Helen's Humiliation M/FF

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Helen's Humiliation M/FF

Post by WyattW5 »

Story request by Ducttapelover93 hope you enjoy.

three years after stopping Syndrom and the underminers. The Parr family were extremely happy to have a new way to keep together saving people as a new family activity. Violet now aged eighteen was learning how to turn her force field’s invisible. Helping her mother Helen clear a burning building while Dash and Robert who were busy handling a strange band of robots.

Helen was inside the house using her stretchy limbs to grab people trapped in the flame tossing them over to Violet who wrapped them up in a force field before lowering them to the ground. It was a huge success. Twenty three people out of the building the city ambulances workers checking to see if all were okay.

Helen rushes over to Violet giving her a pat on the back and Violet gave her mother a pat on the back saying good job. A woman of the crowd call’s out.
“Okay my god there is someone still up there”

“Violet, I’m going in stay here okay?”

“No don’t let me go in, I can get them out?”

“No I can move a little quicker then you”

Surrendering to her mothers command Violet watches as her mother ran back into the building black smoke and flame engulfing the poor apartment complex. A few minutes pass and nothing is seen or heard. Steeling herself Violet bursts through the front door activating her shield to guard her head.
Calling out repetitiously for her mother Violet bursts through the stairs trying to find her mother. Heading to the top level she found her mother trapped under a heavy wooden support beam. No other person in sight. Conjuring a small concentrated force field Violet used it to push the large burning beam off Helen before hoisting her up Violet had difficulties carrying her unconscious mother to the roof.

Reaching the roof to discover a new problem she had no where to go no where to turn the roof was an individual building. She could easily move her mother to a safe place but any attempt to move herself would cause even more destruction. Last thing she wanted was agent Dicker getting after her again.

Suddenly the heavy roar of a engine came close hovering over the building a loud radio voice spoke out

“Miss Incredible this is Captain Aviator, I am here to help you climb onto this”

a flat loading dock had fallen onto the roof. Not seeing any other choice Violet hoist her mother up and carried her on. Soon the flap raised back up to the plane and it took off with the speed of sound.

Upon the ship Violet set her mother down on a little bed walking around trying to find the captain of the vessel she found herself walking into one large steel room. Which looked more like a containment cell for something large and powerful walking around Violet could not help but feel more and more uneasy.

“Hello is anyone here?”

“Apologies my dear Violet, sorry but I shall need to postpone any further communications until we reach a secure location might as well say good night”

suddenly the large iron door slams shut. A green gas emits from the vent’s making Violet strike up her force field. Smirking a sprinkler system started emitting a clear liquid what Violet had thought was water turned around to be acid. Destroying her shield before the sprinkler ceased. Forcing Violet to breath in the gas. Knocking her out cold.

(Time Passes)

Violet wakes up her hands buckled in couplers restrained she tried to move and fight however they would not budge from her hands as thick dense cables connected her to the wall.

“Mom, mom I need help mom where are you?”

“Good morning Violet did you sleep well?”

“No, where is my mother” she scowls

“You best simmer down there young lady”

“When I break out of this I will”

Struggling in the restraints she found her energy drained unable to move or fight. She tried to conjure her shield to roll away.

“You see Vi, those shields aren’t conjured out of nowhere, you conjure great amounts of energy to make those, these couplers I had specifically designed for you, the energy levels you emit are quite powerful these couplers, take and hold all your energy”

“You let me out of this or I’ll”

“Speak up again and mommy gets hurt”

a screen pulls up, showing Helen her limbs knotted to themselves and buckled in large iron. Cuff’s bolted to the wall her mask removed her head locked by the neck Violet looks up to the computer screen

“what did you do to her?”

“Absolutely nothing yet, now behave, relax and nothing will happen to her struggle and try to escape well then we have a problem”

suddenly the screen went black before folding back into a wall. Looking around Violet tried to calm herself looking around trying to look for means to escape. The couplers were made of thick Olypian steel a few degrees stronger then Titanium extremely rare. Only her father could break the things. Panic began to set in what if her dad and Dash couldn’t find her, what would they do how could she break free. Escape became her only option forcing the bonds to bend they barely budged. Lowering her head after a solid two minutes of panic struggles Violet collapsed weariness.

Helen woke up feeling her arms and legs knotted and buckled she looks around calling out to her daughter she tried to kick and squirm in her bonds, but these restraints refused to allow her limbs to stretch out.

“What do you want!”

“Hello Helen”

the voice states calmly and smoothly not recognising the voice, but if their kidnapper knows her name he must be an old rival. The conclusion Elastagirl conceives.

“Who are you? Crimson cloak, Sergeant slaughterhauser?”

“Many today call me Captain Aviator, but you would know me by an older name, a name you probably never expected to hear again, a phantom a shadow of a former life let me ask you one question do you need help”

Helen’s face grew with revelation for the phrase was nothing special but the voice that came with it, it was too close to be any but the original person


“Levi is dead Helen”

the restraints gave Helen a beam of electricity blending violet and blue Captain Aviator continued with his angry rant

“I was with you for ten years. Back when Elastagirl was just taking down purse snatchers and muggers”

“Levi please I”

“Silence, I’ve been planning this for twenty five years, and I will not let you, your daughter”

“Daughter, Violet where is Violet”

a screen peels from the wall revealing a picture of Violet asleep from exhaustion

“relax she just wore herself out”

“Levi the anger you have with me let it rest on my shoulders let my daughter go, let her go and I will do whatever you want”

“Too late for that Helen now quiet we are landing”

“Levi you better aummph”

large steel chin strap was applied to Helen’s chin and lower jaw spreading all the way up to cheeks just below her nose.

“Now I am going to do to you what you did to me all those years ago do you remember”

letting out angry mumbles and grunts trying to break free electricity shot through her and her suit again causing her to squirm and scream in agony

“do you remember?” Levi’s voice yelled angrily into the speaker

“Mmm-hmmm” Helen moaned pitifully fighting the tears.

The screen left her before green smoke began to fill the air. Knocking Helen unconscious as the stench filled her nose she could not help but think back to Levi and what happened all those years ago.

Elastagirl was just a teenager doing her school work and moonlighting as a superheroine knocking down muggers and tying up thieves. She had gotten herself into trouble one night. A bullet from a perps gun had scraped her arm. Her costume was not bullet proof and for all intents and purposes she was still human and normal. So her parent’s believed. Getting to a hospital was one pain too many only able to swing with one arm and running half the city was no easy feat. Until she crossed Levi Captannais, a school geek. He seen Helen and recognised her. Taking her to the hospital via his bicycle he paid for her treatment using his families medical insurance. And became her best friend, helping her with her homework when she wasn’t fighting bad guys running interference with other friends. The whole nine yards oh how sweet was Levi back then.

Waking up Helen heard her daughter’s voice call out looking up Helen could see Violet was no longer in her costume but was now in a tube top and panties even her socks had been removed her arms stuck in the metal couplers she seemed still sound asleep.

Looking to a mirror across from her, she herself was only wearing her bra and a pair of black leggings her black boots still on her feet. Her arms no longer knotted but her arms were pulled back in a thick steel armbinder that secured her from her hands to her elbows buckled around her shoulders. Her legs were cuffed together in thick olypian steel in a frog like position holding her in place little implants stuck to her limbs.

Violet woke up with a groan and garble as she looks around she could now see her mother was in no condition to save either of them. Looking up her eyes grew big before screaming

“mom, that’s not a mirror!”

“Well hello Missus and Miss Incredible”

Levi enters the room wearing a red leather jacket black cargo pants with heavy combat boots with thick treads. A respirator type mask over his nose and mouth with red eyed goggles hiding his true face.

“What do you want with us?”

“Maybe I should let your mother explain”

“No I told you Levaaarrggh”

electricity shot through her body making her tremble in pain crumbling further south, Violet shouted loud angry curses to which their captor simply enjoyed seeing the anger in Violet’s eyes.

“From now on you call me Cap Tor understand”

“Yes” Helen snarled through gritted teeth looking up to Cap Tor who smiles

“we are going live in three... two ... one”

“Hello Metroville, good day welcome to my broadcast, I am terribly sorry to disturb you all but I notice you’ve all been looking for Missus Incredible and her daughter, well I will state simply they are safe and sound, truly they are right here”
the camera turned to show Violet and Helen both restrained aggressively Violet tried to scream for help before Helen receives another electric blast. Making her scream Violet watched her mother thrash unable to do anything.

“Oh I am sorry, I forgot to mention, your bonds are triggered with sound activation sensors you scream or yell the other person get’s shocked understand my dear”

“I am sorry mom!”

“Honey please stop yelling it’s not gonna get us out of this”

“What do you want Cap-tor?”

“I am very glad you asked me that Missus Incredible, you know I’ve been planning this for so long imagining this for so long I almost forgot what I did want” he chuckles below the mask making Helen scowl at him

“but now I remember, I want to humiliate Elastagirl at any and every way imaginable”

“Please don’t”

“Now for the show of my greatest pleasure, Elastagirl go over there and help your daughter take her boots off”

“What yuck that is”

while Violet squealed her disgust the electricity shot through Helen making her scream and yell loud enough to activate Violet’s electricity surge. Making her scream for fifteen seconds before both circuits cut and the two girls groaned in pain.

“Now are you two going to listen or are you going to get another surge”

Helen shook her head, moving herself as carefully as she could moving forward toward her daughter’s boots looking up to Violet with her eyes trying to support her daughter.

“How am I to remove her boot’s my hands are behind my back?”

“You have teeth and a tongue if I’m not mistaken use them”

groaning Helen began to place her lips to Violet’s toes of her boot trying to wrap her teeth around biting down she attempted to pull to little avail, biting at the heel of her boot an inch moved. Looking up to the edge of the boot where the top met her calf. Using her teeth Helen could not move it more then an inch looking to Cap tor with frustration and anger.

She moves around the brim using her tongue to wedge it down the strange fabric leaving an awful taste on her mouth. What was worse, the stench as she peels the boot off making Helen gag fighting to keep her voice down. Helen pulled the boot down revealing her sock pulled up just below the calf muscles.

Doing the same with the other boot Helen yackked against the floor trying not to puke. Cap Tor smirks watching Helen writhe in disgust.

“Alright Elastagirl, now I want you to tug her socks off”

“Arghf mom this is”

raising her voice Violet stopped herself making Cap Tor smile at Violet’s restraint

“just get it over with” she growls Helen looks up to Cap Tor

“I promise you Cap, when we get out of this I will make sure I..”

Helen’s voice rose activating Violet’s sound systems making her scream in agony as electricity began to course through her veins. Helen’s eyes grew wide realizing she had caused Violet’s pain. Her heart ached with sorrow as she moved down biting onto the inch of cloth left unattached to her sweat soaked feet. Biting down the cloth gave a bad smell and awful taste. Pulling the sock off to reveal the fullest stench. Helen coughed to herself fighting her dignity.

“Very good now the other one”

holding her breath Elastagirl struggled the second sock half way down Violet’s ankle Elastagirl could hold no longer taking a deep breath dropping the sock she found her head resting on Violet’s leg sobbing. Helen bit down on the sock and pulled if the rest of the way.

“Oh look at those pretty toenails, such a nice shade of violet!”

Helen shoots a glare to Cap tor. Smirking he moves the camera to Violet who looks disgustingly on their kidnapper and the camera.

“Now Elastagirl be a good girl and pick up one of those socks with your mouth and present it to your daughter”

“Oh god no I am not”

electricity burst into Violet’s body making her tremble and shutter before falling to her knees. Even closer to Helen whose face crippled with worry she had to do something. weighing options in her mind she hoped to play along with Levi’s demented plan.

Biting the sock Helen held it up like a puppy presenting a stick to it’s owner

“now young un, take the sock out of your mom’s mouth and put it in your mouth”
for once Violet did not break argument doing as instructed she held the sock in her mouth tasting her own sock filled sweat. He instructed Helen to hold the other sock on the tip of her tongue if she dropped it he would add a new turmoil to their bondage.

“Now my audience, to explain why this need for humiliation against the oh so wonderful Elastagirl or Missus Incredible”

being her best friend and assistant Levi had the time of his life but time was moving on and Helen was making plans going to college making herself ready for the world. All Levi had plans was for Prom, all he wanted was to take her to prom, a little reward for being a faithful and loyal compatriot. Asking her publically with the entire school watching. She said no saying she had already made arrangements. Realising these arrangements were with a baseball player. Levi was humiliated. Mocked and teased through the hall’s all the way to prom. His torment got to the point no one from their class had seen hide nor hair for nearly a decade by all accounts he died.

Regaling the pathetically sad story to the public Levi found his hatred rejuvenated clenching his fist he walks to face the camera smiling under his mask.

“And now a commercial break stay tuned for more”

turning the camera off Helen spit the sock out Helen calls out speaks out loudly begging Levi the effect was no different then before Violet received a load of electricity through her arms and legs all to her neck and brain making her eyes sparkle.

Now Violet was feeling an after effect, she had not felt until now the electricity was now being stored back into her body, curious whether or not she could truly harvest it into effect. She waited for Levi to turn his back leaving the room allowing Violet and Helen to speak alone spitting out the sock.

“Violet I am so sorry I didn’t”

“Quiet mom I got an idea”

Helen’s eyebrow’s lower as Violet began to use her toes crackling them in the air trying to balance herself conjuring a tiny force field letting dissipate excitement growing as Violet looks around the room

“when you take away a door look for a window”

“Violet explain what is”

“Hush mom, the electricity you’ve been jolting me with has reached a maximum, my body is beginning to store it again, now I can use some hopefully, I can overcharge these couplers just give me ah, oh oh I make a forefield bash your arms against it” conjuring a small force field Helen moved her arms one direction with all the force she could muster she smacks the field but to little avail she could not provide enough strength to damage it.

“Okay this time like your swinging a baseball bat backwards”

Violet instructs moving the field back with her feet pointed forward moving back she pushes the force field into the armbinder smashing the metal with ease the loud exclamation from Helen made Violet’s arm couplers generate electricity, using it to turn the tide te couplers circuit’s blew up. Violet was unaffected by the blast.

Turning invisible as Cap-Tor enters the room a little tranquillizer pistol in his hand. He seen Helen sitting on the floor looking helpless sock in her mouth. When he walks passed her

“I know you’re here come out or mommy gets it”

Helen’s arm stretches around tapping Cap on the opposite shoulder when he turned Violet appeared and used the armbinder and smashed him against the back of the head. The girls take no time strapping him into the cuffs of his own design getting back into their uniforms, they call Agent Dicker informing them about their captor.

The two girls were relieved when they found out the camera was indeed on record mode, but not live record. Breathing a sigh of relief Violet deleted the footage

“god forbid someone saw that, imagine how embarrassing that would be”

the two girls tremble before making their way to Dicker’s office. Calling Bob and Dash to make sure they picked up Jack-Jack from school.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 235
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Thank you for the story! It was amazing!
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 382
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by WyattW5 »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 5 years ago Thank you for the story! It was amazing!
I am glad you like it
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