Phoebes Adult surprise. F/F later FFM/F then back to F/F

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Phoebes Adult surprise. F/F later FFM/F then back to F/F

Post by WyattW5 »

I give a word of caution for this story. there are some parts that I could not help but go into great detail over I do hope you enjoy it.

Request by LatexLover. thanks to Tickle_Torture for the help for some of these scenes. I hope you like it.

For the beginnings of Phoebes story time here are the links.

Phoebes new life ... ebe#p53250

Victorias Ransom Mishap: ... ebe#p47364

After five years Phoebe had become a young woman her hair had grown long and her features had begun to expand. Phoebe Smyth had become a beautiful young woman. However, her beauty was hidden.

Dressed in a shiny latex bodysuit. Her feet were bare. Save her ankles bound with leather ankles attached to a spreader bar. Phoebe’s arms were bound in a spreader bar from behind. In her left hand was a duster.

Finishing her chores. Phoebe had become proficient cleaning with manacles on her wrists. Cheryl had taught her while Victoria made her practice. It had become her daily regime.

Phoebe did not like much of her captivity. From the uncomfortable position, her bonds would have her. To the stupidly tight latex outfit, she was to wear. And the fact Victoria would use any torment she wanted these days.

“Slave!” Phoebe heard Victoria’s voice call from the living room. Bowing her head Phoebe strolls into the room keeping her gaze down as she enters. Victoria sits. Aging but still beautiful reading a novel on the couch.

“Did you finish your cleaning slave”

“Yeph miphfwephf” Phoebe tries to speak. The latex Gwen hood did not allow understandable speech. Phoebe answered the best she could.

“Very good. Being stuck in this house I often get pretty bored. You know what I can do to keep things fun?” Phoebe did not answer simply staring at the ground Phoebe had a good idea where she was going.

Standing up Victoria begins to put her hands on Phoebe's sides. Running one hand down to Phoebe's thigh and the other to Phoebe's chest.

“My how you’ve grown” smiling Victoria speaks making Phoebe roll her eyes. Soon after Phoebe found a hand clamping over her nose and sealing the spot between her mouth and nose. Holding it tight Phoebe quickly found air. Much harder to take in.

Only able to exhale into Victoria’s hand. Phoebe quickly found herself struggling for breath shaking her shoulders trying to expand her chest to fullest the latex held firm. And Victoria did not budge. Phoebes' eyes were wide trying to breathe.

Releasing her hand Victoria smiled as Phoebe inhaled heavy breathes through her nose. Making tiny whimpering noises. Petting Phoebes latex covered head Victoria takes Phoebes chin in her hand.

“You know dear girl today is a grand occasion” Victoria smiles holding Phoebes gaze her eyes still as sharp as a knife.

“Yes, a very special occasion something that happens but once in a person's life, and to celebrate, we are having a little party” Phoebe whinnied into her gag. Victoria spanks Phoebe's bottom indicating where she needed to march.

Victoria had locked Phoebe in her room. Disrobing the latex suit and Gwen hood Phoebe is now on her knees wearing only a bra and panties. Her arms in leather cuffs behind her back her mouth ball gagged and locked in a posture collar.

It felt like an eternity had passed. While it can only have been an hour when Victoria opens the door. Phoebe knew better than to look but straight ahead. Besides she could smell Victoria's fine perfume.

Victoria's high heels clicked against the floor. Sensing Victoria's fierce gaze over her back Phoebe let a soft hum from her nose and mouth. The drool from her ball gag had begun to pool and fall down to her chest.

“Sloppy little girl chest down raise your wrists up”

Leaning forward Phoebe could tell what was coming. She had not deserved this, but she would accept it with bitter resentment. Clamping her fists Phoebe accepted a quick whack.

The leather flogger slaps her backside. It was not quite a painful slap as much as it was a shock to her system. The hair standing on the edge as she feels the sting of the flogger again.

“Agh” Phoebe lurches forward. Victoria had been fond of doing this striking one gentle than striking harshly again. Biting the ball gag the saliva began to fall to the floor. Whimpering into the gag before Victoria reaches forward dragging Phoebe by the hair. Wailing into the gag Phoebe was drawn back to a straight position before the flogger struck gentle again on her left shoulder before striking her right shoulder bracing her for the next flog.

Striking her again Phoebe felt the heat from the lash. Biting hard into her ball gag the drool bubbling behind her gag closing her eyes she thought of the first time she had been struck.

Three years earlier.

Phoebe had misbehaved big time. She had just simply had enough. When Victoria got the shackles off her wrists. Phoebe had simply had enough. She did not even remember what spurred her to do this.

A red mark next to Victoria’s eye indicated where Phoebe had struck. A bright red mark had been covering her cheek. Now Victoria was to take her exact revenge. Phoebe stood her hands bound above her head strained so only her tiptoes could touch the cement floor of the basement.

Phoebe knew whenever she reached the basement there was a punishment to come. Her mouth had been gagged with a ball gag and tape had been wrapped around. This was the first Phoebe had ever felt multiple layers but under no circumstances was it a pleasant experience.

Opening a black box Victoria kept under lock and key. The Blond draws a strange contraption from the box. Nine pieces of leather attached to a classic wooden handle. Phoebe could tell what Victoria was going to do.

Waving the leather strands a while Phoebe began to shake her head. She could tell what Victoria was going to do. She had never struck Phoebe before except warm spankings against her bottom. Whether they were gentle taps for direction or a clap of punishment.

The first strike from the flogger strikes her stomach. Spreading from one side of her ribs to her center. Each strand of leather stings with a squeal. Jolting from the impact Phoebe let out a loud wale that came into a whimper and sob. Trying to shield herself from the next blow that came.

The next strike struck the middle of her belly spreading to her right side. Yelping with pain Phoebe tries to raise her knees in an attempt to block but the third strike found the side of her abdomen.

“Plephf dophf pleph!” Phoebe commenced begging into her gag Victoria held no Mercy.


Her back was red with marks left from the flogger. In all reality, it stung but Phoebe did her best to blunt the pain. Phoebe had been blindfolded and stripped bare. It was quite uncomfortable having her hands bound er chest and bottom left bare.

Victoria had removed her binds. Leaving only her gag Victoria had decided to put some different clothing on Phoebe. The fabric was cold and felt slick on her skin. Her chest completely exposed the bra Victoria chose only cupped below her bosom to present her breasts fully.

The garment Victoria chose for her bottom was much the same it was slick and but it was wide between her legs. Phoebe did not know what to expect. When Victoria-bound her hands again. This time with cold handcuffs. Behind her back.

“You know you are a pretty girl... you’ve grown into a beautiful woman” smiling Victoria brings Phoebe close by her stinging back was connected with Victoria's body. Expecting smooth but stiff fabric. In its stead she found a leather garment separating their skin.

“You are a good girl... when you want to be... lord knows I do not make it easy do I” yanking her hair Phoebe lets a growl of discomfort before Victoria removes Phoebe's gag.

Her jaw ached fiercely as the ball had dislodged from her mouth. Learning to exercise her jaw while she had this moment Phoebe allowed her mouth and jaw to bend until she felt a pop in her left jaw releasing the pressure.

“Good girl keep that pretty mouth closed” Victoria's hand raises to Phoebe's mouth clamping Phoebes mouth and nose. Clamping it tightly Phoebe began to squirm as Victoria's other hand wraps around Phoebe's chest one hand nestled on Phoebe's plump bosom. l

Rubbing a gloved hand over her tit. The bulb grew hard below the feeling Phoebe could tell her hand was covered in the slick fabric was on her nipple now as her breast and bottom.

Phoebe could not hold her focus on a subject for longer than two seconds. As the air struggled she could feel her lungs expanding as they try to capture just the slightest breath of air.

Releasing her mouth Phoebe began to gasp for air her chest heaving from the air. Before a leather belt with a round object was wedged between her teeth and buckled down tight.

Probing this new bit in her mouth Phoebe realized it was a ring through the center gargling into the ring. The saliva was quick to return to the corners of her mouth. Falling down the sides of her mouth Phoebe did her best to slurp up the saliva.

“Come along slave”

Phoebe felt Victoria's hands on her arms guiding her out of the little bedroom she held to herself. The door opens and Phoebe was escorted into the hall. The smell of candles aroma looms into Phoebe's nose.

Turning from the hall into the dining-room Phoebe felt herself tense up. She did not know what to expect. As Victoria stood behind her. Her hands began to remove her blindfold.

As the leather blindfold fell from her eyes. It revealed the dining room table was set four plates filled with food. Cheryl and Trevor sit on opposite sides wine in their glasses holding them up in salute.

“happy birthday Phoebe” a unison greeting from Trevor and Cheryl. If she could Phoebe could have dropped her jaw. Her eyes were wide as she could see a banner behind the chair that had written Happy eighteenth birthday.

“I know we had never celebrated your birthday before. I wanted your eighteenth to be special” Victoria spoke now holding Phoebe by the waist.

“Whaphf ughphf phaphf” Victoria smiles and wraps her arms around Phoebe's shoulders bringing her in for a strange heartfelt hug.

“Now this is the gentlest experience you are going to have the rest of the night” smiling Victoria removes her gag before pulling Phoebe in close cleaving Phoebes mouth open to accept a warm kiss.

Breaking it off Phoebe found her head in a daze as she was sat down at the table Victoria one side and Cheryl the other. The two ladies were Phoebe's hands Cheryl gave Phoebe fork and spoonfuls of food while Victoria gave her water.

Phoebe's eyes locked on Trevor. Every encounter she had with him was traditionally an awkward exchange. His gaze made her think of a lion staring at a steak.

Trevor had grown up and grown-up rather handsomely. His dark hair was brushed forward he was dressed quite handsomely. Wearing a black silk button-down shirt and dress pants. Phoebe now realized she was really underdressed.

Cheryl was dressed in a shimmery black dress that held satin over her breasts. Cheryl's red hair had been cut just below her ear lobe. Her lips had natural pink lipstick and smoky eyeshadow next to her eyes.

Seeing Victoria for the first time. Victoria wore a red dress with a black corset pushing her already considerable bust to an even thicker width. Phoebe looked down at her garment or what she had. Latex. It made sense now.

She felt extremely exposed. Losing her appetite she swallows her food and lowers her head closing her eyes. When Cheryl speaks up “raise your head pet” Phoebe did so obediently but her eyes were closed.

“Something is wrong with her” Cheryl looks to Victoria who only smiles

“she is shy, this is the first time she has been, well-exposed perk up Slave you have nothing to be embarrassed about” Phoebe glances to Victoria then to Cheryl who both offered Phoebe encouraging her.

“My how you’ve grown, I remember the night you were on my boat” Cheryl grins taking a bite of her meal. Phoebe let a small sigh pass her nose she also remembered that night.

Five years earlier.

The first night on the boat was unbearable. She was blindfolded her mouth was ajar with a bright red ball gag. What Phoebe would guess was a Burglary gone wrong. Had become an abduction.

Her father was a Bank Manager. He could easily acquire half a million. She hoped. Wiggling around the soft fabric of the bed she was lain out over. Wiggling left to right bucking her knees and legs she struggles. Trying to break the chains. With each wiggle came the chime and jingle of three chains.

The door opens to the cabin making Phoebe raise her head. Trying to look up she could smell fresh soap and moisture. She had been in the shower. Sitting down on the bed Phoebe began to wiggle and moan.

“Pleaphf dophf lephf mphf guphf!”

“Not just yet my girl... I told you if you behave we will let you go by the way things are looking. You are not behaving”

“Nophf plephf nophf uphf wuphf?” Phoebe begs one more time a plight that would become quite demeaning.


Victoria had taken the dishes from the table and set them in the kitchen. Cheryl had wrapped a leather belt around Phoebe's neck like a collar. Before the ring gag was inserted back into her mouth.

Trevor now held a leash in his hand clicking it into the belts center ring. Bringing Phoebe from the dining room to the living room.

“Kneel!” Trevor commands looking down on Phoebe she was a few inches below him. The man kneels Phoebe in front of the table. Surprised at Phoebe's submissiveness.

“Very good Slave... whatever Victoria has been doing to you has been working” running a hand over Phoebe's hair. She felt a chill run down her spine. Glancing to her bosom Trevor wanted to test her submissiveness. Grabbing a handful of her bosom.

Phoebe did jolt but otherwise held still as Trevor's hand began to rub the plump pale skin of her bosom. The pink rosebud grew hard under his supervision. His other hand found her shoulder and began to rub her shoulder.

“You have filled out wonderfully young lady”

“Phfanpfh yuphf” Phoebe muttered into the gag. And Trevor grips the leash taut making Phoebe choke a little looking into Trevors's eyes she could see he seemed a little unstable.

“Trevor back off” Cheryl snaps making the boy ease off on the leash.

“She talked back to me”

“I heard, she did nothing but grunt considering your history that is an improvement, now wrap that leash around that leg of the table” Phoebe's eyes grew wide as Trevor practically thrust her upon the table.

“We each have a birthday present for you Phoebe, Victoria has given us full permission to do what we want with you” Cheryl’s voice was thick and cruel as she knelt down. Phoebe felt the latex skirt pulled down to her knees.

Phoebe did try to wiggle but the belt around her neck held firm. The table was sturdy holding as she wiggled.

“Oh look at her she is shaking like a leaf” Cheryl grins as Victoria wiping her hands dry as she enters the room. Trevor began to forcibly draw his organ from his pants when Victoria and Cheryl turn to him.

“Do you have protection?” the boy stops hand halfway through his pants his face contorted with confusion.

“Protection what do you mean” Cheryl turns to Trevor shaking her head.

“Alright Trevor you stay at her mouth, I get back here” Cheryl proclaims hands-on Phoebe's thighs making the slave girl whine.

“Waphf nophf!” Phoebe began to wiggle and squirm trying to fight and squirm Trevor groans “come on Cher I...”

“You get my slave pregnant will you be willing to accept physical and financial support for the offspring she bares, cause yours will be the only cock that touches her” Trevor’s frustration became evident as his big sister nudges past him.

“You two take either end, I wanna watch” Victoria smiles holding a leather riding crop in her hand. Cheryl walks over to Phoebe's bottom kneels down examining Phoebe's mound.

A clap on Phoebe's plump bottom made Cheryl refrain as an instant red mark was imprinted on her bottom. Phoebe kicked from the reaction making Cheryl drawback in surprise.

“Trevor, before you get, started to help me bind her legs” taking the dishtowel Victoria had been using Cheryl and Trevor wrap it around her ankles crossing them Victoria whacks the other side of her bum with the leather crop. Making Phoebe yelp awkwardly with her gag.

Cheryl looks to Victoria holding a small bottle Victoria spread some of the lotions on her hand.

Phoebe's eyes went wide as she felt a cold but slippery hand reach between her legs. The first touch was unsettling as Cheryl began to massage her womanhood. Fists began to form tight on the table leg her arms grew taut. As she was about to groan into her gag. Her eyes grew wide.

With the strange sensation between her leg's Phoebe had not acknowledged. Trevor standing in front of her his pants unzipped belt unfastened. She could see his cock in his hand.

Never seen one before she did not know what to think. Calling into her gag shaking her head trying to resist. His cock slid easily into the ring of her gag. She felt his manhood push through the ring her nose brushed his parts.

It was all too much. Between the odd sight in front and the feeling behind her, Phoebe did not know who to struggle again and if she could manage to pry away from one of them.

Before another swat struck her bottom with the crop. Phoebe yelped her entire body was one tiny form of congealing muscle and bone. One side Cheryl had been massaging her womanhood.

Striking Phoebe again the girl yelps the crop struck her flesh each time making a red impression on her skin. Victoria loved to torment poor little innocent Phoebe. Smiling she ran the head of the crop around Phoebe's backside. This reminded her of the first time she had whipped Phoebe for fun.
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Post by LatexLover »

I did not expect so much at one time. A pleasant surprise, and I cannot wait for more.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Here is the rest of the story I hope you all like. Tickle_torture helped with much of this.

Three years earlier

Victoria remembered putting up a case of wine Cheryl had delivered her. The ransom she had gained from her slave’s father added to a career of thieving that had made her rich. Smart investments and help from her best friend Cheryl had allowed her to continue to make money even while she now lived retired in a Belize mansion. And after three years her and her favorite piece of the property still called it home.

She looked outside, high walls and cameras, plus the mansion’s secluded location, allowed her to have her slave do the yard work outside. Lord knew that Phoebe had looked for an escape out there, but it was designed to not be a place you escaped from. Those days Phoebe hadn’t offered any heart-pounding escape attempts in a very, very long while. She was satisfied to know that she had broken her slave, she was now submissive, obeying every order with ‘yes mistress’, but while she was happy with the result it offered her less opportunity to punish her.

When she had first gotten Phoebe she offered a cornucopia of opportunities to punish her. Grounding down her will and resistance was a pleasure of life. From using a paddle on her when she still occasionally resisted after a year of slavery; to introducing her midsection and back to a flog whenever she misbehaved after two years.

But after three years of slavery? She knew her place, knew free will was a thing of the past to her. She was one of the few to truly know what it felt like to be property. A satisfying conclusion, but the epilogue could be boring. So she decided she would make it more fun, Phoebe wouldn’t appreciate it, but she was her property and plaything. If she wasn’t making her happy she wasn’t performing her duties as a slave after all.

Standing at the glass door to the back yard she whistled loudly. Phoebe turned and looked at her. After three years she had grown up plenty. Her lithe form filling out in a way that impressed Victoria and made Cheryl’s brother Trevor very happy when he visited. Her chestnut hair still fell down her back in light natural curls, her face was less freckled these days but still had some. Victoria thought she had to have some mixed ancestry somewhere in her family tree. Her skin has a natural olive tan to it and became easily more vibrant from the sun as Victoria had her do yard work year-round.

Victoria signaled for her to come inside. Lowering her head a bit she walked forward from outside, her outfit was in the usual style for being Victoria’s property. The teen had short safari shorts on with a brown tank top that didn’t cover any of her midriffs and she was given a short leather jacket to wear over it and gloves to do yard work. And of course, shackles around her wrists and ankles that vastly limited her movement. She took off the boots on the large patio before coming inside and kneeling on knees, her eyes forward, not looking directly at Victoria.

“Mistress, most of the yard work is done for today.” She said, her voice soft but clear, wondering what reason she was called inside.

“Good, that will suffice,” Victoria said with a small smile. “Follow me, slave.” She said turning as Phoebe rose carefully and closed the back door. She walked through the mansion, filled mostly with natural light as she was taken towards the basement. The mansion was built on and partially inside a hill, so the basement was just an interior room, Phoebe had been taken there before, usually to be punished, and her punishments had become much more severe over the years. They entered the room through a very short set of stairs, there was plenty of bondage material both on the walls and on tables, as well as a recently opened box. “Kneel.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Phoebe replied going back to her knees.

Victoria smiled and reached into the box. “Before you go to your daily exercises for the day, I have something else in mind.” She said, smiling as she pulled out black bullwhip. Phoebe’s eyes went wide but stayed silent. “I want you to change into this.” She said, walking over and unlocking her shackles. Phoebe walked over and saw short and tight black shorts that might have been volleyball shorts or just spandex exercise shorts. Beside's it was a red crop top.

“Yes, Mistress,” Phoebe replied calmly, pulling off her jacket, her tank top was pulled over her head and she unbuttoned her safari shorts before pulling them down. She hated how tight the shorts were but obedient pulled them up, knowing they offered her thighs zero protection is Victoria decided to paddle them. She followed this up by pulling the red crop top over her head, it fits snugly over her developed chest.

Victoria smiled, she had explained to Phoebe early on, very early on in her enslavement what type of top she would wear. That unless specifically told otherwise she would wear a stomach and midriff-bearing outfit, and if the outfit wasn’t like that she would adjust it to make it so. Victoria had simply always been a belly person, she didn’t know why, but she enjoyed the sight of bellies, so her slave certainly wasn’t going to buck that trend. “She smiled as Phoebe finished changing. “Very good slave.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” She replied quickly, her heart still racing at the sight of the whip. Victoria smirked as Phoebe’s eyes darted over to it.

“Now slave, over here.” She ordered, for once Phoebe wasn’t bound, but she knew that shortly she would be. Leather cuffs hung from the ceiling, she had only been in them a couple of time, her chest rose and fell as a cold fear overtook her. Her legs shaking as she walked to them and allowed her Owner to lift her arms and put them in the shackles. A pair was then put around her ankles, those shackles were welded together, holding the teen’s ankles together. Pulling a pulley Phoebe felt her lithe frame stretched until she was forced to stand almost on her toes. It was rather uncomfortable. “I’ve decided to test it out on you, though unlike a flog it won't spread over a large portion of skin.”

Phoebe’s eyes were wide.

“Mis- Mistress. What have I done wrong? Please why am I being punished?” The teen asked, her eyes tearing up as Victoria walked over to her slave with a ballgag. Smaller than the ones she usually used.

She looked into Phoebe’s eyes and smiled.

“Because I can.” She said, forcing the ballgag tightly into Phoebe’s mouth, lifting her hair and tightly buckling it before letting her hair fall back over the buckle.

“You are my property, Phoebe.” She said, painfully slapping Phoebe’s rear end and making her jump.

“I think torturing this body and hearing your screams will be very fun, so I’m going to do so. You’re a slave, you aren’t getting a say here.” She said as Phoebe’s eyes watered in fear.

Victoria went over and picked over the bullwhip, enjoying its weight in her hand. She enjoyed looking over Phoebe’s tan body, shivering in fear and anticipation of what was to come. Tears watering her eyes and slowly falling down her cheeks. “Domphh, mphess domphh eemph eeeph!” She pleaded into her gag.

“Hush slave, you’ll be screaming soon enough,” Victoria said.

“Remind me to thank Cheryl for the gift, she’s been wanting to give you a proper whipping for years. Chuckling Victoria just smiled broadly, before harshly and with skill, sending the bullwhip right across Phoebe’s midriff, pulled taut by her bondage.
“Auugghhmmphie!” The teen screamed, falling into her bondage and screaming. Her eyes shot open as wide as they could for a moment before she shut them tightly, filling with tears. She thought she had been cut in half. A searing white pain overtook her midsection in a wide line. Victoria smiled, savoring her scream and the harsh red mark that was forming horizontally across her belly. Phoebe took a deep breath through her nose, trying to compose herself. Opening she saw her Master smiling as she prepared for another blow.

“Noummph! Phess doummph-agghhieeahhhmmphie!” She screamed as another blow came across her midriff, this time wrapping around her left side as well, feeling like a white-hot sword was slicing through her abdomen and abdominal muscles. Her daily exercises left her with faint abs that could be seen flexing as she breathed deeply for air. Two harsh red marks becoming deeper.

“Oh yes. Lovely screams.” Victoria said, closing her eyes and savoring, savoring the sobs that came after the blows. Opening her eyes she loved the artfulness of the harsh red lines against her tanned skin. The way her belly quickly rose and fell, the skin only convulsing in pain.

“Truly lovely.” She said, sending another lash, this one higher, in a diagonal line from just below her ribs to down across to her left side.

“Aggughieeeeahhghie!” Phoebe cried out, the teen sobbed, wanting to fall and collapse to the ground. Her toned thighs were suffering from the position of her bondage, forced to stand on her toes while her legs strained and her body was whipped.

Victoria noticed this. Quickly sending two harsh lashes smacking and wrapping around the upper thigh of both legs. Phoebe screamed, making Victoria grin widely. Her slave’s screams were sweet nectar to her.

“My slave. With screams like this, I think I’ll make sure your belly and thighs will always have some whip or flog marks on them” She said, sending another lash of the bullwhip cracking a few inches above her navel, just below the first blow.

“Aghahhhhhahhieee!” Phoebe wailed and screamed in both agony and despair. She had had some very painful punishments with Victoria when she disobeyed. Victoria could be very casual in her cruelty and would meet an ounce of resistance with a metric tonne of discipline. But sadism just for her pleasure, and the promise that this was her future almost shattered the spirit that remained in her. Another lash across her ribs. Then another hit her side and wrapping around to her back. “Aguuughhieeahhhaaaiee!”

“Oh be grateful Phoebe,” Victoria said.

“This could be so much worse. Imagine if this was a catoninetails. Like nine bullwhips spreading across her flesh like a flog.” She said casually, just easily referring to how the other instrument of torture worked. She liked how Phoebe’s body struggled and suffered, it was warm outside, so she was already covered in a layer of sweat, but now she was drenched in it, some falling down her midsection and into her deep and round navel Victoria liked to have on display.

The next two cracks of the whip left marks right above and below it. Victoria turned as she heard the door open and a clicking sound, her friend Cheryl appeared as she came down the stairs.

“My my.” She said flicking her red hair back. A casual but small smile on her lips. “What is this? Did someone try escaping again.”

“No,” Victoria replied as she drank in the sight of the sobbing Phoebe.

“I was just bored. She’s been such a submissive and well-behaved slave.” She leaned in. “It's gotten boring.” The girls laughed.

“Well I’m glad you’re finally having fun with your property,” Cheryl replied. “Damn, you’ve made her belly red.”

“I'm not done yet,” Victoria replied, sending a lash against Phoebe’s belly. Then another on each thigh, aside, her ribs, her belly again and again. After almost thirty lashes Phoebe’s lungs were tired from screaming, her entire belly was one fire and burned and stung horribly. The abdominal muscle convulsing and pulsating in pain. Her legs would have collapsed if not held up by her bondage. Cheryl and Victoria grinned widely.
“Such a pretty slave you have,” Cheryl said. “So cute with her suffering. Don't suppose I can take that studded paddle of her’s and get to work on her thighs and behind?”

Victoria grinned. “Of course! My arm needs a break anyway. Just make sure you throw in a few whacks at her belly at the end.” She said winking as Cheryl walked over the Phoebe and pulled back her hair. Both women still had at least a half foot on Phoebe. Her eyes were wide as Cheryl sent the paddle on her behind the first time, they grew wider in response.

“My, need to make this commonplace, this is so much fun!” Cheryl said, beaming.

“Oh, I agree,” Victoria said as she swung the paddle again.

“It is fun, and those screams are so beautiful.” She said, barely registering Phoebe’s pain.

“Need to do this very often.” And as she looked at Phoebe, her body now largely red on her torso and legs it became so.

That was why two years later, approaching her fifth year of captivity Phoebe usually had marks on her midsection and thighs as she walked around doing chores. Jumping when her owner entered the room. Knowing what had become her owner’s favorite way to pass the time. It was just something she had to endure, no matter how hard Victoria made it do just that.


Within moments Phoebe trembles from the reaction of her. Grunting from the contortion of her body. Cheryl had made her flow so much pent up energy and drive had fallen from Phoebe's body. Nearly going limp her mouth slumped closed on Trevor's manhood.

Just in time for Trevor to discharge. Filling Phoebes mouth the girl did the best she could to swallow. Most wound up spilling between her lips falling down her chin.

“Oh, poor Phoebe” Cheryl stated kneeling down as Trevor backed up. Cheryl examines Phoebe's mouth and smiles at the look of the poor girl gasping for air.

“We should clean this from your face raise your head Phoebe” Cheryl smiles slapping Phoebe's bottom the girl lurches her head up using a napkin to wipe the remnants from Phoebe's lips.

“Very good girl” Victoria smiles rubbing the crop over Phoebe's bottom where Cheryl had spanked.

“Flip her over I want some fun” Phoebe's eyes grow wide as Trevor takes Phoebe by her waist rolling her arms onto the table Phoebes eyes were wide as she realizes Cheryl had begun to hike up her skirts. Closing her eyes Cheryl had descended her womanhood on Phoebes. Uncertain what to do Cheryl sat there waiting. Until Victoria slaps Phoebe's belly with the crop.

“Kiss it Slave Mistress Cheryl is waiting” With a jolt, Phoebe commenced. She had started to kiss Cheryl’s womanhood. Quickly but sloppily. Cheryl could only help but giggle at Phoebe's efforts. Soon after Victoia had drawn another slap again Phoebe's belly. Halting her effort for a minute drawing a moan.

Trevor had finished cleaning himself off and had taken a flogger in his left hand. Whacking Phoebes middle Phoebe could not repress a pain-filled screech. Phoebe gave her another clap with the crop.

“Keep going Phoebe” Victoria command was met with desperate lips upon Cheryl's mound. Recoiling from the touch Cheryl had begun to enjoy this. Bracing herself Cheryl lowered herself to allow Phoebe to get closer to her womanhood.

When Cheryl had been spent she nearly lain on top of Phoebe temporarily shielding them from Victoria and Trevors lashes.

“Oh my word... she is a little inexperienced but... she can learn” sitting up Cheryl lowers her skirts again before waving a hand to stop Trevor. All three look down on Phoebe her mouth was full. But that did not stop the pitiful sobs.

“Victoria it has been wonderful, thank you for inviting us” was all Phoebe heard as Victorias and Cheryl's high heels click out of the room after what felt like a half-hour. Phoebe hated what she had just experienced Trevor's cock tasted awful in her mouth. And she had to fight not to bite Cheryl thanks to the crop and flog.

Trying to tone her anger Phoebe remained where she lay still and quiet. The next thing she felt when Victoria's distinct stride re-enters the room. Kneeling down next to her she felt the chain loosening off the coffee table.

“You did very good Phoebe come it is time for bed” Phoebe only nodded. Finally bed=time, maybe Cheryl would be kind enough to let her shower.

Guiding Phoebe away. It did not take long to figure out that Phoebe was not being taken to her room. Opening the door Victoria guides her into a different room this one was big the smell of cinnamon fills the room. Once she was stopped she felt Victoria's hands at her neck. Reeling at first she realized her hand was removing the collar. Letting it fall Phoebe grew more relaxed.

“You did very good Phoebe I am surprised I had figured you were going to fight a little more then what you did” Victoria spoke removing the Latex bra and lowering the skirt now Phoebe stood on display for Victorias pleasure.

Removing Phoebes blindfold Phoebe glances to the bedroom it had a very large four-poster bed. With crimson bed sheet's Phoebe looks from Victoria who stood still dressed in her dress and corset.

“I want you to go into that bathtub and fill it with a bath for yourself. No doubt you need one” Victoria spoke kind of sweetly. Phoebe was unsure whether she could entirely trust the origins of this kindness but she would see it through whether by her own power or by force.

Walking into the bathroom. The tub itself was enough to hold six people comfortably. Plugging the drain Phoebe turns the hot water on before blending just a touch of cold. Waiting for this behemoth to fill took five minutes or so. Descending into the water Phoebe felt all the tension she had built just dissipate.

Suddenly Victoria strides into the bathroom. No clothing covering her pale white skin, handcuffs in one hand, ball gag in the other. Victoria climbs into the tub sitting across from Phoebe still holding the items in her hands Phoebe holds her hand out willing to bind and gag herself.

“Clean yourself off first then we can set your manacles on” bowing her head Phoebe went under the water. Thoroughly cleaning herself off she lays back her before Victoria climbs around to her side of the tub. Phoebe had expected Victoria to bind her hands behind her. To surprise Phobes hands were bound in front. Before the red ball gag was inserted to Phoebe's mouth.

Once Victoria and Phoebe sat there together in the tub. Quietly but Phoebe's mind was buzzing. What was Victoria up to? What did she expect? Why did she bring me here?

Phoebe mused she would get answers as Victoria had unplugged the drain and had taken a towel to dry herself. Helping Phoebe from the tub. Victoria had delicately begun to dry Phoebe off carefully avoiding the sensitive crop and flog marks on her belly.

Drying her hair Phoebe was now lead into the bedroom where a leather garment was set on the edge of the bed. Phoebe glances at Victoria who smiles taking the leather harness. Wrapping it around her waist Phoebe began to see what it was. Buckling the appendage behind her waist and around her thighs.

A large pale penis looking prop was extended from her thighs looking down Phoebe glances to Victoria who smiles guiding Phoebe to the bed laying her down Phoebe watches as Victoria climbs on top a bottle in her left hand.

“Now I will have a little fun before bed” smiling kissing Phoebes gagged lips before laying on her side popping the cap of the bottle she began to rub the lotion over the fake cock.

Crawling onto Phoebe's lap she began to set the dildo between her legs smiling as she felt Phoebe grunt with a hint of discomfort sadly Victoria had put some weight on since they had first met. Doing her best to keep the weight off Phoebe so she could breathe Victoria worked herself over the strap on.

Taking her time Victoria loved the feeling of rubbing against Phoebe her skin was smooth and warm. The feeling in her core was strong she was almost done, Victoria was beginning to scream from the reaction. As if asked Phoebe raises her head indicating Victoria to kiss her lips.

Doing so was all that muffled Victorias cry of passion. Collapsing onto Phoebe her bosom in the girl's faces now. Rolling off Victoria wraps her arms around Phoebe's shoulders.

“Happy birthday Phoebe”

“Phanphf yuphf muphfreph” Phoebe grinned in what seemed like a content gaze. Maybe just maybe Phoebe had come to enjoy some of this after all these years. Victoria muses closing her eyes.

Phoebe was submerged in her bonds, her skin on her belly and thighs not only Sore from the flogger and crop, but her body also ached from Victoria having her fun. Her bonds still held tight as her body was hot and aching, the stinging preventing her from a blissful sleep so she could finally rest.

Only partially lucid her thoughts drifted back to the past when she was not a slave, not property, but a free girl. Her family had moved recently to the east coast. The memory came into sharper focus, a net set up in the backyard of her family’s new house. Her and her friend kicking a soccer ball into the net.

“Wow, you have gotten good,” Phoebe said to the other girl. Phoebe’s skin had a bit of an olive tone to it and tanned easily, but the girl next to her made her look pale with cinnamon-brown skin that had been tanned all summer, making it even darker. Her friend had hazel eyes and dark brown hair that a couple of their friends had called ‘chocolate’.

“Thanks, got second place at soccer camp last year, can't let that happen again.” She said smiling widely, her teeth seemed to be slightly larger than normal, as though she hadn’t grown into them yet. Her father said it would just mean she had a beautiful smile when she grew up. “Glad you moved down here.”

Phoebe smiled. “Well once the position opened up for my dad’s bank down here I told him about you, Christen,” Phoebe said to her friend. Both were girls who loved soccer, played it all the time. Phoebe was the best on her traveling team, so she went to a six-week-long soccer camp the previous summer. She was good, but Christen? She was going places. It was ironic, Phoebe was able to walk into the camp and while she didn’t assert herself as a leader, she made friends easily. Christen was enemies with no one but was too shy to truly build friendships at a six-week camp.

“And I"m glad our dads could talk and you could come down here.” The brown-skinned girl replied, stepping back and hitting another ball into the back corner of the net. Perfectly struck. The young teen put her hands on her hips and giggled. “Right where I wanted it.”

“You are good,” Phoebe replied. “You shouldn’t be so nervous, next year you’ll be in high school and you’ll be on the varsity soccer team in a week, just show them how good your traveling team is.” Christen smiled as Phoebe struck the ball, just as well though not as accurate, it still hit the net in the back of the goal with force.

“Very nice!” Christen said smiling. They had been eating together outside during soccer practice when Phoebe started talking. She brought up dogs and Christen went from silent to never-ending in her explanations for her love of dogs. They started chatting about soccer, movies, and more after that. Teamed up in a swimming relay and won a bunch of chicken matches in the pool.

Phoebe beamed at her. “It's going to be nice to have you here. Going into a new school is different than a camp. Want to make good impressions. It will be nice to have someone I know there.” Phoebe said smiling.

“And we’re going to dominate all other schools next year when we go to high school and join the soccer team. With luck, we’ll both get scholarships to North Carolina.”

“North Carolina?”

“Not too far away and they won the soccer championship last year,” Christen replied with a smile.

“Oh, that's cool.”

“Yeah, and it will be nice to have a sidekick with me,” Christen said with a pearly white smile on her face.

“Sidekick?” Phoebe replied, kicking the other soccer ball with the back of her foot and away from her. “Bold words from Cinnamon roll.” She said, using Christen’s older sister’s nickname for her to annoy her.

“Oh how dare you,” Christen said playfully. “Little Miss Charlotte.” She said, using a sarcastic nickname the camp counselors had given her when Phoebe had an unfortunate freak out over a spider being on her bedframe one night.
“Oh, we going thereafter you called me sidekick,” Phoebe said as she smirked and walked towards Christen, her hand on her hips. “Well, I do remember why you hated the tickle fights so much.” She said, now grinning.

Christen’s eyes went wide as she held her hands up. “No! Don’t you-hey! Hehahahastahahp!” She squealed as Phoebe tackled her to the ground, sliding her hands underneath Christen’s shirt. Christen was athletic and lithe, similar to Phoebe, though thinner.

“Now if I remember right, this is the area the makes you squeal the loudest.” She said, sinking her fingers into Christen’s belly and sides. Hopping on top of her limiting her movement as Christen squealed.

“Nostahhhaahahaph!” Christen said, shaking her chocolate brown ponytail so hard the band came undone and it started to be splayed on the ground. Phoebe continued to sink her nails into Christen’s soft-toned belly. “Pheehehehehbeeee! Staaahahahappehh!”

“Who’s the sidekick!” Phoebe yelled.


“Me? Oh, now you’re getting it!”

“Nohahahs-Immmhhphhahaha! Sorhehehehe!” Christen said, unable to roll into a protective ball. “Imehethesidkiheheheahahkick!”

Phoebe slowly stopped her ticklish assault, giggling herself. She stood up, offering her hand to Christen who took it. Her hair was now a naturally curly mess with grass in her hair. “Oh great, I'm going to have grass in my hair for the rest of the day.” She said rolling her eyes. “Hate being tickled!”

Phoebe giggled again. “Well, you have cute laughs. I’m sure it will help you pick up a boy, maybe captain of the football team like that movie you like!”

“Oh hush Phoebe!” Christen said rolling her eyes. “And its the basketball captain.” She shook her head. “Not worried about boys right now.”
“Suurrree.” Phoebe replied. I was ever more nervous when we had that BBQ with the boy soccer camp last summer.”

Christen playfully pushed her shoulder. “Oh hush Phoebe!” She said, laughing afterward.

Phoebe couldn't stop giggling. “From what I heard you were their favorite camper to watch walking away,” Phoebe said, trying to wiggle her eyebrows.

“Phoebee! Oh my gosh!” She said giving her another shove. She shook her head. “Come on, let's get inside, that pizza that my dad put in the oven should be ready now.” She said smiling. “Got Lemonade as well.”

“Oh sounds good,” Phoebe said, wrapping an arm around Christen’s shoulder. “I’m really glad we met, and that our dads work for the same bank. Like I said, if it wasn’t for you I don’t think we would have gotten the chance to move down here. Thank you, we get to have a future as friends teaming up together now because of you.

(But this is a story for another time)
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 244
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by LatexLover »

I’m really glad you’re taking your time on this. I’m really enjoying it so far.
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