s not meant for suspension - too thin - but will make it much easier to capture the Boy Wonder. Then, of course, we have Danny’s favorite,” Josh said as he produced a hefty amber glass bottle. “We have plenty to keep him subdued for as long as we like.” Then, he produced a miniature bottle. “This is its little brother. Should fit perfectly in your utility belt, Batman.” Todd took the smaller bottle and pulled on one of the small compartments in the front of his utility belt. Josh was right, the bottle fit perfectly.

“Excellent. And you don’t think he suspects anything?” Todd asked.

“I thought he did at first but he doesn’t seem to think he could get into much trouble in just an hour or so,” Josh replied.

Misdirection. Just as Todd had hoped. With a bit of judicious editing courtesy of Photoshop, the time on the invitation had been altered to indicate an earlier start time. It was just a precaution, but one that seemed to allay any concerns Danny might have had. Surely there wasn’t enough time to capture the Boy Wonder. Boy, was he wrong.

Danny arrived shortly before 6:00. Sure enough, he completed the set, dressed in a replica of the original costume. The entire trio looked a bit silly; the Batman series had evolved since 1966, including the attire. For Batman, the navy blue/blueish-gray-lavender motif was replaced by black and gray. Robin went from a yellow cape and green elven slippers to a black cape and black boots. However, given Danny’s boyish looks and diminished stature, perhaps he was more adequate in the original costume after all.

They mingled for a bit, enjoying a couple pre-departure beers before they headed the few blocks to the party. As the time progressed, Josh and Todd felt no sense of urgency, even as the time grew closer to 7:00.

“Fellas, shouldn’t we get going?” Danny asked.

Todd took another swig of his beer. “Hey, worrywart, haven’t you heard of being fashionably late?”

“No, no, let’s mosey on out of here so if this party turns into a dud, we can still hang out downtown while the night is still young. Of course we’ll change first,” he responded with a smirk.

Danny arose from the couch with enthusiasm while Todd slowed interest in moving. Danny hadn’t realized it but he had allowed himself to be situated in the worst possible position, as he was flanked by both men - to his right, Todd sitting in a lounge chair and to his left, Josh sitting in the complementary lounge chair. When Danny stood, so too did Josh. Todd’s lack of movement perturbed Danny. He stood directly over him.

“C’mon, finish drinking already!” Danny protested, blissfully unaware of Josh’s unraveling of the bird netting behind him. “Let’s go alrea—“ WHOOSH! Josh quickly threw the net over Danny, pulling it all the way down to the floor.

“Hey! What the hell is going on?!”

“Ahem, what kind of henchman would let Robin go without capturing him?” Josh asked sarcastically, kneeling down and wrapping some black nylon rope around Danny’s ankles. The Boy Wonder was now successfully cocooned in the black mesh netting. It was more of an inconvenience, the netting not thick enough to prevent sudden movement, hence the need for the ankle ties. While this transpired, Todd flashed a mischievous grin.

“I guess we’ll be fashionably late after all!” Josh exclaimed before doing a 360 degree check to ensure his prey couldn’t escape. He was pretty content at his job, especially the rapid rate with no real resistance. In the time he learned of this elaborate plot, he had worked diligently to ensure an expedited capture. Todd nodded in approval at the speed and efficiency of his co-conspirator.

“Okay, Josh, you had your fun. Yay, you caught me, now let’s get moving.”

“Oh no, afraid not, Boy Wonder. You see, the party doesn’t start until 9:00, isn’t that right, Caped Crusader?”

Todd polished off the remaining sips. “Why yes, yes it is.” Josh responded with his best attempt at a maniacal and dastardly laugh. “Bwahahaha! Plenty of time to play then!”

Danny knew he was caught and knew this could go on for awhile. Rather than protesting out-of-character, he immediately shifted into character. After all, he was secured in a net. This was one of his biggest fantasies! Sure, he wasn’t in socks (they would’ve looked tacky with his flesh-toned tights) but this was close enough. “You’ll never get away with this! Batman will save me! And then you’ll be in big trouble, mister!” he proclaimed in his best imitation of Burt Ward as he twisted about in the netting. His struggling escalated quickly as he embraced the role of captive, prompting Josh to grab him by the arms and keep him as stable as possible.

“He’s right,” Todd said defiantly, as he rose from the chair. “Don’t worry, Robin, I’ll get you out of there in no time!”

Josh emitted another boisterous bellow, the trademark of a villain. Todd advanced towards them, raising his right arm, fist clenched in his dark blue leather gloves. Just as he was about to connect with Josh’s jaw, the goon displayed his own mischievous grin. “Oh Batman, don’t forget the grapefruit.” Todd froze immediately, his face turning into a blank stare and his arm still extended.

“Batman! Batman! What happened?!” Danny shouted in mock horror and indignation.

“Tsk, tsk, what a shame,” Josh mocked. “It seems the Caped Crusader let his guard down earlier and now has found himself susceptible to hypnosis and mind control. There, there, Batman, no need for violence. You can put your arm down now.”

Slowly, Todd complied with the command.

“No! Batman, snap out of it!” Danny turned his head away from Todd and gave Josh the evil side-glare as he was still being held in place. “You fiend! You won’t get away this! Batman will break out of your spell.”

“You always were naive, Boy Wonder. That’s what I like about ya,” Josh continued in his mocking tone. With one hand, he ruffled Danny’s hair through the netting. “Such a hapless sidekick…with a big mouth.”

Danny braced for a gag next. But a gag never came.

“You see Boy Wonder, in setting up this trap, I attempted a gag on myself, a few times in fact. I could never get it through the netting. Too much trouble. But don’t worry, for you see, no trap for Robin wouldn’t be complete without some more intricate bondage waiting for you. I’m afraid I don’t have any knockout gas to spray from a boutonniere, but I think Batman can help me, can’t you, Batman?”

Todd’s blank stare was momentarily broken at the sound of his character. Turning to Josh he weakly responded, “Help…you?”

“Yes, help me. Open up your utility belt.” Slowly, Todd popped open the compartment containing the small bottle.

“That’s a good superhero. Now be a good boy and smear the liquid into your hankie.”

In slow, deliberative movements, Todd reached into another compartment, producing a black handkerchief that had on it a pattern of dozens of Bat Signals. As he unscrewed the cap, Danny’s struggling escalated. “No! Batman! Don’t do it!” Privately, however, he was as excited as he had ever been. He knew he would have a particularly difficult time hiding his excitement in the tight fitting costume, but he knew his secret was out; no sense in being embarrassed. Todd dipped the contents of the bottle into the cloth before placing it back in his utility belt.

“Now, Batman, come over here. The Boy Wonder has a first-class ticket to Slumberland.” Todd took a few steps forward, and then raised his right arm, pressing the handkerchief over Danny’s nose and mouth. Danny remained in character, even as the fumes invaded his nostrils with the stinging he had become accustomed to. His muffled protests were less like “mmpphs” and came out more like heavy grunts, as Todd forcefully pushed on Danny’s head, tilting it backwards.

“That’s it, Boy Wonder,” Josh said. “Lights out. Will Boy Wonder escape this most cruel fate? Will the Caped Crusader break from his trance and save the day? Or has the Dynamic Duo finally been tamed once and for all? Join us next time. Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,” he said, doing his best imitation of William Dozier. By the time he concluded his monologue, Danny’s head sagged down in his chest, and the muffles ceased. He was unconscious.

“Well that should keep him out for awhile,” Todd said, folding up the cloth. “Good work.”

“Thanks. You too. I’m still not as sinister as you are…I kinda feel bad for him.”

“Bad? You feel bad?” Todd took Danny’s limp body out of Josh’s grip and turned him around. “If he gets any harder, he’ll bust through the costume’s crotch!”

Josh’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow.”

“Exactly. No need to feel bad for Danny. Get the supplies. I’ll bring him upstairs.”

Josh went to collect his backpack while Todd turned Danny around yet again and knelt down to hoist him over his shoulder. Todd carried him up to his bedroom, the limp arms occasionally bouncing off the small of his back. Josh followed close behind, the image of Batman carrying an unconscious Robin over his shoulder an unusual sight. When they arrived in Todd’s bedroom, he slowly dropped Danny onto the bed before untying his ankles and removing the net.

“Okay Batman, we don’t have any contraption to tie Robin to except this bed, so he’ll be far more comfortable than Burt Ward ever was.”

Todd immediately spread Danny’s body into an X. Raiding Josh’s backpack, he took out the nylon rope and began securing each limb to the posts.

“What’ve you got by means of mouth stuffing?” Josh asked.

“Already took care of it,” Todd responded, pointing behind him to his dresser where a folded up pair of white socks lay. “I wore them yesterday especially for this occasion. Not too used. Not really smelly, but just enough to keep Danny happy. If he can’t have socks on his feet, might as well have them in his mouth, right?”

Josh walked over to the dresser and grabbed the folded up crew socks. “Adidas. Good man,” Josh said. “I know how particular Daniel can be sometimes.” Todd was making the final touches to his knots that would keep Danny’s ankles secure while Josh unfolded the socks, discarded one on the floor and manipulated Danny’s mouth to get the sock in it nicely. Next, he took the green paisley bandanna and tied it over Danny’s mouth, believing the color was a good complement to the green tights that covered his arms. He slowly traced Danny’s unconscious form with his hands, as Todd finished with his ankles and moved up to secure the arms. When Josh reached Danny’s ankles, he slipped off the green elven shoes. Bending down over Danny’s stockinged feet, he inhaled deeply.

“Oh no…not you too!” Todd said in surprise.

“I don’t share Danny’s sock obsession, if that’s what you mean. I prefer my captive’s feet bare!”

Todd just let out a sigh. “Whatever floats your boat.”

The tying came to a conclusion, with both men tugging at each of the ropes. Approximately twenty minutes elapsed before Danny started to come around. The moans started low at first, but with each breath of oxygen, Danny’s eyes started blinking and coming into focus. Standing before him were his two captors.

When he regained his wits about him, he remembered his entire predicament. There was no anger, just pure excitement, although for the benefit of the situation, he had to play the hapless superhero sidekick. As he began to protest vocally, he was munching hard on the sock that had been stuffed in his mouth. He couldn’t tell whether or not it had been used, but no matter, it was still a sock.

“With Boy Wonder awake, I think it’s time for his punishment!” Josh gleefully stated. Danny could hardly process the words before Josh attacked his right sole with his fingers. Even though they were in tights, his soles were particularly sensitive. Perhaps, they were more sensitive in the tights. The tickling sensation he was now feeling was far greater than he anticipated, the shock and squeal of laughter thankfully muffled by his gag.

“Batman, take care of the other foot, would you please?” Josh asked rather politely.

Todd reverted back to his role as a hypnotized Batman and slowly walked to Danny’s left sole before moving his fingers around as if they were the legs of a spider, covering Danny’s soles, toes, heels, and ankles. The dueling movements of each tickler was too much for Danny to handle. The thrashing was particularly violent for him and he hoped - possibly even praying - that one of the ropes around his wrist would give way. They didn’t. He was completely helpless, a position he usually craved, but now detested. Tickling had never been this extreme before, and truth be told, Danny really didn’t like tickling in general. He’d much rather prefer being tied and just have his socked feet worshipped or forced to worship his captor’s socked feet. But although Todd was acting as a superhero under mind control, Danny knew this was precious payback for their last escapades. While he wanted to be furious, he knew he had to pay the price of retribution.

Danny held tough as long as he could, but after nearly ten minutes of nonstop tickling, the sweat was pouring down his cheeks, turning his black mask soggy and making him feel completely defeated. Perhaps sensing, Josh ordered Todd to stop, allowing Danny to catch his breath.

“Robin’s feet deserve a rest,” he said. “His armpits and ribs don’t however!”

Danny’s eyes widened behind his mask. He shook his head violently, high-pitched “mmmppphhs” filling the sound in the bedroom. More of this?! So soon?! This fantasy was slowly devolving into a nightmare! He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. It was not quite 8:00. Who knew what other torments he’d have to suffer through for another hour yet. And if they were to be fashionably late, perhaps even longer than that. The more Danny thought about it, the more he feared. His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of Todd’s doorbell. Each head perked up. Todd wasn’t expecting any additional visitors. Josh looked at him a bit sheepishly.

“Whoops. I guess we alerted the neighbors next door?” Josh hypothesized. “I thought the gag would keep Danny quiet enough.”

The bell rang again. Todd sighed and headed downstairs trying to figure out how to explain this to either a concerned neighbor, or worse, a police officer. Here he was, dressed as Batman, after all. Boy, was this going to look ridiculous. He contemplated taking off his mask, but then he’s just a guy wearing tights and a cape. Again, no easy way to explain this.

He headed down the stairs, with Josh following. “Maybe we can say we were filming some Batman scene and that’s what the noises were,” Josh said nervously. Not a bad idea, Todd thought, but first he needed to properly deduce the situation.

He opened the front door and standing in front of him was a young woman dressed as Catwoman. Even though she was wearing her own mask, the curly dark brown hair that followed from it was telling. It was Mary, Danny’s younger cousin who had once been Todd’s oh-so-sensual captor some months before.

“Mary? What the?” Todd stammered, trying to piece together the entire puzzle.

Mary looked left and right. “What? No Boy Wonder?”

“We already got him upstairs, Catwoman,” Josh said.

“Purrrrfect,” she said followed by a girlish giggle.

“But, Mary, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you were coming to the party with us,” Todd said.

“Oh I’m not, sweetheart, I’m just here for the party before the party. Isn’t that, Henchman #1?”

“Yes ma’am, it is.” And with that, he wrapped his left arm around Todd’s waist. Todd was still comprehending Mary’s being here and looked down at the arm that was now around his abdomen, unaware of Josh’s right hand complete neatly folded thick white handkerchief coming in from the right side. As the handkerchief was clamped over Todd’s nose and mouth, his head was jerked back. He tried wiggling out of it, but he knew it was futile. It also didn’t help that Mary was busy caressing his chest in such a vulnerable state. He made similar grunts as Danny had done while Mary leaned into his ear. “Don’t fight it, Batman. You’ve had a long day…time for a little Cat Nap.”

Todd mumbled weaker protests as his vision of Mary’s Cheshire cat-like grin began to blur and the sound of her giggling was replaced by ringing in his ears. His struggles weakened, prompting his grip on Josh’s arm to slowly dissipate before going completely limp. Mary gleefully watched as his eyelids began to flutter; she hadn’t seen that happen last time, the result of attacking him from behind in the shower.

“He’s out,” Josh said as-a-matter-factly.

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Post by fratboydanny »

Well, [mention]GMen[/mention] you have now outdone yourself. This is really well done. It taps into the fantasies of every guy who is into tights/spandex and superhero play. The fact that danny gets to play he boy wonder is icing on the cake! Superhero costumes, nets, chloroform, rope, surprise traps, you have covered it all. Can’t really wait to see how the dynamic duo are tied together!
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

I loved this scenario and your execution of it! I'm so happy classic dress-up TUGs continue for these characters well into their 30s. Bravo!
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