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The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff Finished

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:10 pm
by Ranlar
Hello gang,
So this is a story I wrote a long time ago...if any of you frequent Gromet's Plaza you may have seen it. But since it is mine I am going to repost it. It is long but I will break it up for you with nicely created cliff hangers. If you all like it I can continue to hash it out after the end of it. Lets see where this goes
Jenni and Sammy had been life long friends and often shared the same interests. A new one that was developing within both of them was bondage. They had discovered it on the Internet one night and got to talking to one another about it. They both found that each had thought about it a little but had never tried it. That changed over the following months as they started to experiment with bondage on each other. Looking at websites for ideas and taking turns tying and gagging each other in various positions. They also had almost maxed out a credit card each in building a toy box involving their new interest.
Jenni was 5’10 with long straight brown hair and green eyes. At 23 years of age her figure was one that would make men stop and stare. She always felt that her breasts were a bit much for her frame, but thought they were all right. Sammy at 21 years of age was also 5’10 but with blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. Sammy wasn’t as skinny as Jenni was but could still turn a few heads if she wanted to. Sammy was the less adventurous of the two; not that Jenni didn’t try to get her into trouble.

One day Sammy came over to Jenni’s place to hang out for the evening. Usually Sammy went to Jenni’s house since Sammy still lived at home in the basement. Only because it made her mom happy and it was a lot cheaper at this point to live there. And not too mention her parents would die if they found all of the bondage things her and Jenni had accumulated over the past month or so.

“So what do you have planned for tonight?” Sammy said curling up on the couch with a bottle of beer.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Jenni responded with a sly smile.
“I meant other than that,” Her friend replied with a sardonic smile on her face.

By Sammy’s count it was her turn to get tied up and by Jenni’s mood she thought she was right.
“Well I am not thinking of anything to special for tonight…” Jenni said trailing off.

“But…” Sammy said imitating her friend’s trail off in statement.

“But, for tomorrow I have a neat game in mind,” Jenni said taking a sip of beer from her bottle from her seat in the recliner across from her friend. Sammy rolled her eyes…she couldn’t wait to hear about this.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me!” Jenni exclaimed. “Listen to it before you decide it won’t be fun. Here is my plan we take a pair of handcuffs each and go to the mall. Then when we get into the mall we handcuff ourselves. Then we go out into the mall find a cute guy to help us out of our little predicament.”

“Are you nuts?” Sammy said cutting in. “Walk around the mall with our hands cuffed behind our backs. That is absurd.”

“Don’t worry I’ll have the keys. See we go separate ways and meet say at the food court in like a half an hour with or with out help.”

“So I would have to bring my help back to you to get the key while you don’t have to?” Sammy said downing some more beer.

“Oh no I will play fair. I won’t get out until we meet up,” Jenni said making crossing motion on her heart.

“Well it might be an interesting way to meet a guy,” Sammy said not sounding real sure.

“That’s the point you never know what will happen,”

“Yeah we might proposition a kidnapper and get killed,” Sammy said.

“You worry too much. That’s why I decided to do it at the mall. Lots of people you know. If we run into problems we can just yell for help.” Jenni explained.

“Yeah then get killed by embarrassment instead of getting killed by the kidnapper,” Sammy replied.

“That is half the fun…besides you are going to be embarrassed enough walking up to complete strangers and asking if they could help you remove the handcuffs right?” Jenni pointed out. Sammy had to admit she had a point. Even though Sammy still didn’t think it was a good idea she had to admit again that it did sound exciting. And Jenni was right again at the point of if they ran into problems they could scream for help if need be.

“I don’t know…” Sammy started.

“That’s enough worry-warting out of you,” Jenni said standing up from her seat. She laid her bottle down took Sammy’s and laid it down as well.

“You have all night to think about it.” She said taking Sammy’s hands and hauling up from the couch.

“But I haven’t said yes to it yet,” Sammy said laughing a little.

“I know, but you are getting on my nerves thinking out loud. Once we get upstairs I am going to fix that problem.” Jenni said pulling her friend along and up the stairs to the playroom/bedroom. Sammy just rolled her eyes again and sighed.

The next morning Sammy awoke lying in bed, she knew instantly that the warm body behind her was Jenni. They had slept together in the same bed a lot of the time ever since childhood and it didn’t seem strange to them in adulthood. The thing that some might find strange was the fact that at least one of them was gagged. Sammy’s jaw was a bit sore but not as bad as the first time she was forced to sleep with the thing in her mouth. She slowly reached behind her head and felt for the buckle and sighed as her fingers found the small brass padlock holding the buckle in place. Sammy rolled over gently to look at her friend and smiled to herself when she saw Jenni eyes wide open watching her and smiling. Or at least it looked like a smile. Jenni was also wearing a gag just like Sammy’s, the bright red ball filling her mouth well.
“ood oring,” Jenni gag talked at her friend. Sammy just nodded at her and stretched. Jenni had taken to wearing gags to bed for fun ever since she tried on her first gag.

Jenni sat up letting the sheets fall off her nude body and stretched herself. Then she got up went into the bathroom to relieve herself. Sammy waited patiently still gagged and still lying in the bed. Then she also realized that she was still wearing other bondage stuff from last night. She had told her friend many times before to make sure everything was off before she went to sleep. They had compromised on the gag thing but marks on her wrists and ankles were a bad thing since often when she stayed overnight she had to leave right in the morning to go to work. Make up could cover up the marks left by the gag but her wrists and ankles were a bigger problem.

Sammy reached down and unbuckled the leather cuffs from her ankles and dropped them on the floor next to the bed to be picked up later; thankfully they were not locked on. Jenni came out of the bathroom reaching behind her head fiddling with the buckle of her gag as she walked. It came loose and Jenni removed it completely and laid it on the dresser. Sammy gave her friend a look and made a sound like a half grunt half whine into her gag.

“Oh right you probably what yours off as well huh?” Jenni said with a smile her voice sounding like she just forgot or something. Sammy just stared at her friend with a mock sternness in her eyes.

“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice. Turn around,” Jenni said climbing up on the bed. Sammy turned over still not wanting to get up just yet. She felt Jenni manipulate the lock then the buckle as the gag came loose and then was pulled off. Sammy worked her jaw a little and turned back over.

“Thanks, and what’s the big idea leaving the cuffs on me all night?” Sammy said.

“I knew you didn’t work today and you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn’t want to wake you to take them off.” Jenni explained.

“Yeah right,” Sammy said sticking her tongue out at her friend whom just laughed and went back to mirror on the dresser.

“So what do you think we should do today?” Jenni asked to the mirror messing with her hair getting ready for a shower, trying to decide if she wanted to wash the mass or not.

“Well if you are talking about your idea from last night. I think we could do it I guess,” Sammy said not sounding convinced.

“Don’t make it sound like you are be sentenced or something,” Her friend laughed. “It’ll be fun trust me.”
Doing that very thing had a tendency to get Sammy into some very strange and potential serious situations.

They both went about their morning rituals and soon were sitting down to a light breakfast. The meal was in silence as Jenni was excited and Sammy still apprehensive. Once the dishes were done and put away Jenni looked up at the clock and smiled.
“The mall is open,” She said simply.
“Has been for a couple of hours…holidays you know,” Sammy supplied.

“You ready?” Jenni asked.

“I guess we should get it over with,” Sammy said only half feigning despair.

“I swear I can’t take you anywhere.” Jenni said laughing as she bounded off to the bedroom.

She came back in short order with both of their coats and a pair of handcuffs for each. She handed the black ones to Sammy and kept the silver ones for herself.
“See we can stuff the arms of the coat into the pockets and hide our hands under the coat. It is chilly outside so coats will not be the uncommon.” Jenni said with an excited tone.

“Yeah I guess that would work,” Sammy conceited. She tucked the cuffs into her coat pocket as she got her coat on.

“Oh wait I almost forgot,” She went to the end table and picked up the phone and made a quick phone call. Sammy couldn’t hear the message but it was obvious that she was talking to a machine.

“There now we are all set,” Jenni said breezing past Sammy to the front door.

“Who did you call?” Sammy wanted to know.

“Just a friend,” Jenni said. Sammy let it go at that as she walked out the front door.

They took Jenni’s car and drove the 10 minutes to the mall. And after finding a parking place, which took forever and was still too far away by Sammy’s estimate, they sat in the car and looked at each other.
“Well here we are about to past the point of no return,” Jenni said eyes alight.

“Yup. Should we handcuff ourselves now or when we get in there?” Sammy asked.

“I would say when we get in there but we aren’t likely to find a spot to do it discreetly.” Jenni said. “And since there is a revolving door we can get out of the car and do it now and still get in.”

Sammy just nodded and got of the car and locked and shut the door. Jenni joined her on her side of the car after locking her door. They both pulled their arms out of the coat and stuffed the sleeves into the pockets making sure they won’t come out unless pulled. The coats were then zipped up as far as they could get them to go with their hands on the inside. Then they looked at each other and pulled the cuffs out of the inside pockets of the coats they wore. Sammy was looking like she was about to back out.
“You want me to do you?” Jenni asked.

“No I can do it,” Sammy responded sounding like she was trying to convince herself. Slowly she worked her hands behind her back and closed one cuff around one wrist and then taking a deep breathe she the closed the other cuff around her free wrist stealing her freedom from her.
“Turn around,”

“What you don’t believe me?” Sammy said in disgust. But she turned around anyway.

“Huh…you did do it. I am impressed,” Jenni said smiling about it as her friend turned back around pulling the coat back down over her hands. Sammy scanned the parking lot looking to see if anyone was paying attention or not. But the people that were parked this far down were too busy getting to where they were going to notice two women handcuffing themselves in the parking lot.

Jenni was a lot quicker then her friend in securing her hands behind her back. She smiled at her friend and turned around and showed her hands to Sammy to prove she to was really handcuffed.
“This is going to be fun!” Jenni almost squealed like a little girl.
Sammy just rolled her eyes again. As she pushed her way past her friend and headed toward the mall. The walk was a bit long and cold, both of their faces were cold a little red by the time they got to the revolving door. They slipped into the flow of people traffic and got into the mall without mishap. They got off to the side to start their little adventure.

“Ok we meet at the food court in 30 minutes with or without help,” Jenni said. Sammy nodded and Jenni took off into the crowd as Sammy stayed where she was for a bit letting her mind think.

Her rational side was screaming at her like an old mother hen. ‘What have you done now?’ She was thinking. Here she was handcuffed in the middle of the mall and the only way out was to ask a complete stinger for help. Or she could just wait here and meet Jenni at the Food Court and say she couldn’t find anyone. But then her competitive nature took over. She wasn’t competitive with anyone else but Jenni. That is why she usually got into these situations with Jenni’s little adventures. Though this was the first one that involved bondage and out in public like this. She had to at least try. So with that thought in mind she went out into the flow of traffic searching for someone she could approach.

Most of the guys that Sammy saw looked busy or had a girl attached to them. Sammy wouldn’t even think of approaching a couple with this problem of hers but she wouldn’t put it past Jenni to do so. While she was looking for a prospect Sammy kept trying to think of a way to ask for help. She decided that best way to do it would be strike up a conversation and see if she could tell the mentality of the person she was talking to.

About ten minutes into her search she saw a gentleman standing in front of a sporting goods store looking at the display in the window. He was about 6 foot in height and of average build. It didn’t look like he worked out but wasn’t at all flabby either. He had short brown hair and his profile was that of a real looker. Sammy thought she was falling in love, but to the business at hand. She walked up to the window to stand next to the guy and pretended to look at the display as well. She waited a few moments before speaking.

“Looking for someone or yourself?” She asked. The man glanced at her sidelong and then looked at her in the reflection of the window.

“For me really,” He said with a smile.

“Oh I see. I am not really into sports that much. I am just looking about for a friend,” Sammy lied like a cheap rug.

“Really what does this person like?” He asked.

“Football really,” She said just picking one.
“Do they have a certain team?” He asked. Oh dear this one really stumped her.

“Uhm…the Tigers?” She said. The man chuckled.

“The Tigers are baseball,” He said matter of factly.

“Oh yeah right,” She said blushing a little and looking away.

“Care to try again? Or is there another reason we are standing here talking to each other?” He said. His tone wasn’t malious or anything it was just an honest question.

“Well since you found me out there is something I did want to ask,” Sammy said still not looking at the guy in the window.

“What would that be?” He asked.

“Uhm…” She looked around and then looked at him. “Can you help me with these?” She asked quickly turning around and showing him her cuffed hands and just as quickly covering them back up and facing the window again. She saw out of the corner of her eye that man didn’t even bat an eyelid at this sight. She wasn’t sure whether to be worried about that or not.

“Well there is something you don’t see everyday,” He said his voice light. “I am going to out on a limb here and say since you approached me first and not a security guard or something that you did this to yourself. And I will also say that you are playing some sort of game and are not in any peril…is that correct?”

“Well yeah that is about the sum of it yes,” Sammy said a little sheepishly. The man just shook his head and smiled.

“You know this a little dangerous right?” He said stating the obvious.

“That’s what I told my friend but she is one of those people that once she gets an idea in her head and all,” Sammy said. Then she realized that she might have said a little too much. Now this caught his full attention.

“Good grief. You mean that are two of you like this roaming around?” He said his smile getting broader.

“Shh,” She said hoping no one was listening. “Yes there are two of us.”

“Ok, so now what. What do we do now that I say yes? Do I get to frisk you for the keys?” He asked almost sounding serious.

“No, I am supposed to meet her back at the food court and she has the keys.” Sammy said.

“Well ok then let’s go.” He said motioning for her to lead the way. Sammy went ahead and made a beeline for the Food Court with the man in tow. She then realized that she didn’t even know this gentleman’s name. The crowd was thick and after almost getting separated a few times the guy laid a hand on her shoulder to slow her down so he could keep up without knocking people down.

Sammy was glad to see Jenni leaning up against a trashcan at the food court. She was full of pride as well to see that her friend was alone and looking a little crestfallen.
“No luck?” Sammy asked as she got close.

“No, no one wanted to help me. Well not the way I wanted them to anyway. Most thought they were on candid camera or something.” Jenni said and then saw the man behind Sammy. “But you seemed to have found a knight in shinning armour.”

“Yes you could say that,” Sammy said. “Jenni this is…oh my I don’t know your name,” Sammy said giggling.

“James,” He said not extending his hand.

“I am Sammy and this is Jenni,” She nodding to her friend starting the introductions over.

“Sorry for not shaking hands,” Jenni said with a smile. James just smiled back.

“Yeah speaking of that. Tell him where the keys are so we can get out of this.” Sammy requested.

“Well, yeah you see there is where my surprise comes in,” Jenni said.

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:16 pm
by Ranlar
Part 2

A feeling of dread came over Sammy and James just looked amused and little confused.
“What?” Sammy asked.

“Well I don’t have the keys,”

“You don’t have them?” Sammy almost growled. “You had better be joking.”

“No if I were joking I would say a priest and a…”

“Don’t even go there!” Sammy interrupted. “Just how do you propose we get out of this?”

“He drives us home to get the keys,” Jenni said simply.

“You had better be glad I don’t have the use of my hands,” Sammy said. James chuckled.

“What if I said I didn’t have time?” James said.

The look on Jenni’s face said that she hadn’t thought of that particular possibility.

“Well…I…I mean we would…you do have the time right?” She asked.

“Well it is the holidays and such most people are pretty busy,” He said tongue in cheek.

“Oh please?” Sammy said pleading a little. She didn’t want to try to find someone else again.

“You two ladies are in luck I am free today. That is the whole reason I am out here to begin with.” James said.

“Great then you can take us back to our home and get the keys?” Jenni asked.

“I suppose so. Follow me.” He said.

He quickly found out that is better to keep a hold of the two women as they walked. He had an arm around each of their shoulders as they headed out of the mall and back out in to the chill air. Once they got to his car Sammy got a little frightened.
“Wait,” Sammy said as he started to unlock the door.
“What?” Jenni said almost whining.

“What are we doing? No offense James, but we don’t know this guy. I mean if we get into his car he could take us anywhere.” Sammy said.
James didn’t seem to take offense at all.

“Sound thought…she is right,” James said.

“Well he could but there are two things in our favor Sammy. One if he deviates from our instructions and starts to go somewhere we can still attract attention from other motorists the he passes or sits next to at a stoplight. And two you remember that message I left? It was to a friend of mine that I asked to come by about 7pm tonight. She will think something is up if I am not there and start looking for me.” Jenni explained.

“All so sound thought,” James agreed.

“Whose side are you on?” Sammy asked with a laugh.

“Just pointing things out. Jenni has thought most of this though other than the fact that both of you may not have found anyone to help you. As far as the guy taking you home, this part was dangerous, but having a safety person to check on you is good. Not too mention the fact if you two wanted to attract attention you could so easily at any moment since my windows are not tinted or anything.” James said in a lecturing type tone.

“Yeah see, all safe. Now are we going to get into this car or stand here freezing to death?” Jenni said hopping up and down.

“Well all right,” Sammy relented.

James unlocked the door and ducked in and got a ballpoint pen and unlocked both passenger doors. He then went around to other side and stood behind each of the women and grabbed Jenni’s chain to the handcuffs raising her coat to get at them.
“Hey! What are you doing?” She asked.

“Just seeing what kind of cuffs you have here. Ah good you didn’t go for the cheap ones.” James said as he used the tip of the pen to push in the double locking mechanism on the cuff.

“What do you mean?” Sammy asked trying to see what James was doing.

“These cuffs have a double lock. Meaning they will not tighten any more once a small button is pushed. I would hate to go over a bump or something and they tighten to tight since you are sitting on them.” James said as he re-adjusted Jenni’s coat and then double locked Sammy’s cuffs. Then he opened the front door and helped Jenni in and the back door for Sammy.

Once the ladies were in the car the all three headed out. During the ride there they got to talking and James revealed to them that he liked bondage as well. Which was the reason he was pretty un-phased by all of this. He recognized a game being played when he saw it. He followed their instructions to the two-story house and parked in the driveway. He got out and helped them both out of the car. Jenni told him where the spare key was and he unlocked the door and they all went inside. James took off their coats and hung them up on the wall. He then looked about the entrance hall and nodded.
“Not a bad place,” He said. “Whose is it?”

“Mine,” Jenni said waving her hand from behind her back.

“I see…now where are those keys at?” James asked.

“This way,” Jenni said as she head down the hall and up the stairs. Sammy was somewhat horrified to see that she was heading toward the bedroom where they played often.

“In there…if you would,” Jenni said tapping the door with a toe. James took the hint and turned the knob and let the ladies in first.

The room at first glance would look like a normal bedroom. Unless you knew the assorted bolts and hooks about the wall and ceiling beam were not for plants or paintings or clothes. James stood in the doorway and took into the room. It was still just a little mussed from when they had left this morning since no one bothered to straighten it up at all. But other than that it was clean and well kept.
“Well this room has possibilities,” James said approvingly.

“Yes it does at that,” Jenni said giggling a little.

“Jen where are the keys?” Sammy said whining a little.

“Oh over there in the top drawer if our knight in shinning armor would be as so kind,” Jenni asked all sugary.

“Sure thing,” He said as he walked over to the dresser and retrieved the keys. He walked back over and stopped, looking at the two women.
“What?” Sammy asked sounding a little worried about his hesitation.

“Well I was just thinking. I will let you out if you want, but I have feeling that you two want more. Am I correct?” James asked looking at each of them in turn.

Sammy didn’t like that idea at all, but Jenni on the other got the widest smile on her face.

“What did you have in mind?” Jenni asked batting her eyelashes at him.

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:13 pm
by slackywacky
Nice. Might have read it indeed on Gromets Plaza, but it is good to see it here.
Thanks for posting!

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:50 pm
by wolfman
Excellent work. Like your style and loving the story so far

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:24 am
by Ranlar
Thanks for the encouragement  I will serve up part 3 now...
James just smiled as he thought about how to say what he wanted to say.“Well it would be a shame to waste an opportunity like this,” James thought out loud.
 “Opportunity?”  Sammy said cocking an eyebrow at him.
 “Yeah.  I mean I think some more play time is in order here,” James said with a smile not sure how that idea would be received.
 “No way.”  Sammy said immediately.  She didn’t like the sound of that at all.
 “Oh come on Sammy.  He isn’t going to hurt us…you have great judgement.  I am sure,” Jenni said looking like a small child begging for permission to do something she really wanted.
 “We don’t know that,” Sammy said.
 “I did say…” James started but the girls were not paying much attention to him.
 “You always ruin the fun right when it gets interesting,” Jenni said pouting.
 “I am sorry but getting killed or something is not my idea of fun,” Sammy continued to banter with her friend.  James meanwhile had turned and looked about the room.  He spotted the ball gag that Jenni had been wearing this very morning.  He walked over and picked it up and headed back toward the girls.
 “You are just a big party pooper.  I don’t know why I even…mmmprh,” Jenni’s comment was blocked out by a red ball that appeared almost out of thin air. 
 Suddenly both girls remembered that there was another person in the room.  James buckled the gag in place and sighed.“Well now that I can get a word in,” He said grinning.  Sammy just looked at him sheepishly and Jenni was scowling a little but made no noise from behind her gag.
 “As I was saying I will release you if you really want to.  But I think I can provide you both with a lot of fun for a while.  If you are up for it.”  James said.
 “I just…I mean I like being tied up and stuff for sure,” Sammy said sounding real uneasy and unsure about it all.
 “I will stop at anytime you tell me and release you if you want,” James said reassuring her.
 “I guess it would be ok.  I mean it would be kinda of a waste after all the work to find you,” Sammy said loosening up just a little.
 “Good.  We already knew what Jenni here wanted to do,” James said ruffling Jenni’s hair.  She actually growled at him behind the gag, she hated to have her hair mussed like that.  “I just wanted to make sure you wanted to play as well.”
 “Yeah of course, we are friends and we do everything together.  I would feel left out if she was the only one having fun,” Sammy said grinning a little.  Jenni just rolled her eyes at her friend.
 “That’s the spirit,” James said as he turned and stood in front of Jenni.  “I think we should start with the eager beaver here,” James said as he looked at Jenni.  She just smiled with her eyes and lips as much as she could.
 “What do you plan to do with us?”  Sammy asked from behind him.
 “Well first I am going to change you both into something more comfortable than the handcuffs you have on.  Where are your toys?”  James requested.
 “In the closet over there,” Sammy said pointing to the door with her foot.  James walked over and opened the door and saw the two large plastic bins of bondage things.  A fully stocked toy box to say the least.  They were out in the open since neither one of them had bothered to clean up much from last night.  They had just thrown everything back into the bins without pushing them back deeper into the closet.
 “This is quite impressive,” He said combing through the contents of the boxes quickly skimming over the contents.  He grabbed some rope and a set of four leather cuffs and some small padlocks.  He walked over to the bed and laid the stuff out there.
 “Now since I don’t know your limits, if I do anything that you don’t want me to I want you to say something,” James said and then looked at Jenni and grinned. “Ok communicate the best you can.  Understand?”
 He got a nod from both of them.  He then took a length of rope and went behind Jenni and started to tie her elbows together.  He pulled the rope tight and pulled her elbows close.  Jenni moaned a little at one point and he stopped her elbows at that point and tied it off and finished wrapping the rope around her arms.
 “Is that to tight?”  He asked.  Jenni shook her head no.  James then removed the handcuffs and went over to Sammy.  She turned around and offered her arms to him.  He chuckled and took the rope and pulled her elbows together.  Sammy knew hers could touch so she didn’t say anything to James and just let him pull them all the way together.  He wrapped and tied off the rope and stood back.  Sammy turned back around and smiled.“That’s not uncomfortable?”  He asked.
 “Not yet,” Sammy said.  “I can take it for a while.”
 “Ok,” James said as he turned her back around and removed the handcuffs from her wrists.  He laid both sets on the bed and grabbed more rope.  He went back to Jenni and applied the rope her wrists crossing them and tying them tight.  Jenni was making slight moaning sounds from behind the ball gag but didn’t make any other protest.  James then took the leather wrists cuffs and went to Sammy and gently placed each cuff on her snugging the buckle down and then locking the cuffs on with the small padlocks.  He then got the ankle cuffs and did the same to Sammy’s ankles.  Sammy sighed a little at that.  She had just gotten rid of the cuffs on her ankles this morning and here she is wearing them again.  Not that she really minded at all.  He stood back and looked at the ladies he had as his captives.
 “Well I think now that both of you are a bit overdressed for the occasion,” James said.  He moved to Jenni first and slowly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs.  She stepped out of them and he reached for her underwear and paused.  Jenni nodded and he took those off as well.  Then James moved to her top and started to undo the lacing of the garment.  It was a strapless top that laced half way up.  It revealed a lot of cleavage and was quite striking on the woman.  He loosened that lacing and pulled it down her body to remove it.  Jenni moved her hips and wiggled around in general to help the garment off as he tugged and pulled it off.  He then removed the shoes and socks that she was wearing. Soon Jenni was standing there completely nude.  James stood back and looked at her and shook his head.
 “My oh my…you are quite stunning,” He said in an approving voice.  Jenni made what sounded like a giggle.  And then James turned to Sammy.  He removed her jeans and went to remove her underwear.
 “No…please leave that.”  Sammy said sounding uneasy again.  James nodded and started to unbutton the blouse that Sammy had on.  Jenni made a sound into her gag and Sammy looked at her friend.
 “What?  I am not as free spirited as you,” Sammy said. 
 “Whaever,” Jenni gag talked to her friend.  James pulled the blouse off Sammy’s shoulders and down as far as her tied elbows would allow.  He then reached behind her and undid the clasp for the bra and paused looking at Sammy who nodded.  He removed her breasts from their cloth support and pulled the bra over her head and down her arms to join the other garment.
 “There much better,” James said.  He then lead Jenni over to the bed and pushed her down gently on the bed.  He took a pillow and placed it between her bound arms and her back, and then pushed her on to her back.  He swung her legs up onto the bed and took more rope.  He tied the rope to both of her shoulders and then to the head of the bed holding her down to the bed.  Then he took some more rope and tied her ankles to the foot of the bed slowly wrapping the rope around the leg knotting it off.  Then slowly pulling her legs apart until they were far apart tying the rope off to the footboard.
 “That looks like fun,” Sammy said looking at her friend.  Jenni just nodded and moaned a little into the gag.
 “It looks like she is enjoying it so far.  Let’s see what else we can do for fun,” James said going back over to the toy boxes.  He came back with a vibrator, a small one of the group that they had.  Sammy watched as James walked over to the bed and sat down on the side.  He turned it on and started to slowly drag the tip of the dildo around her friend’s body.  Rubbing it over her breasts gently pressing it against the nipples lingering there for a moment on each side before moving it again. 
 Jenni was enjoying this attention as she started to moan into the gag and try to move in her bonds.  There wasn’t much give in the ropes, as James knew what he was doing.  The dildo slid down to Jenni’s tummy, the vibration running through her.  The thing was on high and although it wasn’t close to her neither region she could feel the sensation there.  Sammy walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down looking at her friend.“It looks like you are pushing all the right buttons,” Sammy said grinning at James and then at Jenni.  Jenni just looked at her friend with a wanting in her eyes.  Sammy knew where Jenni wanted that toy to go, but it appeared that James wasn’t going there just yet.  He was at the moment rubbing the toy down the inside of Jenni’s thigh up and down one side and then the other.  This was causing a combination of feelings in Jenni one she was ticklish there and was also very horny right now.  It was almost unbearable as she tensed against the ropes and made half laugh half moans from behind the gag.
 “She must be ticklish,” James said watching her reaction.
 “Not too mention extremely turned on,” Sammy said giggling at her friend’s predicament.
 James then moved the torture implement to the area that Jenni wanted him to.  He laid the vibrator down against her crotch and just held it there without penetrating.  Sammy reached up with one of her hands dragged her fingernails roughly down Jenni’s torso.  Her wrists had not been connected yet so with just her elbows tied she had some mobility with hands.  Sammy’s fingernails catching on the stiff nipples of her friend.  Jenni mewed and groaned into her gag as they both worked on her.  Jenni wasn’t the only one getting turned on with all of this.  Sammy was starting to get real interested as well.  James somehow knew this and left the dildo where it was and got up to got to the closet.  Sammy scooted down the bed a little and picked up the dildo and gently pressed and rubbed the toy against Jenni.
 “I bet you want this inside instead of outside?”  Sammy said teasing her friend.  Jenni just nodded and moaned her eyes closing.
 “Yeah but I am the one who gets to decide that,” James said coming back to the pair.  He had a longer piece of rope in his hands.  “Stand up you,” He said to Sammy has he approached her.  Sammy stood up and waited to see what he was going to do.
 He wrapped the rope around her waist a couple of times and then knotted it off in front.  Sammy knew what was coming next as she parted her legs just a little for him.  And sure enough James fed the rope between her legs under the rope that was wrapped around her and then he took her hands and fed the rope through the small metal rings on the leather cuffs.  Sammy hadn’t been expecting that move.  He pulled it tight causing the rope to sink into her through her panties.  He went back and forth a few more times with rope pulling it tight each time before knotting it off in front.“There that should keep you entertained for a bit.”  James said as went back to Jenni who was enjoying the show.  Sammy did like wearing a joy rope but Jenni had never attached it to her hands before.  She pulled at her wrists and the rope moved and dug a little deeper.  She walked and the rope moved and rubbed.  Yes she was certainly enjoying this.  She sat down on the bed and rope moved some more.  She was getting that look of a woman who was really enjoying herself.  Both James and Jenni were watching her.  Sammy came back to her sense a little and looked at them both.
 “What?”  She said trying to act innocent.
 “Oh nothing,” James said as he turned his attention back to Jenni.  He picked the toy up and started to press the tip into Jenni slowly.  She was quite wet by this point and it slid in without much resistance.  Jenni really started to moan with pleasure as the dildo sank deeper into her the vibrations doing it’s magic.  James was slowly working it in and out never letting it come completely out.  He would move it up and down as well, making sure that the dildo rubbed against Jenni’s clit occasionally.  The moaning continues as Jenni moves her hips with the movement of the toy.Sammy just sat and watched for a little while moving her hands a little bit moving the rope between her legs. Jenni was getting close to climaxing and James didn’t show any signs of stopping to let her stew.
 “Hey want to really watch her explode?” Sammy said with a grin.  Jenni was concentrating too much on the toy inside her to hear the conversation.“She looks like she is about ready to do that on her own,” James observed still working the dildo in and out at a quicker pace.
 “Oh yeah she is...but watch this,” Sammy said as she scooted on to the bed a little further and then scrambled to her knees and got close to her friend.  Sammy keeled down lowering her head toward her friend’s body.  She leaned down and licked Jenni’s left nipple.  That got Jenni’s attention as her eyes came open to see what was going on.  She immediately closed them again when she saw what Sammy was doing.  Sammy started to suck and nibble lightly on the stiff nipple.  Jenni was getting real close now.  The moaning was loud now the breathing was heavy.  Just when Jenni was just about to climax Sammy bit down on the nipple and pulled on it.  The pain was more than Jenni could take as she fell off the edge.  Her back arched and her legs pulled and quivered against the rope holding them.  Jenni’s whole body shook for a good while as Sammy released her friend’s nipple.  And sat back up watching her friend.
 “You were right,” James said slowly removing the toy from her.
 “Told you so,” Sammy said giggling and smiling.  Jenni’s orgasm started to subside a bit now and her body went limp and her breathing started to slow down a little.  All the moving still had Sammy excited but she couldn’t cum with just the rope.“Well that takes care of her.  But what about you?”  James asked.
 “What about me?” Sammy repeated.
 “I know you are getting excited as well.  If that patch of wetness I can see on your panties around the rope is any indication,” James said pointing to the rope.
 “Well…maybe a little,” Sammy said.  Jenni was starting to take stock of her surroundings now she made noise into her gag like she wanted something.  James looked at her and then untied her from the bed and let her set up as he removed the gag.
 “Thanks…Can you untie my elbows please?”  Jenni asked.
 “Sure no problem,” James started to untie the rope binding her elbows when suddenly the doorbell sounded.  They all froze James stopped what he was doing and looked to Sammy.“You guys expecting company?”  James asked.“No…Jenni?”“I didn’t invite anyone over…uh oh,” Jenni said with a grin on her face.

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff (part 4 added)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:07 am
by Ranlar
“What do you mean uh oh?”  Sammy said.
 “That friend I called…She didn’t call like I told her to she came over,” Jenni said.
 “What friend?”  Sammy said.
 “Sara,” Jenni replied as the doorbell sounded again.
 “I’ll go get it,” James said has he left the room.
 “Wait James!  Untie us first,” Sammy called after him but he didn’t return.
 “Don’t worry about it.  She knows about our little games.  As a matter of fact I will go down with him,” Jenni said standing up, the pillow that was between her arms and back falling to the bed as she walked out of the room.  Sammy wasn’t sure what to do, this was going to be another one of those times.  A time that Sammy was going to be mortified and Jenni was going to enjoy every minute of it.  Sammy walked out of the room the rings on the ankle cuffs jingling as she walked.  The rope pulling at her crotch rubbing with every step.  She caught up with Jenni hiding in the stair well listening in.
 “I think they are here,” Sara’s voice rang out.
 “Ok you got me.  They are here but they are tied up at the moment,” James said enjoying the little game.
 “I’ll just bet they are.  But I have to check and make sure they are all right.  Make sure you didn’t kill or mame them,” Sara said.  She was talking like she was checking in the well being of a couple of pets or something, Sammy thought.
 “Oh perish the thought.  But are you sure you want to come in.  If I am a bad man you would be in the same predicament as they,” James said.  Now he was getting dramatic.  Jenni rolled her eyes and stepped down the last two steps and into the entrance hall.
 “Oh James let her in…stop being so dramatic,” Jenni sighed walking toward the door as James stepped aside to let Sara in, closing the door behind her.
 Sara was a red head with green eyes, her Irish background showing through.  He figure was trim and fit with a height of 5’10 and nice pert breasts.  She was dressed in her bumming clothes… the clothes she wore when she wasn’t going to work or out.  Just a tee shirt and blue jeans and sneakers.  She smiled when she saw Jenni.
 “Jenni love, how you been?”  Sara said meeting her friend and embracing her in a big hug.  Acting as if seeing her friend completely nude and bound was a normal thing.
 “Oh I am great!”  Jenni said with enthusiasm. 
 “It looks like it.  You got that glow about you,” Sara said with a wink.  Jenni giggled.
 “Yeah.  I see you have met our new friend here.  James this is Sara…Sara, James” Jenni said making the introductions as best she could without her hands.
 “Good day to you James,” Sara said shaking his hand.
 “Well met my lady,” James said bowing a little. “Oh gods would you stop that?”  Jenni said sighing.
 “Hey where is Sammy?”  Sara said.
 “Oh she is hiding in the stairwell being shy,” Jenni explained.
 “Aw…come on out Sammy I don’t bite,” Sara said.
 “Unless you ask real nice,” Jenni said as they all laughed.
 Sammy reluctantly took the last steps into the hall and into full view of a person she knew but not well enough to be standing almost completely naked and tied up in front up.  She stood there for a minute and tried to wave and got a reminder that her hands were quite tightly secured as the rope dug just ever so slightly more into her.
 “Hi…Sara,” Sammy said blushing up a storm and bowing her head trying to hide her embarrassment. Jenni was on the verge of laughing.  Sara on the other hand walked up to Sammy and put a hand under the other woman’s chin and lifted her head up. 
 “My he has you in quite a predicament doesn’t he?”  Sara said in a quiet soothing voice.
 “What do you mean?” Sammy said sound real uneasy.
 “Here you are all tied up and aroused but no way to satisfy yourself.  So mean.”  Sara said.
 “Well I went first.  We were getting to her next,” Jenni said.  “And then you showed instead of calling like I said to.”
 “Well I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by,” Sara said waving a hand in the direction of her friend.  Sara’s attention was on Sammy at the moment.  Sara lightly touched the ropes tormenting Sammy and pressed just a little making Sammy gasp.
 “You want to relieve yourself of all that tension don’t you love?”  Sara said.  Sammy did at that but wasn’t sure what Sara was intending to do about it.  Sammy just nodded slowly.  Jenni was now standing beside James and she leaned in close and whispered. 
 “Watch this she is good,” Jenni said laughing a little.
 “Well, why not let me do something for you then,” Sara said as she pressed on the rope again Sammy moaned a little this time.  Sammy was almost like putty in Sara’s hands.  She didn’t know she was that frustrated until someone started to pay attention to her instead of Jenni. 
 “Then follow me my dear and we will see what we can do,” Sara said walking up the stairs.  Sammy followed as if hypnotized.  Jenni and James brought up the rear as they headed back upstairs.
 Now Sara had never participated in the little games that Sammy and Jenni had played.  Sammy only knew the woman casually as Jenni’s friend.  But Jenni on the other hand knew her quite better.  They had met a year or so ago.  And when Jenni had found her love of Bondage she shared it with Sara.  Sara had the same love only she liked being the dominant one.  So Jenni and Sara had played a couple of times when Sammy wasn’t available.  Jenni knew the woman was an artful person when it came to making a woman feel good.  And the fact that she liked to have said woman tied up while making her feel good was just a bonus.
 They all made it upstairs as Sara took in the room to see what was already out.“Hmm I don’t see anything to elaborate that happened here.  Not much rope other than what the ladies are wearing anyway.”  Sara said as she walked over to the bed and pulled the gag, dildo and ropes off it.
 “Well I am a simple man,” James said.
 “Most men are,” Sara said with a smile at James.  James dramatically put his hand to his chest like he had been wounded but smiled back.  Jenni was glad about the fact that James could take a joke.  Sara always liked pushing people’s buttons.  Sara then looked at Sammy, looked into her eyes and smiled. 
 “Now let us see about making you more comfortable.”  Sara said as she trailed her fingernails down the center of Sammy’s body making a line from her neck down in-between her breasts and down to her bellybutton.  Sammy visibly shivered.  Sammy wasn’t sure about this; it was apparent that James was no longer in control.  She hadn’t gotten the same assurances from Sara as she got from James.  But for some reason she trusted Sara more then James.  It could because she already knew Sara kind of or maybe because she was a woman.  Sammy didn’t know, the only thing she did know is that it was her turn now and she wanted it bad.
 James and Jenni had taken a seat on the small storage chest across the room from the action where they could get a look at everything.“Damn she is good,” James said in an appreciative tone.
 “Yes she is. Uh James dear my shoulders are really starting to hurt.  Think you could tear yourself away from the show long enough to untie my elbows?”  Jenni asked.
 “Oh yeah sure sorry,” James said hastily.  He had forgot that he was going to untie her elbows before the doorbell rang.  He quickly undid the knot holding the rope taunt and unwrapped the rope from Jenni’s elbows.  There was a sigh of relief as Jenni rolled her shoulders and moved her arms with the new freedom she had.  Granted her wrists were still tied but it made a big difference with the elbows free.
 “MMMM Thank you,” Jenni said smiling at James.
 “Your welcome,” James said in return.
 Meanwhile, Sara was in the process of setting Sammy up the way she wanted her to be.  She had just untied the woman’s elbows and then removed the crotch rope.  Unwinding it from her body made Sammy gasp every time she pulled a section away from her, releasing her hands in the process letting her blouse and bra just fall to the floor.  Then Sara removed the wet panties and tossed them aside.  Then Sara took a couple pieces of rope off the floor and tied one to each of the ankle cuffs.  Then she positioned Sammy under the ceiling beam.  Then taking two more pieces of rope off the floor, she tied a rope each to the wrist cuffs.  Then she reached up, having to stretch a little; she fed the rope though two of the eye bolts in beam.  She pulled the rope raising Sammy’s arms up and just slightly out.  She pulled until Sammy’s arms were stretched as far as they could without pulling her on to her toes.  Sara tied the ropes off at the cuffs at her wrists.
 “There think we can handle that my dear?”  Sara said leaning in close to Sammy one hand gently rubbing Sammy’s pussy.
 “MMM…yes I am fine,” Sammy said.
 “Yes love you are,” Sara said.  Then she took the rope to the left ankle and pulled it pulling her leg out a little; she tied it off to the bed.  Then the right ankle was pulled out as well attached to another bolt in the wall at floor level making Sammy stand in a spread eagle.  Then Sara walked over to the closet where the toys were.  She pulled out a ball gag and came back to Sammy.
 “Now open wide,” Sara instructed.  Sammy opened her mouth to accept the gag wishing that Sara would hurry up.
 Sara pulled the strap of the gag tight and buckled it down.  Then she looked at Sammy, deep into her eyes.“What else can we do with you hmm?”  Sara said turning back toward the closet.  Sammy made a pleading sound into her gag as Sara turned to leave her again.  She had so much pent up energy it was becoming almost unbearable.  Jenni was grinning at Sammy the whole time.  Their eyes met and Sammy growled at her.  Jenni just laughed.  Sara then came back to her captive with a set of nipple clamps in her hands.  She didn’t waste any time with these.  She quickly clamped one to Sammy’s right nipple and then the left.  Sammy groaned out loud as the pressure and pain just added to her frustration.  She had worn these clamps before but Jenni was the one that usually wore them.  Sammy didn’t like them much, but in this case she didn’t have much of a choice.
 “Now James would you bring Jenny over here please.  I have a use for her,” Sara said pointing to the spot where she wanted Jenni.  James chuckled and helped Jenni to stand and walked her over to stand in front of her friend.  Sara had walked over to the closet again and pulled out something else.  She came back and handed it to James.  It was a harness ring gag, the ring being fairly large in diameter.“Here place this on her and then she can get to work,” Sara said with a smile.

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff (part 4 added)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:13 am
by Ranlar
Final part guys...shall I continue?


James didn’t waste much time with that request. He worked the ring into Jenni’s mouth and behind her teeth. It was a tight fit and he wondered just how long the woman could take such a large gag. He then buckled all the straps to a comfortable level. The ring was big enough that the straps weren’t necessary to actually hold the ring in place much. Sara noticed the fact that he didn’t pull the straps down as tight as he could.

“You are such a nice guy,” She said in an almost mocking tone.

“Well they could be tighter, but there isn’t much need for it. She can’t spit it out on her own…right Jenni?” James said. Jenni just shook her head and moved her jaw the very little she could to prove she could dislodge it.

“Very well then. Jenni kneel in front of your friend there and work her over a little,” Sara said making it sound like a command. Jenni looked at Sammy. Sammy had a real surprised look on her face she started to shake her head.

This was new for Sammy. A guy had never gone down on her let alone a woman…let alone again her best friend.

“Don’t worry Sammy love. She is quite good at it…I didn’t have to teach her much at all,” Sara said. Sammy was making sounds behind her gag disagreeing with the idea. Jenni on the other hand knew that neither one of them had an option in the situation. Once Sara had an idea in her head there was no way around it.

Jenni slowly lowered herself to a kneeling position. She leaned in as she kneeled letting her head rest on Sammy’s bound body. She stuck out her tongue and let it trail down as she kneeled, her tongue just long enough to touch the skin of her friend.

Sammy was almost whining into her gag now. She was scared for real, she didn’t want this. Or at least she was pretty sure she didn’t. She looked to James who just stepped back and raised his hands.

“Don’t look at me this isn’t my idea,” James said.

“You only wish it was,” Sara said with a laugh. Sammy whined more into the ball gag hoping that someone would stop. But then again a part of her, she hated to admit, didn’t want this to stop. A part of her wanted it to start finally. Jenni made it down to her knees and looked up at Sara.

“Sit correctly love,” Sara commanded. Jenni crossed her ankles and spread her knees automatically. “That’s much better now you may begin.”

Jenni looked up at Sammy who looked back and just gave up on hoping someone would listen to the gagged protests and just nodded slightly at Jenni. That was all the encouragement that Jenni needed. She lifted off her ankles just a little and buried her face into Sammy’s waiting crotch. She started out slowly gently letting her tongue work on the outside. Sammy was already excited and frustrated so a warm up period wasn’t needed but Jenni wasn’t in a hurry.

Well Sammy felt the first contact and felt like she might cum right then and there. But it wasn’t enough since Jenni seemed to be moving slowly about it. Why was everyone interested in taking their damn time about everything today? She did start to moan into the gag and try to move her hips toward her friend’s questing mouth. James while watching this got an idea. He went to the toy box and started to rummage around a little. Sara was watching him with some interest. He came back out with a larger dildo than the one that was already lying on the floor from the first time he’d played with Jenni.

“What are you planning on doing with that?” Sara said sarcastically.

“Wait and see.” James said. He kneeled down next to Jenni. Jenni saw him out of the corner of her eye and paused.

“Don’t stop you,” Sara said with a snap in her voice. Jenni resumed her attention in Sammy but still tried to keep an eye on James. James reached in between Jenni’s legs and started to play with her a little. He wanted to get her wet again. Now Jenni wasn’t expecting this…she thought that she was going to be left alone to have fun with Sammy. This was going to make it real hard to concentrate on what she was doing…and it was about to get worse.

James played with her pussy getting her aroused again. Jenni already was from what she was doing. But now she was real wet again and James took advantage of this. His hand stopped suddenly and was quickly replaced with the tip of the large dildo. Jenni knew that it was one of the large ones and groaned as James worked it in. He moved it back and forth a bit working it deeper into her. Jenni was trying to concentrate on what she was doing to Sammy. Her tongue was now starting it’s probing stabs at the clit just quick little stabs followed by her tongue licking the pussy pushing harder threatening to penetrate. James turned on the vibrator on medium and stood back.

“Now don’t have an orgasm unless Sammy does…I want you to cum at the same time as her. You two are good friends you should be able to tell,” James said with a grin.

“Oh that is simply devilish. I knew you had it in you,” Sara applauded.

“I have my moments,” James said.

Sammy was having trouble centering her thoughts on any one thing. She saw what James was doing and feeling what Jenni was doing. The nipple clamps where making her nipples hurt with a good pain. Her jaw hurt from the ball gag, but that was background noise to everything else. She thought that James was having way too much fun with all of this. She also thought that she was going to kill Jenni for getting her into all of this in the first place. Another thought came to her…fuck it enjoy the ride. She held on to that one just for the fact that it was the only thought that made sense at the moment since enjoying the ride is about all she could do anyway. She was moaning and swaying in the ropes a little she was close. Jenni knew this and slowed down just a little her tongue now making deep stabs into Sammy. Her own torment was getting her close to her own orgasm. James and Sara were now standing back and watching the fun.

“I wonder if we should just leave them like this for awhile. We could go out for an early dinner. I know a great little Chinese place,” Sara said.

“Are you asking me out on a date?” James asked.

“Nah just a business dinner,” Sara said with a smile.

“Business indeed.” James said laughing. “That sounds good but I think maybe we should wait for them to finish. Not safe to leave them all tied up and all.”

“Oh I guess you are right. Would hate to have something happen to them.” Sara said sighing a little. She was enjoying the show just as much James was.

The girls they were watching were completely oblivious to the conversation that was going on in within earshot of them. Sammy had her head dropped back, eyes closed. She was breathing rapidly and moaning loudly into the gag thankful it was there, it gave her something to bite down on. Jenni was getting close to climax and stepped up her work on Sammy really pushing her face into her friend’s pussy. All Jenni could smell and see was the little world of Sammy. Her tongue was working overtime now with Sammy intent on pushing her over the edge. Sammy started to pull at her arms and legs the ropes stretching just a little, but the knots held. The leather cuffs digging into Sammy skin as she pulled. Sara had been waiting for that and walked over to the bound woman. She waited just a little longer with her hand poised at the nipple clamps. Sammy didn’t even notice her as her orgasm ran up on her like a wave. Sara removed the nipple clamps right that point letting the blood rush back into the clamped area. Now this was the most intense thing Sammy had ever felt and she literally shook in her bonds.

Jenni on the other hand had an orgasm that was close to her best one. She leaned forward against Sammy as she to shuddered with the climax that the dildo caused. Sammy’s juices running down her chin.

“James go hold on to Sammy for me. Don’t want her to hang like that from the cuffs.” Sara said as she kneeled down to steady Jenni. James went behind Sammy and wrapped his arms around her waist. She felt like a small earthquake, as the muscles seemed to be tensing all at once. Then all of a sudden she went completely limp just like a noodle. Her head hung down and if James couldn’t tell she was breathing he would have been worried. Sara had laid Jenni on her side and removed the dildo from her and untied her hands for the moment. Jenni didn’t even move when her hands were unbound. Then Sara untied the knots at the cuffs that Sammy was wearing letting her limbs fall to her sides and relax. James scooped her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down. The woman was completely out of it. Jenni wasn’t in much better shape. James had to carry her to the bed as well. Sara loving cleaned Jenni’s face off with washcloth from the bathroom. James removed Sammy’s gag and was working on Jenni’s. She was so out of it he had trouble getting her to wake up enough to unclench her jaw so he could get the ring out. But he managed to get it free and Jenni just stirred a little and went back to sleep. Sara just stepped back and looked at the two friends. Both nude Sammy still in the leather cuffs still locked on.

“They look so beautiful, so peaceful,” Sara said with a sigh sounding like she really meant every word.

“Kinda makes you feel good to be part of it huh?” James said. This had certainly been something James was glad he was a part of. Never would he have thought this would happen. He was quite happy with himself, despite the fact that he didn’t get any sexual gratification from the session. But it was enough what had happened.

“Yes it does. You never had sex with either one of them did you?” Sara asked.

“Never on the first date,” James said laughing lightly with the comment.

“Oh sure no sex on the first date. But rope and gags are all right,” Sara said laughing a little herself.

“Yeah something like that. Shall we go see about that Chinese food?” James asked. “My treat.”

“Well in that case how can I refuse. But first let’s get them ready for bed.” Sara said. James just shook his head and preceded to help her.

Jenni woke up and groaned her shoulders were a little sore, as was her jaw. She tried to stretch and felt resistance. She smiled and opened her eyes. She was coved up with a light blanket. She was naked and laying on the bed facing Sammy. Her friend was in a deep peaceful sleep Jenni tried not to move too much to avoid waking her. She then took in the restraints. They were both wearing leather cuffs on their wrists and upon further inspection with her foot Jenni found Sammy still had on her ankle cuffs. But Jenni herself just had on wrist cuffs. Said cuffs were connected to each other with padlocks with a short length of chain connecting the two of them together. Jenni moved her head around and looked about the room. It was dark except for the small lamp on the night stand next to the bed was left on. She looked toward the foot of the bed and saw something. She paused and looked again.

It appeared to be an envelope taped to the bed. Jenni carefully kicked the cover off one leg and grabbed the object with her toes. Then she brought the envelope as close to her hands as she could then she pulled the covers down a little off herself. The length of chain was just long enough for her to reach the letter on the covers without having to move Sammy’s arms and possibly wake her. Jenni carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. She opened it and started to read.
Dear Sammy and Jenni,
I really had a great time. Your bedtime attire was Sara’s idea. I personally thought you had been through enough but she didn’t think so. The key to the padlocks holding you two together is on the dresser. We went though the house and made sure everything was locked up so no worry.
Sara and I are going out for dinner. She said to call her cell phone once you both wake up so we know you are all right. Also she said if you want the keys remove the leather cuffs you all will have to get together for a lunch and she will give them to you.
I guess that is about all for now. I do hope we can meet again I really had fun as I hope you did as well. My number is below call me if just to say that you both got free. Hope you slept well.


Jenni folded the letter back up and smiled. Figures that bitch would take the keys like that. Jenni didn’t know if Sammy had to work the next day or not. She laid her head back down on the pillow and covered back up as best she could without making Sammy move. She lay there and waited for her friend to wake. Jenni would have to wake her soon to release their hands and to call Sara and James. Hell she didn’t even know time it was. How long had they been sleeping? Oh well it was fun and enjoyable even if Sara had stepped in and taken over everything. And James and Sara were out on a date? That could be interesting. Jenni laughed out loud and Sammy stirred and moved. Jenni covered her mouth and giggled. Sammy slowly opened her eyes and looked at her friend. After a few moments she spoke.

“We are still bound?” She said in a questioning tone.

“Yeah, James says it was her idea,” She said handing the note to her. Sammy quickly scanned over it.

“I am glad I don’t work until the evening tomorrow.” Sammy said with small laugh.

“Yeah we have to met her to get the key to the leather appeal,” Jenni said. “So what do you think?”

“I think I hate your guts and love you at the same time.” Sammy said reaching up with her bound hands and touching Jenni’s face.

“But you did have fun.” Jenni said returning the gesture.

“Yes. This time it turned out great. I think this could be the beginning of something special.” Sammy said with a sigh lowering her hands back to the bed.

“Yeah me to. Are you ready to get up so we can reasonablely free ourselves and make a couple of calls?”

“Yeah I need a shower.” Sammy said as she sat up. Jenni also needed a shower as she to sat up. They both worked their way out of bed and to the dresser and disconnected themselves and their wrists. Sammy went immediately to bathroom. Jenni went to the phone and dialed Sara’s cell number and while it rang she thought that from here on out things were going to be very interesting for all parties concerned.

To be continued?

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff (part 4 added)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:17 am
by slackywacky
> To be continued?

Yes please, nice read. Not sure why you did not get more reactions.

Re: The Mall Adventure- ff-self, M-ff, MF-ff (part 4 added)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:35 pm
by Ranlar
slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago > To be continued?

Yes please, nice read. Not sure why you did not get more reactions.
You wish is my pleasure
New/continuation is here