Friday Night Adventure: Commission from Bondwriter (F/m, then F/mf)

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Friday Night Adventure: Commission from Bondwriter (F/m, then F/mf)

Post by WAMGuy »

I recently commissioned a two-chapter story from @Bondwriter, and he's given me permission to upload it here! I really do love it, and I hope you all do too!


Chapter 1: The Happiest Boy in the World

’I can’t believe we’re finally doing it!´

Spread on the couch, Kyle paid no attention to the TV show he’d settled for. He was finally doing grown-up stuff. Yes, he remained short and scrawny, but it had been almost a year since someone called him ‘miss’ at the store. His mop of unruly black hair put him on the cool people’s side.

He felt proud to have come out to Caitlin three weeks before. Not as gay; he’d finally gathered enough courage to tell his girlfriend he liked ‘tie-up games.’ He didn’t want to scare her with ‘bondage’ talk.

They were both sophomores and had hooked up during the Homecoming dance. He’d asked her to be his date, and they decided to go steady the following week. They celebrated Kyle’s sixteenth birthday as a couple. Caitlin had managed to get on the pill for the occasion, and he lost his cherry on that day.

Even though he’d fully enjoyed that night, the tie-up test-run six days ago had brought him much more satisfaction. He was at Caitlin’s on Saturday afternoon; her brother was at hockey practice and her parents were out shopping.

She brought up the idea of tying him up, and he had the hardest time pretending to be only mildly interested lying on her bed. She used baby-blue skipping ropes from her childhood, which he found cute. One went around his wrists, crossed behind his back, and another one around his ankles. She topped it off with a matching-color piece of duct tape on his lips.

She lay next to him and turned to her phone, chatting with friends. The knots were loose, but Kyle didn’t want to hurt her feelings; he wriggled and squirmed Houdini-style.

“I’m out,” he bragged twenty minutes later after removing the tape. Caitlin seemed impressed with his escapist act. She looked so pretty staring at him puzzled. He loved her green eyes and her blond mane. The thin golden hair that went down to her waist was a big turn on for Kyle.

He planned for another round, but Caitlin’s brother got back home sooner than expected.

“I’ll practice so it won’t be so easy next time,” she whispered in his ear before he left.

He just smiled back, glad she understood his kink.

The school week had been an excruciating wait. Homework and papers to turn in helped to get his mind off fantasy world. On Wednesday, his parents told him they would be gone on Friday evening. He would have the house to himself all night. They even allowed him to have Caitlin over. “Not overnight, of course,” his mom joked. She might have known, but his parents were better off left in the dark as to their intimacy.

When he texted Caitlin, she replied she was available, which sent him through the roof. He’d tried to discuss the details with her the next day, but she had put a finger on his lips.

“I’ll tie you up, don’t worry, but let’s keep it a surprise.”

He’d dashed home after school to prepare for his special evening. A snack, a shower, and he was ready. Dressed in his basketball shorts and jersey, in a pair of sneakers and clean socks, he was frantic and regretted not knowing when Caitlin would pop up. He refrained from texting her three times and waited on the living room’s couch.

Around 7:00 p.m., he saw the sliding door’s curtain move. His heart pumped as a silhouette came in. Dressed in black from head to toe, the intruder waved a gun.

“I thought the house would be empty,” the female voice said. “Too bad for you, boy, I’ll have to neutralize you before I do my job.”

“Please, lady,” Kyle whimpered, “don’t hurt me!”

“Lie down on the floor and everything will be fine, brat.”

Kyle complied, refraining a smile.

“Hands behind your back!”

The boy offered his wrists; he felt the cold grip of metal surrounding them and heard the click locking them. Handcuffs? Caitlin was serious. She slid down to his feet and swiftly removed his shoes and socks.

“Stand up boy!”

He squirmed to get on his knees before he could rise. His eyes were glued to the body wrapped in shimmering fabric, which highlighted her booty and breasts. She waved her plastic gun towards the kitchen. He obeyed.

The kitchen was at the back of the house next to the living room. Pleasantly decorated and well-equipped, it featured a round table in the center with six chairs to accommodate guests.


Kyle used his bare foot to pull one chair from under the table. He lowered himself onto the seat, his eyes darting defiantly at his captor. Caitlin set her travel bag on the table and took out a long coil of red climbing rope.

“I’ll make sure I can work in peace,” she said, wrapping the piece of cord around his arms, just below his shoulders.

‘I’ll squirm for ten seconds and it’s gone,’ Kyle thought. But his girlfriend used only half the length to get four turns at the top of his arms. She pulled the two ends through the chair’s slats, brought them back under the wooden bar, and drew Kyle’s torso against the chair’s back. His arms stuck between his body and the piece of furniture felt tight and aroused him.

Caitlin threaded the ends under his armpits, only to bring them back to the bar again. This cinched the coil and made it harder for him to slip his shoulders out of the rope’s grip. She had definitely practiced or given some thought about tying him up. Kyle was loving it but he didn’t say a word.

The sexy burglar fetched another piece of rope. She wrapped it around his waist, then around his wrists, and took it under the lowest slat to eventually knot it to the chair out of reach of his fingers.

“This is tight,” Kyle couldn’t help commenting. Wrong move; he heard a swishing sound behind. A dish towel knotted in the middle appeared in his field of vision.

“Open up!”

He did as told and she crammed the towel in his mouth, knotting the ends over his nape.


“Aww, the poor little boy can’t handle it?”

Kyle nodded eagerly to disprove her. He felt the knot loosen.

“I’ll show you what tight is!”

She redid her knot, pulling the corners of his mouth this time.


“You’re damn right, I’m not joking. I like to work in peace, so you’d better calm down and stay quiet. Unless you want to see how I can really silence brats like you!”

Kyle’s fantasy of being put down by a sexy kidnapper was coming true. He stayed mum while Caitlin fetched more supplies.

“Let’s take care of these cute gams of yours,” she said, patting his thighs.

She wound a piece at the top of his left thigh. Kyle identified a clove-hitch from his sailing courses. She wound it tight around his shorts and tied the ends to the chair’s leg, just under the seat. She repeated her moves with his right thigh, forcing him to spread his legs open. The tension on the shorts’ fabric highlighted his boner. The shimmering material made it harder to miss.

“Someone is happy,” she said, feeling the protuberance through the shorts. “I’d better tie you up good, I don’t want a little pervert trying his luck with me.”

She turned to his knees, wrapping the same clove-hitches around them and binding them to the chair’s front legs, pinning his thighs to the seat and spreading them out. More coils followed under his knees and around his ankles, keeping his calves tightly pressed against the front legs.

“Now I’m sure you won’t run away, brat.”

Her hand rested on his bulge again.

“And I’m safe from having a horny teen chase me.”


“Quiet! I told you to shut up!”

She played the villainess with great talent. Kyle cast a sad, sorry look.

“The puppy eyes trick. Don’t think I’ll fall for it. I’m going to ransack the place while you sit tight.”

She grabbed her bag and spilled its content onto the table: more rope, neatly coiled, but also rolls of duct tape, cuffs, and three ball gags of various sizes.


“I warned you …”

Caitlin picked another dish towel from the rack, holding two opposite corners to fold it in two. She laid it on the table and folded it two more times to get a wide band of cotton, which she used to reinforce the tight gag. Since there were still long ends left after knotting the towel over his nape, she pulled them around the slat behind, tying them off tight. Kyle could no longer move his head.

She took another towel. The gag felt good enough to Kyle, but she used it to blindfold him.

“I won’t let a horny pervert ogle me. I’ll go plunder the place, if you want to know what I’m up to.”

She picked her bag and left the room. Kyle tried to move his limbs, feeling his bonds. The ropes were snugly wrapped, but the handcuffs offered some slack. His right wrist was imprisoned with one less notch than the left one; he could twist it around.

‘She wants me to escape,’ he realized. ‘I’d better show her I’m no wimp.’

He’d have loved to stay put enjoying the feeling and just wait for her to come back, but his pride took over. The cuff was oval-shaped, so he lined his wrist to get as much leeway as possible. He went slow; he’d read some cuffs tighten when messed with.

He brought his fingers together and slowly pulled his hand. Nothing happened to the steel manacle, so he went on. He got his wrist through. He tucked his thumb inside his palm and made his hand as thin as possible. Little by little, he pulled his hand off. It took a while to get his thumb through, but he eventually released his hand.

His arms were still trapped between the chair and his back. He squirmed, writhed, and fought to get his forearm out of the ropes around his waist. He eventually got it out of the mess of cord, but there were no knots within reach.

Kyle could remove the towel gag him with his fingertips, though. He pulled the first layer off, which allowed him to tilt his head forward and get a grasp on the cleave gag. It hurt, as the knot was tight, but he managed to get it off. The blindfold was next.

One hand free, and he could now speak and see. No sounds helped locate Caitlin. He could scream, but she’d silence him in no time. He needed to prove he was a good escape artist. He started working on the knots holding the coil at the top of his thigh.

The oven clock in front of him let him know he’d spent eighteen minutes trying when Caitlin came back. He’d removed two of the three knots she’d tied to the chair’s leg.

“What have we got here? The brat thinks he’s Houdini?” She said, resting her hands on her hips.

“Please, lady, let me go, I swear I wongrrrmmmmmmph!”

“Hush, punk! I don’t put up with meddlers.”

Her left hand remained clamped while she untied the towels’ knots. He reached to remove it, which she did anyway.

“I beg you, lady, I’ll be grrmmmmmbbbgrph!”

She used his attempt at pleading to cram the soggy knot back in his gob. Kyle couldn’t help but yelp when she tightened it.


“You should have thought about it before defying me.”

She squatted behind the chair, unlocked the cuff he’d released his wrist from, and put his hand back in the metal’s hold. This time, it was inescapable.

“I’ll bind you tighter, since I’m not done collecting all I came here for. I’m also going to make sure you can’t call or talk back, it annoys me so much …”

Being in her claws again, Kyle felt a rush of hormones from the situation and from the sight. Caitlin went to the living room and came back with his socks. She sniffed them.

“At least they’re clean. You’d better not make a sound and take one in obediently, if you know what’s good for you.”

She removed the cleave and crammed the balled-up sock inside his mouth. Once she added the towel to keep it in and tightened it with all her might, his gob was full of fabric and his tongue trapped.

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Post by Canuck100 »

I love this story, it’s very well written and interesting. I’d love to be in his place!
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Post by Bondwriter »

The plot is WAMGuy's. The collaboration went smoothly; it was fun doing a short story like this. @Canuck110: Thanks for your comment, it is much appreciated!
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Post by WAMGuy »

Glad you like it, @Canuck100! I've decided to put the second part up now!

Chapter 2: The Burglar Strikes

“Still too loud. Can I get it through your thick head you must shut up!”

Caitlin used the other towel to bind another layer, wrapping his head and putting extra pressure on the silencing combo. Kyle’s lower face felt like a solid block. She pulled it against the chair back. Once his head was pinned to the chair, she crouched behind him, rope in hand, and tackled binding his elbows to the slat behind them.

She removed the handcuffs and bound his wrists to the chair too. The ropes felt tighter than the cuffs, and this time there was no slack at all to twist them.

“I know how to handle unruly little boys. Too bad you’re sitting; a good spanking would have done you good. That’s what my annoying cousins have to go through when they provoke me.”


“Yes, brat, I handle naughty boys with ropes and gags. I’ve done so for years.”

A few meters away, Hannah watched through the slit between the living room’s door and the frame. She’d almost decided to give up on her plans, but the sight she’d witnessed scouting the place convinced her to go on. On top of the valuables inside the safe, she could have some fun bringing these two down a peg or two.

Planning and caution were Hannah’s trademarks. Over a decade in her burglar trade, she’d never had an issue. Spot a lucrative target, case the place, get in, and take the loot. She benefited not only from her stealth and focused mindset, but also from her marks’ stupidity and reckless use of social media.

Her current target was a prime example. A small business owner who let everybody know how successful he was, how he didn’t trust banks and how respected he was in the business community was a boon for a top burglar like her. A post about the award he was to get at the local chamber of commerce awards ceremony had triggered an intervention.

She’d hoped the whole family would be there to celebrate dad’s success, but the teenage son had more exciting plans. She’d gotten there at 8:00 p.m. The house could be accessed from the back, so she didn’t need to wait until dark. She removed her clothes, revealing her catsuit, then put her hood and glasses on. When she exited her hiding coppice towards the house, a light went on. Hannah spotted the boy bound to a chair. Had a competitor broken in?

She liked bondage, so she’d approached the double door to the living room. It wasn’t locked. She found a spot to watch him behind the door to the kitchen. She saw him freeing his arm, and removing his gag and blindfold.

She witnessed when the competition burst in, retying the twerp as he tried to get away. The female voice and demeanor gave her away. She wasn’t another burglar, but his kinky girlfriend. So the kids were having an evening of tie-up fun rather than attending a boring ceremony. Hannah decided to enjoy the show. She was in no hurry: the safe wouldn’t need cracking anymore.

Caitlin kept going, unaware the audience had doubled.

“Yes, silly boy, I have annoying relatives. My cousin Chris, for instance. Yes, you know him from school, the quarterback. I’ve made him cry and beg for mercy not even six months ago. Long story short: he ‘joked’ about girls being inferior in front of me and his sister. I bet him I was better in many fields and challenged his knot-tying skills. The idiot agreed, thinking he would get out quick. He ended up spending a full afternoon tied to a chair in the closet. Heather was glad to see the jock brought down. She even got his dirty jockstrap from the hamper to reinforce his gag, because he kept on insulting us.”

Hannah was all for girl power, but she couldn’t stand arrogance. She wouldn’t have qualms humiliating her. The girl’s tales were entertaining; she went on explaining how good a rigger she was, telling of other cousins, some of them younger, that she’d tamed through tight knots and detention when she babysat them.

Caitlin found a game to keep Kyle entertained. She took wrapped candy from a jar on the counter next to her, and cast them, aiming at the boy’s genitals, getting strong protests when she hit her target. The boy had stayed quiet so far, but his garbled screams betrayed pain.

Hannah looked at her watch. It was time to act. She pulled out her—unloaded—gun from her bag and left the hiding spot.

Kyle spotted her immediately. Just like Caitlin ignored his pleas for mercy, she ignored his warnings too. He became frantic, his eyes wide open.

“I got your balls … and your attention! I’ll keep you bound and gagged more often, little boy, I love it when …”

Caitlin stopped dead in her tracks. The cold metal against her temple and a leather-gloved hand clamping over her lips sent the message.

“Not a move, and not a word. Lie down slowly.”

Caitlin was in shock. She didn’t know the voice but the gun felt real. She got down on her stomach, the woman keeping her grip. Hannah sat on the girl’s thighs as she lay on her stomach.


Caitlin presented her wrists and the cruel bite of a zip tie welded them together. Hannah slid to her ankles and used another plastic bond. Silence reigned in the kitchen. Hannah intended to keep it that way. She picked a sock and a ball gag from the table.

“Unusual gear in our job, but it will do,” she commented and grinned. She removed the hood to uncover Caitlin’s face, letting the mane of blond hair flow out. She crammed the balled-up footwear inside the subdued girl’s mouth and buckled the strap over her nape.

Kyle watched, horrified. Was it a prank? The masked woman didn’t sound like any of Caitlin’s friends. She seemed to know her knots. The way she tied his girlfriend’s knees and elbows with swift and forceful motions meant it was for real. Caitlin groaned in pain as Kyle despaired.

Hannah had Caitlin kneel facing Kyle and linked her ankles and wrists with a piece of climbing rope.

The burglar stood up. She wore black from head to toe plus sunglasses, making her face totally inscrutable. She opened the bag Caitlin had set on the table, containing her loot. It was only clothes, though. Boy underwear, neckties, and scarves. The latter would make good blindfolds.

She wrapped one around Caitlin’s head before heading to the boy and cutting his sight.

Hannah set finding the office, which was just across the hall at the back of the kitchen. The safe’s brand was a familiar one, with an electronic lock. She headed back to the kitchen, where her frightened hostages remained in shock.

“So, you’re having a kinky evening with this lad?”

Caitlin nodded.

“Perfect. He’ll give me the safe’s combination if he doesn’t want me to fry your brains, then,” she said and brandished her gun.



“Quiet! I’m no trigger-happy punk and I shoot only when needed. You two lovebirds comply and this will be over soon. What’s the combination?”


“Don’t be daft, boy. You can’t speak or move your head, but I’m going to teach you something. You can answer yes or no by doing one or two of these lovely ‘mmphs’. I can count your grunts. Zero will be eleven of them, the star twelve, and the number sign thirteen. Understood?”


Kyle had gotten it only a couple months before, badgering his father for the information because he was a grown-up and needed to be trusted.

“First digit?”

“Mmph. Mmph. Mmph.”

It took Hannah three minutes to get the whole combination. The boy spaced out his nasal sounds carefully, willing to get done soon.

“Well, you’ve saved the little bitch’s life. If you’ve told the truth, that is.”

Leaving the two terrorized kids, Hannah went to check she’d not been lied to. The small green led lit up and she opened the safe. Five heavy gold bars, some silver coins, and documents. Two guns. Hannah blessed people’s idiocy and their taste for gold as a security. She searched the hall’s closet and found a suitcase with wheels; she hadn’t planned to find such a heavy load. She cased the safe’s content.

It was not even 10:00 p.m.; a dinner followed the awards ceremony at 10:30, so she had lots of time before the parents got back. She could search the rest of the house and then have some fun with the kids.

A surprise awaited her when she returned to the kitchen. Caitlin had managed to crawl to Kyle’s chair and was trying to get her bound hands within the boy’s reach. It seemed unlikely she’d succeed, having tied his wrists too well; it called for action nonetheless.

“I won’t have this!”

She seized the girl by her hair and dragged her to the front of the chair. There she used a remaining coil of rope to wrap her neck and tie it to the back of the chair, putting Caitlin’s face on Kyle’s crotch. Her head brushed against his belly and her hair tickled his thighs.

“This should keep you still, unless you want to choke to death.”

Hannah looked at the table and the pile of gear. There was a larger ball gag and a pill vibrator.

“I’ll keep you entertained while I work.”

She first slid the egg-shaped gizmo inside the boy’s underwear.


“Fancy stuff,” she commented, feeling the smooth fabric of Kyle’s Speedos and his boner. She switched the vibrator on and Kyle moaned. He felt utterly helpless and mortified to have remained hard throughout the ordeal, and the buzzing pill wouldn’t help.

Hannah undid the buckle behind the girl’s head and pulled the damp sock out, only to replace them with the hard ball, forcing Caitlin’s jaws tightly apart.

“I have more rooms to visit. If I find the wimp’s shorts are wet when I’m back, this’ll prove you like this and I’ll reward you my own way,” she said and ruffled Kyle’s hair.

The replies could be protests or pleas, but they were ignored. Hannah headed to the first floor to search the bedrooms, Caitlin’s empty bag in hand. There were jewels in the master bedroom. She searched the drawers but all the valuables were in plain sight. It didn’t prevent her from grabbing fine lingerie, some to take away and some to entertain her hosts.

She came back with her loot. The kids were where she’d left them. She undid the knots keeping the girl in her submissive position and pulled her off by her hair. The ball gag had made her drool on the boy’s crotch. A couple inches in front, a dark stain indicated pre-cum had been spilled.

“Time for the reward, then,” she gloated as the kids braced for the unknown.



Fear and shame are great assets to control individuals, and it proved true. Hannah had two compliant victims who obeyed her orders throughout her handling them. She untied the boy from the chair first, leaving his handcuffs on. He tried to mollify her with watery eyes, to no avail.

She took his shorts and swimwear off and used a pair of his mom’s purple silk bloomers to make him ‘decent.’

“Quite the pretty sub, this lad,” she said as she struggled with his hard-on to fit it inside the garment.

She had him sit on the table and linked his ankles to two of its legs, spreading them open. Caitlin made no difficulty when Hannah searched her suit for the cuffs’ key, and soon the boy was spread-eagled on the round table.

“Time to reward you too, girl,” she told Caitlin. “This huge ball gag must be getting painful.”

Her victim nodded. She removed the hobble keeping her hogtied and stood her up.

“It also doesn’t really silence someone, so I’ll trade it for the wuss’s dirty briefs.”

Caitlin didn’t try to yell when Hannah removed her distressing ball gag. She took the balled-up Speedos in obediently. Hannah picked a necktie to cleave gag Caitlin and plastered her lower face with strips of duct tape, finishing with two turns around her head, trapping her flowing hair.

“This might be tough to remove, though I have an idea. But for now … “

She pushed Caitlin on top of Kyle’s body, her face hovering above his crotch.

“Spending the evening in a sixty-nine, what better position for a kinky couple?”

One by one, she linked the girl’s limbs to the boy’s, knotting the ropes well out of reach. Kyle, who had tears rolling down his face, was hard as a rock. This inspired Hannah. She opened the cabinets and searched the fridge.

“A few souvenirs before I leave.”

She had a tube of sweetened condensed milk. She pulled the girl’s head away with one hand and slid it inside the boy’s bloomers with the other. She emptied half the tube.


“Looks like cum, doesn’t it? Doesn’t smell the same, but with leaky fountain here, this’ll keep you entertained,” she told Caitlin. “You may try to spot the difference.”

She spilled the rest of the tube on the blond hair and went back to her supplies. Then she sprinkled the couple with flour. Not satisfied with the mess, she emptied a carton of apple juice over the pair, targeting the bitch’s hair but not forgetting her booty, to have it dribble down on the boy’s gagged, whimpering face.

“I just hope someone will find you quick, otherwise you’ll have to shave this mane of yours. Months of efforts going down the drain, no?”


Caitlin began to break down. The sticky, wet feeling was tough to bear. Her gagged face was on her boyfriend’s everlasting erection, and she doubted she could get free before Kyle’s parents were back. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“One last thing before I’m on my way …”

The burglar took a notepad and a pen from the counter. She scribbled a note, walking around the table to make sure the kids saw her. At least five minutes passed before she set the pad where she’d taken it. She pulled the suitcase’s handle and took the sports bag with her free hand.

“Enjoy, kids. I left your parents a note, no need to have them believe I’m a rapist or something, when you are the perverts. See you!”



She vanished from the kitchen as stealthily as she’d entered. The sticky prisoners desperately tested their bonds but soon gave up. It dawned on Kyle that if he got out of this alive, trouble was ahead. He could feel Caitlin crying and the juice drying up and sticking to his skin. He started sobbing quietly, dreading an even worse embarrassment when he’d be—eventually—released.
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Post by nchlsh »

The ending is just *chef kiss*! Hannah is such a mean femme fatale.
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