Tales of Westeros: Ransomed Ravens(and fish) (M/MMF)

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Tales of Westeros: Ransomed Ravens(and fish) (M/MMF)

Post by Chris12 »

Somewhere in the woods of the Riverlands a black haired woman took on two opponents at once. Alysanne Blackwood was one of Westeros few female warriors. With blade and bow Alysanne fought for house Blackwood with great success. It was her arrow that felled the treasonous lord Braken and avenged her fallen brother, and the black Targaryans owed many a victory to her arrows. With the same skill she showed in all those battles Alysanne kept her assailants at bay.

One attacker carried the red hairs of the Tully family. Kermit Tully was a young noble of 19 name days, just as Alysanne herself was. The lad was cocky and eager to prove himself. With his morning star he charged at Alysanne time after time but was casually beaten back each time until Alysanne disarmed the Tully of his weapon.

''Ouch! Not so hard! I yield! I yield!'' Kermit whined when his hands were roughly seized ''H-hey! I said I yielded! S-stop this! Aren't you hearing me!?'' Even with his status as lord Paramount lord Tully was as green as grass. When things went wrong peeping and blushing was his first response.

''I do hear you, milord'' Alysanne smiled but it didn't mean she would stop wrapping some rope around the arms she had twisted being Kermit's back ''You won't always be so lucky in battle, Ser Kermit. We may be simply sparring but the enemy won't hear you plead. And neither will I. One your knees'' A kick on the lord's bum forced Kermit on his knees ''Well, well. This is my liege lord? I'm a little disappointed'' she chuckled more than a little smugly.

Alysanne's second attacker was a much smaller figure. The 13 year old Benjicot Blackwood, lord of Raventree Hall shared Alysanne's black hairs but wasn't nearly so imposing with his thin frame and sensitive face. Benjicot rose his sword ready to charge forth.

''One moment, my little Raven'' Alysanne raised her hand to halt the boy in his tracks. She paused for a moment to remove her boot and then the sock that adorned her feet.

''What are you...?'' Benjicot tilted his head in confusion

''No...'' Kermit brought out ''Lady Alysanne, no! I order yoMMMMMH!'' before the lord of Riverrun could give his order Alysanne shoved her sock in his mouth, tearing off part of Kermit's tape to tie it around his mouth ''Mmmmmh! Gmm immh OMMMH!'' The young lord groaned.

''You are truly without mercy'' Benjicot snickered ''But I shan't hold back! Have at you!''

Alysanne countered Benjicot's sword strikes three times but left it at that. Kermit had a bit of an attitude despite being so, so green and thus needed to be shown his place. Benjicot was different. He was a good boy, Alysanne's own flesh and blood, her beloved nephew, her charge and her pride and joy. Benjicot deserved a win so Alyanna ensured his fourth strike disarmed her ''A fine display, my little raven. Allow me to yield''

''We may be simply sparing but the enemy won't hear you plead. And neither will I'' Benjicot proudly repeated after his aunt. His hands reached to Alysanne's belt to take some of the rope hanging on to it ''Now please your hands behind your back''

For reasons Benjicot would be unlikely to understand his friend Kermit leaned forward with great interest. Kermit's cheek became as red as his hairs when seeing Alysanne's hands be tied behind her ''Ymms...'' he let out a little cheer.

''But I shan't put a sock in your mouth, naturally'' Benjicot smiled which turned Kermit's cheer into a pout.

''I suppose your sword shan't grow much larger, my lord'' When placed on her knees next to Kermit she saw fit to taunt the slight bulge that had grown in Kermit's tunic upon thinking she would have been gagged.

''Urmmmh....nmmh'' Kermit growled in annoyance.

''I suppose I should cut you loose, lord Tully. You as well, dear aunt'' Benjicot was pleased enough with his victory and didn't see the need to tie his prisoners further.

''You may. Perhaps lord Tully's defeat will make him try harder next time'' Alysanne chuckled.

''Mmmmh! nmmh mmmh....ah!'' After some moaning and struggling the redhead managed to shake off his gag and spit out the sock ''And to think you are a lady!''

''My aunt is the finest lady in Westeros'' Benjicot made clear, freeing Alysanne herself and receiving a kiss on his cheek.

''No matter how much I beat him he still has a mouth on him. He's still such a boy'' Alyanne giggled at Kermit's predicament. She threw a dagger at Kermit's feet ''Use that to slice yourself loose, my lord''

''And then we shall take you to Raventree hall. Today's training has come to an end'' Benjicot said. The raven haired lord turned to the east where his ancestral hall laid ''And not a moment too soon. Do not misunderstand. I enjoyed myself but we need to prepare for tomorrow's march with haste''

Centuries before the War of the Five Kings there had been the Dance of Dragons. Half of Westeros supported the usurper king Aegon Targaryen, second of his name and his green Targaryans while the other half supported Queen Rynera and her Black Targaryens. Houses Lanister, Baratheon and Hightower supported the Greens while the Starks, the Tullys and Aryan's fought for the queen.

The house of Baratheon of Storms End fought for King Aegon and the Greens, this was well known so imagine the surprise of Alysanne, Benjicot and Kermit when flags adorned with the yellow Stag of Baratheon and the golden dragon of King Aegon hung from the walls of Raventree Hall, as did the corpses of the guards Benjicot had left to defend the castle. Their seat of Raventree hall had been taken and enemy soldiers rode towards the trio.

Alyanne grew pale in the face and looked at her nephew ''Benjicot, run!'' she urged him but instead the lad drew his sword.

''I'm not leaving you!'' Benjicot declared ''This is my castle! I must defend it and I must defend you too!''

Before Alysanne could speak up Kermit addressed the Blackwoods ''There is no time to discuss this! They are upon us!'' he yelled and grabbed his mace. Countless horsemen from the Stormlands descended on them.

Alysanne proved the hardest to fell. With her arrows she shot the horses down from under the riders as she had done so many times before. As each rider fell she counted on Kermit to shatter their skulls with his mace. Five riders were felled by her personally while she had Kermit fell an additional four. But arrows could run out and cavalry would eventually find an archer. A mace belonging to the enemy knocked Alysanne down. As Alysanne fell a knight dismounted to hold her down. Aylsanne kicked trashed and bit, but when a second rider came down to seize her it was over. The Blackwood's arms were pulled behind her and cuffed in place. Cuffs around her neck and ankles soon followed.

''Urgh....ow'' Next to her Kermit groaned in the dirt. He had been beaten down and was shackled just like Alysanne.

''Ha! As green as grass this one!'' One of the knights laughed, pulling Kermit to his feet. Normally such a comment made Kermit's cheeks match his hair and had him roar like a Lanister about how he was a true man. This time it was just a pained groan on account to the iron glove that had punched him down mere moments before.

''That's quite the catch! A lord Paramount!'' The commander dragged Kermit forward ''And who might you be? You're quite the looker! Maybe you would enjoy the company of some real men!'' He smirked at Alysanna, taking the woman into his arms and grabbed her breast.

''Get your filthy hands off me!'' Alysanne roared. She trashed in his grip futility ''I said get...ngg why you rotten..'' the man's other hand found its way to her rear.

''Touch her again and I shall have your hands!'' Benjicot yelled with his sword raised. The enemy had focused most of their efforts on Kermit and Alysanne. Benjicot was not taken very serious and his roar was answered by laughter. And then the laughter stopped. At court Benjicot was still just a shy lad but on the battlefield it was a different story. His first victim was too busy laughing to stop Benjicot's blade, the second one thought he had this fight in the bag only to fall to the Blackwood's blade and a the third men who took his opponent completely seriously was outmatched, disarmed and killed.

''Does anyone else have the bravery to face me!?'' Benjicot gloated over his three corpses ''No? Then let go of my aunt and lord! Now!''

''I would do as he says. Even the smallest raven can pick out the eyes of a mere stag'' Alysanne felt a strong sense of pride. Her tutelage and her nephew's skill made a fine combination indeed.

''For the love of....'' The commander rolled his eyes when some troops seemed hesitant ''Fine. I shall do it myself!'' With a rough shove he threw Alysanne on the ground and mounted his horse. He charged at Benjicot with his war hammer. The lad raised his shield but here the massive size difference could be felt. The hammer went through the shield and easily knocked Benjcot off his feet. Once on the ground soldiers descended on the young lord.

''No! Unhand us! urgh...l-let us go!'' Strong hands and tall bodies held Benjicot down. The boy's eyes fell when a collar was put around his neck. His sword was taken and his arms and ankles were put in chains.

''Lord Benjicot! Gggrr! How dare you!'' Alysanne tried to run to her nephew's aid but by this time a chain had already been attached to her collar. As she lunged forth she was pulled back by her chain ''Let him go! He's jummmh! Mmrmmmmmmmh!'' Alysanne's cry was smothered by a cloth pulled between her teeth.

''I had enough of them. Gag all three'' The commander ordered.

''We are your prisoners now ser. But rest assured, my bannermen will come for me'' Benjicot warned ''They are quite protective of me'' Those were his last words before he was cleave gagged like his aunt.

''The same goes for me...but that just makes us good hostages'' Kermit sighed ''So we shall see how..c-can you not!?'' He growled when seeing the cloth appear before him. Kermit got something more extensive. A dirty cloth was pushed into his mouth first before he was gagged. Perhaps a lord Paramount deserved special treatment.

One of the soldiers pressed his hands on Alysanne's butt and kept them there for some moments before shoving her forward ''Move it! The dungeons await you. Maybe we'll visit when you're lonely. I'd say your maidenhood is a nice reward for your capture!''

Alysanne merely scoffed. Someone would have to inform this Archmaester that one could not give what they no longer possessed.

''Rest assured laddie. You're going home'' Another soldier mocked as he marched Benjocot forward.

''....Mmmf...'' Benjicot responded with a sad sigh. Alysanne witnessed him turn his head to avoid seeing the enemy banners flying over his own keep.

''Ha! Lord Baratheon can send King Aegon a real nice trout for dinner!'' The third soldier laughed while occasionally shoving the young man to the ground and drag him through the mud by his chains. When looking from her nephew to her liege lord she witnessed that typical Tully display of shyness where their cheeks matched their hairs. It was a common joke between the houses of Westeros. Stars were wolves, Lanisters were lions, Grayjoys were Krakens and a Tully was...a fish. None of the Tullies appreciated the jokes.

And so the three nobles of the Riverlands were dragged into Raventree Hall as prisoners. Here they would face the wrath of lord Borros Baratheon. As they were pulled into the keep Alysanne brooded on her next actions. She would keep her little Raven save. Come what may. These enemies would die for defiling her keep and abducting her nephew.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please continue! Great story so far!
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Post by Chris12 »

I could but I'm in two minds on whether I should or not. I really like the premise and know exactly where I want things to end but the lack of interest is giving me pause. Writing takes time and I don't like the idea that I'm wasting my time.

Its a shame since I had idea of other Westerosi figures like Jace or Daeron the Daring floating in my head too.
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